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I  BOM  THt   BIQIEST  0> 


iClAMof  18U 

i^r^giil^ni  of  HarxHini  ( lolUg^ 


,  \ 












BY  THE  REV.  J.  S.  BREWER.  M.A. 





y  3:.i-  n:xi 

"■  —  v< 

MM    7   1856 


SECT.  V. 




/  am  efficiently  sensiUe  of  the  great  distance  and  diepropor- 
tiim  hftwixt  my  meannem  and  your  u>orth,  as  at  all  other 
ti$ii^^  so  now  especially^  tthilst  you  are  a  prime  officer  in 
puilic  employment.  Despairing^  there/ore,  that  my  pen  can 
produce  any  thing  tneet  for  your  entertainment,  I  have  en- 
d^^ toured  in  this  iSection  to  accommodate  you  with  company 
Jittrst/or  your  converse ^  being  all  no  meaner  than  statesmen^ 
ami  most  of  them  privy  counsellors^  in  their  severed  letters 
€tbf/ut  the  grand  business  of  ecmformiiy, 

Giml  in  due  time  bless  you  and  your  honourable  consort  with 
sueh  issue  as  may  be  a  comfort  to  you  and  a  credit  to  all 
^mr  relations. 

ERY  strongly  Leicester,  (though  at  the  a.  a  i«8a. 
council-table  politicly  complying  with  -?. — 1- 
the  rest  of  the  lords,  and  concurring  diadpUne 
always  with  their  results  when  sitting  ^l*|3J]J^ 

in  conjunction  with  them,)  when  alone,  !»«*'"»»^ 

^  '  '  III  n  >. »! 


'  [Arms.  Or.  on  ft  chief  in. 
4rnU*d  Millie  three  cresoenU 
ftrgent.  Third  ton  of  Thomoa 
Harvey,  esq.  ftnd  Jcian  hit  wife, 
daughter  tn  John  llftlke,  enq., 
bcHh  iji  the  county  of  Kent. 
He  was  brother  to  tlie  celc* 
brated  Dr.  William  Harvey, 
who  dinoorered  the  oircolfttion 
of  the  blood,  ftnd  oiftrried  Eli- 
abeth,    daughter   of    Edward 

riTLLBft,  vol..  ▼. 

lord  Montague,  of  Boughton, 
Fuller's  great  friend.  At  the 
Restoration  he  was  made  ningf*r 
of  Richmond  Park,  (i  7th  Au^. 
1660,)  and  HUM  therefore  uiu 
doubtedly  a  giKxl  royuliht.  Af- 
terwards he  was  employed  as 
ambassador  at  C^Histaiitinople, 
ftnd  received  the  honour  of 
knighthood.  The  year  of  his 
death  I  h4%'e  not  discovered.] 


ft  The  Church  Hhfoty  book  ix. 

A.n.itnj.enraired  his   affections   in   favour   of  the   noneoii- 

15  Elim,  '^   ^ 

.  -fonnists,  and  improvccl  his  power  (at  this  time  verj' 
tKewrerai  |i^reat  With  the  queen)  to  obtain  great  liberty  for 
them.  Hence  it  was  that  many  bishops,  active  in 
pressing  subscription  in  their  diocese,  wlien  repairing 
to  court  were  checked  and  snibbeil  by  tliis  great 
fiivourite,  to  their  no  small  grief  and  discouragement. 
Heartened  hereat,  the  brethren,  who  hitherto  had  no 
particular  platform  of  discipline  amongst  theniHelves, 
(as  universally  owned  and  practised  by  their  party,) 
began  in  a  solemn  council  held  by  them  (but  whe- 
ther at  Cambridge  or  London,  uncertain)  to  con- 
clude on  a  certain  form,  as  followeth  in  these  their 
decrees,  faithfully  translated  out  of  their  own  I^atin 

The  Title  thereof]  riz. 



7^he  /)eeree^*, 

'^  Let  no  man  (though  he  be  an  university  man) 
••  offer  himHt*lf  to  the  ministry,  nor  let  any  man  take 
**  u|N)n  him  an  uncertain  and  vague  ministry,  though 
^  it  \ye  offeriHl  unto  him ;  but  such  as  l)e  calle<I  to 
••  the  ministry  by  wnne  certain  church,  let  them 
**  impart  it  unto  that  cUunU  or  ctmference  whor^of 
•*  thems«»IveH  are,  or  else  to  some  greater  church- 
*^  a88(>mbly ;  and  if  such  shall  be  found  fit  by  them, 
••  then  let  them  be  commended  by  their  letters  unto 

•  Tmler  Mr.  Wiicht't  ^And•     Dangrrou^    Fonitionii,    p    46, 
a   man    lyf   the  brotherhoo.-l ;     [Hook  III.  c.  3.] 
cit^    by  Kishop  Bancroft  hta 

•  EKT.  XVI.  of  Brikiin,  S 

••  the  bishop,  that  they  may  be  ordained  ministers a'^*?*^' 

-  by  him.     Those  ceremonies  in  the  Book  of  Com- 

•*  moD  Prayer,  which,  being  taken  from  popery,  are 

••  in  controversy,  do  seem  that  they  ought  to  be 
••  omitted  and  given  over,  if  it  may  be  done  without 
^  danger  of  being  put  from  the  ministry.  But  if 
^  there  be  any  imminent  danger  to  be  deprived,  then 
**  this  matter  must  be  communicated  with  the  classis 
**  in  which  that  church  is,  that  by  the  judgment 
^  thereof  it  may  be  determined  what  ought  to  be 
•*  done.  If  subscription  to  the  Articles  of  Religion 
••  and  to  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer  shall  be  again 
•*  urged,  it  is  thought  that  the  Book  of  Articles  may 
**  be  subscribed  unto,  according  to  the  statute  IS 
^  Elixabeth  ;  that  is,  unto  such  of  them  only  as  con- 
**  tain  the  sum  of  Christian  fitith  and  doctrine  of  the 
**  sacraments.  But  for  many  weighty  causes,  neither 
^  the  rest  of  the  Articles  in  that  book,  nor  the  Book 

-  of  Common  Prajfer^  may  be  allowed;  no,  though  a 
**  man  should  be  deprived  of  his  ministry  for  it. 

^  It  seemeth  that  churchwardens  and  collectors 
**  for  the  poor  might  thus  be  turned  into  elders,  and 
^  into  deacons. 

•*  When  thev  are  to  be  chosen,  let  the  church 
•*  have  warning,  fifteen  days  before,  of  the  time  of 
^  election,  and  of  the  ordinance  of  the  realm ;  but 
••  eiipecially  of  Christ's  ordinance,  touching  appoint- 
••  ing  of  watchmen  and  overseers  in  his  church,  who 
**  are  to  foresee  that  none  offence  or  scandal  do  arise 
**  in  the  church  ;  and  if  any  shall  happen,  that  by 
**  them  it  may  be  duly  abolished. 

^  And  touching  deacons  of  both  sorts,  (viz.  men 
^  and  women,)  the  church  shall  be  monished  what  is 
**  required  by  the  apostle ;  and  that  they  are  not  to 


4  The  Church  History  iook  ix. 

A.D.  i5Hi.*<  choofte  men  of  castom  and  of  course,  or  for  their 

♦*  riches,  but  for  their  faith,  zeal,  and  integrity ;  and 

**  that  the  church  is  to  pray,  in  the  mean  time,  to 
^  be  so  directed,  that  they  make  choice  of  men  that 
**  be  meet. 

''  Let  the  names  of  such  as  are  so  chosen  l)e  pub- 
^  lished  the  next  Lord*8  day ;  and  after  that  tlieir 
**  duties  to  the  church,  and  the  church's  towards 
**  them,  shall  be  declared.  Tlien  let  them  lie  re- 
^  ceived  unto  the  ministry  to  which  they  are  chosen, 
*•  with  the  general  prayers  of  the  whole  clmrch.  Tlie 
^  brethren  are  to  be  requested  to  ordain  a  distribu- 
**  tion  of  all  churches  according  to  these  rules,  in 
^  that  behalf,  that  are  set  down  in  the  Sj/nodical 
^  Discipline^  touching  dwtsical^  prorincialy  comiiia/^ 
^  or  of  commencemefits^  and  assemilies  far  the  whole 
^  kingdom. 

•*  The  classes  are  to  be  required  to  keep  acts  of 
^  memorable  matters,  which  they  shall  see  delivere<l 
to  the  comitial  assenMi/^  that  from  thence  they 
may  be  brought  by  the  provincial  assemUj/. 

Also  they  are  to  deal  earnestly  with  |)atn>ns,  to 
present  fit  men  whensoever  any  clmrch  is  fallen 
**  void  in  that  classis. 

'*  The  comitial  assemblies  are  to  be  monished  to 
**  make  collections  for  relief  of  the  poor,  and  of 
**  scholars ;  but  esjiecially  for  relief  of  such  ministers 
^  here  aw  are  put  out  for  not  subscribing  to  the 
**  Articles  tendered  by  the  bisho|)s ;  also  for  relief 
^  of  Scottish  ministers  and  others,  luid  for  other 
**  profitable  and  necessary  uses. 

^  All  the  pi'orificial  synods  must  continually  afore- 
^  band  foretiec,  in  due  time,  to  ap|K>int  the  keeping 
**  of  their  next  prorindal  synods  ;  and  for  the  send- 



ctcsTT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  5 

"^'mg  of  chosen  persons,  with  certain  instructions,  a.  d.  1581. 
"*  unto  the  national  synods  to  be  holden  whensoever  — — ^— 
**  the  parliament  for  the  kingdom  shall  be  called, 
**  tod  at  some  certain  set  time  every  year." 

See  we  here  the  embryo  of  the  presbyterian  dis- 
cipline, lying  as  yet,  as  it  were,  in  the  womb  of 
episcopacy;  though  soon  after  it  swelled  so  great,  "^ 

that  the  mother  must  violently  be  cut  before  the 
child  could  be  delivered  into  the  world,  as  to  the 
public  practice  thereof. 

2.  Many  observables  in  these  decrees  offer  them-Seroni 
•elves  to  our  consideration :  Uoot  on 

i.  That  they  were  written  in  Latin,  (whereof  they***^*^**" 
bad  two  elegant  penners,  Cartwright  and  Travers,) 
shewing  themselves  no  enemies  to  that  tongue, 
which  some  ignorant  sectaries  afterward  condemned 
for  superstitious,  counting  every  thing  Ilomish  which 
was  Roman,  and  very  cordials  to  be  poison,  if  lapped 
up  in  Latin. 

ii.  Probably,  as  artists  hang  a  curtain  before  their 
works,  whilst  yet  imperfect,  so  these  synodists  thought 
fit  in  Latin  as  yet  to  veil  their  decrees  fn)m  vulgar 
eyes,  seeing  nothing  can  be  projected  and  ])erfected 
together ;  yea,  the  repetition  of  those  words,  **  doth 
*•  seem,**  and  **  it  seemeth,'*  (carrying  something  of 
uncertainty  in  them,)  sheweth  these  decrees  as  yet 
admitted  but  as  probationers,  expecting  confirmation 
on  their  good  behaviour. 

iii.  The  election  of  the  people  is  here  made  the 
essence  of  a  call  to  a  pastoral  charge,  to  which  the 
presentation  of  the  most  undoubted  |>atron  is  calliNl 
in,  but  ad  corroborandum.  As  for  institution  fnmi 
the  bishop,  it  was  superaddeil,  not  to  complete  his 


(i  The  Churek  Hittory  hook  ix. 

A  i>«58».  ministerial  function  in  jK>int  of  conscience,  but 
• legally  to  enable  the  minister  to  recover  his  main- 
tenance from  the  detainers  thereof. 

iv.  Partial  subscription  is  |K*rmitted  to  the  Arti- 
cles of  Religion,  viz.  only  to  the  doctrinal  part 
thereof,  but  none  to  tWose  wherein  discipline  is  men- 
tioned, esjiecially  to  the  clause  at  the  end  of  the 
twentieth  Article,  **  The  church  hath  power  to  de- 
**  cree  rites  and  cen»monie«,**  &c.,  accounted  by  the 
brt»thren  the  very  sting  in  the  tail  of  the  locusts. 

V,  Those  words,  "  If  subscription  shall  be  urged 
**  again,*'  plainly  intimate  that  the  reins  of  episcopal 
govenmient  were  but  loosely  held,  and  the  rigour 
thertH>f  remitted,  for  the  reasons  by  us  fore-allegetl. 

vi.  Tliat  churchwardens  and  collectors  for  the  poor 
are  so  quickly  convertible,  even  in  their  opinion,  into 
elders  and  deacons,  only  with  a  more  solemn  and 
public  election,  shews  the  difference  betwixt  those 
officers  to  be  rather  nominal  than  real. 

vii.  By  **  women  deacons,*'  here  mentioned,  we 
understand  such  wdows  which  the  apostle  appoint- 
eth  in  the  primitive  church  to  attend  strangers  and 
sick  i>eople,  and  which  Mr.  Cartwright  affirmeth 
ought  still  to  be  continued  ^;  although  he  confesseth 
*•  there  be  learned  men  think  otherviise." 

viii.  Tlieir  ''comitial  assemblies,"  kept  in  the  uni- 
versities at  the  commencements,  (vrisely  they  had  an 
eve  on  the  two  eves  of  the  land,)  were  convenientiv 
chosen,  as  safelv  shadowed  under  a  confluence  of 


|)eople.  See  we  here,  though  the  matter  of  their 
discipline  might  lie  pire  Dirino^  human  prudence 
concurred  much  in  the  making  thereof,  as  in  ordering 

^  In  bit  Admonitiont,  p.  163,  |.  1. 

TEXT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  7 

a  **  uaticmal  syuod*^  always  to  run  itarallel  with  the  a.  d.  1582. 

ix.  Mention  being  made  of  ^'  relieving  Scottish 
iBinisterB,'^  if  any  ask  what  northern  tempest  blew 
them  hither,  know  they  quitted  their  own  country 
about  this  time,  upon  refusal  of  conformity,  and  found 
benevolence  in  England  a  better  livelihood  than  a 
benefice  in  Scotland. 

X.  The  grand  design  driven  on  in  these  decrees 
was,  to  set  up  a  discipline  in  a  discipline,  presbytery 
in  episcopacy,  which,  as  appears  in  the  preface,  they  ^ 
thought  ^  might  well  stand  vnth  the  peace  of  the 
**  church  ;**  but  this  peace  proved  but  u  truce,  this 
truce  bat  a  short  one,  before  both  parties  brake  into 
irreconcilable  hostility. 

Thus  it  is  impossible  to  make  a  subordination  in 
their  practices,  who  have  an  opposition  in  their  prin- 
ciples ;  for  though  such  spheres  and  orbs  which  agree 
in  one  centre  may  proportionably  move  one  within 
another,  yet  such  as  are  eccentrical  can  never  ob- 
serve equal  distance  in  their  motion,  but  will  sag 
aside  to  grind  and  grate  one  the  other.  But  enough 
hereof  at  this  time,  having  jetted  out  a  little  already 
into  the  next  year;  no  offence,  we  hope,  seeing  it 
makes  our  history  more  entire  in  this  subject. 

S.  This  year  Robert  Dickons,  a  Leicestershire  a  i»i«»- 
youtli,  but,  it  seems,  apprentice  at  Mansell  in^mticr^ 
Nottinghamshire,  having  parts  and  pregnancy  above 
his  age  and  profession,  arrived  at  such  a  height  of 
profaneness,  as  not  only  to  pretend  to  visions,  but 
account  himself  Elijah,  sent  from  God  to  perfect 
some  defects  in  the  prophecy  of  Malachi.  But  by 
God*8  blessing   on    the    endeavours  of  Mr.  Henry 

B  4 

8  T^  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1581.  Smith,  (whom  his  uncle,  Mr.  Briant  Cave,  thiB  year 
-!L_J!L  sheriff  of    Leicestershire,   employed   therein,)    this 
heretic  was  reclaimed  ^,  renouncing  his  blasphemies 
by  subscription  under  his  own  hand,  and,  for  aught 
I  find  to  the  contrary,  lived  peaceably  and  painftilly 
the  remainder  of  his  life. 
Thecha.        4.  This  is  that  Henry  Smith,  bom  at  Witheock 
Mr.  Hanry  lu  Leicestershire,  of  a  worshipful  family,  and  elder 
brother  to  sir  Roger  Smith,  (still  surviving,)  bred  in 
Oxford;  and  afterwards  became  that  famous  preacher 
.  at  St.  Clement's  Danes  in  London,  commonly  called 
the  **  silver-tongued  Smith,"  being  but  one  metal,  in 
price  and  purity,  beneath  St.  Chrysostom  himself**. 
Yea,  whereas  generally  the  sermons  of  those  days 
are  now  grown  out  of  fashion,  (such  is  our  age*s 
curiosity  and  affectation  of  novelty,)  Smith's  sermons 
keep  up  their  constant  credit,  as  appears  by  their 
daily  impressions,  calculated  for  all  times,  places, 
and  persons:  so  solid,  the  learned  may  partly  ad- 
mire; so  plain,  the  unlearned  may  perfectly  under- 
stand them.     The  wonder  of  his  worth  is  increased 
by  the  consideration  of  his  tender  age,  dying  very 
young  about  fifty  years  ago  •. 
The  dmth       5.  I  find  three  of  such,  who  seemed  pillars  in  the 
Romish  church,  deceased  this  year:  first,  Richard 
Bristow,  Ixiru  in  Worcestershire,  bred  in  Oxford,  in 
Exeter  College,  whence  he  fle<l  beyond  the  seas,  and 
by  cardinal  Allen  was  made  overseer  of  the  English 

<  See  Mr.  Smith's  Sermon  F'liller,  in  4to.,  1657,  and  he 

of  the  l«N»t  sheep  fi>und.  prefixed  a  life  to  them,  con- 

^  [S*t*  some  account  of  him  taining  rery  little  information.] 

in  WcmkI'i  Athen,  I.  ^63.  and  ^  About  tlie  year  1600.   am 

in    StrTp(*'n    Aylnier.    p.    100.  1  am  informed  by  hit  brother. 

JIiA  M*rmona  were  collected  by  [In  1593.  according  to  Wood.] 

CO'T.  XTl. 

of  Britain. 

college,  first  at  Douay,  then  at  Rheims.     He  wrote  a.  d.  1583. 

Wfoti  in  English,  (humUi  qtndem  stUoy  saith  one  of  — ^ — — 

Us  own  opinion  ^,)  but  very  solidly ;  for  proof  where- 

oC  let  hifl  books  against  Dr.  Fulke  be  perused.     For 

tlie  recovery  of  his  health  he  was  advised  to  return 

into  his  native  land,  and  died  quietly  near  the  city 

of  London  ^. 

6.  The  second,  Nicholas  Harpsfield,  bred  first  in  The  deith 
Winchester  School,  then  New  College,  in  Oxford,  HarptMi. 
wiiere  he  proceeded  doctor  of  law,  and  afterward 
became  archdeacon  of  Canterbury.  Under  king  Ed- 
imrd  the  Sixth,  he  banished  himself;  under  queen 
llmry»  he  returned,  and  was  advanced;  and  under 
queen  Elizabeth,  imprisoned  for  denying  her  supre- 
macy. Yet  such  was  his  mild  usage  in  restraint, 
that  be  had  the  opportunity  to  write  much  therein ; 
md,  amongst  the  rest,  his  Ecclesiastical  History,  no 
Ins  learnedly  than  painfully  performed  ^  ;  and,  abat- 
ing bis  partiality  to  his  own  interest,  well  deserving 
of  all  posterity.  He  wrote  also  six  dialogues  in 
fiivour  of  his  religion  ' ;  but,  because  in  durance,  he 
durst  not  set  it  forth  in  his  own,  but  under  the  name 
(rf*  Alan  Cope.  Yet,  lest  truth  should  be  concealed, 
ud  friend  defraud  friend  of  his  due  praise,  he  caused 

^  Piu.  in  Vito,  p.  779. 

f  [18th  Oct.  1581,  according 
to  Wood.  Athen.  i.  211,  who 
ka»  compiled  ft  rety  ftccurate 
arcnant  of  hi«  life  ftnd  writings. 
He  wna  the  ftutbor  of  ft  work 
m  coftftidermble  repute  among 
thoae  of  hia  own  perauaaion» 
entitled  "  MotiTm  omnihua  Ca- 
**  tholicv  Doctrine  orthodoxia 
"  cult4inlma  pernecnaaria,"  &c. 
Attrefaftti.  4to.,  1608.  To  this 
work  a  abort  aooottnt  of  the 
aatbor  ia  prefixed  by  Dr.  Wor- 


^  [HiHtoria  Anglicana  Ecde* 
aiastica,  a  primis  gentis  auacep* 
Ue  fidei  incunabulia  ad  noatra 
fere  tempora  deducta.  Duac. 
fol.  1632.] 

i  [Dialogi  sex  contra  aummi 
pontificatuif»  monaaticie  viUe, 
aanctorum,  aacranim  imaginum 
oppngnatores  et  |Meudo.mar- 
tyrea.  Antr.  1566.  4to.,  of 
which  aee  Tanner  a  Biblioth. 
p.  199.] 

10  TJu  Church  History  booi  ix. 

A.D.  158a.  these  capital  letters  to  be  engraved  at  the  end  of  his 


A.  H.  L.  N.  H.  E.  V.  E.  A.  C. 

Hereby  mystically  meaning,  Auctor  Hujus  Lihri 
Nicholatis  Harpesfeldus.  Edidit  Vero  Eum  Alanus 
Copus.  He  died  this  year,  at  London,  in  prison, 
after  twenty  years'  restraint,  leaving  behind  him  the 
general  reputation  of  a  religious  man  •'. 
ThedcAth  7.  The  third,  Gregory  Martin,  bom  at  Macfield 
ii«,fff^^  in  Sussex,  bred  with  Campian  in  St.  John's  College 
in  Oxford ;  tutor  to  Philip  earl  of  Arundel,  eldest 
son  to  Thomas  duke  of  Norfolk.  Afterwards  he 
went  over  beyond  sea,  and  became  divinity  professor 
in  the  college  of  Rheims ;  died  there  October  S8th, 
and  is  buried  with  a  large  epitaph  under  a  plain 
monument  ^ 
Uctarhis-  8.  I  shall  now  withdraw  myself,  or  at  leastwise 
^SZarf.  stand  by,  a  silent  spectator,  whilst  I  make  room  for 
far  my  betters  to  come  forth  and  speak  in  the  pre- 
sent controversy  of  church  government.  Call  it  not 
cowardice,  but  count  it  caution  in  me,  if  desirous 
in  this  difference  to  lie  at  a  close  guard,  and  offer  as 
little  play  as  may  be  on  either  side,  whilst  the  reader 
shall  1>ehold  the  masters  of  defence  on  both  sides 
engaged  therein  in  these  following  letters  of  state. 
Baronius,  the  great  Roman  annalist,  was  wont  to 
say,  Epistolaris  hhtoria  est  optima  historia — "  that 
**  is  the  best  history  which  is  collected  out  of  let- 
^  ters."  How  much  of  the  Act«  of  the  Apostles 
(especially  for  the  regulation  of  time)  is  contained 
in  the  Epistles  of  St.  Paul !     Of  the  Primitive  His- 

^  [l»   >5^3»    AOoordiDf    to         l  [  Vita,  p.  781. 

Wood's  Life  of  him,  printed  alto  the   aoeouat  of   hiai   in 

in  tbe  Athen.  1. 114.  And  Tba.  Wood's  Athm.  1. 113.] 
Mr,  3S0.] 

ciKT.  xvu  of  Britain.  11 

torj  the  most  authentieBl  part  is  what  is  gathered  a.  d.  158s. 
oot  of  the  letten  of  the  fathers ;  and  in  like  manner 

ten' want 
of  date  1 

the  tme  estate  of  ecclesiastical  affairs  in  the  days  of 
qi^en  Elizabeth  may  be  extracted  out  of  the  fol- 
lowing despatches,  and  their  returns,  exhibiting  the 
inclinations  of  their  authors  in  pure  naturals,  without 
toy  adulterated  addition,  and  therefore  the  surest  for 
others*  instruction,  and  safest  for  my  own  protection. 

9.  But  one  thing  I  must  clear  in  our  entrance  objeodoo 
tkereoDy  in  excuse  that  these  letters  are  dateless  as[|^«"4Lit 
to  the  day  and  month,  a  great  omission  which  I  have  ^  *****  ■"' 
•een  in  many  originals,  whose  authors  so  minded  the 
Batter  that  they  neglected  the  time;  the  present 
dispatching  of  them  being  date  enough  to  their  pur- 
pose, though  now  the  want  thereof  leaves  posterity 
it  a  loss.  A  blue  coat  without  a  badge  is  but  a 
white  coat  in  effect,  as  nothing  informing  the  be- 
liolder  to  what  lord  the  bearer  thereof  doth  relate ; 
tod  as  little  instructive,  will  some  say,  are  these 
letters  as  to  the  point  of  chronology.  But  be  it 
known  that  no  reader*s  stomach  can  be  so  sharp  set 
on  the  criticalness  of  chronology,  but  that,  being  fed 
with  the  certainty  of  the  year,  he  will  not  be  famished 
with  the  uncertainty  of  the  month  or  day.  Indeed, 
as  snch  whose  names  are  casually  omitted  in  the 
register  may  recover  the  truth  of  their  age  by  a 
comparative  computation  of  their  years  who  were 
bora  about  the  same  time,  so  by  the  mixture  and 
comparing  of  these  dateless  letters  with  those  having 
date  of  secular  affairs,  I  could  competently  have 
collected  and  inserted  the  time ;  save  that  I  loathe  to 
obtrude  any  thing  coi\jectural  on  the  reader's  belief. 
Bat  we  must  begin  with  the  ensuing  petition,  as  the 
irroundwork  of  all  the  rest : 

12  The  Church  History  book  ll 

A.  D.  1583. 

••  The  MiniBters  of  Kent  to  the  Privy  Council  •. 


Thepeti-  ^  May  it  please  your  honours,  of  your  great  miM 
K«ntish  ^  wonted  favour  towards  the  distressed,  to  conside 
**  these  following :  Whereas  we  have  been  called  t 
**  subscribe,  in  the  county  of  Kent,  to  certain  Art! 
•*  cles  propounded  by  my  lord's  grace  of  Canterbur 
^  unto  the  ministers  and  preachers :  the  first  con 
*'  ceming  her  majesty  s  authority ;  the  second  con 
•*  ceming  no  contrariety  to  the  word  of  God  in  tb 
Book  of  Common  Prayer  and  administration  of  tb 
sacraments,  the  book  of  ordering  bishops,  priesb 
**'  and  deacons ;  and  the  third,  that  we  believe  a] 
things  in  the  book  of  the  Articles  of  Religion  t 
be  agreeable  to  the  word  of  God.  Whereupon  a] 
^  have  most  willingly  offered  to  subscribe  unto  ih 
•*  other  two ;  and  being  pronounced  in  the  opo 
court,  contumaces  reservaia  pcmay  and  so  referre 
to  answer  at  law  the  llth  and  13th  of  Februar} 
"  which  we  feared  would  be  prosecuted  with  mud 
*'  trouble  and  no  resolution  to  our  consciences,  w 
^  amongst  the  rest  repaired  ^ith  that  careful  avoid 
ing,  that  we  could,  of  oflTence  to  his  lordship' 
grace,  to  whom  when  we  had  the  first  day  mad 
"  known  some  of  our  doubts  concerning  the  fin 
book  only,  (many  moe  in  number,  and  as  great  i 
weight,  concerning  the  first  and  second,  and  som 
concerning  the  tbinl  remaining  beside,)  we  hav 
u[>on  our  refusal,  and  record  taken  by  public  nc 
tar}'  of  one  {H)int  only  from  every  {Nuticular  refusei 
which  niove<l  him  thereunto,  and  one  place  c 
**  scripture  adjoined  without  collection,  or  the  reawv 

»  [8ee  Strype'«  Whitgifl.  p.  1 23.] 



cinrr.  xvf .  of  Britain.  IS 

*  of  the  same,  been  suspended  from  our  ministry  ;  a.  d.  1583. 

*•  br  which  occasion,  as  we  fear  that  that  account '— 

**  which  hath  been  made  of  the  consequence  of  our 
*'csiwe»  both    in   public  sermons  and  pronouncing 

**  of  sentence  against  us,  namely,  that  in  denying  to 
"  nbecribe  to  the  two  aforesaid  Articles,  we  sepa- 
*"  fited  ourselves  from  the  church,  and  condemned 

*  the  right  8er\  ice  of  God  in  prayer,  and  adminis- 
**  trmtion  of  the  sacraments  in  the  cliurch  of  England, 
**  and  the  ministry  of  the  same,  and  disobeyed  her 

*  majesty's  authority,  hath  been  intimated  to  your 
*"  honours.  So  we  think  it  our  bound  duties,  most 
*"  humbly  on  our  knees  to  beseech  your  honours  to 
*kDow  and  make  manifest  in  our  behalf  to  her 
"majesty,  that  which  we  before  the  Lord  in  sim- 
**  plicity  protest :  we  in  all  reverence  judge  of  the 
**  authority  which  is  established,  and  the  persons 
**  which  were  authors  of  those  books,  that  they  did 
**  not  only  speak,  but  also  did  highly  to  the  glory  of 
**God  promote  the  true  religion  of  God,  and  the 
**  glorious  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ,  and  that  we  so 
''esteem  of  those  books,  and  there  is  nothing  in 
"  them  to  cause  us  to  separate  ourselves  from  the 
**  unity  of  the  church,  which  in  the  execution  of  our 
"  ministry,  in  participation  of  the  public  prayers  and 
*"  facrmments,  we  have  in  our  own  example  testified, 
**  and  by  public  doctrine  maintained ;  and  that  the 
**  ministry  of  the  word  preached,  and  public  adminis- 
**  tration  of  the  sacraments  exercised  in  this  land 
**  according  to  authority,  is,  as  touching  the  substance 
**  of  it,  lawful  and  greatly  blessed  of  God.  And 
**  lastly,  that  we  have  and  always  will  shew  ourselves 
•*  obedient  to  her  majesty's  authority  in  all  causes 
**  ecclesiastical  and  civil,  to  whomsoever  it  be  com- 


77i#  Church  History 

BOOK   tX. 

A.  D.I 583.^  mitted ;  and  therefore,  that  as  poor  but  most  faith- 
'**  **  ful  subjects  to  her  majesty,  and  ministers  of  Jeeiui 
••  Christ,  the  great  cause  we  have  in  hand,  and  which 
•*  consequently  (as  we  under  your  honour's  correction 
"  judge)  the  necessary  reformation  of  many  things 
"  in  the  church,  according  unto  Ciod's  word,  may 
*^  have  that  sufficient  hearing,  as  all  causes  of  our 
refusal  to  subscribe  may  be  known,  and  equally  out 
of  Ood's  word  judged  of,  and  the  lamentable  estate 
of  the  churches  to  which  we  appertain,  with  the 
**  hard  condition  of  us,  may  in  that  manner  that 
^  your  honours*  most  excellent  wisdom  shall  find 
**  expedient  in  the  pity  of  Jesus  Christ,  for  the  mean 
*•  time  be  relieved.  The  Lord  Almighty  vouchsafe, 
**  for  Jesus  Christ  his  sake,  long  to  continue  and 
bless  your  honours*  wisdom  and  council,  to  the 
great  glory  of  God  and  the  happy  government  of 
her  majesty,  and  flourishing  estate  of  this  church 
of  England  \ 

'•  Your  Honours*  daily  and  faithful  Orators* 

*'  The  Ministers  of  Kent, 

*'  which  are  suspended  from  the 

**  execution  of  their  ministry  "." 

The  lords  of  the  council  sent  this  petition,  with 
another  bill  of  complaint  exhibited  unto  them  against 
Edmond  Freak,  bishop  of  Norwich,  unto  the  arch- 








"  [One  of  the  principal 
morera  of  this  addrets  wai  % 
iQrbolent  and  conceit4^d  pemon 
named  Dudley  Fenner,  who  had 
no  cure,  nor  was  a  graduate  of 
either  univermity.  He  was  the 
author  of  that  farce,  which 
afterwards  prevailed  to  a  great 

extent  in  this  kingdom,  of  gir- 
ing  strange  names  in  baptbm  ; 
such  as  J(Mf  again,  Frvm  ahovr, 
More  Fruit,  Du^i,  Ike.  S«^ 
Strype.  ibid.  p.  1  24, 137.  where 
the  tracts  of  theae  ministers  are 
summed  up  in  a  paper  from 
this  man's  writings.] 

rr.KT.  XV!.  ftf  Britain.  15 

bishop  of  Canterbury.     What  his  answer  was  there- a.  d.  i5«3. 

unto  the  reader  may  inform  himself  out  of  the  fol--J — 

lowing  letter : 

^  To  the  Lords  of  the  Council. 

*^  Most  Honourable, 

**  Upon  Sunday  last,  in  the  afternoon,  master  The  aidi. 
^  Beale  brought  unto  me,  in  your  lordships'  names,  \^^Ui 
••  two  supplications  or  bills  of  complaint  exhibited  ^^^ 
**  unto  your  lordships :  the  one  by  certain  ministers 
••  of  Suflfblk  ®,  against  their  diocesan  there ;  the  other 
••  by  fiome  of  Kent,  against  myself;  with  this  further 
**  memage,  that  it  was  your  desires  I  should  come 
•*  to  the  court  on  Sunday  next.  It  may  please  your 
**  good  lordships  to  be  advertised,  that  it  seemeth 
**  fiomething  strange  to  me  that  the  ministers  of 
**  Suffolk,  finding  themselves  aggrieved  with  the 
**  doings  of  their  diocesan,  should  leave  the  ordinary 
*•  course  of  proceeding  by  law,  (which  is  to  appeal 
^  unto  me,)  and  extraordinarily  trouble  your  lordships 
**  in  a  matter  not  so  incident,  as  I  think,  to  that 
**  most  honourable  board  ;  seeing  it  hath  pleased  her 
••  majesty  her  own  self  in  express  words  to  commit 
**  these  causes  ecclesiastical  to  me,  as  to  one  who  is 
*•  to  make  answer  to  God,  to  her  majesty  in  this 
**  behalf,  my  office  also  and  place  requiring  the 
**  same. 

*^  In  answer  of  the  complaint  of  the  Suffolk  men 
**  of  their  ordinary's  proceeding  against  them,  I  have 
"^  herewith  sent  to  your  lordships  a  copy  of  a  letter 
-  which  I  lately  received  from  his  lordship,  wherein 
*"  I  think  that  part  of  their  bill  to  be  fully  answered, 

o  [See  Strjpe't  Annab,  III.  264.] 


16  The  Church  Hntory  book  ix. 

A.D.  1583. ""  and  his  doings  to  have  been  orderly  and  charitable. 
?6  Eiri.   ^^  Touching  the  rest  of  their  bill,  I  know  not  what 
to  judge  of  it,  neither  yet  of  what  spirit  it  cometh; 
but  in  some  points  it  talketh,  as  I  think,  modestly 
*'  and  charitably.     They  say  they  are  no  Jesuits  sent 
"  from  Rome  to  reconcile,  &c.     True  it  is,  neither 
are  they  charged  to  be  so ;  but  notwithstanding 
they  are  contentious  in  the  church  of  England, 
^  and  by  their  contentions  minister  occasion  of  offence 
*'  to  those  which  are  seduced  by  Jesuits,  and  give 
**  the  arguments  against  the  form  of  public  prayer 
used  in  this  church  and  by  law  established,  and 
thereby  increase  the  number  of  them,  and  confirm 
^         them  in  their  wilfulness.   They  also  nmke  a  schism 
in  the  church,  and  draw  many  other  of  her  ma- 
jesty's subjects  to  a  misliking  of  her   laws  and 
government  in  causes  ecclesiastical ;    so  far  are 
they  from  persuading  them  to  obedience,  or  at 
least,  if  they  persuade  them  to  it  in  the  one  part 
of  her  authority,  (it  is  in  causes  civil,)  they  dis- 
suade them  from  it  as  much  in  the  other,  (that  is, 
in  causes  ecclesiastical ;)  so  that  indeed  they  pluck 
down  with  the  one  hand  that  which  they  neem  to 
**  build  with  the  other.     They  say  that  they  have 
**  faithfully  travelled  in  {)er8uading  to  obedience,  &c., 
^  and  have  therein  prevailed,  &c.     It  is  but  their 
^  own  testimony :  I  think  it  were  hard  for  them  to 
**  shew  whom  they  converted  from  papistry  to  the 
gospel ;  but  what  stirs  and  dissensions  they  have 
made  amongst  those  which  professed  the  gospel 
^  before  they  were  taught  by  them,  I  think  it  to  lie 
^  apfiarent.     It  is  notorious  that  in  king  Edward*s 
^  time,  and  in  the  beginning  of  her  majesty's  reign« 
^  for  the  s|iace  of  divers  years,  when  this  selfisaroe 





cBXT.  XTi.  of  Britain,  17 

•*  book  of  public  prayers  was  uniformly  usod,  &c.,  by  ad  1583, 

•*  all   learned  preachers  niaintaine<K  and  impugned '— 

*•  by  none,  the  gospel  mightily  prevailed,  took  great 

*•  increase,  and  very  few  were  known  to  refuse  to 

••  communicate  with  us  in  prayer  and  participation 

**  of  the  sacraments.      But  since  this  schism  and 

**  division,  the  contrary  effect  hath  fallen  out ;  and 

•*  how  can  it  otherwise  be,  seeing  we  ourselves  con- 

**  domn  that  public  form  aiud  order  of  prayer  and 

^  administration   of    the   sacraments,   as   in   divers 

**  pointji  contrary  to  the  word  of  God,  from  which 

**  (as   in  like   manner  condemning   the  same)  the 

•*  papists  do  absent  themselves.     In  the  latter  part  of 

**  their  bill,  containing  tlie  reasons  why  they  cannot 

••  submit  themselves  to  observe  the  form  prescribed 

**  by  the  book  in  all  {mints,  I  wonder  either  at  their 

**  ignorance  or  audacity :  they  say  that  the  learned 

**  writers  of  our  time  have  shewed  their  mislikings 

**  of  some  of  our  ceremonies.     The  most  learned 

**  writers  in  our  times  have  not  so  done,  but  rather 

••  reprovinl  the  mislikers ;  those  few  that  have  given 

**  contrary  judgment  therein  have  done  more  rashly 

**  than  k*aniedly,  presuming  to  give  their  censures  of 

*"  such  a  church  as  tliis  is,  not  understanding  the 

**  fruits  of  the  cause,  nor  alleging  any  reason  worth 

**  the  hearing,  esi>eciaUy  one  little  college  in  either 

**  of  our  universities,  containing  in  it  more  learned 

*"  men  than  in  their  cities.     But  if  the  authority  of 

**  men  so  greatly  move  them,  why  make  they  so 

**  small  account  of  those  most  excellent  and  learned 

"  fiuhers  who  were  the  j>enners  of  the  l>ook  ?  where- 

**  of  divers   liave   seale<I    their    religion   wth  their 

**  bIcKKl,  which  none  yet  have  done  of  the  impugnurs 

""  of  the  book.     The  po|Ks  say  they,  hath  changed 

rt'LLEB,  vol..  V.  r 



18  The  Church  HUiary 

A.D.  1583.  ^  his  ojficiuni  B.  Maria,  &c.     And  so  it  is ; 

"  is  there  any  man  that  doubteth  but  the  ] 

**  Common  Prayer  may  also  be  altered,  if  tl 
pear  good  cause  why  to  those  in  authorit 
the  po|>e  will  not  suffer  that  officium  B, 
*'  &c.  to  be  preached  against,  or  any  {Nirt 
•*  till  it  was  by  public  order  reformed ;  neit 
^  he  confess  that  he  hath  reformed  it  in  tqa 
"  any  errors,  but  such  only  as  did  creep  in 
^  said  book  through  private  men's  affe<*tions, 
**  authority.     Therefore   that   argument    is 
them,  and  only  used  by  them,  as  it  seen 
contempt ;  the  rest  is  frivolous,  and  argue 
presumption  in  writing  this  to  so  honou 
**  board  of  so  worthy  and  godly  a  book,  whi< 
'*  an  hundred  learned  men  to  justify  it  for  0 
**  will  impugn  it.     And  thus  nmch  concemii 
**  which  I  have  written  rather  to  satisfy  yoi 
ships,  than  that  I  thought  the  matter  woi 
labour.   The  complaint  which  those  of  Ken 
of  my  own  diocese,  and  by  oath  bound  tc 
canonical   obedience)   have   exhibited   unt 
lordsliips,  doth  make   me  more  to   wond 
they,  most  of  them  l)eing  unlearned  and 
^  (such  as  I  would  be  loath  to  admit  into  th* 
*•  try,  if  they  were  not  aln^afly  admitted  th< 
**  much  less  to  allow  as  preachers,)  dare  prei 
^  bring  my  doings  against  them  into  questioi 
^  your  lordshi|Mi,  seeing  I  have  done  noth 
••  that  which  God,  the  law,  her  m^esty,  \ 
**  duty  forreth  me  unto;  dealing  with  them 
**  an  archbishop  with  the  inferior  sort  of  the 
**  nor  as  a  master  of  a  college  with  his  felh 
**  an  a  magistrate  with  his  inferiors*  but  as  ) 

ctXT.  XTl.  nf  Uriitnn.  19 

**aiid  a  brother,  which,  as  I  think,  hath  so  puffed  a.  d.  1583. 

**  them  up,  and  caused  them  to  be  so  presumptuous. 

**  They  came  to  me  unsent  for,  in  a  multitude,  which 
•*  I  reproved,  because  it  imported  a  conspiracy,  and 
*^  bad  the  shew  of  a  tumult  or  unlawful  assembly. 
^  Notwithstanding  I  was  content  to  hear  their  com- 
'^  plaint ;  I  spent  with  them  the  whole  afternoon, 
**  from  two  of  the  clock  till  seven,  and  heard  their 
••  reasons,  whereof  some  were  frivolous  and  childish, 
^  0ome  irreligiouft,  and  all  of  them  such  as  gave  me 
^  occasion  to  think  that  they  rather  sought  quarrel 
**  against  the  book,  than  to  be  satisfied  ;  which  in- 
••  deed  is  true,  as  appeareth  by  some  of  their  own 
^  confessions,  which  1  am  able  to  shew  when  I  shall 
•*  be  thereunto  urged.  The  two  whole  days  following 
^  I  spent  likewise,  for  the  most  part,  in  dealing 
**  severally  with  them,  requiring  them  to  give  unto 
••  me  the  chief  and  principal  of  their  reasons  which 
^  moved  them  not  to  subscribe,  meaning  to  hear 
**  them  in  the  rest  if  1  could  have  satisfied  them  in 
^  it,  or  else  not  to  spend  any  further  time ;  which 
**  reasons  (if  I  may  so  term  them)  they  gave  unto 
^  me,  and  I  have  and  mean  to  make  known  when 
••  occasion  shall  serve.  "WTiereas  they  say  in  their  bill 
**  that  the  public  administration  of  the  sacraments  in 
^  this  land  is,  as  touching  the  substance  of  it,  lawful, 
••  4cc^  they  say  no  more  than  the  |>apists  themselves 
^  do  confess,  and  in  truth  they  say  nothing  in  effect 
^  to  that  wherewith  they  are  chargetl ;  and  yet  there- 
••  in  they  are  contrary  to  themselves,  for  they  have 
"*  pretended  matter  of  substance  against  the  book. 
**  But  of  what  spirit  cometh  it  that  they,  being  no 
**  otherwise  than  they  are,  dare  to  the  greatest  autho- 
"*  rity  in  this  Und  next  to  her  m^festy  so  boldly  oflbr 





SO  The  Church  HUtory  book  tx. 

A.D.  1583- '*  themselves,  thus  to  reason  and  dispute,  as  in  their 

"  bill  they  vaunt  against   the  state  established  in 

matters  of  religion,  and  against  the  book  so  learn- 
edly and  painfully  ])enned,  and  by  so  great  autho- 
rity from  time  to  time  confirmed.    It  is  not  for  me 
**  to  sit  in   this  place,   if  every  curate  iiithin   my 
**  diocese  or  province  may  be  permitted  so  to  use 
**  me ;  neither  is  it  possible  for  me  to  perform  the 
duty  which  her  majesty  looketh  for  at  my  hands, 
if  I  may  not  without  interruption  proceed  in  exe- 
cution of  that  which  her  highness  hath  esfiecially 
committed    unto   me.     Tlie  gospel  can    take    no 
success,  neither  the  number  of  papists  be  dimi- 
**  nished,  if  unity  be  not  procured ;  which  I  am  not 
**  in  doubt  in  short  time  to  bring  to  pass,  without 
**  any  great  ado  or  inconvenience  at  all,  if  it  be  not 
**  hindered.     The  number  of  those  which  refuse  to 
**  subscribe  is  not  great ;  in  most  parts  of  my  pro- 
"  vince  not  one,  in  some  very  few,  and  in  some  none, 
**  whereof  many  also  and  the  greater  part  are  un- 
learned and  unworthy  the  ministry.     In  mine  own 
little  diocese  in  Canterbury  threescore  preachers 
•*  and  above  have  subscribed ;  whereas  there  are  not 
"  ten  worthy  the  name  of  preachers  which  have  as 
**  yet  refused,  and  most  of  them  also  not  allowed 
**  preachers  by  lawful  authority ;  and  so  I  know  it 
*•  to  be  in  all  other  dioceses  within  my  province,  the 
••  diocese  of  Norwich  only  excepted ;  wherein  never- 
*'  theless  the  number  of  the  disordered  is  far  less 
^  than   the    numlx^r  of  such   as  are  obeilient  and 
••  quietly  dis|WVsed.      Now   if  these   few  disonlered 
•'  (which  the  church  may  well  s{>are,  having  meeter 
^  men  to  place  in  their  nioms)  shall  be  countenanced 
*"  against  the  Ix^st,  the  wisest  in  all  respects*  the 


CENT.  XVI.  of  Britain,  21 

••worthiest,  and  in  effect  the  whole  state  of  the  a.  0.1583.* 

••  clergy,  it  will  not  only  discourage  the  dutiful  and 1- 

*•  obedient  persons,  but  so  increase  the  schism,  that 
•*  there  will  never  hereafter  be  hope  of  appeasing 
••  the  same.  This  disordered  flocking  together  of 
••  them  at  this  time  from  divers  places,  and  gadding 
^  from  one  to  another,  argueth  a  conspiracy  amongst 
^  them,  and  some  hope  of  encouragement,  and  of 
••  prevailing ;  which  I  am  persuaded  is  not  meant, 
**  nor  shall  ever  be  by  me  willingly  consented  unto. 
^  Some  of  them  have  already,  as  1  am  informed, 
•*  bruited  abroad  that  your  lordships  have  sent  for 
••  me  to  answer  their  complaints,  and  that  they  hope 
"  to  be  delivered ;  wherein  I  know  they  report  un- 
^  truly,  as  the  manner  is,  for  1  cannot  be  persuaded 
••  that  your  lordships  have  any  such  intent  as  to 
^  make  me  a  party,  or  to  call  my  doings  into  ques- 
*•  tion,  which  from  her  majesty  are  immediately  com- 
••  mitted  unto  me,  and  wherein,  as  I  suppose,  I  have 
*•  no  other  judge  but  herself.  And  forasmuch  as  I 
**  am  by  God  and  her  majesty  lawfully,  without  any 
••  ordinary  or  extraordinary  or  unlawful  means,  called 
••  to  this  place  and  function,  and  appointed  to  be 
"•  your  pastor,  and  to  have  the  greatest  charge  over 
••  you  in  matters  pertaining  to  the  soul,  I  am  the 
••  more  bold  to  move  and  desire  you  to  aid  and  assist 
•*  me  in  matters  belonging  to  my  office ;  namely,  such 
•*  as  appi^rtain  to  the  quietness  of  the  church,  the  , 
•*  credit  of  religion  established,  and  the  maintenance 
"of  the  laws  made  for  the  same.  And  here  I  do 
••  protest  and  testify  unto  your  lonlships,  that  the 
**  three  Articles  whereunto  they  arc  move<l  to  sub- 
-  scribe  arc  such  as  I  am  rcady  by  learning  to  defend, 
•*  in  manner  and  form  as  they  arc  set  down,  against 



The  Church  Hintary 


i>*  15^3-  ^  all  mislikers  thereof  in  Enirland  or  elsewhere.  And 
— '—^  *•  thus  desiring  your  lordships  to  take  this  my  answer 
in  good  party  and  to  forbear  my  coming  thither  in 
resi>ect  of  this  advantage  that  may  be  taken  thereof 
^'  by  these  wayward   p^^rsons,  I  beseech  Almighty 
**  God  long  to  prosper  you. 




Your  good  Lordships*  in  Christ, 

"  John  Cantuar.' 

The  cha-  Who  this  Mr.Bcale  was  who  brought  these  letters, 
53J![*Bie.  ^®  worthy  our  inquir)-.  I  find  his  Christian  name 
bi^i  ht  the  ^'^^'  ^^^  office  clcrk  of  the  council,  his  abilities 
wii^  very  great,  as  may  api)ear  by  the  public  negociations 
wherein  he  was  employed ;  for  he  was  joined  wth 
sir  William  Winter,  anno  1576,  in  a  commission  to 
the  Zealanders,  about  their  reprisals ;  and  again,  anno 
1583,  he  was  sent  to  the  queen  of  Scots,  shar|>ly  to 
expostulate  with  her  eoiiceming  some  querulous 
letters.  Well  knew  queen  Elizabeth  what  tools  to 
use  on  knotty  timber,  our  author  giving  Mr.  Beale 
this  character,  that  he  was  homo  rehemefis,  et  austere 
acerhns  p, — an  eager  man,  and  most  austerely  bitter. 
His  affections  wen*  wholly  presbyterian,  and  I  behold 
him  as  one  of  the  best  friends  (of  the  second  magni- 
tude) that  party  had.    What  he  wanted  in  authority. 

P  C:imdeiii  Klisjibetha.  p. 
359.  [He  wan  a  tnnn  of  more 
aeml  than  dincrction.  He  ad- 
x\mi\  (!ecil  thai  the  imrliamenta 
under  queen  Mary  nhould  be 
declared  void,  the  title  of  .Vm. 
prrmr  Head  havin;;  been  left 
out  of  th«*  kuninionN ;  which 
eouuM'l  Cecil  Tvry  wiMflr  reject- 
ed.   Her  Rumet.  II.  75V     He 

waa  alao  a  very  bitter  enemy  to 
Mar}'  queen  of  Scota,  treating 
her  with  much  indecent  aere- 
ritv,  for  which  he  afterwmrdt 
fell  into  dis^n^ce.  He  baa 
given  lome  ucc«>unt  both  of 
himiielf  and    hi*    foreign    em. 

filoymentfi   in   a   letter  In  the 
ord      tre:t«iurer,     printed      in 
Stry|»e'ii  Annala,  I  v.  p.  8j.1 

c  EJiT.  XVI.  ofBriUiin.  28 

be  had  in  actmty  on  their  sides ;  and  what  influence  a.  d.  1584. 

•ometimes  the  hands  have  on  the  head  (I  mean  no- L 

tarie9  on  the  jadges  themselves)  at  comicil-board, 
others  maj  conjecture.  He  either  compiled  or  coun- 
tenanced a  book  made  against  the  bishops ;  and  the 
reader  maj  receive  a  further  confirmation  of  his 
character  herein  from  the  following  complaint : 

**  To  the  Lord  Treasurer  *». 

•*  My  singular  good  Lord, 
*•  I  have  borne  much  with  Mr.  Beale's  i n tempo- AixAWdiop 
^  rate  speeches,  unseemly  for  him  to  use,  though  nothisiettar 
••  in  respect  of  myself,  yet  in  respect  of  her  majesty  jJJ^Jf  "' 
*•  whom   he  serveth,  and  of  the  laws  established,  ^^**cir.' 
**  whereunto  he  ouffht  to  shew  some  duty.     Yester-"**^"^. 

^  "^  ward*  bim. 

•*  day  he  came  to  my  house,  as  it  seemed  to  demand 
•*  the  book  he  delivered  unto  me ;  I  told  him  that 
**  the  book  was  written  to  me,  and  therefore  no 
•*  rt*ason  why  he  should  require  it  again,  especially 
••  seeing  I  was  assured  that  he  had  a  copy  thereof, 
•'  othemise  I  would  cause  it  to  be  written  out  for 
^  him ;  whereupon  he  fell  into  very  great  passions 
•*  with  me  (which  I  think  was  the  end  of  his  coming) 
•*  for  proceeding  in  the  execution  of  his  Articles,  &C., 
*  and  told  me  in  effect  that  I  would  be  the  over- 
••  throw  of  this  church,  and  a  cause  of  tumult,  with 
•*  many  other  bitter  and  hard  speeches,  which  T  heard 
"*  patiently,  and  wished  him  to  consider  with  what 
••  spirit  he  was  moved  so  to  say ;  for  I  said  it  cannot 
•*  be  by  the  Spirit  of  God,  Ixjcause  the  Spirit  of  (lod 
**  worketh  in  men  humility,  patience,  and  love,  and 

^  [A  more  correct  copy  of  part  of  this  letter  will  be  found 
!■  Suype'ft  Whttgift.  p.  147.1 


S4  The  Church  Hutory  book  ix. 

A.D.IS84.**  your  words  declare  you  to  be  very  arrogant^  proud, 
-  -  **  impatient,  and  uncharitable.  Moreover  the  Spirit 
•*  of  God  moveth  men  to  hear  the  word  of  God  with 
^  meekness,  &c. ;  and  you  have  almost  heard  with 
•*  disdain  every  sermon  preached  before  her  majesty 
**  this  Lent,  gibing  and  gesting  openly  thereat  even 

**  in  the  sermon  time,  to  the  offence  of  manv,  and 


**  especially  at  such  sermons  as  did  most  commend 
^  her  majesty  and  the  state,  and  moved  the  auditory 
**  to  obedience ;  which  he  confessed  and  justified, 
^  accusing  some  of  the  preachers  of  false  doctrine 
**  and  wrong  allegations  of  scripture,  &c.  Then  he 
^  began  to  extol  his  book  %  and  said  we  were  never 
••  able  to  answer  it,  neither  for  the  matter  of  divinity 
^*  nor  yet  of  law.  I  told  him,  as  the  truth  is,  that 
*'  there  was  no  great  substance  in  the  book,  that  it 
^  might  be  very  soon  answered,  and  that  it  did 
^^  appear  neither  his  divinity  nor  law  to  be  great. 
•*  I  further  wished  him  to  be  better  advised  of  his 
^  doings,  and  told  him  indeed  that  he  was  one  of  the 
*•  principal  causes  of  the  waywanlness  of  divers,  be- 
"  cause  he  giveth  encouragement  to  divers  of  them 
**  to  stand  in  the  matter,  telling  them  that  the  Arti- 
*•  clos  shall  Ix?  shortly  revoke<l  by  the  council,  and 
^*  that  my  hands  shall  be  stopped,  &c. ;  which  saying 
"  is  spread  alm>ad  alnwly  in  ever)'  place,  and  is  the 
**  only  cause  why  many  forlK»ar  to  sul>s(*ril>e ;  which 
**  is  true,  neither  couhl  he  denv  it.  All  this  while  I 
*•  talke<I  with  him  privately  in  the  up|KT  |Mirt  of  my 
**  gallery,  my  Ion!  of  Winclienter  and  divers  strangers 
**  iKMiig  in  the  other  part  thereof;  but  Mr.  Ileale 
^  iH'ginning  to  extend  his  voict>  that  all  might  hear, 

r  [.S«r  MO  aUtmct  (it  iu  ccmtenu  in  Strype'n  Whitgtfl.  p,  143.] 

CEVT.  xvi.  of  Britain.  25 

•*  I  began  to  break  off;  then  he,  being  more  and  a.  d.  1584. 

*  more  kindled,  very  impatiently  uttered  very  proud ^— 

""  and  contemptuous  speeches  in  the  justifying  of  his 

**  book  and  condemning  of  the  orders  established,  to 
•*  the  oflfence  of  all  the  hearers ;  whereunto  (being 
*•  Tery  desirous  to  be  rid  of  him)  I  made  small  an- 
•*  «wer,  but  told  him  that  his  sjieeches  were  intole- 
**  rable,  that  he  forgat  himself,  and  that  I  would 
••  complain  of  him  to  her  majesty;  whereof  he  seemed 
**  to  make  small  account,  and  so  he  departed  in  great 
**  beat.     I  am  loath  to  hurt  him,  or  to  be  an  accuser, 

*  oritber  will  I  proceed  therein  further  than  your 
**  lordship  shall  think  it  convenient ;  but  T  never  was 
**  abused  more  by  any  man,  at  any  time  in  my  life, 
**  than  I  have  been  by  him  since  my  coming  to  this 
••  place,  in  hardness  of  speech  for  doing  my  duty,  and 
••  for  all  things  belonging  to  my  charge.  Surely,  my 
*•  lord,  this  talk  tendeth  only  to  the  increasing  of  the 
^  eootention,  and  to  the  animating  of  the  wayward 
"*  ID  their  way  wanlness,  casting  out  dangerous  speeches 
*^  as  though  there  were  likelihood  of  some  tumult  in 
"^  refi[>ect  thereof;  whereas  in  truth,  God  be  thanked, 
•*  the  matter  groweth  to  greater  quietness  than  I 
••  think  he  wisheth,  and  wll  be  soon  quieted  if  we 
•*  be  let  alone,  and  they  not  otherwise  encouraged. 
**  It  seemeth  he  is  some  way  discontented,  and  would 
•*  work  bis  anger  on  me.  The  tongues  of  these  men 
-  taste  not  of  the  Spirit  of  God.  Your  lordship 
**  seeth  how  bohl  I  am  to  impart  unto  you  my 
•*  private  causes.  Truly  if  it  were  not  that  my  con- 
*"  Mcifuce  is  settled  in  these  matters,  and  that  I  am 
"  fiilly  iiersuailed  of  the  necessity  of  these  procinnl- 
"•  ings  in  renpcvt  of  the  |>eace  of  the  church  and  due 
**  observation  of  God's  laws,  and  that  1  received  great 


The  Church  HMtory 

■OOS  IX. 



A.u.  1584.  ^  comfort  at  her  mi^esty's  haod,  (as  I  did  moat  effec- 

Ji^.  •'  tually  at  my  last  being  at  the  court,)  and  that  1 

''  were  assured  of  your  lordship's  coDStancy  in  the 

cause,  and  of  your  unmovable  good-will  towards 

me,  I  should  l)e  hardly  able  to  endure  so  great  a 

^  burden,  which  now,  I  thank  God,  in  respect  of  the 

*'  premises  seemeth  easy  unto  me,  neither  do  I  doabt 

*'  but  God  will  therein  prosper  me.     Thus  being  de- 

'*  sirous  to  impart  this  matter  to  your  lordship,  to 

*'  whose  consideration  I  leave  it,  I  commit  you  to 

**  the  tuition  of  Almighty  God. 

"*  [From  my  house  at  Lambeth,  May  6th,  1584.] 

•*  John  Cantuar.* 

Nor  have  I  aught  else  to  say  of  this  Mr.  Beale*, 
but  that  afterwards  I  find  one  of  his  name  and  qua- 
lity dying  I6OI  S  and  buried  in  London,  at  Ailhallows 
in  the  Wall  who  by  all  proliability  should  be  the 
same  ])erson.  Now  that  the  presbyterian  party  was 
not  unfriended  at  the  council-board,  but  had  those 
there  which  (either  out  of  dictates  of  their  conscienee, 
or  reasons  of  state,  or  reflections  on  their  private 
interests)  endeavoured  to  mitigate  the  archbishop's 
pn>ceeding8  against  them,  let  their  ensuing  letter  to 
him  be  perused  ": 

•  [Stryjje  Iim  fpven  several 
inttanccn  of  the  Tulgtr  imper- 
tinence and  conceitedneM  <»f 
thin  man.  Hee  particularlv  the 
LifeofWhit^ft.  p.  14S.]' 

^  HoU*rt  lk*ale,  esq.  8t4»w't 
Surrey  of  Lcmtlun.  p.  183. 

•  [Thi»  K'tter  waii  directed 
to  Ayluier.  biahop  of  London, 
an  well  an  to  the  archbi»hop. 
A  more  c«>rrect  C(»nv  of  it  in 
printed  ia  Murrpe't  Whitgilt,  p. 

166.  But  in  justificatioii  of 
Fuller*t  accuracy,  it  mmt  be 
obnerved  that  in  general  todi 
letti^m  which  he  hait  printed, 
and  which  I  have  had  an  oppor* 
tunity  of  comparing  with  tlie  on* 
ginaln.  are  given  verv  euictlj ; 
and  thene  lettem.  which  he  pro. 
fenes  to  have  extracted  trooi 
Whitgift's  copy-book,  are  pro. 
bably  an  correctly  printed  aa 
the  rest,  although  the?  difcr 

ctjiT.  XVI.  of  Brkmn,  27 

*"  After  our  hearty  commendations  to  both  jourA.  D.1584. 
" ioffdaiiips,  although  we  have  heard  of  late  times— — -^ 
'fundrr  complaints  out  of  divers  countries  of  thisooun^w 
**  realm,  of  some  proceedings  against  a  great  number  ^^^^^op, 
•*  of  eccle«aslicml  persons,  some  parsons  of  churches,  |j/^^<J^ 
**  some  vicars,  some  curates,  but  all  preachers ;  where- *»™»*^ 
•*  by  some  were  deprived  of  their  livings,  some  sus- 
**  pended  from  their  ministry  and  preaching :  yet  we 
*"  have  forborne  to  enter  into  any  particular  exanii- 
**  nation  of  such  complaints,  thinking  that  howsoever 
**  inferior  officers  (as  chancellors,  commissaries,  arch- 
**  deacons,  and  such-like,  whose  offices  are  of  more 
^  vmiue  and  profit  by  such-like  kind  of  proceedings) 
^  might  in  such  sort  proceed  against  the  ministers 
**  of  the  church,  yet  your  lordship,  the  archbishop 
••  of  that  province  of  Canterbury,  have  besides  your 
^  general  authority  some  particular  interest  in  the 
*^  present  jurisdiction  of  sundry  bishoprics  vacant. 
**  And  you  also,  the  bishop  of  London,  both  for  your 
**  own  authority  in  your  diocese,  and  as  head  com- 
**  miaaioner  ecclesiastical,  would  have  a  pastoral  [re- 
**  gmrd]  over  the  particular  officers,  to  stay  and  tem- 
^  per  them  in  their  hasty  proceedings  against  the 
"^  minifters,  and  especially  against  such  as  do  ear- 
^  oeiUy  profess  and  instruct  the  people  against  the 
**  dangerous  sects  of  papistry ;  but  yet  of  late,  hear- 
^  mg  of  the  lamentable  estate  of  the  church  in  the 
**  coonty  of  Essex,  that  is,  of  a  great  number  of 
**  semlotis    and   learned   preachers    there  suspended 
"•  fiom  their  cures,  the  vacancy  of  the  places  for  the 

from  Btrjpe's  copin.  The  drafts  ;  and  mucIi  diHcrejuincies 

is  erident :  Strvpe  tran-  are  not  unuitual.     See  the  let* 

tbe  original t  which  were  tern  of  Fox  in  the  former  pagea 

actnmlhr  aeni  to  the  different  of  thin  Hi»torv.l 
;     Fuller    the    rough 


S8  77U  Ckureh  Hittorf  book  tx 

•^^•"384.  •*  most   part,    without    any  niinistiy  of  preaching; 

**  prayers,  and  sacraments,  and  in  some  places  oj 

certain  ap[>ointed  to  those  void  rooms,  being  per 
sous  neither  of  learning  nor  of  good  name«  and  in 
other  places  of  that  county  a  great  number  ol 
**  parsous  occupying  the  cures  being  notoriously 
*"  unfit,  most  for  lack  of  learning,  many  charged  01 
**  chargeable  with  great  and  enormous  faults,  ai 
^  drunkenness,  filthiness  of  life,  gaming  at  cards, 
*'  haunting  of  alehouses,  and  such-like,  against  whom 
^  we  hear  not  of  any  proceedings,  but  that  they  are 
**  quietly  suffered,  to  the  slander  of  the  church,  to 
**  the  offence  of  good  people,  yea  to  the  famishing  of 
''  them  for  lack  of  good  teaching,  and  thereby  dan- 
**  gerous  to  the  subverting  of  many  weaklings  from 
**  their  duties  to  God  and  the  queen's  majesty,  by 
*'  si'cret  Jesuits  and  counterfeit  ])apists;  and  having 
'*  thus  in  a  general  sort  heard  out  of  many  parts,  of 
*'  the  like,  of  this  lamentable  estate  of  the  church,  yet 
**  to  the  intent  we  should  not  be  deceived  with  the 
generality  of  re|K)rts,  we  sought  to  be  informed  of 
some  particulars,  namely,  of  some  parts  of  Kmex ; 
^*  and  having  received  the  same  credibly  in  writing,  we 
''  have  thought  it  our  duties  to  her  majesty  and  the 
**  realm,  for  the  reme<ly  hereof,  without  intermeddling 
'^  ourselves  with  your  jurisdiction  ecclesiastical,  to 
''  make  n»|K)rt  unto  your  lonlships,  as  |>ersons  thai 
**  ought  most  8{HH*ially  to  have  n^gard  thereto,  as 
**  we  ho|H»  you  will,  and  therefore  have  sent  you 
'*  hen'with  in  writing  a  catalogue  of  the  names  of 
**  |K*n»<»ns  of  sundry  natures  and  conditions;  that  is, 
•*  one  sort.  Inking  reported  to  l>e  learned,  zealous, 
''  and  giHHl  preachers,  depriv(*<l  an<l  sus|H*nded,  and 
'*  so  the  cun*8  not  stTvetl  with  meet  persons ;  the 

ciJfT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  9Q 

"  other  sort  a  number  of  persons,  having  cures,  being  a.  d.  1584. 

mt\    CI* 

•  in  sundry  sorts  far  unmeet  for  any  offices  in  the  !!l- 

*•  church,  for  their  many  defects  and  im|>erfections, 
•*  and  so,  as  it  seems  by  the  reports,  have  been  and 
**tre  suffered  to  continue  without  reprehension  or 
••  any  other  proceedings  against  them,  and  thereby  a 
"  great  number  of  Christian  people  untaught,  a  mat- 
••  ter  very  lamentable  in  this  time ;  in  a  third  sort  a 
**  number  having  double  livings  with  cure,  and  so 
•*  not  resident  ujwn  their  cures,  but  yet  enjoying  the 
*•  benefit  of  their  benefices  without  any  personal 
*"  attendance  upon  their  cures.  Against  all  these 
**  aorta  of  lewd,  evil,  unprofitable,  and  corrupt  mem- 
**  bers,  we  hear  of  no  inquisition,  nor  of  any  kind  of 
^  proceeding  to  the  reformation  of  those  horrible 
••  offences  in  the  church,  but  yet  of  great  diligence, 
"^  yea«  and  extremity  used  against  those  that  are 
**  known  diligent  preachers.  Now  therefore  we,  for 
*•  the  discharge  of  oiu-  duties,  being  by  our  vocation 
•*  under  her  majesty  bound  to  be  careful  that  the 
*•  universal  realm  may  be  well  governed,  to  the 
••  honour  and  glory  of  God,  and  to  the  discharge  of 
••  her  majesty,  being  the  principal  governor  over  all 
"  her  subjects  under  Almighty  God,  do  most  ear- 
**  nestly  desire  your  lordshi|)S  to  take  some  charitable 
•*  consideration  of  these  causes,  that  the  i)eople  of  / 
•*  the  realm  may  not  be  deprived  of  their  pastors, 
^  being  diligent,  leame<l,  and  zealous,  tlu»ugh  in 
•*  M>me  points  ceremonial,  they  may  seem  doubtful 
••  onlv  in  conscience,  and  not  of  wilfulness  ;  nor  that 
-  their  cures  be  suffered  to  he  vacant  without  good 
**  |«stors,  nor  that  such  as  l>e  place<l  in  the  rooms 
••  of  cures  lie  insufficient  for  leaniing  or  unmeet  for 
**  their  conversation.     And  though  the  notes  which 


The  Church  HtMtory 

woom  tx. 





A.D.  1584.  ^^  we  send  you  be  only  of  parsons  belonging  to 
-! — ^—  *'  yet  we  pray  you  to  look  into  the  rest  of  the  oonii- 
''  try  in  many  other  dioceses;  for  we  have  and  do 
*'  hear  daily  of  the  like  in  generality  in  many  other 
*'  places,  but  we  have  not  sought  to  have  their  par- 
'*  ticulars  so  manifestly  delivered  of  other  plaoea  as 
"  of  Essex,  or  rather,  to  say  the  truth,  of  one  oomer 
of  the  country.  And  we  shall  be  most  glad  to 
hear  of  your  cares  to  be  taken  for  remedy  of  these 
*^  enormities,  so  as  we  be  not  troubled  hereafter,  or 
hear  of  the  like  complaints  to  continue ;  and  so 
we  bid  your  good  lordships  right  heartily  farewell. 
''  [Dated  from  Oatlands,  the  20th  of  September, 

^'  Your  Lordships'  loving  Friends, 

"  William  Burley, 
George  Shrewsbury, 
A.  Warwick, 
"*  R.  Leicester, 
"  C.  Howard, 
"  I.  Croft, 

*'  Christopher  Hatton, 
•*  Francis  WALsmoHAM  «." 



^  [Upon  this  letter,  which 
was  procured  froui  the  privy 
council  by  the  dincimtented 
mtniiteni  of  KMex,  princi|mlly 
through  the  mediation  of  M»me 
potent  courtiem.  who  conceived 
that  they  might  lient  pronit»te 
their  denigmi  upon  the  church 
liuids  by  diittering  this  discon- 
tented IMrty,  honest  Stry|H* 
makes  the  following  olim^rva- 
lion  :  *'  This  letter  of  the  lords, 
'*  JO  careful  Jor  ike  good  rslale 
"  f»f  the  church,  was  grounded 

"  chiefly,  as  we  aee.  upon  sur- 
"  mises  which  they  had  takes 
*'  up  from  the  infcurmatioii  and 
*'  reports  of  the  disaffected 
"  faction  concerning  the  great 
"  abilities  and  learning  of  them* 
*'  strives,  and  the  ignorance  and 
*'  scandahms  livca  of  the  obcu 

"  dient  and  conformable  clergy; 
**  which,  however,  %vaa  in  a 
"  gr(*at  part  false  and  uneha- 
"  riubly  given  out."  The 
weakness  and  ignorance  of  this 
•elf-c«Miceited  party  has   been 

ciVT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  SI 

Amongst  these  privy  counsellors  I  miss  one  who  a.  n  1584. 

WIS  mainly  material,  namely,  sir  Francis  Knowles,  __! !!l- 

tieasurer  of  the  queen's  household,  and  knight  of 
tfae  garter,  father-in-law  to  the  earl  of  Leicester,  and 
no  less  considerable  in  himself  than  in  his  relations. 
This  knight  being  bred  a  banished  man  in  Germany 
during  the  reign  of  queen  Mary,  and  conversing  with 
Mr.  Calvin  at  Geneva,  was  never  after  fond  of  epi- 
scopacy, and  though  now  casually  absent  from  the 
eonncil-board,  was  a  great  patron  of  the  noncon- 
formists > .  But  see  the  archbishop's  answer  to  their 

^  It  may  please  your  good  lordships  to  be  adver-  The  mreh. 
-  tised  that  I  have  received  yoxir  letters  of  the  twen- Jjj^to'tha 
**  tiethof  this  month*, with  a  schedule  inclosed  therein,  JIJ^^!,'?!!^" 
**  concerning  certain  ministers  in  Essex  ;  whereunto  ^^ 
**  as  yet  I  cannot  make  any  full  answer,  by  reason  of 
•*  the  absence  of  my  lord  of  London,  to  whom  the 
**  letter  is   also   directed,  and    the   parties  therein 
^  named  best  known  as  being  in  his  diocese.  Never- 
**  theless,  in  the  mean  time,  I  thought  it  my  part  to 
**  signify  unto  your  lordships  that  I  hope  the  infor- 
^  mation  to  be  in  most  parts  unjust.     Certain  men 
*  being  in  and  about  Maldon,  because  they  cannot 
^  have  such  among  them   as  by  disorderliuess  do 
^  best  content  their  humours,  did  not  long  since  in 
**  like  manner,  in  a  generality,  make  an  information 

ollffB  eaough  expoced.  but  tbey     Burghlej,  full  indeed  of  crude 
not  cetied  to  repeat  the     notions  and  bad  reaMining.J 

£daeboodi   against   men  '  [A  more  correct  copy  of 

«ocb    iriaer   and   better   than  this  letter  will  also  be  found  in 

Irea.]  Stry pe's  Whitgift,  p.  1 67 .  ] 

[In    confirmation  of   this  *  [September.] 
his  letter  to  lord 


8S  7%«  Church  Hisiary  book  tx. 

A.D.  1584.'' to  the  same  eflfect,  which  coniinir  to  mine  and 

gr    CI*  ^^ 

1 "  others'  hands  of  the  ecclesiastical  commission,  we 

did   direct   our  letters  to  some  of  the   principal 
of  them  by  name,  requiring  them  to  exhibit  unto 
us,  at  the  beginning  of  this  next  term  now  next 
ensuing,  the  names  of  such  offensive  ministers  as 
**  they  thought  to  be  touched  with  such  dishonest 
^  conversation,  together  with   their  proofB  thereof, 
•*  promising  on  our  parts  to  see  the  same  redresse*! 
*^  accordingly.    It  seemeth  by  this  which  is  exhibited 
now  to  your  lordships  they  have  prevented  the 
time,  hoping  thereby  to  alter  the  course.     ^Vhere- 
"  unto  it  tendeth,  I  leave  to  your  lordships'  consider- 
ation.    Surely  if  the  ministers  be   such   as   this 
schedule  reporteth,  they  are  worthy  to  be  griev- 
•*  ously  punished ;  and,  for  my  own  part,  I  will  not 
*^  be  slack  or  remiss  (God  willing)  therein ;  but  if 
that  fall  out  otherwise  upon  trial,  and  that  they  or 
many  of  them,  in  respect  of  their  obedience  to 
her  majesty's  laws,  he  thus  depraved  by  such  as 
impugn  the  same,  then  T  doubt  not  but  your  lord- 
ship will  judge  those  accusers  to  deserve  just  pu- 
nishment.    Tliis  I  can  assure  your  lonlshipe  of, 
that  my  lord  of  London  affirmed  in  my  hearing 
that  not  long  since,  upon  that  occasion  that  none 
or  few,  at  his  or  his  archdeacon's  visitations,  had 
at  any  time  by  the  churchwanlens  or  sworn  men 
been  dett»cte<l   or  presented   for  any  such  misde- 
meanors as  are  now  8up|>osiMl  against  them.     Of 
the  preachers  which  are  said  to  be  put  there  to 
silence,  I  know  but  few ;  notwithstanding  I  know 
"  those  few  to  be  vc»ry  factious  in  the  church,  con- 
temners in  sundry  |>oints  of  the  i^cclesiastical  laws, 
and  chief  authors  of  discpiietness  in  that  part  of 




ciiTT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  33 

**the  country;  and  such  as  I,  for  my  part,  cannot  ad.  1584. 

**  (doing  my  duty  with  a  good    conscience)  suffer 

**  without  their  further  conformity  to  execute  their 
*^  ministry.  But  your  lordships  (God  willing)  shall 
"*  haYe  a  more  particular  answer  to  every  point  of 
"  your  letter  when  my  lord  of  London,  who  is  now 
"  at  bis  house  in  the  country,  and  I  shall  meet  and 
**  have  conferred  thereupon.  In  the  mean  time  I 
"*  trust  that  neither  there  nor  elsewhere  within  this 
••  province,  either  by  myself  or  others  of  my  brethren, 
""  any  thing  is  or  shall  be  done  which  doth  not  tend 
"  to  the  peace  of  the  church,  the  working  of  obe- 
**  dience  to  laws  established,  the  encouragement  of 
*"  the  most,  the  godliest,  and  most  leamedest  minis- 
**  ters  in  this  church  of  England,  and  to  the  glory 
**  of  God  ;  to  whose  protection  I  commit  your  good 
**  lordships. 

[•*  Dated    from   Croydon,    September  the   27th, 
- 1584."] 

Now  although  we  find  sir  Christopher  Hatton 
(for  company's  sake,  as  we  humbly  conceive  it) 
amongst  the  privy  counsellors,  subscribing  for  mode- 
nUioD  to  nonconformists,  yet  we  take  him  to  be  a 
sealous  stickler  for  the  pressing  church  ceremony; 
and  although  I  look  on  the  words  of  the  Jesuit  as  a 
mere  scandal,  when  he  saith  that  this  Hatton  was 
animo  catholicus^  (a  ))api8t  in  his  heart ",)  yet  I  know 
him  to  be  no  favourer  of  the  presbyterian  party,  but  a 
great  countenancer  of  Whitgift's  proceedings  against 
them,  as  appears  by  the  following  address  of  the  arch- 
bishop unto  him  : 

*  Petrr  UikNMlenrini  in  liih  Appendix  tu  Stindem,  p.  41. 
rCLLKS,  VOL.  v.  u 


The  Church  Hisioty 


A.  D.  1584. 
a6  EUs. 


to  tir 


•'  To  sir  ChrUtoplier  Hatton  ^ 

"  Right  Honourable, 
"  I  give  you  most  hearty  thanks  for  that  ma^t 
"  friendly  message  which  you  sent  unto  me  by  your 
^'  man,  Mr.  Kemp.  I  shall  think  myself  bound  unto 
**  you,  therefore,  as  long  as  I  live.  It  hath  not  a 
•*  little  comforted  me,  having  received  not  long  since 
unkind  speeches  where  I  least  looked  for  them, 
only  for  doing  my  duty  in  the  most  necessary  bu- 
^  siness  which  I  have  in  hand  ^.     I  marvel  bow  it 



^  [The  principiil  part  of  this 
letter  is  in  Stryp^e's  Whitgift, 
p.  224,  who  ha«  given  the  date 
of  it  to  July  16,  1585.] 

c  [He  refers  to  lord  Bur- 
leigh, a  censure  which  that 
statesman  richly  deserves,  who 
with  his  characteristic  wiliness 
was  anxiuUH  to  press  confor- 
mity for  political  pur|K>ses, 
though  caring  very  little  ab<»ut 
it  in  a  religious  point  of  view. 
Thus  while  at  one  time  his  let- 
ttrs  betray  an  anxiety  for  hav- 
ing nonconformists  punished 
and  brought  before  the  bishops, 
at  other  times  he  riHjuests  that 
they  may  not  be  molested  ;  de- 
siring onlvto  hhuffle  off  from  his 
own  shoulders  and  from  the  go- 
vernuient  the  risk  and  responsi- 
bility of  their  nuniHhment.  It 
will  lie  sufficient  to  refer  to 
various  po|H*rs  put  forth  at  this 
time  in  proof  of  thin  Ntateinent. 
ThuH  in  a  proclamation  dated 
Greenwich.  Oct.  20.  1573.  it  is 
statetl  "  that  the  quet*n'ii  mu- 
*•  jestv.  U*ing  right  sorry  to 
*'  unaerstand  that  the  order  of 
"  common  prayer  is  now  of  late 

*'  of  tome  men  despised  and 
"  spoken  against,  both  by  open 
*'  preachings  and  writinfla,  and 
"  of  some  bold  and  vain  cu- 
"  rious  men,  and  other  rites 
"  found  out  and  frequented ; 
"  whereupon  contentions,  secta, 
*'  and  disquietuess  doth  arise 
**  among  her  people,  and  for 
"  one  godly  and  uniform  order 
'*  diversity  of  rites  and  ceremo. 
"  nies,  disputations  and  con- 
"  tentions,  schisms  and  divi- 
••  sions,  [are]  already  risen : 
"  the  cause  of  which  disorders 
'*  her  majesty  doth  plainly  on. 
"  derstand  to  be  the  negligence 
"  of  the  bishops  and  other  nuu 
"  gistrates.  who  should  cause 
"  the  good  laws  and  acts  of 
*'  parliament  made  in  this  be 
"  half  to  be  better  executed. 
"  and  not  so  dissembled  and 
*'  winked  at.'*. . . .  UpcHi  which 
the  qu(H*n  ctimmands  them  tn 
put  the  act  of  uniformity  &c. 
m  execution  "  with  all  dili. 
"  gence  and  severity,  neither 
"  favouring  nor  dissembling 
"  with  one  i>er»on  nor  other.** 
....  They  are  also  to  inquire 


of  Britain. 


**  should  come  to  pass  that  the  selfsame  persons  will  a.d.  1584. 

•*  seem  to  wish  peace  and  unifonnity  in  the  church, '- 

*"  and  to  mislike  of  the  contentious  and  disobedient 
**  sort,  cannot  abide  that  any  thing  should  be  done 
*•  against  them,  wishing  rather  the  whole  ministry  of 
*^  the  land  to  be  discountenanced  and  discouraged, 
••  than  m  few  wayward  persons  (of  no  account  in 
"*  comparison)  suppressed  and  punished.  Men,  in 
•*  executing  the  laws  according  to  their  duties,  were 
••  wont  to  be  encouraged  and  backed  by  such,  but 
*•  now  it  falleth  out  clean  contrary.  Disobedient 
•*  wilful  iiersons  (I  wll  term  them  no  worse)  are  ^ 
^  animated,  laws  contemned,  her  majesty's  will  and 



aad  bmre  tuch  puniHhed  as 
Mglect  coming  to  the  common 
pnjer  &c.  *'  with  more  care 
aiid  diligence  than  heretofore 
hath  been  done:  the  which 
negligence  hath  been  cause 
*'  why  such  ditorden  have  of 
'*  late  now  to  much  and  in  so 
*'  many  places  increased  and 
"  grown."  And  in  a  letter 
from  the  council,  where  the 
mme  things  are  urged  in  even 
stfougei  terms,  and  the  bishops 
are  slraitly  ordered  *'to  take 
"  a  more  vigilant  eye  to  thi« 
'*  nniliNinity  ....  and  to   see 

^  that   in   no  one  church 

"  there  be  any  difformity.  &c." 
They  then  proceed  to  say  that 
*'  ncHhing  is  required  but  that 
"  [the]  godly  and  seemly  orders 
'*  allowed  by  the  queen's  ma- 
**  jesty  and  the  whole  realm  be 
••  kept.  The  which,  except  ye 
*'  did  %rink  at  and  dissemble, 
'*  there  needed  not  these  new 
"  proclamations  and  straight 
'*  callings     upon."       Wilkins' 

Cone.  IV.  278-9.  Indeed  the 
very  same  cumplaint  which  is 
here  made  by  Whitgift  was 
also  made  by  his  predecessor, 
archbishop  Parker,  (see  Strype's 
Parker,  213,  226;)  so  that  the 
remark  of  Strvpe  is  perfectly 
correct,  in  reference  to  that 
archbishop,  **  that  he  liked  not 
"  the  work,  especially  being 
"  accompanied  with  so  much 
"  severity,  but  it  was  out  of 
"  obedience  t<i  the  queen,  who 
'*  was  continually  calling  upon 
"  him,  and  ordering  the  secre- 
"  tarv  to  write  to  him  to 
"  quicken  him.  But  finding 
••  his  own  inability  to  do  her 
••  that  service  she  required  of 
"  him,  he  very  often  and  ear- 
**  nestly  sent  to  the  secretary 
•'  that  the  queen's  council  might 
"  Htand  by  him  with  their  au- 
**  tliority.      Hut  he  could  not 


'•  obtain  hin  desire ;  thereupon 
"  he  made  a  ^top  in  his  pro- 
*•  ceedings."     Mrype.  ib.  226.I 




86  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.D.  1584*  **  pleasure  little  regarded,  and  the  executors  thereof 

**  in  word  and  deed  abused.     Howbeit  these  over- 

**  thwarts  grieve  me,  yet  I  thank  God  thej  cannot 
withdraw  me  from  doing  that  dutj  in  this  canse 
which  I  am  persuaded  God  Himself,  her  miyestr, 
*^  the  laws,  and  the  state  of  this  church  and  com- 
^  monwealth  do  require  of  me ;  in  respect  whereof  I 
am  content  to  sustain  all  these  displeasures*  and 
fullj  resolved  not  to  depend  upon  man,  but  upon 
**  God  and  her  majesty ;  and  therefore  your  honour, 
^  in  offering  me  that  great  courtesy,  offered  unto  me 
^*  as  great  a  pleasure  as  I  can  desire.  Her  miyest  j 
**  must  be  my  refuge,  and  I  beseech  you  that  I  may 
''  use  you  as  a  means  when  occasion  shall  serve, 
*'  whereof  I  assure  myself,  and  therein  rest. 

**  John  Cantuar.** 

As  for  the  lord  Burleigh,  such  was  his  moderation 
that  both  parties  beheld  him  as  their  friend,  carrying 
matters  not  with  passion  and  prejudice,  but  pru- 
dently, as  became  so  great  a  statesman.  He  was 
neither  so  rigid  as  to  have  conformity  pressed  to  the 
height,  nor  so  remiss  as  to  leave  ministers  to  their 
own  liberty ;  he  would  argue  the  case,  both  in  dis- 
course and  by  letters,  with  the  archbishop.  Amongst 
many  of  the  latter  kind,  let  not  the  reader  grudge  to 
jieruse  this  here  inserted  •* : 

TVcrm.  *'  It  may  plc*ase  your  grace,  1  am  sorry  to  trouble 
10  Uw  mtIi.  *^  you  so  often  as  I  do,  but  I  am  more  troubled 
Mm0^i!d^i.^  myself,  not  only  with  many  private  petitions  of 


**   [Tliifk  lett(*r  in  not  tii  lt»r<l  Muncum.  So,  jo2  (L).     It  is 

Burleigh's  hand,  but  in  that  of  also  printeil  in  Strype'a  Whit* 

bit  trcretarj.  now  among  the  gift.  Append,  n  65.     8.  Copy 

LanMlowne  MS8.  in  the  British  in  the  ^te  Paper  Oftce.] 

ccNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  S7 

'^ioiidrj  ministers  recommended    for'  persons  oFa.d.  1584. 

** credit,  and* for  peaceable  persons  in  their  minis- 

*"  try,  and  yet  by  complaint  to  your  grace  and  other 
^yoar  colleagues  in  commission  greatly  troubled; 
^  bat  also  I  am  daily  now  ^  charged  by  counsellors 
**  and  public  persons  to  neglect  my  duty,  in  not 
"*  stajring  of  those  your  grace's  proceedings,  so  vefae- 
**  ment  and  so  general  against  ministers  and  preach- 
•*  era,  as  the  papists  are  thereby  greatly  ^  encou- 
*^  raged,  and  ^  all  evil-disposed  persons  amongst  the  ^ 
**  subjects  animated,  and  thereby  the  queen's  ma- 
**je8ty's  safety  endangered.  With  these  kind  of 
**  arguments  I  am  daily  assailed ;  against  which  I 
^  answer,  that  I  think  your  grace  doth  nothing  but, 
**  being  duly  examined,  tendeth  to  the  maintenance 
**'  of  the  religion  established,  and  to  avoid  schisms 
**  in  the  church.  I  also  have,  for  example,  shewed  . 
**  by  '  your  papers  sent  to  me  how  fully  the  church 
^  is  furnished  with  preachers,  and  how  small  a  num- 
^  ber  there  are  that  do  contend  for  their  singularity. 
**  Bat  these  reasons  do  not  satisfy  all  persons,  neither 
**  do  1  seek  to  satisfy  all  persons  ^  but  with  reason 
**  and  truth.  But  now,  my  good  lord,  by  chance  I 
^  baTe  come  to  the  sight  of  an  instrument  of  twenty- 
**  fbor  Articles  of  great  length  and  curiosity,  formed 
*"  in  a  Romish  style,  to  examine  all  manner  of  minis- 
**  ters  in  this  time  without  distinction  of  persons, 
"*  which  Articles  are  intituled  apud  Lambeth^  Mail 
**  1584,  to  be  executed  ex  officio  merOy  &c.  And 
*'  upon  this  occasion  I  have  seen  them :  T  did  recom- 
**  mend    unto   your  grace's   fiavour   two    ministers. 

iffOBUH.         aaodMi.  L.S.        3  now  daOir  L.  8.         ^  geomndlyU 
S  tmd  &m.  L.  H.  6  paraoat  amon^  tlw  mm,  L.  S.  7  opon  ll  S. 




38  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.D  1584.'*  curates  of  Cambridgeshire,  to  be  favourably  heard, 

-—  **  and  your  grace  wrote  to  nie  that  ^  they  were  con- 

''  tentious,  seditious,  and  persons  vagrant  ^^  main- 
**  tiiining^^  this  controversy;  wherewith  I  charged 
them  sharply,  and  they  both  denied  those  ^^  charges, 
and  required  to  be  tried,  and  so  to  receive  punish- 
^  meut.  I  answered  that  ^^  your  gimoe  would  so 
charge  them,  and  then  I  should  see  afterwards  ^^ 
what  they  should  deserve,  and  advised  them  to 
resort  to  your  grace,  comforting  them  that  they 
•*  should  find  favourable  proceedings,  and  so  I  hope  ** 
**  upon  my  fonner  commendations  the  rather  *^. 
"  What  may  be  said  to  them  I  know  not,  nor  whe- 
"  ther  they  have  been  ^^  so  faulty  as  your  grace  hath 
**  been  informed  do  I  know ;  neither  do  I  mean  to 
treat  for  to  favour  ***  such  men,  for  pardon  I  may 
s|)eak  u|>on  their  amendment.  But  now,  they 
**  coming  to  me,  I  offer ^^  how  your  grace®  pro- 
••  ceeded  with  them  ;  they  say  they  are  commanded 
^  to  1)0  examined  by  the  register  at  Ix)ndon,  and 
I  asked  them  whereof.  They  said  of  a  great '^* 
numl>er  of  Articles,  but  they  could  have  no  copies 
of  them.  I  answered  that*^  they  might  answer® 
to  the*-**  truth.  Tliey  said  that  they®  were  so 
^  many  in  number,  and  so  divers,  as  they  were  afraid 
•*  to  answer'^  them,  for  fear  of  captious  interpreta- 
tion. UjK)n  this  1  sent  for*-^  the  register,  who 
brought  mi*  the  Articles,  which  I  have  read,  and 
find  HO  curiously  |>enne<],  so  full  of  branches  and 




0  thai  (NN.  L       10  «tt)(ntiic  prt>imA  S.      1 1    u>  niainuiiii  !»  S.      1  j   tfa«H>  S. 
I.)  I  thoiiicht  L  S.  14  aftrrwAitl*  mv  l*.S  15  bofird  th«  nthrr  1^.  S. 

ifi  ih^  ruthrr  (kn    I.  S        l  7   i^r  !«.  >.      t8  riitn«t  )iNir  l«N^l«lti|i  fattmr  to  I^. 
miiritc  U*r  fatiKir  l«>r  mu-Ii  S*».  \t}  mid  I  rfftkiitg  ii(  ihrtii  Ij.     and  I  aaking^ 

ihen\  S  ;o  hath   U  K  ?i  ffjrut  om   l«.  11  ilirii  I*  S  ij  ar- 

mrdiiH;  Is.  i^.  I4  ihr  **m.  I«  S.  2t  tl»rrr  I..     tlir\'  S  16  10  L. 

uniu  K.         j;  ui  S. 

cciTT.  VTi.  of  Britain.  89 

*^  circumstances,  that  ^  I  think  the  inquisitions  ^  of  a.\d.  1584. 

**  Spain  use  not  so  many  questions  to  comprehend  \^^^ 

^  and  to  entrap  •*  their  ^^  preys.     I  know  your  ca- 

"*  Donists  can  defend  these  with  all  their  particles, 

**  but  surely  under  your  grace's  correction  this  judi- 

**  cial   and  canonical  siftner  ^  of  poor  ministers  is 

•*  not  to  edify  and  ^  reform ;  and  in  charity  I  think    - 

**  they  ought  not  to  answer  to  all  these  nice  points, 

**  except  they  were  very  notorious  offenders  in  pa- 

••  pistry  or  heresy.     Now,  good  my  ^  lord,  bear  with 

•*  my  scribbling :  I  write  with  ^  testimony  of  a  good 

•*  conscience ;    I  desire  the  peace  of  the  church,  I 

•*  desire    concord  •*^,  and   unity  in  the    exercise   of 

•*  our^  religion;!  fear*  no  sensual  and^  wilful 

**  recusant ;  but  I  conclude  that,  according  to  my 

*^  simple  judgment,  this  kind  of  proceeding  is  too 

^  much  favouring  ^  the  Romish  inquisition,  and  is  > , 

^  rather  a  device  to  seek  for  offenders  than  to  reform 

"*  anv.     This  was  ^'  not  that  charitable  instruction 

^  that  I  thought  was  intended  of  ^  these  poor  minis- 

^  ters  should  in  some  few  points  have  any  scrupu- 

^  I0U8  conceptions^  to  be   removed,  this  is  not  a 

^  charitable  way,  to  send  them  to  answer  to  your 

**  common  register,  upon  so  many  Articles  at  one 

^  instant,  without  ^  commodity  of  instruction  by  your 

••  register,  whose  office  is  only  to  receive  their  an- 

•*  swers,  by  which  the  parties  are  first  ^  subject  to 

•*  condemnation  before  they  be  taught  their  errors : 

*^  it  may  be,  I  say,  that  ^  canonists  may  maintain  this 

•*  pmreciling  by   rules   of  their   laws,   but    though 

iS  M  L.  K.  19  inquiftiUirt  I*,  8.  30  trap  L.  3 1  and  trap  their  8. 
3J  «ftiiifr  L.  S.  33  or  L.  8.  34  my  good  L.  35  a  L.  8.  36  I 
dninr  «mcord  em.  8.  37  oar  om.  8.  38  favour  L.  8.  39  or  8. 

40  <i£  I«.  8.        4 1  is  L.  S.         4>  if  1^*  8.         43  meec  U.  8.        44  any  L. 
45  HMdr  8  46  U,  as  I  taid,  the  L.  8. 




40  The  CkmrcA  /&lory  looK  ix. 

A  D.  1584.**  omnia  lieent^^  omnia  mom  ejrpedimmi.     I  prmj  jour 

— **  grace  bear  this,  (and  perchance  a  fiialt  ^,)  that  I 

^  have  willed  them  not  to  answer  these  Articles, 
^  except  their  consciences  maj  sofier  them ;  and  jet 
^  I  have  shaq>lT  admonished  them,  that  if  they  be 
^  disturbers  in  their  churches  thej  most  be  corrected ; 
and  jet,  upon  jour  grace*s  answer  to  me  ^,  ne  Mutor 
tdtra  crepidamj  neither  will  I  ^^t  faleem  in  aUe- 
rius^  messem.  Mj  paper  teacheth  me  to  make 
**  an  ^'  end.  Your  grace  must  pardon  mj  hastj 
'^  writing,  for  that  ^  I  have  done  this  raptim  and 
**  without  correction.  ^ 

*'  Your  Grace's,  at  command, 

[1  Julv,  1584. J  **  WiLUAM  BUROHLEY." 

One  may  saj,  is  not  the  hand  of  Mr.  Travers  in 
all  this?  who,  being  the  lord  Burghlej^s  chaplain, 
bj  him  much  respected,  and  highly  affected  to  the 
Geneva  discipline,  was  made  the  mouth  of  the 
ministers,  to  mediate  to  his  lord  in  their  behalf. 
But  it  seems  the  archbishop  had  set  up  his  reso- 
lution, (calle<l  constancj  bj  some,  crueltj  by  others, 
as  they  stand  affected.)  whose  unmovableness  herrin 
will  appear  by  his  following  letter: 

•'  To  the  Lord  Treasurer*. 

'•  My  HJiiprular  go<Kl  Liord, 
^J*J^^^*      '*  In   the   very  bt^ginning  of  this   action,  and  so 
»»w»<n»«»f    **  fnm\   time  to  time,   I  have   made  vour  lonlship 

('4uil0Hiunr  '  ■ 

10  th*  lord' 

UvMuivr'a        4;   yri  L.        48  onr  (piTrhiim-r  m)  fault  L.  S.       49  I   wiJi  kmrt  thtm  to 
IcCtrr.  >(Mir  MiUinnty*  um  Imnnntih  uw  l«.  S.  50  uhemmm  S,  51   rnftk*  an 

OM.  I*.  S.  51   that  fMN.  I^  53   I  Julii,  1584. 

'  [I^nnd.  MS.  No  42.orig.  Sr«8trype'tWhitgift,  App.  p. 64.] 

cxxT.  xvL  of  Britain.  41 

**  acquainted  with  all  my  doings,  and  so  answered  all  a.  d.  1584. 
''olgections  and  reasons  to  the  contrary,  as  I  {>er- 


'ffoade  myself^  no  just  reply  can  be  made  there- 

**  unto.     I  have  likewise,  by  your  lordship's  advice, 

**  choeen  this  kind  of  proceeding  with  them,  because 

"  I  would  not  touch  any  for  not  subscribing  only, 

•*  bat  for  breach  of  order  in  celebrating  of  ^  divine 

**  service,  administering  the  sacraments,  and  execut- 

*"  ing  other  ecclesiastical  functions,  according  to  their 

''fiuiciea,  and  not  according  to  the  form  of^  law 

*  prescribed,  which  neither  your  lordship  nor  any 

*"  other  ^  seemed  to  mislike,  but  to  wish  and  require ; 

'*tod  therefore  I  am  much  troubled  at  your  last 

**  letters,  which  seem  so  to  be  written  as  though 

**  joar  lorddiip  had  not  been  in  these  points  already 

**  answered  ^.     The  complaints  which  your  lordship 

"  ttuth  are  made  of  me,  and  ^  other  my  colleagues, 

"^  have  hitherto  been  ^  general,  and  therefore  cannot 

**  otherwise  be  answered  but  ^  by  a  bare  denial ;  but 

**  if  aay  man  shall  charge  me  or  them  with  parti- 

**  colarities,  I  doubt  not  but  we  are  and  shall  be 

**  ready  to  answer  them,  and  to  justify  our  doings. 

**  My  proceedings  are  neither  so  vehement  nor  so 

**  general  against  ministers  and  preachers  as  some 

-  pretend,  doing  me  therein  great  injury ;  ^  I  have  >/ 

**  divers '®  times  satisfied  your  lordship  therein.     If 

**  any  offence  be,  ^'  it  is  in  bearing  too  much  with 

^  them,  and  ^  using  of  them  so  friendly  ^\  which 

"  causeth  them  thus,  contrary  to  their  duty,  to  trou- 

"*  ble  the  church,  and  to  withstand  me  their  ordi- 

I  thm  L*.          >  of  am.  L.          3  l»]r  L.          4  ociMn  L.          5  and  aatit- 

iai  L.           6  nf  L.          7  hem  hitherto  U          8  than  L.      *  9  and  L. 

10  mtmirj  U.         1 1  If  I  haw  mny  wmT  oABoded  L.         11  in  L«  13  too 



42  The  Church  Hutory  book  ix. 

A. D.I 584. *<  nary  and  lawfiil  judge.     The  objection  of  encou- 

**  i^n?  ^^^  papists  &c.  hath  neither  probability  nor 

**  likelihood ;  for  how  can  papists  be  animated  by 
^'  urging  of  men  to  subscribe  against  the  pope^s 
**  supremacy  ?  and  **  to  the  justifying  of  the  Book  of 
Common  Prayers,  and  ^^  Articles  of  Religion,  *• 
which  they  so  greatly  condemn  ?  Bat  ^  papists 
&c.  are  animated  because  they  see  these  kind  of 
^  persons  (which  herein  after  a  sort  come  in  ^  with 
**  them)  so  greatly  *^  so  many  borne  with,  and  so 
'*  animated  and  maintained  ^  in  their  disordered 
*'  doings,  against  both  God's  laws  and  man's  *^^  and 
**  against  their  chief  governors,  both  ^  civil  and 
'*  ecclesiastical.  This,  I  say,  encourageth  the  papists, 
and  maketh  much  for  them  ^ ;  the  other  is  bat  a 
fallacy  ^9  a  non  causa  ad  causam.  O  my  lord, 
*'  I  ^  would  to  God  some  of  those  ^  who  use  this 
''  argument  had  no  papists  in  their  families,  and 
^  did  not  otherwise  also  countenance  them ;  whereby 
indeed  they  receive  encouragement,  [and  do  be- 
come too  malapert.  '^  Assure  yourself*  the 
papists  are  rather  grieved  at  my  proceedings*, 
because  they  tend  to  the  taking  away  of  their 
chief  argument  ;  that  is,  that  we  cannot  agree 
**  among  ourselves,  and  that  we  are  not  of  the 
**  church,  because  we  lack  unity**.  And  I  am  cr&- 
^  dibly  informed  that  the  ]>apists  give  encourage- 
**  ment  to  these  men,  and  conmiend  them  in  their 
^  doings,  whereof  I  have  also  some  experience.     Bat 




ffd  !«.      30  aiMl  iiMiiiUiiMVl  aw.  L       21   Uw  !«.  a  \nnh  om.  I«.     aj  thfm  •• 

iiMUafhTt  I..  f-«*r      24  fttlUji  l«.      25   I  <!«•.  I4.  26  ilupin  L.     27   [     ]  crmami 

n*ti  in  Is,          2N  ih«i  L           Hf  tUnnf%  !«.  30  lark  iinitjr,  and  thrrtCoM 
41V  tun  (4  tht*  rhiirrh  1^. 

cur.  XVI.  if  Britain.  43 

"V  these  reasons  and  sundry  others,  notwitlistand-A.D.  1584. 

•  ing  some  will  not  be  satisfied  thereby  "^^  I  am  sure        ~  -1 

'^  jonr  lordship  thinketh  it  not  ^  convenient  to  yield 

"  onto  *  their  wills,  but  unto  their  reasons  •^.  Touch-      '   ^ 

■  ti^  the  twenty-four  Articles,  which  your  lordship 

"seeraeth  so^  to  mislike,  as  written  in  a  Romish 

'^stjle^  smelling  of  a^  Romish  inquisition,  I  cannot 

•*  bat   greatly  marvel  at  your  lordship's  vehement 

'^  speeches    against    them,  I    hope  without    cause. 

•*•*'  [The  men  are  preachers,  peaceable,  your  lordship 

**  smith,  and  that  they  are  orderly,  and  observe  the 

^  books,  as  some  of  them  say  of  themselves ;  and 

^  joa  think  it  not  meet  that,  being  such  persons, 

••  they  should  be  deprived  for  not  subscribing  only, 

•*  wherein  I  have  yielded  unto  you,  ^  and  therefore 

••  have  caused  these  Articles  to  be  drawn  according 

••  to  law,  by  the  best  learned  in  the  laws,  who  I 

^  dare  say  hate  the  Romish  doctrine  and  the  Romish 

^  inquisition,  to  the  intent  I  may  truly  understand 

**  whether  they  are  such  manner  of  men  or  no  as 

•*  they  pretend  to  be,  which   I  also  take  to  be]  •'* 

-  the  ordinary  course  in  other  courts  ^ ;  as  in  the 

•*  Star-chamber,  *^  and  other  places.     [Sure  I  am  it 

'*  is   most    usual    in   the   Court    of    the    Marches, 

*•  (Arches  rather,)  whereof  I  have  the  best   expe- 

••  rience.]      And  without  offence  be   it    spoken,   I 

•*  think  these  Articles  *^  more  tolerable,  and  better 

fing  Hith  the  rule  of  justice  and  charity,  and 

J I   wUI  tuK  Mtttfy  ■onie  L.         33  will  not  think  it  L.         33  unto  tim,  I4. 
34  m  ilk<ut  rr%um\  L.  35  uiucli  L.  36  the  L.  .^7  Vcrttit  inter  [     J 

^i0*»m  mm,  I*.  jS  I  do  mtnt»Urr  lluw  urticlet  unto  thtnn*  fninitHl  hy  thf» 
Im  haiiiwl  in  the  liiw»,  hUo  I  ilare  say  hau*  U>t)i  tl  t*  Roini«»h  dottriiit*  and 
RmmIi  iiMiuiMtion,  tii  the  intent  that  I  nwy  truly  utidenund  wh«*ihfr  xSvpy 
wv  math  OBMiner  <if  men  «ir  no  m  they  pretend  to  !«,  cnpecially  M*einf(  hy 
pvKlir  fame  they  are  n<iced  of  the  cnntnir\\  and  one  of  thein  pre»ented  ll 
J9  that  i*  1^       '40  likewtte  L.         41   the  ctairt  of  the  Man-hei  1^.        42  t4i 

44  The  Church  HUtury  booi  is. 

AD.  1584.''  less  captious  than  those  in  other  oonrta»  because 
— —L**  "  there  men  are  ^  often  ^  examined  at  the  relation 
of  a  private  man,  concerning  private  crimes,  et  de 
propria  turpitudine ;  whereas  here  men  are  only 
'^  examined  of  their  public  actions  in  the  ^  public 
'' calling  and  ministry,^  and  much  more^  in  the 
'^  case  of  heresy ;  because  the  one  toucheth  life» 
'«  and  ^  the  other  not.  And  therefore  I  see  no 
cause  why  our  judicial  and  canonical  proceedings 
in  this  point  should  be  misliked.  Your  lordship 
••  writeth,  that  the  two  for  whom  you  write  ^ 
**  |>eaceable  persons,  ^  that  they  **  deny  the 
''  wherewith  they  are  charged,  and  desire  to  be  tried. 
Now  they  are  to  be  tried,  why  do  they  refuse  it  ? 
Qui  male  agiU  odit  lucem.  [Indeed  they  shew 
^  themselves  to  be  such  as  I  have  before  riiewed  to 
**  your  lordship,  the  most  troublesome  persons  in  all 
*'  that  country  ;  and  one  of  them,  Mr.  Brown,  is 
^  presented]  for  his  disorders^  by  the  sworn  men 
''  of  the  '"^^  parish  *'*^,  as  I  am  informed  by  the  official 
then*.  Wherefore  **  I  beseech  your  lordship  not 
to  believe  them  against  me,  either^  own  words, 
''  or  ^  testimony  of  any  ^  such  as  animate  them 
**  in  their  disobedience,  and  count  disorder  order, 
and  contention  peace,  before  they  be  duly  and 
orderly  tried  according  to  that  law  which  is  yet  in 
force,  and  in  my  opinion  will  hardly  in  these  jimU- 
''  cial  actions  be  bettered,  though  some  abuse  may 

43  mm  M«  then  I*,        44  timm  L.  45  thmr  L.        46  wlMraoaio  is 

cunarirticp  Uupy  are  Uiuiid  U>  answer  L.  47  than  I^*           48  mitd  «».  L^ 

49  tpeftk  Ij.            50  ubtrrve  the  buuk  Is.  $  1  perHoa,  thai  thttj  «■.  Lb 

5J  Utr  hit  diMirdvni  am   !«.        5j  b»  L.  54  lor  his  diMrdan  Is.        55  I 

hmre  written  naiUiiiiK  to  )r«Hir  lonlahip  i/  them  which  their  own  Mu 

4kith  not  prove  to  he  tnie      Therrfure  L.  56  upon  their  L.         57 
the  I*.         5S  any  en.  L. 







ciVT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  45 

"be  in  the   execution  thereof,  as  there ^,  I  else- a. d.  1584. 

*  where  also  ®,  and  that  pemdventure  more  abund- 

"iDtlj.      Your  lordship  saith^  these  Articles  are 

**!  derice^  rather  to   seek  for  offenders  than  to 

*  reform  any:    the   like   may  be   said  of  the  like 

*•  orders  in  other  courts  also ;  but  that  were  ®  the     ^ 

"  fiuilt  of  the  judge,  not  of  the  law.     And  I  trust 

''your  lordship  hath  no  cause  to  think  so  evil  of 

*"  me :  I  have  not  dealt  as  yet  with  any  but  such 

**•»  have^  given  evident®  tokens  of  contempt  of 

**  OfdeiB  and  laws,  which  ^  my  acts  remaining  on  ^ 

••record  will  testify®;   and   though®  the   register 

•*do^  examine  them,  (as  I  think  ^'  other  officers 

''do    in    other  courts  likewise,  and  the  law  doth 

"  allow  of  it,)  yet  are  they  repeated  before  a  judge, 

**  where  they  may  reform,  add,  or  diminish,  as  they 

**  think  good ;  neither  hath  there  ^  any  man  thus 

**  been  examined,  or  otherwise   dealt  with,  ^  who 

•"  hath  not  ^^  been  conferred  with,  or  might  not  have 

••  been  if  he  would,  ^^  these  two  especially  ^^ ;   and 

•*  if  they  have  ^  otherwise  reported  ^  to  your  lord- 

•*  ship,  they  do  but  ^  antiquum  ohtinere  *^,  which  is 

**  to  utter  untruths  ^^  a  quality  wherewith  these  kind 

•*  of  men  are  ^  marvellously  possessed,  as  I  on  ®  my 

**  own  knowledge  and  experience  can  justify  against 

**  divers  of  them.     I  know  your  lordship  desireth 

-  the  peace  of  the  chureh  and  unity  in  religion  ^,  ^ 

"*  bat  how  is  it  possible  to  be  procured,  after  so  long 

59  w  ta  o(h«r  oourto  Itkewtw  L.  60  I  ekewhere  ako  om.  L.  61  that  L. 
^  4mrwmA  L.  63  thonJd  be  L.  64  rafuMd  to  •ubtcribe,  and  L.  65  ma- 
mittm  L.  66  which  oot.  L.  67  in  I«.  68  with  me  L.  69  ahhough  L. 
70  4slh  L».  7 1  I  think  OM.  L.  71  there  om.  L.  73  or  otherwiae  dealt 
with  mmu  Is.  74  before  I^  75  or  mi|^t  not  hare  been  if  he  would  am.  I^ 
76  even  untiJ  thry  had  nothinf;  to  say  L.  77  hare  om.  L.  78  report  L. 
79  they  do  but  0m.  L.         80  ohHneni  L.  81  and  they  report  untruly  I*. 

is  th»  ■art  ie  I^-         ^^  myielf  <W  L.         84  and  unity  in  reli|pon  em.  L. 





46  Th9  Church  History  bdok  ix. 

A. D.  1584.**  lilx^rty  and*  lack  of  discipline,  if  a  few  pereons 
^      "•   ''  SO  meanly  qualified  as  most  of  them  are  shall  be 
^'  countenanced  against  the  whole  state  of  the  clergj, 
**  of   greatest  account  both  **    for   learning,  years, 
stayed ncfis ^^  wisdom,  religion,  and  honesty?  and 
o|>en  breakers  and  impugners  of  the  laws,  yoang 
'*  in  years,  proud   in  conceit,  contentious  in  dispo- 
sition, maintained  against  their  ^  governors,  seek* 
ing  to  reduce   them    to   order  and®  obedience! 
Hac  sutU  initia  h^reticorum^  et  ortus  atque  comO' 
**  tus  schisnuUicartivi  male  cogiiantiumt  ut  nbi  pla- 
ceantf  ut  pr<Bpositum  superbo  tumore  comtemnamti 
sic  ab  ^  ecclesia  receditur,  sic  altare  pro/anum  eol- 
**  locatur  forts  ^^  sic  contra  pacem  Ckristi  et  ordim^ 
^  tionem  aique  unitatem  Dei  rebeUatur^.     For  my 
own  part,  I  neither  have  done  nor  do  ^  any  thing 
in   this  matter  which  I  do  not  think  **  in  my  ^ 
conscience  and  duty  I  am  ^  bound  to  do,  whicb 
her  majesty  hath  ^  with  earnest  charge  committed 
••  unto  me,  and^  which  I  am  not*  well  able  tc 
^  ''justify  to  be   most  requisite   for  this  state   and 

**  church,  whereof  next  to  her  majesty,  though  mo^l 
"  unworthy,  or  at  '^  least  most  unhappy,  the  chief  ••' 
*'  is  committcil  unto  me,  which  I  will  ^®  not,  by  tin 
"  grace  of  (lod  ***^,  neglect,  whatsoever  come  upoi 
*'  me.  Therefon*  I  neither  care  for  '^  the  honour  oj 
**  the  place,  (which  is  onus  to  me*^,)  nor  the  large* 
**  ness   of   the    revenui^s  '^,  nor  any  other  worldlj 

X5  ihr  1^  H'»  ImkIi  out.  \t.         s7  iitnitliiirM  L.  88  Mi|irrii>r«  aiid  L 

8<^  it>  I^  90  <i>  !«.  91  joru  coitneniur  \*.  91  neilhrr  iki  iwv  hat^ 
«l<Nit*  it.  9 1  iiiy««lf  1«.  94  my  am.  I*.  95  I  am  om.  1*.  «^  ntA  It 
t^l  thr  I^  (/i  ill  !«.  cQtrrrrtum,  lOo  tbr  L.  lOl  rare  L.  lOi  tnmr  L 
lo.i  by  thr  f(nMi*  i4  it«id  om,  L.  104  esimn  L.  10^  lo  me  ffrm9%m 

tmtu  L.  lo'*  fur  the  wliirh  I  tun  imh  m  yet  one  pnmy  thr  rirhvr  L. 

f  [Cypri.  li.  HpiHt.  3.    L.  in  m.] 

cijrr.  XVI.  €tf  Britain.  47 

''thing.     I  thank  God,  in  ^^  respect  of  doing  royA.i).i584. 

*  doty,  neither  do  I  fear  the  displeasure  of  man  nor ^ 

**  the  evil  ^*  tongues  of  the  uncharitable,  who  call 

*  me  tyrant,  pope  *^,  knave,  and  lay  to  my  charge 
"things  which  I  never  ^*^  thought  ^^^  Scio  hoc 
••  enim  "^  esne  opus  diabolic  ut  servos  Dei  mendacio 
**  laceret^  ei  opinionibus  foists  gloriosum  nomen  m- 
^famet^  ut  qui  cotiscientitB  siue  luce  clarescunt^  alienis 
■  rmmaribus  sordidentur  ^.  So  was  Cyprian  himself 
•*  used  *^,  and  other  ancient  and  **^  godly  bishops, 
''to  whom  I  am  not  comparable.  The  day  will 
"eome  when  all  men's  hearts  shall  be  opened  ^^^; 
"  in  the  mean  time  I  will  depend  on  **^  Him  '^^  who 
"  never  fotnkes "®  those  that  put  their  "^  trust  in 

*  Him.  If  your  lordship  shall  ^^  keep  those  two 
"  ftom  answering  according  to  the  order  set  down, 

*  it  will  be  of  itself  a  setting  at  liberty  of  all  the 
"  rest,  and  of  ^^^  undoing  of  all  that  which  hitherto 
*"  hath  been  done ;  neither  shall  I  be  able  to  do  my 
•*  duty  according  to  her  majesty's  ex|>ectation  ^'^ ; 
"md  therefore  I  beseech  your  lordship  to  leave 
•*  them  onto  me.  I  will  not  proceed  *^'  against 
"  them  till  '^  I  have  made  you  *^*  privy  to  their 
••  answers,   and    further   conferred   %\ith   you  about 

*  them  *'^,  because  I  see  your  lordship  so  earnest  in 

*  their  behalf ;  whereof  they  have  also  made  jjublic 

ftO;  the  I*.  108  r«i{;«nl  tht*  «» icktnl  L.  109  |4ipi»t  L.  110  did  rmr 
iti  Wfmi  L  112  mint  i,m.  L.  1 1,^  Tor  the  Miii»i>  (^ii«*ii  L.  1 14  ftnri<Mit 
■rf  «■   L  115  and  nuide  nmniff^t  !>.         116  uptui  L.        117  who  hatli 

ttlii  air  to  thb  jJarp  L.  118  and  will  not  foraake  L.  1  ig  put  their 

4«^  L.  120  do  L.  121   oi  am.   L.  122  that  whidi  her  mairstv 

I  at  my  bands,  and  i»  now  in  ver\'  )(oin1  uiwardneM  L.        1 23  to  any 
L*.  124  until  L.  135  ymir  lordikhip  I*.  126  thereof  L. 

b  [Cypri.  Epist.  li.  4.     L.  in  m.] 

48  The  Church  Hintory  moofL  ix. 

^'  5  V\?*^  *'  boasts,  as  I  am   informed,  which   argueth   what 

"  maimer  of  persons  ^^  they  are.     I  beseech  **  your 

*'  lordship  to  take  not  only  the  length,  but  also  the 
*'  matter  of  this  letter  in  good  part,  and  to  continue 
"  to  ^  me  as  you  have  ^^  done,  whereof  I  doubt 
not  ^^ ;  for  assuredly  if  you  ^^  forsake  me,  which 
I  know  you  will  not  after  so  long  trial  and  expe- 
"  rience,  with  continuance  of  so  great  friendship  '^, 
especially  ^*^  in  so  good  a  cause  ^  I  shall  think 
my  coming  to  this  place  to  have  been  for  my 
**  punishment,  and  ^  my  hap  ^  very  hard,  that 
**  when  I  think  ^^  to  deserve  best,  [and  in  a  manner 
'*  to  consume  myself,  to  satisfy  that  which  God,  her 
'^  majesty,  the  church,  requireth  of  me,]  should  be 
so  evil  ^^'^  rewarded.  Sed  spero  mdiora.  And  I 
know  your  lordship  doth  all,  as  you  are  persuaded, 
for  the  best.     I  beseech  God  long  to  bless  and 





"  preserve  you  ^^. 

**  John  Cantuae.**  >** 

It  seems  the  lord  treasurer  took  exceptions  at 
some  passages  heroin;  I  dare  not  say  with  those 
that  the  letter  was  brought  to  him  when  he  was 
indisposed  with  the  fit  of  the  gout,  which  made  him 
so  ofTendcHl.  But  whatsoever  was  the  cause  of  his 
passion,  see  some  signs  thereof  in  what  followeth  * : 

127  uf  what  dupntitiim  L.  laS  bcmrtUjr  pny  L.  119  tuno  L. 

130  hith<*rt4>  Ia.  i.?t  wh^rmf  I  douU  noc  «n.  L.  131  now  L. 

133  which  I  kiu>w  you  will  imk  lifter  m  kxiK  trial  and  aiptritn««,  witll  cm- 
tiiiuanrr  vt  mi  great  frimd»hip  tmn.  I*.  134  aiid  that  U.  135  m  I  know 
yMi  will  tuK  \*.  i.;6  my  rsnaiifij^  to  thtt  plaoe  to  hare  hian  for  my  pmirfi 
VMfnu  and  am.  X*.  137  t<»  lie  \s  138  hope  I^.  130  I  ■hnnJd  be  wnnc  1*. 
140  and  nvnmit  myielf  to  ilit*  Author  of  penes,  whom  I  ht—ch  to  Mom  mad 
pn«p^  yoiir  lordship.  Fnim  C'myd«Mt,  the  3rd  «/ Juhr,  1584.  L.  141  T» 
your  lord«hip*t  most  lioiiiid  1^ 

[S#H»  Stry|H**K  Whitpft.  p.  160. J 


rEMT.  XVI.  uf  liritiiin,  49 

••  I  have  received  your  jfraco's  long  letter,  answer- a.  i>.  1584. 

**ing  mindry  speeches,  as  I  think,  delivered  by  your 11!L 

"  chaplain.    Dr.  Cosins ;    and   I   perceive   you    are^JjJJ^,, 
^  tharply  moved  to  blame  me  and  clear  yourself.     I  "^  *^f«* 

■    -^  -^  to  the  ardi- 

*•  know  I  have  many  faults,  but  I  hope  I  have  notbMhopi 
**  given  such  cause  of  offence  as  your  letter  ex- 
"  presseth.  I  deny  notliing  that  your  grace  thinketh 
*•  meet  to  proceed  in  with  these  whom  you  call 
**  ftu*tious ;  and  therefore  there  is  no  controversy 
•*  between  you  and  me,  expressed  in  your  letter. 
**  The  controversy  is  fiassed,  in  your  grace's  letter, 
•*  in  silence ;  and  so  I  do  satisfy.  Your  grace  pro- 
mised me  to  deaK  I  say,  only  with  such  as  violated 
order,  and  to  charge  tliem  therewith,  which  I  allow 
•*  well  of;  but  your  grace,  not  charging  them  with 
^  such  faults,  seeketh  by  examination  to  urge  them 
^  to  accuse  themselves;  and  then  I  think  you  will 
••  punish  them.  I  think  your  grace's  proceeding  is, 
**  I  will  not  say  rigorous  or  captious,  but  I  think  it  ^ 

•*  is  scant  charitable.  I  have  no  leisure  to  write 
**  more,  and  therefore  I  will  end ;  for  writing  will 
**  but  increase  offence,  and  I  mean  not  to  offend 
••  your  grace.  I  am  content  that  your  grace  and 
•*  my  lord  of  London  (where  I  hear  Braynej  is)  use 
^  him  as  your  wisdoms  shall  think  meet.  If  I  had 
**  known  his  &ult,  I  might  be  blamed  for  writing 
*"  for  him  ;  but  when  by  examination  only  it  is  meant 
'*  to  sift  him  with  twentv-four  Articles,  I  have  cause 
^  to  pity  the  poor  man. 

''  Your  Grace's,  as  friendly  as  any, 

"  NYlLLlAM    BrRLEIOH.'" 

i  [See  Edwmrd  ^'—yne'tleU     6th  July,  1584,  in   the   Lann- 
tcrl»««t«Ci  i,dmt4Hl     downe  M88.  103.  art.  113  1 

rou  v.  K 

50  The  Chunk  History  rook  ix. 

A.I).  1584.      Short,  but  sharp.     1  see,  though  auger  only  resMh 

in  the  bosom  of  fooh  •',  it  may  light  on  the  breast  of 

a  wise  man.     But  no  fear  that  these  friends  will 


finally  fall  out,  who  alternately  were  ])assionate  and 
patient ;  so  that  now  it  came  to  the  turn  of  Whitgift 
to  be  calm,  as  he  expressed  himself  in  the  following 
return  * : 

**  To  the  Lonl  Treasurer. 


My  singular  good  Lord, 

Theardi.       "  God  kuoweth  how  desirous  I  have  been,  from 


calm  tetter  ^  time  to  time,  to  satisfy  your  lordship  in  all  things, 
mngry  xrm-  ^*  And  to  liave  my  doings  approved  to  ^  you ;  for 
**  which  cause,  since  my  coming  to  this  place,  I  have 
••  done  ^  nothing  of  importance  without  your  advice. 
'*  I  have  risen  early  and  sat  up  late,  to  write  unto 
you  such  objections  and  answers  as  were  ^  used  on 
either  side  ;  I  have  not  ^  the  like  to  any  man  :  and 
shall  I  now  say^  I  have  lost  my  labour?  or  shall 
*'  my  just  dealing  with  two  of  the  most  disordered 
ministers  in  a  whole  diocese  (the  obstinacy  and 
contempt  of  whom,  es|)ecially  of  one  of  them, 
you  ^  yourself  would  not  bear  in  any  subjected 
to  your  authority)  cause  you  so  to  think  and  speak 
**  of  my  doings,  yea^  and  of  myself?  No  man 
*'  living  sliould  have  made  me  believe  it.  Solomon 
**  saith  ^  an  old  friend  is  better  than  a  new ;  and  I 
**  trust  your  lonlship  will  not  so  lightly  cast  off  your 
**  old  friends  for  any  of  these  newfangled  and  fiur- 
**  tious   sectarii*H,   whose  fruits  are  ^  to  make  divi- 


I  by  I«         a  did  L.        .)  mn  L.        4  duoc  L.         5  that  L.         6  fou 
I.  L.  7  ff*  MB.  L.         H  my  lord  L.         9  rod«i«uur  it  L. 

«■.  L. 

^  Ecckt.  r'tu  9.         '  iSer  Stij|ii*'»  Whitgift,  App.  p.  67.] 

iEKT-  XVI.  ofBritaifi,  51 

**  sion  wheresoever   they  come,  and    to  *^   separate  a.  d.  1584. 

*•  old  and  a«i8ured  friends.     Your  lordship  seemeth 

•'  to  charge  me  with  breacli  of  promise,  touching  my 
**  manner  of  proceeding,  whereof  I  am  no  way  guilty ; 
"*  but  I  have  altered  my  first  course  of  depriving  ^^ 
•*  them  for  not  subscribing  only,  justifiable  by  the^^ 

•  law,  and  ^^  common  practice  both  **  in  the  time 
'•  of  king  Edward  and  from  the  begiiming  of  her 
'*  majesty's  reign  '^  and  chosen  this,  only  to  satisfy 
'•  your  lordship.    Your  lordship  also  objecteth*^  that 

*  it  is  said  I  took  this  course  for  the  better  main- 
"  teiiance  of  my  book  *" :  my  enemies  say  so  indeed, 
'*  Init  I  trust  ***  my  friends  have  a  better  opinion  of 
*•  me.  \Vhat  *'  should  I  seek  for  any  ^  confirmation 
•*  of  my  book,  after  twelve  ^*  years,  or  what  should 
••  I  get  thereby  more  than  already^?  And  yet,  if 
*•  subscription  may  confirm  it,  it  is  confirmed  long 
"  ago  by  the  subscription  -*  of  all  the  clergy  al- 
•'  most  ^  of  in  '^  England,  before  my  time,  even  of 
••  Brain  also,  who  now  seemeth  to  be  so  wilfur**. 
**  Mine  (*nemies  and  '^  tongues  of  this  slanderous 
'•  and  '^  uncharitable  sect  report  ®  that  I  am  revolted 
*'  and  *  become  a  fmpist,  and  I  know  not  what ; 
*•  but  it  proceedeth  from  their  lewdness,  not  from 
**  any  desert  of  mine  •** ;  and  I  disdain  to  answer  to 
•*  any  ^  such  notorious  untruths,  which  not  the 
•*  liest  of  them  dare  avouch  to  my  face.  Your  lord- 
**  «hip  further  seemeth  to  burden  me  with  wilful- 

10  10  om.  I*,  1 1  deftUng  with  L.  1 2  ih«  om.  !«.  i,\  in  I«. 

14  bach  uM.  L.  15  10  chif  (Uy  L-  16  y<»u  aljio  tihjut'i  L.  1 7  agmintc 
Canvriffai  1^  iK  hope  L.  19  Wliy  !>  20  Mich  L.  31  to  nuny  L. 
la  I  haw  K  23  almott  L.  14  tSmoU  om,  L.  i$  ai  L.  16  and 
•/  many  of  thi«c  who  now  refuM,  even  iif  Brain  himself  1^  37  the  eWl  L« 
jA  tiaiMieruu*  and  om.  L.  39  alio  L.  30  and  om.  L.  31  that  un- 

KodJy  Mai  which  raniccli  noc  fj  atmore  9ed  fJt  Hrorfj  wherpwith  they  art  pna- 
'  1^         31  any  om.  L. 




5S  The  Church  Histofy  iook  ix. 

A.  D.  1584.'*  ness:  I  am  sure  that*^^  you  are  not  so  persuaded 

— * -'-  •«  of  me;  I  will ^  appeal •'^  to  your  own  conscience. 

**  There  is  •*  difference  betwixt  wilfiilness  and  con- 
*'  stancy.  I  have  taken  upon  me  the  defence  of 
•*  the  religion  and  rights  ^  of  the  **  church  of 
**  England  ^^  ^  to  appease  ^^  the  sects  of  ^  schisms 
^  **  therein,  and  to  reduce  all  ^  the  ministers  thereof 
**  to  uniformity  and  due  obedience.  Herein  I  in- 
**  tend  to  be  constant,  and  not  to  waver  with  every 
wind ;  the  ^  which  also  my  place,  my  person,  my 
duty,  the  laws,  her  majesty,  and  the  goodness  of 
**  the  cause  doth  require  ^  of  me ;  and  wherein  your 
lordship  and  others  (all  things  considered)  ought 
in  duty  to  assist  and  countenance  ^  me.  It  is  ^ 
*'  strange  that  a  man  in  my  place,  dealing  by  so  good 
**  warranties  as  I  do,  should  be  so  encountered  ^,  and 
**  for  not  yielding  to  ^  be  counted  wilful.  But  I 
^*  must  be  contented  ^,  vincit  qui  paiitur ;  and  if 
**  my  friends  forsake  me  herein  *',  I  trust  God  will 
*•  not,  neither  the  law  ^,  nor  her  miyesty  who 
''  hath  ^  laid  the  charge  on  me,  and  are  able  to 
^'  protect  me  ^.  But  of  all  other  things  it  most 
"  grieveth  me,  if^  your  lonlship  should  say  that-*^ 
*'  two  ministers  should  fare  the  worse  because  your 
*'  lordship  hath*'''  sent  them.  Ilath'^  your  lordship 
*'  ever  had  ^  any  cause  so  to  think  of  me  ?  It  is 
••  needless  for  me  to  protest  my  *®  heart  and  aflfection 
**  towards  you   above  all    other  men  :    the   world 

33  think  L.       34  wiD  om.  I^       35  thcrriD  I^       36  «  L.       3"  Him  L. 
38  thn  L  39  vi  £iif(lMid  9m.  It,  40  th«  rscrution  of  tlw  mm%  tern* 

Mminif  th«  Mine  L.  41  the  AppeMing  uf  L.  41  and  L.  43  the 

rtdudiif  MdU,       44  uid  not  to  w«rer  with  rrrry  wind ;  the  tm,  L.       45  r»> 
^Irifth  L.  46  ,  M  I  Uk»  it,  to  ■niit  mnd  h«lp  L.  47  morp  thaji  L. 

48  hardly  ii«d  L.  49  to  om.  1«.  co  i  mtut  bt  eontwUvd  mmu  \^ 

law  OM.  I^ 

51  hamn  fonahr  OM  L.  51  nfithar  tha  law  am,  I*,  53  emr.  **  ha««** 
in  L.  54  upon  whom  only  I  will  daprad  L.  55  that  L/  56  tha  L. 
57  you  L         5S  And  L.        59  hnd  aa.  L.        6e  food  L. 

CKWT.  XVI.  of  Britain,  5S 

"*  knowetb  it,  and  I  am  assured  that  your  lordship  a.  d.  1^84. 

**  nothing  ^  doubteth  ®  thereof.    I  have  rather  cause 

•*  to  complain  to  your  lordship  of  yourself,  that 
**  upon  so  small  an  ®  occasion,  and  in  the  behalf 
"  of  tvro  such  ^,  you  will  so  hardly  conceive  of  me, 
**  yea  ®,  and  as  it  were  countenance  persons  so 
^  meanly  qualified  in  so  evil  a  cause  against  me, 
•*  their  ordinary,  and  your  lordship's  so  ^  long  tried 
•*  friend.  That  ^  hath  not  been  so  in  times  past,  ® 
**  now  it  should  be  least  of  all,  [I  may  not  suffer 
^  the  notorious  contempt  of  one  of  them  especially, 
'*  unless  I  will  become  JFjsop's  block,  and  undo  all 
••  that  which  hitherto  have  been  done.  Well]  ® 
**  because  I  would  be  loath  ^  to  omit  any  thing 
**  whereby  your  lordship  ^^  might  be  satisfied,  I  have 
*•  sent  unto  you  herein  ^  inclosed  certain  reasons  to 
••justify  the  manner  of  my  proceedings,  which  I 
*•  marvel  should  be  so  ^  misliked  in  this  cause,  hav- 
^  ing  been  so  long  practised  ^^  in  the  same,  and 
••  never  before  this  time  found  fault  with.  Truly, 
•*  my  lord,  ^  I  must'^^  proceed  this  way,  or  not  at 
**  all :  the  reasons  I  have  ^  set  down  in  this  paper ; 
*•  and  ^  I  heartily  pray  your  lordship  ^  not  to  be 
••  carried  away  either  from  the  cause  or  from  myself 
••  upon  unjust  surmises  and  ^  clamours,  lest  ^*  you 
•*  be  the  ®  occasion  of  that  confusion  which  here- 
••  after  you  would  ®  be  sorry  for.  For  mine  own 
••  part,   I  ^  desire  no  ®  further    defence   in   these 

bi  nochiiiK  OM.  L.  63  ii«ic  L.  6^  aii  «n.  L.  64  and  in  ihe  behalf  01" 
iwo  mMth  0m.  L.  65  ywm  om.  L.  66  to  am,  L.  67  It  L.  68  and  L. 
69  bat  L.  70  to  Imre  ymir  lordship  unaatisfied  or  L.  71  you  L. 

71  hm  L.  73  murfa  L.  74  in  tlie  like.  y«a,  and  L.  75  my  lord 

am.  L.         76  either  L.         77  are  L.         78  now,  my  nufnihur  good  loitL  L. 
79  yuu  L.  80  or  L.  81  thereby  I^  8j  aoine  L.  83  will  L. 

84  am  ddermtned  10  do  my  duty  and  oonadenoe  without  fear,  neither  will  I 
I. .  85   DO  eM.  1^ 


54  The  Church  HtMiory  iook  ix. 

A.I).  1584.**  occasions,  neither  of  your  lordship  nor  any  other*', 

*•  than  justice  and  law  will  yield  unto  me.     In  my 

own  ^  private  affairs  I  know  **   I  shall   stand  in 
need    of  friends,  especially  of  your   lordship,   of 

^*  whom  I  have  made  always  an  assured  account®; 
but  in  these  public  actions  I  see  no  cause  why  f 
should  seek  for  ^  friends,  seeing  they  to  whom 
the  care  of  the  commonwealth  is  committed  ought 
of  duty^^  therein  to  join  with  me.  To  conclude, 
I  am  your  lordship's  ^  assured ;  neither  will  I  ever 

^  be  persuaded  but  you  do  all  even  of  hearty  good- 

**  will  towards  me  **. 

**  [From  Croydon,  the  15th  of  July,  1584. 

**  To  your  Ijordship,  most  bound,]  ^ 

•*  John  Caktu ar." 

w«Lj*"^*      Now,  amongst  all  the  favourers  of  the  presbyte- 
ham  •  good  nans,  surelv  honestv  and  wisdom  never  met  more 

fiLeiiJ  to  * 

nooooci  in  any  than  in  sir  Francis  Walsingham,  of  whom  it 
^'^^^-  may  l)e  saitl,  (abate  for  the  dispro|M>rtion,)  as  of  St. 
Paul,  though  jMHPry  yet  mnkiuy  many  rich.  Having 
but  one  only  dau;;litor,  (whose*  extraordinary*  hand- 
someness,  with  a  nnxlerate  |>ortion,  would  consider- 
ably prefer  her  in  marriage*,)  he  neglectiMl  wealth 
in  himself,  though  I  may  say  he  enriched  many,  not 
only  his  dei>c*ndents,  but  even  the  Knglish  nation. 

M»  uif  any  <4  mjr  tnmda  L  H;  owu  mm.  L.  f^  how  graatJy  L» 

89  myvtlf  «in»  L.  oo  fur  mi.  t^  91  of  duty  mm.  1«.  t\x  tnat/L  1^ 

93  ndUMY  do  I  douliC  of  th«  cuiiiinuAmv  of  your  pxA  mlTrctMNi  Urwanb  m^, 
whicli  I  heartily  dcsiir,  u  (^od  hiaiarlf  kiiowcch,  to  whoM  tuitiou  I  cMnunit 
fou.  L.  94  From  l«,  imiitird  in  FtiUrr't  ropy. 

*  [She  wiu  Armt  married  t«i  tiiighain  dii*cl  mi  |M>ur  tbiit  he 

the  oeJebnted  sir  Philip  8id.  urn*  prirau*ly  Imried,  tii  prerenl 

ney,  miid  afterwiirdt  to  the  un-  hii  crediUin  froiu  kciiing  hu 

fortuiMte  e«rl  of  Enex.    Wal-  body.] 

CtXT.  XVf . 

vf  Britain, 


bj  his  prudent  steering  of  state  affairs.     How  heA.  d.  1584. 

interceded  to  qualify  the  archbishop  for  a  semi-non i- 

conformist,  we  learn  from  his  following  letter  ^ : 

**  Tt  may  please  jour  grace  to  understand  that  this  sir  Fnmdt 
*  bearer,  Mr.  Leverwood,  of  whom  I  wrote  unto  hn^Jfj^ier 
••your  grace,  hath  been  here  with  me;  and  finding 2^^' 
•*  him  very  conformable,  and  willing  to  observe  such  ^^"^^^  ^ 
**  orders  as  are  appointed  to  be  used  in  the  church,  fionniitt. 
**  as  your  grace  shall  partly  perceive  by  certain  arti- 
•*  cles   subscribed  with   his  own  hand,  and  herein 
"  enclosed,  I  willed  him  to  repair  unto  your  grace ; 
**  and  in  case  these  articles  may  be  allowed,  then 
•*  I  pray  your  grace  to  be  his  good  lord,  and  that 
"  with  your  good-will  and  favour  he  may  proceed  in 
••  his  suit  * :  ujwn  knowledge  whereof  I  do  mean  to 
**  deal  further  therein  with  her  majesty  thereof  for 
•*  him,  as  I  have  already  begun  to  do,  upon  the  good 
**  rejwrt  I  heard  of  the  man,  before   your  grace's 
"  message  sent  to  Mr.  Nicasius  for  the  stay  thereof 
•*  And  so  F  humbly  take  my  leave. 

•*  Your  Grace's,  at  command, 
**  Francis  Walsixoham." 

What  this  letter  effected,  the  next  will  inform  us. 

k  [Of  the  subject  of  this 
and  the  subseqaent  letter,  see 
Scrjpe's  Whitffift,  p.  226.  He 
has  printed  the  name  liCver 
Wood  throaghoat,  and  refers 
both  letters  to  the  year  1585.] 

I  [The  ftLVouT  which  Wal- 
siagham  shewed  to  the  puritans 
giTCs  a  great  ralue  to  his  repre- 

sentation  of  the  character  and 
motives  of  those  turbulent 
men.  The  severest  censures 
ever  passed  upon  them  will  be 
found  in  Walsingham's  own 
letter  to  monsieur  Critoy,  in 
Burnet's  Hist,  of  the  Reforma- 
tion, II.  p.  837.] 


56  The  Church  UUtory  book  ix. 

A.  D.  i(;84. 

2(y  Eli*.  "  Right  Honourable, 

The  arch.       **  F  thaiilc    jou   heartily  for  your  letter,  written 
J^Srrto   **  unto  me  in  the  behalf  of  Leverwood,  wherein  I  per- 

^JJnjJ.  "  ceive  the  performance  of  your  honourable  speeches 
^*tiet.  4«  ^^  myself,  in  promising  to  join  with  me  against 
**  such  as  shall  be  breakers  of  the  orders  of  the 
**  church  established,  and  movers  of  contentions 
^  therein.  Upon  that,  and  other  like  speeches  of 
^  yours  with  me  at  your  last  being  at  Lambeth,  I 
"  have  forborne  to  suspend  or  deprive  any  man 
already  placed  in  any  cure  or  charge,  for  not  sub- 
scribing only,  if  hereafter  he  would  promise  unto 
•*  me  in  writing  the  observing  of  the  Book  of  Com- 
"  mon  Praver,  and  the  Orders  of  the  church  bv  law 
'*  set  down  ;  and  I  do  now  require  subscription  to  the 

*'  said  Articles  of  such  onlv  as  are  to  be  admitted  to 


"  the  ministry  and  to  ecclesiastical  livings,  wherein 
*•  I  find  myself  something  eased  of  my  fonner  trou- 
'*  blc»s  ;  and  as  yet  none  or  very  few  of  the  last 
'*  nainiHl  |K.'rsons  do  refuse  to  subscril^e  to  the  said 
•'  Articli*s,  though  some  of  them  have  been  account- 
•'  ed  heretofore  very  precise.  I  also  very  well  re- 
'*  niemlKT  that  it  was  her  own  wish  and  dmre  that 
^  such  as  hereafter  should  be  admitted  to  any  living 
•*  should  in  like  manner  Ih»  tic^d  to  the  oliserving 
••  the  C  Aniens  which,  as  it  hath  already  wrought 
'*  some  i|uietness  in  the  church,  so  I  doubt  not  but 
**  that  it  will  in  time  |H*rfect  the  same.  And  I  can- 
^  not  break  that  onler  in  one,  but  other  will  look 
••  for  the  like  favour,  to  the  renewing  and  increasing 
••  of  the  former  schism,  not  yet  already  extinguisheil. 
•*  Wherefore  I  lii^artily  pray  you  to  join  with  roe 
'•  herein. 


CEXT.  XTf.  t$f  Britain.  57 

•*  Tooching  the  Articles  enclosed  in  your  letter,  a.  d.  1584. 
•*  whereunto  Leverwood  hath  subscribed,  they  are  of         "' 

*  DO  moment,  but  such  as  may  easily  be  eluded ;  for 
**  whereas  he  first  saith  that  he  will  willingly  sub- 
**  teribe  as  fiu*  as  the  law  requireth  at  his  hand,  his 
**  meaning  is,  that  the  law  requireth  no  such  sub- 
**  teription ;  for  so  I  am  informed  that  some  lawyers 

*  (therein  deceived)  have  persuaded  him  and  others. 
**  And  in  saying  that  he  will  always  in  the  ministry 
^  me  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  and  none  else, 
^  his  meaning  is,  that  he  will  use  but  so  much  of 
**  the  book  as  pleaseth  him,  and  not  that  he  will  use 
^  tdl  things  in  the  book  required  of  him.  I  have 
**  dealt  with  him  in  some  particularities,  which  he 
**  denieth  to  use,  and  therefore  his  subscription  is  to 
"  small  purpose.  I  would,  as  near  as  I  can,  provide 
*"  that  none  should  hereafter  come  into  the  church 
*  to  breed  new  troubles.  I  can  be  better  occupied 
*"  otherwise ;  and  God  would  bless  our  labours  more 
^  amply,  and  give  better  success  to  the  word  so 
"  commonly  and  diligently  preached,  if  we  could  be 
**  Ml  peace  and  quietness  among  ourselves*  which  I 
**  OKMit  heartily  wish,  and  doubt  not  to  bring  to  pass 
••  by  God's  grace ;  the  rather  through  your  good 
**  help  and  assistance,  whereof  I  assure  myself.  And 
••  so,  with  my  hearty  prayers,  &c., 

"  John  Cantuar.** 

Thus  have  we  presented  to  the  reader  some  select  a 

ietters,  oat  of  many  in  my  hand,  |)assing  betwixt  theoUwr  ii»». 
highest   fiersons  in  church  matters.     I  count  it  a^' 
blessing  that  Providence  hath  preserved  such  a  trea- 
sure unplundered,  esteem  it  a  fiivour  in  such  friends 

58  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  0.1584.08  imparted  them  unto  me,  and  conceive  it  no  un- 

grateful  act  m  our  communicatmg  the  same  to  the 

reader.  And  now  we  (who  hitherto,  according  to 
good  manners,  have  held  our  peace  while  such  who 
were  far  our  betters,  by  their  pens,  spake  one  to 
another)  begin  to  resume  our  voice,  and  express 
ourselves  as  well  as  we  may  in  the  following  his- 
OoodOrin-      jq    gy  ^j^^  changing  of  Edmund  into  John  Can- 

^•^-  tuar,  it  plainly  apjn^ars,  that  as  all  these  letters  were 
written  this  year,  so  they  were  indited  after  the  sixth 
of  July,  (and  probably  about  December,)  when  bishop 
Grindal  deceased.  Our  English  Eli,  for  oflSce*  (high- 
est in  spiritual  promotion,)  age,  (whereby  both  were 
blind,)  and  manner  of  his  death,  thus  far  forth  as 
heartbroken  with  sorrow.  Cirindars  grief  proceeded 
from  the  queen's  displeasure,  undeservedly  procured 
by  the  practices  of  his  malicious  enemies.  There 
want  not  those  who  will  strain  the  parallel  betwixt 
Eli  and  Grindal  in  a  fourth  re8|)ect,  both  being 
guilty  of  dangerous  indulgence  and  lenity  to  offenders. 
Indeed  (irindal,  living  and  dying  sole  and  single* 
could  not  be  c(K*kering  to  his  own  children ;  but  as 
a  father  of  the  church  he  is  accused  for  too  much 
conniving  at  the  factious  disturbers  thereof.  Sure  I 
am  he  was  an  ini[)artial  corrector  of  men's  vicious 
conversations  :  witness  his  shaq)  reproving  of  Julio, 
the  Italian  physician,  for  marrying  another  mans 
wife ;  which  bitter  but  wholesome  pill  the  physician 
liiniHi*lf  not  iK'ing  able  to  digc^st,  incensed  the  earl  of 
Leici*ster,  and  he  the  queen's  majesty  against  the 
good  an*libishop.  But  all  ^^as  |)ut  on  the  account 
of  Grindars  nonconformity,  for  favouring  the  factious 

cBirr.  XTi.  4ff  Britain.  59 

eftlled  prophesjings  °^.  Grindal,  sensible  a.  d.  1584. 
flf  die  queen's  displeasure,  desired  to  resign  his-! — — 
pbce,  and  confine  himself  to  a  yearly  pension ;  not 
(as  some  may  pretend)  that  it  was  against  his  con- 
•cieiice  to  keep  it,  bnt  because  above  his  impotent 
age  to  manage  so  great  a  charge.  The  place  was 
proflered  to  Whitgift,  bnt  he,  in  the  presence  of  the 
queen,  utterly  refused  it;  yet  what  he  would  not 
snatch  soon  after  fell  into  his  hands  by  Grindal's 

11.  Whoso  beholds  the  large  revenues  conferred  a  pica  for 
on  Grindal,  the  long  time  he  enjoyed  them,  (bishop  poverty. 
of  London,  archbishop  of  York  and  Canterbury  above 
eighteen  years,)  the  little  charge  encumbering  him, 
dying  a  single  man,  vriM  admire  at  the  mean  estate 
he  left  behind  him ;  yea,  perchance  they  will  erro- 
neously impute  this  to  his  prodigality,  which  more 
truly  is  to  be  ascribed  to  his  contempt  of  the  world, 
unwilling  to  die  guilty  of  much  wealth  ;  not  to 
^|>eak  of  fat  servants  made  under  a  lean  master. 
The  little  he  had,  as  it  was  well  gotten,  was  well 
Ijefftowed,  in  i)ious  uses  on  Cambridge  and  Oxford, 
with  the  building  and  endowing  of  a  school  at  St. 
Bees  in  Cumberland  ",  where  ho  was  bom.  Yea, 
he  may  be  beheld  as  a  benefactor  to  the  English 
nation,  for  bringing  tamarisk  first  over  into  England. 
A»  the  inventors  of  evil  things  are  justly  taxed 
by  the    a|)OHtle^  so    the    first    importers   of  good 

■   [This  tale  ii  told  hj  sir  U|K>n   its   library   some  of  itA 

J.    HartngtoD,    in    hii    Nug»  miMit  valuable  bookn,  many  of 

Aotiquc,  II.  p.  18.]  which  contain   annotations  in 

*  [He  was  alio  a  contidera-  his  own  hand.] 

hie  benefisurtor  to  Queen's  Col-  ^    Rom.    i.    13.      [See    the 

\efX.    Oxford,    and    bestowed  Worthies,  II.  31a.] 

60  The  Church  HUimy  ofBrUain.        book  ix. 

A. D.  1584. things    deserve    due    commendation;    that    phuit 

.J being  so  sovereign  to  mollify  the  hardness  of  the 

spleen,  a  maladjr  whereof  students  (betrayed  ther&- 
unto  by  their  sedentary  lives)  too  generally  do 







At  \t  yt(ndd  he  a  win  of  omimon  in  me,  (m>  much  obliped  to 
your  9onety,)  tkould  no  share  in  my  History  be  allowed  unto 
you,  9o  I  ihauld  commit  a  preat  inampruity  ifaseigning  it 
any  trkere  ebe  than  in  the  reipn  of  queen  Elizabeth^  whose 
great  yrandfaiher^  sir  Godfrey  Boleyn,  (^45^1  mayor  of 
London,)  is  generally  believed  one  of  your  company ;  so  that 
the  crowned  maidenhead  in  your  arms  may  in  some  sort 
seem  prophetical,  presaging  such  a  queen-virgin  should  be 
eriraded  from  one  of  your  society,  as  the  Christian  world 
eomld  not  parallel  in  cJl  particulars. 

Indeed  mucA  of  credit  is  imported  in  your  very  name  ;  for 
seeing  all  buyers  and  sellers  are  mercers  a  Mercando,  custom 
hath  confined  and  fixed  the  term  eminently  on  your  corpora- 
tion^  OB  always  the  pritne  chapmen  of  our  nation,  in  which 
respect  you  have  the  precedency  of  all  other  companies. 

I  win  detain  you  no  longer  from  better  customers,  wishing  you 
sound  wares,  quid  vent,  good  prices,  sure  payment ;  one 

>2  'Vhr  Chnnh  Hittoiy  uooK  IX. 

evinmodity  atoiu  e-eetptett,  I  uitan  tht  truth  ittelf:  this  buy, 
and  IK-I]  it  not  * ;  purchatt  it  oh  any  t^rnu,  hut  part  teitk 
it  OH  HO  conilit'iQtu. 

TjIM  tUT  four  o'clock  in  the  aftpmoon,  on 
the  Lord's  day.  a  Had  acridunt  hap- 
pened in  Paris  (ianli'n,  on  the  noutb 
shie  of  Thames,  over  against  London. 
^\'hilBt  nniltilnde«  were  beholding  the 
baiting  of  the  bear,  the  old  under.j>ro[iped  aoaffbhis. 
uverladon  with  people,  suddenly  fell  down,  killed 
eipht  outright  ^  hurt  and  bruised  many  more,  to  the 
shortening  of  tlieir  Uvea.  The  assertors  of  the  strict 
observation  of  the  sablwth  '  vigorously  improve  this 
(as  well  they  may)  against  them  who  profane  the 
Lord's  day,  which  afterwards  (thi>  joyful  eflTect  of  a 
doleful  cause)  wa^i  generally  kept  with  more  eare- 
ft'dbm  8.  Robert  Brown  began  at  this  time  to  timaeb  bis 

appMn.  Opinions.  He  was  l>oni  in  Kutlandshin>.  of  an  an- 
cient and  worubipful  family,  (one  whereof  foumle<l  a 
bir  hospital  in  Stamford  '',)  nearly  allied  to  the  Ion) 
treasurer  Cecil.  He  was  bntl  for  a  time  in  Cam- 
bridge. I  conceive  in  Corpus  Christi  College  •,  but 
question  whether  ever  a  graduate  therein.  He  tued 
some  time  to  prt>ach  at  lleimet  Cburrli,  where  the 
vehemeiicy  of  his  nttemnce  |>a.<tsed  for  zeal  among 
the  common  |KM>|)le,  and  made  the  vulgar  to  admire, 
(be  wise  t^i  suspect  him.  Dr.  Still,  afterwanis  mas- 
ter of  Trinity,  (out  of  euriosity,  or  caxualiy  pretient 

■  fror.  iiiii.  i;|.  '  ["  Stitne  tim«  of  Bautrt 

*■  Iloluubcd,  1.  p.  nsj.  "  Cullcve  in  Cum  bridge,"  mt* 

t  Dr.  Bownd.  ^  ur  V>.  VnuU.    i»  1>i>  Lifr  uf 

'  Camden '■  Bril.  in  Linco'ii-     Whitpfi.  §.  77.] 


<EXT.  XVI.  of  Britain,  63 

It  bis  preaching,)  discovered  in  him  something  ex- a.  n.  1 584. 

tnu>rdinary,  which  he  presaged  would  prove  the  dis 

turbance  of  the  church,  if  not  seasonably  prevented. 
Some  years  after,  Brown  went  over  into  Zealand,  to 
purchase  himself  more  reputation  from  foreign  parts'; 
for  a  smack  of  travel  gives  an  high  taste  to  strange 
opinions,  making  them  better  relished  to  the  lick- 
erish lovers  of  novelty.  Home  he  returns  with  a 
fall  cry  against  the  church  of  England,  as  having  so 
much  of  Rome  she  had  nothing  of  Christ  in  her 

Norfolk  ^  was  the  first  place  whereon  Brown  (new 
flown  home  out  of  the  Low  Countries)  perched  him- 
self, and  therein  in  the  city  of  Norwich ;  a  place 
which  then  spake  little  more  than  medietatem  lingure^ 
having  almost  as  many  Dutch  strangers  as  English 
natives  inhabiting  therein.  Brown,  beginning  with 
the  Dutch,  soon  proceeded  to  infect  his  own  coun- 
trymen ;  for  which  he  was  confined,  as  the  following 
letter  of  the  lord  treasurer  Burleigh  to  bishop  Freake, 
of  Norwich,  will  inform  us  ^ : 

**  After  my  very  hearty  commendations  to  your 
^  lordship,  whereas  I  understand  that  one  Brown,  a 
**  preacher,  is  by  your  lordship  and  others  of  the 
**  ecclesiastical  conmiission  committed  to  the  custody 
**  of  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk,  where  he  remains  a 
^  prisoner,  for  some  matters  of  offence  uttered  by 
**  him  by  way  of  preaching ;  wherein  1  perceive,  by 
*•  sight    of  some    letters    written   by  certain   godly 

'  [See   Strype'n    Parker,   p.  respecting  Brown  and  his  er- 

336.]  rors,  to  which  this  of  lord  Bur- 

ff  [See  Strype's  Annals,  III.  leigh's  is  a  reply,  will  be  found 

pp.  44.  186.]  in  Strype's  Annals,  III.  p.  16. 

^    [Bishop    Freake's    letter  It  is  dated  April  19,  1581.] 

64  The  Church  Huiory  %oo%  ix. 

A.  I).  1584.'*  preachers  in  your  lordship's  diocese,  he  liath  been 
' —  '*  dealt  ^ith,  and  by  them  dissuailed  from  that  coune 
**  he  hath  taken.  Forasmuch  as  he  is  my  kinsman, 
**  (if  he  be  son  to  him  whom  I  take  him  to  be,)  and 
'*  that  his  error  seenieth  to  proceed  of  seal  rather 
**  than  of  malice,  I  do  therefore  wish  he  were  cha- 
**  ritablv  conferred  with  and  reformed ;  which  course 
^  I  pray  your  lordship  may  be  taken  with  him,  either 
'*  by  your  lordshij)  or  such  as  your  lordship  shall 
**  assign  for  that  purpose.  And  in  case  there  shall 
*'  not  follow  thereof  such  success  as  may  be  to  your 
**  liking,  that  then  you  would  be  content  to  permit 
^  him  to  repair  hither  to  London,  to  be  fbrtber 
*'  dealt  with  as  I  shall  take  order  for  upon  his  com- 
**  ing ;  for  which  purpose  I  have  written  a  letter  to 
*'  the  sheriflT,  if  your  lordship  shall  like  thereof.  And 
^*  so  I  bid  your  lordship  right  heartily  iarewell. 

^  From  the  court  at  Westminster,  this  Slst  of 
••  April,  1581. 

"  Your  Lordship's  very  loving  Friend, 

*•  W.  B." 

After  Brown,  being  thus  brought  up  to  London 
by  the  advice  of  his  friends,  was  wrought  to  some 
tolerable  compliance,  and  being  discharged  by  the 
archbishop  of  Canterbury,  was  by  the  lord  treasurer 
sent  home  to  his  fiither,  Christopher  Brown  \  at 
Tolethorp  in  Rutland,  esq.;  one,  I  assure  you,  of 
ancient  and  right  worshipful  extraction,  having  my- 
self seen   a   charter  granted   by  king    Henry  the 

^  [Anthoaj  Brown,  accord-     ginallj,  tliottgh  ht*  afterwmnb 
ing  to  Stnrpe,  Life  of  Whttfnft.     corrected  it.] 
r*SS3  ;  snd  to  in  Poller  ori* 

riirr.  xti.  ofBrUain.  65 

Bjgfcth,  (the  sixteenth  of  July,  in  the  18th  of  his  A- ^1584- 

•  «  «•  ^^  Ens. 

mgsk^)  and  confinned  by  act  of  parliament,  to  Francis 

Brown,  father  to  the  aforesaid  Christopher,  "giv- 
^  ing  him  leave  tQ  put  on  his  cap  in  the  presence  of 
•*  the  king  or  hi^  heirs,  or  any  lord  spiritual  or 
*^  temporal  in  the  land,  and  not  to  put  it  off  but 
^  for  his  own  ease  and  pleasure."  But  let  us  see 
the  lord  treasurer's  letter  in  the  behalf  of  Brown 
to  his  fieither : 

**  After  my  very  hearty  commendations,  under- 
^  standing  that  your  son,  Robert  Brown,  had  been 
*•  sent  for  up  by  my  lord  bishop  of  Canterbury,  to 
^*  answer  to  such  matters  as  he  was  to  be  charged 
^*  withal,  contained  in  a  book  made  by  him,  and 
**  published  in  print,  as  it  was  thought,  by  his  means, 
**  I  thought  good,  considering  he  was  your  son,  and 
"  of  my  blood,  to  send  unto  my  lord  of  Canterbury 
*<  in  his  behalf,  that  he  might  find  what  reasonable 
**  &vonr  he  could  shew  him,  before  whom  I  perceive 
^  be  hath  answered  in  some  good  sort ;  and  although 
^  I  think  he  will  not  deny  the  making  of  the  book, 
**  yet  by  no  means  will  he  confess  to  be  acquainted 
^  with  the  publishing  or  printing  of  it.  He  hath 
^  besides  yielded  unto  his  lordship  such  further  con- 
^  tentment^  as  he  is  contented  (the  rather  at  my 
^  motion)  to  discharge  him ;  and  therefore  for  that 
~  he  parposeth  to  repair  to  you,  I  have  thought  good 
^  to  accompany  him  with  these  my  letters,  and  to 
••  pray  you  for  this  cause,  or  any  his  former  dealings, 
**  not  to  withdraw  from  him  your  fatherly  love  and 
^  aflfection ;  not  doubting  but  with  time  he  will  be 
**  fully  recovered  and  withdrawn  from  the  relics  of 
^  some  fond  opinions  of  his,  which  will  be  the  better 

rULLSR,  VOL.  v.  p 

66  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.D.  1584-"  done  if  he  be  dealt  withal  in  8ome  kind  and  tem- 

a6  Elix. 

**  perate  manner.     And  80  I  bid  you  very  heartily 

**  fiarewell. 

**  From  my  house  near  the  Savoy,  this  eighth  of 
**  October,  1585. 

**  Your  loving  FMend  and  Cousin, 

"  William  BrROiiLEV.'' 

But  it  seems  Brown's  errors  were  so  inlaid  in  him, 
no  conference  with  divines  could  convince  him  to 
the  contrary,  whose  incorrigibleness  made  his  own 
fiither  weary  of  his  company.  Men  may  wish,  Gml 
only  can  work,  children  to  be  good.  The  old  gen- 
tleman would  own  him  for  his  son  no  longer  ^ ;  then 
his  son  owned  the  church  of  England  for  his  mother, 
desiring  to  rid  his  hands  of  him,  as  by  the  ensuing 
tetter  will  appear : 

After  my  very  hearty  commendations,  I  perceive 
by  your  letters  that  you  have  little  or  no  ho|>e8 
of  your  son^s  conformity,  as  you  had  when  you 
**  received  him  into  your  house ;  and  then^fore  you 
^  seem  desirous  that  you  might  have  liberty  to 
**  remove  him  further  otf  from  you,  as  either  to 
^  Stamford  or  some  other  place,  which  I  know  no 
•*  cause  but  you  may  very  well  and  lawfully  do, 
*•  where  I  wish  he  might  better  be  persuaded  to 
^  conform  himself,  for  his  own  good,  and  yours  and 
^  his  friends'  comfort.  And  so  I  very  heartily  bid 
*'  you  farewell, 

••  From  the  court,  this  seventeenth  of  February. 

- 1585. 

'•  Your  very  loving  Friend  and  Cousin, 

**  William  Bvimiiilky.*' 

k  [Stw  8trjpe*«  Fark«r,  p.  3 a;.] 


CENT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  67 

Thus,  to   make  our  story  of  the  "troublesome a. d.  1584. 

"*  man**  the  more  entire,  we  have  trespassed  on  the 
two  following  years,  yet  without  discomposing  our 
chronology  on  the  maipn. 

S.  With  his  assistant,  Richard  Harrison,  a  petty  Brown  hit 
pedagogue,  they  inveighed   against  bishops,  eccle-*^**^***^ 
siastical  courts,  ceremonies,  ordination  of  ministers, 
and  what  not ;  fimcying  here  on  earth  a  platform  of 
a  perfect  church,  without  any  faults  (understand  it 
thus,  save  those  that  are  made  by  themselves)  there- 
in L     The  reader,  if  desirous  to  know  their  opinions, 
is  referred  to  the  large  and  learned  treatises  written 
against  them,  particularly  to  the  pains  of  Dr.  Fulke, 
proving   that    the  Brownists  (so  named  from  this 
Brown,  their  ringleader)  were  in  effect   the  same 
with    the    ancient    Donatists,  only   newly   revived. 
Thus  there  is  a  circulation,  as  in  fashion  of  clothes, 
00  of  opinions,  the  same  after  some  years  return; 
Brownism  being  no  more  than  Donatism  vamped 
with  some  new  additions.     The  queen  and  her  coun- 
cil seriously  set  themselves,  first  by  gentleness  to 
reduce,  and  (that   uot   succeeding)  by  severity  to 
Mippress,  the  increase  of  this  fistction.     Brown  him- 
self used  to  boast  that  '*  he  had  been  committed  to 
^  thirty-two  prisons,  and  in  some  of  them  he  could 
^  not  see  his  hand  at  noon-day .'"    Yet  for  all  this  he 
came  off  at  last  both  \^ith  saving  his  life  and  keeping 
his  living  (and  that  none  of  the  meanest,  Achurch 
in  Northamptonshire)  until  the  day  of  his  death  *". 

I  [He  went  orer  with  Brown  hin  tenets  in  a  gravel- pit  near 

foto    Zeftlmnd.      See    Strype's  Islington.     See  Paget'a  Ilere- 

Farker,  p.  327.     Brown  him-  siogr.  p.  66.] 

*Ai  was  originally  master   of  ^  [**  lie  did    use  to   sav," 

the  free-school  in  St.  Olave's.  obaenres  Anthony  Wood, "  that 

Sootbwmrk,  and  diaaeoiinated  *'  tlie  true  protestanta  had  no 



The  Church  Hi$iory 


A.  D.  1584.     4.  One  may  justly  wonder,  when  many  meaner 
aceessories  in  this  schism  were  arraigned,  eondemncMl, 



dinaryfA-  executed,  bow  this  Brown,  the  principal,  made  so 
duigfi"untofi*i*'  ^^  escape,  yea,  enjoyed  such  preferment.  I  will 
never  believe  that  he  ever  formally  recanted  his 
opinions,  either  by  word  or  writing,  as  to  the  main 
of  what  he  maintained.  More  probable  it  is,  that 
the  promise  of  his  general  compliance  vnth  the 
church  of  England  (so  hx  forth  as  not  to  make 
future  disturl)ance  therein)  met  with  the  archbishop  s 
courteous  acceptance  tliercof ;  both  which,  effectually 
improved  by  the  countenance  of  Thomas  Cecil,  earl 
of  £xeter,  (Brown's  near  kinsman  and  patron,)  pro- 
cured this  extraordinary  favour  to  be  indulged  unto 
him  °.  His  parsonage  he  freely  possessed,  allowing 
a  sufficient  salary  for  one  to  discharge  the  cure,  and 
(though  against  them  in  his  judgment)  was  con- 
tented, and  perchance  pleased,  to  take  the  tithes  of 
his  own  parish. 

5.  For  my  ovm  part,  (whose  nativity  Provideiioe 
placed  within  a  mile  of  this  Brown  his  pastorml 
charge,)  I  have,  when  a  youth,  often  beheld  him. 
He  was  of  an  imperious  nature,  offended  if  what 
he  aflkmed  but  in  common  discomrse  were  not  in- 
stantly received  as  an  oracle.  He  was  then  ao  far 
from  the  Sabbatarian  strictness  to  whioh  some  pre- 


OQ  him. 

"  church  io  £iigUnd  ;  yet  af- 
**  tenrard*  he  found  the  way 
'*  into  their  church,  and  became 
**  |MiAt«>r  <»f  a  |»hice  in  North- 
'*  amptonth  ire  called  Aychurch ; 
'*  bimum  mnmcm,  hommm  omrm» 
'*  ei  ifuamtum  mmiaims  ah  ilio, 
*'  And  then  he  uaed  to  My  that 
*'  there  waa  no  church  in  Kng. 
'*  huid  but  hia.  and  that  vtm  A 

*'  Ckmrck."     Athen.  L  341.) 

n  [Rather,  indeed,  of  the 
lord  treasurer  himaelf.  Sec  h» 
letter  to  the  bishop  of  Peter- 
borough,  dated  J  une  a  oth ,  1 5  8^ 
in  behalf  of  Brown,  who  had 
now  aubniitted  hinuM*lf  to  the 
order  and  soTemment  of  the 
church  of  KngUnd.  Strypa'a 
Whitfift,  p.  saj.] 




did  afterwards  pretend,  that  both  in  a.  d.  1584. 
JQdgment  and  pmctice  he  seemed  rather  libertine -If!^ 
tbefreiiu     In  a  word,  he  had  in  my  time  a  wife,  with 
wiioin  for  many  years  he  never  lived,  parted  from  her 
OD  mme  distaste ;  and  a  church  wherein  he  never 
preached,  though  he  received  the  profits  thereof^. 

6.  As  for  his  death  in  the  prison  in  Northamp- The  ««»- 
ton,  many  years  after,  (in  the  reign  of  king  Charles,  late  death. 
anno  16S0,)  it  notbing  related  to  those  opinions  he 

•  [Of  dib  man,  Robert  Baillie, 
a  flontdi  prasb]rterian«  givvt  the 
fioUoiriiig  socount  in  Mb  *'  Dit- 
**  soastTe  from  the  Errors  of 
*'  the  Time/'  p.  1 3,  Lond.  1645 : 
**  The  horror  of  this  remark- 
"  able  Tengeance  (he  means  the 
*'  death  of  Bolton,  a  separatist 
*'  prior  to  Brown)  did  not  deter 
**  Robert  Brown,  first  a  school- 
'*  master  in  Sonthwark,  and 
*'  Chen  a  preacher  at  Islington 
**  near  London*  to  take  up  that 
*'  banner  of  separation  which 
**  God,  as  with  a  bolt  from 
"  heaven,  had  wrung  out  of  the 
"  hands  of  miserable  Bolton  ; 
"  albeit  that  cause  did  thrive 
**  no  better  with  him  than  with 
"  his  predecessor.  When  this 
**  rash  Tonng  man,  (for  old  he 
**  oottlff  not  be  in  the  1 580  jear 
"  of  God,  when  he  was  the 
••  nrime  leader  of  that  sect, 
**  baring  bat  lately  died,)  when 
"  he,  I  say,  hacf  gathered  a 
"  separate  congregation,  and 
*'  drawn  np  for  the  defence 
*'  of  this  way  these  writings, 
**  whence  ever  since  the  best 
**  arguments  for  that  schism 
**  are  drawn,  they  went  over 
'*  to  enjoy  their  liberty  to  Mid- 
"  delbaigh*  of  ZeaUnd.     But 





•  « 

•  < 

•  t 


•  « 

•  • 

behold  the  wrath  of  God 
following  them  at  their  heels! 
When  there  was  no  disturb- 
ance  from  without,  they  fell 
to  such  jarring  among  them- 
selves, that  soon  they  broke 
all  to  pieces :  the  most  turned 
anabaptists;  Brown  himself 
returned  to  England,  recant- 
ed his  Browni&m,  received  a 
parsonage  at  the  hand  of  a 
bishop.  The  course  of  hia 
life,  to  his  deep  old  age,  was 
so  extremely  scandalous,  that 
more  than  ordinary  charity 
is  needful  to  persuade  that 
ever  he  was  led  with  a  good 
spirit.  I  have  heard  it  from 
reverend  ministers  that  he 
was  a  common  beater  of  his 
poor  old  wife,  and  would  not 
stick  to  defend  publicly  this 
his  wicked  practice;  also  that 
he  was  an  open  profaner  of 
the  sabbath ;  and  that  his 
injustice  in  not  paying  the 
small  pittance  he  was  in- 
debted to  him  whom  laziness 
in  his  calling  made  him  to 
keep  for  the  Rupply  of  the 
cure  of  hix  parsonage  did 
bring  him  to  prison,  in  the 
which,  for  that  very  cause, 
he  continued  till  death."] 


70  The  Church  HiMiary  looi  ix. 

A. 0.1584* did  or  his  followers  do  maintain;  for,  as  I  am  ere- 

dibly  informed,  being  by  the  constable  of  the  }>arish 

(who  chanced  also  to  be  his  godson)  somewhat 
roughly  and  rudely  required  the  payment  of  a  rate, 
he  happened  in  passion  to  strike  him.  The  con- 
stable, not  taking  it  patiently  as  a  castigation  firom 
a  godfather,  but  in  anger  as  an  nflFront  to  his  oflicis 
complained  to  sir  Rowland  8t.  John,  a  neighbouring 
justice  of  the  peace,  and  Brown  is  brought  before 
him.  The  knight,  of  himself,  was  prone  rather  to 
pity  and  pardon  than  punish  his  passion ;  but  Brown^s 
behaviour  was  so  stubborn,  that  he  appeared  obsti- 
nately ambitious  of  a  prison,  as  desirous,  after  long 
absence,  to  renew  his  familiarity  with  his  ancient 
acquaintance.  His  mittimus  is  made,  and  a  cart  with 
a  feather-bed  provided  to  carry  him,  he  himself  being 
so  infirm  (above  eighty)  to  go,  too  unwieldy  to  ride, 
and  no  friend  so  favourable  as  to  purchase  for  him  a 
more  comely  conveyance.  To  Northampton  gaol  he 
is  sent,  where,  soon  after,  he  sickened*  died,  and  was 
burietl  in  a  neighl>ouring  churohyanl;  and  it  is  no 
hurt  to  wish  tliat  his  Imd  opinions  had  been  interred 
^ith  him. 
Two  7.  Tlie  tenets  of  Brownists  daily  increasing,  their 

books  were  prohibiteil  by  the  queen's  authority; 
notwithstanding  which  prohibition  some  presumed 
to  dis{K*rse  the  same,  and  {laid  dearly  for  their  con- 
tempt thertin ;  for  filias  Tliacker  ^iis  hanged  on 
the  fourth  and  John  Coping  on  the  sixth  of  June, 
at  the  same  place,  St.  Kdmund*s  Bury,  and  for  the 
same  oflence,  the  scattering  such  schismatical  pam- 
phlets P. 

f  Slow's  Chroaide,  p.  697.     [Iloliadied,  II.  1555.] 

cxxT.  rri.  of  Britain,  71 

8.  John  Whitgift,  succeeding  in  the  archbishop- a.  D.ip84- 
ric,  found  it  much  surcharged  in  the  valuation  and  ■ 
impaired  in  the  revenues,  through  the  negligence  of  auooeedeth 
his  predecessor,  who  would  pay  willingly  what  they 
miked  of  him,  and  take  contentedly  what  any  ten- 
dered to  him.     First,  therefore,  Whitgift  procured 

an  order  out  of  the  exchequer  for  the  abatement  of 
an  hundred  pound  for  him  and  his  successors  in  the 
payment  of  his  first-fruits  ^ ;  afterwards  he  encoun- 
tered no  meaner  man  than  that  great  courtier,  sol- 
dier, and  privy  counsellor,  sir  James  Crofts ;  or  rather 
he  legally  contested  with  the  queen  in  him,  and 
recovered  from  both  Long  Beechwood  in  Kent,  con- 
taining above  a  thousand  acres  of  land,  detained 
from  his  predecessor  under  colour  of  a  lease  from 
her  majesty  ^ 

9.  This  year  Nicholas  Sanders  (more  truly  Slan-  i)c«th  or 
ders)  had  in  Ireland  a  woful  end  of  his  wretched    "  *^ 
life  •.     He  was  bom  in  Surrey,  bred  first  in  Win- 
chester, then  in  New  College  in  Oxford,  where  he 

was  king's  professor  of  canon  law ;  but  aften^^ards, 
Ijanishing  himself,  fled  to  Rome,  there  made  priest 
and  doctor  of  divinity.  He  accompanied  cardinal 
Hosius  to  the  council  of  Trent,  and  there  is  said,  by 
dii^mting  and  declaiming,  to  have  gained  himself 
great  reputation.  At  last  he  was  sent  over  pope's 
nuncio  into  Ireland,  conceived  then  a  desperate  em- 
ployment, and  therefore  many  catholics  regretted 
thereat ;  yea,  some  were  overheard  to  say,  (but  it  is 
Pitzaras  Sanders'  own  sister's  son  who  reports  it  *,) 
•*  WTiy  does  his  holiness  send  our  Sanders  into  Ire- 

4  Sir  Gecnr^re  Paul,  Life  of         ■   Caniden^tt    Eliz.    in    hoc 
Wbitgift,  4.  53.  anno. 

'  Idem.  *  De  Scriptor.  p.  773. 


burnt  •! 

7S  The  Church  Histury  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1584.  **  land  ?  we  Taloe  him  more  than  all  Ireland  18 
*^^^  ^  worth.**  There,  amongst  the  hogs  and  momitaina, 
was  he  starved  to  death,  justly  fiunished  for  want  of 
food,  who  formerly  had  surfeited  on  unprobable  lies» 
by  hun  first  forged  on  the  nativity  of  queen  EUica- 

10.  We  must  not  forget  how,  this  year,  one  John 
Lewes  was  burnt  at  Norwich  for  denying  the  God- 
head  of  Christ,  and  holding  other  detestable  heie* 
MS  >.  He  caUed  himself  ^  Abdoit  J,"  (let  him  teU 
you  whst  he  meant  thereby,)  alluding  theretn  to  tiie 
promise  of  a  new  name,  which  no  num  knawetk  bml 
Urn  thfli  reeeiveth  it  * ;  having  in  it  a  little  mock- 
Hebrew,  to  make  himself  the  more  remarkable. 

VftfA  11.  Now,  so  great  was  the  malice  of  the  Jesuits 

against  her  majesty,  that  at  this  time  they  set  forth 
many  slanderous  libels,  stirring  up  her  subjects  and 
servants  to  do  the  same  to  her  as  Judith  did  to 
Holofemes  ^  One  of  their  principal  pamphlets  was 
entitled  ^  A  Treatise  of  Schism."  The  suspicion  of 
making  it  fell  on  Gregory  Martin,  one  probable 
enough  for  such  a  prank,  (as  being  divinity  professor 
in  Rheinis,)  did  not  his  epitaph  there  ensure  me  he 

«    [This   ill  denied   by   the  be  found  in  Wood's  A  then.  I. 

Mithor  of  tbe  life  of  8«ndert,  204.    The  accomit  of  him  pr*- 

prefixed  to  his  book  **  Dt  Lu-  fixed  to  the  work  abor^  quolad 

"  thenmorum    Dissidiis,"   5cc.  is  also  a  Taloable  document, 

ed.  I594«    He  sUtes  that  San-  hitherto,  I  beKevv,  anaodoed.] 

den  died  frooi  oreruneitkm,  *  |^The  origjioal  drai^f  of 

worn  out  bjr  the  constant  em-  the  ttrmi/UavU  for  his  bomuig 

plojrment  of  his  spjritual  func-  is   stifi   prcaerred  aaioog  the 

tiQiiB.     In  the  **  jSxectilioa  of  Sanun  M88.  in  tW  Hadfean) 

**  Justice"   it    b    stated    that  7  Stow's  Chron.  p.  697. 

Sanders  died  raring.     Somers'  ■  Rer.  ii.  17. 

TracU.  I.  p.  aot.     An  excel-  •    Camden's    Elis.   in    bac 
lent   account  of  Bandera  will 

CKXT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  7S 

dead  and  buried  two  years  before^;  though  it  is  a.  d.  1584. 

poffiible  bis  posthume  work  might  be  bom  abroad 

after  the  death  of  the  author  thereof.  But  whoever 
made  i^»  William  Garter,  the  stationer,  paid  dearly 
for  publishing  it,  being  executed  at  Tyburn  ^ ;  and 
in  the  next  month  five  seminaries  (James  Fenn, 
George  Haddock,  John  Mimden,  John  Nutter,  and 
Thomas  Cemerford)  were  hanged,  bowelled,  and 
qoarteied  for  treason,  at  Tyburn ;  and  many  others 
about  the  same  time  executed  in  other  places. 

12.  Yet  even  in  the  midst  of  this  necessary  seve- The  qneea, 
nty  her  majesty  was  most  merciful  unto  many  popish  meivy. 
malefiictors,  whose  lives  stood  forfeited  to  the  laws, 
in  the  rigour  thereof;  for  no  fewer  than  seventy 
priests  (some  of  them  actually  condemned  to  die,  all 
legally  deserving  death)  were,  by  one  act  of  grace, 
pardoned,  and  sent  over  beyond  sea.  Amongst  these 

i.  Caspar  Haywood,  son  to  that  eminent  epigram- 
matist, the  first  Jesuit^  that  ever  set  foot  in  Eng- 
land ^ 

ii.  James  Bosgrave. 

iii.  John  Hart,  a  learned  man,  zealous  to  dispute, 
not  dangerous  to  practice  for  his  religion. 

iv.  Eklward  Rishton,  (ungrateful  wretch,)  who  af- 
terwards railed  in  print  on  the  queen,  who  gave  him 
his  life^ 

^  [Oct.  38, 15B3.]     PiU.  in  the  other  seminaries  mentioned 

Vita,  p.  783.     [Tanner  attri-  below  will  also  be  fonnd  in  the 

botes  the  tract  to  Martin.]  same  author,  f.  133 — 160.] 

c  [Sc«  a  full  account  of  him  ^  Camden's  Elis.  1584. 

and  his  trial  in  Bridgewater's  «  [See  Bndgewater,  ibid.  f. 

CoocarUtio,  f.  137,  395.      A  409.I 

yierj  detailed  narrative  of  the  '  f These  men  were  all  Je- 

proceedinga  against  Fenn  and  suits,  except  the  last.     For  an 


The  Church  History 


A.  D.  1584.  Her  majesty's  mercy  herein  was  the  more  remark- 
— — !1-  able,  because  done  at  a  time  when  treasons  against 
her  person  (by  Ardeni,  Somerville,  Throgmorton,  &c.) 
did  follow,  or  rather  tread,  one  on  another.  If  here- 
after the  edge  of  justice  fall  sharper  on  Jesuits,  let 
them  thank  their  own  treachery,  which  whetted  it 
against  themselves. 
Two  fruit.  IS.  Tliis  year  two  conferences  or  disputations  were 
kept,  (the  last  at  Lambeth,)  about  the  discipline  and 
ceremonies  of  the  church. 

i.  Whitgift,  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  Sandys  of 
York,  and  Cooper  of  Winchester,  for  the  same. 

ii.  Unconforming  ministers  (whose  names  I  cannot 
certainly  attain)  against  it. 

iii.  The  lords  of  her  majesty's  privy  council,  and 
some  other  persons  of  honour,  auditors  thereof  ff. 

This  conference  eflfected  nothing  on  the  disputants 
as  to  the  altering  of  their  opinions,  little  on  the 
auditors,  but  as  much  on  all  as  any  judicious  person 
ever  exiH?cted.  What  Elijah  said  passionately,  / 
am  no  letter  than  mt/  fathers  **,  may  bo  soberly  said 
of  this  conference :  it  was  no  happier  than  any  of 
its  ancestors  which  went  before  it ;  let  me  add  also. 

•ooount  of  thene  proceed ingii 
br  their  own  |Mrty»  »ee  Mt>ri 
llitt.  S«ic.  Jeiiu,  |).  133.  This 
writer  has  de%'oti-<l  many  pagen 
to  the  htiktory  of  these  men. 
who  were  eminent  among  thoiie 
of  their  own  |>en»uasitin5.  })«i». 
inure  wan  one  of  thfwe  who 
•Mtaled  at  the  conference 
between  Campian  and  dean 
Nowell  and  others,  in  the 
Tower,   in  J  581.     See    Ikmi- 

bini,  Vita  Campiant,  p.  243. 
Hart  waft  the  peraon  wboae 
(liiiputation  with  Rainolda  has 
lHM*n  nlrt*adf  mentioned ;  and 
Rinhton  waa  the  motinoalor 
of  Saundera'  book,  I>e  Sdiift* 
mate  Anslicano.  Of  Ila? wood, 
Ilart.  and  Riahton,  wtt  food's 
Athen.  I.  p.  333,  377,  190.] 

<  [See  8ir  G.  Pank's  Lifc  of 
Whitgift.  ♦  55.] 

^  I  King!  six.  4. 


of  Britain, 


and   DO   unhappier   than  its  aneeewors   that  shall  a.  d.  1584. 

eome   after  it ;    it   being  observed   that    meetings 

of  this  natore^  before  or  after  this  time,  never  pro- 
duced any  great  matter  on  persons  present  thereat, 
who  generally  carry  away  the  same  judgment  they 
brought  with  them.  And  yet  the  lords  were  pleased 
to  say  their  judgments  were  satisfied  in  the  point  on 
the  bishops'  behalf,  not  conceiving  their  adversaries' 
arguments  so  slight  and  trivial  as  now  they  appeared. 
This  was  in  some  of  them  but  a  court  compliment, 
who  afterwards  secretly  acted  against  the  archbishop 
in  &vour  of  the  other  party  ^ 

14.  Whitgift,  finding  this  first  way  unsuccessful,  8aiMO|^ 
fell  from  other  reasoning  to  a  flat  argument  fromi^ 
authority,  eiyoining  all  admitted  to  the  ecclesiastical  \ 
onlers  and  benefices  the  subscription  of  the  following 

i.  "  That  the  queen  had  supreme  authority  over 
^  all  persons  bom  within  her  dominions,  of  what 
**  condition  soever  they  were ;  and  that  no  other 
**  prince,  prelate,  or  potentate  hath  or  ought  to  have 
**  any  jurisdiction,  civil  or  ecclesiastical,  within  her 
**  realms  or  dominions." 

ii.  *•  That  the  IJook  of  Common  Prayer,  and  the 
^'  onlination  of  bishops,  priests,  and  deacons,  con- 
•*  taineth  nothing  contrary  to  the  word  of  God,  but 

'  [Their  reason  being,  not 
that  they  cared  alxiut  the  me- 
rits  of  the  quention  one  way 
Of  another,  but,  like  Judas, 
'*  when  thote  honourable  per. 
"  lonages  miw  that  they  might 
"  not  sway  (as  formerly  in  the 
"  restraint  of  archbishop  Grin- 
"  dal)  and  prefer  whom  they 

"  listed  unto  ecclesiastical  pro- 
**  motions^  they,  with  some 
"  others,  linked  themselves 
**  against  the  archbishop,  and 
"  gave  him  (being  yet  no  coun- 
*'  cillor  of  state)  many  thwarts 
"  at  the  council-board."  Sir 
G.  Paul,  ibid.] 

76  The  Church  UUiory  book  ix. 

A.D.i584.«*  may  lawfiilly  be  used ;  and  that  they  will  use  that, 
Jii?!:-"  and  none  other.- 

iii.  ^  That  the  Articles  of  Religion  agreed  in  the 
synod  holden  at  London  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
1562»  and  published  by  the  queen's  authority,  thej 
'*  did  allow  of,  and  belioTe  them  to  be  consonant  to 
•*  the  word  of  God.** 

The  severe  enforcing  of  subscription  hereunto, 
what  great  disturbance  it  occasioned  in  the  church, 
shall  hereafter  (by  God's  assistance)  be  made  to 
appear,  leaving  others  to  judge  whether  the  oflfenco 
was  given  or  taken  thereby. 
TbeRhcB-     15.  Now  Came  forth  the  Rhemish  translation  of 

lib  tnuH*  . 

htioncnmithe  Ncw  Testament  %  a  translation  which  needeth  to 
be  translated,  neither  good  Greek,  Latin,  or  English, 
as  every  where  bespeckled  with  hard  words,  (pre- 
tended not  renderable  in  English  without  abatement 
of  some  expressiveness,)  which  transcend  common 
capacities;  besides,  it  is  taxed  by  our  divines  as 
guilty  of  abominable  errors  therein.  It  was  printed 
in  large  paper,  with  a  fiur  letter  and  margent,  all 
which  I  have  charity  enough  to  impute  to  their  de- 
sire to  do  it  for  the  more  dignity  of  God's  word ; 
whilst  others  inter|)ret  it  that  thereby  purposely  they 
enhance<l  the  price,  to  put  it  |)ast  the  power  of  poor 
men's  purses  to  purchase  it.  Another  accident  raise<l 
the  deanie^s  thereof :  Ixycause,  so  many  liooks  IxMng 
seized  on  by  the  queen's  sc^archerH,  the  whole  price 
of  the  inlitiou  fell  the  nion.»  heavy  on  the  remainder. 
But  supiKMo  a  {M)or  lay-catholic  mi  rich  through  his 

^  [Of  the  Rlieinith  TrsU-     mw  Sujri>e*t  Whitgift.  p.  153. 
nent.  and  tbe  snawert  nuuk  to     Aniud*,  III.  p.  199.] 
it  bjr   Pulkc  and  Cartwright. 

CKMT.  XYl. 

of  Britain. 


industry  as  secretly  to  purchase  one  of  these  Rhemish  a.  d.  1584. 

Testaments,  he  durst  not  avouch  the  reading  thereof 

without  the  permission  of  his  superiors  licensing  him 

16.  Secretary  Walsingham,  by  his  letters,  solicited  Cartwright 
Mr.  Thomas  Cartwright  to  undertake  the  refuting  of  amwcr  h. 
this  Rhemish  translation,  and,  the  better  to  enable 
him  for  the  work,  sent  him  an  hundred  pounds  ^  out 
of  his  own  purse™;  a  bountiful  gift  for  one  who 
was,  though  a  great  statesman,  a  man  of  small  estate, 
contracting  honourable  poverty  on  himself  by  his 
expense  on  the  public  '^,  as  dying  not  so  engaged  to 
his  private  creditors  as  the  whole  church  and  state 
was  indebted  to  his  endeavours.     Walsingham  his 

*  See  the  preface  to  Cart- 
wrigiit't  book. 

■■  [A  copy  of  this  letter  is 
in  tlie  Sute  Paper  Office,  al. 
tboogli  with  no  Dame  attached 
to  it.  The  letter  says,  *'  I  have 
••  heretofore  written  to  Mr. 
"  Langstoo,  to  acquaint  him 
"  with  her  majesty 'i  pleasure 
"  for  your  removing  from 
^  thenoe,  who  take&  your 
"  being  there  offensively,  by 
*'  what  occasions  I  know  not, 
**  neither  may  we   inquire  of 

'«  those  matters." The 

writer  then  informs  him  that 
he  is  desirous  that  he  should 
"  answer  certain  books  of  the 
"  Jesuits ;  the  Testament  they 
**  would  have  first  begun  withul; 
**  the  order  to  be  this  in  your 
**  travail,  that  as  you  have 
'*  done  and  finished  any  work 
"  to  keod  it  over  hither  to  be 
"  teen  and  allowed  by  the  best 
'*  learned  of  both  the  universi- 
"  tiea,  and  that  yon  dedicate 

"  them  to  the  lord  treasurer, 
"  if  not  to  her  majesty,  joining 
"  to  the  lord  treasurer  whom 
"  you  beet  like ;  and  that  way 
"  IS  thought  bc»t  to  make  an 
"  overture  for  your  future  £»• 
"  vour.  For  your  pains  you 
"  shall  be  allowed  100/.  by  the 

*'  year And  if  you  will 

"  have  any  company  to  you  to 
*'  help  you,  you  shall  have 
"  whom  you  will,  and  as  many 
"  as  you  will,  and  they  like- 
**  wise  shall  have  good  allow- 
"  ance  made  them.  I  pray  you 
"  return  me  your  answer  by 
"  this  bearer,  that  in  both 
"  points  I  may  give  answer 
"  according  to  duty,  both  for 
'*  her  majesty's  satisfaction  and 
'*  for  this  good  work. . . .  From 
"  the  court  at  Greenwich,  this 
••  5th  July,  1582."  See  fur. 
ther  respecting  this  matter  in 
Str)pe's  Whitgift,  p.  253.] 

^  Camden's  Eliaabeth,  anno 

78  The  Church  f/isiory  book  ix. 

A.D.  1584.  letters  to  Cartwriglit  were  seconded  bj  another  from 

— the  doctors  and  heads  of  houses  (and  Dr.  Fulke 

amongst  the  rest)  at  Cambridge,  besides  the  impor- 
tunity of  the  ministers  of  London  and  Suflfolk,  soli- 
citing him  to  the  same  purpose.  Hereupon  Cart- 
wright  buckled  himself  to  the  employment,  and  was 
very  forward  in  the  pursuance  thereof. 
y^<gy  17.  No  sooner  had  Whitgift  gotten  notice  what 
hit  book.  Cartwright  ^i-as  a-writing,  but  presently  he  prohibited 
his  farther  proceeding  therein.  It  seems  Wabing- 
X  ham  was  secretary  of  state,  not  of  religion,  wherein 
the  archbishop  overpowered  him.  Many  commended 
his  care,  not  to  entrust  the  defence  of  the  doctrine 
of  England  to  a  pen  so  disaffected  to  the  discipline 
thereof ;  others  blamed  his  jealousy,  to  deprive  the 
church  of  so  learned  pains  of  him  whose  judgment 
would  so  solidly  and  affections  so  zealously  confute 
the  public  adversary.  Distasteful  passages,  (shooting 
at  Rcmie,  but  glancing  at  Canterbury,)  if  any  such 
were  found  in  his  book,  might  be  expunged,  whilst 
it  was  pity  so  good  fruit  should  be  blasted  in  the 
bud  for  some  bad  leaves  about  it.  Disheartened 
hereat,  Cartwright  desisted ;  but  some  years  aft^T, 
encouraged  by  an  honourable  lord,  resumed  the  work ; 
but,  prevented  by  death,  [perfected  no  further  than 
the  fifteenth  chapter  of  the  Revelation.  Many  years 
lay  this  worthy  work  neglected,  and  the  copy  thereof 
mouse-eaten  in  [mrt,  whenco  the  printer  excustnl 
some  defects  theriMU  in  his  edition,  which,  though  late, 
yet  at  last  (*aine  forth,  anno  1618;  a  book  which, 
notwithHtaiiding  the  fon^naid  defects,  is  so  complete 
that  the  Rhemists  durst  never  return  the  least 
answer  thereunto. 
Dr.Puik*       18.  Meantime,  whibt  Cartwright  his  refutation  of 


ciKT.  xvr. 

of  Britain. 


the  Rhemish  was  thus  retarded,  Dr.  William  Fulke,  ^-  ^vJi5®*' 

master  of  Pembroke  Hall  in  Cambridge,  entered  the ^ — 

list  against  them,  judiciously  and  learnedly  perform- 
ing his  undertaking  therein.  His  daughter,  and,  as 
I  take  it,  the  only  surviver  of  his  children,  lately  set 
forth  the  fourth  and  fairest  edition  of  this  his  Con- 
futation, and  dedicated  it  to  king  Charles  ®. 

19-  The  Rhemists  profess,  in  their  preface  to  theApromiae 
New  Testament,  "  that  the  Old  Testament  also  lieth  fo,^^*^' 
**  by  them  for  lack  of  good  means  to  publish  the 
**  whole  in  such  sort  as  a  work  of  so  great  charge 
•*  and  importance  requireth ;"  which  seemeth  strange 
to  a  judicious  consideration,  for,  had  a  voluminous 
legend  of  saints'  lives  (with  pictures  as  costly  as 
superstitious)  been  to  be  set  forth,  a  mass,  a  mint,  a 
mine  of  money  could  easily  be  advanced  to  defray 
the  expenses  thereof  Thus  papists  can  be  poor  or 
rich,  as  they  please  themselves.  Some  behold  this 
their  promise  to  set  forth  the  Old  Testament  as  not 
really  intended,  but  given  out  to  raise  men's  expec- 
tations, which  in  process  of  time  would  fall  of  itself, 
and  the  proffer  by  degrees  be  forgotten  ;  others  in- 
terpret their  resolutions  real,  but  purposely  revoked, 
seeing  the  ill  success  of  their  New  Testament,  so 
canvassed  and  confuted  by  the  protestant  divines. 
Perceiving  that  their  small  pinnace,  which  they  first 

o  [Dr.  Fulke,  miuiter  of 
Pifinbroke  Hall  in  Cambridge, 
ihire,  compleU^d  Cartwrigbt's 
Confutation  of  the  Rbeuiists' 
Tranalation,  wbicb  had  been 
left  onfiniahed^  adding  certain 
chapters  in  the  Revelations, 
according  to  Strrpe,  Whitgift, 
354.  He  was  also  the  author 
of  a  work  called  a  Comment 

on  the  Rhemish  Testament,  first 
publiHhed  in  London  1580, 
whereof  the  fourth  edition  was 
published  in  1633.  He  also 
answered  Dr.  Gregory  Martin, 
a  Romanist  who  had  attacked 
the  English  version  of  the 
Scriptures.  See  Tanner's  Bibl. 
p.  303,  and  Strype's  Annals, 
in.  199.] 

80  The  Church  History  boob  ix. 

A.  D.  1584.861  forth,  met  at  sea  with  such  boisterous  weather« 
_IL_  wisely  they  would  not  adventure  a  greater  Teasel 
after  it ;  but  rather  left  it  to  rot  on  the  dock,  than 
they  would  launch  it  forth  in  such  danger.  A  third 
sort  beheld  this  their  promise  as  a  modest  and  man* 
nerly  (alias  a  crafty  and  cunning)  begging  of  a  con- 
tribution of  the  catholic  party  for  setting  forth  of 
the  same,  which  never  as  yet  came  into  public  view. 
Yea,  the  Old  Testament,  some  said,  would  be  old 
indeed  before  the  translation  thereof  in  En^ish  were 
by  them  set  forth ;  insomuch  that  some  conceived  a 
lease  of  land,  till  this  their  promise  be  performed, 
almost  as  good  as  the  feeHs^imple  thereof. 
Coafidanoe  20.  But  uow,  though  men  were  so  generally  con- 
laMd^^*  fident  that  these  long-expected  Rhemish  notes  on 
'"^^'  the  Old  Testament  would  not  come  forth  till  the 
Greek  Calends,  they  have  since  found  themselves 
deceived,  seeing  some  twenty  years  after  that  long- 
looked-fbr  work  crept  forth  into  the  world,  little 
notice  being  taken  thereof  by  the  protectants ;  partly 
because  no  great  eminency  therein  to  entitle  it  to 
their  perusal,  partly  because  that  moiety  of  the  Bible 
is  of  least  concernment  in  the  oontroTersies  betwixt 
us  and  the  church  of  Rome. 
tim^^  21.  I  find  not  this  year  the  death  of  any  emineiit 
fEOmmZ^  English  protestant  divined  Amongst  the  papists 
George  Etheredge  departed  this  life,  much  lamented 
by  those  of  his  own  persuasion.  He  was  bachelor 
of  physic  in  Corpus  Christi  College  in  Oxford,  and 
king*8  [irofossor  of  Greek  in  that  university,  which 
place  he  quitted  at  the  coming  in  of  queen  Elin- 

f  [Acoording  to  Wotid,  wlio     £tbrre<l|{e  in  h»  Athen.  I.  p. 
luu   given    tome    aceount    of    337,  lie  «nu  liring  ia  15S8.] 

CENT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  81 

betb^  and  betook  himself  there  to  a  private  life.  a.  d.  1585. 

His  hoose  was  an  hospital  to  relieve  those  of  his-! !l- 

own  reh'gion,  on  whom  he  expended  his  estate.  He 
was  one  of  the  primitive  catholics,  saith  my  author  % 
persecoted  for  his  conscience.  As  he  started  soon« 
he  ran  along  in  the  race  of  patience,  used  to  all  the 
giolg  in  Oxford  and  London  for  thirty  years  toge- 
ther ;  insomuch  that  he  professed  that  the  variety  of 
prisons  was  some  pleasure,  and  the  custom  of  durance 
had  made  fetters  to  be  freedom  unto  him. 

S2.  This  year  came  forth  the  exposition  of  Mr. 
Thomas  Rogers  on  the  Articles  of  the  Church  of 
England,  which  at  first  met  not  with  that  welcome 
entertainment  which  seemed  due  to  his  endeavours ; 
for  l>e8ides  the  two  extremes  (papists  and  schisma- 
tics) highly  enraged,  many  protestants  of  a  middle 
temper  were  much  offended  thereat.  Some  con- 
ceived it  presumption  for  any  private  minister  to 
make  himself  the  mouth  of  the  church,  to  render 
her  sense  in  matters  of  so  high  concernment ;  othera 
were  offended  that  his  interpretation  confined  the 
charitable  latitude  formerly  allowed  in  those  Articles^ 
the  composers  whereof,  providently  foreseeing  that 
doctrinal  differences  would  inevitably  arise  in  so 
large  a  church  as  England  was,  even  betwixt  pro- 
testants agreeing  in  fundamentals  of  religion,  pur- 
posely couched  the  Articles  in  general  terms,  not 
that  falsehood  should  take  shelter  under  the  covert 
thereof,  but  to  include  all  such  dissenters  within  the 
comprehensiveness  of  the  expressions ;  whereas  now 
Mr.  Rogers  his  restrictive  comment  shut  out  such 
from  their  concurrence  with  the  church  of  England^ 

9  Pits,  in  Vita,  p.  785. 

rUI.LKB,  VOL.  V.  o 

The  Church  History 


A.  D.  1585.  which  the  discreet  laxity  of  the  text  admitted  there- 

t8  EUs.  ^ 

onto.     However,  the  worth  of  the  work  in  some 

years  wrought  itself  into  good  esteem,  as  dedicated 
to  and  countenanced  by  the  archbishop,  though  the 
author  thereof  never  got  any  higher  preferment  ^ 
2^~f«^     28.  Three  irreat  societies  at  this  time  in  London 

r  [Thomas  Hogen»  an  ex- 
cellent preacher*  hotn,  as  Wood 
thinks,  (Ath.  toI.  I.  400,)  in 
Cheshire,  and  entered  at  Ox- 
ford about  1568»  obtained  a 
studentship  of  Christ  Church, 
and  tcK)k  the  degree  of  M.  A. 
1576.  He  was  chaplain  to 
archbishop  Bancroft,  and  held 
the  rectory  of  Horninger,  near 
Bury  St.  Edmund's.  Suffolk, 
where  he  is  8up|M>sed  to  have 
died,  and  to  have  been  buried 
in  the  chancel  of  that  church 
asnd  Feb.  1615- 16.  His  book 
on  the  Articles  of  the  Church 
flf  England  bears  this  title: 
••  The  Faith,  Doctrine,  and 
**  Religion  professed  and  pro. 
"  tected  in  tlie  Realm  of  Eng- 
'*  land  and  Dominions  of  the 
••  same ;  expressed  in  Thirty- 
"  nine  Articles  concordably 
'*  agreed  upon  by  the  reverend 
**  Bishoun  and  Clergy  of  this 
"  Kiugaoni,  at  two  several 
'*  lleedaffs  or  Convocatioas  of 
"  theirs  in  the  years  of  our 
*'  Lord  156a  and  1604.  The 
*'  aaid  Artidea  analysed  into 
**  Propositions,  and  the  Propo- 
**  ftitiiins  proved  to  be  atfTe4*able 
•*  both  to  the  UTitftNi  Word  of 
*'  God  and  to  the  extant  Con. 
*'  feaaions  of  all  the  neighbour 
**  Churches  Christianly  re. 
••  formed.  The  Adversaries 
'*  also  of  note  and  name  which 
*'  from  the  Apostles'  days  and 

*'  Primitive  Church  hitherto 
*'  have  crcjssed  or  contradicted 
'*  the  said  Articles  in  general, 
'*  or  nn  J  particle  or  proposition 
*'  arising  from  any  of  them  in 
"  particular,  hereby  are  disco- 
"  vered.  laid  open,  and  oou. 
"  futed.  Perused  nnd  by  the 
*'  lawful  authority  of  the  Church 
*'  of  England  idlowed  to  be 
'*  public.  Rom.  xvi*  17,  / 
**  oeserch  voir,  &c.  London  : 
'*  Printed  by  John  I^iegatt,  and 
*'  are  to  be  uAd  by  Michael 
*'  Sparke,  at  the  Hign  of  the 
'*  Blue  Bible  in  Green  Arbor, 
**  near  the  Little  Old  Bailey. 
••  1607."  The  work  paiwed 
through  several  editions,  but 
this  mentioned  by  Fuller  I 
have  never  seen  nor  been  able 
to  find  any  account  of  it.  The 
book  is  dedicated  to  archbishop 
Bancroft,  the  author  subscrib. 
tng  himself,  "  At  Horninger. 
'*  near  St.  Edmnnd's  Bury,  in 
•'  6uMk.  the  I  ith  of  March, 
"  1607.  Your  grace's  poor 
**  chaplain.alwaya  to  command, 
••  Tbooiaa  Bogwa  "  The  cdi- 
tiona  of  this  book  previoos  to 
1 607  must  tiave  contained  much 
Was  than  tboae  ti  tlik  ytv. 
ainoB  continual  referaacc  is 
made  to  points  as  low  down  as 
the  year  1603.  The  prvliM!* 
containa  much  curious  hialo- 
rical  information.] 


of  Britain. 


wero  bnrily  employed,  the  two  former  of  them  a.  d.  1585. 
mTOQched  by  law,  and  the  third  avouching  it^el^  asmt^ 

on  foot 

Tht  Pmrlimmeni, 

t  IhyiB  and  holden 
I  acWMtmiiulerthe 
i  cwenty-tkird  4mj 
I  of  November  last  ■, 
I  and  there  oonti- 
i  Boed  till  the  twen- 
tf-aurth  of  March 
foDowingt  wherein 
the  itacufe  a|[aifiat 
Jesuits  and  priests 
their  departinfr  out 
and  not  ootning  in- 
to the  reabo,  was 
mads,  with  penalty 
tar    the    reliering 

The  ConvwxUion, 


Kept  in  St.  Paurs  in  Lon. 
don,  beginning  with  a  most 
learned  Latin  sennon  t, 
preached  by  John  Copoot  a, 
doctor  of  divinity,  (after- 
wards  master  of  Bennet  Col- 
l^ge  in  Cambridge,;  taking 
for  his  text  I  Tim.  vi.  13, 
Pfwdpio  iibi  cormm  Deo, 
Ac.  llence  the  convocation 
was  removed  to  the  collegiate 
church  of  St.  Peter^s  in 
Westminster,  where  Dr. 
Goodman,  dean  thereof, 
made  a  solemn  protestation 
with  bis  fellow  preliettHs  that 
the  said  meeting  might  not 
to  be  pitrjudidal  to  the  pri- 
vileges of  his  clmrch.  His 
pmtestatitm  was  ait»pted, 
and  assurance  given  that 
the  said  oon vocation  met  not 
there  in  any  manner  to  in- 
fringe their  immiuiities,  but 
only  for  the  maturation  of 
businoM  u  ith  the  more  ezpe- 
ditioo  through  the  ocmve- 
nieiicy  of  the  place.  M'il 
liam  Redman,  doctor  of  divi- 
nity, archdeacon  of  Canter- 
bury, was  chosen  and  pre- 
sented prolocutor'. 

The  Assembly  of 

The  certain  place  of 
their  convening 
not  known,  being 
clandestine,  arbi- 
trary, and  change- 
able, as  advised  by 
their  convenienoes. 
They  are  lietter  dis- 
oovored  by  their 
moving  than  by 
their  meeting,  and 
thei  r  practices  more 
conspicuous  than 
their  places.  Some 
agents  for  them 
were  all  day  at  the 
door  of  the  pnriii^ 
meut  house,  and 
some  part  of  the 
night  in  the  cham- 
bers of  parliament 
men,  effectually  so- 
liciting their  busi- 
ness with  them. 

■[1584.  See  ITEwes' Jour- 
Ml,  p.  311.] 

^  "  Veottsta  et  eloquent  con- 
««  go:*  nith  the  Register  of 
CttUevlHirv,  out  of  which  I 
tnuMcribed  it. 

«  [Of  Dr.  Copoot,  see  Hiit. 
of  UniT.  of  CuDD.  p.  1 48.  He 
vss  chmpUn  to  archbishop 
Whitgifit  and  a  strenuous  op. 

poser  of  the  puritans.  Strype's 
Life  of  Wytgift,  p.  274.] 

X  [For  an  account  of  the 
proceedings  of  this  convoca- 
tion, see  Wilkins'  Cone.  IV.  p. 
306.  It  continued  till  Febru- 
ary I  Ith,  1586.  In  the  earlier 
sessions  the  errors  of  Hilton, 
mentioned  at  f.  ay,  were  con. 


84  The  Church  Hutary  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1585.      24.  Wonder  not  if  archbishop  Whitgift  repaired 

'  —  seldom  to,  and  resided  but  a  short  time  in,  the  eon- 

bahm,  *  vocation,  having  other  work  to  do  in  the  parliament, 
dtentiMi  ^'hcre  what  impression  was  made  by  the  agents  of 
*^^^  the  ministers  will  ap|K'ar  by  his  ensuing  letter  to 
writm  to    her  majcstv  y : 

the  queen.  *^ 



To  the  Queen's  most  excellent  Majesty. 

May  it  please  your  majesty  to  be  advertised, 
^  that  notwithstanding  the  charge  of  late  given  by 
**  your  highness  to  the  lower  house  of  parliament  for 
**  dealing  in  causes  of  the  church ;  albeit  also  ac- 
**  cording  to  your  majesty's  good  liking  we  have  »i,»t 
^^  down  orders  for  the  admitting  of  meet  men  into 
*'  the  ministry  hereafter,  yet  have  they  jiassed  a  bill 
**  in  the  bouse  yesterday  touching  that  matter,  which, 
**  besides  other  great  inconveniences,  (as  namely,  the 
**  trial  of  the  minister's  sufficiency  by  twelve  laymen, 
**  and  such-like,)  hath  this  also,  that  if  it  |)ass  by 
*"  parliament  it  cannot  hereafter  but  in  parliament 
^  be  altered,  what  necessity  soever  shall  urge  there- 
unto ;  which  I  am  persuade^l  in  short  time  will 
appear,  considering  the  multitude  of  livings  not  fit 
^'  for  men  so  qualified,  by  reason  of  the  smallness 
••  thenH)f.  Whereas  if  it  {lass  but  as  a  canon  from 
••  us,  by  your  mi^esty's  authority,  it  may  be  observed 
-  or  altered  at  your  [Measure. 

'^  They  have  also  |msscHl  a  bill  giving  liberty  to 
^  nmrry  at  all  times   of  the  year,  without  restraint. 

y  Out  of  bithop  Wkitgift't  wood's,  and  liaoe  in  mir  own 
BiAnutcript  of  hit  own  Letten,  puifion.  [Printed  wi  in 
alterwmrdt  in  lir  Prter  Man«     Suype  s  Wbilgifl,  p.  198.] 


CBNT.  XYi.  of  Britain,  85 

"*  contrary  to  the  old  canons  continually  observed  a.  d.  1585. 


**  amongst  us,  and  containing  matter  which  tendeth 

"*  to  the  slander  of  this  church,  as  having  hitherto 
^  maintained  an  error. 

**  There  is  likewise  now  in  hand,  in  the  same 
^  house,  a  bill  concerning  ecclesiastical  courts  and 
^  visitations  by  bishops,  which  may  reach  to  the 
^  overthrow  of  ecclesiastical  jurisdiction  and  study 
**  of  the  civil  laws.  The  pretence  of  the  bill  is 
^  against  excessive  fees  and  exactions  in  occlesias- 
*^  tical  courts ;  which  fees  are  none  other  than  have 
^  been  of  long  time  accustomed  to  be  taken,  the 
^  law  already  established  providing  a  sharp  and 
^  severe  punishment  for  such  as  shall  exceed  the 
*^  same ;  besides  an  order  also,  which  we  at  this  pre- 
**  sent  have  taken  amongst  ourselves,  for  the  better 
*•  performance  thereof. 

••  I  therefore  most  humbly  beseech  your  majesty 
^  to  continue  your  gracious  goodness  towards  us, 
^  who  with  all  humility  submit  ourselves  to  your 
^*  highness,  and  cease  not  daily  to  pray  for  your 
'^  liappy  estate,  aud  long  and  pros]>erous  reign  over 
*'  us. 

l^  From  Lambeth,  the  24th  of  March,  1584.] 

**  Your  Majesty's  chaplain,  and 

"  daily  orator  most  bounden, 

"  John  Cantitar.'' 

TI1U8  the  old  year  (on  the  last  day  whereof  this 
letter  was  dated)  ende<l  sadly  and  suspiciously  with 
the  pn^lates;  but  the  next  year  l)egan  cheerfully, 
and  presented  good  tidings  unto  them. 

25.  For  the  queen,  to  verify  her  motto,  semper  lu 
eadem.  and  to  disprove  that  inconstancy  generally ffi^r? 


86  7%€  Church  Hisiory  booe  %x. 

A.  i>  1585  charged  on  her  sex,  acquitted  hereelf  more  than 

1 '    woman  in  her  masculine  resolutions,  and  nothing  of 

riJ^"^^' moment  was  alten?d  in  church  discipline  ;  many 
^^^  things  indoiMl  were  offenHl  to  both  houses,  debated, 
agitated,  and,  as  it  seems,  passed  the  commons,  but 
nothing  in  fine  was  effected.  Thus  the  mi\jor  may 
propound  what  it  pleaseth,  and  the  minor  assume 
what  it  listeth;  but  no  conclusive  argument  could 
then  be  framed  without  the  eryo  of  the  royal  anent, 
which  the  queen  refused  to  affix  to  any  material 
alteration  \ 
Pkrii— wit  25.  And  a  few  days  after,  the  session  of  the  parlia- 
ment  for  the  present  broke  off,  wherewith  ended  the 
assembly  of  the  ministers ;  and  now  all  of  them  had 
leave  to  depart  to  their  oi^n  homes,  otherwise  such 
members  thereof  as  formerly  went  away  without 
leave  were  obnoxious  to  censure:  witness  one  of 
them  in  his  ingenious  confession,  **  Touching  my 
''  departure  from  that  holy  assembly  without  leave, 
''  &c.,  I  crave  panlon  both  of  you  and  thenu  &c. ; 
**  and  thus  commending  this  holy  cause  to  the  Lord 
^  himself,  and  your  godly  council  to  the  president 
*•  thereof,  I  take  my  leave  ■." 
Jabn  HU-  27-  The  next  day  the  convocation  ended,  having 
^''  effected  nothing  of  moment,  save  that  in  the  ninth 

^Jji^JI]^    session  tlienH)f  John  Hilton,  priest,  made  a  solemn 
^^TJI"^'    abjuration  of  his  blasphemous  heresies,  acconling  to 
the  tenor  ensuing  ^  : 

*  ([Hc«  the  speech  the  niMfe  tlsing,  &c.  p.  75. 

to  thf  iMrlianient  at  the  clute  ^  [See   the   |iruo(«diii|pi  of 

of  the  •itaiuii.    Strjpe't  Whit*  thti  conrontion    in    Strrpe'i 

gift.  p.  199.]  Whitgift,  p.  2 10.  and  WUknu' 

Mr.CKlibnuidtoMr.Field,  Cone.  IV.   n.  306.      The 

ac^th  Sor.  i  5H4.  cited  by  bishop     ciHintii  of  these  writers 
Bftncfoft  m  his  Knglith  Soot*     slightly  Irocn  that  of  Fnllcr.] 

CKKT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  S7 

**  In  Dei  nomine,  AmeiL     Before  you,  most  reve-  ^  ?• » ?®s« 

**  rend  father  in  God,  lord  John  archbishop  of  Can- 
**  terbuTj,  primate  and  metropolitan  of  all  England, 
^  and  the  reverend  fathers  in  God,  the  bishops  of 
"^  this  your  province  of  Canterbury,  here  congregated 
**  and  assembled  together  in  this  holy  sjmod  and 
**  convocation ;  I,  John  Hilton,  priest,  of  my  pure 
^  heart  and  iree  will,  voluntarily  and  sincerely  know- 
**  ledge,  confess,  and  openly  recognise  that  in  times 
**  past  I  thought,  believed,  said,  held,  and  presump- 
"*  toously  affirmed  and  preached  the  errors,  heresies, 
^  blasphemies,    and    damnable    opinions    following. 

Here  he  distinctly  read  a  schedule  containing  his 
heresies,  (which  what  they  were  may  be  collected 
by  that  which  ensueth,)  and  then  proceeded  as  fol- 
loweth : 

•*  Wherefore  I,  the  said  John  Hilton,  detesting 
•*  and  abhorring  all  and  every  such  my  said  heresies, 
**  blasphemies,  and  damned  opinions,  willing  and 
**  with  all  my  power  affecting  hereafter  firmly  to 
••  believe  in  the  true  and  perfect  faith  of  Christ  and 
"•  his  holy  church,  purposing  to  follow  the  doctrine 
^*  of  Christ  and  his  holy  apostles,  with  a  pure  and 
**  free  heart,  voluntary  mind,  will,  and  intent,  utterly 
^  forsake,  relinquish,  renounce,  and  despise  the  said 
**  detestable  errors,  heresies,  blasphemies,  and  abo- 
*'  minable  opinions. 

**  Granting  and  confessing  that  the  blessed  Trinity 
"*  consisteth  in  three  distinct  persons  and  one  God- 

^  This  was  hj  me  faithfully  transcribed  out  of  the  Records 
oi  Canterbury. 



88  The  Church  H'tHary  book  ix. 

A.D.  i585.««  head:  as  God  the  Father,  God  the  Son,  and  G<mI 
—  *'  the  Holy  GhoAt,  coequal  in  |>owcr  and  might. 

"  Secondly,  that  Jesus  Christ  is  l)oth  (io^l  and 
"  man,  and  my  Saviour  and  Re<leemer,  and  of  all 
**  others  baptized  and  iK'lieving  in  Him;  who  of  His 
**  Father  of  His  own  substance  in  His  humanity  was 
^  conceived  by  the  Holy  Ghost,  incaniate,  and  for 
•*  our  redemption,  being  very  Grod,  became  man. 

•*  And  that  bv  the  death  of  Jesus  Christ  we  be 
*^  not  only  made  {lartakers  of  His  testament,  and  so 

deduced  to  the  knowledge  of  His  godly  will  and 

power,  but  also  that  we  have  full  redemption  and 
*^  remission  of  our  sins  in  His  blood. 

'*  And  where  I  did  most  ungodly,  detestably*  and 
^  blasphemously  affirm  that  the  Old  and  New  Ten- 
**  laments  were  fables,  now,  being  most  sorry  for 
**  that  abominable  and  damnable  assertion,  I  do  most 

**  humbly  and **  believe  the  same  Testaments 

^^  to  contain  all  tniths  necessary  to  salvation,  and 
^^  that  I  and  all  others  are  bound  to  believe  the 
^  same  as  the  undoubted  word  of  God,  and  that 
**  without  that  I  cannot  be  savcnl. 

''  And  therefore  the  said  errors,  blasphemies,  and 
*^  all  other  heresies,  false  doctrines,  and  danmed 
^*  opinions  in  general,  contrary  and  repugnant  to 
**  the  faith  of  C'hrist,  I  utterly  abjure,  forsake,  and 
•*  purely  renounce,  l)efore  you,  most  reverend  father 
**  in  God,  and  the  rest  of  this  holv  synod  here 
**  assembled.  And  moreover  I  swc^ar  by  this  holy 
**  evangi^list,  by  me  here  iMMJily  touches!,  that  fn>m 
^^  henct*foKh  I  shall  never  hold,  teach,  lielieve,  or 

^  Ilerr  tht*  ivcord  is  m>  ill  written,  thtt  thin  word  it  acH 

csvT.  «▼!•  of  Britain.  89 

**  affirm    the   said   errors,  heresies,  blasphemies,  orA.D.  1585* 

••  damned  opinions,  or  any  other  against,  contrary, 1 

**  or  repugnant  to  the  holy  faith  of  Christ's  church ; 
*•  nor  yet  shall  I,  by  myself  or  any  other  person, 
•*  prhrately  or  apertly  defend,  maintain,  succour,  fa- 
**  Tomr^  or  support  any  person  that  to  my  knowledge 
^  holdeth,  believeth,  affirmeth,  or  teacheth  any  such 
^  heresies,  errors,  or  damned  opinions.  80  help  me 
^  Go<l,  and  these  holy  evangelists.  In  witness 
-  whereof  to  this  my  present  abjuration  and  renun- 
**  ciation,  I  have  with  my  own  hand  voluntarily 
^  subscribed  my  proper  name. 

"  John  Hilton." 

38.  Upon  this  his  abjuration,  penance  was  imposed  Penmoe 
on  him,  firft,  that  he  should  attend  at  PauPs  Cross  !!]^  him. 
upon  the  preacher,  Sunday  next,  all  the  time  of  the 
sermon,  and  there  i>enitently  stand  before  the  said 
preacher  with  a  fisigot  on  his  shoulders ;  secondly, 
that  he  should  not  preach,  minister  sacraments,  nor 
exercise  any  ecclesiastical  function  in  the  church, 
except  specially  licensed  by  the  archbishop  there- 
unto; thirdly,  that  he  should  recant  the  said  here- 
sies and  damnable  opinions  in  the  church  of  St. 
Martin's  in  the  Fields,  at  a  sermon  there  to  be  made 
by  the  archdeacon,  and  there  to  shew  himself  very 
penitent.  I  find  in  the  records  a  recognisance  of 
five  hundred  |>ounds  drawn  up  to  the  queen,  whereby 
the  said  Hilton  bound  himself  for  the  |>erformance 
hereof;  but  because  the  rude  draught  of  the  l>ond 
\»  crossed,  I  conceive  it  not  insisted  on,  and  (finding 
nothing  to  the  contrarj)  presume  the  aforesaid 
penance  by  him  exactly  performed. 

29.  The  ministers  or  brethren,  now  missing  their  ^^^^^n*" 

01  import* 


The  Church  History 


A.D.  1585.  mark,  abated  much  of  their  former  activitv,  inso- 

much  as  that  Mr.  Cartwright  (whom  I  conjecture 

becvizt  Um  the  preBident  mentioned  in  the  last  assembly)  began 
•^  ^^  to  make,  by  the  mediation  of  the  earl  of  Leicester, 
(who  now  designed  him  master  of  his  new-built 
hospital  in  Warwick,)  compliance  with  Whitgift ; 
though  the  wary  archbishop,  not  OTer-fond  of  his 
friendship,  kept  him  at  distance,  as  these  two  letters 
here  inserted  will  sufficiently  inform  us  ^ : 

tiM  Arch- 

•     "  My  good  Lord  ^ 

**  I  most  heartily  thank  you  for  your  faTourablo 
^  and  courteous  usage  of  Mr.  Cartwright,  who  hath 
so  exceeding  kindly  taken  it  also,  as  I  assure  your 
grace  he  caimot  speak  enough  of  it.  I  trust  it 
shall  do  him  a  great  deal  of  good.  And  he  pro- 
testeth  and  professeth  to  me  to  take  no  other 
course  but  to  the  drawing  of  all  men  to  the  unity 
of  the  church ;  and  that  your  grace  hath  so  dealt 
with  him,  as  no  man  shall  so  command  him  and 
dispose  of  him  as  you  shall;  and  doth  mean  to 
'*  let  his  opinion  publickly  be  kuown,  even  in  the 
^  pulpit,  if  your  grace  so  |)emiit  him,  what  he  him- 
**  self  will  and  would  all  others  should  do  for  obe- 








*  [Upon  Caitwright't  return 
from  the  Low  Countriet,  where 
he  had  ofRciated  during  fire 
yean  to  aome  English  ficto- 
riet,  officer!  were  sent  to  ap- 
prehend him  as  a  mover  of 
•edition  and  a  turbulent  per. 
•on.  During  hii  confinement 
the  archbishop  behared  witli 
much  kindncaa  to  him.  Upon 
a  promise  to  conform,  it  is  pro. 
bable  that  he  was  dismissed  by 
the  ind  wmee  of  the  archbishop. 

though  a  license  to  preach 
still  refused  him.  Upon  this 
occasion  these  letters  are  writ* 
ten,  which  are  in  part  printed 
in  Strrpe's  Whitgift,  p.  215. 
Cartwright,  however,  was  a 
conformist  only  in  appennuMt. 
See  Htrype's  Annals,  111.  470.] 
f  Taken  out  of  the  manu. 
script  of  bishop  Whitgiit's  Let. 
ters,  belonging  to  sir  Pelcr 
Bfanwood.   and    since    in  jny 

cssT.  STf .  of  Britain.  91 

to  the  iBLvm  establiriieiL     And  if  any  littleA.p.i585« 

ipl«  be,  it  18  not  greet,  end  easy  to  be  reformed : 

"*  bj  your  grace,  iriiOHi  T  do  most  heartily  entreat 
^  to  oontiniie  yoar  favom*  and  countenance  towards 
^  him^  wHh  such  access  sometimes  as  your  leisure 
^  vmy  permit ;  for  I  perceive  he  doth  much  desire 
**  and  crave  it. 

*^  I  am  to  thank  your  grace  also  very  heartily  for 
^  Mr.  Fenne, .  albeit  I  understand  he  is  sometliing 
*^  more  opiniate  than  I  wish  him  ;  but  I  trust  he 
**  will  also  yield  to  all  reasons.  And  I  mean  to  deal 
"*  with  the  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  9,  to 
^  make  eome  trial  of  him  ;  for  surely  he  is  an  honest 
**  man.  Thus,  my  good  lord,  praying  to  God  to 
**  blees  his  church,  and  to  make  his  servants  constant 
•*  and  faithful,  I  bid  your  grace  farewell. 

•*  At  the  court,  this  14th  July. 

"  Your  Grace's  very  assured  Friend, 

"  R.  Leicester." 

'^  My  singular  good  Lord, 

*•  Master  Cartwright  shall  be  welcome  to  me  at 
•*  all  times ;  and  using  himself  quietly  as  b^cometh 
^  bim,  and  as  I  hope  he  will,  he  shall  find  me  willing 
**  to  do  him  any  good.  But  to  grant  unto  him  as 
*•  yet  my  license  to  preach,  without  longer  trial,  I 
**  cannot,  especially  seeing  he  protesteth  himself  to 
**  be  of  the  same  mind  he  was  at  the  writing  of  his 
•*  book,  for  the  matter  thereof,  though  not  for  the 
^  manner.  Myself  also,  I  thank  God,  not  altered  in 
••  any  point  by  me  set  down  to  the  contrary,  and 
**  knowing    many    things    to    be   very   dangerous ; 

9  [Willtam  Overton.] 


92  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1585.*'  wherefore  notwithstanding  I  am  content,  and  n^adv 

"  to  be  at  peace  with  him,  so  long  as  he   liveth 

peaceably ;  yet  doth  my  conscience  and  duty  for- 
bid me  to  give  unto  him  any  further  public  appro- 
^*  bation,  until  I  be  l>etter  ]>er8uaded  of  his  con- 
formity. And  so,  being  bold  to  use  my  accustomed 
plainness  with  your  lordship,  I  commit  you  to  the 
''  tuition  of  Almighty  God,  this  17th  of  July,  1585. 

**  John  Cantiar.*' 

Saminariei      SO.  Seminaries    and    priests    to    the   number   of 

Il^dtnot-  thirty-two,  late  prisoners  in  the  Tower,  Marshalsea* 

''"**^*       King's   Bench,  and    other   places,   were    |)ardone<l, 

enlarged,   and    transported    over    into    Normandy, 

though   occasionally  they  were  forced   to   land   at 

Boulogne  *•. 

81.  The  earl  of  Ijeicester,  who  hitherto  had  done 
but  little  goo<l  in  England,  went  now  over  to  do  less 
in  the  Liow  Countries,  commanding  a  great  army 
and  name,  with  the  illustrious  title  of  general  of  the 
auxiliaries  of  the  queen  of  England.  He  was  not 
so  much  pleased  with  his  place  there,  but  that  some 
of  his  back-friends  were  as  nmch  delighte<l  with  his 
room  here.  Meantime  the  ministers  lost  the  bi^st 
stake  in  their  hedge,  in  his  absence,  their  patron 
paramount ;  for  though  by  letters  he  might  solicit 
their  cause,  yet  the  greatest  strength  is  not  so 
extensive  but  to  have  the  virtue  thereof  abattMl  at 
such  a  distance.  And  afterwanis  it  fare<l  wone  with 
the  ministerH,  when  Whitgift.  archbishop  of  C.*anter- 
bury,  was  sworn  of  the  privy  council,  (an  honour 
which  his  predecinisor  (irindal  never  obtained,  yea, 

**  [6c«  Handert,  I)e  Schismate  AiikI.  p.  359.] 

CEXT.  XVI.  nf  Britain.  98 

neTer  desired,)  by  the  procurement,  it  is  believed,  ofA.D.  1585. 

the  lord  Burghley '.  

S2.  Now,  for  the  present,  I  will  trouble  the  reader  The  Litur- 

ffT  sup* 

no  longer  with  these  brawls  about  discipline;  onl jr p^ned by 
one  story  must  not  be  omitted,  though  it  be  fathered '^^***'^ 
rather  on  public  report  than  fixed  on  any  particular 
author  in  those  days  avowing  the  same.  Some  com- 
plained against  the  Liturgy  to  the  lord  Burghley,  of 
whom  he  demanded  "  whether  they  desired  the 
••  taking  away  thereof?"  They  answered,  "  No ;  but 
•*  onlv  the  amendment  of  what  was  offensive  there- 
**  in.**  He  recjuired  them  to  make  a  better,  «uch 
as  they  would  have  settled  in  the  stead  thereof. 

The  first  classis  framed  a  new  one,  somewhat 
according  to  the  form  of  Geneva. 

Tlie  second  cl&ssis,  disliking  it,  altered  it  in  six 
hundred  particulars  ^. 

The  third  quarrelled  at  these  alterations,  and 
resolved  on  a  new  model. 

The  fourth  classis  dissented  from  the  former. 

Tlius,  because  they  could  not  agree  amongst  them- 
wlves,  that  wise  statesman  put  them  off  for  the 
pn^Hent,  until  they  should  present  liim  a  pattern 
with  a  j>c»rfect  consent. 

33.  Iliree  protestant  bishops  this  year  exchanged  Acmm- 
this  life  for  another:  the  first  was  Kichanl  Curtevs ', i* beUered 

in  luU  krti. 

>  [See  hir  G.  Paule's  Life  of  August,  1582,  according  to  the 

\Vbitgift,§.57.  8trTi)c'8Whit-  notes   in   the   new  edition   of 

gift,  p.  247.]  Godwin,  De  Pra^sul.  Angl.  m, 

^  See  theViewof  the  NewDi-  513;  yet  Stryiie  fixes  his  deaUi 

rectory,  [by  Dr.  II.  Ham inond^]  (though  with  some  hesitation) 

printed  atClzford,  1645.  p.3.  to27thFeb.  1584=:  1585.    Lifle 


QHe  died  in  the  month  of    of  Whitgift,  p.  242.     Annals, 




A.D.  1585.  (sometimes  fellow  of  St.  John^s  in  Gunbridge,)  bishop 

.! 1.  of  Chichester ;    the  second,  Nicholas   Robinson  *", 

bishop  of  Bangor ;  and  John  Scory,  bishop  of  Here- 
ford.  Of  the  two  former  we  have  not  enough  to 
furnish  out  their  character ;  of  the  latter  too  much, 
if  all  be  true  which  I  find  charged  upon  him.  Sure 
I  am  he  began  very  well,  being  an  exile  and  con- 
fessor in  the  days  of  queen  Mary,  but  is  aecuaed 
afterwards  to  be  so  guilty  of  oppressions,  extortion^ 
and  simonies,  that  a  bill  was  put  up  against  him  in 
the  Star-chamber,  containing  matter  enough  not 
only  to  disgrace,  but  degrade  him,  if  prosecuted. 
But  he  bought  out  his  innocence  with  his  money. 
Here  know  that  our  author  ^^  though  a  person  of 
wit  and  worship,  derivcth  his  intelligence  fit>m  a 
French  writer  disaffected  in  religion,  and  therefore 
not  to  be  believed  in  full  latitude  when  calling  him 
Scoria,  or  dross,  in  allusion  to  his  name;  but  as 
*^  all  is  not  gold  that  glisters,**  all  is  not  dross  reputed 
so  by  our  popish  adversaries. 

34.  The  same  year  also  John   Feckenham,  late 
abbot  of  Westminster,  ended  his  life ;  whereon  we 

of  John 

III.  331.  ProbablT  both  Ful. 
ler  and  Strype  had  no  other 
reason  fur  fixing  the  date  of 
his  death  so  low  than  from 
•eeing  that  Uicklej.  hU  succea- 
•or,  was  consecrated  in  1585. 

Cuitejs  was  the  author  of 
several  minor  pieces,  which  are 
mentioned  in  Wood's  account 
of  him.     See  Athen.  1.  697.] 

"*  [He  was  domestic  chap- 
Ifun  to  Matthew  Parker,  arcs- 
Wahop  of  C4Uiterhurv,  who  has 
kft  on  record  an  honourable 
tsrtimonj  in  hia  farcwr.  See 
Aotiq.  Brit.  p.  547.     Aothony 

Wood  places  his  death  a  year 
earlier.     Athen.  I.  696.] 

*  Sir  John  Harinflton*  Nu. 
ge,  II.  p.  176.  [Ileaoe  the 
Komanists  said  of  him  that  he 
professed  to  be  a  great  enemy 
to  idobtry,  yet  in  aaolbcr 
sense,  according  to  Sc  Paul* 
he  became  a  worshipper  of 
imagea,  not  saints,  but  mm^tfis^ 
alluding  to  the  eoin  of  lluit 
name.  Wood*s  Atbttt.  L  6Sa. 
Uahogton,  ib.  He  was,  appa. 
rf«tly»  A  serere  antagooist  to 
the  {Mpiata.  See  Strype'a  Aaa. 
III.  jaS.] 

STI.  of  Britain.  95 

enlarge  ourselves,  if  not  for  his,  for  history's  a.  d.  1585. 
mke^  eeeing  he  was  a  landmark  therein ;  his  personal 

expmence  being  a  chronicle,  who,  like  the  axletree, 
Hood  firm  and  fixed  in  his  own  judgment,  whilst  the 
tiineay  like  the  wheels,  turned  backwards  and  for- 
wmrds  round  about  him.  He  was  bom  in  Worees- 
tenhire»  in  the  forest  of  Feckenham,  whence  he 
ielched  his  name  ^ ;  bred  a  Benedictine  monk  in  the 
abbey  of  Eyesham,  where  he  subscribed,  with  the 
rrat  of  his  order,  to  the  resignation  of  that  house 
into  the  hands  of  king  Henry  the  Eighth.  After- 
wards he  studied  in  Oxford  ;  then  applied  himself 
first  to  Bell,  bishop  of  Worcester,  and,  after  his 
death,  to  Bonner  of  London ;  where  he  crossed  the 
proverb,  **  Like  master,  like  man,''  the  patron  being 
cnieU  the  chaplain  kind,  to  such  who  in  judgment 
dJaseoted  from  him.  He  never  dissembled  his  reli- 
gion,  being  a  zealous  papist ;  and  under  king  Edward 
the  Sixth  suffered  much  for  his  conscience. 

SB.  In  the  reign  of  queen  Mary  he  was  wholly  hu  owr. 
employed  in  doing  good  ofiices  for  the  afflicted  pro- testaou^'^ 
leatanta,  from  the  highest  to  the  lowest.  The  earl 
of  Bedford  p,  and  (who  afterwards  were)  of  Warwick^ 
and  Leicester  %  tasted  of  his  kindness ;  so  did  sir 
John  Cheke  ;  yea,  and  the  lady  Elizabeth  herself,  so 
interposing  his  interest  with  queen  Mary  for  her 
efilaigement  that  he  incurred  her  grace's  dis])leasure. 
Hence  it  is  that  papists  complain  that  in  the  reign 

o  [His  right  name,  however,         P 

wmi    Howman.      See  Wood*8  earl. 
Atken.  I.  221.     Manj  notices         9 

rcmcting  him  will  be  found  earl  of  Warwick  in  1567.] 
in  Reyner'i  Iliiitoria  Benedict.         ^  [Sir  Robi'rt  Dudley «  ere- 

in  Aoglia^  p.  233.]  atcd  earl  of  Lieicester  in  1563.] 

Francis    Russell,  second 
Ambrose  Dudley,  created 

96  The  Church  Histaty  book  ix. 

A.D.  1585.  of  queen  Elizabeth  he  reamed  not  a  crop  of  courtesT 

28  EHx.  I  1  • 

'- —  pro|K)rtionable  to  his  large  seed  thereof  in  the  days 

of  queen  Mary. 
Made  ab.        S6.  Queeu  Mary  afterwards  preferred  him,  ftoxa 
w«unin.  being  dean  of  Paul's,  to  be  abbot  of  WestminKter* 
*^'  which  church  she  erected  and  endowed  for  Bene- 

dictine monks,  of  which  order  fourteen  only  could 
be  found  in  England  then  extant  since  their  diaso- 
lution,  which  were  uimiarried,  unpreferred  to  cures, 
and  unaltered  in  their  opinions'.  These  also  were 
brought  in,  with  some  difficulty  at  first,  and  op|)o- 
sition ;  for  the  prebendaries  of  Westminster,  legally 
settled  in  their  places,  would  not  resign  them  till 
cardinal  Pole,  |)artly  by  compulsion,  partly  by  com- 
|)ensation,  obtained  their  removal. 
2J^  °*"  37.  Queen  Elizabeth,  coming  to  the  crown,  sent 
««><*•«*>  for  for  abbot  Feckenham  to  come  to  her,  whom  the 

bin  and 

praffen  messenger  found  setting  of  elms  in  the  orchard  of 
'Westminster  Abbey;  but  he  would  not  follow  tho 
messenger  till  first  he  had  finished  his  plantatioDt 
which  his  friends  impute  to  his  soul  employed  in 
mystical  meditations  ^  that  as  the  trees  he  there  sot 
should  spring  and  sprout  many  years  after  his 
decease,  so  his  new  plantation  of  Benedictine  monks 
in  Westminster  should  take  root  and  flourish,  in 
defiance  of  all  op|K>sition  ;  which  is  but  a  bold  con* 
jei*ture  of  others  at  his  thoughts.  Sure  I  am  those 
monks  long  since  an'  extiqiatcHU  but  how  his  trees 
thrive  at  this  day  is  to  me  unknown.  Coming  after- 
wanls  to  i\\v  queen,  what  dis<*ourse  imssed  betwixt 
them  tliev  themselvoH  knew  alone:  some  have  con- 
fideiitly  guesse<1  she  protVeriMl  him  the  archbishopric 

*  SaiidiTB  de  Sclitftmuto  \i\^.         *  H«*ynfnift  de  Antiq.  Bcsicd. 
|>.  i5<>.  t-d.  158S.  p.  235. 

ttfV.  «TI. 



«f  Guterbury  on  condition  he  would  conform  to  her  a.d.  1585, 
kirs,  which  he  utterly  refused.  

98.  In  the  treaty  between  the  protestants  andKindJy 
|mpiflt8,  prima  Elizabeth^e^  he  was  present,  but  instramt. 
vhat  oi^iacity  I  cannot  satisfy  myself;  surely  more 
tlian  a  disputant,  (amongst  whom  he  was  not  named,) 
jet  not  so  much  as  a  moderator ;  and  yet  his  judg- 
ment (perchance  because  abbot,  and  so  principal  man 
ill  that  place)  was  asked  with  respect  and  heard  with 
teverence  ^,  his  moderation  being  much  commended. 
Now  although  he  was  often  confined,  (sometimes  to 
the  Tower,  sometimes  to  friends'  houses  x,  and  died, 
it  seems,  at  last,  in  restraint  in  Wisbich  Castle,) 
yet  generally  he  found  fair  usage  from  the  protest- 
ants. He  built  a  conduit  in  Ilolbom  and  a  cross 
in  Wisbich,  and  relieved  the  poor  wheresoever  he 
eame ;  00  that  flies  flock  not  thicker  about  spilt  honey 
than  beggars  constantly  crowded  about  him  >'. 

39.  Abbot  Feckenham  thus  being  dead,  the  Eng-Apecroit 
lish  Benedictines  beyond  the  seas  began  to  bestir  Benedic 
Uiemaelves,  as  they  were  concerned,  about  the  ooxk-^Yvk- 


«  Fox,  Acts  and  Mon.  III. 

[979'  «lO 

^  [At  firat  he  was  committed 

to  the  eiutodj  of  Dr.  GkMxl. 
iii«n,  dean  of  Winchester ;  but 
aflrrwards,  through  the  means 
of  bishop  Orindal,  trnn»- 
lerred  to  Horn,  bishop  of  Win- 
loo,  and  the  rather  because 
OriodaJ  luul  heard  Horn  say 
"  chat  if  he  should  have  any, 
^  he  could  best  deal  with 
**  Peckenharo,  having  in  king 
"  Edward's  days  taken  some 
"  pains  with  him  in  the  Tower. 
"  and  brought  him  to  subscribe 


*'  to  all  things  saving  the  pre- 
"  sencc  and  one  or  two  Arti- 
"  cles  more."  However,  Horn 
soon  became  wearv  of  the  ab» 
hot,  and  some  controversy  arote 
between  them.  See  8try|)e*s 
Grindal,  79.] 

7  [A  very  interesting  and 
detailed  account  of  Feckenham 
will  be  found  in  Reyner's  Hist. 
Benedictinor.  p.  232,  sq.,  and 
in  Wood's  Athen.  I.  221,  who 
is  indebted  to  Reyner  for  moat 
of  his  information  respecting 


98  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.I).  i585.tinuation  of  their  order.     We  know  some  maintain, 

'• —  that  if  any  one  species  or  kind  of  creatures  be  utterly 

extinct,  the  whole  universe,  by  sympathy  therewith, 
and  consciousness  of  its  outi  imperfection,  will  be 
dissolved.  And  the  catholics  suspected  what  a  sad 
consequence  there  would  be  if  this  ancient  order 
of  English  black  monks  should  suflTer  a  total  and 
final  defection.  The  best  was,  unu^  homo  notis^ 
there  was  one,  and  but  one,  monk  left,  namely, 
father  Sigebert  Buckley ;  and  therefore,  before  his 
death,  provision  was  made  for  others  to  succeed  him; 
and  they,  for  fear  of  failing,  disposed  in  several 
countries  in  manner  following : 

In  Rome. 

i.  Father  Gregory  Sayer.  ii.  Father  Thomas 
Preston,  iii.  Father  Anselm,  of  Manchester,  iv. 
Father  Anthony  Martin,  commonly  called  Athana- 

In  Valladoiid  in  Spain, 

i.  Father  Austin  St.  John.  ii.  Father  John  Mer- 
vin.  iii.  Father  Mark  Lambert,  iv.  Father  Mau- 
rice Scot.     V.  Father  George  Jervis ". 

Fn)m    these   nine   new  Benedictines   the  whole 

order,  wliich  hung  formerly  on  a  single  string,  was 

then  replenished  to  a  competent,  and  since  to  a 

plentiful  nunilKT. 

KnffiMiiiMi.      40.  Hitherto   our  English  papists  affectionately 

thry  fe/i4r  icancHi  (not  to  say  ftmdly  doted)  on  the  queen  of 

^^*^     Scots,  pnmiising  themsi^lves  great  matters  from  her 

towanis  the  advancing  of  their  n'ligion;  but  now 

s  Rrynmu  dr  Antiq.  Benedict,  p.  243. 

CKNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  99 

they   began    to  fkll   off  in    their  affections,  partly  a.  d.  1585. 

because  beholding  her  a  confined  person,  (unable  to 

free  herself,  and  more  unlikely  to  help  others,) 
partly  because  all  catholics  come  off  with  loss  of  life 
which  practised  her  enlargement.  As  for  her  son, 
the  king  of  Scots,  from  whom  they  expected  a  set- 
tlement of  popery  in  that  land,  their  hopes  were 
lately  turned  into  despairs,  who  had  his  education  on 
contrary  principles. 

41.  WhereuiK)n  hereafter  they  diverted  their  eyes  Unto  th© 
from  the  north  to  the  west,  ex|>ecting  (contrary  to  Spain, 
the  course  of  nature)  that  their  sun  should  rise 
therein,  in  magnifying  the  might  of  the  king  of 
Spain,  and  his  zeal  to  propagate  the  Roman  catholic 
faith.  And  this  was  the  ))ractice  of  all  Jesuits,  to 
possess  their  English  proselytes  with  high  opinions 

of  the  Spanish  power,  as  the  nation  designed  by 
Divine  Providence  to  work  the  restitution  of  their 
religion  in  England. 

42.  In  order  hereunto,  and  to  hearten  their  coun-  Pretending 
trymen,  some  (for  it  ap|)ears  the  result  of  several  uie  crown 
persons  employed  in   the   designing   and   effecting*^ ^^^'"*^* 
thereof)  drew  up  a  title  of  the  king  of  Spain's  to 

the  English  crown,  as  much  admired  by  their  own 
party  as  slighted  by  the  queen  and  her  loyal  subjects, 
for  being  full  of  falsehoods  and  forgeries.  Indeed  it 
is  easy  for  any  indifferent  herald  so  to  derive  a 
|ie<ligree  as  in  some  seeming  probability  to  entitle 
any  prince  in  Christendom  to  any  principality  in 
Christendom  ;  but  such  will  shrink  on  serious  exa- 
mination. Yea,  I  believe  queen  Elizabeth  might 
pretend  a  better  title  to  the  kingdoms  of  Leon  and 
Castile  in  S\mn  (as  defended  by  the  house  of  York, 
from   Edmund  earl  of  Cambridge  and  his  lady«  co- 

H  2 


The  Church  History 


A.D.  1595- heir  to  king  Peter)  than  any  claim  that  the  king  of 

Spain  could  make  out  to  the  kingdom  of  England. 

However  much  mischief  was  done  hereby,  many 
papists  paying  their  good  wishes  where  they  were 
not  due»  and  defrauding  the  queen,  their  true  cre- 
ditor, of  the  allegiance  belonging  unto  her. 

48.  Now  did  the  queen  summon  a  parliament*. 

An  Mt 

•  [See  D'Ewes'  Journal,  pp. 
37S»  39»-  Stryi>e'i  Whitgift. 
p.  256.  The  parliament  began 
on  the  29th  of  October,  1586, 
and  was  diiaolved  on  the  23  rd 
of  March,  1587.  The  next 
parliament  began  on  the  4th  of 
Febnianr,  1589,  and  ended  on 
the  29th  of  March  the  same 
year.  "  This  new  parliament.*' 
says  D'Ewes,  '*  assembled  on 
'*  Saturday  the  29th  day  of 
"  October.  1586,  immediate. 
'*  ly  after  ensuing ;  at  which 
'*  time  the  queen  came  not  to 
"  the  upper  house  in  person, 
*'  but  was  represented  by  three 
"  commissioners,  [vis.  the  arch- 
"  bisliop,  the  lord  treasurer. 
*'  and  lord  steward.]  not.  as 
**  her  majesty  afterwards  pro. 
"  fessed,  beoiune  she  feared 
"  the  violence  of  any  assassin. 
**  but  because  she  abhorred  to 
"  be  an  hearer  of  so  foul  and 
**  unnatural  a  conspiracy •  plot- 
'*  ted  against  her  by  the  8cot- 
"  tish  queen,  a  kinswuoian  so 
"  near  her  highness." 

But  as  to  the  quietness  of 
the  ncmoooformbts,  F*uller  is 
much  mistaken  ;  for  during 
this  very  |iarliament  a  most 
strange  and  bigoted  motion 
was  made  by  one  of  their  or. 
gann.  The  reader  shall  have 
It    in    D'Ewea*   own    vrords: 



•  < 

•  < 

•  « 

•  < 

•  « 

•  < 


•  « 

•  • 

•  • 

•  < 

•  « 

•  • 

•  • 

The  same  day  [sc.  Monday. 
27th  Feb.  1587]  Mr.  Cope, 
first  using  some  speeches 
touching  the  necewity  of  a 
learned  ministry  and  the 
amendment  of  things  amiss 
in  the  eccleaiastical  estate* 
offered  to  the  boose  a  bill, 
and  a  book  written,  the  bill 
containing  a  petition  that  it 
might  be  enacted.  Thmi  all 
lawM  mom  m  force  tomch* 
ing  rccirsiasiicai  gorrrmmmi 
Mhoitid  be  void  ;  and  thai  it 
might  be  euaeti  I,  Thai  iJkmi 
Book  o^  ComwKm  Pra^^er  mom 
offered,  amd  mome  other,  miight 
be  received  imio  the  chmrch  to 
t>e  used.  The  book  contained 
the  form  of  prayer  and  ad. 
ministration  of  sacfaneiita. 
with  divers  rites  and  ceremo- 
nies to  be  used  in  the  church ; 
and  desired  that  the  book 
might  be  read.  Whervopoa 
Mr.  Speaker,  in  effect,  nsed 
this  speech  :  *  For  that  her 
majesty  before  this  time  had 
ccmimanded  the  house  not  to 
meddle  with  this  matter,  and 
that  her  majestr  had  pnw 
mised  to  take  order  in  tooae 
causes,  he  doubted  not  but 
to  the  gtM>d  satisfaction  of  all 
her  people ;  he  desired  that  it 
Wfmld  nWase  them  to  spara 
the  reading  of  it.     NotwMK 

CKNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  101 

wherein  her  majesty  appeared  not  in  person,  but  a. d.  1^87. 

lioHsed   over   the   presidentship   of  that   her  great  J2 — 

council  unto  John  Whitgifl,  archbishop  of  Canter- 
burr,  William  Cecil,  lord  treasurer,  and  to  the  earl 
of  Derby  ^ :  a  thing  done  without  precedent,  when 
the  king  at  home  and  in  health;  but  the  pleasure 
of  so  powerful  a  princess  might  create  a  leading  case 
in  things  of  this  nature. 

44.  Wonder  not  if  the  nonconformists  were  veryCoodi 
quiet  in  this  parliament,  beholding  the  archbishop  noooon- 
their  great  adversary  in  so  great  power  and  place.  Jj^'^iet. 
However  their  activity  in  the  next  will  make  their 
{larty  amends  for  their  stillness  in  this  session. 

45.  This  year  ended  the  doleful  life  of  a  distresse<l  The  amOk 
lady,  Mary  queen  of  Scots,  whose  trial  and  death queend" 
belongeth   to   the   state  historian.     She  was  aged  ^**'°***^ 
forty-six  years,  passing  the  last  twenty  in  imprison- 
ment ;  one  of  a  shaq)  wit,  undaunted  spirit,  comely 
person,  beautiful  face,  majestic  presence :  one  rea- 
son why  queen  Elizabeth  declined  (what  the  other 

so  much  desired)  a  personal  conference  with  her,  as 

'*  ttaoding  the  house  desired  "  would   bring   her    mi^etfty's 

"  the  reading  of  it.     Where-  "  indignation  against  the  house 

'*  upon    Mr.    Speaker    willed  "  thus  to  enterprise  the  deal- 

**  the  clerk  to  read  it.     And  *'  ing  with  those  things  which 

"  the  Court  being  ready  to  read  "her   majesty   especially   had 

it,  Mr.  Dalton  made  a  mo-  '*  taken  into  her  own  charge 

•  a 

**  tion   aoainst  the  reading  of  "  and  direction.     Wbereufion 

"  it,  saying   that   it    wan   not  "  Mr.  I^ewknor  8|>ake,  Hheuing 

"  meet  to  be  read,  and  thai  it  "  the    necessity    of    preaching 

"  did  appmni  a  new  form  of  '*  and  of  a   learned   ministry, 

"  admimiitration  of  the  sacra-  '*  and  thought  it  very  lit  that 

*'  menis  and  ceremonies  of  the  **  the    petition    and   the    l>ook 

*'  ckmrck,  to  the  discredit  of  the  "  should   be  read."     D'Ewes' 

**  Book    of    Common    Pra^r,  Journals,  p.  410.] 
••  and  of  the  whole  state  ;  and         ^  [Henry  Stanley.] 
"  thought    that    this    dealing 

H  3 

lOti  TV  Church  Hi*U»ry  booe  ix. 

\  i>.  158;.  unwilling  to  be  either  outshone  or  even-«hoiie  in 
'^    ***   her  o^ii  hemisphere.     For  her  morals,  the  belief  of 

moderate  men  embraceth  a  middle  course  betwixt 
Buchanan  his  as{)ersing  and  Causinus  his  hyperbo- 
lical commending  her.  because  zealous  in  his  own 
HrrpoKry.  46.  She  wa«  au  excellent  i>oet,  both  Latin  and 
English ;  of  the  former  I  have  read  a  distich  made 
and  written  by  her  owa  hand  on  a  pane  of  gfaws  at 
Buxton  Well : 

**"  Buiioma  (fuw  ealida:  c^Ubraris  ^  momitw  lympka\ 
**  Forl^  miki  podhac  nam  adeumdoy  wile.^ 



Buxton,  who  dost  with  waters  warm  exceU 
By  me,  perchance^  never  more  seen,  farewell  !^ 

And  at  Fotheringhay  Castle  I  have  read,  written  by 
her  in  a  window  with  a  pointed  diamond, 

*'  From  the  top  <»f  all  my  trust, 

'^  Mishap  hath  laid  me  in  tho  dust.** 

But  her  adversaries  conceive,  had  she  not  been  laid 
there,  the  happiness  of  England  had  l)een  prostrate<l 
in  the  same  place.  She  was  buried  in  the  quire  of 
Peterborough,  and  doctor  Wickham,  bishop  of  Lin- 
coln, preached  her  funeral  sermon^,  causelessly 
carped  at  by  the  Martin  Mar-prelate,  as  too  favour- 
able concerning  her  final  condition,  though  he  uttered 
nothing  inconsistent  with  charity  and  Christian  dis> 
iwbody        47.  Some  twenty  years  after,  king  James  caused 

rgmorwl  to 


«  So  it  i»  in  ihf  glAM  I  had         ^     [Siv    Ounton't    Ili«tanr 

in  my  bund,  though  it  br  rr/r.  of  Prterbormigh,   and  Wood's 

hrahrre  in  Ciund.  Brit,  in  I>er-  Athen.  I.  7H.] 

iKNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  108 

her  corpse  to  be  solemnly  removed  from  Peterbo-A.  0.1587. 
rough  to  Westminster,  where,  in  the  south  side  of— — ^— 
the  chapel  of  king  Henry  the  Seventh,  he  erected  a 
stately  monument  to  her  memory,  and  thereon  this 
epitaph,  wherein  such  cannot  but  commend  the 
piety  of  her  son  who  will  not  believe  all  the  praises 
of  his  mother : 

"  D.  O.  M. 

**  Maria?  Stuartas  Scotorum  Regime,  Francia?  Do- 
**  taria%  Jacobi  V.  Scotorum  Regis  Filice  et  Ilffiredis 
•*  unicae,  Ifenrici  VII.  Ang.  Regis  ex  Margareta 
*•  majori  Natu  Filia  (Jacobi  HII.  Regi  Scotorum 
•*  matrimonio  copulata)  proneptis,  Edwardi  HII. 
^  Anglian  Regis  ex  Elizabetha  Filiarum  natu  maxima 
•*  abneptis,  Francisci  II.  Gallorum  Regis  conjugis, 
'•  CoroiuE  Anglia*,  dum  vixit,  certa*  et  indubitata; 
*'  ha^redis,  et  Jacobi  magna^  Britannia?  monarchal 
**  potentissimi  matris. 

*'  Stiq)o  vere  rcgia  et  anti(|uissima  prognata  erat, 
"*  maximis  totius  Europe  principibus  agnatione  et 
""*  cognatione  conjuncta,  et  exquisitissimis  animi  et 
*•  coqxiris  dotibus  et  omamentis  cumulatissima.  Ve- 
^  mm,  ut  sunt  variae  rerum  humanarum  vices,  ])ost- 
^  quam  aimos  plus  minus  viginti  in  custodia  detenta, 
••  fortiter  et  strenue,  (sed  frustra,)  cum  malcvolorum 
^  obtrectaticmibus,  timidorum  suspicionibus,  et  ini- 
**  niicorum  capitalium  insidiis  conflictata  esset ;  tan- 
•*  dem  inaudito  et  infesto  Regibus  exemplo  securi 
"  pereutitur. 

*'  Et  c<mtempto  mundo,  devicta  morte,  lassato 
'*  caniifice,  Christo  Servatori  anima;  salutem,  Ja- 
*•  coIk)  Filio  s|K»m  regni  et  posteritatis,  et  universis 
^*  cordis  infausta'  8{>ectatoribu8  exemplum  patieutin 


104  7%r  Church  Hntory  ■ook  n. 

A.D.  1587. '' commendans,  pie  et   intrepide  CerviGem   regiam 
— — —  **  securi  maledictie  subjecit,  et  vitae  caducae  toitein 
*'  cum  coelestis  regni  perennitate  commutavit.'* 

Besides  this,  there  is  a  long  inscription  in  yene«» 
one  distich  whereof  I  remember,  because  it  is  the 
same  in  effect  with  what  was  made  of  Maud  the 

On  Maud, 

"  Magna  orin,  Pkijarqwe  friro^  W  nuuima  patiu^ 
'*  Hiejacei  HenrieiJUia^  tp(m$a,  paremJ*^ 

On  Quern  Mary. 

^'  Magna  vira,  nu^  naiUf  $$d  wuKtima  partus 
^'  CandUur  hie  regis  Jilioj  iponeOy  parem  •J* 

So  that  it  is  no  disgrace  for  a  queen  to  wear  part 
of  an  epitaph  at  the  second  hand,  with  some  little 
A  dcdgn         4g.  About  this  time  it  was  that  some  privy  coun- 
•d;  cillors  endeavoured  to  persuade  queen  Elizabeth  to 

raise  and  foment  a  difference  betwixt  the  po|)e  and 
king  of  Spain,  and  to  assist  the  former  (not  as  pope, 
but  tem[>oral  prince)  by  her  shipping  to  regaiu 
Naples,  detained  from  him  by  the  Spanish  king. 
They  alleged  the  design  advantageous,  to  work  a 
diversion  of  Spanish  forces,  and  prevent  an  invasion 
of  her  own  land. 

•  (TKeiie  are  two  of  the  oon-     rej't  Poems,  p. 475.  4to.  Loud 
eluding  ventet  of  Henry  earl  of     1815.      BiK    both    the    proae 

Northaaipioii'a  ezquiatle  elegy  iMcnptioB  and  th«  ttmm  vary 

upon  Mary  queen  of  8oota.  a  much  from  the  oopMS  prialc«l 

correct  copy  of  which  it  printed  by  Puller.] 
ia  I>r.  Noit't  edilMNi  of  Bar- 

CM1IT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  105 

49*  But  her  miyesty  would  not  listen   to  the  a.  0.1^97. 
motion  to  entertain  compliance  in  any  capacity  on   ^^ 

any  conditions  with  the  pope,  as  dishonourable  in  ed  by  the 
herself,  distasteful  to  the  protestant   princes;  nor^"*^ 
would  she  touch  pitch  in  jest,  for  fear  of  being 
defiled  in  earnest,  but  crushed  the  design  in  the 
birth  thereof. 

50.  A  first  onset  was  now  made  by  the  noncon- ^^^"if™™*'y 

^  tothe 

formists  against  the  hierarchy;  though  the  more^M^t* 
they  opposed  it,  the  more  the  queen  did  countenance 
their  persons  and  preserve  their  power;  insomuch 
that  she  would  not  in  Lent  feed  on  any  fish,  as  for- 
bidden by  the  canons  of  the  church,  until  she  had 
first  attained  a  solemn  license  from  the  archbishop 
of  Canterbuiy,  and  eveiy  year  of  her  life  renewed 
the  same  ^ 

51.  The  power  of  the  high  commission  began 
now  to  extend  far,  and  penalties  to  fidl  heavy  on 
offenders.  Whereupon  the  favourers  of  the  noncon- 
formists much  opposed  it  in  their  printed  books, 
some  questioning  the  court  as  not  warranted  by  law, 
others  taxing  their  proceedings  as  exceeding  their 
commission*  But  hear  their  arguments  on  both 

Against  the  High  Com-  For  the  High  Commission, 


It  is  pretended  founded  The  words  in  the  statute  run 
on  the  statute  p^i/io  U/t-     thus:  *' They  shall   have   full 

^  Camden's  Eliz.  Manuscript,  in    this    respect.      Generally, 

aliortif   likely  to   be   printed,  also,    snch    dispensations    for 

[Since  printed ;  which  see,  in  eating  meat  were  granted  on 

tbe  year  1587.  This  was  usual  condition  of  certain  sums  being 

in  this  reign,  no  persons  of  any  naid  to  the  poor.    See  Strype's 

seriousness  attempting  to  vio.  Whitgift,  p.  246.] 
late  the  directions  of  the  chnrch 


77ie  Church  Hutory 


A.D.  1587.  Against  the  High  Com- 
30  KHx,  iniHsiun. 

For  the  High  Comoiinioii. 

zabethce^  wherein  the  par- 
liament em|iowercil  the 
(|ueen  by  her  letters  pa- 
tents to  appoint  commis- 
sioners to  punish  offenders 
in  ecclesiastical  causes. 
But  no  mention  therein 
of  temporal  penalties,  and 
therefore  the  commission- 
ers are  to  confine  them- 
selves to  church  censures, 
by  excommunicating,  &c., 
illegally  inflicting  any 
other  punishments. 

Such  commissioners 
proceeding  against  of- 
fenders  by  attachment, 
fine,  or  imprisonment,  are 
contrary  to  the  express 
words  of  Charta  Magna, 
providing  **  that  no  free 
**  man  shall  be  taken  or 
^^  imprisoniHl,  or  be  dis- 
**  seised  of  his  freehold 
**  and  liberty,  and  but  by 
the  lawful  judgment  of 
his  peers,  or  of  the  law 
"  of  the  land."" 



Their  whole  commis- 
sion is  Void  in  law,  lie- 
cause  it  lK*areth  date  in 
July,  but  %^as  not  ligned 
till  Novetulier  iK*xt  after, 



**  power  and  authority,  by  vir- 
**  tue  of  this  act,  and  of  the 
**  letters  {latents  under  your 
**  highness,  your  heirs  nnd  sue* 
**  cessors,  to  exercise,  use,  exe- 
**  cute  all  the  premises  accord- 
**  ing  to  the  tenor  and  eflcTct  of 
^^  the  said  letters  patents,  any 
'*  matter  or  cause  to  the  con- 
trary in  any  wise  notwith- 
standing.*^ Now  their  letters 
patents  enable  them  to  attach, 
fine,  or  imprison,  &c. ;  in  doing 
whereof  they  are  sufficiently 
empowered  by  the  commisMon. 
When  Charta  Magna  was 
made,  ecclesiastiGal  jurisdiction, 
though  it  was  de  Jurt^  it  was 
not  de  Jucto,  in  the  king; 
whereby  it  plainly  appears  that 
those  words  related  not  to  the 
ecclesiastical  jurisdiction,  but 
only  to  crimes  belonging  to  the 
common  law.  But  since  the 
parliament  hath  declared  ec- 
clesiastical jurisdiction  in  tlie 
queen,  the  ecclesiastical  persons 
might  impose  such  penalties, 
even  to  the  condemning  of 
heretics,  though  never  tried  by 
a  jury. 

It  appearpth  by  the  preamble 
of  that  statute,  that  the  words 
cannot  be  stretched  to  letten 
patimts  of  that  nature,  but  be- 
long  only  to  such;  to  private 

CfiJIT.  XVI. 

tff  Britain. 


Against  the  High  Com- 

coatnry  to  the  ^latute, 
which  enjoineth  that  let- 
ters patents  '*•  should  be 
•*  dated  the  day  of  their 
**  delivery  intoChancery,'*^ 
or  else  they  shall  be  void. 

For  the  High  Commission.     A.D.  1587. 

30  Elk. 

persons,  wherein  grantees  are 
unjustly  expelled  out  of  their 
right  by  colour  of  letters  pa- 
tents bearing  an  elder  date  s. 

Bat  the  most  general  exception  against  the  high 
eomiDiwion  was  this  :  that  proceeding,  cjp  officio 
mero,  by  way  of  inquiry  against  such  whom  they 
pleased  to  suspect,  they  tendered  unto  them  an  oath, 
which  was  conceived  unjust,  that  in  cases  criminal 
a  iMUty  should  be  forced  to  discover  what  might  be 
penal  to  himself;  the  lawfulness  of  which  oath  was 
learnedly  caiivasse<l  with  arguments  on  both  sides. 

Against  the  Oath  ex 

The  common  laws  have 
ever  rejected  and  im- 
pugned it,  never  put  in 
ure  by  any  civil  magis- 
trate in  the  land,  but  as 
it  is  a>rniptly  crept  in 
amongst  other  abuses  by 

For  the  Oath  ex  officio. 

It  is  true,  to  give  this  oath 
to  the  defendant  in  causes  of 
life  and  death  is  contrary  to  the 
justice  of  the  land  ;  but  where 
life  or  limb  is  not  concerned,  it 
is  usually  tendered  in  chancery, 
court   of   requests,   council    of 

'  [U|M>n  this  subjt*ct  gene- 
rally, tee  a  treatise  entitled 
••  An  Apology  for  Mindry  Pro- 
**  ceediiip*  by  JuriHclictioii  Ec- 
**  cleiia!»tical,  of  late  times  by 
**  some  chalIen}(iHl,  and  also 
'•  directly  by  them  imimgtied." 
4t4>.  1593*  8up(K)^ea  to  have 
been  written  by  Dr.  Richard 
(Vmin.  vicar-general  to  arch- 
biahop  Whit^^ift ;  of  which  ImhiIc, 

and  the  arguments  against  the 
cmth  ejr  officio,  which  it  was  in- 
tended  to  answer,  a  detailed  ac 
count  will  be  found  in  Strype's 
Whitgift,  p.  338.  One  of  the 
most  valuable  pamphlets  on 
the  subject  was  written  by  Ed- 
ward Lake,  chancellor  to  the 
bishop  <»f  Lincoln  ;  of  whom, 
S4H»  WckhI's  a  then.  II.  j  23.] 


Tk€  Church  Uutory 



Againsl  the  Oath  «x 

the  siiualer  praclices  and 
pretences  of  the  Romish 
prebtes  and  clergyineQ. 
And  where  Ioob  of  life, 
liberty,  or  good  name, 
majr  ensue^  the  common 
law  hath  forbidden  such 

For  the  Oath  ex  officio. 

It  is  contrary  to  the 
ftindamental  law  of  li- 
berty, memo  tenetur  $eip^ 
9mm  prodere. 

It  ap|ieareth  by  the 
lord  I)ver*s  book  that  one 
Hyndis  called  before  the 
commimonen  cccleiiastt- 

marchess  and  council  in  the 
north,  yea,  in  other  courts  of 
record  at  Westminster;  where 
the  judges  (time  out  of  miod) 
by  corporal  oath  did  examine 
any  person  whcHn.  in  discretion, 
they  suspected  to  have  dealt 
lewdly  about  any  writ,  return, 
entry  of  rule,  pleading,  or  any 
such-like  matter,  not  being  ca- 

It  is  granted,  but  withal  pro- 
dUuM  per  dcmumiiaiiomem^  fa- 
mam.  Sec.  iemeiur  seipium  qfftm- 
dire.  Some  fiiults  are  simply 
sectet,  no  way  bruited  or  pub- 
lished abroad ;  in  whidi  cases 
the  person  guilty  is  not  bound 
to  make  confession  tliereof, 
though  urged  on  his  oath  to 
any  officer  civil  or  ecclesiastical. 
But  if  once  discovery  be  made 
by  presentment,  denunciation, 
fame,  See  according  to  law, 
then  is  not  the  fiiult  merely 
secret,  but  revealed  in  some 
sort  to  the  magistrate,  or  abroad, 
who  for  avoiding  scandal  to 
Christian  religion,  and  reforma- 
tion of  the  party,  may  thus  in- 
quire of  the  offence,  to  see  it 
redressed  and  ptmished. 

There  is  no  such  report  in 
the  lord  Dyer;  all  that  is  ex- 
tant  is  only  this  marginal  note 
upon  Skrogg*s  his  case  in  Mi* 

cBmr.  xTi. 

of  Britain. 


Against  the  Oath  ex 


cal  for  usury,  refused  to 
swear ;  whereupon  he  was 
committed.  But  upon  an 
information  in  the  Com- 
mon Pleas,  he  had  a  cor- 
fms  cum  causa^  to  remove 
him  ;  so,  as  it  seemeth, 
the  judges  were  then  of 
opinion  that  the  commis- 
noners  could  not  give  him 
such  an  oath. 

Though  such  proceed- 
ings ex  officio  were  prac- 
tised by  the  popish  pre- 
lates against  the  saints 
and  ser%'ants  of  God,  yet 
it  was  never  used  by  pro- 
testants  in  their  ecclesias- 
lical  censures. 

For  the  Oath  ex  officio. 

A.D.  1587. 

The  justice  of  the  land 
detesteth  that  the  judge 
should  himself  be  an  ac- 
cuser,  (for  by  law  no  man 
may  be  accuser  and  wit- 
ncsa,  indicter  and  juror. 

chaelroas  Term,  18th  of  Eliza- 
beth:  Simile  M.  iS.Jbl.  per 
Hynde  qui  noluitjurare  coram 
justiciariii  ecclesiasticis^  super 
articulos  pro  usura.  Which 
seems  added  by  some  unskilful 
person,  it  being  improbable  so 
learned  a  judge  would  have 
termed  the  commissioners  Jt/^^ 
ciarios  ecclesiasHcos,  Besides, 
this  cause  of  Hynde  can  no- 
where else  be  found. 

Certain  commissioners  (where- 
of some  bishops,  some  privy 
counsellors,  some  civilians,  and 
some  judges  and  common  law- 
yers) in  the  reign  of  king  Ed- 
ward the  Sixth  charged  bishop 
Bonner  with  a  corporal  oath  ex 
officio,  to  answer  to  questions 
ministered  unto  him  ;  and  for 
refusal  he  was  pronounced  con- 
tumacious i.  The  like  oath  in 
matter  criminal  and  penal  was 
tendered  to  Stephen  Gardiner  ^^ 
as  appeareth  by  the  sentence  of 
his  deprivation  of  the  bishopric 
of  Winchester. 

The  laws  civil  and  ecclesias- 
tical hold  not  the  judge  pro- 
ceeding of  office  to  be  an  ac- 
cuser ;  but  that  whereupon  the 
inquiry  is  grounded  to  repre- 
sent the  accusation. 

»  Fox,  Ac.  II.  p.  681,  694.        k  Fox,  &c.  II.  p.  738. 


Tk€  Church  History 


A. D.I 587.      Agninst  the  Oath  ex 
30  E'«-  ojlcio. 

therefore  much  less  judge 
and  accuser,)  which  not- 
withstanding he  is  that 
tendereth  the  oath  ex 

Even  the  heathen  Ro- 
mans were  so  Christian, 
that  by  ancient  custom  no 
vestal  virgin  or  flamen  of 
Jupiter '  was  restrained  to 
swear,  whereof  Plutarch  "» 
rendereth  three  reasons: 
first,  because  an  oath  is  a 
kind  of  torture  to  a  free 
man ;  seamdly,  it  is  ab- 
surd, in  smaller  matters, 
not  to  credit  their  words, 
who  in  higher  matters, 
totiching  God,  arc  be- 
lieved ;  thirdly,  an  oath, 
in  case  they  were  fore- 
sworn, draweth  a  curse  on 
them,  a  detestable  oinina- 
tion  towards  the  priests  of 
God.  And  why  may  not 
as  much  be  allowed  to  the 
true  ministers  of  the  gos- 
pel ? 

The  scripture,  whkrh 
ought  to  be  the  rule  of 
our  actions,  affords  neither 
preempts  nor  precc«lent  of 
such  proceedings,  where 
witnesses  were  produced, 

For  the  Oath  ex  officio. 

Ry  the  granting  of  this  |n>cu- 
liar  privilege  to  these  pentoos, 
it  plainly  appeareth  thnt  all 
others  might  by  magistrates  be 
put  to  their  oaths.  Resides, 
such  were  superstitiously  freed 
from  swearing  absolutely,  and 
not  only  in  matters  criminal, 
here  controverted  ;  an  unrea- 
sonable immunity,  which  none 
will  challenge  to  themselves. 

It  is  not  necessary  that  a  |k>- 
sitive  or  affirmative  warrant  be 
cited  out  of  scripture  for  all  our 
practict*s  :  suflSceth  it  that  may 
In?  done  which  is  m>t  contrary 
to  God^s  word  and  conformable 

t  CMlius,  lib.x.  eap.  15. 

»  Plutarch,  Pmblems,  43. 




Against  the  Oath  ex 

and  the  accusers  brought 
face  to  face. 

For  the  Oath  ex  officio. 

A.D.  1587. 

William  Tinclal,  a  wor- 
thy martyr,  in  his  Com- 
ment  on  the  fifth  of  Mat- 
thew *»,  saith  plainly,  that 
^^  a  judge  ought  not  to 
*'  compel  a  man  to  swear 
''  against  himself.**^ 

No  protestant  church 
beyond  the  seas  hath 
made  use  of  such  tyran- 
nical proceedings. 

to  the  poUtic  laws  of  the  land. 
Yet  have  we  some  footsteps  of 
inquiry  in  the  judicial  law. 
When  one  was  found  secretly 
murdered  in  the  field,  and  the 
murderer  neither  known  nor 
suspected,  the  elders  of  the  next 
city  (of  whose  guiltiness  there 
was  no  detection  nor  cause  of 
presumption,  save  only  the 
vicinage  and  nearness  of  the 
place)  were  solemnly  and  se- 
cretly to  swear  before  the 
priest",  conceptis  verbisy  that 
their  hands  had  not  shed  this 
blood,  &c.  If  this  was  equal 
in  matters  capital,  how  can  it 
be  challenged  for  tyrannical  in 
matters  criminal  ? 

Allowing  all  due  respect  to 
TindaPs  memory,  his  judgment 
much  failed  him  in  matters  of 
oaths;  for  in  the  following 
words  he  taketh  away  all  ne- 
censary  oaths,  and  leaveth  none 
but  voluntary,  which  no  wise 
man  will  defend. 

Even  Geneva  itself  doth 
sometimes  proceed  by  oaths  ex 
officio  against  such  suspected 
offenders,  as  in  the  two  follow- 
ing cases  will  appear. 

■  l>eut.  xxi.  7. 

o  P.  208. 

112  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1587.     There   was  one  Cumperel   of  Geneva  ordained 

-^ minister  for  a  parish  in  that  territory,  called  Dral- 

lian,  who  Iiad  a  secret  design  under  hand  to  \i\nce 
himself  in  the  state  of  Berne»  which  in  him  was 
esteemed  a  heinons  fault.  The  consistory,  coming 
at  some  notice  hereof,  ministered  unto  him  an  oath 
of  mere  office  to  answer  to  several  questions.  But 
because  Cumperel  answered  not  directly  to  those 
interrogatories  (two  whereof  concerned  the  very 
cogitations  of  his  heart,)  and  because  there  were 
vehementia  judicid,  great  presumption  in  the  com- 
mon fame,  the  consistory  pronounced  that  they  had 
just  cause  to  depose  him  from  his  ministry  p. 
A  fncmo-  52.  There  was  a  wealthy  widow  living  in  Geneva, 
la  Ommta.  called  Balthazar,  in  whose  house  there  was  a  dancing 
held,  which  is  a  grievous  crime  in  that  church,  and 
condemned  by  their  last  form  of  discipline.  Amongst 
these  dancers  one  was  a  syndic,  (one  of  the  four 
chief  magistrates  of  the  city,)  the  other  an  elder 
(Henrich  by  name)  of  the  church  for  that  year. 
Tlie  matter  coming  to  Calvin*s  ear,  they  were  all 
convented  before  the  consistory,  without  any  accuser 
or  imrty,  and  therefore  of  mere  office  put  to  their 
corporal  oaths  to  confess  the  truth.  The  elder 
pleaded  for  himself  the  words  of  St.  Paul,  reeeite 
not  an  accusation  against  an  elder  under  two  or  three 
witnesses  "^i  which  would  nothing  bestead  him,  so 
that  he  was  deposed  from  his  eldership,  and  the 
syndic  from  his  magistracy,  until  he  should  sliew 
some  public  testimony  of  his  re]>entance. 
Km  frw».     53    |j„^  enough  of  this  unwelcome  subject ;  only 

P  Inter    £pitloL  CslTini  in         *^  Calrin  in  hit  Letter  to  Fs- 
fol.  {Mg.  421,  42a.  rtlliu»  Cftlvini  Flpist  64. 

CXNT.  XV I .  of  Britain.  113 

I  must  add  that  some  there  were,  not  offended  with  a.  d.  1^87. 
the  oath  itself,  which  took  exceptions  at  the  injii»  ^^ 
rioas  manner  of  offering  it.     They  complained  (howPj^JJ^ 
joatlj  God  knows)  of  some   created  fames  on  no|°^^ 
grounds,  and  pretended  suspicions  of  crimes  against 
thoae  persons  to  whom  they  bare  ill  affection,  and 
then   tendered    this    oath   (the    picklock    of   con- 
science) unto  them,  merely  to  find  matter  to  ensnare 

54.  Secondly,  they  complained,  that  to  discover  Second 
their  complices,  in  their  disciplinary  assemblies  chil- *^™^*™*' 
dren  were  on  their  oaths  interrogated  against  their 

own  fathers,  contrary  to  the  rule  in  civil  law,  Filius 
man  torquetur  in  caput  piUris^ — *'  a  child  ought  not 
•*  to  be  tortured  in  point  of  peril  to  his  father's  life.** 
And  although  these  accusations  were  not  capital, 
yet,  because  their  parents*  credit  was  so  deeply  con- 
cerned therein,  such  proceedings  had  a  strong  tang 
of  tyranny. 

55.  Thirdly,  the   party  to  whom   the   oath  wasThini 
given  might  not  beforehand  be  acquainted  (a  favour  ^^'^^*"**' 
usually  afforded  in  the  Star-Chaniber)  with  the  par- 
ticulars whereon  they  were  to  be  examined ;  and  if, 

by  the  rule  of  Solomon,  he  that  atiswereth  a  matter 
before  he  heareth  iU  it  is  shame  and  folfy  unto  him  % 
much  more  is  it  indiscreet  to  swear  to  answer  a 
matter  before  a  man  hear  it. 

56.  Fourthly,  they  complained  this  oath  ex  officio  y^u^ 
(Kke  what  is  said  of  black  witches)  had  only  power 

to  do  mischief,  not  to  heal  and  help  any ;  for  none 
were  cleared  by  the  taking  thereof,  if  denying  what 
wan  charged  upon  them ;  but  the  judges  ecclesma- 

'  Pror.  xriii.  13. 
F17LLRH,  vol..  v.  I 

114  Th€  Church  HtMiory  book  ii. 

A.D.  i587.tical   ofttimeH   proceeded   to   a  further  inquiry  by 
~ — !!l-.  examination  of  witncsBos  on  the  points  denied  by 

the  parties. 
fW  rsfiiu      lyj^  'The  nonconformistH  who  refused  to  take  this 

of  I'itiimi 

orchi»oMh.oath  may  be  ranked  into  four  forms:  first,  such  as 
would  answer  neither  yea  nor  nay  what  they  would 
resolve  to  do  concerning  the  oath,  but  returned,  if 
our  souls  be  hidden^  tany  till  the  Lard  come^  and 
make  the  counsels  of  our  hearts  manifest  • ;  but  if 
they  be  manifest,  let  our  accuser  and  the  witnesses 
come  forth  before  us. 

taond.  58.  A  second  sort  refused  not  the  oath  in  a  cause 

criminal,  but  did  it  with  this  limitation  and  protes- 
tation, that  they  intended  not  to  be  bound  thereby 
to  accuse  either  themseWes  or  their  brethren. 

Tbird.  59*  A  third  sort  conceived  themselves  bound  to 

reveal  their  own  and  brothers*  crimes  and  offences, 
^  to  remove  evil  from  the  land,**  as  they  said ;  but  as 
for  such  actions  of  their  brothers,  falsely  lepoted 
offences,  which  were  none  in  the  judgment  of  the 
party  examined,  these  they  held  themselves  not 
bound  to  reveal. 

tuimi  60.  The  last  sort,  though  they  took  the  oath  as 
to  other  things,  yet  protested  they  counted  not 
themselves  bound  to  answer  to  any  such  things 
whereon  witnesses  may  be  had;  but  if  the  crime 
was  so  hidden  and  secret  that  witnesses  may  not  be 
had,  they  thought  they  might  lawfully  be  chai|[ed« 
For  instance,  they  held  a  preacher  might  not  be 
examined  on  oath  concerning  any  thing  he  had 
preachcHl  in  public,  alleging  the  words  of  our 
Saviour,  Why  askest  thou  tne  t  ask  them  that  keard 

•  a  C*or.  iv.  5, 

CBiCT.  XTT.  of  Britain.  115 

:  tkey  know  what  I  said  ^.     It  \%  hard  to  inakeA.D.1587. 

the  opinion  of  the  first  and  last  form  to  dwell  peace- 

mbly  together. 

61,  We  take  our  leave  of  this  subject,  when  we 
have  told  the  reader  that  some  twenty  years  since, 
one  being  urged  by  archbishop  Laud  to  take  the 
oath  ex  officio^  refused  it  on  this  reason :  *^  An  oath,** 
flaith  be,  ^*  by  the  words  of  the  apostle,  is  an  end 
^  of  all  strife " ;  whereas  this,"  saith  he,  "  is  the 
••  beginning  of  strife,  yields  matter  for  the  lawyers 
^  to  molest  me.**  But  since  the  high  commission 
and  this  oath  are  taken  away  by  act  of  parliament, 
it  18  to  be  hoped  that,  if  such  swearing  were  so 
great  a  grievance,  nihil  analogum^  nothing  like  unto 
it  (which  may  amount  to  as  much)  shall  hereafter  be 
subetitated  in  the  room  thereof. 

62.  Let  it  not  here  be  forgotten,  that  because  Nomnn. 
many  did  question  the  legality  and  authority  of  the,^^^^^ 

high  commission,  archbishop  Whitgift  so  contrived [^^JJJiJIJj!^ 
the  matter  that  the  most  sturdy  and  refractory  non- 
conformists, especially  if  they  had  any  visible  estates, 
were  brought  into  the  Star-Chamber,  the  power 
whereof  was  above  dispute ;  where  some  of  them, 
besides  imprisonment,  had  very  heavy  fines  imposed 
upon  them.  And  because  most  of  the  queen^s  coun- 
cil were  present  at  the  censures,  this  took  off  the 
odium  from  the  archbishop,  which  in  the  high  com- 
mission lighted  chiefly  if  not  only  upon  him,  and 
fell  almost  equally  on  all  present  therein. 

63.  John  Fox  this  year  ended  his  life,  to  whomrwiiMth 
in  some  resjiect  our  history  of  him  may  resemble      ^'  "** 

^  John  xviii.  21.  *>  Hell.  vi.  16. 

I  2 

116  The  Church  History  book  tm. 

A.D.  1567. itself';  for  he  in  his  lifetime  was  so  large  a 

— Hl  of  poor  people,  to  and  above  his  estate*  that  no 

M'onder  if  at  his  death,  with  some  charitable  ehorlt* 
he  bequeathed  no  legacies  unto  them.  Thus  have 
we  been  so  bountiful  in  describing  the  life  and  tran- 
scribing the  letters  of  this  worthy  confessor,  that  tbe 
reader  will  excuse  us  if  at  his  death  we  giro  no 
ferther  character  of  his  piety  and  painfalness.  Only 
let  me  add,  that  M'hereas  there  passeth  a  tradition, 
grounded  on  good  authority,  that  Mr.  Fox  foretold 
the  ruin  and  destruction  of  the  invincible  (so  called) 
armado  in  the  eighty-eight,  the  story  is  true  in 
itself,  though  he  survived  not  to  see  the  perform- 
ance of  his  own  prediction. 

64.  Nor  will  it  be  amiss  to  insert  his  epitaph,  as 
we  find  it  on  his  monument  in  St.  Gile«»  nigh  Crip* 
plegate,  in  London : 

••  Cliristo  S.  S. 

^  Johanni  Foxo  Ecelesiae  Anglicanas  martjnologo 
**  fidelissimo,  antiquitatis  historicse  indagatori  saga* 
**  cissimo,  evangelicse  veritatis  propugnatori  acerrimo, 
^  thaumaturge  admirabili,  qui  martyres  Marianos, 
**  tanquam  phoenices,  ex  cineribus  redivivos  pff»- 
••  ititit.- 

MAoTDr.      65.  His  dear  friend.  Dr.  Laurence  Humfrey,  may 
"*"^'   be  said  to  die  with  him,  (though  his  languishing 

s  [A  viTT  iuteretting  Life  menta,  ed.  1641.     In  this  Lifr 

ci  Fox.  Mid  to  be  written  bj  tevenil  tnslancet  are  given  of 

lut  Km  SMnnel  Vo%^  fellow  of  kia  enreiiung  whni  b«  Klmarlf 

Magdalene  C^oUege  in  Oxford,  oonceired  to  be  the  sprit  of 

IS  prefixed  to  tbe  aeoond  ro-  propbecj.     See    alao    Wood's 

looie  of  bia  Ada  snd  Monu-  Atbcn.  I.  230.] 

CKWT.  XT].  o/BriiaiH.  117 

life  lasted  a  year  longer,)  so  great  his  grief  to  be  a.  d.  1^87. 

parted  from  his  fellow-colleague,  bred  together  in — 

Ozlbrd,  and  banished  together  hito  Germanj.  But 
•ee  more  of  his  character  in  the  year  1596,  where 
bj  mistake  (which  here  I  freely  confess)  his  death  is 

66.  About  this  time  Mr.  William  Lambert  finished  The  Unt 
his  hospital  at  Greenwich,  founded  and  endowed  byC^S"* 
him  for  poor  people.     He  was  the  first  protestant 

who  erected  a  charitable  house  of  that  nature,  as 
our  antiquary  observeth  ^ ;  though  I  cannot  wholly 
concur  with  this  observation,  seeing  king  Edward 
the  Sixth  founded  Christ  Church  and  St.  Thomas's 

67.  Indeed  now  (pardon  a  short  digression)  began  B«uitiftu 
beautiful  buildings  in  England,  as  to  the  generality  bc^n  uT 
thereof^  Mhose  homes  were  but  homely  before,  as*^"*****^ 
small  and  ill-contrived,  much  timber  being  need- 
lessly lavished  upon  them.     But  now  many  most 
regular  pieces  of  architecture  were  erected ;  so  that, 

as  one  saith,  they  began  to  dwell  laiius  and  lautius ; 
but  I  suspect  not  UeUus^  hospitality  daily  much  de- 

68.  Amongst  other  structures,  Wimbledon  House, 
in  Surrey,  was  this  year  begun  (and  finished  the 
next,  as  appeareth  by  an  inscription  therein)  by  sir 
Tliomas  Cecil,  afterward  lord  Burghley ;  on  the 
selfsame  token  that,  many  years  after,  Gondomar 
(treated  therein  by  the  lord  with  a  plentiful  feast) 
was  highly  affected  with  his  entertainment,  and 
much  commended  the  uniformity  of  the  fabric,  till 

y  Camd.  Brit,  in  Kent. 
I  S 

118  The  Church  Hhtonf  ofBriiabi.        book  ix. 

A. D.I 587. the  date  thereof  (shewed  uuto  him)  dashed  all,  as 
•^^  '"'.  built  when  the  Spanish  armado  was  defeated. 
Nimcon.         69-  Indeed,  at  this  time,  there  was  more  unifor- 
^wruiMU     ^.^^  .^^  ^j^^  buildings  than  confonnity  in  the  church 

behaviour  of  men ;  the  sticklers  against  the  hier- 
archy appearing  now  more  vigorous,  though  for  a 
time  they  had  concealed  themselves. 



It  it  uMual/or  the  plaintifto  pvt  ttoo  or  three  namet  tgton  th* 
tanu  wrii,  taken  out  of  the  upper  Bmch.  (alwaj/t  provitM 
the  pemoru  dwtU  in  the  tame  a»inty,)  and  thit  it  done  tv 
tace  eharpet.  My  thankt  doth  here  embrace  the  tame  way 
cf  thriji,  that  to  the  trnaH  ttock  of  tny  Hittory  may  hold  out 
the  hdier  anwngtt  my  many  friendi  and  favonrert.  And 
thit  my  joint  Dedication  it  the  more  proper,  because  yo» 
lice  in  the  tame  city,  are  of  the  lame  profettioa,  and  (if  not 
formerly)  thit  may  minitter  the  Keleome  oceamm  of  your 
future  aeyuaintanet. 

VTiiowa  session  of  parliament  was  held  A.D. 
at  Westminster,  wberein  the  Hoiwe  of  — ^ 
Commons  presented  to  the  lords  spi-fai.^ 
ritual  and  temporal  a  petition,  cora-^^ 
j'J^ning  how  many  parishes,  especiallyJH^ 

■  [Armi  of  Ward.  A  buck  Second  son  of  Boatoch  Puller. 
[waMnt,  proper,  collnred,  lined  eaq.  of  Tandridge  Court  in 
and  Ting«d,  or.  Thii  ia  the  t^urrev,  and  Frances  daughter 
crest  of  the  noble  familv  of  the  of  Erasmui  Gainxford,  of 
Wardsof  Norfolk;  and  I  cannot  Crowhurst,  Surrey,  enq.  A 
help  thinking  that  Fuller  haw  blank  for  hit  arm*  occuni  in 
tniitaken  the  crest  for  the  arms,  the  MS.  Visitation  of  Middle. 
I  can  find  no  trace  whatever  of  nex,  p.  3. 1664.  Thii  is  all  the 
this  person.  information  which,  after  con- 
Arms  of  Fuller.  Argent,  siderable  search,  I  hare  been 
Three  bam  and  a  canton  gulea.  able  to  gain  respecting  him.] 


AM  K*:  ill  the  iitirth  of  FltiyUfHl  aini  W'alt*^  mm*  fi«*%tituU' 
of  pn*a4-lifix  ftini  no  mn*  tAk«*fi  to  •u|»|>lv  th<*tn. 
Siit4*«*ti  WfH*  tlu*  |«utirulanb.  «ilH«n-«>f  the  »ii  fir»t 
wt*n*  Apiiti^l  iiiMiflirifrit  riiiiiUti-r^ ;  \%*rj  raiTH'^tlv 
|in*iv»infr  ttif*ir  taking  tin*  «iiifnr  into  t)M*ir  M*nou« 
roniiiilonition,  for  *|Nt«*Iy  hnIh*^  of  \\u*  jpit*Taiiciii 
lbi*n-in  c<»ntainiii. 

vtl.  Thiit  no  oath  or  inih^ri|ftion  mi;rht  Iw  tim- 
i\i*Tvi\  to  aiiv  at  thc»ir  t*titnitir«*  int«»  niini*trv.  Iiut 
«urh  an  '\%  vxyrvrnX}  |»n*«irhlM*«l  hy  lh«*  ktatut«*«  of 
ibin  n*alm.  rxr^*|»t  th«*  <uith  a^n^itiAt  r<»mi|»l  «*ntrrin|r 

▼ill.  That  thet  mmr  not  hi*  tnMih|i*«l  for  fmii«i«»fi 
fif  iwitiK*  ritm  or  portion*  jir^-M^nhnl  in  th«»  Ihmk  i^f 
l*oninion  IVavrr. 

ix.  Tliat  thrv  niaj  not  Im*  rallf«l  ainl  ur;^«il  ti» 
aiiJ»Hi*r  lii*fon*  thi*  olRi-iaU  ainl  o>niniiw4uit5i,  hut 
bef«»n*  tht*  hi]»ho|ia  theniM^^ea. 

X.  That  such  an  luul  tiifu  (m«|it*n<h^l  f»r  4lc|iri«r«l 
for  no  olh(*r  ortt*nct\  hut  (miIt  for  not  •tilnrnhinr. 
mi^ht  Im*  n-<itor%-«l ;  an«i  that  the  tH«h«»|M  «<hiM  fur- 
bear  thfir  rtroniniuniration.  rs  *tjlkrt$»  m^m.  of  pHll)i 
an<l  h^aniffl  pn'arhrrx  n«»t  ih-ft«rtf«l  fi»r  o|wn  olTt-nor 
of  liff.  or  A|i|>an*nt  vm*r  in  tli»ririnf. 

xi.  Tliat  thrr  nii^ht  not  \n*  ralh*«i  lwft»r^»  the  hi|fli 
cnninii«nion,  f»r  out  of  the*  «h<ir«-w*  wh^rr  tlM<%  hvt^L 
exci*|it  for  mm%**  ntitahh*  o(fi>nre. 

lu.  Tlial  il  mi^^hl  In*  |K*miitt<*<i  to  th«*ni.  io  r%rfit 
arrh€l€*«rf»nnr.  Iti  ha>r  Mime  roninif»n  ri<»rri«i^  afnl 
r«niff*rt*ne<*«  anion;:^t  th4*m<i«*N«-%,  to  Im*  hniil«'«l  ainl 
|»n-M*nUM|  hT  the  «»nhium<*«. 

xiii.  That  th«*  hi^h  r«*ti«un*  of  rxr«»ffnmQnirati«»n 
maT  ntH  lie  denounced  or  eaerulcvl  Uw  ^omII 

aiv.  Noc  by  ehaoeellon^  comi 

CBNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  1S81 

bat  by  the  bishops  themselves,  with  assistance  ofA.D.  1587. 

30  ElUB. 

grave  persons.  

XV.  xvi.  That  non-residency  may  be  quite  removed 
out  of  the  church,  or  at  least  that  (according  to  the 
Queen's  Ii^junctions,  Art  44)  no  non-resident  having 
already  a  licence  or  faculty  may  enjoy  it,  unless  he 
depute  an  able  curate,  that  may  weekly  preach  and 
catechise,  as  is  required  in  her  majesty's  Injunctions. 

Of  all  these  particulars  the  house  fell  most  fiercely 
cm  the  debate  of  pluralities,  and  the  effect  thereof, 

2.  ArcfaMshop  Whitgifb  pleaded  that  licences  for  The  arch- 
non -residency  were    at    the    present    but    seldom  piea  for 
granted ;  and  yet,  in  way  of  recovering  health  by  ^^S]*^  ' 
changing  of  air,  of  study  for  a  time  in  the  university, 

of  mortal  enmity  borne  by  some  in  the  parish,  of 
profieeation  of  law,  or  of  being  employed  in  public 
aflBurs,  they  cannot  be  wholly  abrogated  ;  that  there 
were  in  England  four  thousand  five  hundred  bene- 
fices, with  cure,  not  above  ten  and  most  of  them 
under  eight  pounds  in  the  first-fruits  book,  which 
cannot  be  furnished  with  able  pastors,  as  the  peti- 
tioners desire,  because  of  the  smallness  of  their 
livings.  Moreover  he  affirmed,  that  whatever  was 
pretended  to  the  contrary,  England  at  that  time 
flourished  with  able  ministers  more  than  ever  before 
— ^yea,  had  more  than  all  Christendom  besides. 

3.  The  lord  Grey  rejoined  to  this  assertion  ofThaiord 
**  more  learned  ministers  in  the  Church  of  England  rej^nder. 
"  than  ever  heretofore — nay,  than  in  all  the  reformed 

''  churches  in  Christendom,"  this,  "that  it  was  not 
"  to  be  attributed  to  the  bishops  or  their  actions, 
"  but  to  God,  who  now  opened  the  hearts  of  many 
"  to  see  into  the  truth,  and  that  the  schools  were 
*'  better  observed." 



122  The  Church  HitUtry  book  ix. 

A.I).  1587.      4.  The  lord-treasurer  Burghley,  seeming  to  mode- 

.il-ll!l^  rate  betwixt  them,  after  a  long  and  learned  oration, 

2!J1SiIJI!^*   concluded,  "  that  he  was  not  so  scrupulous  as  abso- 

^Sr^   *•  lutely  to  like  of  the  bill  against  pluralities,  without 

**  any  exception ;  for  he  did  favour  both  learning, 

**  and  wished  a  com|)etent  reward  to  it ;  and  there- 

**  fore  could  like  and  allow  a  learned  man  to  liave 

"  two  benefices,  so  they  were  both  in  one  parish, 

*^  that  is  to  say,  in  one  diocese,  and  not  one  in  the 

**  diocese  of  Winchester  and  another  in  the  north, 

*'  where  the  several  diocesans  would  have  no  regard 

of  them ;  whereas,  being  both  in  one  diocese,  the 

bishop  would  look  unto  them.** 

otii«iii-       5.   Here  it  was  signified  that  her  majesty  was 

acquainted  with  the  matter,  and  that  she  was  very 

forward  to  redress  tlie  faults,  and  therefore  required 

the  bi8ho|>s  not  to  hinder  her  good  and  gracious 

purpose,  for  that   her  miyesty  would   confer  with 


Tbr  lord        6.  Tlic  lord  Grey  again  said,  "  he  greatly  won- 

(qiurrv       ^  dered  at  her  majesty,  that  she  would  make  choice 

wUttZ  or,  **  to   confer  with  those  who  were  all   enemies  to 

m^ukT  **  '^''^™**^'o"»  for  that  it  merely  touched  their  free- 

of  RntiMn.  «*  holds  I  and  therefore  he  thought  it  irood  the  house 

cAri  of       **  should  make  choice  of  some  to  be  joined  with 

fvpM  K    **  them ;  also  he  wished  the  bishops  might  be  served 

**  as  they  were  in  king  Henry  the  Eighth's  days, 

^  when,  as  in  the  case  of  pntmunire^  they  were  all 

*•  thrust  out  of  doors.** 

^  [It  WM,  doubiltna,  the  lord  or  oouncil-tmblr  tided  with  the 

Grey  of  Wilton  ;  for  thit  lord.  anti-preUiUcd  party.  Worthies, 

M  Luiyd  nyt,  wm  but  a  bM?k.  I.  477.     He  wm  equally  dk- 

frieiid  Ui  bithopa,  and   in  all  tinguithed  for  hit  miaooodnd 

of  votes  in  parliament  and  cmeltj  in  Ireland.] 

CEMT.  XTi.  tf  Britain.  128 

7.  Then  the  lord-treasurer  add,  ^  that  the  bishops,  a.d.  1587. 

*•  if  they  were  wise,  would  themselves  be  humble  — 

**  suitovB  to  ber  majesty  to  have  some  of  the  tem- 

^  poial  lords  joined  with  them." 

8.  The  lord-chamberlain  utterly  disliked  the  lord 
Grey's  motion,  alleging,  ^'  that  it  was  not  to  be  liked 
**  of  that  the  lords  should  appoint  her  majesty  any 
*^  to  confer  withal,  but  that  it  should  be  left  to 
••  her  own  dection.** 

9.  Matters  flying  thus  high,  the  archbishop,  with  ThebiAow 
the  rest  of  the  clergy,  conceived  it  the  safest  way  petition  the 
to  apply  themselves  by  petition  to  the  queen,  which  *'****^ 
they  presented  as  followeth  : 

"  To  the  Queen's  most  excellent  Majesty. 

**  The  wofiil  and  distressed  state  whereinto  we  are 
**  like  to  fall  forceth  us,  with  grief  of  heart,  in  most 
•*  humble  manner  to  crave  your  majesty's  most  sove- 
^  reign  protection ;  for  the  pretence  being  made  the 
^  maintenance  and  increase  of  a  learned  ministry, 
**  when  it  is  thoroughly  weighed,  decayeth  learning, 
**  spoileth  their  livings,  taketh  away  the  set  form 
^  of  prayer  in  the  church,  and  is  the  means  to  bring 
^  in  confusion  and  barbarism.  How  dangerous  in- 
^  novations  are  in  a  settled  estate,  whosoever  hath 
*•  judgment  perceiveth.  Set  dangers  apart,  yet  such 
^  great  inconveniences  may  ensue,  as  will  make  a 
''  state  lamentable  and  miserable.  Our  neighbours' 
^*  miseries  might  make  us  feariiil,  but  that  we  know 
*•  who  rules  the  same.  All  the  reformed  churches 
'*  in  Europe  cannot  compare  with  England  in  the 
**  number  of  learned  ministers.  These  benefits  of 
**  your  majesty's  most  sacred  and  careful  government 
''  with  hearty  joy  we  feel,  and  humbly  acknowledge ; 

1S4  The  Church  Hiiiory  book  \x. 

A.  P.  1^87. «« ftenseloss  are  they  that  repiiie  at  it»  and  careless 

**  who  lightly  regard  it.     The  respect  hereof  made 

'^  the  prophet  to  say,  Dii  estis.  All  the  fiiithfal  and 
**  discreet  clergy  say,  O  Dta  certe —  Nothing  is  ira- 
**  possible  with  God  ^.  Requests  without  grounded 
**  reasons  are  lightly  to  be  rejected.  We  therefore; 
**  not  as  directors,  but  as  humble  remembrancers, 
**  beseech  your  highness'  favourable  beholding  of  our 
'^  present  state,  and  what  it  will  be  in  time  to  come, 
^  if  the  bill  against  pluralities  should  take  any 
*♦  place;* 

To  the  {)etition  were  annexed  a  catalogue  of  those 
inconveniences  to  the  state  present,  state  to  come, 
cathedral  churches,  universities,  to  her  miyesty,  to 
religion — in  case  pluralities  were  taken  away — here 
too  large  to  be  inserted  '.  So  that,  in  effect,  nothing 
Mus  effected  as  in  relation  to  this  matter,  but  things 
^  left   in  statu  quo  prins  at  the  dissolution   of  this 

Theteth  10.  Amougst  the  mortalities  of  this  year,  most 
remarkable  the  death  of  Richard  Barnes,  bishop  of 
Durham,  one  commendable  in  himself,  but  much 
suffering  for  the  corruption  and  viciousness  of  John 
Barnes,  his  brother,  and  chancellor  ^  This  bishop 
was  bre<l  in  Brasenose  College,  made  suffSragan  of 
Nottingham,  (the  last,  I  believe,  who  wore  that 
title,)  and  behaved  himself  very  gravely  in  his  dio- 
cese ;  a  great  friend  at  last  to  Bernard  Gilpin, 
though   at   first  by  some  ill   instruments   inct^nsed 

«  [••  A  Grrrk  •enience,"  (o!i-  uetiticio,  are  printed  in  Hinrpe't 

■mrrt   Strrpr,   who    h«a   alio  Whitffift.  p.  a 80.] 

printed   Uim   letter.)   **  fmbely  •  Bitbop  CttHetoa't  lifr  of 

'*  And  illegiblv  written  in  tbe  Bernard  C2ilpin«  p.  190.    [FuU 

•  eofiT.-  Whiuift.  aSo]  ler't  Worths,  ll.  197.] 

^  [TWiv,  wuli    tlM    sbofv 

•f  hbiuip 


cKVT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  1S5 

against  him  ';  and  seeing  they  were  loving  in  their  a.  d.  1587. 

Ktos,   their    memories    in    my  book   shall    not   be 

divided,  though  I  confess  the  latter  died  some  three 
years  before. 

11.  This  Bernard  Gilpin,  bom  of  a  right  worship- And  of 
fdl  family,  at  Kentmire  in  Westmoreland,  had  Cuth-oiipin. 
bCTt  Tonstall,  bishop  of  Durham,  for  his  great-uncle. 

He  was  bred  first  in  Queen's  College,  then  Christ- 
ehorch,  in  Oxford  ;  and  no  doubt  the  prayers  of 
Peter  Martyr  conduced  to  his  conversion  to  be  a 
protestant ;  for  he,  hearing  this  Gilpin  dispute  cor- 
dially on  the  popish  party,  desired  of  God  that  so 
good  affections  might  not  be  misguided,  and  at  last 
obtained  his  desire. 

12.  He  weathered  out  the  reign  of  queen  Mary,  Hardly 
partly  with  his  travels  beyond  the  seas,  (chiefly  resid-  ^!^^  " 
ing  at  Louvain  and  Paris ;)  i>artly,  after  his  return,  ^^'* 
by  the  favour  of  his  uncle  Tunstall,  before  whom  he 

often  cited,  (chiefly  about  the  eucharist,)  but 
discharged  by  confessing  the  real  presence,  and 
that  the  manner  thereof  transcended  his  apprehen- 
sion ;  Tunstall  not  enforcing  him  to  the  particularity 
of  transubstantiation,  as  using  himself  to  complain 
on  pope  Innocent  for  defining  de  modo  to  be  an 
article  of  faith.  However  his  foes  so  hardly  beset 
him,  that  once  he  ordered  his  servant  to  provide  for 
him  a  long  shroud,  not  for  his  winding  but  burning 
sheet,  as  expecting  at  last  he  should  be  brought  to 
the  stake  for  his  religion.  But  men  may  make 
clothes,  either  for  mirth  or  for  mourning,  whilst  Grod 
alone  orders  whether  or  no  they  shall  wear  them. 

'  [B]r  Hush  Broughton,  the  bj  hit  yiolent  temper,   mrro- 

eelebimted  advenuy  of  biihop  gance.     and     intubordinrnticm. 

Bilson,  a  man  whoie  learning  See  Carleton's  Life  of  Gilpin, 

more  than  counterbalanced  p.  3 1 1,  ed.  Batea.] 

1S6  The  Church  Hutory  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1587.      13.  After  the  coming  of  queen  Elizabeth  to  the 

— crown,  he  with  more  earnestness  refused  a  bishopric 

nuJ^  ^  than  others  affected  it.  His  ])arsonage  at  Haughton, 
tnie&ther.|^  it  might  sccm  a  bishop's  palace  for  building,  so 
was  it  no  less  for  hospitality.  Fourteen  villages 
belonging  to  that  mother  church,  the  |K>or  whereof 
(besides  many  others)  were  daily  relieved  at  his  door; 
twenty  scholars  he  commonly  boarded  in  his  house« 
*  which  seemed  a  little  college.  In  a  word»  he  was 
commonly  called  father  Gilpin,  and  well  deserved  it, 
for  his  paternal  affections  to  all ;  making  his  yearly 
progress  into  Uhedesdale  and  Tinsdale,  in  Northum- 
berland, where  people  sat  in  darkness  of  ignorance 
and  shadow  of  death,  and  instructing  them  by  his 
heavenly  preaching. 
Thebrsr*  14.  Now  began  that  fatal  year  generally  foretold 
felSbdr th« that  it  would  be  wonderful,  as  it  proved  no  less ^. 
2^^]^  Whence  the  astrologers  fetched  their  intelligence 
hereof,  (whether  from  heaven  or  hell,  from  other 
stars,  or  from  Lucifer  alone,)  is  uncertain :  this  is 
most  sure,  that  this  prediction,  though  hitting  the 
mark,  yet  missed  their  meaning,  who  both  first 
reported  and  most  believed  it.  Out  comes  their 
invincible  navy  and  army,  perfectly  appointed  for 
both  elements,  water  and  land,  to  sail  and  march 
complete  in  all  warlike  equipage ;  so  that  formerly, 
with  far  less  provision,  they  had  conquered  another 
new  world.  Mighty  was  the  bulk  of  their  shifw,  the 
sea  seeming  to  groan  under  them,  (})eing  a  bunlc^n 
to  it  as  they  went,  and  to  themselves  before  they 
retunie<l,)  with  all  maimer  of  artillery,  prodigious  in 
numlK'r  and  greatness;  so  that  the  re|)ort  of  their 
guns  does  still,  and  ought  ever,  to  sound  in  the  cmm 

s  [CAmden't  EUs.  1588.] 

TENT.  XVI.  (jfBriiaiu,  127 

of  the  English,  not  to  fright  them  with  any  terror,  a.  d.  1588. 
but  to  fill  them  with  deserved  thankfulness.  

15.  It   is   said   of  Sennacherib,  coming   against  The  shame- 
Jerusalem  with  his  numerous  army,  dj/  the  way  Ma^  and  return 
he  came  shall  he  return^  and  shall  not  came  into  Uds 

city 9  saiih  the  Lord^.  As  the  latter  part  of  this 
threatening  was  verified  here,  (no  S])aniard  setting 
foot  on  English  ground  luider  other  notion  than  a 
prisoner,)  so  God  did  not  them  the  honour  to  return 
the  same  way ;  who,  coming  by  south-east,  (a  way 
they  knew,)  went  back  by  south-west,  (a  way  they 
sought,)  chased  by  our  ships  past  the  fifty-seventh 
degree  of  northern  latitude,  then  and  there  left  to 
be  pursued  after  by  hunger  and  cold  ^  Thus,  having 
tasted  the  English  valour  in  conquering  them,  the 
Scotch  constancy  in  not  relieving  them,  the  Irish 
cruelty  in  barbarously  butchering  them,  the  small 
reversion  of  this  great  navy  which  came  home  might 
be  looked  upon  by  religious  eyes  as  relics,  not  for 
the  adoration  but  instruction  of  their  nation  here- 
after, not  to  account  any  thing  invincible  which  is 
less  than  infinite. 

16.  Such  as  lose  themselves  by  looking  on  second  Thb  deii- 
causes  impute  the  Spanish  ill  success  partly  to  theprindptUv 
prince  of  Parma,  who,  either  mind-bound  or  wind- oSnfarnJ 
bound,  staying  himself  or  stopped  by  the  Hollander, 
would  or  could  not  come  to  their  seasonable  suc- 
cour ^ ;  and  jmrtly  to  the  duke  of  Medina's  want  of 
commission  to  fight  with  the  English,  save  on  the 
defensive,  till  joined  with  Parma.     Thus,  when  God 

will  have  a  design  defeated,  amidst  the  plenty,  yea, 
superfluity  of  all  imaginable  necessaries,  some  unsus- 

^  I  Kings  xix.  33.     '  [Somers'  TractP,  i.  45a.]    ^  [Camden,  1. 1.] 

1518  The  Ckurch  History  book  ix. 

A,  D.i588.pected  one  shall  be  wanting  to  fnistrate  all  the  rest. 

We  will  not  mention  (save  in  due  distance  of  b(4|i8) 

the  industry  and  loyalty  of  the  lord  Howard ',  (ad- 
miraly)  the  valour  of  our  captains,  the  skill  of  our 
pilots,  the  activity  of  our  ships;  but  asngn  all  to 
the  goodness  of  God,  as  queen  Elizabeth  did.  Leave 
we  her  in  the  quire  of  Paul's  church,  devoutly  on 
her  knees,  with  the  rest  of  her  nobles  in  the  same 
humble  ])osture,  returning  their  unlFeigned  thanks  to 
the  God  and  giver  of  all  victory,  whilst  going 
abroad,  we  shall  find  some  of  her  subjects  worse 
employed  in  implacable  enmity  about  ecclesiastical 
discipline  one  against  another.  AhU  let  not  the 
mentioning  of  this  deliverance  be  censured  as  a 
deviation  from  the  Church  History  of  Britain,  silence 
thereof  being  a  sin ;  for  had  the  design  took  eflfect. 
neither  protestant  church  in  Britain  had  remained, 
nor  history  thereof  been  made  at  this  present. 

Scurriiottt  17.  But  bullots  did  not  fly  about  so  much  at  sea« 
as  bastardly  libels  by  land,  so  fitly  called  because 
none  durst  father  them  for  their  issue.  They  are 
known,  though  not  by  their  {parents,  by  their  names : 

i.  The  Epitome.  [Written  by  Penry,  and  printetl 
by  Waldegrave  at  the  house  of  sir  Richard  Knightly, 
at  Fausly,  1588.] 

ii.  The  Demonstration  of  Discipline.  [By  Udall ; 
printed  at  Mrs.  Crane's  house»  Mowsely,  by  Walde- 

iii.  Tlie  Supplication.  [Written  by  Penry,  and 
printed  by  Waldegrave  at  Hale's  house.  Midleot, 

I  [Chmrlet  Ilowmrd.  of  EUfinichain,  «fterwardB  c«rl  of  Nutting- 
hsBi.    8m  Cftinden,  tb.] 



of  Britain. 


IT.  Diotrephes.  [By  Udal,  printed  by  Waldegrave,  ^-  ^gj?f ^' 
at  Mrs.  Crane's  house,  Mowsely.]  

V.  The  Minerals.  [Printed  by  Waldegrave,  at 
Hale's  house,  Coventry,  Feb.  1589.] 

vi.  Have  You  any  Work  for  the  Cooper  ?  [Printed 
as  above,  about  Palm  Sunday,  1588.] 

vii.  Martin  Mar-Prelate,  Senior.  [By  Udal  and 
Penry,  printed  at  Weekston's  house,  by  Hodgkins, 
Blidsummer,  158d«] 

viii.  Martin  Mar-Prelate,  Junior.  [By  Udal  and 
Penry,  printed  as  above.] 

ix.  More  Work  for  the  Cooper,  (&c.)  ^.  [Printed 
in  Newton  Lane,  Manchester,  by  Hodgkins.] 

The  main  drift  and  scope  of  these  pamphlets  (for 

*  [See  an  acconnt  of  these 
books  in  Stiype*8  Whitgift,  pp. 
i88,  298.  Annals  iii.  ap.  262. 
Many  more  were  published  than 
Fuller  has  mentioned,  but  they 
are  too  numerouR  to  be  particu- 
larised within  the  compass  of  a 
note.  A  very  lucid  account  of 
the  controversy,  and  of  the 
writers  concerned  in  it,  is  given 
by  Dr.  Heylyn  in  his  History 
of  the  Presbyterians,  p.  283. 
The  chief  among  them  was 
John  Penry,  (afterwards  con- 
demned and  put  to  death  for 
a  libel  written  against  the 
queen.)  a  native  of  Wales,  first 
a  subsizer  in  Peter  House, 
Camliridge,  afterwards  a  com- 
moner in  St.  Alban's  Hall ; 
yet  so  gross  and  coarse  was 
the  style  of  these  pamphlets, 
that  although  many  of  them 
were  serionsly  answered  by 
eminent  persons,  (nuch  as  Dr. 
Cooper  and  Dr.  Kridges,)  their 
aotbort  were  not  put  to  shame 

riri.LEBy  VOL.  V. 

Until  they  were  met  by  the 
same  weapons  which  them- 
selves had  nrst  employed.  And 
thus  they  who  had  made  grave 
things  ridiculous  became  a  ridi- 
cule and  a  jest  even  among  the 
lowest.  Their  most  dreaded  op« 
ponent  in  this  their  own  way  of 
writing  was  an  author  of  some 
celebrity,  named  Thomas  Nash, 
who,  about  the  year  1589,  put 
forth  a  pamphlet  in  answer  to 
Martin  Mar- Prelate,  with  the 
following  bantering  title  :  — 
*'  Pappe  tviih  an  Hatchet ,  allot t 
"  a  Fig  for  my  Godson  ;  or, 
'•  Crack  me  this  S^ut  ;  or,  a 
**  Count  nf  Cuff  I  that  is,  a  sound 
**  Box  on  the  Ear  for  the  Idioi 
"  Martin  to  hold  his  peace, 
•*  Written  by  one  that  dares  caii 
"  a  dog  a  dog.  Imprinted  by 
•*  John  Anoke,  SfC.  ;  and  are  to 
"  be  sold  at  the  sign  of  the 
**  Crab'tree  Cudgel » in  Thwack- 
"  coat  iMne:*  See  Wood's 
Athens,  I.  361.] 

130  The  Church  HUtory  booe  ix. 

A.  D.  1588.  know  one  and  know  all — ^thofte  foul-mouthed  papers, 

like  blackamoors,  did  all  look  alike)  ^'as  to  defame 

and  disgrace  the  English  prelates,  scoffing  at  them 
for  their  garb,  gait,  apparel,  vanities  of  their  youth, 
natural  defects,  and  personal  infirmities.  It  is 
strange  how  secretly  they  were  printed,  how  speedily 
dispersed,  how  generally  bought,  how  greedily  reail, 
yea,  and  how  firmly  believed,  e8|K.*cially  of  the  com- 
mon sort,  to  whom  no  l>etter  music  than  to  hear 
their  betters  upbraided. 
3^'»-       18.  Some  precise  men  of  that  side  thought  these 

kwfuiMH  jeering  pens  well  employed ;  for  having  formerly,  as 
pimphiftt  they  say,  tried  all  serious  and  sober  means  to  reclaim 
the  bi$ho]>s,  (which  hitherto  provetl  uneiTectual,) 
they  thought  it  not  amiss  to  try  this  new  way,  that 
whom  they  could  not  in  earnest  make  odious,  in 
sport  they  might  render  ridiculous.  Wits  will  be 
working,  and  such  as  have  a  satirical  vein  cannot 
better  vent  it  than  in  lashing  of  sin.  Besides,  they 
wanted  not  a  warrant,  as  they  conceived,  in  holy 
writ,  where  it  was  no  solecism  to  the  gravity  of 
Elijah  to  mock  UaaPs  priests  out  of  their  super- 
stition chiefly  ".  Tliis  was  conceivwl  would  drive 
on  their  design,  strengthen  their  |Nirty  by  working 
on  the  |KH)ple's  atlet'tions,  which  were  marvellously 
taken  with  the  reading  thereof. 
TImm  19.  But   the  more  discreet  and  devout    sort  of 

cbioMd  by  men,  even  of  such  as  were  no  great  friends  to  the 
"^1^  hierarchy,   u|K>n   solenm   debate   then   resolved,  (I 

''^y-  8|)eak  on  ci*rtain  knowledge,  from  the  mouths  of  such 
whom  I  must  iK'lieve,)  that  for  many  foul  falsehoods 
thert»in  suggi*sted  such  lM>oks  were  altogether  un- 

*  I  KiiigB  &viii.  37. 

CKiiT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  181 

beeeeming  a  pious  spirit,  to  print,  publish,  or  with  a.  d.  1588. 

plemsoie  peruse ;  which^  supposed  true  both  in  mat 

ter  and  measure,  charity  would  rather  conceal  than 
discover:  the  best  of  men  being  so  conscioui^  of 
their  own  badness,  that  they  are  more  carefiil  to 
wash  their  own  faces  than  busy  to  throw  dirt  on 
others.  Any  man  may  be  witty  in  a  biting  way, 
and  those  that  have  the  dullest  brains  have  com- 
monly the  shar|)est  teeth  to  that  purpose.  But 
such  carnal  mirth,  whilst  it  tickles  the  flesh,  doth 
wound  the  soul ;  and,  which  was  the  main,  these 
base  books  would  give  a  great  advantage  to  the! 
general  foe,  and  papists  would  make  too  much  use 
thereof  against  protestant  religion,  es{>ecially  seeing 
an  archangel  thought  himself  too  good  to  bring,  and 
Satan  not  bad  enough  to  have  railing  speeches 
brought  against  him  ^. 

SO.  But,  leaving  private  men  to  abound  in  their  The  inttni 
own  sense,  how  highly  the  state  (as  it  then  stood)  pbved  in' 
distasted  these  books,  will  plainly  appear  by  theUJ^*^, 
heavy  censures  inflicted  on  such  as  were  but  acces-  JJJJJ^^  ^' 
sory  thereunto.     To  pass  by  John  Penry  and  John 
IMaU  ministers  accused  for  making  some  of  them, 
(of  whom  in  due  i)laox?,)  together  with  the  printers, 
and  Humphrey  Newman,  a  cobbler,  chief  disi>erser 
of  them,  the  Star-Chamlx»r  deeply  fined  sir  Richard 
Knightly  and  sir  [  ]  Wigston  for  entertaining 

and  receiving  the  press  gentlemen,  whom  their 
adversaries  allow  qualifie<l  with  piety,  gravity,  and 
wisdom  P ;    which    made   many   admire    how    their 

^  Jude  9.  queen  Mary  at  her  coronation. 

P  Sir  G.  Paul  in  the  Life  of  See  Strype's  Mem.  III.  App. 

Archbishop    Whiqpft.    (.61.  rii. ;  but  I  have  no  doubt  tiiat 

[A    person     named     William  the  person  mentioned  by  Fuller 

Wygston    was    knighted    by  is  the  same  who,  in  the  depo- 


132  The  Church  History  book  is. 

A.D.  1 58K.  discretion  could  be  deluded*  and  more  bemoan  that 

^ —  their  goodness  should  be  abused  by  others,  who  hail 

desij]^  upon  them.     Here  archbishop  Whitfnft  be- 
stirred   himself  to   improve  his    interest   with    the 
queen,  till  his  im|>ortunity  had  anfrere<l  her,  and  till 
his  im|>ortunity  had   pleased   her  again,  that   they 
might  be  delivered  out  of  prison  and  ease<l  of  their 
fines,  which  upim  their  submission  was  |>erformed  h  ; 
M'hose  mildness  to  mediate  for  his  adversari(*s,  as  it 
was  highly  commendo<l  by  some,  so  there  wante<l 
not  those  who  imputed  his  moileration  therein  to 
declining  of  envy,  gaining  of  applause,  and  n^morse 
of  his  own  (H)nsciencc  for  over-rigoruus  procoe^lings ; 
it   being   no   charity   to   cure  the  wound   he   hail 
cause<l,  and  solicit  the  remitting  of  those  fines  which 
he  had  procuriMl  to  l)e  im|K>8ed.     Thus  imjMMsible 
it  is  to  pleasi*  froward  spirits,  and  to  make  them  like 
the  Ix'st  deeil  who  dislike  the  doer  thereof;  and  if 
any  d(*sire  to  know  the  motions  and  stages  of  the 
press  which  printed  these  biioks,  know  it  was  first 
set  up  at  Moulsey,  m»ar  Kingston,  in  Surrey'';  thence 
conveyed  to   Fausly,  in   Northamptonshire;  thenct* 
to  Norton,  and  aflerwanls  to  Coventry ;  hence  it 
was  n»moved  to  Welstone,  in  Warwickshire,  whence 
the  lc*tters  were  sent  to  another  press,  in  or  near 
Manchester,  and  there  discovered  by  Ilennr  [Stan- 
ley,] ••arl  of  Derby,  in  the  printing  of  •*  More  Work 
••  for    the   CcM>|ier."       No    wonder,   then,   if  many 
errnlns    wen*    eonmiitte^l    by   this   (call    it   as   you 
pleads  pilgrim  or  vagab<»nd)  press,  when  itself  was 
ever  in  a  wandtTing  and  straggling  condition. 

aitiunt   taki-n   ut   Ljailitftli,  is         q    ( atndimi    EliaUMCha   in 
Gsllad   K«ifei*r  Weokston.  Km|.     anno  15SH. 
Bujpe'a  An.  III.  App.  363.]  r  sir  O.  Ptal  ib. 


of  Britain. 


21.  A  synod  of  the  presbyterians  %  of  the  War- A- 1^- »58p« 
wickshire  classis,  was  called  at  Coventry,  die  decimo    . 
qmartU  (that  is,  on  the  10th  of  April,)  wherein  the«ynodof 
questions  brought  the  last  year  from  the  brethren 
of  Cambridge  synod  were  resolved  in  manner  as  fol- 
toweth :  * 

i.  That  private  baptism  is  unlawful  ". 

ii.  That  it  is  not  lawftil  to  read  homilies  in  the 

iii.  That  the  sign  of  the  cross  is  not  to  be  used 
in  baptism. 

iv.  That  the  faithful  ought  not  to  communicate 
with  unlearned  ministers,  although  they  may  be  pre- 
sent at  their  service,  if  they  come  of  purpose  to  hear 
a  sermon.  Tlie  reason  is,  because  laymen  as  well  as 
ministers  may  read  public  service. 

V.  That  the  calling  of  bishops  &c.  is  unlawful. 

vi.  Tliat  as  they  deal  in  causes  ecclesiastical,  there 

*  [Of  their  proceedings  at 
this  time,  see  also  Strype's 
Whitgift,  p.  29 1 .] 

*  Transcribed  out  of  bishop 
Bancroft's  book  called  Kng. 
land's  Scottizing  for  Discipline 
by  Practice,  pp.  86.  87,  who 
mar  seem  to  have  had  the 
original  in  Latin. 

°  [Upon  this  point,  as  it 
greatly  affects  a  qnestion  lately 
brought  much  into  discussion 
respecting  the  validity  of  Imp- 
tism  as  miniHtered  by  dissent- 
ers, it  may  not  be  amiss 
to  state  the  sentiments  of 
bishop  Sandys  :  "  For  private 
••  baptism,"  he  says,  "  to  be 
*'  ministered  by  women,  I  take 
'*  neither  to  be  prescribed  nor 
"  permitted ;  so   have  I  ever 

*•  been  and  presently  am  per- 
"  suaded  that  some  of  them  be 
"  not  so  expedient  for  this 
"  church  now,  but  that  in  the 
'*  church  reformed  they  may 
"  better  be  disused  by  little 
'•  and  little."  Strype's  Life  of 
Whitgift,  p.  287.  The  subject 
was  again  mooted  at  Hamptoo 
Court,  when  lay-baptism  was 
defended  by  Bancroft,  then 
binhop  of  London  ;  and  so  it 
has  been  ever  held  by  the 
church  of  England,  as  by  the 
Western  churches,  and  indeed 
by  the  Greek  church  in  ge* 
neral.  '*  Baptismus  quamvis 
in  schismate  collatus  sine 
sacrilegio  instaurari  non  po- 
"  test."  Thorndike,  De  Jure, 
p.  368.] 




134  TUe  Church  Hutory  book  ix. 

A.D.  1 588.  is  no  duty  belonging  unto  them,  nor  any  publicly  to 
^'  be  given  them. 

yii.  That  it  is  not  lawful  to  be  ordained  by  them 
into  the  ministry,  or  to  denounce  either  suspensions 
or  excommunications  sent  from  them. 

viii.  That  it  is  not  lawful  to  rest  in  the  bishops 
deprivation  of  any  from  the  ministry,  except  (upon 
consultation  with  the  neighbour  ministers  adjoining 
and  his  flock)  it  seem  so  good  unto  them  ;  but  that 
he  continue  in  the  same,  until  he  be  compelled  to 
the  contrary  by  civil  force. 

ix.  Tliat  it  is  not  lawful  to  appear  in  a  bishop's 
court,  but  with  protestation  of  their  unlawfulness. 

X.  Tliat  bishops  are  not  to  be  acknowledged 
either  for  doctors,  elders,  or  deacons,  as  having  no 
ordinary  calling. 

xi.  That  touching  the  restoration  of  their  eccle- 
siastical discipline,  it  ought  to  be  taught  to  the 
people,  data  occasioned  as  occasion  should  serve. 

xii.  That  nondum  (as  yet)  the  people  are  not  to 
be  solicited  puhlice  (publicly)  to  the  practice  of  the 
discipline  donee  (till)  they  be  better  instructed  in 
the  knowledge  of  it. 

xiii.  That  men  of  better  understanding  are  to  be 
allured  privately  to  the  present  embracing  of  the 
discipline  and  practice  of  it,  as  far  as  they  shall  be 
well  able,  with  the  iR^ace  of  the  church. 

Likewise  in  the  same  assembly  the  aforesaid  Book 
of  Dincipline  waM  approved  to  be  a  **  draught  of  dis- 
cipline essential  and  necessary  for  all  times;**  and 
certain  articles  (devise<l  in  approbation,  and  for  the 
maimer  of  the   use   thereof)  were  brought    forth, 

>  Gira.  XIV,  3  a. 

CENT.  XTi.  ftf  Britain.  185 

treated  of,  and  subscribed  unto,  by  Mr.  CartwrightA.D.  1588. 
and  others,  and  afterwards  tendered  far  and  near  to  — ^ — ^ 

the  several  classes  for  a  general  ratification  of  all 
the  brethren. 

22.    Now    if    Rebecca    found   herself   strangely  The  Eng- 
aflfected  when  twins  struggled  in  her  womb^  thodittracMd 
condition  of  the  EngliSh  church  must  be  conceived  ^^[[jj^ 
sad,  which  at  the  same  time  had  two  disciplines,  **"*'?*****• 
both  of  them  pleading  scripture  and  primitive  prac- 
tice, each  striving  to  support  itself  and  suppress  its 
rival.      The    hierarchy,   commanded    by   authority, 
established  by  law,  confirmed  by  general  practice, 
and  continued  so  long  by  custom  in  this  land,  that 
had  one  at  this  time  lived  the  age  of  Methuselah 
he  could  not  remember  the  beginning  thereof  in 
Britain.     Tlie  pri^bytery,  though  wanting  the  stamp 
of  authority,  claiming  to  be  the  purer  metal  founded 
by  S4)mo  clergymen,  favoured  by  many  of  the  gentry, 
and   followed   by  more  of  the  common  sort,  who 
l>eing  prompted  with  that  natural  principle  that  the 
weakest   side   must  be  most  watchful,   what  they 
wante<l  in  strength  they  supplied  in  activity.     But 
what   won   them  most  n*pute  was  their  ministers* 
painful  preaching  in  populous  places ;  it  being  ob- 
serviMl  in  England  that  those  who  hold  the  helm  of 
the    pulpit    always    steer    people's    hearts   as   they 
pk^ase.     The  worst  is,  that  in   matters  of  fact  all 
reflations  in  these  times  are  relations :  I  mean  much 
rt*sent  of  party  and    interest,  to    the   prejudice   of 
truth.     Let  me  mind  the  reader  to  reflect  his  eye 
on  our  quotations,  the  margin,  in  such  cases,  being 
as  material  as  the  text,  as  containing  the  authors ; 
and  his  judgment  may,  according  to  the  credit  or 
reference  of  the  author  alleged,  believe   or  abate 


186  The  Church  Hutory  book  ix. 

A.D.  i588.Arom  the  reputation  of  the  report.     Let  me  add, 
^i  Eii»^  that  though  it  be  a  lie  in  the  clock,  it  is  but  a 
falsehood  lu  the  hand  of  the  dial,  when  pointing  at 
a  wrong  hour,  if  rightly  follo\^ing  the  direction  of 
the  wheel  which  nioveth  it.     And  the  fault  is  not 
mine,  if  I  truly  cite  what  is  false  on  the  credit  of 
another.     Tlie  best  certainty  in  this  kind  we  are 
capable  of  is,  what  we  find  in  the  confessions  of  the 
parties  themselves,  de|K>sed  on  oath,  taken  by  public 
notaries,  and   recorded   in   court.     For  such    who 
herein  will  fly  higher  for  true  intelligence  than  the 
Star-Chamber,  must  fetch  it  from  heaven  himself. 
ThamoccM     23.  lu  that  court  we  find  confessed  by  one  ^\t. 
lemn  hiimi.  Johusou  ^^  (formerly  a  great  presbyterian,  but  after- 
che*miiiu-  wanls,  it  seems,  falling  from  that  side,  he  discovered 
^J]J^^    many   passages    to    their  disadvantage,)   how   that 
(<»•  ^  when  the  Book  of  Discipline  came  to  Northamp- 

ton to  be  subscribed  unto,  there  was  a  general 
censuring  used  amongst  the  brethren  there,  as  it 
^  were  to  sanctify  themselves ;  |>artly  by  sustaining 
^  a  kind  of  i>enance  and  reproof  for  their  former 
*'  conformity  to  the  orders  of  the  church,  and  partly 
*'  to  pro|mre  their  minds  for  the  devout  accepting  of 
^  the  foresaid  book :  in  which  course  of  censuring 
*'  used  at  that  time  there  was  such  ripping  up,  one 
^  of  another  8  life,  even  from  their  youth,  as  that 
^  they  came  unto  great  bitterness,  with  many  revil- 
**  ing  tenns  amongst  themselves,  one  growing  there- 
**  by  odious  to  another,  and  some  did  thereupon 
^  utterlv  forsake  those  kinds  of  assemblii*s.*'  U 
bow  woful  the  vessel  of  the  Knglish  church !  whilst 
ber  ifw^pr^ai^  her  ministc^rs  and  under-rowers,  aome 

7  Sm  Enghnd't  Houcttsiiig  fur  IKtciplitie,  |i.  88. 


of  Britain. 


tugged  it  one  way,  and  others  towing  it  another,  a.  d.  1588. 

enough  almost  to  split  her  in  pieces  with  the  vio- 

lenoe  of  their  contrary  discipline. 

24.  Leave  we  them  for  a  while,  to  behold  how  The  am- 
the  popish  clergy  were  employed,  who  in  the  begin-  AdmonU 
ning  of  this  year  were  as  busy  as  bees  newly  ready  ^<JSci*rf 
lo  swarm.     A  book  was  set  forth  called  "  The  Ad-  Eng>M>d- 
^  monition,"  dispersed  amongst  catholics,  and  highly 
cried  up,  consisting  of  several  parts,  not  unfit  to  be 
here  recited  ' : 

i.  The  authors  make  their  entrance  into  the  dis- 
course with  a  most  odious  and  shameful  declamation 
against  her  majesty,  stirring  up  her  subjects'  hearts 
to  contempt  of  her  highness,  as  being  one  odious  to 
God  and  man. 

They  threaten  the  nobility,  gentry,  &c.  with  loss 
of  all  their  goods,  their  lands,  their  lives,  and  with 
damnation  besides ;  except  that  presently,  upon  the 

s  [This  book,  entitled  "An 
•*  Admonition  to  the  Nobility 
"  and  People  of  England/' 
gmre  so  great  an  offence  to  the 
queen,  that  she  ordered  her 
ambunador,  Val.  Dale*  to  ex- 
postulate with  the  prince  of 
Parma,  riceroj  of  the  Low 
Coon  tries  for  the  king  of 
Spain.  Among  the  MSS.  pre- 
served  in  the  library  of  All 
8oals  Ck>llege,  Oxford,  is  a 
draught  of  a  rery  full  pro- 
clamation, dra^n  up  on  the 
expectation  of  the  Spanitih 
armada,  but  never  published. 
Therein  the  queen,  giving  a  very 
detailed  account  of  her  pro- 
ceedings with  Spain  and  the 
prince  of  Parma,  two  years  be- 
tore,  and  of  her  nesotiationt  for 
%  takea  oocanon  to  notice 

this  pamphlet  of  cardinal  Al- 
len, of  whom  she  speaks  in 
extremely  bitter  terms,  and 
issues  very  positive  orders  that 
if  any  of  her  subjects  possessed 
a  copy  of  the  said  book  he 
should  iuHtantly  send  it  in  to  the 
privy  council,  declaring  it  also 
to  be  treason  even  to  possess  the 
same.  The  violence,  however, 
of  the  book,  deprived  it  of  all 
influence  with  the  Romanists 
in  England,  if  we  may  believe 
the  author  of  the  pamphlet  en- 
titled ••  The  Copy  of  a  Letter 
"  sent  out  of  England,*'  &c.  ; 
the  generality  of  them  resolv- 
ing to  neglect  it  and  defend 
the  liberty  and  inde|>endenoe 
of  their  country.  See  Somers' 
Tracts,  L  433, 435,  &c.  and  the 
Harleian  iWao^MXkj^  tqL  I.] 



188  7Ae  CAtm:A  History  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1588.  landing  of  the   Spaniards,  they  joined  thennelTeSy 

and  all  their  forces,  men,  munition,  victuals,  and 

whatsoever  else  they  could  make,  with  their  catholic 
army,  forsooth,  for  tlie  words  be  these :  *•  If  you 
"  will  avoid,"  say  they,  "  the  pope's,  the  king^s,  and 
other  princes'  high  indignation,  let  no  man,  of 
what  degree  soever,  abet,  aid,  defend,  or  acknow- 
ledge her,"  &c. ;  a<lding,  that  "  otherwise  they 
should  incur  the  angel's  curse  and  malediction, 
and  be  as  deeply  excommunicated  as  any ;  because 
that  in  taking  her  majesty's  {)art  they  should  figiit 
'*  against  God,  against  their  lawful  king,  against 
''  their  country ;  and  that,  notwithstanding  all  they 
**  should  do,  they  should  but  defend  her  highness 
^'  bootless,  to  their  own  present  destruction  and 
**  eternal  shame." 

ii.  After  all  those  and  many  other  such  threats,  in 
a  high  and  military  style,  to  scare  fools  with,  then 
they  come  to  some  more  mild  {persuasions,  and  pro- 
mise the  noblemen,  that  so  they  join  with  the  duke 
of  Parma  upon  the  receipt  of  their  Admonition,  they 
will  entreat  that  their  whole  houses  shall  not  perish. 
For  Parsons  did  instigate  the  Knglish  cardinal  to 
swear  by  his  honour,  and  in  the  word  of  a  cardinal, 
that  in  the  furv  of  their  intended  massacre  there 
should  as  gn^at  care  he  taken  of  every  catholic  and 
|K*nitent  ]K'rson  as  |>ossibly  could  be,  and  that  ho 
was  ma<le  a  canlinal  of  pur|K>se  to  be  sent  then 
into  Kngland  for  the  sweet  managing  of  those 

iii.  Other  nr);uments  they  use<l,  draura  from  the 
certainty  of  the  victory  :  as  that  all  the  proteatants 
would  either  tuni  their  coats,  copies,  anna,  or  fly 
away,  in  fear  and  torment  of  the  angel  of  God  |NNK 
secuting  them ;  that  although  none  of  her  mnjeityli 


of  Britain. 


tolgeols  should  assist  the  Spaniards,  yet  their  own  a.  d.  1588. 

forces  which  they  brought  with  them  were  strong 1- 

enough,  their  provision  sufficient^  their  appointment 
so  surpassing  that  they  had  more  expert  captains 
than  her  majesty  had  good  soldiers,  all  resolute  to 
be  in  the  cause,  which  they  had  undertaken ;  that 
the  blood  of  all  the  blessed  bishops  shed  in  this 
land,  and  all  the  saints  in  heaven,  prayed  for  the 
Spaniards'  victory ;  that  all  the  virtuous  priests  of 
our  country,  both  at  home  and  abroad,  had  stretched 
forth  their  sacred  hands  to  the  same  end ;  that  many 
priests  were  in  the  camp,  to  serve  every  spiritual 
man's  necessity ;  that  their  forces  were  guarded  with 
all  God's  holy  angels,  with  Christ  himself  in  the 
sovereign  sacrament,  and  with  the  daily  most  holy 
oblation  of  Christ's  own  dear  body  and  blood  ;  that 
the  Spaniards  being  thus  assisted  with  so  many 
heli>s,  though  they  had  been  never  so  few,  they 
could  not  lose ;  and  that  her  majesty  and  her  assist- 
ants, wanting  these  helps,  although  they  were  never 
M>  fierce,  never  so  proud,  never  so  many,  never  so 
well  appointed,  yet  they  could  not  prevail.  **  Fear 
•*  you  not,**  say  they  to  such  as  would  take  their 
[Wirt — "they  cannot."  And  thus  far  out  of  their 
said  Jesuitical  Admonition  *. 

•  [The  remarks  of  Watson 
upon  this  book  are  subjoined  : 
*'  It  cannot  be  denied  but  that, 
**  in  the  year  15S8,  cardinal 
"  Allen  compiled  a  booke,  at 
"  the  importunate  suite  of 
"  father  Parsons,  impudently 
"  urging  his  grace  thereto,  to 
"  liare  been  publinhed  when 
''  the  Spaniards  should  have 
"  arrired,  for  the  same  intent 
"  premiaed  in  the  article  ;"— 
( Wataon's  book  is  written  with 

articles  and  answers,  and  he 
here  refers  to  the  sixth  article 
of  his  own  book,)  *'  the  first 
"  part  of  which  booke  was  in- 
•*  tituled  A  Declaration  of  the 
'•  Scntencr,  <^r.  ;  the  second, 
*'  An  Admonition  to  the  SobilU 
••  tie  and  People  of  England^ 
*'  <l^r.  Of  these  books  a  great 
"  number  were  printed ;  but 
"  preaently  upon  the  over- 
"  throw  of  the  grwt  invincible 
**  amuido,  under  their  heroscd 


The  Church  History 

lOOK  tX. 

A.D.  1588. 
31  Elis. 

Tlie  book  goes  under  the  name  of  cardinal  Ailen« 
though  the  secular  priests  say  he  was  but  the  cloak- 
father  thereof,  and  that  Parsons  the  Jesuit  made  it  K 
Others  conceive  it  equivocally  begotten,  as  the  result 
and  extract  of  several  brains.  No  doubt,  had  the 
Spanish  invasion  succeeded,  happy  he  who  could 
have  laid  claim  to  so  prophetical  a  piece ;  and  they 
would  have  fallen  out  as  the  two  harlots  about  the 
living  child,  who  should  have  been  parent  thereof  ^ 
Whereas  now,  on  the  miflcarriage  of  their  great 
navy,  all  disclaimed  the  book  ;  and  Parsons  procured 
the  whole  impression  to  be  burnt,  (save  some  few, 
sent  abroad  beforehand  to  his  friends^,)  that  it 
might  not  remain  a  monument  of  their  falsehood. 
And  now  the  popish  priests,  some  lurked  here  in 
holes,  other  fled  into  foreign  parts,  their  confiision 
being  the  greater  for  their  former  confidence.  Thus 
Sisera  comes  off  the  more  coldly,  when  stripped  out 

"  AdUnUdo,  father  Parsoni, 
*'  for  shame  of  the  world,  and 
**  to  the  end  that  it  should  not 
"  be  known  bow  the  expecta. 
'*  tion  of  the  false  prophet  wtM 
••  fhintrate.  procured  the  whole 
**  iinpretaion  to  lie  burnt,  sav- 
"  ing  some  few  that  had  been 
"  sent  abroad  |}i*fon*hand  to 
'*  his  friends,  and  such  as  had 
*'  otherwise  lieen  convejed 
**  away  by  the  printer  and 
'*  cithers  in  secret.wiw ;  some 
••  whereof,  ferrying  «iver  the 
**  main,  were  wnft4*<l  into  the 
•'  Si»uth  Ocean  shores. "  Thi^n, 
in  a  note  to  the  margin  of  \u% 
book,  he  obM*rves,  '*  There  was 
*'  never  honest  man,  as  1  think, 
**  that  penned  such  a  treatise 
*'  ••  this  book  here  menUcmed 
**  to  Imvs  ipHM  madm  the  food 
"  evdioal's    mmm.  who  mtn 


'  would  never  have   pat   him 

name  to  it  (at  he  did  not) 
'*  but  by  the  Tehement  tuging 
*'  of  this  MaohiaveUian  Jeaoit'a 
"  persuasion,  which  full  sore 
"  repented  him  afterwarde  ; 
"  insomuch  that  when  he  hoard 
"  and  well  perceived  what  they 
*'  u-ent  about,  for  deatroying 
"  and  ruinating  of  hia  native 
'*  country,  he  wept  teodcrir, 
"  not  knowing  how  to  remedy 
'*  it,  nor  much  lets  how  to 
"  bridle  the  Jeauitical  inan. 
•«  lencie."  IKidd  also,  in  hb 
Church  History,  disclaims  car* 
dinal  Allen's  autlninhip  of  this 
book,  II.  p.  54.] 

^  Wataon'a  QuodUbel%  pog. 

*  I  Kings  iiL 

<l  Wolmi  «l  ftioo. 

CKWT.  XTi.  of' Britain.  141 

of  the  garment  of  divers  colours*  wherewith   his  a.  d.  1588. 

nother  had  arrayed  him,  in  her  fancy  running  faster 

than  the  wheels  of  her  son's  chariot  to  his  imaginary 

25.  This  year  died  Edwin  Sands  ^  archbishop  of^^^^ 
York,  bom  in  Lancashire  of  worshipful  parentage,  smndi» 
bred  in  Cambridge,  banished  to  Grermany;  after  this  o£  York. 
promoted  to  be  bishop  of  Worcester,  then  succeeded 
Grindal  in  London  and  York,  an  excellent  and  pain- 
ful preacher,  and  of  a  pious  and  godly  life,  which 
increased  in  his  old  age;  so  that  by  a  great  and 

good  stride,  whilst  he  had  one  foot  in  the  graTe,  he 
had  the  other  in  heaven.  He  was  buried  in  South- 
well ;  and  it  is  hard  to  say  whether  he  was  more 
eminent  in  his  own  virtues,  or  more  happy  in  his 
flourishing  posterity  ^. 

26.  The  next  year  produced  not  any  great  church  dl^''!^'* 
matters  in  itself,  but  was  only  preparatory  to  thehwd 
ripening  of  business  and  raising  the  charges  against 
the  principal  patrons  of  nonconformity.  Indeed 
archbishop  Whitgift,  according  to  his  constant  cus- 
tom and  manner,  repaired  daily  to  the  council-table 
early  in  the  morning,  and  after  an  usual  apprecation 
of  a  **  good-morrow"  to  the  lords,  he  requested  to 
know  if  there  were  any  church  business  to  be 
debated;  and  if  the  answer  were  returned  in  the 
affirmative,  he«  stayed  and  attended  the  issue  of  the 
matter ;  but  if  no  such  matter  appeared,  he  craved 
leave  to  be  dispensed  withal,  saying,  "Then,  my 
'^  lords,  here  is  no  need  of  me,"  and  departed ; — a 

«  Judg.  V.  30.  the   Appendix.      Clarke,    the 

'  [July  10,  1588.]  punUn,  has  also  iofleited  a  life 

K  [See  some  account  of  him  of  tbia  biahop  in  hia  Martyro- 

in   Strype'a  Whitgift,  p.  286,  logy.  See  Lives  of  Thiity.two 

who  baa  printed  bis  epitaph  in  Engliah  Divinaa,  &ۥ  p.  6.] 


The  Ckurch  Hisiory 

•OOE  IX. 

I.  D.  1588.  commendable   practice,    clearing  himself   from   all 
aspersioHR  of  civil  pragmatical nesM,  and  tending  much 

to  the  just  support  of  his  reputation, 
irtsdn  27.  On  the  first  of  September  Mr.  Cartwright, 

liiSrt  Mr.  l^Mwrl^^'lor  in  divinity,  was  brought  before  her  maje«- 
(]|jIJJJ^j^  ty's  commissioners,  then*  to  take  his  oath,  and  give 

in  his  positive  answer  to  the  following  articles  ^  : 

i.  **  Imprimis^  We  do  object  and  articulate  against 
**  him,  that  he,  lieing  a  minister,  (at  least  a  deacon,) 
"  lawfully  calle<l  according  to  the  goilly  laws  and 
**  orders  of  this  church  of  England,  hath  forsaken, 
"  abandoned,  and  renounce<l  the  same  orders  eccle- 
**  siastical,  as  an  Antichristian  and  unlawful  manner 
^  of  calling  unto  the  ministry  or  deaconship. 

ii.  *'  Item^  That  he,  departing  this  realm  into 
^  foreign  jmrts  without  license,  as  a  man  discon- 
**  tented  with  the  form  of  government  ecclesiastical 
^  here  by  law  established,  the  more  to  testify  his 

^  The  copy  of  theiie  articles 
fonnd  by  a  friend  in  Air. 
Travers  bin  study  after  his 
death,  who  as  kindly  cummu- 
oicated  as  I  have  truly  tnin- 
scribed  them.  [l*pon  this  paper 
Strype  remark »,  •*  I  forbear  to 
"  set  down  the  rest  «if  the 
••  articles,  being  %'ery  correctly 
"  transcrilied  in  Dr.  Fuller's 
"  Church  llist(»ry,  (from  a  copy 
"  of  them  found  in  Tra^em's 
*'  study,  and  ctimmunicatinl  to 
"  that  author.)  as  I  have  found 
"  by  comparing  them  in  his 
'*  printed  book  with  the  arch- 
*'  Dishop'a  MH,,  an  original  of 
**  them  :  only  in  article  the 
*'  fdurth,  in  the  archbishop's 
"  MS.,    the    luune    Ajriam    m 

'*  miswrit  Adorn  in  the  trmn- 
"  script ;  and  at  article  the 
'*  thirteenth,  the  last  cUuse 
"  there  is  made  a  new  article 
"  in  the  said  MS.,  being  set  io 
**  the  margin  thus :  *  14.  //nw, 
"  that  he,  in  a  lectore  at  Co* 
**  ventry,  in  Mr.  Fen's  place, 
**  upon  Psalm  cxxii.,  where 
'*  there  is  mention  of  iknmrM, 
*'  lalMured  to  teach  the  doc- 
"  trine  of  the  Dfeabvteriea: 
"  and  urging  the  discipline,  he 
"  affirmed  the  want  thereof  to 
"  be  the  cause  why  some  lor- 
"  so(ik  our  church,  and  that 
'*  enemies  and  papista  woald 
'*  not  oome  near  her.'  *"  Life 
of  Whitgift,  p.  337.  Oxf.  Hvo 
edit.  vol.  ii.  p.  24.] 

CKVT.  XTi.  of  Britain,  146 

**  dislike  and  contempt  thereof,  and  of  the  manner  a.  d.  1588. 

••  of  his  former  vocation  and  ordination,  was  con-  — — — 

•*  tented  in  foreign  parts  (as  at  Antwerp,  Middel- 

•*  boi^b,  or   elsewhere)    to   have   a   new   vocation, 

**  election,  or   ordination,   by  imposition   of    hands 

•*  unto  the  ministry,  or  unto  some  other  order  or 

**  degree  ecclesiastical,  and  in   other   maimer   and 

**  form  than  the  laws  ecclesiastical  of  this  realm  do 

**  prescribe.     Let   him    declare  npon  his  oath  the 

•*  particular  circumstances  thereof. 

iii.  "  Itemy  That  by  virtue  or  colour  of  such  his 
••  later  vocation,  election,  or  ordination,  becoming  a 
•*  pretended  bishop  or  pastor  of  such  congregation 
*•  as  made  choice  of  him,  he  established,  or  procured 
to  be  established,  at  Antwerp  and  at  Middelburgh, 
among  merchants  and  others  her  majesty's  sub- 
•*  jects,  a  certain  consistory,  seminary,  presbytery,  or 
**  eklefship  ecclesiastical ;  consisting  of  himself,  (being 
**  btsbop  or  pastor,  and  so  president  thereof,)  of  a 
**  doctor,  of  certain  ancients,  seniors,  or  elders  for 
•*  government  ecclesiastical,  and  of  deacons  for  dis- 
**  tributing  to  the  poor. 

iv.  **7/^iw,  Tliat  the  said  eldership,  and  the  autho- 
**  rity  thereof,  certain  English-bom  subjects  were 
**  called,  elected,  or  ordained  by  imposition  of  hands 
**  to  be  ministers  or  ecclesiastical  doctors,  (being  not 
•*  of  that  degree  before,)  as  Hart,  Travers,  Grise,  or 
**  some  of  them  ;  and  some  that  were  also  ministers 
**  afore,  according  to  the  orders  of  the  church  of 
"  England,  (as  Fenner,  Acton,)  were  so  called ;  and 
**  other  English  subjects  were  also  called,  and  like- 
**  wise  ordained  elders ;  and  some  others  were  or- 
^  dained  deacons,  in  other  manner  and  form  than 

144  The  Church  HUiary  book  ix. 

D.  1588. «« the  laws  ecclemastical  of  the  realm  do  prescribe 

\i  Elii. 

**  or  allow  of. 

V.  ^  Iteniy  That  8uch  eldership  so  established, 
**  under  the  presidentship  of  him  the  said  Thomas 
**  Cartwright,  had  uned  (besides  this  authority  of 
^  this  vocation,  and  onlination  of  officers  ecclesia»> 
**  tical)  the  censures  and  keys  of  the  church,  as 
**  public  admonition,  suspension  from  the  supper, 
**  and  from  execution  of  offices  ecclesiastical,  and 
^^  the  censures  of  excommunication ;  likewise  antho- 
••  rity  of  making  laws,  decrees,  and  orders  ecclesias- 
^  tical,  and  of  dealing  with  the  doctrine  and  man- 
**  ners  of  all  persons  in  that  congregation,  in  all 
^  matters  whatsoever,  so  far  as  might  appertain  to 
*•  conscience. 

vi.  *♦  Item^  That  he,  the  said  Thomas  Cartwright, 
^  in  the  public  administration  of  his  ministry  there 
**  among  her  majesty*s  subjects,  used  not  the  form 
••  of  liturgy  or  Book  of  Common  Prayer  by  the 
**  laws  of  this  land  established,  nor  in  his  goveni- 
**  ment  ecclesiastical  the  laws  and  orders  of  this 
**  land,  but  rather  conformed  himself  in  both  to  the 
^  use  and  form  of  some  other  fon^gn  churches. 

vii.  **  liem^  That  since  his  last  return  from  bevond 
•*  the  seas,  l>eing  to  be  placed  at  Wan*ick,  he  faith- 
^  fully  promiscHl,  if  he  might  be  but  tolerated  to 
**  preachy  not  to  impugn  the  laws,  orders,  policy, 
•*  government,  nor  governors  in  this  church  of  Eng- 
^  land,  but  to  iK^rsuade  and  procure,  so  much  as  he 
^  could,  lK>th  publicly  and  privately,  the  estimation 
••  and  peace  of  this  church. 

viii.  ^  Item,  That  he,  having  no  ministry  in  this 
^  church,  (other  than  such  as  before  he  bad  forsaken. 

cxiiT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  145 

**  and  stiU  condemneth  as  unlawful,)  and  without  a.  d.  1588. 
*•  any  license,  as  law  requiretb,  he  hath  since  taken  - — - — 
•  opon  him  to  preach  at  Warwick,  and  at  sundry 
^  other  places  of  this  realm. 

ix.  ^  Itemy  That  since  his  said  return,  in  sundry 
•*  private  conferences  with  such  ministers  and  others 
^  as  at  sundry  times  by  word  and  letter  have  asked 
**  his  advice  or  opinion,  he  hath  shewed  mislike  of 
**  the  laws  and  government  ecclesiastical,  and  of 
•*  divers  parts  of  the  liturgy  of  this  church ;  and 
•*  thereby  persuaded,  and  prevailed  also  with  many 
**  in  sundry  points,  to  break  the  orders  and  form  of 
•*  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  who  observed  them 
**  lx?fore,  and  also  to  oppose  themselves  to  the  go- 
••  vemment  of  this  church,  as  himself  well  knoweth 
**  or  verily  l>elieveth. 

X.  **  Itern^  That  in  all  or  most  of  such  his  sermons 
**  and  exercises  he  hath  taken  occasion  to  traduce 
**  and  inveigh  against  the  bishops,  and  other  go- 
**  vemors  under  them,  in  this  church. 

xi.  "  Item^  That  he  hath  grown  so  far  in  hatred 
••  and  dislike  towards  them,  as  that  at  sundry  times, 
**  in  his  prayer  at  sermons,  and  namely,  preaching  at 
*•  Banbury  about  a  year  since,  in  such  place  as  others 
^  well  flisposed  pray  for  bishops,  he  prayed  to  this 
**  or  like  eftect :  '  Because  that  they,  which  ought  to 
•*  l>e  pillars  in  the  church,  do  lx»nd  themselves 
**  against  Christ  and  his  truth^  therefore,  O  Lord, 
^  give  us  grace  and  power,  all  as  one  man,  to  set 
•*  ourselves  against  them.'  And  this  in  effect,  by 
*'  way  of  emphasis,  he  then  also  rei)eated. 

xii.  "^  Iteniy  That  preaching  at  sundry  times  and 
''  places,  he  usually  reacheth  at  all  occiisions  to 
^  deprave,  ccmdemn,   and   impugn   the   manner   of 

VULLBE,  VOL.  v.  L 


The  Church  History 




A.I).  15M)'*  ordination  of  bi8ho]>8,  ministers,  and  deacons;  sun* 

-^ "  dry  ]>oint8  of  tht*  polity*  government,  laws,  orders 

'*  and  ritoft  eceU^siaNtical,  and  of  tho  public  liturgy 
•*  of  tho  church  of  England,  contained  in  the  Book 
of  Common  Prayer ;  as  namely,  the  use  of  the 
surplice,  the  intern)gatorie8  to  godfathers,  &c.  in 
**  the  name  of  the  infants,  the  cross  in  baptism,  the 
^  ring  in  marriage,  the  thanksgiving  after  child'- 
birth,  burials  by  ministers,  the  kneeling  at  com* 
munion,  some  points  of  the  litany,  certain  coUiTts 
and  prayers,  the  reading  of  portions  of  scriptun? 
for  the  epistle  and  gosiK^l,  and  the  manner  of 
singing  in  cathedral  churches  and  others, 
xiii.  '*  Item^  Ttiat  preaching  at  the  baptizing  of 
one  of  Job  Tliroginorton*H  children,  he  8|)oke  much 
<*  of  the  unlawfulness,  and  in  derogation  of  the 
•*  goveniment,  iHility,  laws,  and  liturgy  ecclesiastical 
^  of  this  realm  ;  and  ti>  the  justification  of  a  goveni- 
••  ment  by  eldershi|>H  in  every  congn*gation,  ami  by 
*^  conference  and  svnods  &c.  abroad,  as  divine  insti* 
tutiouH  conimande<l  by  Christ,  and  the  only  lawful 
church  goveniment ;  sei'king  to  prove  and  c*sta- 
*'  blish  such  olderships  out  of  that  wonl  in  one  of 
•*  the*  PsalniH,  when»  thrones  an*  nientione<l  *. 









•  [Trii%*ern  anil  CurtMTij^lit 
the  firHt  whf»,  following 
Besii,  tnaili*  tlu*  prviil>jtt*rmn 
platform  a  third  note  of  the 
church,  **  QM  necfMiary  a  mtie 
'*  OM  riikrr  the  truni  or  sacni' 
••  mrHiM,*'  T.  ('.  NhmhiI  llrjily. 
p.  53.  Anil  iiH  men.  uh«*n  once 
they  leave  the  pule  of  the 
church,  art*  never  certain  how 
Imr  they  uliall  Im*  carried  uh»ng 
by  the  curn*nt  of  their  folly,  mi 

wan  it  with  them.  Tbcj  and 
their  followers  ihortlv  after  be- 
gan to  aaiert  that  "  without  this 
'*  discipline  there  can  be  no 
**  true  religion/'  (Register,  p. 
68  ;)  that  "  they  that  reject 
"  this  dinciuline  refuse  to  have 
"  Christ  reign  over  them*  and 
*'  deny  Ilim,  in  effect,  to  be 
'*  their  King  or  their  Lord." 
T.  i:.  I.  3  30.  and  Table  Pivf. 
to  Demon.     8ce  |.  x%r,] 

CXVT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  l4t 

xiv.  **Itefnt  That,  by  toleration  and  impunity,  he  did  a.d.  i 

•*  grow  so  confident,  and  withal  implacable  against ' 

**  the  laws,  government,  and  orders  of  this  church 
**  of  England,  that  he  could  not  endure  Mr.  Bourd- 
**  man  and  others  (preaching  sundry  times  at  War- 
•*  wick)  to  speak  in  defence  thereof,  but  took  upon 
**  him  to  confute,  in  sundry  sermons  there^  these 
^  things  which  the  said  Bourdman  had  truly  and 
**  dutifully  in  that  behalf  spoken  and  delivered. 

XV.  ^IteTHy  Tliat  in  his  sermons  at  Warwick  and 
"  elsewhere,  within  the  said  time,  he  often  delivered 
•*  many  frivolous,  strange,  and  undiscreet  positions : 
•*  as  namely,  that  to  kneel  down  and  pray  when  a 
**  man  comes  into  the  church,  or  pray  there  pri- 
"  vately,  was  but  to  offer  the  sacrifice  of  fools ;  that 
**  it  was  requisite  all  the  hearers  that  were  able 
•*  should  stand  ujwn  their  feet  during  sennons ;  and, 
**  discoursing  al>out  women  and  their  eluldl)irth,  &c., 
**  did  speak  thereof  so  indiscreetly  and  offensively, 
"  that  sundry  of  them  in  great  grief  had  conspired 
**  to  have  mischieved  him  with  stones  in  the  open 
"  streets. 

xvi.  "  Iteniy  That  by  his  persuasions,  privately  and 
"  publicly  delivere<l,  sundry  |>ersons  in  and  about 
"  Warwick  were  appointed  to  impugn,  l)otli  in 
**  words  and  deeds,  the  laws,  orders,  and  rites  * 
"  prescribed  by  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer ;  inso- 
"  mnch  as  both  his  own  wife,  by  his  procurement 
"  and  consent,  refuscnl  after  childbirth  to  come  and 
"  give  thanks  in  such  place  of  the  church,  and  in 
**  that  solemn  manner,  as  thereby  is  prescribed ;  and 
**  some  other  women  also  of  that  town,  by  such  i>er- 
•*  suasion  and  example,  did  use  the  like  contempt. 

xvii.  '*  Item^  Tliat  sundry  times,  or  at  least  once, 


148  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

15S8."  when  he  cofnniuiiiratc»<l  at  the  Lord's  Sup|HT 
LIIl**  there,  he  wit,  or  Htood  upon  biR  feet;  and  divers 
'*  others  induced  by  his  persuoflionn  and  exaniphN 
'*  l>oth  then  and  at  other  times  did  tiie  like ;  and 
**  tliat  at  other  times  tliere,  or  in  other  places  wliere 
'^  ho  liath  connnunicatiMl,  l>oth  himself  and  others 
*'  (as  he  had  ap|K)inte<i  or  persuaded  afore)  di<l  walk 
•*  aloufif,  and  rtn-eive  the  sacrament  of  the  minister 
•'  as  thev  iKissed  hv  him. 

xviii.  •*//rw.  That  for  these  an<l  such-like  disonlers 
**  ho  was  presented  to  the  bishop  of  Wijj^mu',  his 
**  onlinary ;  In^fore  whom,  beiuf^f  conventeil  in  the 
''  consistor}'  thrre,  he  spake  to  the  justification  and 
''  uphohlin;;  of  such  doiufif  of  his,  and  of  others;  and 
*•  tht»n*  very  publicly  and  oHensively  aflimH*d  and 
**  disputtMl,  'That  the  lk)ok  of  Connnon  Prayer,  &c. 
••  is  not  establistuMl  l)y  law.' 

xix.  ''  //o/i,  That  when  bv  authoritv  from  the  sai«l 
^*  bishop,  for  his  contem])t  he  was  sus|K>nde«l  fnmi 
*•  pn*achinpf,  rf  ah  ofuni  ffnuihmr  ministtTiu  he 
**  app4*aled  from  the  siiid  sus|K*nsion,  yet  did  not 
*'  pros4M*ute  within  a  year  after,  whereby  (the  cause* 
**  iK'in^,  accordinjr  to  law,  rc^niitted  again  to  the 
'*  bishop)  h<*  the*  said  Thomas  (  artwright,  acc*oniin]r 
**  to  tlu'  fornHT  priK-HMMJinps,  falling  again  into  the 
"*  M^ntencc  of  sus|H'nsion,  (which  was  also  intiniat4'<l 
^  and  mad<*  known  unt<»  him,)  nevertheletw,  in  cnn- 
••  tempt  of  th«»  authority  ecclesiastical,  he  hath 
•*  preachnl  at  Warwick,  C'oventrj",  and  elsewhen* 
••  since  the  sxiid  time. 

XX.  **  /A7/1,  Whrn  one*  of  his  men-siTvants  hoil 
^  committcMl  foniicatit»n.  and  gotten  a  Imstanl  in 
^  his  hous<\  he,  taking  u|Nin  him  the  authority  of 
*'  the  onlinarv',  did  ap|M>int   unto  the  delini|ucnt  a 

CENT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  149 

*•  public    form   of  i)enance   or  satisfaction,   in   St.  a.  d.  1588. 

**  Mary*s  Church  at  Warwick,  and  caused  him  to 

"  perform  the  same. 

xxi.  "/i?^m,  Since  his  placing  at  Warwick,  he, 
with  others,  (at  such  times  as  they  thought  fit,) 
have  agreed  to  have,  and  so  have  had,  divers 
public  fasts,  without  the  queen  her  authority,  and 
have  invited  and  persuaded  both  sundry  persons 
to  be  there  present,  and  also  certain  to  preach,  to 
"  the  number  of  three,  four,  or  five,  successively  one 
"  after  another,  being  all  noted  to  be  such  as  mis- 
**  like  and  impugn  sundry  points  of  the  laws,  govern- 
ment, and  liturgy  ecclesiastical  of  this  church  of 
England ;  in  which  sermons  both  he  the  said  Cart- 
wright,  and  such  others  also  as  then  preached,  did 
impugn  and  inveigh  against  the  present  laws^ 
government,  polity,  and  liturgy  ecclesiastical  of 
this  church  of  England, 
xxii.  "/tew.  That  from  time  to  time,  since  his 
"  abode  in  Warwick,  by  his  practice  and  dealing,  he 
•*  hath  nourished  a  faction  and  heart-burning  of  one 
"  inhabitant  there  against  another,  severing  them  in 
"  his  own  and  his  followers'  speeches,  by  the  names 
**  of  *  the  godly,'  or  *  brethren  favouring  sincerity,* 
"  and  *  the  profane.' 

xxiii.  "  ItcfHy  That  he  doth  know,  or  credibly 
*'  heard,  who  were  the  penners,  printers,  or  some  of 
**  the  dispersers  of  the  several  libels,  going  under 
*•  the  name  of  *  Martin  Mar-Prelate,'  of  *  The  De- 
**  monstration  of  Discipline,'  of  '  Diotrephes,'  and 
"  such-like  books,  before  it  was  known  to  authority ; 
**  and  yet,  in  favour  of  such  and  contempt  of  good 
"  laws,  did  not  manifest  the  same  to  any  who  had 
"  authority  to  punish  it. 


150  The  Church  History  book  tx. 

A.i>.  15SK.     xxiv.  **  Item^  Tliat  being  asked  his  opinion  of  guch 

••  boolcK,  he  answered  thus  in  effect,  or  something 

*^  ti*nding  this  way,  viz.  (meaning  tlie  bisho{«  and 
^  otliers  there  touched)  wouki  not  amend  by  grave 
*^  books  and  advertisements,  and  tliercforo  it  was 
**  meet  they  shouhl  thus  ))e  dealt  with,  to  their 
^  further  reproach  and  shame. 

XXV.  '*  //«7ii,  Tliat  for  and  in  tlie  behalf  of  the 
"  church  of  England,  he  |K»nned,  or  pnicured  to  be 
**  |)enne<I,  all  or  some  fmrt  of  a  little  b<H)k,  intituleci 
••  in  one  jwrt  DUciplina  Ecclesire  mora  Verbip  Dei 
**  de^cripta^  and  in  the  other  part  IHsciplina  Sjf* 
**  Midica  ea*  Ecclesiarum  mu^  &c. ;  and  after  it  was 
*'  |)eruscHl  by  others,  whom  he  first  acciuainted  there- 
**  with,  he  nx^oumiended  the  same  to  the  censures 
and  judgments  of  moe  brethren  (being  learned 
preai*hers)  and  some  others,  assembled  together 
by  his  means  for  that  and  other  like  purposes; 
^  which,  after  deliberation  and  some  alterations,  was 
^  by  them  or  mc»st  of  them  allowed  as  the  only 
**  lawful  church  government,  and  fit  to  be  put  in 
^  practice ;  and  the  waj's  and  means  for  the  prac- 
^  tising  therc*of  in  this  realm  were  also  then,  or 
••  not  long  after,  agreed  or  concluded  upon  by 
-  them. 

xxvi.  ''  Item,  Tliat  for  the  better  and  more  due 
**  practice  of  it  within  the  s|)ace  of  these  seven,  six, 
••  five,  fiiur,  throe,  two,  or  one  year  last  |iast,  the 
^  said  'riiomas  Cnrtwright  and  sundry  others  (as 
^  afuresaiti,  accMinling  to  fonner  apiMiintment  and 
*^  detenninationH  by  them  made)  have  met  in  aasem- 
**'  blii*s  tenniHl  nyntHls,  more  gi>neral  (as  at  London 
^  at  terms  and  |iarliament  times,  in  Oxfonl  at  the 
**  act,  in  Cambridge  at  the  times  of  commoDcenieDt, 



CBMT.  XTi.  of  Britain,  151 

**  and  Stourbridge  fair)  and  also  more  particular  and  a.d.  1590. 

**  provincial  sjnnods,  and  at  classes   or  conferences-^!^ ^ 

**  of  certain  selected  ministers,  in  one  or  moe  places 
**  of  sundry  several  shires ;  as  Warwick,  Northamp- 
^  ton,  Rutland,  Oxford,  Leicester,  Cambridge,  Nor- 
**  folk,  Suffolk,  Essex,  and  others. 

zzvii.  *'  Item,  That  at  such  synods  and  confer- 
**  ences  it  hatli  been  concluded,  that  all  the  minis- 
**  ters  which  should  be  received  to  be  either  of  the 
**  said  general  synods,  or  of  any  more  particular  and 
**  provincial,  or  of  a  classis  or  conference,  should 
**  subscribe  to  the  said  discipline,  that  they  did 
'^  allow  it,  would  pn)motc  it,  practise  it,  and  be 
**  governed  by  it.  And  according  to  the  form  of 
**  a  schedule  hereunto  annexed,  or  such  like,  both 
*'  he  the  said  Thomas  Cartwright  and  many  others, 
^  at  sundry  or  some  general  assemblies,  as  at  pro- 
"*  vincial  and  at  several  conferences,  have  within  the 
^  said  time  subscribed  the  same,  or  some  part 
'*  thereof. 

xxviii.  ^  Item^  That  at  such  synods  and  all  other 
^  assemblies  a  moderator  of  that  meeting  was  first 
^*  by  him  and  them  chosen,  according  to  the  pre- 
''  script  ion  of  the  said  book ;  and  at  some  of  such 
^  meetings  and  assemblies,  amongst  other  things,  it 
^'  was  resohxMl  and  concluded,  that  such  particular 
'*  conferences  in  several  shires  should  be  erected ; 
^  how  many  }K^rsons,  and  with  what  letters  from 
^  every  of  them,  should  be  sent  to  the  general 
^^  assembly  ;  and  that  one  of  them,  at  their  coming 
^  home  to  their  conference,  should  make  known  the 
'*  determinations  of  the  general  assembly,  to  be  by 
'*  every  of  them  followed  and  put  in  practice ;  which 
'*  course  in  sundry  places  of  this  realm  bath,  within 



152  The  Church  History  book  \x» 

.i>.  i59o.«'  the  time  aforesaid,  been  accordingly  followed  and 
— '- —  "  perfoniied. 

xxix.  ^  Item^  Tliat  he,  with  others,  in  some  such 
i  clasHis  or  conference,  or  in  a  synod  or  more  general 
^  assembly  holden,  did  treat  and  dispute,  among 
^  other  ]N)ints,  these  six  Articles  contained  in  an* 
**  other  schedule  annexed,  and  set  down  their  reso- 
^*  lution  and  determination  of  them. 

XXX.  '^  Ilem^  That  he,  with  others  assembled  in 
^  such  a  general  assembly  or  synod  at  Cambridge, 
**  did  conclude  and  decree,  (as  in  another  schedule 
^  aiuiexed,  or  in  some  part  thereof  is  contained,) 
••  which   decrees  were   made  known  aftenrards  at 

^^'arwick   to  sundry  classes  there  by  his  means 

assembled,  and  allowed  also  by  them  then  met 

togc*ther  in  the  same  or  like  form. 

xxxi.  ''  Itemj  Hiat  all  such  several  meetingn, 
^  synods,  and  conferences,  within  the  said  time, 
^  many  other  determinations,  as  well  what  should 
'*  1h'  done  and  performed,  or  omitted,  as  also  what 
^  should  be  holden  consonant  to  God*s  wonl,  or 
*^  disagreeing  from  it,  have  been  set  donii  by  the 
^  said  Thomas  Cartwright  and  others :  as  namely, 
**  that  all  admitted  to  either  assembly  should  sub- 
**  scrilM)  the  said  IxKik  of  discipline,  holy  and  synod- 
•*  leal ;  that  those  who  were  sent  from  any  con- 
^  ference  to  a  HyncMl  should  bring  letters  fiduciary, 
^  or  credence  ;  that  the  last  moilerator  should  write 
'*  them ;  that  the  superscription  thereof  should  be 
*^  to  a  known  man  (»f  the  assembly  then  to  be 
^  htdtlen  ;  that  no  IxMik  made  by  any  of  them  should 
**  be  put  in  print,  but  by  consent  of  the  clams  at 
**  least ;  that  some  of  them  must  bo  earnest,  and 
^  souM*  niort*   mild  and  tem|)erato,  whereby  there 

€B«T.  XVT.  of  Britain.  158 

^  may  be  both  of  the  spirit  of  Elias  and  Elizeus;  a.  0.1590. 

^  that  all  admitted  amongst  them  should  subscribe -if 

**  and  promise  to  conform  themselves  in  their  pro- 
**  oeedings,  administration  of  sacraments,  and  of 
**  discipline,  to  the  form  of  that  book ;  and  that 
^  thej  would  subject  themselves  to  the  censuring 
^  of  the  brethren,  both  for  doctrine  and  life ;  and 
^  lastly,  that  upon  occasion  when  any  of  their 
**  brethren  shall  be  sent  by  them  upon  aflfairs  of 
^  the  church,  (as  to  the  great  meetings,  parliament, 
**  &c.)  they  all  would  bear  their  charges  in  common ; 
*^  that  there  might  be  no  superiority  amongst  them, 
^  and  that  the  moderatorship  (as  it  happened)  is  not 
**  a  superiority  or  honour,  but  a  burden ;  that  no 
•*  profane  writer,  or  any  other  than  canonical  scrip- 
^  ture,  may  be  alleged  in  sermons ;  that  they  should 
^  all  teach  that  the  ministry  of  those  who  did  not 
^  preach  is  no  ministry,  but  a  mere  nullity ;  th«at  it 
^  is  not  lawful  to  take  any  oath,  whereby  a  man 
^  may  be  driven  to  discover  any  thing  penal  to 
**  himself  or  to  his  brother,  especially  if  he  be  per- 
'*  suaded  the  matter  to  be  lawful  for  which  the 
"  punishment  is  like  to  be  inflicted  ;  or  having 
^  taken  it  in  this  case,  need  not  discover  the  very 
truth ;  that  to  a  bishop  or  other  officer  ecclesias- 
tical (as  is  used  now  in  the  church  of  England) 
none  ol)odience  ought  to  be  given,  neither  in 
•*  ap}»earing  before  them,  in  doing  that  which  they 
**  ci>mmand,  nor  in  abstaining  from  that  which  they 
^  inhibit ;  that  in  such  places  as  the  most  of  the 
"  people  favoured  the  cause  of  sincerity,  eldership 
^  should  warily  and  wisely  be  placed  and  esta* 
*^  blished,  which  consistory  in  some  places  hath  been 
^  either  wholly  or  in  part  erected  accordingly — ^yea. 

$i  Wix. 

154  The  Church  Hittory  »ooE  ii. 

^  in  sonic  colleges  in  the  university,  as  he  knoweth^ 
"  hath  heani,  or  verily  believeth.'* 

Tliese  Articles  were  tendered  to  Mr.  Caitwright 
in  the  consistory  of  PauPs,  before  John  Aylmer, 
bishop  of  London,  the  two  lord  chief  justices,  justice 
Gawdy,  sergeant  Puckering,  (afterwards  lord  keeper,) 
and  attorney-general  Pophani. 
Mr.  ciMt-       2jj^  These  commissioners  did  not  move  him  to 

wrif(ht  r»- 

foMchto    give  in   his  answer,  the  rather  because  the   chief 

ftiMwvr  on 

IK>ints  in  the  interrogatories  were  delivered  in  gene^ 
ral  terms  unto  him ;  and  they  severalty  assured  him 
on  their  credits  that  by  the  laws  of  the  realm  he 
was  to  take  his  oath,  and  to  answer  as  he  was 
rec|uired  ^.  But  Mr.  Cartwright  desired  to  be  borne 
withal,  pleading  that  he  thought  he  was  not  bound 
by  the  laws  of  God  so  to  do.  Hereupon  he  was 
sent  to  the  rest  of  his  brethren  to  the  Fleet,  where 
he  secretly  and  silently  took  up  his  lodging ;  many 
admiring  at  the  {mnic  |)eaceableness,  and  so  quiet  a 
calm,  where  so  violent  a  tem|>est  was  feared  to 
arise  ^ 
w%inKinQ  29.  Some  soon  after  expected  the  appearance  of 
the  preshyterian  party,  accounting  it  more  valour  to 
frc*e  than  to  keep  their  friends  from  prison;  the 
rather  liecausi*  of  a  passage  in  a  letter  of  Mr.  Wig- 
ington*s  to  one  Mr.  Porter,  at  Lancaster: 


Mr.  ('art Wright  is  in  the  Fleet,  for  the  refusal 

^  [Se«  Cartwright'i  letters  stron|{er  eridence  ci  tWir  dis- 

during    hit    impriiiouuieiit.  in  honest j and preTaricftticMiiMcds 

Htrype't  Annnlii,  IV.  p.  4H,  mi.  ;  Im  given  tlian  what  is  betrsycd 

and  the  retyMUu  ur^ed  by  the  by  their  own  statements.] 

puritanA  atfaiiiHt  taking  the  oath  '  [Hancroft's  Daogtrous  Po» 

just  mentioned,  ib.  p.  H6.    No  sitaons,  p.  94.] 

CKJIT.  XTI.  of  Britaui.  165 

^  of  the  oath,  as  I  hear ;  aiid  Mr.  Knewgtubs  is  sent  a.d.  159 

•*  for,  and  sundry  worthy  ministers  are  disquieted,   * 

**  who  have  been  spared  long :  so  tliat  we  look  for 
**  0oiiie  bickering  ere  long,  and  then  a  battle,  which 
**  cannot  long  endure  *"." 

Words  variously  expounded,  as  men*s  fancies 
directed  them.  Some  conceived  that  this  bickering 
and  battle  did  barely  import  a  passive .  conflict, 
wlierein  their  patience  was  to  encounter  the  power 
of  their  adversaries,  and  to  conquer  by  suffering: 
fmrallel  to  the  apostle's  words,  Without  were  /fght- 
inifs^^  meaning  combats  to  wrestle  with  in  many 
difficulties  op])osing  their  proceedings.  Others  ex- 
|Hnin<Ied  the  words  literally,  not  of  a  tame  but  wild 
battle,  and  of  some  intended  violence,  as  if  shortly 
thev  would  muster  their  hitherto  invisible  forces  to 
storm  the  fleet,  and  rescue  their  friends  therein. 
A  third  sort  beheld  Wigington,  the  writer  of  these 
wonis,  as  one  but  of  the  soberer  sort  of  distracted 
men;  and  therefore  in  vain  do  staid  heads  make 
serious  comments  on  light  men's  random  expres- 
sions, where  the  knot  is  neither  to  be  untied  nor 
cut,  but  cast  away. 

30.  Now  the  principal  pillars  of  the  presbyterian  The  u 
fiarty,  being  some  in  restraint,  more  in  trouble,  allwr      ■ 
in  fear,  applied  themselves  by  their  secret  solicitors Jj^* 
to  James  king  of  Scotland,  and  pnK'ured  his  letter**" 
to  the  queen  in  their  behalf,  seconded  with  another 
to  the  same  effect.     They  conceived  so  potent  a 
petitioner   must   needs    prevail,   especially   in    this 
juncture  of  time,  the  queen  having  lately  (since  she 

>B  [Bancroft's  Dangerous  Portions,  p.  142.] 
■  3  Cor.  vii.  5. 

156  TheChirch  History  book  ix. 

A.D.  i5Qi.pnt   his   mother  to  death)  adulecd  him  with   fair 

— language  and  kind  carriage.     Tliis  letter  was  sent 

to  one  Mr.  Johnson,  a  Scotch  merchant  in  London, 
by  him  presented  to  the  queen,  i>erused  by  her 
majesty,  and  remitted  to  her  privy  council.  But 
behold  the  tenor  thereof : 

**  Right  excellent,  high,  and  mighty  Princess,  our 
•*  dearest  Sister  and  Cousin,  in  our  heartiest  manner 
**  we  recommend  us  unto  you.  Hearing  of  the 
"  apprehension  of  Mr.  Udall  and  Mr.  Cartwright, 
**  and  certain  ministers  of  the  evangel  within  your 
realm,  of  whose  good  erudition  and  faithful  travels 
in  the  church  we  hear  a  very  credible  commenda- 
tion, howsoever  that  their  diversity  from  the 
bishoi)s  and  others  of  your  clergy,  in  matters 
touching  them  in  conscience,  hath  been  a  mean 
^  by  their  dilation  to  work  them  your  misliking; 
**  at  this  present  we  cannot  (weighing  the  duty 
**  which  we  owe  to  such  as  are  afflicted  for  their 
**  conscience  in  that  profession)  but  by  our  most 
"  eflc*ctuous  and  earnest  letttT  interjione  us  at  your 
^  hands  to  stay  any  harder  usage  of  them  for  that 
causi* ;  nH)uesting  you  most  earnestly  that  for  our 
cause  and  interc*ession  it  may  please  you  to  let 
**  them  Ik»  n*Iieve<l  of  their  present  strait,  and  what- 
**  S4>ever  further  accusation  or  pursuit  de|)ending  tm 
•*  that  gnmnd,  res|KH*tiug  both  their  former  merit 
*'  in  setting  forth  the  evangel,  the  simplicity  of  their 
*•  conwience  in  this  defence  which  cannot  well  be 
^  thc^ir  let  by  compulsion,  and  the  great  slaiuler 
'*  which  couhl  not  fail  to  fall  out  ufion  their  further 
*'  straiting  fc»r  any  such  (occasion:  which  we  aaeure 
''  us  your  zeal  to  religion,  besides  the  oxpectatkm 





CKVT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  167 

•*  we  have  of  your  good- will  to  pleasure  us,  wIUad.  1591 

•*  willingly   accord    to    our  request ;    having    such  -^ 

**  proofe,  from  time  to  time,  of  our  like  disposition 
**  to  you  in  any  matters  which  you  recommend  unto 
^  OS.      And  thus,  right  excellent,  right  high  and 

mighty  Princess,  our  dear  Sister  and  Cousin,  we 

conmiit  you  to  God's  protection. 

••  Edinburgh,  June  12, 1591.'' 

This  letter  prevailed  little  with  the  queen,  nor  do 
I  find  that  the  king  of  Scotland  was  discontented 
thereat ;  princes  i>oliticly  understanding  their  mutual 
secret  language,  (not  to  say  silent  signs,)  whose 
de8ire8  to  foreign  princes  for  private  persons  carry 
this  tacit  reservation,  if  it  may  stand  with  the  con- 
voniency  and  pleasure  of  him  to  whom  it  is  written. 
Besides,  they  know  by  their  own  experience  that 
often  there  is  the  least  of  themselves  in  their  own 
letters,  as  granted  merely  for  quietness'  sake,  to 
satisfy  the  importunity  of  others. 

31 .  One  word  from  archbishop  Whitgift  befriended  *'•;•  J^ 
Mr.  Cart  Wright  more  than  both  the  letters  from  thecJw     * 
king  of  Scotland.     This  prelate,  reflecting  on  hisberby/ 
abilities  and  their  ancient  acquaintance  in  Trinity  JJ**" 

College,  and  remembering  (as  an  honourable  a^lver-^^JJji^ 
sary)  they  had  brandished  pens  one  against  another, 
and  considering  that  both  of  them  now  were  well 
stricken  in  years,  and,  some  will  say,  fearing  the 
success  in  so  tough  a  conflict,  on  Mr.  Cart  Wright's 
general  promise  to  be  quiet,  procured  his  dismission 
out  of  the  Star-Chamber  and  prison  wherein  he  was 
confined."*"     Henceforward  Mr.  CartiiTight  became 

*■  [He  retired  to  a  private     quietly  and  grew  rich/'  uys 
liring  at  Warwick ;  '*  and  lived     Isaac  VValton  ;  Life  of  Hooker, 


The  Church  History 


A  prtface 
to  theen- 

.D.  1591.  very  peaceable,  not  that  ho  began  to  desert  the 
I — 1! —  cause,  but  the  cause  him ;  the  original  state  of  the 
point  of  nonconformity  being  much  altered  and  dis- 
guised from  itself,  and  many  state  businesses,  (which 
TSlr.  Cartwright  disclaime<l,)  by  turbulent  spirits 
shuffled  into  it. 

32.  Next  followeth  the  just  death  of  Hacket,  for 
his  damnable  blasphemy;  and  I  am  sensible  of  a 
sad  dilemma  concerning  the  same  ® :  for  not  relating 
the  story  will  be  interpreteil  favouring  of  him«  and 
wronging  the  truth ;  relating  it  may  be  accounted 
gracing  his  impieties  by  recording  them.  And  seeing 
it  is  hani  for  one  soul  to  attend  two  things  at  once, 
some  will  say  no  author  can  write  and  detest^  nor 
reader  }>oruse  and  detest,  these  his  blasphemies  so 
at  the  same  instant,  but  that  there  will  be  a  short 
interval  lK*twixt  them,  yet  long  enough  to  have 
piety  wounde<l  therein.  However,  arming  ourselves 
and  others  with  caution  premised,  we  enter  on  this 
sorrowful  subject,  the  rather  because  the  bi^t  may 
be  bettereil  by  the  worst  of  men,  when  considering 
that  natural  corruption  in  their  hearts  is  not  leas 
headstrong,    but    more   bridled.      Think   not    that 

p.  a  10.  Then  he  wan  more  for- 
tunmte  than  m<Mit  men,  fcir  he 
had  srown  rich  by  agitation 
already.  Hee  SutclilTe.  on  Kc- 
cleaiantical  DiMcipline.  Pref. 
He  died  in  1602.] 

®  [For  a  full  history  of 
Ilacket's  iinpietien.  nee  a  tract 
entitle<l.  *'  C'onApinicy  for  pre- 
'*  tended  Heformation  ;  via. 
*'  Prenbyterial  Discipline :  a 
*'  Treatise  diiicovering  the  late 
"  Denignnienta  and  (*ouniei 
**  held  for  AdTancemeut  there- 

•'  of  by  William  Haeket.  yeiu 
"  man,  Edmund  C^^pinger, 
'*  and  IlenryArthington.grnt., 
'*  out  of  flthm  depoaitiona,  and 
'*  their  own  lettera,  writings. 
"  and  amfeniona,  upoo  exa* 
*'  mination,  Ike.  Written  by 
••  Richard  Coain,  LL.O.,  IXvn 
"  of  the  Arches,  and  Official 
**  Principal  to  Arcfabiakop 
"  Whitgift.  PuMiabed  by  an. 
*'  thority,  1592.  R4»printed  at 
'*  f/ondon,  i<^."] 

cxiTT.  XVI.  of  Britain,  159 

Hacket  and   his   two    companions  were  worse  by  a.  0.1591. 

nature  than  all  others  of  the  English  nation.     I  tell — t 

70a  nay,  for  if  God's  restraining  grace  be  taken 
from  OS,  we  shall  all  run  unto  the  same  excess  of 

38.  This  William  Hacket  was  bom  in  Oundle  tii«  dm- 
in  Northamptonshire ;  of  so  cruel  and  fierce  a  Hacket. 
nature,  that  he  is  reported  to  have  bit  off  and  eat 
down  the  nose  of  his  schoolmaster;  a  maltster  by 
trade,  which  calling  being  too  narrow  for  his  active 
fioul,  he  undertook  to  be  a .  discoverer  of  and  in- 
former against  recusants,  an  em})loyment  which 
often  procured  his  admittance  into  the  presence  of 
great  |>ersons  when  his  betters  were  excluded ;  one 
of  a  bold  and  confident  nature,  who,  though  but  an 
invited  guest  where  many  clerg)'men  were  present, 
would  always  presume  to  say  grace  and  pray  before 
them;  a  great  stickler  for  the  Geneva  discipline, 
being  very  great  with  Wigington  aiul  other  the 
most  violent  of  that  faction,  always  inculcating  that 
some  extraonlinary  course  must  be  presently  taken 
with  the  obstructers  thereof.  Once  he  desjKjrately 
took  his  dagger,  and  violently  struck  the  same  into 
the  picture  of  the  queen,  aiming  at  her  heart  therein 
by  projiortion.  lie  pretended  also  to  revelations, 
inime<Iiate  raptures  and  discourses  with  God,  as  also 
to  buffetings  of  Satan,  attesting  the  truth  thereof 
with  most  direful  oaths  and  execrations. 

34.  One   argument    Hacket    used   to   allege,   toHUimm- 
prove  his  own  invulnerability — IxH^use  he  proffered  JlillJII^iS' 
leave  to  any  one  to  kill  him  that  would ;  the  cun- 
ning imfiostor  knowing  full  well  that  it  was  death 
for  any  to  do  it,  being  secured  from  such  violence, 
not  by  any  secret  quality  in  himself,  but  by  the  gocnl 


The  Church  Hiaiary 

•OOE  IX. 

i>.  1591.  laws  of  tho  queen,  against  whom  he  so  bitterlj  in- 
L! —  veighed.  He  railed  also  against  the  archbishop 
Whitgift  an<I  chancellor  Hatton,  with  other  of  the 
privy  counsetlon^  pn'tending  himself  sent  from  hea- 
ven to  refonn  church  and  state,  and  bring  in  a  new 
discipline  into  Imth  by  extraordinary  means. 
rUfiwd  35.  Aftemiards  he  gave  it  out  that  the  princijial 
phnT*  spirit  of  the  Messias  rested  in  him,  and  had  two 
attendants — Edmund  Coppinger  (the  queen's  ser- 
vant, and  one  of  good  descent)  for  his  pniphet  of 
mercy,  and  Henry  Arthington  (a  Yorkshire  gentle- 
man) for  his  prophet  of  judgment  p.  These  pro- 
claimed out  of  a  cart  in  Chea|>side  that  Christ  was 
come  in  Hacket,  with  his  fan  in  his  hand«  to  purge 
the  godly  fnnn  the  wicked,  with  many  other  pro- 
ce<lent,  concomitant,  and  consequent  impieties ;  for 
who  can  other^'ise  conceive  but  such  a  prince-prin- 
cifHil  of  <Iarknes8  must  lie  pro]>ortionably  attemied 
with  a  black  guard  of  monstrous  opinions  and 
expressions  ?     They  cried  also,  *•  Keiient,  Kngland, 

P  [Acconliiij;  to  Stow,  those 
two  |H'rw>ii<i  otTcrod  to  uiioiiit 
Ilucket,  :iM  kiii^  ;  but  In*,  tak- 
ing ( 'o|iI)in;;tr  by  the  huiul. 
Mtid  to  him.  '*  ^'ou  NhAll  not 
**  nifMl  to  iiiioint  me,  for  I 
*'  have  Ihhmi  ulri*:ii]y  uii«»iiitiHl 
"  in  he.'i%'i*n  by  the  Holy  CShcMt 
••  hiniM*]f  !*'  Tlien  Cojipinjter 
Mki*tl  him  what  his  |iK*u»ure 
WM  to  In*  done.  "  (ro  votir 
•*  ITBV.  Uith."  quitth  he,  '•  iind 
*'  tell  them  in  the  citv  that 
**  (hriit  Jesmi  i^  come  with 
"  his  fan  in  his  hand  to  jud|j^* 
"  the  earth  :  and  if  anv  man 
'*  aak  vou  where  Ih*  in.  tell  him 
'*  he    (ie»   nt  Walker's  li«HMe, 

*•  by  Hroken  Wharf,"  (wher«» 
Hacket  then  resided  ;)  **and  if 
*'  thev  will  not  U*lie%'e  it.  let 
"  thtMu  come  and  kill  me  if 
"  thev  can  ;  for  aa  trulr  m 
**  Chrif^t  Jetus  it  in  hearen,  au 
**  truly  is  he  ocime  Co  judp* 
"  the  world/*  Then  Co|i|un- 
^*r  said  it  shinild  be  ouoe 
forth u-ith,  and  therelure  went 
forward,  and  Arthinirton  fol* 
lowed ;  bat  tTe  he  couM  get 
down  the  stain,  (*o|)pin|(er  had 
iH^sun  Mow  in  the  houae  to 
prtK'laim  news  from  bearen  uf 
exceeding  gri*at  mercy « — thai 
(  hrist  Jeaus  was  come !  C^hroo, 

Cxirt.  xvt.  of  Britain.  161 

**  repent!" — goad  counsel  for  all  that  heard,  butA.D.  15 
best  for  them  that  gave  it  With  much  ado  (such  ~ — 
the  press  of  people)  they  got  home  to  Broken  Wharf, 
where  Hacket  lay,  and  next  day  all  three  were  sent 
to  Bridewell,  though  some  conceived  Bedlam  the 
more  proper  place  for  them;  and  some  days  after, 
Hacket  being  solemnly  arraigned  before  the  judges 
at  Westminster,  demeaned  himself  very  scornfully, 
but  was  found  guilty  on  a  double  indictment,  and 

36.  During  his  imprisonment  in  Bridewell,  oneAnadTc 
Dr.  Childerly,  rector  of  St.  Dunstan's  in  the  East,  ^"^ 
repaired  unto  him,  and  proffered  to  gripe  arms  with  J^^^ 
him,  and  try  the  wrists,  which  Hacket  unwillingly 
submitted  to  do,  though  otherwise  boasting  himself 
invulnerable  and  impenetrable.     The  doctor,  though 
with   some  difficulty,  (Hacket  being  a  foul,  strong 
lubber,)  yet  fairly  twisted  his  wrists  almost  to  the 
breaking  thereof,  but  not  to  the  bo\iing  of  him  to 

any  confession  or  remorse ;  whilst  the  other  pre- 
sently hasteth  home  to  his  house,  locked  himself  up 
in  his  study,  and  with  fasting  and  prayer  begged 
panlon  of  God  for  his  pride  and  boldness,  that 
having  neither  promised  precept  or  precedent  for 
his  practice  in  scripture,  he  should  adventure  on 
such  a  trial,  wherein  justly  he  might  have  been 
worsted  for  his  presumption ;  and  discreet  men  will 
more  commend  the  relenting  tenderness  of  his  heart, 
than  the  sleight  and  strength  of  his  bands  ^. 

37.  Hacket  was  brought  to  the  gibbet  near  toiiadut*! 
the  cross  in  Cheapside,  and  there  belched  forth  most  •*'*"*^ 

4  [He  wai  A  penon  of  some  questered  by  the  Long  Parlia. 
emiiience  ;  living,  unfortu-  ment.  See  Lloyd  s  MiMnoirs, 
nately*  long  enough  to  be  se-     p.  510.  Wood's  Fast  1. 165.] 


iGi  The  Church  Hhtory  book  ix. 

A.  n.  1591.  blasphemous  execrations,  till  the  halter  stopped  his 

'—-^  brt*ath.     I  know  what  one  lawyer  pleadeth  in  his 

behalf,  though  it  be  little  cnxlit  to  be  the  advocate 
of  such  a  client, — ''  that  the  bi8ho])S  ha<l  made  him 
••  mad  with  jwrsecuting  of  him.**  Sure  it  was,  if  he 
were  mad,  not  any  learning,  but  over-much  pride 
made  him  so ;  and  sure  it  is,  he  discovennl  no 
disteni{>er  in  other  particulars,  ]>er8onating  at  least- 
wise, if  not  perfonning,  all  things  with  a  com{>osed 
gravity.  But  there  is  a  madness  which  physicians 
count  most  uncurable,  and  call  it  mode^ta  itisania^ 
when  one  is  mad  as  to  one  particular  point  alone, 
whilst  serious  and  sober  in  all  other  things.  Whe- 
ther Ilacket  were  not  touched  with  this  or  no,  I 
will  not  decide,  but  leave  him,  to  stand  or  fall,  to 
his  own  master.  Coppinger  died  in  Bridewell, 
starving  himsi*lf,  as  it  is  said,  by  mlfiil  abstinence. 
Arthington  (the  prophet  of  judgment)  lived  to 
prove  the  object  of  God*s  and  the  queen's  mercy, 
and  printed  a  plain  book  of  his  hearty  repentance ; 
happy  herein,  that  he  met  with  a  general  belief  of 
his  serious  s<irrow  and  sincere  amendment. 
Tiiiticri.  38.  Tliis  business  of  Ilacket  hap]>ened  very  un- 
happiiyim.  Seasonably  for  the  presbyterians.     True  it  Is,  they 

■fcmimt  him  ^"^  conlially  detected  his  blasphemies  as  any  of  the 
^''"V"****' episcopal  party;  and  such  of  them  as  loved  Ilacket 
the  nonconformist,  abhorred  Ilacket  the  heretic 
after  he  had  mounted  to  so  high  a  pitch  of  impiety. 
But  (besidcni  the  glutinous  naturt*  of  all  as|K'rsions 
to  Mirk  whrre  th<*y  light)  they  could  not  wash  his 
CHliuni  S4>  fast  from  tlu^niM'lves,  but  their  advenquiefi 
wen*  as  ri^dy  to  rub  it  on  again.     Tliis  rendered 

them  at  this  time  so  hated  at  court,  that  for  maiiv 


months  togi*ther  no  favourite  durst  present  a  peti- 

CENT.  nvl.  of  Britain.  16A 

tioD  in  their  behalf  to  the  queen,  being  loth  to  lose  a.  0.1591. 
himself  to  save  others,  so  offended  was  her  majesty  — — — 

agunst  them. 

39.  The  same  day  wherein  Hacket  was  executed,  Mr.  stona, 

''  by  hii  coo- 

Thomas  Stone,  parson  of  Warkton  in  Northampton- fenion,dia- 

fthire,  (by  virtue  of  an  oath  tendered  him  the  day  uie  meeting 

before  by  the  queen^s  attorney,  and  solemnly  taken  2[,^  ^ 

by  him,)  was  examined  by  the  examiner  for  the  *{*•  *'""*"• 

Star-Chamber  in  Gray's  Inn,  from  six  of  the  clock  «*>««of* 

in  the  morning  till  seven  at  night,  to  answer  unto 

thirty -three   Articles,    but    could    only    effectually 

depose   to   these   which    follow,   faithfully   by   mo 

transcribed  out  of  a  confession  written  with  his  own 

hand,  and  lately  in  my  possession. 

1j?/  Interrog. — Who  and  how  many  assembled 
and  met  together  with  the  said  defendants,  T.  C, 
11.  E.,  E.  S.,  &c.,  all  or  any  of  them,  where,  when, 
how  often,  &c.  ? 

TTie  Amwer  of  T.  S.  to  the  Interrog.  touching  the 
circumstances  of 

I.  Places  of  Meeting. 

I.  Greater. 

i.  In  London:  I.  Travers's  house;  2.  Egerton*s; 
3.  (iardener's ;  4.  Barber's. 

ii.  In  Cambridge,  St.  John's  College. 

II.  Less. 
i.  In  Northampton:  I.Johnson's  house;  Sna]K3's. 
ii.  In  Kettering,  or  near  it:  1.  Damme's  house; 

2.  Stone's. 

II.  Times. 

1.  Since  the  beginning  of  the  last  parliament. 
2.  Sundry  times  at  London,  how  oft  he  remembered 
not.      3.  Sundry  times   at  Northampton,  how  oft 

M  2 

164  Tke  Church  Hiitory  booe  ix. 

.n.  1591.  not  remembered.     4.  Sundry  times  at  Kettering, 

—  — ^how   not    remembered.       5.  Once   at   Cambridge, 

about  Stourbridge  fair  time  was  one  or  two  years. 

6.  Once  at  London,  a  little  before  Mr.  Cartwright 

was  committed,  at  Mr.  Granlenor's  house.     7.  Once 

at    this    dei>onent's    house,   the    certain   time    not 


III.  Persons. 

I.  Meeting  in  London^  jointlj/  or  severally. 

Mr.  Travers,  Mr.  Chark,  Mr.  Egerton,  Mr.  Gar- 
dener, Mr.  Barl>er,  Mr.  Brown,  Mr.  Somerscales, 
Mr.  Cartwright,  Mr.  Cliatterton,  Mr.  Giflfonl,  Mr. 
Allen,  ^fr.  Edmunds,  &fr.  Gillebrand,  Afr.  Culver- 
well,  Mr.  Oxenbridge,  Mr.  Barbon,  Mr.  Fludd,  this 

II.  Meeting  in  Cambridge. 

^^r.  Cliatterton  and  others  of  Cambridge*  Mr. 
Cartwright,  Mr.  GifTord,  Mr.  Allen,  Mr.  Snape,  Mr. 
Fludd,  this  deponent. 

III.  Meeting  in  Sorthamptony  jointly  or  sereralfy. 

Mr.  Johnson,  Mr.  Snape,  Mr,  Sibthorjie,  Mr. 
Eilwards,  Mr.  Fludd,  this  de|K>nent,  Mr.  Spicer,  Mr. 
Fleshware,  Mr.  Harrison,  Mr.  Littleton,  Mr.  Wil- 
Ibmson,  Mr.  HushbnK>k,  Mr.  Baxter,  Mr.  Barbon, 
Mr.  King,  Mr.  Proudtome,  Mr.  Massey,  Mr.  Brad- 

IV.  Meeting  at  Kettering^  or  near  to  it. 
Mr.  DainnieH,  Mr.  Pattison,  Mr.  Okes,  Mr.  Bax- 
ter, Mr.  KushbnMik,  Mr.  Atkinson,  Mr.  Williamson, 
Mr.  Msisst'v,  tlii«4  de|M)nent. 

2nd  Interrtpg. — Who  calknl  these  assemblies,  by 
what  authority,  how,  or  in  what  sort  ? 

Aftsitrr. — That  he  knew  not  by  whom  they  were 

CEICT.  XTi.  of  Britain*  166 

called,  neither  knew  he  any  other  authority  therein^A.D.  1^91. 

,34  £lis. 

saving  a  voluntary  or  free  motion,  one  giving  another 
intelligence  as  occasion  served,  sometimes  by  letters, 
and  sometimes  by  word  of  mouth. 

3rd  Interrog. — Wlio  were  moderators  in  them, 
and  what  their  office  ? 

Answer. — That  he  remembered  not  who  were 
moderators  in  any  meeting  particularly,  saving  once 
at  Northampton,  when  Mr.  Johnson  was  admo- 
nished, and  that  was  either  himself  or  Mr.  Snapes, 
be  knew  not  well  whether. 

4M  Interroff. — WTiat  things  were  debated  in  those 
meetings  or  assemblies? 

Answer. — ^That  the  things  chiefly  and  most  often 
considered  of  in  those  assemblies  were  these :  first, 
the  subscription  to  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer, 
how  far  it  might  be  yielded  unto,  rather  than  any 
should  forego  his  ministry ;  secondly,  the  Book  of 
I>isc*i]»line  ^^'ns  often  perused,  discussed,  &c.;  thinlly, 
three  jietitions  or  supplications  were  agreed  upon  to 
Ik?  drawn — first,  to  her  majesty — secondly,  to  the 
lonls  of  the  council — thirdly,  to  the  bishops.  The 
things  del>ate4l  of  in  ]»articular,  he  remembered  not 
more  than  these :  first,  the  i>erfecting  of  the  Book 
of  Discipline,  and  purpose  to  subscril>e  to  it  at 
(  anibridge;  secondly,  this  question  disputed,  whe- 
ther it  were  convenient  for  Mr.  Cartwright  to  reveal 
the  circumstances  of  the  conference  a  little  l>efore 
he  was  committcHl ;  thirdly,  the  admonishing  of  Mr. 
Johnson  once  at  Northam])ton ;  fourthly,  the  de- 
flating of  this  question,  whether  the  lK)oks  called 
Apocry|)ha  were  warrantable  to  be  read  publicly  in 
the  church  as  the  canonical  scriptures. 

5th  Interrfpg. — Whether  any  censures  were  exer- 


166  The  Church  History  booe  is. 

A.D.i59i.eise<l,  what  kinds,  when,  where,  upon   whom,  by 

34  Llts. 

whom,  for  what  cause  ? 

Answer. — ^That  he  never  saw  any  censure  exer- 
cised, saving  admonition  once  upon  Mr.  Johnson  of 
Northampton,  for  miscarrying  himself  in  his  conver- 
sation, to  the  scandal  of  his  calling;  neither  was 
that  used  with  any  kind  of  authority,  but  by  a 
voluntary  yielding  unto  it,  and  approving  of  it,  as 
well  in  him  that  was  admonished  as  in  him  iHiidi 
did  admonish. 

6tA  Interrog. — ^^Vhether  any  of  the  said  defend- 
ants had  moved  or  ))er8uaded  any  to  refuse  an  oath» 
and  in  what  case,  &c.  ? 

Answer. — ^That  he  never  knew  any  of  the  defend- 
ants to  use  words  of  |>ersuasion  to  any  to  refuse  an 
oath ;  only  Mr.  Sna|)e  sent  him  down  in  writing 
certain  reasons,  drawn  out  of  the  scripture,  which 
moved  him  to  refuse  the  general  oath  ejt  officia, 
which  I  stood  persuaded  that  he  sent  to  none  other 
end,  but  to  declare  that  he  refused  not  to  swear 
U|x>n  any  contempt,  but  only  for  conscience  sake. 

I  have  insisted  the  longer  on  this  deposition, 
*  because  the  first  and  fulU^t  that  I  find  in  the  kind 
thereof,  containhig  their  classes  more  formally  set- 
tled in  Northamptonshire  than  any  where  else  in 
England ;  for  as  the  west  |mrt  of  that  shire  is  ob* 
served  to  Ir'  the  liiglic*st  place  of  England,  as 
ap|>eareth  by  the  rivers  rising  there,  and  running 
thence  to  the  four  winds,  so  was  that  countv  a 
pmlMible  plac*e  (as  the  middest  of  the  land)  for  the 
pnntbyterian  discipline,  there  enacted,  to  derive  itself 
into  all  the  quarters  of  the  kingilom. 

40.  But  when  the  news  of  Mr.  Stone*s  answer 

CENT.  xTi.  of  Britain.  167 

was  brought  abroad,  he  was  generally  censured  by  a.  d.  1591. 

those  of  his  party,  as  well  such   as  were  yet  at 

liberty,  conceiving  themselves  endangered  by  his 
discovery,  as  by  those  already  in  prison,  complaining 
that  he  added  affliction  to  their  bonds;  yea,  his 
embracing  a  different  course  from  the  rest  cast  an 
aspersion  on  others  of  his  side,  as  less  sound  in 
judgment  or  tender  in  conscience,  because  peremp- 
torily concealing  what  he  thought  fitting  to  confess. 
Many  that  highly  esteemed  him  before,  hereafter 
accounted  him  no  precious  but  a  counterfeit  Stone ; 
so  that  he  found  it  necessary,  in  his  own  vindication, 
to  im]mrt  the  reasons  of  his  confession  to  such  as 
condemned  him,  if  not  for  a  traitor,  at  least  for  a 
coward  in  the  cause  ^ : 

i.  He  judged  it  unlawdil  to  refuse  an  oath,  limited  Th«  na. 
and  bounded  within  the  compass  of  the  conferences,  Mr.  stone 
being  required  before  a  lawful  magistrate  in  a  pleaoonfaHiaii 
for  the  prince  to  a  lawful  end,  1,  to  try  out  the  jJJ^J*J|j^ 
truth  in  a  doubtftil  fact,  suspected  and  feared  to  be"P?*f**» 

'  at  tnebre- 

dangerous  both  to  church  and  common  weal;  but  such  thm. 
was  that  oath  which  was  tendered  to  him,  ergOy 

ii.  lie,  being  lawfully  sworn,  judged  it  unlawful 
to  be  mute,  much  more  to  speak  any  untruth. 

iii.  If  he  had  not  been  urged  by  oath  to  reveal, 
yet  did  he  judge  that  silence  unlawful  which  justly 
eauseth  suspicion  of  evil,  as  of  treason,  rebellion, 
scMlition,  &c. 

iv.  He  judged  that  concealment  unlawful  which 
was  not  only  scandalous,  but  also  dangerous,  as  this 
that  might  occasion  and  encourage  wicked  persons 
to  hi<Ie  their  complices  in  their  worst  attempts. 

<i  Carefully  by  me  traiiHcribeJ  out  of  liin  own  letters  to  hit 


168  7%€  Church  History  book  ix. 

D.1591.  V.  lie  judged  that  the  clearing  of  a  doubtful  fact 
^  '*'  nK{uireth  the  clearing  of  the  circuniHtances,  which 
cannot  be  cleared  till  they  be  known. 

vi.  He  judged  that  silence  unlawful  which  leaveth 
the  truth  friend Icsh,  or  few  friends,  w*hen  she  hath 
need  of  many. 

vii.  lie  judge<l  it  a  point  or  note  of  puritanism 
for  any  to  stand  so  upon  the  integrity  of  their  own 
actions,  as  that  they  should  not  be  doubted  of,  sus* 
pecte^Iy  examined,  censured,  &o. 

Tiii.  lie  saw  no  probability  nor  possibility  iu 
reason  to  have  the  circumstances  longer  concealed : 
1.  Because  many  of  them  are  already  made  known^ 
partly  by  the  letters  and  writings  of  the  brethren  in 
bonds,  which  have  been  intercepted ;  jwutly,  also,  by 
certain  false  brethren  ;  and,  lastly,  by  certain  faithful 
but  weak  brethn*n,  whose  confessions  are  to  be  seen 
under  their  own  hands.  2.  Because  the  magistrate 
is  resolutely  set  to  search  them  out.  And,  lastly, 
because  divers  are  to  be  called,  and  to  answer  upon 
oath,  which  approve  not  the  concealing  of  them. 

ix.  He  judged  the  inconveniences  which  come  by 
the  concealing  to  l)e,  if  not  moe  in  number,  yet 
greater  in  weight,  and  more  inevitable  than  those 
that  come  by  ri'vealings ;  which,  as  it  may  apfiear  in 
some  of  the  former  reasons  alleged  to  prove  tho 
unlawfulnc»ss  of  concealing,  so  may  it  further  appear 
in  iiivm^  that  follow.  . 

X.  Tiie  good  name  and  credit  of  any  (of  a  minister 
much  more)  ought  to  lie  dean^r  to  him,  and  to  all 
those  that  love  him,  than  his  liberty,  &c.;  but  by 
tluH  concealing,  the  credit  of  many  good  ministers  is 

xi.  This  concealing  liath  caused  the  continoance 

cniT.  XTi.  o/Briiain.  169 

of  some  in  bonds  and  imprisonment  hitherto,  would  a.  D.  1591, 

cause  others  to  be  committed,  and  withal  eauseth 

suspicion  of  evils,  treason,  rebellion,  sedition,  &c., 
and  thereby  also  evil  report,  slander,  &c. 

xii.  As  by  concealing  the  aforesaid,  suspicion  and 
slander  lieth  still  upon  us  all  which  have  been  in 
these  actions,  so  doth  the  same  grow  every  day  more 
grievous  by  the  wicked  attempts  of  hypocrites  and 
profane  persons,  which  carry  the  name  of  puritans, 
precisians,  &c.,  as  those  of  late  in  Cheapside. 

xiii.  Although  it  be  very  like  that  the  revealing 
mil  bring  punishment  upon  the  rest,  yet  is  it  not 
certain  nor  necessary,  but  the  concealing  doth  cer- 
tainly cause  suspicion,  slander,  &c. 

xiv.  The  concealing  argueth  either  some  guilti- 
ness, or  at  the  least  some  faintness  and  fear  to  be 
seen  or  knoHn  in  these  actions. 

XY.  It  leaveth  the  truth  (which  now  travaileth) 
poor,  naked,  destitute,  and  void  of  friends ;  it  casteth 
the  care,  credit,  countenance,  defence,  and  mainte- 
nance of  it  upon  those  few  which  are  in  prison, 
which  ought  to  be  supported  and  maintained  by  all. 

xvi.  It  leaveth  the  burden  upon  eight  or  nine 
men's  shoulders,  which  ought  to  be  eased  by  many. 

What  satisfaction  this  gave  to  his  |)arty  I  know 
not :  sure  I  am  the  bishops,  till  his  dying  day,  beheld 
him  aH  an  ingenuous  man,  carrying  his  consilience 
with  the  reason  thereof  in  his  own  breast,  and  not 
jMiining  it  on  the  precedent  of  any  other;  where- 
u|MMi  they  {)emiitted  him  ]>eaceably  to  )>osse88  his 
IMirsonage,  (being  none  of  the  meanest,)  though  ho 
continued  a  stiff  nonconformist,  only  quietly  enjoy- 
ing his  o^n  opinion.     Indeed  ho  was  a  downright 

170  The  Church  HUtory  book  ix. 

i.D.  1591.  Nathaniel,  if  not  guilty  of  too  much  of  the  dove  in 
~ — !^hini — faulty  in  that  defect  wherein  more  otTend  in 
the  excess,  not  minding  the  world  so  much  as 
became  a  provident  parent.  But  we  leave  him, 
when  we  have  told  the  reader  that  he  was  bred  a 
student  in  Christ  Church,  and  was  proctor  of  Oxford 
anno  1580  %  and  died  quietly  an  old  man,  anno  I6l7» 
at  Warkton  in  Northamptonshire. 
M^iai  41.  Tims,  one  link  being  slipped  out,  the  whole 
iniiiy  chain  was  quickly  broken  and  scattered.  Stone  his 
discovery  marred  for  the  future  all  their  formal 
meetings,  as  classically  or  synoilieally  methodised. 
If  any  of  these  ministers  hereafter  came  together, 
it  was  for  visits,  not  visitations  ;  to  enjoy  them- 
selves, not  enjoin  others  orders  to  be  observed  by 
Vfkini'  42.  Whereas  Mr.  Stone  confesseth  their  meeting 
mCir  in  Cambridge,  with  Mr.  Chatterton  and  others,  I 
fin<l  some  of  these  others  elsewhere  specified ' ; 
namely,  Mr.  Perkins  and  Mr.  Tliomas  Harrison, 
afterwards  the  reverend  vice-master  of  Trinity  Col- 
lege, both  of  them  concurring,  though  neither  of 
them  very  active  in  this  cause.  Mr.  Perkins,  what- 
soever his  judgment  was  in  point  of  church  disci- 
pline, never  publicly  med<iled  with  it  in  his  preaching, 
and,  bcMiig  pressed  by  others  about  the  lawfulness  of 
subs(*riptio!i,  he   <Iecline<l    to   manifest  his  opinion 

then^in*  glrnl  to  enjoy  his  own  quiet,  and  to  leave 
others   to   the   libc^rty   of    their    own   consciences. 

SolonioirK  obsi»r%'ation  found  truth  in  him,  When  a 

mans  wayn  please  the  Lord,  he   maketh   even   his 

r  Brian  Twjiiv  in  App.  Ant.         •    Dr.    B4ncroft*8     Bagliali 
Ae.  Oxcm.  [Wood,  F.  i.  lao.]       Honttiiinfr,  &c.  p.  89. 

CEKT.  XVI.  qf  Britain.  171 

enemies  to  be  at  peace  with  him  ^ ;   whose  piety  a.  i>^S9x- 

procured  freedom  to  his  preaching  and  fair  respect 

to  his  person,  even  from  those  who  in  aflfections 
differed  and  in  opinion  dissented  from  him ;  for  all 
held  Pericins  for  a  prophet— I  mean  for  a  painful 
and  faithful  diqwnser  of  God's  will  in  his  word. 

4S.  Bat  I  am  weary  of  writing  these  sad  dissen-  Tnmdtioii 
nons  in  our  church,  and  fain  would  pass  over  to^ell^^ 
some  more  pleasing  subject :  from  the  renting  of  »»**»i«*' 
God's  church,  to  the  repairing  of  it ;  from  the  con- 
founding thereof,  to  the  founding  and  building  of 
some  eminent  place  for  learning  and  religion ;  but 
finding  none  of  that  nature  this  very  year  in  England, 
I  am  fain  to  seek  one  beyond  the  seas,  and  at  last 
have  lighted  on  the  university  and  college  of  Dublin, 
which  now  began  to  be  erected. 

44.  Anciently  Ireland  was  the  seminary  of  saints,  The  fimn- 
people  from  all  parts  of  Christendom  repairing  thither,  Jl^S^^^t^ 
there  to  find  and  thence  to  fetch  the  perfect  pattern  ^  ^^»*»*^ 
of  monastical  devotion.  Many  hundred  years  after, 
namely,  in  the  reign  of  king  Edward  the  Second, 
Alexander  Bicknor,  archbishop  of  Dublin,  obtained 
license  of  the  pope  to  erect  an  university  in  Dublin ; 
but  the  design  succeeded  not  accenting  to  his  desire 
and  others' expectation.  Now  at  the  last  the  same  was 
effected  by  royal  authority,  and  a  college  there  erected 
and  de<Iicated  to  the  holy  Trinity.  This  miiuleth  me 
of  a  pleasant  passage :  in  the  reign  of  king  Henry  the 
Elighth,  it  was  enjoined  that  all  churches  dedicated 
to  St.  Thomas  Becket  should  be  new  named,  and 
consigned  over  to  some  real  saint ;  now  whilst 
country  peo[)le  sat  in  consultation  what  new  saint 

•  Prov.  xvi.  7. 

178  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1591. such  churches  should  assume,  beinir  divided  in  their 
Jit L.  o]>inioDs  to  whom  the  same  should  be  dedicate<l,  an 

old  man  gave  this  advice,  '*  Even  dedicate  it  to  the 
'*  holy  Trinity,  which  will   last  and  continue  when 
*'  all  other  saints  may  chance  to  be  taken  away." 
Tiif*irrena     45.  Many  eminent  persons  concurred  to  advance 


Umkio.  so  worthy  a  work ;  and  because  we  are  to  speak  of 
a  college  wherein  seniority  takes  place,  we  will  rank 
these  persons,  not  acconling  to  their  dignity,  but 
time  of  their  benefaction  ^ : 

i.  Henry  Usher,  then  archdeacon  of  Dublin,  brwl 
in  Cambri<ige,  (afterward  archbishop  of  Armagh, 
and  uncle  to  James  Usher,  the  ])resent  archbishop 
thereof,)  took  a  journey  with  much  danger  into 
Englan<I,  and  with  more  difficulty  procuretl  the 
mortmain  from 

ii.  Queen  Elizabeth,  who  graciously  granted  it, 
naming  the  cor|>oration  Collegium  Sanchr  nc  Indi^* 
ridurr  Trim' fat i\  ex  fundatione  RegintB  Elizabethit^ 
fuain  IhiUln. 

iii.  William  Cecil,  Ixaron  of  Burleigh  and  treasurer 
of  England,  is  ap]H)inte<l  in  the  mortmain  first  chan- 
cellor of  the  university,  as  being  an  active  instru* 
ment  to  pnK*ure  the  same. 

iv.  Sir  William  Fitz-Williams,  lord-deputy  of  Ire- 
land, wliot*4»  arms  are  di»servedly  graven  over  the 
college  gatf,  issued  out  his  letters  for  collection  to 
all  the  c<»untii^  in  Irtland,  to  advance  so  good  a 

*  [Accordinit  to  Parr,  James     after \«*arda    that    tlie    aoa    oi 
Htanihumt,    TiJier'ii    matemul     iicnrj  Usher,  mentkmed  beknr. 

grandfuther,  wa*  the  first  iiio«'er 

va  this  buaineaa.     Parr's  Usher, 

n.  I.      See   alto    Smith,  Vit.     Uaher' t  Lett.  p.  102.] 

Utnerii,  p.  6.     It  waa  propuaetl 

iih«mld   hare  succeeded  biahop 
lledell     in     the     pruroalahip. 

CENT.  XVI,  of  Britain.  173 

design ;  and  the  Irish,  though  then  generally  papists,  a.  d.  1591. 
were  very  bountifiil  thereunto.  — — '— 

V.  Mr,  Luke  Chaloncr,  fellow  of  Trinity  College 
in  Cambridge,  received  and  disbursed  the  monies, 
had  the  oversight  of  the  fabric,  which  he  faithfully 
procured  to  be  finished,  meriting  that  verse  inscribed 
on  bis  fair  monument  in  Dublin  College  cha})el, 
built  by  his  daughter  ^  : 

Conditur  hoc  tumulo  Chaloneri  triste  cadaver^ 
Cujus  opey  et  precibtUy  conditur  ista  domtis. 

'^  This  tomb  within  it  horo  contains 
Of  Chaloncr  the  sad  romains ; 
By  whose  prayer  and  helping  hand. 
This  house  erected  here  doth  stand  y."" 

vi.  The  mayor  and  aldermen  of  Dublin  bestowed 
on  the  college  the  site  thereof,  with  some  accom- 
modations of  considerable  grounds  about  it,  being 
formerly  a  religious  house  termed  Allhallows,  which 
at  the  suppression  of  abbeys  was  bestowed  on  their 

<  Since  married  to  the  arch.  "  among  themselves  the  sum 

bifthop  of  Armagh.    [See  Parr's  "of  1800/.  to   buy  books   to 

Uiiher,  n.  14.]  "furnish    the   library   of   the 

y     [A    circumstance    men.  '*  university  of  Dublin.*'     Dr. 

tioned  by  Parr  in  his  Life  of  Challoner  and  the  celebrated 

Usher,  p.  9,  ought  not  to  be  James  Usher  had  the  disposal 

forgotten  :    "  that    after    the  of  this  sum,  and  by  a  strange 

'*  English    forces   under    lord  coincidence  were  employed  in 

"  Mcintjoy    hud    beaten     and  procuring  books  for  their  col- 

*'  driven    out    the    Spaniards  lege  library  at  the  same  time 

"  who  came  to  the  assistance  that  sir  Thomas    Bodley   was 

"  of  the  re1)el  Irish  at  Kinsale,  buying  books  for  the  Bodleian. 

"  they  resolved  to  give  some  It  is  almost  needless  to  add, 

"  tehtimony  of  the  gallantry  of  that  they  furnished  each  other 

**  military  men,  and  that  due  mutual  assistance  in  their  ob- 

"  respect  which   they  had  for  jects.     See  also  Bernard's  Life 

"true  religion  and  learning;  of  Usher,  p.  4  a,  ed.  1656.] 
'*  to  promote  which  they  raised 

174  The  Church  HiHary  BOM  IX. 

A.  D.  1591.     vii.  Adam   Lioftus,  fellow  of  Trinity  College  in 

— !L  Cambridge,  at  this  present  archbishop  of  Dublin  and 

chancellor  of  Ireland,  was  the  first  master  of  the 
college,  holding  it  as  an  honorary  title,  though  not 
so  much  to  receive  credit  by  as  to  return  lustre  to 
the  place  «. 

viii.  SirWareham  Saint- Leger  was  very  bountiful 
in  paying  yearly  pensions  for  the  maintenance  of  the 
first  students  thereof,  before  the  college  was  en- 
dowed with  Htanding  revenues. 

ix.  Sir  Francis  Shane,  a  mere  Irishman,  but  good 
protestant,  was  a  principal  benefactor,  and  kept  this 
infant  foundation  from  being  strangled  in  the  birth 

X.  Robert  D'Eureux,  earl  of  Essex,  lord-lieutenant 
of  Ireland,  and  second  chancellor  of  this  university, 
bestowed,  at  the  entreaty  of  the  students  of  this 
college,  a  cannoneer  s  pay,  and  the  pay  of  certain 
dead  places  of  soldiers,  to  the  value  well-nigh  of 
four  hundred  pounds  a  year,  for  the  scholan*  main- 
tenance, which  continued  for  some  years. 

xi.  King  James,  that  great  patron  of  learning,  to 
complete  all  confirmed  the  revenues  of  this  college 
in  perpetuumj  endowing  it  wth  a  great  proportion 
of  good  land  in  the  province  of  Ulster. 

Thus,  through  many  han<ls,  this  good  work  at  last 
was  finihlied,  the  first  stone  whereof  was  laid  May  IS, 
1591  ;  and  in  the  year  1593,  scholars  were  first 
admittiHly  and  the  first  of  them  James  Uslier%  since 
archbiMliop  of  Armagh,  that  mirror  of  learning  and 
religion,  never  to  be  named  by  me  without  thanks 

>  [Of  whom,  MM  the  Worthier,         •  [At  the  age  <»f  thirtetn. 
III.  4 1  i.  Put  8  Uiher,  p.  4. J        Parr's  Uth«r,  p.  4.] 

csNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  175 

to  him,  and  to  Ood  for  him.     Nor  must  it  be  for- a.  i>.  ir.591- 

'  34  Elix. 

gotten,  that  what  Josephus  ^  reports  of  the  temple 

built  by  Herod,  kgt  iKclvov  tov  xaipov  oiKoSofiovfiivov 
Tov  vaoVf  Ttt9  fiiv  ifiepa^  ov^  veiv^  iv  Se  rafy  w^}  ytv€<r6ai 
Tov^    ofifipov9  i>9  iJ^h  Koii\v(Tai  to  epyov^   *^  during   the 

**  time  of  the  building  of  the  temple  it  rained  not 
**  in  the  daytime,  but  in  the  night,  that  the  showers 
"  might  not  hinder  the  work," — I  say,  what  by  him 
19  reported  hath  been  avouched  to  me  by  witnesses 
above  exce[)tion,  that  the  same  happened  here,  from 
the  founding  to  the  finishing  of  this  college;  the 
officious  heavens  always  smiling  by  day,  though 
oflon  weeping  by  night,  till  the  work  was  com- 

46.  The  whole  species  of  the  university  of  Dublin  The  addi. 
was  for  many  years  ])reserved  in  the  individuum  ofanimwy 
this   one   college;  but  since  this  instrument  hath*****^ 
made  better  music,  when  what  was  but  a  monochord 
before  hath  got  two  other  smaller  strings  unto  it,  the 
addition  of  New  College  and  Kildare  Hall,  what 
n*niaineth,  but  that  I  wish  that   all  those  worthy 
divines  bred  therein  may  have  their  doctrine  drop 

as  the  rnin^  and  their  speech  distil  as  the  dew^  as 
the  small  rain  upon  the  tender  herb,  and  as  the 
showers  upon  the  grass  *. 

47.  Let  none  censure  this  for  a  digression  fromi>ubUii« 
our  Church  History  of  England.     His  discourse  that  cunbndge. 
is  resident  on  the  son  doth  not  wholly  wander  from 

the  father,  seeing  none  will  deny  but  that  proles  is 
j/ars  parentis^  "  the  child  is  juirt  of  the  i>arent.** 
Dublin  University  was  a  colonia  deducta  from  Cam- 
bridge, and  particularly  from  Trinity  College ;  thero- 

^  Antiq.  Jud.  XV.  14.  <  D«ut.  xxxii.  a. 


The  Church  Hutory 

iOOK  IX. 

\.D.  1591.111  (one  motivo  perchance  to  the  name  of  it)  as  may 
— — !l- appear  by  the  ensuing  catalogue  of  the   provoets 
thereof : 

i.  Adam  Loftus,  fellow  of  Trinity  College,  first 

ii.  Walter  Travers,  fellow  of  the  same  college, 
second  provost. 

iii.  Henry  Alvey,  fellow  of  St  John's  College  in 
Cambridge,  third  provost. 

iv.  Sir  William  Temple,  (who  vrtoie  a  leame<l 
comment  on  Ramus,)  fellow  of  King's  College,  fourth 

V.  [William  Bedell,  fellow  of  Emmanuel  *.] 

vi.  Joseph  Me<le,  fellow  of  Christ  College  in  Cam- 
bridge, chosen  provost,  but  reftised  to  accept  it. 

vii.  William  Chapel,  fellow  of  the  same  college, 
seventh  provost. 

Know  also  that  this  university  did  so  Cantabrize« 
that  she  imitated  her  in  the  successive  choice  of  her 
chancellors,  the  daughter  dutifully  approving  and 
following  the  judgment  of  her  mother  therein. 

48.  This  year  was  fatal  to  no  eminent  pr«>testant 
divine,  and  I  find  but  one  of  the  Romish  persuasion 
dying  therein, — Arthur,  shall  I  say  ?  or  Laurence 
Faunt  \  bom  of  worshipful  {mrentage  at  Folston  in 

f  Aftbur 

c  [I  do  not  understand  why 
PnlWr  bas  omitted  the  greatest 
nftme  of  al],  bishop  BedeU. 
Uaher  induced  sir  WiUuim 
Temple  to  resign,  on  tht*  score 
of  infinnitv,  and  would  hare 


put  in  Sihbs,  the  puritan  ;  but 
not  succeeding  in  this.  Ik*dell 
was  chosen,  who  at  that  time 
was  thought  to  belong  to  the 
party.      See   Usher's   Letters. 

375-6.  Bedell,  however,  toon 
grew  sick  of  the  reoeplioa 
which  he  met  with.  See  hia 
Letters,  ibid.  p.  387.] 

'  [See  an  account  of  him  in 
WcmnI's  a  then.  L  247,  who  has 
derivi*d  his  informatkio  from 
Alegambe's  Biblioiheca  Soc. 
Jesu.  p.  538.  See  also  Blori, 
Hist.  Soc.  Jesu,  p.  17.] 


of  Britain, 


Leicestcrshiro,  bred  in  Merton  College  in  OxfoKl,A.D.  1591. 

whence  ho  fled  (with  Mr.  Potts,  his  tutor)  to  Lou-  -  "* 

vain,  and  never  more  returned  into  England.  From 
Louvain  he  removed  to  Paris,  thence  to  Mincheili 
(an  uuiversitj  in  Bavaria,  where  William  the  duke 
exhibited  unto  him,)  thence  to  Rome,  where  he  was 
admitted  a  Jesuit.  Hence  Po{>e  Gregory  the  Thir- 
teenth sent  him  to  be  governor  of  the  Jesuits'  Col- 
lege at  Posna  in  Poland,  newly  erecte<l  by  Sigis- 
nmnd,  king  thereof.  Yea,  ho  great  was  the  fame 
of  this  Faunt,  that,  if  his  own  letters  may  be 
l)elieve<l,  three  princes  courted  him  at  once  to  cotn^ 
to  them.  He  altered  his  Christian  name  of  Arthur, 
l)ecause,  as  his  kinsman  tells  us  ^  no  calendar  saint 
was  ever  of  that  name,  and  assumed  the  name  of 
Laurence,  dying  this  year  at  Vilna  in  Lituania, 
leaving  Inmks  of  his  own  making  much  prized  by 
those  of  his  own  profession. 

49.  Now  begjui  the  heat  and  height  of  the  sad  The  coma* 
contest  l>etwixt  Mr.  Richanl  Hooker,  master,  and  Hookarand 
Mr.  Walter  Travers,  lecturer  of  the  Templet     We^'*''^ 

c  Hurton's  Description  of 
LeiceftterHhire,  p.  lo. 

^  [ThiH  Hhould  rather  be 
referred  to  the  year  1585,  the 
(Lite  of  Hooker's  ap|K)iiitineiit 
to  the  moHterAliip  of  the  Tem- 
ple. The  errom  which  Fuller 
committed  in  this  account  of 
Hooker,  he  after  wanls  re- 
trenched,  accord  in  it  to  the  tes- 
timony of  Isaac  Walton.  See  his 
notice  to  the  reader,  prefixed 
to  his  Life  of  H(M>ker.  iSpeak- 
ing  of  liifthop  Gauden's  Life 
of  that  eminent  writer,  Walton 
observes,  '*  I  am  put  upm  a 
**  necessity  to  tay,  that  iu  it 


"  there  lie  many  material  mis* 
"  takes,  and  more  omissions. 
"  I  conceive  some  of  his  mis- 
*'  takes  did  pri>ceed  from  a 
"  belief  in  Mr.  Thomas  Fuller, 
"  who  had  too  hastily  published 
"  what  he  hath  since  most  in* 
"  geniously  retracted." 

Since  the  publication  of  the 
new  edition  of  H«K>ker's  Works 
by  professor  Keble,  it  is  hardly 
necessary  to  state  that  a  fuU 
and  accurate  account  of  thia 
ccmtroversy  will  be  found  in 
the  learned  editor's  Introduc* 

178  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.I).  1591.^1]]  Ik?  the  larger  in  the  relating  thereof,  because 

we  behold  their  actions  not  as  the  deeds  of  priTato 

persons,  but  the  public  champions  of  their  party. 
Now  as  an  amij  is  but  a  champion  diflliised,  so  a 
champion  may  be  said  to  be  an  armj  contracted. 
Tlie  prelatical  party  wrought  to  the  height  in  and  for 
Hooker ;  nor  was  the  presbyterian  power  less  active 
in  assisting  Mr.  Travers :  both  sides  being  glad  tber 
had  gotten  two  such  eminent  leaders,  with  whom 
they  might  engage  with  such  credit  to  their  cause. 
fiookrrhit  5Q^  Hooker  was  bom  in  Devonshire,  bred  in 
Oxford,  fellow  of  Corfms  Christi  College,  ono  of  a 
solid  judgment  and  great  reading;  yea,  such  the 
depth  of  his  learning,  that  his  pen  was  a  better 
bucket  than  his  tongue  to  draw  it  out;  a  great 
defender,  both  by  preaching  and  writing,  of  the 
discifdine  of  the  church  of  England,  yet  never  got 
nor  cared  to  get  any  eminent  dignity  therein— con- 
science, not  covetousness,  engaging  him  in  the  con- 
troversy. Spotless  was  his  conversation ;  and  though 
some  dirt  was  cast,  none  could  stick  on  his  reputa- 
tion. Mr.  Travers  was  brought  up  in  Trinity  Col- 
lege in  Cambridge;  and  because  much  of  church 
matter  depends  upon  him,  I  give  the  reader  the 
larger  account  of  his  carriage. 
Tnvm  SI-  Travers,  mcK^ting  with  some  discontents  in 
JUjjJJ,^^  the  colh»ge  after  the  death  of  Dr.  Beaumont,  (in 
v^  "^  whose  time  he  was  elected  fellow,)  took  occaaioa  to 
travel  Ix^yond  seas,  and,  coming  to  Geneva,  con- 
tracted familiarity  with  Mr.  liesa  and  other  foreign 
divines,  with  whom  he,  by  letters,  continued  corre- 
s|M>iidency  till  the  day  of  his  death  ^.   Then  returned 

v  [Archbiiihop  Whitgifk.  id     \ng  of  Trarrrs,  mj«,  **! 
a  Ufiwr  to  lord  Bttrgliley.a|MJi.     "  dwt  Um  faUow  at  Trimij 

CS1IT.  tVl. 

of  Britain. 


he,  and  commenoed  bachelor  of  divinity  in  Cam-^-'^vJ?9« 

bridge ;  and  after  that  went  beyond  sea  again,  and 

at  Antwerp  was  ordained  minister  by  the  presby- 
tery there,  whose  testimonial  I  have  here  faithfully 
transcribed  out  of  the  original : 

^  Quum  multis  de  causis  sit  et  asquum  et  con- 
**  sultum  unumquemque  eorum  qui  ad  verbi  Dei 
**  ministerium  asciscuntur,  vocationis  suae  testimo- 
nium habere;  asserimus,  coacta  Antuerpiae  ad  8 
Maij,  1578,  duodecim  ministrorum  verbi  cum  toti- 
dem  fere  senioribus  synodo,  praestantissimum  pie* 
^  tate  et  eruditione  virum  ac  fratrem  reverendum 
Doctorem  Gualterum  Traverseum,  omnium  qui 
aderant  suffragiis  ardentissimisque  votis,  consueto 
^  ritu  fuisse  in  sancto  verbi  Dei  ministerio  institu- 
tum,  precibusque  ac  manuum  impositione  confir- 
matum.  Postero  autem  die  post  sabbatum  ab  illo 
in  frcqucnti  Anglorum  ccetu  concionem,  rogante 
eo  qui  a  synodo  delegatus  erat  ministro,  propen- 
**  sissimisque  totius  ecclesise  animia  acceptum  fuisse. 
**  Quod   quidem   Domini   ac   fratris  nostri   colendi 









"  College,  being  before  rejected 
"  by  Dr.  Benumont  for  his  in« 
"  tolerable  stomach  ;  whereof  I 
"  had  also  afterwards  such  ex- 
"  pmenoe,  that  1  was  forced 
"  bj  due  punishment  so  to 
"  wearj  him,  till  he  was  fain 
"  to  travel,  and  depart  from 
"  the  college  to  Geneva,  other- 
"  wise  he  sliould  have  been 
"  eipelled  from  want  of  con- 
"  formitj  towards  the  orders 
"  of  the  house,  and  for  his 
"  pertinacy.  Neither  was  there 
"  ever  any  under  our  govem- 

"  ment  in  whom  I  found  lets 
"  submission  and  humility  than 
"  in  him."  Walton's  Life  of 
Hooker,  in  Keble*s  editi(Mi,  p. 
JO.  Travers's  name  is  conti- 
nually found  coupled  with 
those  of  the  most  violent  prea- 
byterians,  in  their  letters  pub- 
lished  by  bishop  Bancroft  in 
his  Dangerous  Positions.    See 

Sp.  163,  157,   where    Hacket 
eaires  to  have  a   conference 
with  him»  as  late  as  this  year 

i59>'  PP*  >50'  ^  '9>  4^»  ^-J 


180  The  Ckmrtk  UUiory  book  ix. 

A.D.  1591.''  apud  Anglos  ministeriam,  ut  benigniUte  raa  Deus 

— **  omiiipotens  donorum  suonim  incremento  et  am* 

^  plissimo   functionis  ejus   fnictu   omare  dignetur» 
^  enixe  precamur  per  Jesum  Christum.     Amen. 
"  Dat.  Antwer|>ia»,  14  Maij,  1578. 

"  Det  Logelerius  Vilerius,  rerbi  Dei  minister,  et 
**'  Johannes  IIochelcns»  verbi  Dei  minister. 

**  Johannes  Taftinus, 

"  Verbi  Dei  Minister." 

Thus  put  in  orders  by  the  presbytery  of  a  foreign 
nation,  he  continued  there  some  year8»  preache<l 
(with  Mr.  Cartv^Tight)  unto  the  English  factory  of 
merchants  at  Antwerp;  until  at  last  he  came  over 
into  England,  and  for  seven  years  together  became 
lecturer  in  the  Temple,  refusing  all  presentative 
preferment  to  decline  subscription,  and  lived  domes- 
tic chaplain  in  the  house  of  the  lord  treasurer  Cecil, 
being  tutor  for  a  time  to  Robert  his  son,  afterwards 
earl  of  Salisbury ;  and  although  there  v^'as  much 
heaving  and  shoving  at  him,  as  one  disaffected  to 
the  discipline,  yet  (lod^s  goodness,  his  friends*  great- 
ness, and  his  ovra  honesty,  kept  him  (but  with  much 
difficulty)  in  his  ministerial  employment. 
H«,  vhh  58.  Yea,  now  so  great  grew  the  credit  and  repu- 
vriib^  in.  tatiou  of  Mr.  TraverH,  that^  by  the  advice  of  &Ir. 
diviaity      Andrew  Melvin,  he  and  Mr.  Cartwright 

J^^^  lemnly  sent   for,  to  be   divinity  professors  in  the 
"-       univenity  of  St.  Andrew's,  as   by  this  autograph 
(which  1  have  in  my  hands,  and  here  think  fit  to 
exemplify)  may  plainly  a|>pear : 

**  Magtio  quidem,  fratn*s  charissimi,  gaudio  uoa 
**  afficit  cfHistantia  vestra,  et  invicta  ilia  animi  for- 




CEKT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  181 

^  titudo,  qua  contra  Satanae  imperium  et  reluctan-A^Dg^i. 
^  tern  Christ!  imperio  mundi  fastum  arroavit  vos  — 
Domini  Spiritus,  in  asserenda  apud  populares  ves- 
tros  ecclesioe  sua;  disciplina.  Sed  permolestum 
tamen  nobis  semper  fuit,  pertinaci  inimicorum  odio 
**  et  violentia  factum  esse,  ut  cum  latere  et  solum 
*'  subinde  vertere  cogimini,  minus  aliquanto  fhictus 
**'  ex  laboribus  vestris  ad  pios  omnes  perveniat,  quam 
^  si  docendo  publico  et  concionando  destinatam 
^  ecclesiffi  Dei  oi>eram  navare  licuisset.  Hoc  quia 
in  [mtria  vobis  negatum  videbamus,  non  aliud 
nobis  magis  in  votis  erat,  quam  ut  exulanti  in 
vobis  Christo  ho8])itium  aliquod  in  ultima  Scotia 
**  pneberetur.  Quod  ut  fieri  non  incommode  possit, 
**  8{)eramus  longo  nos  conatu  perfecisse. 

**'  Vetus  est  et  non  ignobilis  a{>ud  nos  academia 
*'  Andreana ;  in  qua  cum  alirc  artes,  tum  ]>hilosophia 
*"  imprimis  ita  hucusque  culta  fuit,  ut  quod  ab  ex- 
**  teris  nationibus  |>eteretur,  parum  nobis,  aut  nihil 
**  in  eo  gcnere  deesset.  Verum  divina  ilia  sapientia, 
**  quam  vol  solam,  vel  pnccipuaro  colore  Christianos 
••  decet,  neglecta  diu  in  scholis  jacuit ;  quod  a  prima 
**  statim  religionis  instaurationo,  summus  omnium 
''  ardor  exstaret  in  enulienda  plebe ;  in  aliis  ad 
**  sacrum  verbi  ministerium  institucndis  imucissimi 
**  lal>orarent :  non  love  ut  ]x?riculum  subesset,  ne 
**  (quod  propitius  nobis  Deus  avertat)  concionatorum 
**  aliquando  inopia  perirct,  quod  tanta  cum  spe  in 
"*  hominum  animos  conjectum  est  vera^  pietatia 
**  semen. 

^  Animadvcrtit  hoc  tandem  ecclcsiasticus  senatus, 
^*  et  cum  rege  rcgnique  [)roceribu8  diligenter  egit, 
''  ne  hanc  officii  sui  et  solicitudinis  |)artem  dcside* 
<«  ran  amplius  paterentur.     Placuit  ct  summo  om« 


182  The  Church  Huiary  book  is. 

A-D-^i-**  nium  applaumi  in  proximis  ordinam  comitiis  decre- 

**  turn  est,  ut  quod  amplitudine  ceteris  et  opulentia 

^*  collegium  pnestat  theologian  perpetuo  stodiis  con- 
**  secretur :  utque  ad  verbi  Dei  ministerium  nemo 
**  admittatur,  nisi  linguarum,  utriusque  testamenti 
**  et  loconim  communium  curriculo  prios  confecto : 
**  confici  autem  quadriennii  spacio  a  quinqoe  pto- 
^  fesBoribus  posse.  Ex  hoo  numero  adhuc  desunt 
^  Thomas  Cartunightus  et  GuaUerus  Traversus :  reli- 
'*  quos  nobis  domi  ecclesia  nostra  suppeditabit 
^  Messem  hie  videtis  singulari  vestra  eruditione  et 
^  pietate  non  indignam.  Ad  quam  pius  tos  prinoeps 
^  et  proceres  nostri ;  ad  quam  boni  vos  omnes  et 
**  fratres  vestri ;  ad  quam  Christi  vos  ecclesia  et 
**  Christus  ipse  operarios  invitat.  Reliquum  est,  ut 
^  humanissime  vocantes  sequi  velitis ;  et  ad  docendi 
•*  banc  provinciam,  vobis  honorificam,  eccle8is&  Dei 
**  salutarem  maturetis;  magnas  a  prinoipe,  miyores 
^  a  Christi  ecclesia,  maximas  et  inmiortales  a  maximo 
**  et  immortali  Deo  gratias  inituri.  Quod  ut  sine 
^  mora  facere  dignemini,  per  eum  ipsum  tos  etiam 
**  atque  etiam  obtestamur,  cui  acceptum  fern  debet, 
**  quod  ecclesias  filii  sui  prodesse  tantopere  poasitis. 
**  Valete.     Edinburgi. 

**  Ja.  Glasgney,  Academise  Cancelarius.  Alaynus 
^  Rector.    Thomas  Smetonius,  Decanus. 

*'  Andreas  MELvntua, 

^  CoUegii  Praefectua. 
*•  Mr.  David  Wems, 

^  Minister  Glascoviensia.** 

This  proffer  both  jointly  refused^  with  return  of 
their  most  afiectionato  thanks ;  and  such  who  know 
leaat  are  most  bold  in  their  cai\fecturos  to  adveotore 

cSMT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  188 

at  the  reasons  of  their  refusal:  as,  that  thejr  would  a.  d.  1591. 

not  leave  the  sun  on  their  backs,  and  remove  so . 

far  north,  or  they  were  discouraged  with  the  slen- 
demess  of  the  salary  assigned  unto  them.  In  plain 
truth  they  were  loth  to  leave,  and  their  friends  loth 
to  be  left  by  them,  conceiving  their  pains  might 
as  well  be  bestowed  in  their  native  country;  and 
Travers  quietly  continued  lecturer  at  the  Temple, 
till  Mr.  Hooker  became  the  master  thereof. 

53.  Mr.  Hooker  his  voice  was  low,  stature  little.  The  dw. 
gesture  none  at  all,  standing  stone-still  in  the  pulpit,  HooZer, 
as  if  the  posture  of  his  body  were  the  emblem  ofjl^j^j^ 
his  mind,  unmovable  in  his  opinions.     Where  his 

eye  ^i-as  left  fixed  at  the  beginning,  it  was  found 
fixed  at  the  end  of  his  sermon.  In  a  word,  the 
doctrine  he  delivered  had  nothing  but  itself  to  gar- 
nish it.  His  style  was  long  and  pithy,  driving  on 
a  whole  floc*k  of  several  clauses  before  he  came  to 
the  close  of  a  sentence ;  so  that  when  the  co]>ious- 
ness  of  his  style  met  not  with  proportionable  capa- 
city  in  his  auditors,  it  was  unjustly  censured  for 
{lerplexed,  tedious,  and  obscure.  His  sermons  fol* 
lowed  the  inclination  of  his  studies,  and  were  for 
the  most  part  on  controversies  and  deep  points  of 
school  divinity  ^. 

54.  Mr.  Travers  his  utterance  was  graceful,  ges-  The  de- 

•criptkm  of 

^  ["  In  Hooker's  Annwer  to  "  in  the  end ;  likewine  namiog 

"  his  Supplication,  it  apfieare  *'  hhhoM  in  his  prayer ;  alto 

**  there  was  a  conference  be-  '*  kneeling   when    he    prayed, 

"  tween  them  (sc.  Travers  and  "  and   kneeling  when    he   re- 

'*  Hooker)    at    Hooker's    tirst  "  ceived  the  communion,  and 

"  comingto  the  Temple,  where-  "  suchlike."      Stry|)e*s     Ann. 

"  in  Trarers  took  the  freedom  HI.  343.     It  seems  from  this 

"  to  tell  him  some  of  his  faults:  that  Hooker  used  the  form  of 

**  as  his  praying  in  the  entrance  biddiug-prayer.] 
"  of  bis  sermon  only,  and  not 


IM  TV  Ckmrck  HMorg  booe  is. 

A  D.  1541.  tore  plausible*  mmtter  piofitmble,  method  plain,  and 

-^^ his  strle  carried  in  it  imdolrm  piftaiU^  a  genius  of 

grstce  flowing  from  hi:»  sanctified  heart.  Some  say 
that  the  congregation  in  the  Temple  ebbed  in  the 
forenoon  and  flowetl  in  the  afternoon,  and  that  the 
anditorv  of  Mr.  TraTers  was  hr  the  more  numerous  ^ 
the  first  occasion  of  emulation  betwixt  them ;  but 
such  as  knew  Mr.  Hooker,  knew  him  to  be  too  wise 
to  take  exception  at  such  trifles,  the  rather  because 
the  most  judicious  is  alwajs  the  least  part  in  all 

55.  Here  might  one,  on  Sundays,  hare  seen 
almost  as  manv  writers  as  hearers :  not  only  young 
students,  but  even  the  gravest  benchers,  (such  as 
sir  FUIward  Cook  and  sir  James  Altham  then  were,) 
were  not  more  exact  in  taking  instructions  ftom 
their  clients,  than  in  \iTiting  notes  from  the  mouths 
of  their  minister.  The  worst  \i*a8,  these  two  preach- 
ers, though  joined  in  affinity,  (their  nearest  kindred 
being  married  together)  acted  with  different  prin- 
ciples  and  clashed  one  against  another;  so  that 
what  Mr.  Hooker  delivered  in  the  forenoon,  Mr. 
Travers  confute<l  in  the  afternoon.  At  the  building 
of  Solomon's  temple,  (1  Kings  vi.  7,)  neither  hammer^ 
nor  ojr^  nor  UmJ  of  inm  was  heard  therein ;  whereas, 
alas !  in  this  Temple  not  only  much  knocking  was 
heanl,  but  (which  was  the  worst)  the  nails  and  pins 
^hich  one  master-builder  drave  in  were  driven  out 

I  [This   it   not   fturprining ;     thii  time   the   Temple   liewil 
for  Ah'ey,  Iluoktr's  pnHleces-     little  else  tbiin  tlie  doctrines  of 

•or  in  till*  miifttrrthip  uf  the  Geneva.     *'  It  wm  a  ciutom 

Teniplf,  entertained  the  umc  *'  also,  in  Mr.  Alvej't  time,  to 

nrinciplenasTravcra.  Walton**  '*  rec«*ive  the  oomniunioii  itl* 

lI«ioker,  |)|».  27, 5 1 .  n. ;  lo  until  *'  timg."     iHrjpe,  tb.] 

CEKT.  XVI.  ^Britain.  186 

by  the  other.     To  pass  by  lesser  differences  betwixt  a.  d.  1591. 
them  about  predestination,  ^ 

Booker  maintained  Traven  defended 

Tbechurchof  Rome,  though  The  church  of  Rome  is  no 
uot  a  pure  and  perfect,  yet  true  church  at  all;  so  that 
is  a  true  church  ;  so  that  such  as  live  and  die  there- 
such  who  live  and  die  '  in,  holding  justification  in 
therein  J,  upon  their  re-  part  by  works,  cannot  be 
pentance  of  all  their  sins  said  by  the  scriptures  to 
uf  igiK>rance,  may  be  be  saved, 
baved  ^. 

Thus  much  disturbance  was  caused,  to  the  dis- 
quieting of  people's  consciences,  the  disgrace  of  the  ^ 
ordinance,  the  advantage  of  the  common  enemy,  and 
the  dishonour  of  God  himself. 

56.    Here    archbishop  Whitgiil    interposed    hisTrmTenb 
power,  and  silenced  Trnvers  from  preaching  either  the  iidi- 
in  the  Temple  or  any  where  else.     It  was  Uid  to*******^ 
his    charge,  1,   Tliat   he  was    no   lawful   ordained 
minister,   according    to    the    church   of  England; 
2ndh%   That   he    preached    here    without   license; 
Snilv,  That  he  had  broken  the  order  made  in  the 
seventh  year  of  her  majesty's  reign,  wherein  it  was 
provided,  "Tliat  erroneous  doctrine,  if  it  came  to  be 
*"  publicly  taught,  should   uot  be  publicly  refuted, 
^  but  that  notice  thereof  should  l>e  given  to  the 
''  ordinary,  to  hear  and  determine  such  causes,  to 
**  prevent  public  disturbance.** 

57-  As   for   Trovers   his   silencing,  many  which  Biany 
were  well  pleased  with  the  deed  done  were  offended  \^S^^ 
at  tlie  manner  of  doing  it ;  for  all  the  congregation  ^i^* 

J  Bifing  weak,  ignorant,  anil         ^    [See    Walton's    Life    of     ^^ 
MeduLcd.  Hooker,  p.  55. J 

186  The  Ckureh  HUiory  book  is. 

A.  II.  1591.  on  a  sabbath,  in   the  afternooD,  were  awembled 

together,  their  attention  prepared,  the  cloth  (as  I 

may  say)  and  napkins  were  laid,  yea,  the  guests  sat, 
and  their  knives  drawn  for  their  spiritual  repast^ 
when  suddenly,  as  Mr.  Trovers  was  going  op  into 
the  pulpit,  a  sorry  fellow  served  him  with  a  letter, 
prohibiting  him  to  preach  any  more.  In  obedience 
to  authority,  (the  mild  and  constant  submission 
wbereunto  won  him  respect  with  his  adversaries,) 
Mr.  Trovers  calmly  signified  the  same  to  the  con- 
gregation, and  requested  them  quietly  to  depart  to 
their  chambers.  Thus  was  our  good  Zaccarias  struck 
dumb  in  the  temple^  but  not  for  infidelity,  unpartial 
people  accounting  his  fault  at  most  but  indiscretion. 
Meantime  his  auditory  (pained  that  their  pregnant 
expectation  to  hear  him  preach  should  so  publicly 
prove  abortive,  and  sent  sermonless  home)  manifested 
in  their  variety  of  passion,  some  grieving,  some 
frowning,  some  murmuring;  and  the  wisest  sort* 
who  held  their  tongues,  shaked  their  heads,  as  dis- 
liking the  managing  of  the  matter. 
Tmmihk  58.  Trovers  addressed  himself  by  petition  to  the 
lords  of  the  privy  council,  (where  his  strength  lay, 
as  Hooker  s,  in  the  archbishop  of  Canterbury  and 
high  commission,)  grievously  complained  that  he 
was  punished  before  he  was  heard,  silenced  (by  him 
apprehende<l  the  heaviest  penalty)  before  sent  for, 
contrary  to  equity  and  reason,  the  law  cfmdemning 
none  before  it  hear  him^  and  know  what  he  hath 

i.  To  the  exception  against  the  lawfulness  of  hia 
ministry,  ho  pleaded  that  the  communion  of  saints 

■  John  vti  51. 

csMT.  XTi.  (^Britain.  187 

ttllowB  QTcUnation    legal  in  may  Christian  church,  a. 0.1^91. 

Orders  herein  are  like  degrees,  and  a  doctor  gra— ^1 

duated  in  anj  oni^ersity  hath  his  title  and  place 
granted  him  in  all  Christendom. 

ii«  For  want  of  license  to  preach,  he  pleaded  that 
he  was  recommended  to  this  place  of  the  Temple  by 
two  letters  of  the  bishop  of  London,  the  diocesan 

iii.  His  anti-preaching  in  the  afternoon  against 
what  was  delivered  before,  he  endeaToured  to  excuse 
bjr  the  example  of  St.  Paul,  taho  pave  not  place  to 
Peter^  nOy  not  an  hour^  that  the  truth  of  the  gospd 
might  continue  amongst  them  \ 

But  we  are  too  tedious  herein,  especially  seeing 
his  petition  is  publicly  extant  in  print,  with  Mr. 
Hooker  his  answer  thereunto,  whither  wo  refer  the 
reader  for  his  more  ample  satisfaction  o. 

59.  By  the  way  it  must  not  be  forgotten,  that  in  ^  A^tm. 
the  very  midst  of  the  paroxysm  betwixt  Hooker  and 
Travers,  the  latter  still  bare  (and  none  can  challenge 
the  other  to  the  contrary)  a  reverend  esteem  of  his 
adversary;  and  when  an  unworthy  aspersion,  some 
years  after,  was  cast  on  Hooker,  (if  Christ  was 
dashed,  shall  Christians  escape  clean  in  their  journey 
to  heaven  ?)  Mr.  Travers,  being  asked  of  a  private 
friend  what  he  thought  of  the  truth  of  that  accu- 
sation, ^  In  truth,**  said  he,  "*  I  take  Mr.  Hooker  to 
**  be  a  holy  man  f — a  speech  which,  coming  from 
an  adversary,  sounds  no  less  to  the  commendation 
of  his  charity  who  spake  it,  than  to  the  praise  of  his 
piety  of  whom  it  was  spoken. 

•  Oal.  ii.  5.  [See  hit  letter  o  [At  the  oonclusioQ  of  the 
in  the  Appendix.]  EccletiMtied  Polity.] 

1 88  The  Church  History  book  i  x. 

A. D.I 591.     60.  The  council-table  was   much  di Tided  about 

— IL-Travers  his  petition.     All  Whitgift's  foes  were  ip$o 

mMhw^  facto  made  Travers  his  favourers;  besides,  be  bad  a 
nofartMir.  jm^g^  gtock  of  friends  on  his  own  account.  But 
Whitgift's  finger  moved  more  in  church  matters 
than  all  the  hands  of  all  the  privy  counsellors 
besides;  and  he  was  content  to  suffer  others  to  be 
believed  (and  {)erchance  to  believe  themselves)  great 
actors  in  church  govenmient,  whilst  ho  knew  he 
could  and  did  do  all  things  himself  therein.  No 
favour  must  be  afforded  Travers  on  any  terms : 
1.  Dangerous  was  his  person,  a  Cartwright  junior, 
none  in  England  either  more  loving  Geneva  or 
more  beloved  by  it.  Sndly.  Dangerous  the  place, 
the  Temple  being  one  of  the  inns  (therefore  a  public) 
of  court,  therefore  a  principal  place;  and  to  suffer 
one  opposite  to  the  English  discipline  to  continue 
lecturer  there,  what  was  it  but  in  effect  to  retain 
half  the  lawyers  of  England  to  be  of  counsel  against 
the  ecclesiastical  government  thereof.  Srdly.  Dan«> 
gerous  the  precedent:  this  leailing  case  would  be 
presumed  on  for  others  to  follow,  and  a  rank*s 
breaking  may  be  an  army's  ruining. 

kkll^^*  ®''  "^"^  ^'^^  ^^^  constant  custom  of  Whitgift :  if 
any  lord  or  lady  sued  to  him  to  shew  favour  for 
their  sakes  to  nonconformists,  his  answer  to  them 
was  rather  respectful  to  the  requester  than  satisfiuv 
tory  to  the  request.  He  would  profess  how  glad  he 
was  to  ser\'e  them,  and  gratify  them  in  compliance 
with  their  desire,  assuring  them  for  his  part  all 
possible  kindness  should  be  indulged  unto  them; 
but,  in  fine,  he  would  remit  nothing  of  his  rigour 
against  them.  Thus  he  never  denied  any  great 
man's  desire,  and  yet  never  granted  it;  plearing 

CKKT.  XTi.  ^Britain.  189 

them  for  the  present  with  general  promises,  (and  inAi>;59'* 

them  not  dissembling,  but  using  discreet  and  right 

expressions,)  still  kept  constant  to  his  own  resolution. 
Hereupon  afteni'ards  the  nobility  surceased  making 
more  suits  unto  him,  as  ineffectual,  and  even  left  all 
things  to  his  own  disposal. 

62.  Thus  Mr.  Travers,  notwithstanding  the  plenty  Trmven 
of  his  potent  friends,  was  overborne  by  the  arch-f^2buM^ 
bishop,  and,  as  he   often  complained,  could  never  J^/^*™' 
obtain  to  be  brought  to  a  fair  hearing.     But  his 

grief  hereat  was  something  abated,  when  Adam 
Loftus,  archbishop  of  Dublin  and  chancellor  of 
Ireland,  (his  ancient  colleague  in  Cambridge,)  invited 
him  over  to  be  provost  of  Trinity  College  in  Dublin. 
Embracing  the  motion,  over  he  went,  accepting  the 
place,  and  continued  some  years  therein ;  till,  dis- 
composed with  the  fear  of  their  civil  wars,  he 
returned  into  England,  and  lived  here  many  years 
very  obscurely,  (though  in  himself  a  shining  light,) 
as  to  the  matter  of  outward  maintenance. 

63.  Yet  had  he  Agur's  wish,  neither  poverty  nor  Hk  oon- 
riches^  though  his  enough  seemed  to  be  of  shortest  «nd^iiiat 
size.     It   matters    not   whether    men's    means  be^**** 
mounted  or  their  minds  descend,  so  be  it  that  both 
meet,  as  here  in  him,  in  a  comfortable  contentment. 

Yea,  when  the  right  reverend  and  religious  James 
Usher  (then  bishop  of  Meath,  since  archbishop  of 
Armagh,  brought  up  under  him,  and  with  him  agree- 
ing in  doctrine,  though  dissenting  in  discipline)  prof- 
fered money  unto  him  for  his  relief,  Mr.  Travers 
returned  a  thankful  refusal  thereof  p.     Sometimes 

P  [Usher  was  no  otherwise,  was  nroYost  of  Trinitj  College, 
I  imagine,  brought  up  under  Dublin,  during  some  period  of 
Trarera,  than  as  w  as  the  latter     Usher's  studies  there.    In  1 593 

190  Th€  Church  History  book  is. 

A.D.i59i.he  did  preach,  rather  when  he  dnrst  than  when 

-I he  would,  debarred  from  all  cure  of  souls  bj  his 

noncouformity.  He  lived  and  died  unmarried ;  and 
though  leaviug  many  nephews,  some  eminent  scho- 
lars, bequeathed  all  his  books  of  oriental  languages!, 
(wherein  he  was  exquisite,)  and  plate  worth  fifty 
pounds,  to  Sion  College  in  London.  Oh  if  this 
good  man  had  had  an  hand  to  his  heart,  or  rather 
a  purse  to  his  hand,  what  charitable  works  would 
he  have  left  behind  him !  But,  in  pofiniance  of 
his  memory,  I  have  intrenched  too  much  on  the 
modem  times;  only  this  I  will  add,  perchance  the 
reader  will  be  angry  with  me  for  saying  thus  mucfaf 
and  I  am  almost  angry  with  myself  for  saying  no 
more  of  so  worthy  a  divine. 
Thm  dMth  64.  Return  we  to  the  year  1598,  which  we  find 
Mr.  Oraen.  iu  Loudou  filled  with  ftmerals,  so  that  within  twelve 
pS^j  months  moe  than  ten  thousand  were  swept  away 
therein  of  the  plague,  and  amongst  them  reverend 
Mr.  Richard  Greenham,  the  reason  why  we  find  not 
the  exact  date  of  his  death  \  In  contagious  times, 
the  corpses  of  those  who,  living,  were  best  beloved, 
are  rather  hurried  than  carried  to  the  grave ;  and  in 
such  confusions,  those  parishes  who  have  the  best 
memories  prove  forgetful,  their  registers  being  either 
carelessly  kept  or  totally  omitted.  Thus  our  Green* 
ham  was  mortally  visited  with  the  plague,  whereof 
we  find  Munster,  Franciscus  Junius^  Chimidontius, 
and  other  worthy  divines,  formeriy  deceased  in 
Germany;  that  patent  of  preservation  against  the 

Uihrr  wa«  entered  there,  being  607.     A    Life    of    Oreenluuii 

Umo  thirteen  jcatb  of  age.]  will  «lao  be  foond  in  Clnrke't 

^  [See  tooie  notoont  of  him  Martjralogr.  Lives  <if  Thirty* 

in  »^pe't  Anods,  II.  4,  IV.  two  Sa^  Oiriaes,  p.  la.] 

TEirr.  XVI.  of  Britain.  191 

pestileDce,  A  thousand  shall  fall  at  thj/  side,  aMfA.D.if9i. 

ten  thousand  at  thy  right  hand ;  but  it  shall  not  come 

niph  thee  %  running  (as  all  other  temporal  promises) 
with  this  secret  clause  of  revocation,  if  God  in  his 
wisdom  were  not  pleased  otherwise  to  countermand 

65.  It  may  be  said  of  some  persons,  in  reference  FeUow  or 
to  their  history,  that  they  were  bom  men ;  namely,  Han  in 
such  of  whose  birth  and  youth  we  find  no  particular  *^*™™*^' 
account.     Oreenham  is  one  of  these,  for,  for  want  of 
better  intelligence,  we  find  him  full-grown  at  the 

first,  when,  anno  Domini  ,  he  was  admitted  into 
Pembroke  EUiIl  in  Cambridge ;  in  which  house,  some 
years  after,  the  youth  of  Mr.  Iiancelot  Andrews* 
(afterwards  bishop  of  Winchester)  was  well  ac- 
quainted with  Mr.  Oreenham ;  and  I  dare  boldly 
say,  if  Greenham  gained  any  learning  by  Andrews, 
Andrews  lost  no  religion  by  Oreenham.  He  after- 
wards left  the  university,  and  became  minister  three 
miles  ofl^  at  Dry  Drayton. 

66.  Dry  Drayton,  indeed,  which,  though  often  h«  is  lunn. 
watered  with  Mr.  Oreenham*s  tears,  and  oftener, 
with  his  prayers  and  preaching,  moistened  the  rich 
with  his  counsel,  the  poor  with  his  charity,  neither 
produced  proportionable  fruitfulness.  The  generality 
of  his  parish  remained  ignorant  and  obstinate,  to 
their  pastor^s  great  grief,  and  their  own  greater 
damage  and  disgrace.     Hence  the  verses, 

^  Greenham  had  pastures  green, 
But  sheep  full  lean.*" 

Thus  God  alone  is  the  good  shepherd,  who  doth 

r  FMlm  xci.  7.  in  making  tome  of  Mr.  Orecn- 

•  Some  mj  he  had  aii  hand     ham*a  wwfca. 


192  The  Church  HiHary  loos  ix. 

A.D.  159).  feed  and  can  fat  his  sheep,  and  can  make  them  to 

— — ^—  thrive  under  his  keeping. 

Hit  dez-        67.  He  used  often,  at  the  entreaty  of  some  doo- 

toritY  in 

hading  tors,  to  preach  at  St.  Mary's  in  Cambridge,  where, 
ooo^cjenon.  ^metimes  so  great  his  zeal  in  pressing  important 
points,  that  he  hath  lost  himself  in  the  driving  home 
of  some  application,  even  to  the  forgetting  of  hb 
text,  (as  himself  would  confess,)  till  he  recovered 
the  same  on  some  short  recollection.  He  always 
bitterly  inveighed  against  non-residents,  professing 
that  he  wondered  how  such  men  could  take  any 
comfort  in  their  wealth ;  ''  for  methinks,**  saith  he, 
they  should  see  written  on  every  thing  which  they 
have  pretium  sanguinis  —  ^  this  is  the  price  of 
**  blood.*  '*  But  his  masterpiece  was  in  comforting 
wounded  consciences;  for,  although  heaven's  hand 
can  only  set  a  broken  heart,  yet  God  used  him 
herein  as  an  instrument  of  good  to  many,  who  came 
to  him  with  weeping  eyes,  and  went  from  him  with 
cheerful  souls.  The  breath  of  his  gracious  coonsel 
blew  up  much  smoking  flax  into  a  blazing  flame. 
He,  iMring  gg  Hereupon  the  imi>ortunity  of  his  friends  (if 
caatnkk  to  herein  they  pnived  so)  persuaded  him  to  leave  his 
parish  and  remove  to  Liondon,  where  his  public 
parts  might  be  better  advantaged  for  the  general 
good.  Tliey  pleaded  the  little  profit  of  his  long 
pains  to  so  poor  and  peevish  a  parish ;  pity  it  was 
so  good  a  flshemian  should  cast  his  nets  elsewhere 
than  in  that  ocean  of  people ;  what  vras  Dry  Drayton 
but  a  bushel  to  hicks  London  an  high  candlestick  to 
hold  up  the  brightness  of  his  parts  ?  Over-entremted 
by  others,  even  almost  against  his  own  judgment,  be 
resigned  his  cure  to  a  worthy  successor,  and  repaired 
to  Lfondon ;  where,  after  some  years*  preaching  op 

CBiiT.  XTi.  qf  Britain.  19S 

and  down  in  no  constant  place,  he  was  resident  on  a.  d.  1591. 

no  cure,  but  the  curing  of  consciences.     I  am  ere-  **? 

dibly  informed  ^  he  in  some  sort  repented  his  removal 
from  his  parish,  and  disliked  his  own  erratical  and 
planetary  life,  which  made  him  fix  himself  preacher 
at  last  at  Christ  Church  in  London^  where  he  ended 
his  days. 

69.  He  lived  sermons,  and  was  most  precise  inAgi«tin- 

.  ,  vtrunwiit  ci 

his  conversation  ;  a  strict  observer  of  the  Lord*s  day,  Um  gnod 
and  a  great  advancer  thereof  through   the  whole  t^i)||^<^ 
realm  by  that  treatise  which  he  wrote  of  the  sabbath.  ^^' 
No  book  in  that  age  made  greater  impression  on 
people's  practice,  as  one  "  (then  a  great  wit  in  the 
university,  now  a  grave  wisdom  in  our  church)  hath 
ingeniously  expressed : 

**  On  Mr.  Gr€enkanC$  Book  of  the  Sabbath. 

^*  While  Greenham  writeth  on  the  sabbath^s  rest. 
His  soul  enjoys  not  what  his  pen  expressed; 
His  work  enjoys  not  what  itself  doth  say. 
For  it  shall  never  6nd  one  resting  day. 
A  thousand  hands  shall  toss  each  page  and  line. 
Which  shall  be  scanned  by  a  thousand  cine; 
That  sabbatirs  rest,  or  this  sabbath's  unrest. 
Hard  is  to  say  whothcr^s  the  happiest." 

Thus  godly  Greenham  is  fallen  asleep.  We  softly 
draw  the  curtains  about  him,  and  so  proceed  to 
other  matter  *. 

^  Ky  my  own    father.   Mr.  which  were  nompwhat  nume* 

TliotjitM  Fuller,  who  wuh  well  roUH.  is  f^ven  by  bishop  Tanner 

acquttitited  with  him.  in  his  Biblic»theca  Uistorica,  p. 

*  Mr.  Joseph  Hall.  341-1 

>   [A   list   of  bis  writings. 

rULLBBi  VOL.  V. 






FoM,  being  $o  good  a  iauoewi/e^  tmaw  far  bttimr  timm  I  kow 
much  9irength  and  hand$om€n^$$  good  kmnmimg  add§ik  to 
the  end  of  a  doth.  I  therefore^  being  now  to  pwi  a  period 
to  this  long  and  important  eeniuryf  (a$  big  as  the  uhole 
book  besides^  but  chie/y  containing  the  reign^  the  homomr  of 
four  $ex  and  our  nation^)  have  reeohed^  to  preoemi  the 
unrateUing  thereof  to  close  and  conclude  ii  with  tkk 
dedication  to  your  ladyship ;  on  irAidl  mceownt  atame  yem 
are  placed  last  in  this  booi^  though  otherwise  the  /frsi 
freest  in  encouraging  my  weak  endeawmrs. 

•  [Dauffhter    of   tir    John  (HictoiT  of  W«rwirkaluf«,  p. 

Ferrers,  of  Tarn  worth,  knight.  781,  eo.  br  Tlioiiuyi»)  •■  ako 

She    wa«    married   to    tir  S.  by  Poller,  m  tKe  priVMma  part 

Archer,  whoae  munificence  to  of  this  hiatorj.     TIm  nrwm  of 

literature  and  learned  men  it     the  Fenrera  are  rmy  or  tad 
celebrated   both   bj   Dugdale,     gulca.] 

ciKT.  XVI.  The  Chirch  HistOTy  of  Britain.  195 

||K  Mr.  Udal'B  death  conio  M'e  now  to'*-^^** 

treat.    Through   some  defect  in  tbezr 

fcconls  '*,  (transiMwod  or  lost,)  we  can-'»inJ««_o' 
not  tell  the  certain  day  of  Mr.  Udnl'sdwuh. 
v'ondcinnatiou  and  di<ath  ■= ;  but  this 
a|>|>ear8  in  ttic  office,  that  two  yoars  ninee  (viz.  32ml 
of  Kliz.,  July  23)  he  was  indicte*!  and  arraigned  at 
Cn)ydon,  for  defaming  the  queen  her  government  in 
n  l>ook  l>y  him  written,  and  entitled,  "  A  demon- 
"  stration  of  the  Disriplinc  which  Christ  hath  pre- 
"  scribed  in  his  Word  far  tho  government  of  his 
**  Chureh,  in  all  times  and  places,  until  the  world's 
"  end,"  But  tlie  mortal  words  (as  I  may  term  them) 
arc  found  in  the  preface  of  his  hook,  written  "  to 
"  tlie  sujiposed  governors  of  the  church  of  England, 
"  archbishops,  bishops,  &c.,"  and  are  inserted  in  the 
bo<ly  of  his  indictment  as  fotloweth  : 

"  Who  can  without  blushing  deny  you  to  be  the 
"  cause  of  all  ungodliness,  seeing  your  government 
"  is  that  which  giveth  leave  to  a  man  to  be  any 
"  thing  saving  a  sound  Christian  ?  For,  certainly,  it 
"  is  more  free  in  theso  days  to  be  a  papist,  ana- 
"  baptist,  of  the  fiimity  of  love,  yea,  any  most 
"  wicked  whatsoever,  than  that  which  we  should 
"  be;  and  I  could  live  these  twenty  years  any  such 
"  in  England,  (yea,  in  a  bishop's  house,  it  may  be,) 
"  and  never  I>o  much  molested  for  it :  so  true  U 
"  that  which  you  are  charged  with  in  a  Dialogue 
"  lately  come  forth  against  you,  and  since  burned 

dnunttioD,  weStrvpc'iADj 

frienda  in  the  office  of  the  clerK     IV.  p.ii.M].     He  died 

He  died 
for  Surrey.  priion  called  the  White  Lioa, 

[For  the  particulan  rela-     Soathwwk.] 
to  Udal'a  trial  and  con- 

196  The  Church  HiMiory  book  ix. 

A.  D.  1591.**  by  you,  that  you  care  for  nothing  but  the  main- 

**  tcnancc  of  your  dignities,  l>e  it  to  the  damnation 

^  of  your  own  souls,  and  infinite  millions  moe.** 

To  this  indictment  he  pleaded  not  guilty,  denying 
himself  to  be  the  author  of  the  book.     Next  day  he 
"     vc^A  cast  by  the  jury,  and  submitted  himself  to  the 
mercy  of  the  court,  whereby  he  prevailed  that  judg- 
ment against  him  was  respited  till  the  next  assizes, 
and  he  remanded  to  the  Marslialsea. 
Mr.  Ud^        2.  March  following,  (the  33rd  of  queen  Elizabeth,) 
ortkm  10    he  was  brought  again  to  the  bar  before  the  judges, 
tteMrfm.  to  whom  he  had  privately  presented  a  petition  with 
all  advantage,  but  it  found  no  entertainment ;  inso- 
much that  in  this  month  of  March  ',  (the  day  not 
appearing  in  the  records,)  he,  at  the  assizes  held  in 
Southwark,  was  there  condemned  to  be  executed 
for  a  felon. 
y  3.  Various  were  men^s  censures  on  these  proceed- 

^,7  ings  against  him.  Some  conceived  it  rigorous  in 
the  greatest  (which  at  the  best  is  cruel  in  the  least) 
degree,  considering  the  worth  of  his  person  and 
weaknc^ss  of  the  proof  against  him ;  for  he  was  a 
leanied  man,  bhimeless  for  his  life,  powerful  in  bis 
praying,  and  no  less  profitable  than  fiainful  in  his 
preaching:  for  as  Musculus  in  Germany,  iff  mis- 
take not,  first  brought  in  the  plain  but  eflTectual 
maimer  of  preaching  by  use  and  doctrine,  so  Udal 
was  the  first  who  added  reaiions  thereunto,  the 
strength  and  sinews  of  a  sermon.  His  English- 
Hebrew  Grammar  he  made  whilst  in  prison,  as 
appears  by  a  subscription  in  the  close  thereof.    The 

'  [In  1 59  If  aeeording  to  Htiyp«»  ib.  p.  24.] 

CENT.  xvL  of  Britain.  197 

proof  was  not  pregnant,  and  it  is  generally  believed  ^'  ^j^** 

that  he  made  only  the  preface  (out  of  which  his 

indictment  was  chiefly  framed)  and  not  the  body  of 
the  book  laid  to  his  charge ;  besides,  it  was  harsh  to 
inflict  immediate  and  direct  death  for  a  consequen- 
tial and  deductory  felony,  it  being  penhoused  out 
beyond  the  foundation  and  intent  of  the  statute  to 
build  the  indictment  thereupon.  Others  thought 
that  some  exemplary  severity  was  necessary,  not 
only  to  pinion  the  wings  of  such  pamphlets  from 
flying  abroad,  but  even  thereby  to  crush  their  eggs 
in  the  nest.  Surely  the  multitude  of  visits  unto 
him,  during  his  durance»  no  whit  prolonged  his  life; 
for  flocking  to  popular  prisoners  in  such  cases  is  as 
ominous  a  presage  of  their  death,  as  the  flying  and 
fluttering  of  ravens  near  and  about  the  house  and 
chamber  of  a  sick  body. 

4.  But  an  higher  Judge  had  formeriy  passed  H«  died 
another  sentence  on  Udal's  death,  that  his  soul  and  J^uSTm. 
body  should  not  by  shameful  violence  be  forced 
asunder,  but  that  they  should  take  a  fair  farewell 
each  of  other.  IIow  long  he  lived  after  his  con- 
demnation we  know  not,  there  being  a  tradition 
that  sir  Walter  Raleigh  procured  a  reprieve  in  a 
fair  way  to  his  pardon :  this  is  certain,  that  without 
any  other  sickness,  save  heart-broken  with  sorrow^ 
he  ended  his  days.  Right  glad  were  his  friends  that 
his  death  prevented  his  death ;  and  the  wisest  of  his 
foes  were  well  contented  therewith,  esteeming  it 
better  that  his  candle  should  go  than  be  put  0Qt» 
lest  the  snuif  should  be  unsavoury  to  the  survivors, 
and  his  death  be  charged  as  a  cruel  act  on  the 
account  of  the  procurers  thereof. 

5.  The  ministers  of  London  flocked  to  his  fiineral.  His 


o  8 

108  The  Church  Hutory  book  »• 

A«D.  1595.  ami  he  was  decently  interred  in  the  churchyard  of 

-1 8t.  George's   in    Southwark,   not  far  from  bishop 

Bonner's  grave;  so  near  may  their  bodies,  wheo 
dead,  in  positure  be  together,  whose  minds,  when 
living,  in  opinion  were  far  asunder.  Nor  have  I 
aught  else  to  observe  of  him,  save  that  I  am  in- 
formed that  he  was  father  of  Ephraim  Udal,  a  solid 
and  pious  divine,  dying  in  our  days,  but  in  point  of 
discipline  of  a  different  opinion  from  his  ftither  ^ 
lV?*mui  6-  ^^^  "^^»  ^'^®  sword  of  justice  being  once 
'ted.*^  drawn,  it  was  not  put  up  again  into  the  sheath 
before  others  were  executed;  for  Henry  Barrow, 
gentleman,  and  John  Greenwood,  clerk,  (who  some 
days  before  were  indicted  of  felony  at  the  sessions 
hall  without  Newgate,  before  the  lord  mayor  and 
the  two  chief  justices,  for  writing  certain  seditious 
pamphlets,)  were  hanged  at  Tyburn ' ;  and  not  long 
after  John  Penry,  a  Welshman,  was  apprehended  at 
Stevenhith,  by  the  vicar  thereof,  arraigned  and  con- 
demne<I  of  felony  at  the  King's  Bench  at  Westmin- 
ster, for  being  a  principal  penner  and  publisher  of  a 
libellous  lM>ok  called  ^  Martin  Mar-Prelates,"  ami 
executed  at  St.Tliomas  Waterings.  Daniel  Studley, 
girdler,  Saxio  Billot,  gentleman,  and  Robert  Bowley, 
fishmonger,  wen*  also  condenmed  for  publishing 
scandalous  books ;  but  not  finding  their  execution,  I 
believe  them  reprieve<l  and  {lanloued  *. 

•  [Aath<»r  of  u  cdrbrtitcHl  by  the   pmbyteri«at,  uid   at 

tract  Againtt  sacrilef^,  t* ntitlinl  laf%t.  in  hit  old  aoe,  tumeil  crjt 

**  Noli  me  Uingvre.  or  a  thing  of  hin  living  by  the  pttrlimoHmt. 

"  to  lie  thought  on/*  |»uhliKh<*d  unci  literally  left  with  an  aged 

in  1641.    He  nuffervd  more  for  wife  to  die  in  the  atreeta.    8ie 

truth  and  order  than  did  hin  Wcxid't  Fast.  1*351.] 
lather  for  irregular  and  mia.         '  8tow*t  Chron.  p.  76c. 

direclfld  aeal»  being  peraecutcd        <  [Of  Peary  mkI  hb  iadici- 


of  Britain, 


7.  About  this  time,  if  not  somewhat  sooner,  (for  a.  0.1593. 

my  inquiry  cannot  arrive  at  the  certain  date,)  queen ^ 

Elizabeth  took  her  last  farewell  of  Oxford,  where  aqueen^t 
divinity  act  was  kept  before  her,  on  this  question,  ^oSSti!' 
*•  Whether  it  be  lawful  to  dissemble  in  matters  of 

"  religion  ?**  One  of  the  opponents  endeavoured  to 
prove  the  affirmative  by  his  own  example, — "  Who 
''  then  did  what  was  lawful,  and  yet  he  dissembled 
*'  in  disputing  against  the  truth  T — the  queen  being 
well  pleased  at  the  wittiness  of  the  argument  **.  Dr. 
We8tplialing,  (who  had  divers  years  been  bishop  of 
Hereford,)  coming  then  to  Oxford,  closed  all  with 
a  learned  determination,  wherein  no  fault,  except 
somewhat  too  copious,  not  to  say  tedious ;  at  that 
time  her  highness  intending  that  night  to  make  a 
»piH>ch,  and  thereby  (li8ap|)ointed. 

8.  Next  day  her  highness  made  a  Latin  oration  Her  utin 
to   the   heads   of  houses,  (on  the  same  token  slie"****^ 
therein  gave  a  check  to  Dr.  Reynolds  for  his  non* 
conformity,)  in  the  midst  whereof,  perceiving  the 

old  hml  Burleigh  stand  by,  with  his  lame  legs,  she 
would  not  proceed  till  she  saw  him  provided  of  a 
stool  '*,  and  then  fell  to  her  speech  again,  as  sensible 
of  no  intemiption ;  having  the  command  as  well  of 
her  Latin  tongue  as  of  her  loyal  subjects. 

ment,  see  Strype's  Annals,  IV. 
p.  176,  sq.  Life  of  Whitgift, 
p.  409,  sq.  See  also  an  im- 
portant tract,  entitled  "The 
*'  ExaminationM  of  Henry  Bar- 
*'  row,  John  (yreenwood,  and 
*'  John  Penry,  liefore  the  High 
**  CommisHioners  and  Lords  of 
*'  the  C<iuncil ;  penned  by  the 
"  prisoners  themselves  before 

"  their  deaths."  Printed  in 
1586,  and  reprinted  in  the 
Harleian  Miscellany,  II.  p.  10. 
Some  of  Penry's  letters  to 
queen  Elisabeth  may  be  found 
in  Pagitt's  Heretiography»  p. 

h  Sir  J.  Harrington's  State 
oi  the  Church,  II.  180. 

*  Idem,  p.  18a. 



The  Church  History 


A.D.  1503.     9.  John  Piers,  archbishop  of  York,  ended  his  life  \ 

«r 1!l  dean  of  Christ  Church  in  Oxford,  bishop  of  Rocheo* 

ter,  Salisbury,  and  archbishop  of  York.  AVhen  newlj 
beneficed  a  young  man  in  Oxfordshire,  he  had 
drowned  his  good  parts  in  drunkenness,  conTersing 
with  his  country  parishioners ;  but  on  the  confeseioD 
of  his  fault  to  a  grave  divine,  reformed  his  con- 
versation, so  applying  himself  to  his  studies  that  he 
deserve<l]y  gained  great  preferment,  and  was  highly 
esteemed  by  queen  Elizabeth,  wliose  almoner  be 
continued  for  many  years ;  and  he  must  be  a  wise 
and  good  man  whom  that  thrifty  princess  wouUi 
entrust  with  distributing  her  money.  lie  was  one 
of  the  most  grave  and  reverend  prelates  of  his  age, 
and  after  his  nxluced  life  so  abstemious,  that  bis 
physician  in  his  old  age  could  not  persuade  him  to 
drink  wine ;  so  habitcil  he  was  in  sobriety,  in  deles- 
tation  of  bis  former  excess  ^ 

10.  The  same  year  (lie<I  John  Aylmer,  bishop  of 
London  *",  bred  in  Cambridge,  well  learned,  as  ap- 
peareth  by  his  book  title<l  **  The  Ilarborough  of 
••  IVinces;**  one  of  a  low  stature,  but  stout  spirit, 
very  valiant  in  his  youth,  and  witty  all  his  life*. 
Once  when  his  auditor}'  began  at  sermon  to  grow 
dull  in  their  attentions,  he  presently  read  unto  them 
many  versc^s  out  of  the  Hebrew  text;  whereat  they 

k   fStfpt.  18,1594.] 

*  [See  iMimc  account  of  him 
in  WcmmI'k  Athen.  1.  713,  and 
in  8trTp<**H  Annaln,  IV.  102. 
taken  frtim  the  lennon  preached 
at  tlie  l>i<tto|i's  funenu  liy  l>r. 
King.  Fuller's  remarks  U|M»n 
hit  diaaolute  conduct  during 
hit  youth  teem  rather  eontra- 

dictory  to  what  ia  atated  by 
Dr.  King.  Indeed  oioat  of  tlicae 
anecd<itea  reapecCtagthebiahopa 
of  thin  reign  were  derired  from 
air  John  Ilarringtoo,  a  cour- 
tier and  a  wit,— a  writer  wboae 
crt^dit  in  very  doubCiuL] 

«  [Jone3.i5940 

*  [8tnr|w'a  AylniOT,  p.  ac] 


of  Britain, 


all  started,  admiring  what  use  be  meant  to  make  a.  n.  1593. 

thereof.     Then   shewed   he   them  their  folly,  that 

whereas  they  neglected  English,  whereby  they  might 
be  edified,  they  listened  to  Hebrew,  whereof  they 
understood  not  a  word.  He  was  a  stiff  and  stem 
champion  of  church  discipline,  on  which  account 
none  more  mocked  by  Martin  Mar-Prelate,  or  hated 
bv  nonconformists.  To  his  eldest  son  he  left  a 
plentiful  estate ;  and  his  second,  a  doctor  of  divinity, 
was  a  worthy  man  of  his  profession  ®. 

11.  But,  of  the  Uomanists,  two  principal  P^^'^'^J^wr^JiJ^ 
ended  their  lives  beyond  the  seas:  first,  William Reirinaid. 
Reginald,  aiia^  Rose,  bom  at  Pinho  in  Devonshire  p, 
bre<l  in  Winchester  School,  then  in  New  College  in 
Oxford.  Forsaking  his  country,  he  went  to  Rome, 
and  there  solemnly  abjured  the  protestant  religion ; 
and  thereuiK)n  was  |)ermitted  to  read  (a  favour  sel- 
dom or  never  bestowed  on  such  novices)  any  pro- 
testant books,  without  the  least  restriction,  presum- 
ing on  his  zeal  in  their  cause.  From  Rome  he 
removed  to  Rheims  in  France,  where  he  became 
professor  of  divinity  and  Hebrew,  in  the  English 
college ;  where,  saith  my  author  %  with  studying, 
writing,  and  preaching  against  the  protestants,  per- 
chance he  exhausted  himself  with  too  much  labour, 
and,  breaking  a  vein,  almost  lost  his  life  with  vomit- 

o  [Strype,  ib.  p.  134.] 
P  Pitx.  [in  Vita,  p.  790. 
Wood*  Ath.  1. 167.  He  was 
brother  of  the  celebrated  John 
Hai Holds,  of  Corpus  Christi 
(  ollege,  who  in  the  earlier  part 
of  his  life  was  as  xealous  a 
Komanist  as  his  brother  was  a 
pnjtestant ;  but  the  one  labour- 

ing to  convince  the  other,  thejr 
succeeded  so  eflTectually,  that 
each  changed  sides ;  XViUiam 
became  one  of  the  most  eminent 
and  laborious  of  the  nltra-Ro- 
mauints,  and  his  brother  Johndit- 
tinguinhed  himself  as  the  leader 
of  the  ultra-protestant  partj.] 
9  ibidem. 

902  The  Church  History  »ook  ix. 

A.D.  1594.  iug  of  blood.  Recovering  his  strength,  he  vowed  to 
spend  the  rest  of  his  life  in  writing  against  protest- 
ants;  and  death  at  Antweq)  seized  on  him,  the 
twenty-fourtli  of  August,  (the  fiftieth  year  of  his 
age,)  as  he  was  a  making  of  a  book  called  ^  Calvimo^ 
**  TurciJimus ;"  wliich  after*  by  his  dear  friend  Wil- 
liam  Gitlbrd  %  was  finished,  set  forth,  and  dedicated 
to  All>ert  duke  of  Austria. 
ThadMcii  12.  Willinm  Allen,  cinnmonly  calle<l  the  cardinal 
Allen.  of  England  %  followe<l  him  into  another  world,  bom 
of  honest  parents,  and  allied  to  noble  kindred  in 
Lancashire ;  brought  up  at  Oxford  in  Oriel  College, 
where  he  was  proctor  of  the  university  in  the  days 
of  queen  Mary,  and  afterwards  head  of  St.  Mary 
Hall,  and  canon  of  York;  but  on  the  change  of 
religion  he  de|)arted  the  land,  and  became  professor 
of  divinity  at  Douay  in  Flanders,  then  canon  of 
Cambray,  master  of  the  English  college  at  Kheima, 
made  cardinal  1587*  August  the  seventh,  by  pope 
Sixtus  Quintus;  the  king  of  Spain  bestowing  on 
him  an  abbey  in  the  kingdom  of  Naples  \  and 
nominating  him  to  be  archbishop  of  Mechlin ;  but 
death  arreste<l  him  to  )>ay  the  debt  to  nature, 
October  sixteenth ",  and  he  was  buried  in  the 
church  of  the  English  college  at  Rome.  This  is 
that  Allen  whom  we  have  so  often  mentioned,  eon- 
ceivetl  so  great  a  champion  for  their  cause,  that 
po|»e  Gregory  the  Thirteenth  said  to  his  cardinals, 
•*  Vetiite  fraire^  meu  astendam  robis  Atanmm  *  ;** 
which  the  author  thus  translates,  or  rather  com- 

'    [(^inoeraing    whoiii»   Mie         <  Canid.  EHs.  in  hoc 
Wood'H  Atbrn.  1.531.]  •  PiU.  in  Vita,  p.  793. 

•  [Wmid'ft  Ath.  J.  368]  >  WaUonVgti«Uibela,p.97. 




ments  on:  "Come,  my  brethren,  and  I  will  8bewA.i).i594. 

**  you  a  man,  in  Anglia  born,  to  whom  all  Europe '- 

**  may  give  place  for  his  high  prudence,  reverend 
**  countenance,  and  purport  of  goverimient."  His 
loss  was  much  lamented  by  the  catholics,  (not  with- 
out cause,)  wliose  ji^ravity  and  authority  ha<l  done 
many  good  oHices  in  composing  the  grudgings  which 
lx*gan  to  grow  betwixt  secular  priests  and  Jesuits ; 
which  private  heartburnings,  soon  after  his  death, 
blaze<l  out  in  the  prison  of  Wisbich  into  an  open 
scandal,  as  now  we  come  to  report  y. 

13.  Here  I  protest  (though  uncertain  how  far  toAiadmb. 
find  belief)  that  I  take  no  delight  in  relating  these  write  of 
discontents,   much    less    shall    my    |)en   widen    theJhi^JJI^ 

7  [Cardinal  Allen  was  much 
beloved  by  the  Kecular  priests. 
It  might  aliiHKst  be  said  that  he 
was  the  only  person  at  that 
time  who,  by  his  eminence  and 
character,  had  sufficient  au- 
thority to  control  the  Jesuits, 
tlien  bt*ginning  to  shew  some- 
what of  their  ambitious  spirit. 
Watson  describes  him,  in  his 
quaint  way,  as  "  a  man  in 
"  whose  very  countenance  was 
••  jKiurtrayed  <mt  a  map  of  po- 
"  litical  government  indeed, 
"  stained  with  a  sable  dye  of 
"  gravity,  sublimated  with  a 
*'  reverend  majesty  in  his  looks, 
yielding  favour  and  forcing 
fi*ar, — one  most  reverenced 
of  our  nation,  and  worthily 
reverenced  of  um,  one  or  two 
actions  excepted,  whereunto 
**  he  was  drawn  by  father  Par- 
**  sons'  exorbitant  courses  and 
impudency ;  yeji,  even  our 
common  aiiversaries  [the  pro- 
testants]   did   commend   his 












•  • 

•  t 

<  « 


mild  spirit  in  comparison  of 
Dr.  Saunders,  both  writing 
about  one  time,  but  with  a 
far  different  drift,  intent,  and 
manner  of  proceeding.  Ilia 
grace  never  liked  of  invad- 
ing, conversions  of  countries 
with  bloody  blades ;  and 
liowsoever  he  was  drawn  (as 
wearied  out  with  impostors, 
"  exprobrations,  and  expostn- 
"  lations  of  father  Parsons  and 
"  others)  to  some  odious  at- 
"  tempts  against  his  dread  so- 
'*  vereigo  and  dear  amntrj, 
**  both  which  he  with  no  less 
"  loialty  honoured  than  dearly 
*'  affected  in  bis  best  thoughts, 
"  vet  afterwards  he  retired 
"  himself  from  those  seditious 
"  courses,  rightly  condemning 
"  and  contemning  all  such  fac- 
*'  tious  dis|KMitions  in  his  very 
"heart."  Quodl.  p.91.  A  Lif^ 
of  Cardinal  Allen  was  written 
by  Fitaberbert.] 

f04  Tlic  Church  Uuiory  book  is. 

A. D.  1594. wound  betwixt   them;   for  though  I  approve  the 

-^ opinions  of  neither,  yet  am  I  80  much  friend  to  the 

persons  of  both  parties  as  not  to  make  much  to 
myself  of  their  discords  :  the  rather  because  no 
Christian  can  heartily  laugh  at  the  factions  of  his 
fiercest  enemies,  because  that  sight  at  the  same 
time  pincheth  him  with  the  sad  remembrance  that 
such  divisions  that  have  formerly,  do  at  the  present, 
or  may  hereafter,  be  found  amongst  those  of  his 
own  profession  ;  sucli  is  the  frailty  of  human  nature, 
in  what  side  soever.  However,  hereafter  let  not 
papists  without  cause  or  measure  vaunt  of  their 
unity,  seeing  their  pretended  ship  of  St.  Peter  is 
not  so  solidly  compacted  but  that  it  may  spring  a 
leak ;  nor  let  them  boast  so  confidently  of  their 
sufferings,  and  blame  our  severity  unto  them,  as  if 
enduring  such  hard  usage  in  their  imprisonment. 
Surely,  like  Joseph,  their  feet  tcere  not  hurt  in  the 
stocks^  the  iron  did  not  enter  into  their  soul* ;  neither, 
with  Jeremy,  were  they  cast  into  a  dirty  dungecm^ 
where  they  sunk  in  mire^:  nor,  with  Peter,  were 
they  bound  trith  two  chains  ^ ;  nor,  with  Paul  and 
Silas,  were  they  thrust  into  the  inner  yrison^  and 
made  fast  ^ ;  but  had,  in  their. durance,  liberty,  list, 
and  leisure  to  begin,  foment,  and  prosecute  thte 
violent  senilism  l>etwixt  tliemsc*lves. 

2**tr!hi  '*•  ^'"^''  ^'^'^  ^""^*  ^^^^  prime  catholics  in  Wiiu 
•''»»«*»•  bich  Castle  had  live<l  then^  in  n^straint,  wth  irreat 
Mcukra     unity  and  concord  ** ;  and  the  fmpists  do  brag  that 

And  Um 

*  Pftiilm  cr.  18.  '*  ter   fwlodM  loco  ininlaber- 

*  Jt*r.  KKXviii.  6.  "  rimo  ■itum  ftd  inclodeaikM 
^  Acu  xii.  6.  **  McerduUs  catlmlieos  dciliaft- 
c  Actji  xvi.  24.  "  tuin.  eptaoupo,  ablMilt,  mmL. 
<1  [**  WiUiycvtiM?  autntm  10-  '*  ti«|tie  iosigniwiais  aobilila. 


uf  Britain, 


then  and  there  the  English  church  was  most  visible,  a.  0.1^94. 

until  one  father  Weston  •,  alias  Edmonds,  a  Jesuit,  — 

coming  thither,  erected  a  government  amongst  them, 
making  certain  sanctions  and  orders,  which  all  were 
bound  to  observe ' ;  secretly  procuring  subjects  to 
himself^  and  claiming  a  8U]>eriority  over  all  the 
catholics  there ;  yet  so  cunningly  he  contrived  the 
matter,  that  he  seemed  not  ambitiously  to  affect, 
but  religiously  to  accept,  this  authority  proffered 
unto,  yea,  seemingly  forced  \x\Km  him;  for  one  of 
his  friends  ^iTites  to  father  Henry  Gramett,  provin- 
cial, then  living  in  England,  to  this  effect : 

**  Good  father  Weston,  in  the  humility  of  his 
^^  heart,  lies  on  his  bed,  like  the  man  sick  of  the 
*'  |)alsy,  in  the  gospel ;  nor  will  he  walk  confidently 
**  before  others  in  the  way  of  the  righteous,  except 
'^  first  he  be  let  do^n  through  the  tiles,  and  it  be 
^  said  unto  him  from  the  provincial,  Arise^  take  up 
"  thy  bed,  and  walk  ^^ 

Yet,  if  the  seculars  may  be  believed,  ho  did  not 
only  arise,  but  run,  before  that  word  of  command 
given  him  by  Gamett,  and  put  his  jurisdiction  in 
execution.  Ik'sides*  those  of  his  own  society,  many 
of  the  secular  priests  submitted  themselves  unto 
him,  seduced,  say  some^  by  the  seeming  sanctity 

"  turn  fiiit  inclusiH  coiifeMiori. 
"  huH.  quorum  multitudo,  pie- 
**  ta»,  eruditio,  industria,  con- 
**  cordia  ita  s«|M>refocillanit  ca- 
**  tholicfvs,  ita  pIurii^H  dcvicerat 
**  hirrt>ticoii  ut  ibidem  ecclenia 
"  Atif^Iicana  maxime  viiiibilis 
"  eelebriiique  haberetur.*'  De- 
clAratio  Motuum.  |).  1 1 .] 

'  [WikhI,  II.  175.3 

'  [See  Watson's  Quodl.  p.  a, 
«q.  Wood's  Ath.  II.  275.] 

^  [See  Declaratio  Motuum, 
&c.  p.  13,  of  which  these  words 
are  a  literal  translation.] 

^  Declaratio  Motuum,  &c. 
ad  Clem.  VIII.  ezhibita. p.  is. 
[The  following  it  ihm  full  title 


The  Church  HUtory 


AD.  1594.  of  the  Jesuits,  and  having  their  judgments  bribed  to 

that  side  by  unequal  i>ro[K)rtion8  of  money  received  ; 

besides  promising  themselves  that  in  case  the  land 
was  invaded,  by  the  activity  of  the  Jesuits  all  [tower 
and  preferment  would  be  at  their  dispo(«e«  and  so 
they  shouhl  be  sooner  and  higher  advanced. 

of  this  rare  and  curious  bcx>k  : 
''  Declaratio  Motuum  ac  tur- 
'*  bationum  que  ex  controver- 
**  siis  inter  Jesuitas  iisque  in 
"  omnibus  faventem  D.  Georg. 
'*  Blackwellum  Archipresbyte- 
"  rum  et  Sacerdotes  Semina- 
"  riorum  in  Anglia,  ab  obitu 
'*  Cardinalis  Alani  pic  memo- 
^  ric  ad  annum  usque  160 1. 
••  Ad  S.  D.  N.  Clementem  oc 
"  tivum  exhibita  ab  ipsis  Sa. 
"  cerdotibus  qui  schismatis 
"  aliorumque  criminum  sunt 
**  insimulati.  Rhotomagi  apud 
'*  Jacobum  Mol«um,  sub  signo 
*•  Phcenicis.  1601."  4to.  Ac- 
cording to  Pitts,  (p.  810,)  this 
book  was  written  by  John 
Hurst,  a  secular  priest;  but 
according  to  Wood,  (Ath.  II. 
390,)  bv  Christopher  Bagshaw, 
the  violent  opponent  of  fsther 
Parsons,  who  published  also 
another  work  of  a  similar  ar- 
gument, entitled  "  A  true  Re- 
"  lation  of  the  Faction  begun 
'•  at  Wisbich  by  Father  Kd- 
**  nionds,  alias  Weston,  a  Je- 
"  suit,  1595.  and  continued 
*'  aince  by  Father  Walley, 
'*  alias  Garnet,  the  Pnirincial 
'*  of  the  Ji*suits  in  Kngland, 
"  and  by  Father  Parsons  in 
"  Rome,  with  their  silherents, 
**  against  us  the  secular  Priests, 
"  their  brethren  and  fellow- 
*'  prisoners,  that  disliked  of 
"  noTehicSv    and    thovgbt    it 

"  dishonourable  to  the  ancient 
*'  Ecclesiastical  Discipline  of 
"  the  Catholic  Church  that 
"  secular  Priests  should  be 
"  governed  by  Jesuits.  lien- 
"lev:  imprinted  1601."  4to. 
Both  of  these  tracts  bear  in- 
ternal marks  of  having  been 
composed  by  the  same  person ; 
both  give  a  very  full  account 
of  the  dissendofis  between  the 
seculars  and  the  Jesuits ;  a  pas- 
sage in  English  history  hitherto 
rarely  touched  U|)on,  but  yet 
intimately  connected  with  some 
most  important  events  in  this 
and  the  subsequent  reign.  Be. 
sides  these  persons  already 
mentioned,  William  Watson,  a 
secular  priest,  (executed  in 
the  subsequent  reign  for  hu 
concern  in  the  plot  of  Ortj, 
Cobham,  and  ochers,)  took  a 
part  in  this  controversy,  and 
wrote  a  somewhat  voluminous 
work,  important  for  the  his- 
tory of  the  English  Roman 
Catholics,  called.  *'  A  I>eau 
*'  chordon  of  Ten  Quodlibetical 
"  Questions,  &c.,"  of  which 
some  further  account  will  be 
found  below.  He  was  like- 
wise the  author  of  an  aaooy. 
mous  pamphlet  cm  the  same 
subject,  entitled  *'  A  Dialogue 
'*  betwixt  a  secular  Prieat  and 
*'  a  lay  Gentleman  ooiicemiBg 
"  some  Points  objected  bj  tha 
ical     Pactloii     i^pdMl 


ftf  Britain. 


15.  But  the  greatest  number  and  learned  sort  ofA.D.1594. 



the  secular  priests  stoutly  resisted  his  8U])eriority, 
affirming  how  formerly  it  had  been  offered  to  Thomas  uiiTniiue 
Watson,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  (late  prisoner  amongst  ^^^ 
them,)  and  he  refused  it,  as  inconsistent  with  their*"^  '^^^' 
present  condition,  affliction  making  them  equals,  and 
a  prison  putting  a  [)arity  betwixt  them.  If  any  order 
might  pretend  to  this  priority,  it  was  most  proper 
for  the  Benedictines,  extant  in  England  above  a 
thousand  years  ago ;  that  the  Jesuits  were  punies ; 
and  if  all  orders  should  sit  down,  as  Jacob's  children 
at  the  table  of  Joseph,  the  eldest  accor4ing  to  his 
affej  and  the  youngest  according  to  his  i/outh\  the 
last  and  least  place  of  honour  was  due  unto  them ; 
that  the  secular  priests  had  borne  the  heat  of  the  dajf 
in  preaching  and  persecution,  some  of  them  having 
endured  above  twenty  years'  imprisonment  for  con- 
science sake,  (as  Mr.  Bluet  for  one  \)  before  some 
of  the  Jesuits  knew  what  durance  meant ;  that  Wes- 
ton was  not  eminent  for  learning,  religion,  or  any 
prime  quality,  save  only  the  affecting  that  place 
which  his  betters  had  declined;  that  it  was  mon- 
strous that  he,  being  a  Jesuit,  and  so  a  member  of 
another  society,  should  be  made  a  head  of  their 

"  Mich  aecular  PrieKtis  as  have 
"  iJiewed  their  dislike  of  Mr. 
"  Blackwell  and  the  JesuitH* 
"  Proceedings.  Printed  at 
'*  Kheine8,i6oi.*' 4to.  Father 
Pamons  defended  the  Jesuits ; 
and  a  list  of  his  writings  upon 
this  oecasion  is  given  by  Wood 
in  the  Life  of  Parsons,  Ath.  I. 
356.  But  the  fullest  account 
of  the  publications  on  both 
sides,  will  be  found  in   Bell's 

Anatomy  of  Popish  Tyranny, 
(4to,  1603J  in  the  "Caveat  to 
*'  the  Reader  ;"  in  which  co. 
pious  extracts  from  most  of 
the  pamphlets  will  be  found. 
See  also  a  pai>er  in  Strype'i 
Annals,  IV.  194,  sq.,  ana  a 
further  account  of  some  of 
these  books,  ib.  p.  318.^ 

i  Gen.  xxxiv.  33. 

^  Watson's  Quodlibets,  p.  4. 

f08  The  Church  HUtory  book  ix. 

A  D.I 594. body.     The  lay-catholics  were  much  ofTendcd  with 

— the  schism ;  some  withheld,  others  threatening  to 

withhold,  their  charity  from  both  parties,  conceiving 
it  the  ready  means,  when  maintenance  was  detained 
from  both  sides,  to  starve  them  into  agreement. 
WeMon  16.  One  mic^ht  admire  why  father  Weston  should 
but  as  a  80  earnestly  desire  so  silly  a  dominion,  having  his 
dboom  power  as  well  as  his  own  person  confined  within  the 
rf^thTSSl  ^*J^®  of  Wisbich  Castle,  (a  narrow  diocese,)  only 
Ur  priOTti.  jq  domineer  over  a  few  prisoners ;  the  gaoler,  yea, 
the  very  turnkey  being  bis  superior  to  control  him, 
if  offering  to  exceed  that  compass.  But  oh  the 
sweetness  of  supremacy,  though  in  never  so  small 
a  circuit !  It  pleased  his  pride  to  be  prior  of  a 
prison,  but  agent  was  the  title  wherewith  he  styled 
himself ;  indeed  the  English  Jesuits,  both  abroad  in 
England  and  beyond  the  seas,  made  use  of  Weston^s 
forwardness  to  try  the  temper  of  the  secular  priesta, 
and  to  make  this  bold  Jesuit  to  back  and  break  a 
skittish  colt  for  further  designs.  If  Weston  were 
unhorsed,  his  fall  would  be  little  lamented,  and  he 
might  thank  his  own  boldness  in  adventuring,  and 
the  ill  managing  of  his  place ;  if  he  sat  the  beast, 
and  it  proved  tame,  then  others  would  up  and  ride ; 
and  father  Gamett,  provincial  of  the  Jesuits,  intended 
in  like  manner  to  procure  from  the  pope  a  supe- 
riority over  all  the  secular  priests  in  England. 
Wisbich  prison  would  be  enlarged  all  over  the 
kingflom,  and  the  precedent  would  reach  far  in  the 
consequence  thennif;  which  increased  the  secular 
opposition  against  this  leading  case  of  jurisdiction. 
luaTtotk!      '''•  About  this  time  came  to  Wisbich  an  aged 

I  Declarmtio  Motuum,  &c.  p.  17. 

CBNT.  xvi.  of  Britain.  809 

priest,  who  had  given  great  testimony  of  the  ability  a.d.  1594. 
of  his  judgment  and  ardency  of  his  affections  to  the  -^ — --1 
catholic  cause,  being  the  general  collector  of  thetionofa 
charitable   contributions   unto   the   prisoners";   in^^^"*"' 
which  place  he  had  been  so  diligent  in  gathering,  "™P"*- 
secret  in  conveying,  faithful  in  delivering,  unpartial 
in  dispensing  such  sums  committed  unto  him,  that 
deservedly  he  had  purchased  reputation  to  himself; 
who,  as  he  had  been  a  benefactor  to  both  parties, 
so   now  he  was  made  an  arbitrator  betwixt  them, 
with  promise  of  both  sides  to  rest  satisfied  with  his 
decision.     He  condemneth  the  Jesuits  guilty  of  a 
scandalous  sejmration,  and  that  Weston  ought  to 
desist  from  his  superiority;  but  the  Jesuits  would 
not  stand  to  his  sentence,  confessing  their  separation 
scan<lalous,  but  only  per  accidens^  and  therefore  not 
to  be  left  off.     And  whereas  the  aforesaid  priest 
had  determined  that  that  separation  could  not  be 
continued    without    sin,   the  Jesuits,   in    derision, 
demanded  of  him  whether  he  meant  a  venial  sin  or 
a   mortal ;    and   so   the    whole   business    took    no 

18.   Some   months  after,  two   reverend   priests,  ^Tlff*" 
often  sent  for  by  both  sides,  were  by  joint  consent  >««•«  ft«» 
made  judges  in  this  cause,  who  resolved  that  Wea«cUi,  to 
ton*8  agency  should  be  abolished  as  the  original  ot\^ 
eviK  and  seminary  of  much  discord  ° ;  and  because 
Weston    refused    to    obey  their   order,   these   two 
priests   posted   up  to  London,  where  Garnet,   the 
Jesuits*  provincial,  did  lodge  ;  and  from  him,  with 
much  ado,  obtained  peremptory  letters  to  Weston, 
[presently  to  leave  oft*  his  pretended  superiority :  a 

m  [lb.  p.  16.]  »  [lb.  p.  18.] 


210  Th9  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.i).  1594.  message  wliich  went  to  the  proud  Jesuit's  heart, 
--'  - —  who  was  formerly  heard  to  say  that  **he  had  rather 
•*  throw  himself  headlong  from  the  eastle-wall,  than 
*•  desist  from  his  office  **."  But  now  there  was  no 
remedy,  but  he  must  obey,  desiring  only  he  might 
make  a  S[)eech  to  his  society,  exhorting  them  to 
uiitty  and  concord ;  and  in  the  midst  of  his  oration, 
as  if  he  would  have  surrendered  his  soul  and  place 
lioth  together,  he  fell  speechless  into  a  swoon  ',  and 
hanlly  recovered  again ;  so  mortal  a  wound  it  is  to 
a  proud  heart  to  part  with  authority.  Thus  ended 
Weston's  agency,  the  short  continuance  whereof  was 
the  best  commendation  of  his  command. 
The  19.  But  this  was  but  a  palliate  cure,  to  skin  the 

notwith-  sore  over  which  festeretl  within.  The  enmity  still 
oontinuM  Continued,  seculars  complaining  that  the  Jesuits 
^*^^^  traduced  them  to  lay  catholics,  as  cold  and  remiss 
in  the  cause,  only  dull  to  follow  beaten  paths,  not 
active  to  invent  more  compendious  ways  for  the 
advance  of  religion.  Tlie  Jesuits  also  boaste<l  much 
of  their  own  merit — how  their  order,  though  last 
starting,  had  with  its  speed  overtook  and  overrun 
all  before  them.  Indee<l  they  are  excellent  at  the 
art  of  self-praising,  not  directly,  but  by  certain  con- 
sequence ;  for  though  no  man  blazed  his  own  praise, 
(for  one  to  be  a  herald  to  commend  himself,  the 
same  on  the  same  is  false  blazon,  as  well  agaiast  the 
rules  of  mo<lesty  as  prudence,)  yet  every  one  did 
praise  his  |iartner,  laying  an  obligation  on  him  to 
do  the  like,  who  in  justice  must  do  as  much,  ami 
in  bounty  often  did  more,  gratefully  re|iaying  the 
commendations  lent  him  with   interest;   and  thuH 

^  lb.  p.  30.  f  Ibidmi. 


of  Britain. 


mutually  arching  up  one  another,  they  filled  the  ears  a.  d.  1595. 

of  all  ]>aj)i8t8  with  loud  relations  of  the  transcendent  -^ — 

industry,  piety,  learning  of  the  men  of  their  society, 
to  the  manifest  derogation  of  all  other  orders.  But 
more  of  these  discords  in  the  year  following. 

20.  About  this  time  throughout  England  began  Tbe  strict 
the  more  solemn  and  strict  observation  of  the  Lord's  the^MmOi 
dayH,   (hereafter,   both    in    writing   and    preaching,  JTJJJ]^ 
commonly  called  the  Sabbath,)  occasioned  by  a  book 
this  year  set  forth  by  one  Nicholas  Bound,  doctor  of 
divinity,  (and  enlarged  with  additions  anno  I6O6,) 
wherein  these  following  opinions  are  maintained "" : 

«l  [Burnet,  II.  59.] 
''  [The  first  edition  of  tliis 
IkkiIc,  which  is  exceed iiif^ly 
rare,  (for  reas4)iis  which  will 
\ie  seen  afterwards,)  was  pub- 
lished at  London  in  1595.  with 
the  following  title  :  "  i  he  Doc- 
•'  trine  of  the  Sabbath  plainly 
"  laid  forth,  and  soundly  proved 
**  bv  testimonies  both  of  holy 
"  Scripture,  and  also  of  old 
•*  and  new  Kcclesiasticnl  Writ- 
••  er»  ;  declaring,  first,  from 
what  things  God  would  have 
us  straightly  to  rest  upon  the 
Lord's  Day,  and  then  by 
what  means  we  ought  pub- 
licly  and  privately  to  sanctify 
"  the  same  :  together  with  the 
'*  sundry  Abuses  of  our  time 
''in  lM>th  these  kinds,  and  how 
*•  they  ought  to  be  reformed. 
**  Divided  into  two  books,  by 
*'  Nicholas  Bownde,  Doctor  of 
*•  Divinity."  This  edition  was 
dedicated  (from  Norton  in 
Suffolk)  to  Robert  the  unfor- 
tunate earl  of  Essex.  In  the 
second  edition,  which  was  pul>- 
lisbed   in  1606,  the   title  was 


•  4 



altered ;  many  material  changes 
were  introduced,  and  it  was 
also  considerably  enlarged.  The 
dedication  to  the  earl  of  Es- 
sex, and  the  address  to  the 
"  (iodly  and  Christian  reader," 
were  suppressed  ;  and  the  first 
l>ook  was  now  dedicated  "  To 
"  the  Right  Reverend  Father 
'*  in  God,  and  Right  Honour- 
"  able  Lord  Doctor  John  Je- 
"  gon.  Lord  Bishop  of  Nor- 
•*  wich  ;**  the  second  Ixiok  "To 
"  Humphrey  Tyndall,  D.  D.. 
'*  Dean  of  Ely,  and  Master  of 
*'  Queen's  College  in  Cam- 
•'  bridge." 

In  some  things,  perhaps,  the 
writer  may  have  carried  his 
notions  too  far  ;  but  his  book 
in  general  is  UTitten  in  a  truly 
Christian  spirit,  and  ought  bj 
no  means  to  be  considered  aa 
the  fruit  of  puritan  principlea. 
For  proof,  thc^se  extracts  may 
suffice.  Speaking  of  his  work, 
he  saysv  '*  All  this  I  most  wil- 
**  lingly  subject  unto  the  judi- 
**  cious  and  learni*d  censures  of 
*'  the  niottt  reverend  fathers  and 

P  S 


Tk€  Church  History 


A.  D.  1595.     i.  That  the  eomniandnient  of  sanctifying  every 

seventh  day,  as  in  the  Mosaical  Decalogue,  is  morel 

and  ]>erpetual  •. 

ii.  Tliat  whereas  all  other  things  in  the  Jewish 
church  were  taken  away,  (priesthood,  sacrifices,  and 
sacrements,)  this  sabbath  was  so  changed  that  it 
still  remaineth  ^. 

iii.  That  there  is  a  great  reason  why  we  Chris- 
tians should  take  ourselves  as  straitly  bound  to  rest 
upon  the  Lord's  day,  as  the  Jews  were  upon  their 
sabbath ;  for,  seeing  it  is  one  of  the  moral  com- 
mandments, it  bindeth  us  as  well  as  them,  for  they 
are  all  of  equal  authority  »*. 

iv.  The  rest  upon  this  day  must  be  a  notable 
and  singular  rest,  a  most  careful,  exact,  and  pre- 

"  grmre  divines  €ii  the  church 
**  in  these  united  kingdoms 
'*  under  the  name  of  Great 
*'  Britain ;  and  more  particu- 
**  krljT  the  former  book  unto 
*'  your  lordship's  pen,  whom 
"  now  the  Lord  hath  made 
**  overseer  and  jndge  tA  all  the 
**  learning  and  manners  of  the 
"  miniiiters  in  Suffolk  and 
*'  Norfulk  ;  and  therefore  who 
**  not  only  is  able  sufficiently 
**  to  decide  all  controversies 
"  here  handled,  but  also  to 
'*  whom,  by  a  certain  peculiar 
"  right,  it  belongeth  to  censure 
*'  whatsoever  is  here  uttered.*' 
ELM*wbere  he  observes,  "If 
*'  any  thing  shall  soem  new 
"  and  straniFe,  and  therefore 
*'  justly  to  be  suspected,  (as 
"  all  novelties  for  the  most 
''  port  are,)  I  do  desire  that 
**  they  may  be  measured  not 
«*  by  the  crooked  rule  of  the 

'*  common  practioe  of  the 
"  world,  by  which  many  old 
"  things  will  seem  new,  but 
«' altogether  by  the  straight 
"  line  of  God's  wofd,  whidi 
"  only  can  give  us  the  full 
"  measure  of  every  thing ; 
"  from  whence,  if  the  same 
**  thing  shall  be  found  to  have 
"  authority  and  antiouity,  I 
"  hope  upon  better  advertise. 
"  ments  they  will  be  note 
"  reverenced  and  embraced." 
See  also  Isaac  Walton's  re- 
marks upon  him  in  his  Life  of 
Hooker,  where  he  states  that 
Dr.  Bound  was  desired  by 
archbishop  Whitgift  to  aeoept 
the  mastership  of  the  Tenpb. 
p.  38.] 

•  [EpistDed.] 

t  Dr.  Bound's  book  of  tW 
Sabbath,  p.  91. 

«>  lb.  p.  247. 

CENT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  213 

ciso  rest,   after    another    manner    than    men    are  ad.  1595. 
accustomed  \  — — HL. 

V.  Scholars  on  that  day  not  to  study  the  liberal 
arts,  nor  lawyers  to  consult  the  case  nor  peruse 
men's  evidences  y. 

vi.  Sergeants,  apparitors,  and  sumners  to  be  re- 
strained from  executing  their  offices  ■. 

vii.  Justices  not  to  examine  causes  for  the  con- 
servation of  the  peace  •. 

viii.  That  ringing  of  more  bells  than  one  that  day 
is  not  to  be  justified  ^ 

ix.  No  solemn  feasts  nor  wedding  dinners  to  be 
made  on  that  day,  with  permission,  notwithstanding, 
of  the  same  to  ^  lords,  knights,  and  gentlemen  ^  of 

«  P.  124.         y  P.  163.  "  might  be  present  at  the  tcr- 

«  P.164.         •  P.166.  "  vice  of  God  from  the  begin- 

^  P.  202.      [After    stating  *'  ning  to  the  ending,  and,  as 

that   for   the   congregation  to  *'  it  is  rightly  called, '  Common 

meet  at  one  time  some  notice  '*  Prayer'<~— this  end  maketh 

must  be  given,  and  as  the  trum-  *'  the   labour   acceptable  unto 

pets  and  horns  of  the  priests  "  God."     This  latter   passage 

and  Jjevites  were  ordained  un-  particularly  alludes  to  a  custom 

der  the  law,  so  the  ringing  of  mtroduoed  by  the  puritans  at 

bells  is  of  use  among  us,  he  this  time.     Not  content  with 

proceeds  :  *'  Therefore,  though  writingandspeaking  against  the 

"  I  do  not  see  how  the  common  Common  Prayer  Book,  such  of 

"  jangling  of  bells  that  is  used  them  as  had  livings  were  wont  to 

**  in  too  many  places,  and  the  hire  a  rude  and  ignorant  substi- 

'*  disordered  ringing  at  other  tute  (the  ruder  the  better)  to 

"  times  of  the  sabbath,  and  for  read  the  pravers,  themselves  not 

''  other  ends,  should  be  a  work  attending  till  the  time  of  the 

**  of  the  sabbath,  and  how  it  sermon.      This   practice   soon 

"  can    then   be    justified,   for  spread  among  the  people,  and 

**  which  the  late  ecclesiastical  was  attended  with  in  finite  injury 

'*  canons  of  our  church  have  to  the  cause  o£  practical  piety.] 

••  taken  order,   (Can.  88) c  P.  21J. 

*'  yet  the  ringing  of  one  bell,  ^  [This  arose  fmm  a  mistake, 

**  according  to  the  custom  of  as  it  appears  to  me,  of  the  au- 

'*  the  place  at  one  time,  and  thor's  meaning '* concerning  the 

"the  same  or  some  other  at  "  feasta  of  noblemen,  or  their 

"  another  time— that  so  all  "  ordinary  diet  upon  this  dmy« 


The  Church  Hixtory 


A.D.  1 50f.  quality ;  which  some  conceive  not  so  fair  dealing 
-I with  him  •. 

X.  All  honest  recreations  and  pleasures,  lawfiil  on 
other  days,  (as  shooting,  fencing,  bowling,)  on  this 
day  to  be  forborne  K 

xi.  No  man  to  speak  or  talk  of  pleasures,  or  any 
other  worldly  matter  ». 

It  is  almost  incredible  how  taking  this  doctrine 
was,  partly  because  of  its  own  purity,  and  partly  for 
the  eminent  piety  of  such  persons  as  maintained  it ; 
so  that  the  Lord's  day,  especially  in  corporations, 
began  to  be  precisely  kept,  people  becoming  a  law 
to  themselves,  forbearing  such  sports  as  yet  by 
statute  permitted — yea,  many  rejoicing  at  their  own 
restraint  herein.  On  this  day  the  stoutest  fencer 
laid  down  the  buckler,  the  most  skilful  archer  un* 
bent  his  bow,  counting  all  shooting  besides  the 
mark ;  May-games  and  Morish-dances  grew  out  of 
request ;    and   good    reason   that    bells    should  be 

"  which  in  comparison  may  be 
"  called  fcaAU  ;"  in  npeaking  of 
which  he  alludeii  to  the  prac- 
tice of  noblemen  of  keeping  an 
open  table,  and  the  provisions 
neceiHiary  for  the  large  house- 
holds niaintainetl  by  the  nobi- 
litT  of  those  times  This  is 
endent  from  what  further  fol- 
lows ;  for,  after  commending  the 
custom  of  some  of  the  foreign 
reformed  churches  of  baring 
two  or  mon*  public  assemblies 
in  the  forenoon,  and  as  man?  in 


the  afterniMm,  and  advising  the 
nobility  of  this  kingdom  to 
divide  the  duties  of  their  ser- 
rants,  that  all  nuij  have  an 
opportunity  of  attending   the 

churches,  he  thus  proceeds: 
*'  And  this  I  can  say  by  ezpe- 
**  rience  of  some  who  for  tiieir 
"  religion  have  borne  credit  in 
"  the  church,  and  for  their 
'*  authority  have  ouried  soom 
'*  countenance  in  the  common- 
*'  wealth,  that  on  the  Lard's 

day  they  have  had  their  tahlea 
'  both   Christianly   and   wor- 

shipfuUy  fumished,  witbont 

any  hindrance  of  the  worahtp 
'*  of  God  at  all,  noCwithatanJ- 
"  ing  the  number  of  their  daily 
'*  retinue  and  ordinary  family 
"  hath  been  great."  p.  an.]] 

'  Pp.  2o6---ao9. 

'  P.ioa. 

t  Pp.a;*— a74. 




CKNT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  S15 

silenced  from  jingling  about  men's  legs,  if  their  very  ad.  1595, 

ringing  in  steeples  were  adjudged  unlawful.     Some-^ 1- 

of  them  were  ashamed  of  their  former  pleasures, 
like  children  which,  grown  bigger,  blushing  them- 
selves out  of  their  rattles  and  whistles*;  others 
forbear  them  for  fear  of  their  superiors;  and  many 
left  them  off  out  of  a  politic  compliance,  lest  other- 
wise they  should  be  accounted  licentious. 

21.  Yet  learned  men  were  much  divided  in  their 
judgments  about  these  Sabbatarian  doctrines:  some 
embraced  them  as  ancient  truths,  consonant  to  scrip- 
ture, long  disused  and  neglected,  now  seasonably 
revived  for  the  increase  of  juety ;  others  conceived 
them  grounded  on  a  wrong  bottom,  but  because 
they  tended  to  the  manifest  advance  of  religion  it 
was  i>ity  to  oppose  them,  seeing  none  have  just 
reason  to  complain,  being  deceived  into  their  own 
good  ;  but  a  third  sort  flatly  fell  out  with  these 
prosit  ions,  as  galling  men's  necks  with  a  Jewish 
yoke,  against  the  liberty  of  Christians ;  that  Christ, 
lis  lord  of  the  sabbath,  had  removed  the  rigour 
thereof,  and  allowed  men  law*ful  recreations;  that 
this  doctrine  put  an  unequal  lustre  on  the  Sunday, 
on  w»t  pur|K)se  to  eclipse  all  other  holy  days,  to  the 
derogation  of  the  authority  of  the  church ;  that  this 
strict  ol>8ervance  was  set  up  out  of  faction,  to  l)e  a 
character  of  difference,  to  brand  all  for  libertines  I 
who  did  not  entertain  it. 

22.  However,  for  some   years  together  in  thisThooM 
controversy   Dr.  Bound  alone  carried   the   garland  fm^pnb. 
away,  none  ottering  ojienly  to  o[)[)ose,  and  not  soJj^^j'JJf^ 
much  as  a  feather  of  a  quill  in  print  did  wag  against  '**?J^ 
him  ;   vea,  as  he  in  his  second  edition  obsiTvetb, 

that  many  both  in  their  preachings,  writings,  and 


216  Th4  Church  Hiitory  book  ix. 

A«D.  1595.  disputations  did  concur  with  him  in  that  argument ; 

— — ^—  and  three  several  profitable  treatises  (one  made  bj 
Mr.  Grecnham)  were  within  few  years  successively 
written  by  three  godly,  learned  ministers^.  But 
the  first  that  gave  a  check  to  the  full  speed  of  this 
doctrine  was  Tliomas  Rogers,  of  Hominger  in  Suf- 
folk, in  his  preface  to  the  Book  of  Articles.  And 
now,  because  our  present  age  begins  to  dawn,  and 
we  come  within  the  view  of  that  truth  whose  foot- 
steps heretofore  wo  only  followed  at  distance,  I  will 
interpose  nothing  of  my  own,  but  of  an  historian 
only  turn  a  notary,  for  the  behoof  of  the  reader, 
faithfully  transcribing  such  passages  as  we  meet  with 
in  order  of  time  : 

^  Notwithstanding,  what  the  brethren  wanted  in 
"*  strength  and  learning,  they  had  in  vriliness ;  and 
^  though  they  lost  much  one  way,  in  the  general 
and  main  point  of  their  di8ci])line,  yet  recovered 
they  not  a  little  advantage  another  way,  by  an  odd 
and  new  device  of  theirs  in  a  special  article  of 
their  classical  instructions';  for  while  these  [the 
**  reformers]  worthies  of  our  church  were  employing 
^  their  engines  and  forces,  partly  in  defending  the 
**  present  goveniment  ecclesiastical,  jiartly  in  assault- 
**  ing  the  presbytery  and  new  discipline,  even  at  that 
<*  very  instant  the  brethren,  (knowing  themselves 
^  too  weak  either  to  overthrow  our  holds,  and  that 
^  which  we  hold,  or  to  maintain  their  own,)  they 
'*  abandoned  quite  the  bulwarks  which  they  had 
**  raiscnl,  and  gave  out  were  impregnable,  suffering 
^  us  to  beat  them  down  without  any  or  very  small 

^  Dr.  Bound,  in  kit  Preface         ^    Rog«n's    Vrthce  to   the 
to  the  Reader,  second  edition.      Articles,  f .  ao. 


CEUT.  XVI.  <}f  Britain.  217 


resistance;  and  yet,  not  careless  of  their  affairs, a. D.  1595. 

"  left  not  the  wars  for  all  that,  but  from  an  odd  -^ 

**  comer  and  after  a  new  fashion  which  we  little 
"  thought  of,  (such  was  their  cunning,)  set  upon  us 
"  afresh  again,  by  dispersing  in  printed  books  (which 
**  for  ten  years'  space  before  they  had  been  in  ham- 
**  mering  among  themselves  to  make  them  complete) 
"  their  sabbath  speculations  and  presbyterian  (that 
**  is,  more  than  either  kingly  or  popely)  directions 
"  for  the  observation  of  the  Lord's  day." 

And  in  the  next  page  he  proceedeth,  "  ^  It  is  a 
**  comfort  unto  my  soul,  and  will  be  till  my  dying 
"  hour,  that  I  have  been  the  man  and  the  means 
^'  that  the  Sabbatarian  errors  and  impieties  are 
"  brought  into  light  and  knowledge  of  the  state ; 
**  whereby,  whatsoever  else,  sure  T  am  this  good 
^  hath  ensued,  namely,  that  the  said  books  of  the 
**  sabbath,  comprehending  the  above-mentioned,  and 
"  many  moe  such  fearful  and  heretical  assertions, 
"  hath  been  both  called  in  and  forbidden  any  more 
**  to  be  printed  and  made  common.  Your  grace*8 
"  predecessor,  archbishop  Whitgift,  by  his  letters  and 
'*  officers  at  synods  and  visitations,  anno  1599*  did 

the  one;  and  sir  John  Po]>ham,  lord  chief  justice 

of  England,  at  Bury  8t.  Edmund's  in  Suffolk,  anno 
"1600,  did  the  other*." 

Dut^  though  both  minister  and  magistrate  jointly 
endeavoured  to  suppress  Bound's  book,  with  the 
doctrine  therein  contained,  yet  all  their  care  did 

k  Idem,  §.23.  their  own  purposes  ;  but  their 

1   [Tlie  Rabbatarinn  doctrine     absurditieM    ouglit   not   to    be 

was  carried   to  extremes,  and     charged     U]K)n     Dr.     Ilounds 



abused  by  tlie  puritans  to  serve     book.] 

S18  Th€  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.D.  1505- but  for  the  present  make  the  Sunday  set  in  a  cloud, 
-^ — —  to  arise  soon  after  in  more  brightness.  As  for  the 
archbishop,  his  kno\iii  opposition  to  the  proceeding9 
of  the  brethren  rendered  his  actions  more  odious, 
as  if  out  of  envy  he  had  caused  such  a  pearl  to 
be  concealed.  As  for  judge  Popham,  though  some 
conceived  it  most  proper  for  his  place  to  punish 
felonious  doctrines,  (which  robbed  the  queen's  sub- 
jects of  their  Ia\«*ful  liberty,)  and  to  behold  them 
brandcil  with  a  mark  of  infamy,  yet  others  accounted 
him  no  com])etent  judge  in  this  controversy ;  and 
though  he  had  a  dead  hand  against  offenders,  yet 
these  Sabbatarian  doctrines,  though  condemned  by 
him,  took  the  privilege  to  pardon  themselves,  and 
were  published  more  generally  than  before.  The 
price  of  the  doctor's  book  began  to  be  doubled,  as 
commonly  books  are  then  most  called  on,  when 
called  in,  and  many  who  hear  not  of  them  when 
printe<l  inquire  after  them  when  prohibited ;  and 
though  the  book's  wings  were  clippe<l  from  flying 
abroad  in  print,  it  ran  the  faster  from  friend  to 
friend  in  transcribed  copies;  and  the  Lord's  day, 
in  most  places,  was  incmt  strictly  observed.  The 
more  liberty  iH?ople  were  offered,  the  less  they  used 
it,  refusing  to  take  the  freedom  authority  tendered 
them ;  for  the  vulgar  sort  have  the  actions  of  their 
sujx'riors  in  constant  jealousy,  suspecting  each  gate 
of  their  o|H»ning  to  Ik»  a  trap,  every  hole  of  their 
digging  to  be  a  mine,  wherein  some  secret  train  is 
covertly  conveyinl,  to  the  blowing  up  of  the  subject*8 
lilK*rtv,  which  niadt*  them  almost  afraid  of  the  recre- 
ations  of  the  I^>nrs  day  allowed  them ;  and  seeing 
it  is  the  gn*atest  pleasure  to  the  mind  of  man  to  do 
what  he  }>lea8eth,  it  was  8|)ort  for  them  to  reftmin 

CEKT.  XVI.  of  Britain.  219 

from  sports,  wbilgt  the  forbearance  was  in  them-A.D.  ijfs. 
selves  voluntary,  arbitrary,  and  elective — not  im- — 

posed  upon  them.  Yea,  six  years  after.  Bound's 
book  came  forth  with  enlargements,  publicly  sold ; 
and  scarce  anv  comment,  catechism,  or  controversv 
was  set  forth  by  the  stricter  divines,  wherein  this 
doctrine  (the  diamond  in  this  ring)  was  not  largely 
pressed  and  proved ;  so  that,  as  one  saitb,  "  the 
**  sabbath  itself  had  no  rest ;''  for  now  all  strange 
and  unkno\^'n  writers,  without  further  examination, 
passed  for  friends  and  favourites  of  the  presbyterian 
party,  who  could  give  the  word,  and  had  any  thing 
in  their  treatise  tending  to  the  strict  observation  of 
the  Lord's  day.  But  more  hereof  (God  willing)  in 
the  fifteenth  year  of  king  James. 

23.  Now  also  l)egan  some  opinions  about  predes-  The  Ani- 
tination,  free-will,  perseverance,  &c.,  much  to  trouble  LMnbeUi. 
lx»th  the  schools  and  i)ulpit ;  whereupon  archbishop 
Whitgift,  out  of  his  Christian  care  to  propagate  the 
truth  and  suppress  the  opposite  errors,  caused  a 
solemn  meeting  of  msmy  grave  and  learned  divines 
at  IjamlK'th,  where,  l)e8ides  the  archbishop,  Richard 
Bancroft  "",  bishop  of  London,  Ilichard  Vaughan, 
bishop  ek^t  of  Bangor,  Humphrey  Tindal,  dean  of 
Ely,  Dr.  W'hittaker,  queen's  professor  in  Cambridge, 
and  others,  were  assembled.  These,  after  a  serious 
debate  and  mature  delil>eration,  resolved  at  last  on 
the  now  following  Articlt*s  "  : 

"B  [Hichar;!  Fh*tcher,  Kays  Ilistoriciim,  p.  165.  IIiHtory  tif 
Ileylyn  more  correctly  ;  for  the  Quinquarticular  Contro- 
Ilancroft  whm  not  made  bishop  versy,  in  his  collection  of 
of  London  till  1597.  See  some  tracts;  and  in  Keble's  Intro- 
further  remarks  on  this  subject  ductinn  to  Hooker.] 
in  Ilevlvn's  History  of  the  "  [Assbeton's  Lifp  of  Whit* 
Presbyterians,  p.  340.  Examen  taker»  p.  43.] 


The  Church  History 


A.  D.  1595.      1.  Dcu8  ab  flptcrno  pne- 
3^  *^'*'    destiDavit  quosdam  ad  vitam : 
quosdam  reprobavit  ad  mor- 

2.  Causa  movcns  aut  cffi- 
cieDs  priedestinationis  ad  vi- 
tam non  est  pnevisio  iidei, 
aut  pereeverantio?,  aut  bono- 
rum  operum,  aut  ullius  rei 
quae  insit  in  personis  pnede»- 
tioatis,  sed  sola  voluDtas  be- 
neplaciti  Dei. 

8.  Prfedestinatorum  pne- 
finitus  ct  certus  est  numerus, 
qui  nee  augcri  nee  minui 

4.  Qui  non  sunt  prtedesti- 
nati  ad  salutem,  necessario 
propter  peccata  sua  damna- 

5.  Vera,  viva  et  justificans 
fides,  et  Spiritus  Dei  justifi- 
cantis,  non  extinguitur,  nop 
excidit,  non  evanescit  in  elec- 
tis  ^,  aut  finaliter,  aut  totali- 

6.  Homo  vere  fidelis  id 
est,  fide  justificantepneditus, 
certus  est  plerophorta  fidei 
de  remissione  peccatorum 
suorum,  et  salute  HMnpitema 
sua  per  Christum. 

1.  God  from  eternity  hath 
predestinated  certain  men 
unto  life;  certain  men  be 
hath  reprobated. 

2.  The  moving  or  efRcient 
cause  of  predestination  unto 
life,  is  not  the  forcsght  of 
faith,  or  of  perseverance,  or 
of  good  works,  or  of  any 
thing  that  is  in  the  penon 
predestinated,  but  only  the 
good-will  and  pleaMire  of 

S.  There  is  predetermined 
a  certain  number  of  the  pre- 
destinate, which  can  neither 
be  augmented  or  diminished. 

4.  Those  who  are  not  pre- 
destinated to  salvatioo  shall 
be  necessarily  damned  for 
th^r  sins. 

5.  A  true,  living,  and  jii»- 
tifying  faith,  and  the  Spirit 
of  God  justifying,  is  not  ex- 
tinguished, falletb  Dol  away ; 
it  vanisheth  not  away  in  the 
elect,  either  finally  or  to- 

6.  A  man  truly  iaithfuL 
that  is,  such  an  one  who 
is  endued  with  a  junifyiDg 
faith,  is  certain,  with  the  full 
assurance  of  faith,  of  the  re- 
mission of  bis  siiit,  and  of 
his  everlasting  salvatioo  by 

o  [  AU.  "  Iff  iii  9«t  tcmri  ejmt  ^rikipe*  fmtmmi**\ 


of  Britain. 


7.  Gratia  saliitaris  P,  non 
tribuitur,  non  comniunicatur, 
non  conccditur  univcrsis  ho- 
minibus,  qua  scrvari  }X)ssinty 
si  vclint. 

8.  Nemo  |X)test  venire  ad 
Christum,  nisi  datum  ei  fuc- 
rit,  ct  nisi  Pater  eum  traxe- 
rit,  ct  omnes  homines  non 
trahuntur  a  Patre  ut  veniant 
ad  Filium. 

9-  Non  est  positum  in  ar- 
bitrio  aut  jxjtcstate  unius- 
ciiju8(|uc  hominis  servari. 

7.  Saving    grace   is    not  A.  0.1^95. 

given,  is  not  granted ,  is  not  _i 

communicated  to  all  men,  by 

which  they  may  be  saved  if 
they  will. 

8.  No  man  can  come  unto 
Christ  unless  it  shall  be  given 
unto  him,  and  unless  the 
Father  shall  draw  him ;  and 
all  men  are  not  drawn  by  the 
Father,  that  they  may  come 
to  the  Son. 

9.  It  is  not  in  the  will  or 
|X)wer  of  every  one  to  be 
saved  ^. 

P  [Al«.  ••  sufficient  ad  sain- 

*<  [A  hiHtory  of  these  Arti- 
cles, with  the  jiidimieiit  of 
hinhop  Overall  and  bmhop  An- 
drews thereon,  was  published 
from  an  early  MS.,  (which,  as  I 
huspect,  \*'as  written  by  bisliop 
Co«iins,)  and  inserted  in  an  Ap- 
pendix to  an  edition  of  the 
XXXIX.  Articles  hy  Dr.  Ellis; 
reprinted  by  Ran.  Ford  in 
1720.  According  to  this  paper. 
Dr.  WvLTo  was  first  sturtleii  hy 


the  iiaradoxes  which  Whittuker 
helcl ;  the  former  a.«(serting  that 
just ijj^ing  faith  and  firace  might 
sumetimcs  bv  lost,  which  Whit- 
Uiker  denied  ;  and  with  ref^rd 
to  the  cjUt^Ktion  of  the  assurance 
of  MtlvatioH  in  the  regenerate, 
Whittaker  holding  an  absotute 
certainty  of  belief,  Baro  an 
uhMi ranee  of  hope  only.  The 
Mime  writer  oIho  statics  that 
th«*M!  Articles  were  first  drawn 
up  hy  Whittaker,  in  a  more 
stringent  form,  hut  afterwards 

modified  at  the  conference  ; 
that  they  were  passed,  chiefly 
in  the  absence  of  their  most 
strenuous  opposers,  and  with 
the  reluctant  concurrence  of 
the  archbishop,  who,  vexed 
with  the  ceaseless  diK<|uiet  of 
the  church,  was  greatly  desir- 
ous of  putting  an  end  to  the 
strife  which  seemed  to  threaten 
it  with  a  new  convulsion. 

When  the  queen  heard  of 
the  matter,  of  which  she  was 
informed  hy  Burleigh,  the  chan- 
cellor of  the  university,  she 
imme<liately  sent  for  the  arch- 
bishop, and  with  much  of  her 
characteristic  and  laconic  stvle 
addressed  him  in  these  worot : 
"  I  hear,  my  lord  archbishop,** 
Khe  said,  "  that  you  are  coUecU 
"  ing  a  treasure,  and  intend  to 
'*  make  me  rich."  Tlie  arch- 
bishop, not  understanding  the 
jest,  replieil,  "That  indited  he 
"  was  not  very  rich,  and  pos- 
'*  sessed  no  great  pro|ierty,  hot 
"  that  such  as  he  had  was  at 


The  Church  iri^tory 


A.  I).  1595.     Matthew  Ilutton,  the  right  reverend  archbishop 
-: — 1!^  of  Vork,  did  also  fully  and  fnn^ly  in  his  judgment 

concur  witli   these   divines,  as  may  a)i[)ear  by  his 

letter,  here  inserted : 



^'  Accepi  jam  ])ridem  Hteras  tuas  (reverendimme 
^  pnesul)  veteris  illius  benevolentia%  et  amoris  erp;a 
'*  me  tui  plenas,  in  quilnis  efflaf^^tas  optnioncm  meam 
^  de  Articulis  quibusdam  nu|KT  Cantabrigio!  agitati.s 
^  non  sine  aliqua  piorum  ofTeiisione,  (|ui  graviti'r, 
*^  molesteque  ferunt  matrem  academiam,  jam  multi- 
^^  tu<line  libi^rorum  et  quidem  doctissimorum  floren- 
^  tem,  ea  dissentione  filiorum  nonnihil  contristatam 
esse.  SihI  fiiTi  non  potest,  quin  veniant  ofTendi- 
cula,  ncMpie  desinet  iniinicus  homo  inter  triticum 
^^  zizania  seminure,  donee  eum  Domiims  sub  \m^\\^ 
••  bus  contriverit.  Ix*gi  Articulos  et  relegi,  et  dum 
^  {Mirarem  alitpiid  de  singulis  dicere,  visum  est  mihi 
**'  multo  ]>otius  de  ipsa  electione  et  reprobatiooe« 
"  (unde  ilia  disst»ntio  orta  t*sse  videtur,)  meam  sen- 
tentiam  et  opinionem  |iaucis  verbis  explicare«  quam 
singulis  sigillatim  respondens  fratrum  fursitan  qu«»- 
nmdam  aninias,  ((pios  in  veritate  diligi^)  exacer- 
**  bare.    Meniinisse  |N)tes  (omatissime  antist4*s)  cum 




••  her  inaj»»«ty*H  jiervice."  '*  Ah ! 
••  my  lord/*  »Im»  n*plifil,  '•  y»u 
**  iiiiogiiie  tliiit  yoii  are  \cry 
*'  ohlij^in^  in  mukiii^  tliis  otfi*r; 
•'  but  what  you  |»roff!«ii  t«  ro- 
**  ftign*  ii<»  a  iiiaiUT  <if  civility, 
'*  I  claim  an  a  iiiatt«*r  of  rij^lit 
*'  by  the  laws  of  tho  laml.  My 
**  l<»nl  archbifilio|».  y«Mi  haw  in. 
••  currt*d  Uic  puiJl  of  pramm^ 
••  uirr."  Tbt»  arch  I  »i  shop,  utit 
a  little  AtiU-tliMl.  thfu  Ui(ati  to 
r&pLAin  to  the  c|uc«}a  that  the 

fnimen  of  the  Articlet  hod  ii4» 
intenticm  to  |pre  them  any 
iiulilic  authority ;  timt  they  bod 
Ihhmi  drawu  up  merely  as  artU 
c\v%  of  peace.  But  some  cuur- 
ticfH  Htaudiii);  by  accuii4*d  tb« 
art' h bishop  with  the  fact  of 
having  sent  them  to  Canbridce 
with  au  oriicial  charoctrr.  In 
the  end  the  archbishop,  seeinft 
how  the  matter  was  likely  to 

end,  resolved  to  »U|i|ir«as  them ; 
and  thia  waa  ooouroingly  doav.] 

CENT.  XVI.  of  Britain,  2XS 

^  Cantabrigiffi  una  e&semus  ct  Bacras  literas  in  schoHs  A.n.  1595. 

•*  publicis  intcq)retareinur,  eandcm  regulam   secuU — 

^  earn  seminar  fuisse  inter  nos  consensioncm  in  om- 
^  uibus  religionis  causis,  et  ne  minima  quidem  vel 
^*  (lissentionisy  vel  simultatis  suspicio  unquam  appa- 
reret.  Igitur  hoc  tempore  si  judicio  dominationis 
tuo^,  id  quod  pingui  Minerva  scripsi  probatum  ire 
**  intellcxeroy  niulto  mihi  minus  displaeebo.  Dcus 
^  te  diutissime  servet  incolumem,  ut  tum  Regince 
'^  screuissiuiffi  et  toti  regno  fidelissimus  eonsiliarius, 
**  tum  etiam  ecclesi^  huie  nostras  Anglicanse  pastor 
^  utilissimus  nmltos  adhue  annos  esse  possis.  Vale, 
**  c  muswo  meo  apud  Bishop-Thorp.  Calend.  Octob. 
**  Anno  Dom.  1595." 

24.  But  when  these  Articles  came  abroad  into  The  hiffh 
the  world,  men's  brains  and  tongues  (as  since  their  ^£!^h«i 
pens)  were  emi)loyed  about  the  authority  of  the^^rtidw. 
same,  and  the  obedience  due  imto  them  ;  much 
puzzled  to  find  the  new  place  where  rightly  to  rank 
them  in  reputation ;  how  much  above  the  results 
and  resolutions  of  private  divines,  and  how  much 
beneath  the  authority  of  a  provincial  syno<l ;  some 
there  that  almost  equalled  their  authenticalness  with 
the  acts  of  a  synod,  requiring  the  like  conformity  of 
men's  judgments  unto  them.  They  eudeavoureil  to 
prove  that  thosi'  <li vines  met  not  alone  in  their 
[)rivate  cai>acities,  but  also  n^presenting  others, 
alleging  this  jiassage  in  a  public  letter  from  Cam- 
bridge ^  subscTilHMl  with  the  hands  of  the  heatis  of 
that  university :  ''  We  sent  up  to  London  by  com- 

'  See  it  citinl  at  lur^*  in  our  IlUtory  of  (Cambridge,  anno 

224  The  Church  History  book  ix. 

A.  n.i595-**  imm  consent,  in  November  last,  Dr.  Tyndall  and 

' — LJ1_"  Dr.  Wliittaker,  (men    esiH^eially  chosen    for  that 

"  l)ur]>ost\)  for  conference  with  my  h)nl  of  C*aiiter- 

**  Iniry  and  other  ]>rin(*ii>al  divines  thertV  &c. 

OihfT%  25.  Others  maintain  the  contrary ;  for,  errant  each 

value  them  .         i  .  ^  t  i     'i  i»  » 

mt  a  lower  man  HI  this  conterencc  at  LamlK>th  one  of  a  tbou- 
sand  for  learning  and  religion,  yet  was  he  but  one 
in  power  and  jilace,  and  had  no  j)roxy  or  deputation 
(the  two  Cambridge  doctors  excejJttHl)  to  appear  \i\ 
the  behalf  of  others ;  and  therefore  their  determina- 
tions, though  of  great  use  to  direct,  could  be  but 
of  little  authority  to  conclude  and  command  the 
consent  of  others. 
socneflaUy  26.  But  a  thinl  sort,  offended  with  the  matter  of 
bach  tiie  the  Articles,  thought  that  the  two  archbishoim  and 
ai^thun^li^  rest  at  this  meeting  deserved  censure  for  holding 
orthcm.  i^ii  unlawful  conventicle;  for  they  had  not  expresB 
command  from  the  queen  to  meet,  debate,  and 
decide  such  controversic*s.  Tliose  of  the  opposite 
party  were  not  solennily  summoned  and  heard ;  so 
that  it  might  schmu  rather  a  design  to  crush  them, 
than  clear  the  truth.  The  meeting  was  lii'arrontetl 
with  no  K'gsil  authority — rather  a  private  action  of 
doctor  John  Whitgift,  doctor  Matthew  Ilutton,  &c^ 
than  the  jtublic  act  of  the  archbishoi>8  of  Canterbury 
and  York  *.  One  goi»th  further,  to  atlirm  that  thom 
Artich*s  of  Ii:unlN*tli  wen.'  afterwards  forbidden  by 
]uiblic  authority ;  but  when,  where,  and  by  whom* 
he  is  not  pleased  to  iinimrt  unto  us*.     And  strange 

*  Mr.  Moiitupii*.  in  hin  A|u  offi>nili*d    at     thii    innoratioa 

pfal.  p|».  55,  71,  7a.  f»ti   ht*r    pn*rugative,  that   the 

<  [IVrimpn    Dr.  IIt*ylyn    i»  thrcatctiiHl  to  have   theM  di. 

htTe    meant,  who   %Xa\v%   that  vincM  attainted  in  a /wvMaiJiirr; 

the  c|u««n  was  mi  cicwdingly  but   hrr   anicer  wag  mitiplail 


of  Britain, 


it  18  that  a  public  prohibition  should  be  whispered  a.  d.  1595. 

80  softly,  that  this  author  alone  should  hear  it,  and  -I '^ 

none  other,  to  ray  knowledge,  take  notice  thereof. 

27.  As   for   foreign    divines,  just   as   they  were  How  ra- 


hj  the  interference  of  some 
friends  of  the  archbishop. 
Whitgift  defended  his  conduct 
upon  this  ground  :  *'  that  he 
*'  and  his  associates  had  not 
"  made  any  canons,  articles,  or 
*'  decrees,  unth  an  intent  that 
'*  they  should  serve  hereafter 
*'  for  a  standing  rule  to  direct 
••  the  church,  but  only  had  re- 
"  solved  on  some  propositions 
•*  to  be  sent  to  Cambridge  for 
"  quieting  some  unhappy  dif- 
•*  ferences  in  that  university." 
•*  With  which  answer  her  ma- 
*'  jesty,  being  somewhat  paci- 
**  fied,  commanded  notwith. 
"  standing  that  he  should 
"  speedily  recall  and  suppress 
'*  those  articles  ;  which  was 
'*  performed  with  such  care 
*'  and  diligence,  that  a  copy  of 
*'  them  was  not  to  be  found 
**  for  a  long  time  after."  Hey- 
lyn*8  Hist,  of  the  Presbyterians, 
p.  341 .  'Phis  account  of  these 
Articles  is  supported  by  ori- 
ginal documents.  See  note,  p. 
123.  In  his  Certamen  Episto- 
lare,  p.  178,  Heylyn  also  fur- 
ther observes,  that  "  the  bishop, 
**  (Montague,)  living  in  Cam- 
"  bridge  at  that  time,  might 
"  hear  it  amongst  many  others, 
"  though  none  but  he  were 
"  pleaited  to  give  notice  of  it 
"  when  it  came  in  question ; 
*'  and,  secondly,  the  noise 
"  thereof  did  spread  so  far, 
"  that  it  was  heard  into  the 
*'  Low  Countries;  the  making 
**  of  these  Articles,  the  queen's 

Fri.LKB,  VOL.  v. 

'*  displeasure  when  she  heard 
"  it,  her  strict  command  to 
•*  have  them  speedily^  sup- 
'*  pressed,  and  the  actual  sup- 
"  pression  of  them,  being  all 
"  laid  down  distinctly  in  a 
"  book  published  by  the  Re- 
"  monstrants  in  Holland,  en- 
'•  titled  Necetsaria  Respansio, 
**  and  printed  at  Leyden,  1618, 
*'  almost  seven  years  before 
"  the  coming  out  of  Moun- 
'*  tague's  book."  Montague 
seems  to  speak  from  personal 
knowledge,  see  his  Appeal,  &c., 
p.  7 1 .  The  bishops,  also,  who 
were  appointed  in  the  com- 
mencement of  the  reign  of 
Charles  I.  to  examine  Monta- 
gue's Y)ook,  and  to  report  whe- 
ther it  contained  doctrines  of 
dangerous  tendency,  in  their 
letter  to  the  duke  uiKin  that 
occasion  state,  upon  their  cer- 
tain knowledge,  that  the  queeo 
caused  the  Lambeth  Articles 
to  he  suppressed ;  *'  and  so  tliev 
"  have  continued  ever  since,^' 
they  affirm,  *'  till  of  late  some 
'•  of  them  have  received  ooun- 
*'  tenance  at  the  synod  of  Dort. 
*'  And  our  hope  is  that  the 
'*  church  of  England  will  be 
"  well  advised,  and  more  than 
*'  once  over,  before  she  admit 
"  a  foreign  synod,  especially  of 
'*  such  a  church  as  condemneth 
"  her  discipline  and  manner  of 
"  government,  to  s^y  no  more." 
Cttliala,  p.  105.  See  ahio  Play- 
fere's  Appeal,  p.  10,  ed.  17 19.] 


The  Church  Huiory 

lOOK  IX. 

of  them. 

A.  D.  159s.  biassed  in  judgment,  so  ou  that  side  ran  their  affise- 
tions,  in  raising  or  decrying  the  esteem  of  these 
Articles :  some  printed  ",  set  forth,  and  cited  them  \ 
as  the  sense  of  the  church  of  England ;  others  as 
fast  slighted  them,  as  the  narrow  positions  of  a  few 
private  and  partial  persons.  As  for  Conrinus,  as  we 
know  not  whence  he  had  his  intelligence,  so  we 
find  no  just  ground  for  what  he  reporteth,  that 
archbishop  Whitgift  for  his  pains  incurred  the 
queen's  disjileasure  and  a  prftmunire  >'.  We  presume 
this  foreigner  better  acquainted  with  the  imperial 
law  and  local  customs  of  Holland,  than  with  our 
municipal  statutes  and  the  nature  of  a  prttmunire. 
Indeed  there  goes  a  tradition,  that  the  queen  should 
in  merriment  say  jestingly  to  the  archbishop,  **  M j 
^  lord,  I  now  shall  want  no  money,  for  I  am  informed 
**  all  your  goods  are  forfeited  unto  me  by  your  call- 
"  ing  a  council  without  my  consent.*'  But  how 
much  of  truth  herein  Grod  knows.  And  be  it  re- 
ferred to  our  learned  in  the  law,  whether,  without 
danger  of  such  a  censure,  the  two  archbishopa,  by 
virtue  of  their  place,  had  not  any  implicit  leave 
from  the  queen  to  assemble  divines  for  the  clearing, 
declaring,  and  asserting  of  difficult  troths,  provided 
they  innovate  or  alter  nothing  in  matters  of  reli- 

**  Thyftiiu  twice  printed  them 
ftt  HararoYidc,  uiiio  1613. 

*  Bogerman  in  his  107  and 
108  ncitcft  on  the  iieocmd  part 
cyf  Groiiua. 

y  In  bin  answer  to  tbe  nolea 
of  Bogerman.  tecond  part,  pag. 
566.  and  so  fcvrwara  to  pag. 

■    [**  As   fix   the    Lambeth 

**  Articles*  thej  %rere  not  oolr 

"  subscribed  onto  by  Ih.  Owr. 

**  all,  bot  (as  appears  bj  a  let- 
ter written  man  the  hishnp 
of  CUuiterbory  to  Dr.  Oodl) 
were  shewn  by  the  said 
bishop  onto  Dr.  Bom,  mho, 
although  he  seemed  to  ouJce 
some  frivolcNis  and  rhiliKsh 

**  objections  afunst 






NT.  XVI. 

of  Britain. 


88.  And  now  I  perceive  I  must  tread  tenderly,  a.  0.159$. 
because  I  go  not,  as  before,  on  men's  graves,  but 
am  ready  to  touch  the  quick  of  some  yet  alive.     I  dcs  aod- 
know  how  dangerous  it  is  to  follow  truth  too  near  n^,,^  of 

to  the  heels ;  yet  better  it  is  that  the  teeth  of  an  ^^^^^ 
historian  be  struck  out  of  his  head  for  writing  theEngknd. 
truth,  than  that  they  remain  still  and  rot  in  his 
jaws,  by  feeding  too  nmch  on  the  sweetmeats  of 
flattery.  All  that  I  will  say  of  the  credit  of  these 
Articles  is  this :  that  as  medals  of  gold  and  silver, 
though  they  will  not  [mss  in  payment  for  current 
coin,  because  not  stamped  with  the  king's  inscrip- 
tion, yet  they  will  go  with  goldsmiths  for  as  much 
as  they  are  in  weight;  so,  though  these  Articles 
want  authentic  reputation  to  pass  for  provincial  acts, 
as  lacking  sufficient  authority,  yet  will  they  be  rea- 
dily received  of  orthodox  Christians  for  as  fiEur  as 
their  own  purity  bears  conformity  to  God*s  word. 
And  though  those  learned  divines  be  not  acknow- 
ledged as  competent  judges  to  pass  definitive  sen- 
tence in  those  points,  yet  they  will  be  taken  as 
witnesses  beyond  exception,  whose  testimony  is  an 
infiallible  evidence  what  was  the  general  and  received 
doctrine  of  England  in  that  age  about  the  forenamed 

29.  This  year  ended  the  life,  first,  of  doctor  Wil-  Biihop 

"^  WicklMin, 

"  of  them  onWt  yet  he  did  con- 
*'  fens  that  they  were  all  true ; 
"  and  added  thereunto  that 
*'  they  did  not  impugn  any  of 
**  hifl  asaertions.  Theae  are 
**  the  expreM  wordx  in  the 
**  archbiiihop'K  letter  ;  and  to 
*'  Miv  the  truth,  if  Dr.  Buro 
'*  hifl  sermon  containt^d  no 
'*  wonte   matter  than    in  com- 




priaed  in  hia  aaaertiona  which 
you  encloae  in  your  letter, 
he  might  well  avouch  that 
they  were  not  contradictory 
'*  to  the  Lambeth  Articlea.** 
March  6,  i6sS.  Dr.  Davenant 
to  Dr. Ward.  (MS.)  8ee  Baron 
own  statement*  in  hia  letter  to 
Nic.  Hemminga,  in  Eniat.  Re- 
monKtrmnt.  p.  39,  ed.  1684.3 


228  Ths  Ckurrh  Hisiorj/  book  ix. 

A.D.  1595.  Ham  Wickhani,  bred  in  King's  College  in  Cambridge, 
^      ***    first  bishop  of  Lincoln,  after  of  Winchester,  whose 

taker,  D».  namesako,  William  Wickbam,  in  the  reign  of  king 
^j^^  Edward  the  Tliinl,  sat  in  the  same  see  more  yimn 
f^*^  „  than  this  did  weeks.  Indeed  we  know  little  of  his 
wad  their  Hfe.  but  SO  much  of  his  death  as  we  must  not  men- 
lion  it  without  some  pity  to  him,  whilst  in  pain,  and 
praise  to  God  for  our  own  health;  such  Mas  his 
torture  with  the  stone  before  his  death,  that  for 
fourteen  days  together  he  made  not  water*.  Se- 
condly, worthy  doctor  William  Whittaker,  whose 
lai^r  character  M-e  reserve  (God  willing)  for  our 
History  of  Cambridge  ^  And  amongst  the  Roman- 
ists Daniel  Ilalseworth,  who,  as  Pitzeus^  describes 
him,  (papists  give  no  scant  measure  in  praising  those 
of  their  own  party,)  M-as  well  skilled  in  Latin,  Greek, 
and  Hebrew — an  elegant  ]>oet,  eloquent  orator,  acute 
philosopher,  expert  mathematician,  deep-studied  law- 
yer, and  excellent  divine.  Flying  from  England,  be 
lived  successively  in  Savoy,  Rome,  and  Milan,  hav- 
ing too  many  professions  to  gather  wealth ;  and  with 
all  his  arts  and  |)arts,  both  lived  in  poverty  and  died 
in  obscurity.  More  eminent,  but  more  infamotm, 
was  the  death  of  Robert  Southwell  \  a  Jesuit,  bom 
in  Suffolk  %  bred  beyond  the  seas,  wliere  be  wrote 
abundance  of  books ;  who,  returning  into  England, 
was  executes!  March  the  third  for  a  traitor,  at  Lon- 
don, and  honoure<l  for  a  martyr  amongst  men  of  his 
own  religion. 

*  Godwin,  De  Pnrsnl.  Angl.     him  in  goreming  hit  dioccar*} 
p.  340.  ^   [S««    a   rtry   iatrmling 

^  [Sre  I  list,  of  Camhridge,  MOCMint  of  his  lite  and  dmtli 

p.  151.]  in  Blorv't  Hist.  Scke.  Jcmi,  p. 

«  InViU.  p.  794.    [Ilr  was  171;    and   in   Tanncrt    Hoc 

a  grmt  frirnd  of  the  excpUrnt  J«aii.  Ac,  p.  30.] 

BofTomeo,  who  made   um  of  '  Idrm  ihidem. 

CEMT.  XTi.  of  Britain.  S89 

80.  The  secular  priests  continued  their  complaints,  a.  0.1596. 

as  against  Jesuits  in  general,  so  particularly  against -^ 

Robert  Parsons  ^  This  Parsons,  about  eighteen  pkint  oi 
years  since,  was  in  England,  where,  by  his  statizing  anijut  the 
and  dangerous  activity,  he  had  so  incensed  thojl^^Sy* 
queen's  council,  that  the  secular  priests  made  him^Jjjjj^ 
a  main  occasion  why  such  sharp  laws  were  so  sud- 
denly made  against  catholics  in  England  ^.  But  no 
sooner  did  danger  l^egin  to  appear,  but  away  went 
Parsons  beyond  the  seas ;  wherein  some  condemned 
his  cowardliness,  and  others  commended  his  policy, 
seeing  such  a  commander  in  chief  as  he  was  in  the 
Romish  cause  ought  to  repose  his  person  in  safety, 
and  might  be  nevertheless  virtually  present  in  the 
fight,  by  the  issuing  out  of  his  orders  to  meaner 
officers.  Nor  did  Parsons,  like  a  wheeling  cock, 
turn  aside  with  intent  to  return,  hut  ran  quite  out 
of  the  cockpit,  and  then  crowed  in  triumph,  when 
he  was  got  on  his  own  dunghill,  safely  resident  in 
the  city  of  Rome.  Here  he  compiled  and  hence  he 
dispatche<l  many  letters  and  libels  into  England, 
and,  amongst  the  rest,  that  book  of  the  succession 
to  the  English,  (entitling  the  Spaniard  thereunto,) 
setting  it  forth  under  the  false  name  of  Doleman  \ 
an  honest,  harmless  secular  priest,  and  his  professed 
adversary.  And  surely  Parsons  was  a  fit  fellow  to 
derive  the  pedigree  of  the  kings  of  England,  who 
might  first  have  studied  to  deduce  his  oii^Ti  descent 
from  a  lawful  father,  being  himself  (otherwise  called 
Cowbuck)  *^Jilius  populi  etjilius  peccatiy^  as  catholics 

'  [These  dissensions  of  the  f  Deckratio  Bfotuum,  &e., 

Jesuits  and  secular  priests  com.  ad  Clementem  VIII.  p.  24. 

menced  in  1597,  and  lasted  till  ^  Camden's   Elis.   in  anno 

1603.]  1594.     [Woods  Atb.  II.  71.] 


Tke  Church  Hiiiary 

lOOK  IX. 

A.D.  1596. have  observed'.     Many  letters  also  he  sent  over, 

full  of  threats,  and  assuring  his  jiarty  that  the  land 

would  be  invaded  by  foreigners ;  writing  therein  not 
what  he  knew  or  thought  was,  but  what  he  desired 
and  endeavoured  should  be  true.  Some  of  these 
letters,  being  intercei>ted,  made  the  queen's  officers 
(as  they  had  just  cause)  more  strict  in  searching,  as 
her  judges  more  severe  in  punishing  the  papists. 
Hereupon  the  seculars  complaine<I  that  such  pro* 
ceedings  against  them  (termed  persecution  by  tliem, 
and  justice  by  our  state)  was  caused  by  the  Jesuits ; 
and  that  Parsons  es|>ecially,  though  he  had  kindled 
the  fire,  left  others  to  bc^ar  the  heat  thereof^ ;  yea, 
which  was  more,  he  was  not  himself  contented  to 
sleep  in  a  whole  skin  at  Home,  but  lashed  others  of 
his  own  religion ;  and  having  got  his  neck  out  of 
the  collar,  accused  others  for  not  drawing  weight 
enough,  taxing  the  seculars  as  dull  and  remiss  in 

1  Watsfin'fi  Quodlibets,  pp. 
100  and  236. 

•  ■  [Thus  Colleton,  in  his 
"  Just  Defence,"  &c.  p.  1 70, 
tddreiii«*«  him  :  *'  We  uwure 
"  oumelves,  father  Par«onfi,tbftt 
"  your  reMtlem  Mnirit  and  pen, 
"  your  enterprihing  and  busy 
**  actions,  have  turned  hereto* 
*'  fore  our  catholic  profesaants 
"  to  infinite  prejudice ;  for  to 
'*  no  known  cause  can  we  im- 
"  pole  so  much  the  making  of 
**  the  serc*re  laws  of  our  coun- 
try, as  to  vour  edging  at- 
tempts anu  pr(iv«ications." 
And  in  nnother  place,  af^er 
observing  that  the  mischievous 
and  rentleaa  spirit  <»f  this 
Jesuit  had  given  just  offence 
to    the    queen's    government. 



and  brought  the  whole  body  of 
the  Roman  catholics  into  sua. 
picion,  he  observes :  '*  Neither 
'*  is  father  Parsons  holden  onlv 
"  of  our  mugistrate  for  a  statist, 
"  or  merchandiser  of  the  crown 
"  and  diadem,  but  his  travels 
"  and  negotiations  this  ^vay  are 
**  become  so  notorioualv  known, 
"  that  even  Pasquin  in  R4>me 
"  (as  intelligence  ia  sent  iu) 
"  speaketh  in  this  manner  of 
**  him  :  '  IF  thbkb  bk  ant 

*'  MAN    rnAT   WILL    BUT    TBB 

"  KINGDOM  OF  England,  lbt 

'*  IN  A  BLACK  agVAKB  CAP  IN 
"  WOBTH  TUBBBOF."  lb.  p. 

CBWT.  XTi.  o/Briiam.  S81 

the  cause  of  religion;  and,  to  speak  plainly,  thejA. D.i^9d. 
diflfered  as  hot  and  cold  poison — the  Jesuits  niore-!?__ 
active  and  pragmatical,  the  seculars  more  slow  and 
heavy ;  hut  both  maintaining  treacherous  principles, 
destructive  to  the  commonwealth. 

81.  If  we  look  now  on  the  nonconformists,  weAgeneni 
shall  find  them  all  still  and  quiet.  After  a  storm, 
comes  a  calm:  wearied  with  a  former  blustering, 
they  began  now  to  repose  themselves  in  a  sad  silence, 
especially  since  the  execution  of  Udal  and  Penry  had 
so  terrified  them,  that  though  they  might  have  secret 
designs,  we  meet  not  their  open  and  public  motions; 
so  that  this  century  afTordeth  little  more  than  the 
mortalities  of  some  eminent  men. 

S2.  We  begin  with  Richard  Fletcher  \  bishop  of  Lon-  The  dMth 
don,  bred  in  Bennet  College  in  Cambridge,  one  of  a  PMb? 
comely  person  and  goodly  presence,  qualities  not  tOQ^IaJ^ft!* 
be  cast  away  in  a  bishop,  though  a  bishop  not  to  be 
chosen  for  them.     lie  loved  to  ride  the  great  horse, 
and  had  much  skill  in  managing  thereof ;  condemned 
for  very  proud  (such  his  natural  stately  garb)  by  such 
as  knew  him  not,  and  commended  for  humility  by 
those  acquainted  with   him.     He  lost  the  queen's 
favour  because  of  his  second  unhappy  match,  and 
died  suddenly,  more  of  grief  than  any  other  disease. 
With    him    let    me    couple    another    heart-broken 
bishop,  John  Coldwell  of  Salisbury,  doctor  of  physic, 
(St.  Luke,  we  know,  was  both  an  evangelist  and 
physician,)  who  never  enjoyed  himself  after  he  had 

1  [He  was  uncle  to  the  cele-  Nugae,  II.  41.     AocordiDg  to 

brated  poetM,  Giles  and  Phineas  bishop  Goodman,  he  was  pro- 

Pletcfaer.     See   some  account  moted  for  his  conduct  at  the 

of  him  in  Wood's  Fasti  1. 107,  execution  of  Mary  queen   of 

and    in    sir    J.    Harrington's  Scots.] 



The  Church  Hiuory 


A.D  1596  consented  (though  little  better  than  surprised  there- 
_^L-_unto")  to  the  alienation  of  Sherborne  manor  from 

the  bishopric. 
Tbe  dcftth  H.  Here  I  am  at  a  loss  for  the  date  of  the  death 
Humphivy.  of  Laurenco  Humphrey,  but  confident  I  hit  the  but, 
though  miss  the  mark,  as  about  this  time  ".  He 
was  a  conscientious  and  moderate  nonconformist, 
(oondemned  for  lukewarm  by  such  as  were  scalding 
hot,)  dean  of  Winchester,  and  master  of  Magdalen 
Ck>llege  in  Oxford,  to  which  he  bequeathed  a  con- 
siderable sum  of  gold,  left  in  a  chest,  not  to  be 
opened  except  some  great  necessity  urged  there- 
unto ^  But  lately,  whilst  Dr.  John  Wilkinson  was 
president  of  the  college,  this  gold  was  shared  be- 
tween him  and  the  fellows ;  and  though  one  must 
charitably  believe  the  matter  not  so  bad  as  it  is 

■B  [By  the  wily  intrignes  of 
ft  rerj  dishonent  man,  sir  Wal- 
ter Kaleigh.  See  an  account 
cyf  thii  affair  in  Harrington's 
Nagv  AntiquK,  II.  p.  124.] 

"  [Fuller  has  corrected  this 
error  at  a  later  period  of  his 
history.  Humphrey  died  in 
1590/  See  Wood's  Athen.  I. 

o  [pT.  Heylyn»  who  was  once 
a  member  of  this  college,  as- 
serts that  Dr.  Humphrey  was 
Bot  the  author  of  this  benefsc 
tioo,  which  amounted  to  abore 
twelre  hundred  double  pisto- 
IcU ;  "  the  old  doctor  (Wilkin. 
*'  son)  having  no  fewer  than 
"  one  hundred  for  his  share  of 
**  the  spoils,  and  every  fellow 
*'  thirty  apiece  for  theirs  : 
'*  c«ch  pistolet  exclianged  at 
**  i6«.  61/..  and  yet  the  ex- 
'*  chan^r  got  well  by  the  bar- 


'  gain  too."  "  The  money,  m 
'  the  tradition  went  in  that 
college,  was  left  there  br  the 
*'  founder  to  remedy  and  re. 
'*  pair  such  ruins  as  either  the 
**  casualty  of  fire  or  the  raTam 
'*  of  a  civil  war  might  bring 
"  upon  it :  to  which  tne  nature 
**  of  tbe  coin,  being  all  French 
"  pieces,  (remember  that  the 
'*  English  at  that  time  wer« 
"  masters  of  a  great  part  €i 
"  France.)  gives  a  further  tca- 
**  timony."  The  Appeal,  Ike., 
1.  HI.  p.  73.  Dr.  Wilkinson 
was  one  of  the  presidents  nut 
in  by  the  visitors  in  the  tune 
of  the  Cromwellites  ;  bnt  FnU 
ler  says  that  he  had  heard  and 
did  partly  believe  that  the  doe- 
tor  did  strenuouslr  opnoae  this 
seiaure  of  the  gold,  tooogh  tl 
was  never  returned.  8ee  Ths 
Appeal,  ib.  p.74.1 


of  Britain. 


reported,  yet  the  most  &vourable  relation  thereof  a.  d  1596. 
gave  a  general  distaste  p.  

34.  Sure  I  am  a  great  antiquary,  lately  deceased,  a  gtmt 
(rich  as  well  in  his  state  as  learning,)  at  the  hearing  ||^^J|[2q* 
hereof,  quitted  all  his  intentions  of  benefaction  tojjj^*"^' 
Oxford  or  any  place  else,  on  suspicion  it  would  be 
diverted  to  other  uses  4,  on  the  same  token  that  he 
merrily  said,  *'  I  think  the  best  way  for  a  man  to 

**  perpetuate  his  memory  is  to  procure  the  pope  to 
^  canonize  him  for  a  saint,  for  then  he  shall  be  sure 
^  to  be  remembered  in  their  calendar ;  whereas 
^*  otherwise  I  see  all  protestant  charity  subject  to  the 
**  covetousness  of  posterity  to  devour  it,  and  bury 
**  the  donor  thereof  in  oblivion." 

35.  Mr.  Dalthazar  Zanches,  a  Spaniard,  bom  in  Thedmritir 
Sherez  in  Estremadura,  founded  an  almshouse  atpiM^^tT 
Tottenham-high-cross  in  Middlesex,  for  eight  single 
people,  allowing  them  competent  maintenance.  Now, 
seeing  protestant  founders  are  rare,  Spanish  protest- 
ants  rarer,  Spanish  protestant  founders  in  England 
rarest,  I  could  not  pass  this  over  with  silence;  nor 

must  we  forget  that  he  was  the  first  confectioner  or 
comfit-maker  in  England,  bringing  that  mystery  to 
Lx>ndon  ;  and,  as  I  am  informed,  the  exactness  there- 
of continues  still  in  his  family,  in  which  respect  they 
have  successively  been  the  queen's  and  king's  con- 
fectioners ^ 

P  [It  appears  to  hare  been 
a  very  scandalous  businesr,  al- 
though Hickman  attt^mpted  a 
very  blundering  defence  of  it. 
See  alito  Heylyn's  reply  to  his 
statement,  in  his  Certamen 
Epistiilnre,  p.  133.] 

<i    [Selden    refused   to  give 

his  books  to  the  university 
upon  this  account,  according 
to  our  author  ;  in  which  state- 
ment he  is  supported  by  Hey. 
lyn.  Cert.  Epistolare,  p.  133.] 
^  [Upon  tne  parliamentary 

Eroceedings  at  this  time,  see 
^'Ewes*  Journal,  p.  538.] 

t84  The  Church  History  booe  vl. 

A.  D.  1597*     86.  A  parliament  held  at  Westminster,  wherein 

— !!l.  the  deprivation  of  popish  bishops  in  the  first  of  this 

the  ptfiia-  qneen*s  reign  was  declared  legal.  Some  will  wonder 
"^^'  what  need  is  of  this  statute  at  so  many  years  dia> 
tance,  but  the  prefoce  intimates  the  necessity  thereof. 
The  legality,  also,  of  our  bishops  and  their  officers 
was  again  by  act  of  parliament  confirmed.  And 
whereas  there  was  a  pretended  concealment  of  some 
lands  of  the  bishopric  of  Norwich,  the  same  by  act 
of  parliament  were  settled  on  that  see,  and  the 
exchange  of  lands  ratified,  made  in  the  reign  of 
king  Henry  the  Eighth.  The  contemporary  convo- 
cation did  nothing  of  moment. 
TheaeMh  87*  Thonias  Stapleton  this  year  ended  bis  life, 
smpictoQ.  and  WBB  buried  at  8t.  Peter's  church  in  Louvatn  *• 
It  is  written  in  his  epitaph,  ^  Qui  Cicedri^g  in  Amelia 
••  nobili  loco  natus ;"  where  Cicestriie  is  taken  not 
for  the  city,  but  diocese  of  Chichester,  having  other* 
wise  good  assurance  that  he  was  bom  at  Hemfleld 
in  Sussex,  the  same  year  and  month  wberrin  sir 
Thomas  More  was  beheaded  S  observed  br  the  catho- 
lies  as  a  grand  providence.  He  was  a  most  learned 
assertor  of  the  Homish  religion,  wanting  nothing  bat 
a  true  cause  to  defend.  On  one  account  I  am  be- 
holding unto  him,  viz.,  for  dissuading  Pitseos  from 
being  a  soldier  to  be  a  scholar  ",  whose  history  of 
our  English  writers  hath  so  often  been  useful  unto 
The  4mUi  88.  Richard  Cosin  \  doctor  of  the  law  and  dean 
Cuiijii       of  the  Arches,  tliis  year  ended  his  life— one  of  the 

•  [.Sm  more  of  him  in  Wood's         *  Pits,  in  Vita,  p.  796. 
Ath^.  I.  291 ;  tnci  bit  life,  by         «  Idem  ibidem. 
Henry    Holland,    prefixed    to         >  [See  hit  Life,  by  Woi.  Bar- 

I't  Works.]  ton.  B.  D.,  printed  ia  159S.] 




greatest  ciyilians  which  our  age  or  nation  hath  pro-  a.  d.  1599. 

duced,  a  most  moderate  man  in  his  own  nature,  but 

most  earnest  assertor  of  the  eccleaiastical  discipline, 
as  bj  his  printed  works  doth  appear. 

39*  Robert  Turner  his  death  was  now  much  be*  The  death 
moaned  bj  the  papists  y.  He  was  bom  at  Barnstaple  Turner. 
in  Devon,  bred  for  a  while  in  Oxford  ;  whence,  flying 
beyond  the  seas,  he  became  canon  of  Breslau  in 
Silesia,  and  at  the  same  time  privy  counsellor  to 
the  duke  of  Bavaria,  falling  afterward  into  his  dis- 
pleasure, probably  because  more  pragmatical  than 
became  a  foreigner;  however,  Ferdinand  of  Grata 
(afterwards  emperor)  took  him  from  the  duke  to  be 
his  own  secretary  for  the  Latin  tongue,  wherein  he 
excelled,  as  by  his  printed  orations  doth  appear. 
He  lieth  buried  at  Gratz,  under  a  handsome  monu- 
ment ". 

40.  Great  was  the  grief  of  protestants  for  theThede^h 
decease  of  Richard  Hooker  *,  Tumer*8  countryman,  Hooker, 
as  bom  also  in  Devonshire,  and  bred  in  Corpus 
diristi  College  in  Oxford,  living  and  dying  a  single 
man,  of  whom  largely  before.  His  innocency  sur- 
viv(Hl  to  triumph  over  those  aspersions  which  the 
malice  of  others  (advantaged  by  his  own  dove-like 
simplicity)  had  cast  upon  him.  I  am  informed  sir 
Edwin  Sands  hath  erected  a  monument  over  him,  in 
his  imrish  church  in  Kent,  where  he  lieth  interred  **. 

y  [Pit£.  in  ViU.  p.  798.] 
«  [See  an  account  of  him  in 
Wood's  Athen.  I.  297.  His 
opuHcula  bare  been  published 
at  various  times,  both  at  Ingol- 
stadt  and  Cologne.  He  was  a 
diiiciple  of  Campion,  of  whose 
death  he  has  given  some  ac- 
count in  his  works.  Vol.  II.  p. 
276,  ed.  1625.] 

*  [There  are  some  doubts 
about  the  date  of  his  death. 
It  seems  certain,  howeirer,  that 
he  died  in  1600.  See  Walton's 
Lives,  p.  247,  ed.  Major,  1825. 
Keble's  ed.  p.  90.] 

^  [••  Here  I  must  retract," 
says  Fuller  in  his  Worthiet, 
'*  two  pttsatgea  in  my  Chnreh 
"  History ;  for  whereas  I  re- 


The  Church  History 


A.D.  1599.  41.  I  cannot  omit  what  I  find  in  this  year,  in  Mr. 
-^ — ^—  Camden  his  manuscript  Life  of  Queen  Elizabeth  ^ 
poiit^cart  A  report  was  cast  out  by  our  politicians,  in  the 
diftfikcd.     jjjjjg^  Qf  harvest,  of  the  danger  of  a  present  foreign 

invasion — done  out  of  design,  to  prevent  the  popu- 
larity of  the  earl  of  Essex,  and  to  try  the  people's 
inclinations.  Instantly  all  were  put  into  a  posture 
of  defence:  mowers,  reapers,  all  harvest-folk,  left 
their  work  to  be  employed  in  musters.  This  after- 
vrards  appeared  but  a  court  project,  whereat  the 
country  took  much  distaste ;  so  ill  it  is  to  jest  with 
edged  tools,  especially  with  scythes  and  sickles.  My 
author  addeth,  that  people  affirmed  that  such  l^lay- 
games  had  been  fitter  in  the  spring,  (when  sports 
were  used  amongst  the  Romans  to  Flora,)  and  not 
in  the  autumn,  when  people  were  seriously  employed 
to  fetch  in  the  fruits  of  the  earth ;  but,  by  his  leave, 
these  expressions  flow  from  critics,  and  fly  far  above 
the  capacities  of  countrymen. 

42.   This    century   concluded   the   lives   of   two 
eminent  Roman  catholics :  John  Sanderson,  bom  in 
^•'^^   Lancashire,  bred  in  Trinity  College  in  Cambridge, 
where  he  set  forth  an  excellent  logic,  called  8an- 

Tbe  death 
of  tlolui 

*'  ported  Mr.  Hooker  to  die  a 
**  Mchelor,  he  had  wife  and 
"  children,  though  indeed  tuch 
*'  M  were  neither  to  his  com- 
**  fort  when  liring»  nor  credit 
'*  when  dead.  But  parents  can- 
'*  not  ttainp  their  children  from 
'*  their  heads  or  heart*.*'  This 
information  Fuller  professes  to 
hare  receired  from  Hooker's 
•tster.  lately  liring  at  Hogwlen 
(Hoiton)  near  London  ;  and 
the  last  statement  corresponds 
with  what  Ban  Jonaoo  ubaarrca 
in  Drummoml's  Journal,  p.  io» 

that   his   '*  children   are    now 
"  beggars." 

**  Secondly,  his  mooiunent 
"  was  not  erected  by  sir  Edwin 
"  Sandys,  a  person  as  probable 
"  as  any  man  alire  for  soch  a 
"  performance,  but  by  sir  Wil. 
*'  liam  C'0(>|ier,  now  liring  in 
"  the  castle  of  Hertford ;  and 
"  let  the  good  knijj(ht  hare  the 
**  due  commendatioo  thereof.** 

HI  4«4  ] 
c  Whidi  shorU;  wiU  bt  an 

forth  in  a  new  cditioo.    [Siaot 

poblislied  al  rariooa  linMa.] 

CBKT.  xTi.  of  Britain.  SS7 

derson*8  Lode,  forty  years  ancienter  than  that  which  a.  d.  i^ 

his  worthy  namesake  of  Oxford  (of  a  different  judg 

ment  in  religion)  hath  since  printed  on  the  same 
subject  ^.  From  Cambridge  he  fled  to  Cambray  in 
Artois,  where  he  liyed  with  good  comfort,  and  died 
with  great  credit  with  those  of  his  own  persuasion. 
The  other,  John  Case,  of  St.  John's  in  Oxford,  doctor 
of  physic,  it  seems  always  a  Romanist  in  his  heart, 
but  never  expressing  the  same  till  his  mortal  sick- 
ness seized  upon  him. 

^  [Pits,  in  Vita,  pp.  799  and  800.] 









I A  VINO,  by  God*B  assistance,  drawn 
down  my  Histoiy  to  the  death  of 
(]uccn  Elizabeth,  some  dissuade  me 
from  continuing  it  any  further;  be- 
CBu<K>,  that  as  St.  Peter  out  of  wariness  {alias  cow- 
onilincss)  followed  Christ,  who  was  the  truth,  a/ar 
ftff^,  m  they  lay  this  down  for  a  maxim,  that  the 
stnr)'  of  modem  times  must  not  be  written  by  any 
alive; — a  jMwition.  in  my  poor  opinion,  both  dis- 
prarerul  to  historians  and  prejudicial  to  posterity. 

/Hxyrarf/ul  to  historiaiui :  as  if  thoy  would  make 
theniwlves  like  unto  the  beasts  of  the  forest,  as 
charactered  by  David,  trho  more  in  the  darkness,  fill 
the  sun  ariseth,  and  they  yet  them  away  * ;  loving 

■  [;Arterwarilit  earl  of  Ailm.     Cbarica  IJ.] 
bury.    Ilfwaiuneof  thelordi         >>  Matt,  sxvi.58. 
•eot  to  tbe  Hague  to  weloume        *  Paalm  civ.  10,  as. 


to  writi»  of  things  done  at  distancf,  where  oWurity 
may  protect  their  mistakes  from  discovery,  hut  put- 
ting up  t1u*ir  pens  as  soon  as  the  day  dawns  of 
modern  times,  and  they  witliin  the  reach  of  refu- 

Prvjiidicinl  to  po,sterity :  sei'ing  intentions  in  this 
nature,  long  delayed,  are  at  last  defeated.  *  The 
young  man,  moveil  by  his  mother  to  marr}',  retumtNl, 
that  as  yet  it  was  too  soon ;  and,  some  yi^ars  after, 
pleadcnl  that  now  it  was  too  late.  So  si»inc  s:iy. 
truth  is  not  ri|>e  enough  to  Ije  written  in  the  age 
we  live  in;  which  pn)veth  n)tten  too  much  fi»r  the 
next  generation  faithfully  to  reiN>rt,  when  the  im- 
presses of  memorable  matters  are  ahnost  woni  out; 
tile  histories  then  written  having  more  of  the 
author^s  hand  than  f<K»t^teps  of  truth  therein. 

Sun*  T  am  the  most  infonnative  histories  to  pos- 
terity, and  such  as  are  most  highly  prized  by  the 
judicious,  an*  such  as  wen*  written  by  tlu*  eyewit- 
ncKses  then*of, — a?*  Thucyditles,  the  re|Kirter  of  the 
Pi*lo|Nmnt*si]ui  war. 

However,  one  mav  observe  such  as  write  the  ston" 
of  th(*ir  own  tinit*s,  like  the  two  messengers  which 
carried  tidings  to  David:  of  these*  Ahimaax  (sent 
the  rather  by  |K.*nnissii»n  than  injunction)  only  UAA 
David  what  h«*  knew  would  pleaM*  him,  ac({uainting 
him  \^\i\\  his  victory.  Hut  biding  demandiHl  of  his 
Hon*s  di'ath,  he  made  a  tale  of  a  tumult  \  (no  better 

^  Plutarch  in  hin  MumU.  '  3  8uii.  xriii.  29. 


than  an  officious  He  for  himself,)  the  issue  wliereof 
was  to  him  unknown. 

Cushi,  the  other  messenger,  had  in  his  carriage 
less  of  cunning  and  more  of  conscience,  informing 
the  king  of  his  son's  death,  but  fohling  it  up  in  a 
fair  expression :  The  enemies  of  my  lord  the  king, 
and  all  that  rise  against  thee  to  do  thee  hurt^  be  as 
that  young  man  is  *. 

Ahimaaz  is  imitated  by  such  historians,  who  leave 
that  unwritten  which  they  suspect  will  be  unwel- 
come. These,  following  the  rule  summa  lex  sains 
authorise  when  they  mei?t  with  any  necessary  but 
dangerous  truth,  pass  it  over  with  a  blank,  flourished 
up  with  some  ingenious  evasion. 

Such  writers  succeeil  to  plain  Cushi  in  their  rela- 
tions, who  givi^  a  true  account  of  actions,  and,  to 
avoid  all  exas|>erating  terms,  (which  may  make  a 
had  matter  worse  in  n^lating  it,)  use  the  most 
lenitive  language  in  expressing  distasteful  matter, 
adventuring  with  their  own  danger  to  procure  the 
infr»rmntion  of  otlu^rs.  Tnily  one  is  concerned  in 
cons<*ience  to  tnmsmit  to  the  next  age  some  short 
intimations  of  th(*st»  times,  out  of  fear  that  nvords 
are  not  so  cart»fully  kept  in  these  so  many  and 
sudd(*n  changes,  as  they  were  in  former  ages. 

I  know  Macliiavol  was  wont  to  sav,  **  that  he 
"  who  undertak<^  to  write  a  history,  must  l)e  of  no 

«  a  Sam.  xviii,  3a. 


''  religion.**  If  so,  he  himself  was  the  best  qualified 
of  any  in  his  age  to  be  a  good  historian. 

But  I  believe  his  meaning  was  much  better  than 
his  words ;  intending  therein,  that  a  writer  of  his- 
tories must  not  discover  his  inclination  in  religion, 
to  the  prejudice  of  truth  :  Levi-like,  who  said  to  his 
fiftther  and  mother,  /  have  not  seen  them ;  owning  no 
acquaintance  of  any  relations. 

This  I  have  endeavoured  to  my  utmost  in  this 
Book;  knowing,  as  that  oil  is  adjudged  the  best 
that  hath  no  taste  at  all,  so  that  historian  is  pre- 
ferred who  hath  the  least  tang  of  partial  reflections. 

However,  some  candour  of  course  is  due  to  such 
historians  (wherein  the  courtesy  not  so  great  in 
giving  as  the  injury  in  detaining  it)  which  run  the 
chiding  of  these  present  times,  in  hope  that  after- 
ages  may  excuse  them.  And  I  am  confident  that 
these  my  labours  shall  find  the  same  fiivour*  (which 
may  be  in  mere  men,  should  be  in  all  gentlemen, 
must  be  in  true  Christians,)  the  rather  because  this 
Book  appeareth  (Patronized  by  a  dedication  to  your 

I  have  selected  your  lordship  for  a  patron  to  this 
part  of  my  History,  wherein  the  reign  of  king  James 
is  contaimnl,  under  whose  peaceable  goTemmeiit 
your  grandfather  was  liis  privy  counsellor,  and 
masti»r  of  the  n>llH,  when  your  family  was  not 
brought,  but  brought  back  into  England,  where  it 


had  flourished  barons  many  years  before.  Plants 
are  much  meliorated  by  transplanting,  especially 
when  after  many  years  they  are  restored  to  their 
native  soil,  as  cordial  unto  them.  And  thus  the 
continuance  and  increase  of  all  happiness  to  yourself 
and  noble  consort,  is  the  unfeigned  prayer  of 

Your  Honour's  most  obliged  Servant, 





BOOK   X. 

iHE  difference  betwixt  tlie  scculara  ifai. 
tlie   Jesuits    still    continued   and    in 

;  cn-nsed.     AMierefore  bisliop  Bnncrufl,UnfanMni. 
I  rnunting  the  seculars  the  better  butuibLc/ 
'  weaker  side,    afforded    them    couiito-^f^^rt- 
iianco  and  nmintcnnnce  in  London  Iloune,  accom--"^''* 
inodatinff   them  with    necessarieB  to  write  against 
their   adversaries ;    hoping   the    protestants    might 
nsi^ult  (lie  Honii!<li  caiiwe  with  the  greater  advan- 
la;:e,  when  they  found  »  breach  made  to  their  hand 
hy  the  others'  own  disai-nsions  ".    Uiit  siieh  who  Ixtre 
no  g<HH]>will  to  the  bishop,  iH-holding  the  rreijuent 
repairing  an<l  familiar  conversing  of  such  priests  in 

■    [To   this   rimort  Wutson  "  of  Kvcndpn,  and  the  biohop 

iilludfM  in  i>n«  of  hi*  letter*  ;  "  of  rjimdoti,  and  I  know  not 

und  it  DcentN  to  Imvc  liceii  well  "  wtuim,  to  iK-trny  all  cuthtdio, 

):r»niided :  "They  (the  Josuitii)  "  tind  ht'mfi  them  within  com. 

"  ri-jH>rted,"  he  nays,  "  thut  1  "  imibh  of  tniuMU.''  Guodman's 

"  wua  net  wn  by  the  lord  Cecil  Mem.  II.  84.] 

248  The  Church  History  booe  %. 

1601.  his  house,  made  a  contrary  construction  of  his  ac* 
-^tions,  and  reporte<l  him  popishly  affected.  Thus 
those  who  publicly  do  things  in  themseWes  liable  to 
offence,  and  privately  reserve  the  reasons  of  their 
actions  in  their  own  l>osoms,  may  sufficiently  satisfy 
their  consciences  towards  (Jod,  but  will  hardly  avoid 
the  censures  of  men,  to  which  too  unwarily  they 
exposi'  thenisi»lves.  With  more  general  applause 
was  the  bounty  of  archbishop  Whitgift  bestowed, 
who  now  finished  his  hospital,  founded  and  endowed 
by  him  at  Croydon  in  Surrey,  for  a  warden  and 
eight  and  twenty  bri'thren;  as  also  a  free  school, 
with  liberal  maintenance,  for  the  inlucation  of  youth. 
Goil  (the  Ix'st  of  creditors)  no  doubt  long  since  hath 
plentifully  repaid  what  was  lent  to  him  in  his 

n  Um  2.  Tlie  last  parliament  in  this  queen's  reign 
rf**'  now  liegun  at  Westminster,  and  dissolvtHl  the  month 
^*'  next  following.  Of  such  things  which  at  distance 
may  sei*m  to  relate  to  church  affairs,  in  this  parlia- 
ment, it  was  enactetl,  **  That  overseers  of  the  |>oor 
^  should  be  nominateil  vearlv,  in  I^^ter  week,  un- 
•*  der  the  hand  and  seal  of  two  justices  of  peace  ^ ; 
**  and  that  these,  with  the  churchwardens,  should 
^*  take  care  for  the  relief  of  the  ]>oor,  binding  out  of 
**  apprentices,  6ic.  As  also,  that  the  lord  chancellor 
^  should  award  commissions  under  the  great  seal, 
^  into  any  part  of  the  realm,  as  cause  should  require, 
••  to  the  bishop  of  ever)*  diocesi*  and  his  chancellors 
**  and  any  four  or  more  iM^rsons  of  honest  lieha- 
^  viour,  to  inquire  by  oaths  of  twelve  men  into  the 

^  Sutute  43  of  queen  Elisabeth,  c.  a. 
^  llnd.  ctp.  4. 

CBWT.  XTii.  of  Britain.  249 

^  miBemployment  of  any  lands  or  goods  given  toA.D.  1601. 

43  EKfc 

pious  uses;  and  by  their  orders  to  appoint  them 
to  be  duly  and  fiiithfully  paid  or  employed  to  their 
^  true  uses  and  intents."  In  pursuance  of  this 
statute,  much  good  was  and  is  done  to  this  day,  in 
several  parts  of  the  kingdom,  the  law  being  very 
tender,  that  the  true  intentions  of  the  donor  should 
take  effect,  as  by  this  eminent  instance  may  appear. 
By  the  rule  of  the  law,  copyhold  land  cannot  be 
aliened  but  by  surrender ;  but  yet,  if  a  man  devise 
such  land  to  a  charitable  use,  though  it  had  not 
been  surrendered,  this  is  adjudged  good  ^,  and  shall 
be  construed  an  appointment  to  a  charitable  use 
within  this  statute. 

3.  Now,  if  we  look  into  the  convocation  parallel  Acts  oC  diit 
to  this  i)arliament,  therein  we  shall  find  that  it  began 

with  a  Latin  sermon  of  William  Barlow,  doctor  of 
divinity,  and  one  of  her  majesty's  chaplains,  (after- 
wards bishop  of  Rochester,  then  of  Lincoln,)  preach- 
ing on  this  text,  Luke  xix.  13,)  Negotiamini  dum 
renio.  In  this  convocation,  Matthew  Sutcliffe,  doc- 
tor of  the  law  and  dean  of  Exeter,  was  chosen  pro- 
locutor, but  nothing  save  matters  of  course  passed 
therein.  Nor  find  I  any  eminent  divine  deceased 
this  year. 

4.  Francis  Godwin,  doctor  of  divinity,  sub-dean  Frandt 
of  Exeter,  son  of  Thomas  Godwin,  bishop  of  Wells,  mMtobUm 
(like  another  Gregory  Nazianzen,  a  bishop,  son  to  a^"*""^^* 
bishop  %)  was  promoted  to  the  church  of  Llandaff. 
I  le  was  bom  in  the  fourth  year  of  queen  Elizabeth, 
who  was  not  a  little  sensible  of  and  thankful  for 

^  15  Jac.  in  Rivet's  one  in     [prefixed  to  hit  Works.   Peris, 
chancery.  1 609.  See  bishop  Taylor's  Cases 

«  In  Vita  Greg.  Naiiansen,    of  Coasciance,  PW677.] 


The  Church  History 


A.  I).  if>oi.Go<l*H  favour  unto  her,  in  suifering  her  so  long  to 

^'^  ''^'.  hold  the  helm  of  the  English  church,  till  one  bom 

within  her  reign  was  found  lit  to  Ik'  a  bishop.     He 

was  stored  with  all  polite  learning,  l>oth  judicious 

and  industrious  in  the  study  of  antiquity,  to  whom 

not  only  the  church  of  Llandaff*  (whereof  he  well 

deserveil)  but  all  England   is  indebtcnl,  as  for  bin 

other  learned  writings,  so  e8|)ecially  for  his  Cata<> 

logue  of  Bisho]>s.     He  was  translated,  anno  1617»  to 

Hereford,  and  died,  many  years  after,  a  very  old 

man,  in  the  reign  of  king  Charles '. 

Watson*!        5.  Now  cauic  fortli  a  notable  book  against  the 

agmiiut  the  Jesuits,  written  in  a  scholastic  way,  by  one  Watson, 

****^      a  sec'ular  j>rie8t,  consisting  of  ten  Quodlibets,  each 

whereof  is  subdivided  into  as  many  Articles  ^.     It 

'  [HiA  election  ums  conHrmed 
on  the  1 4th  of  November,  and 
his  conaecrution  performed  on 
the  32nd.  in  the  collepute 
church  of  St.  Peter's,  U'ent- 
Diinster.  Strype'ii  Whit^ft, 
553.  His  C(mg«^  d  elire,  In^ar- 
infT  date  Jan.  7,  i'>o3.  In  print- 
ed in  Kymer's  Fcvd.  xvi.  488. 
He  lived  till  the  year  1611. 
See  (rfidwin  de  Pra^Hul.  696, 
613.  and  a  mort*  ditFuMve  ac- 
count of  him  in  WinmI'ii  Ath. 
I.  5H0,  who  iitat4*«  that  (]uet*n 
KliialH'th  advanced  Godwin  to 
tlie  lee  of  Llandatf  on  account 
of  hii*  *'('atalopi<'of  liii»lio|>H."] 
If  [*•  A  IX»cachordiin  of  Ten 
'*  QucKlliboticul  Qut»iitionA  con- 
**  crrnin^  Heli^ion  and  State ; 
**  wherein  the  author,  framing 
**  hininelf  a  (|uililH*t  to  every 
**  Quodlibet.  decides  an  hun- 
dred cross  interrogaUiry 
dottliU    abuut    the    Keocral 


'*  contentions  betwixt  the  se- 
**  minary  priests  and  Jesuits 
"  at  this  present.'*  Xewlj  ioi. 
printcnl,  1603.  4to.  Thii  title- 
page  bears  no  name,  Uiou|th 
Watson  acknowledges  himself 
to  lie  the  author  at  p.  361. 
rnproniiHin;;  as  is  the  title  of 
the  book,  it  contains  a  fund  of 
the  most  curious  infonnmlioo 
respecting  the  personal  historr, 
hccret  intrigues,  and  proceed 
ings  of  the  Jesuits  and  Roman 
catholics  during  the  later  yean 
(»f  <]UiH*n  Klixalieth.  Wataoo 
was  likewise  the  autlior  of 
M*veral  {laniphlets  of  the  same 
nature,  to  which  he  generallr 
pre(ixe<l  his  initials,  W.  \l . 
Ik*ing  a  very  pragmatical  and 
busy  character,  he  collected 
much  secret  anecdote  and  acaa- 
dalous  historr,  which  he  cnp* 
tied  unmercifully  npoa  hk  %m* 

CENT.  XTii.  o/Britahi.  851 

discovereth  the  Jesuits  in  their  colours,  feiTetingA.D.1602. 
them  out  of  all  their  burrows  of  equivocation  and   ^    "" 

mental  reservation ;  holding  Proteus  so  hard  to  it, 
that  in  despite  of  his  changing  into  many  shapes,  he 
is  force<l  to  appear  in  his  own  proper  form.  No 
entire  answer,  for  aught  I  can  learn,  was  ever  re- 
turned to  this  book ;  the  Jesuits  (acconling  to  their 
old  trick)  slighting  what*  they  cannot  confute,  and 
counting  that  unworthy  to  be  done  which  they 
found  themselves  unable  to  do.  Indeed,  for  matters 
of  fact  therein,  they  are  so  punctually  reported,  with 
the  several  circumstances  of  time  and  place,  that 
the  guilty  consciences  of  such  as  are  concerned 
therein,  though  snapping  and  snarling  at  pieces  and 
passages  ther(H)f,  for  the  main  may  well  give  it  over 
for  unanswerable. 

6.  Yet  the  whole  book  is  written  with  an  embit- tim  bbek 
tered  style,  so  that  protestant  charity  hath  a  better jamhi 
conceit  of  Jesuits  than  to  account  them  altogether JUJ^^ 
so  bad.     Take  one  passage  of  many :  "  No,  no,  t^ieirJ^jJI^* 
"  course  of  life  doth  shew  what  their  study  is ;  andR^^i^ 
"  that  howsoever  they  lK)ast  of  their  perfections, 
holiness,  meditations,  and  exercises,  yet  their  plat- 
form is  heathenish,  tyrannical,  satanical,  and  able 
"  to  set  Aretine,  Lucian,  Machiavel,  yea,  and  Don 
**  Lucifer,  in  a  sort  to  school,  as  impossible  for  him, 
*•  by  all  the  art  he  hath,  to  besot  men  as  they  do  •*.*• 
This  is  the  same  Watson,  who,  tliough  boasting  of 
the  obedience  of  the  secular  priests  to  their  sove- 
reigns, and  taxing  the  Jesuits  for  want  thereof,  was 
notwithstanding  himself  afterwards  executed  for  a 
traitor,  in  the  reign  of  king  James.     It  seems  as 

>*  Second  Quodlibet,  third  Article,  p.  6a. 


S5S  The  Church  History  book  x. 

A.  D.  1601.  well  seculars  as  Jesuits  are  so  loaden  with  lojmltj, 
— — !!l.tliat  both  neeil  the  gallows  to  case  them  of  the 

burden  thereof. 
r  ^^'e*^^  7.  Great  at  this  time  was  the  calm  in  the  Engliih 
church,  Mid  church,  the  brethren  not  endeavouring  any  thing  in 
thereof,  opposition  to  the  hierarchy.  This  some  impute  not 
to  their  quietness,  but  weariness,  because  so  long 
they  had  in  vain  seeked  to  cast  off  that  yoke  from 
them ;  besides,  they  did  not  so  much  practise  for  the 
present,  as  project  for  the  future,  to  procure  here- 
after an  establishment  of  their  ecclesiastical  govern- 
ment. For  they  beheld  the  queen*8  old  age  as  a 
taper  of  virgin  wax  now  in  the  socket,  ready  to  be 
extinguishetl ;  which  made  them  address  and  apply 
themselves  with  all  diligence  to  James  king  of  Scot- 
land, the  heir  apparent  to  the  crown,  as  to  the  riaiiig 
sun,  whom  they  hoped  will  be  more  farourable  to 
their  proceedings;^ — hopes  not  altogether  groundleM, 
whilst  they  considered  the  power  of  the  presbytery 
in  the  church  of  Scotland,  where  bishops,  though 
lately  restored  to  their  place,  were  so  restrained  in 
their  power,  that  small  was  their  command  in  church 
affairs ;  which  made  the  brethren  in  England  thence 
to  promise  great  matters  to  themselves,  but  with 
what  success  shall  be  seen  hereafter.  At  for  Mr. 
Tliomas  CartHTight,  the  chieftain  of  that  pwty  in 
EngUnd,  we  find  him  at  this  time  growing  rich  in 
the  town  of  Warwick,  (there  master  of  an  hospital, 
by  the  benevolence  and  bounty  of  his  fbllowen,) 
where  he  preachetl  very  tem|>erately ',  according  to 
liis  promise  made  to  the  arehbishop  ^. 

'  Hir  Geom  VwoXm  Life  cif    554.     The  Mune  ftutbor  qoolcB 

Archbifthop  Whitgift,  t-  79.         a  piMigc  from  itr  II.  Yelvcr- 

^    [Sm    Sirjpe'a  Whitgift,    too't  Kpittb  to  the  Kmim. 


of  Britain. 


8.  Some  ascribe  this  his  mildness  to  his  old  age  a.  d.  1601. 

and  ex|>erience,  it  being  commonly  observed  that 

in  controversies  of  this  kind,  men,  when  thej  consult  reMont  m- 
with  their  own  grey  hairs,  begin  to  abate  of  their  JJJ^ 

violence.  Others  conceive  that  archbishop  Whit-JJ^JJg^Jl^ 
gift  had  conquered  him  with  his  kindness,  having 
formerly  procured  him  both  his  pardon  and  dismis- 
sion out  of  all  his  troubles;  so  that  his  coals  of 
courtesies,  hea]XHl  on  Mr.  Cartwright*s  head,  made 
the  good  metal  (the  ingenuity  in  him)  to  melt  into 
moderation.  For  in  his  letters  written  ^ith  his 
own  hand,  March  24,  anno  1601,  he  confesseth  him- 
self much  obliged  unto  him,  vouchsafing  him  the 
style  of  "a  right  reverend  father  in  God,  and  his 
"  iord  the  archbishop\s  grace  of  Canterbury  ;**  which 
title  of  grace  he  als<»  often  yieldeth  him  throughout 
his  letters,  acknowledging  his  ^*bond  of  most  humble 
**  duty  so  much  the  straiter^  because  his  grace^s  farour 
**  proceeded  from  a  frank  disposition,  without  any 
**  desert  of  his  own '.''  Others  (and  that  not  impro- 
Iiably)  do  think  that  Mr.  Cartwright  grew  sensible 
with  sorrow  how  all  sects  and  schisms,  being  op|K>- 
site  to  bishops,  (Brownists,  Barrowists,  &c.)  did 
shroud  and  shelter  themselves  under  his  protection, 
whom  he  could  neither  reject  with  credit  nor  receive 
with  comfort,  seeing  his  conscience  could  not  close 

prefixed  to  bitihop  Morton*ii 
Episco|>acy  Jusitifircl,  as  a  proof 
of  the  clmnge  in  ( ^irtwright's 
nentinienUt ;  ''which  he  «poke 
"to  a  sober  perMHi  on  his 
"  deathbed,  and  credibly  re. 
**  |iorted  to  that  gentleman 
'*  from  one  in  Warwick :  that 
"  he  seriously  lamented  the 
'*  unneceiiary  troublea  he  had 

"  caused  in  the  church  bj  the 
'*  schism  he  had  been  the  greal 
'*  fomenter  of;  and  wished  he 
"  was  to  begin  his  life  again, 
*'  that  he  might  testify  to  the 
"  world  the  dislike  he  had  of 
*'  his  former  ways.  And  in 
"  this  opinion  he  died."] 
1  Sir  Ot»rge  Piinl,  ib. 

5i54  Th€  Church  Hutmry  book  x. 

A.  D.  1602.  with  their  enormous  opinions^  and  his  counsel  could 


not  ref^late  their  extravagant  violences,  which  made 
him  by  degrt»es  decline  their  jiarty.  Yet,  for  all 
this,  there  want  not  those  who  will  maintain  that  all 
this  while  Mr.  Cartwright  was  not  more  remiss,  but 
more  reserved  in  his  judgment,  being  still  as  sound 
but  not  as  shar]>  in  the  causis  out  of  ]>olitic  intenta, 
like  a  skilfnl  pilot  in  a  great  tempest,  yielding  to 
the  violence  of  a  storm,  therewith  to  be  carried 
aw*ay,  contrary  to  his  intents  for  the  present,  but 
vraiting  when  the  wind  should  scmhi  turn  al>out  to 
the  north,  and  blow  him  and  his  a  proH|)erous  gale, 
according  to  their  desires. 
Z^-!^        9-  What  his  opinions  were,  may  appear  by  the 

iir.c«n-   premises;  and  his  life  may  be  presumed  most  pious, 
^  it  concerning  him  to  be  strict  in  his  conversation, 

who  so  stickled  for  the  reformation  of  all  abuses  in 
the  church ; — an  excellent  sc^holar,  pure  Latinist^ 
(his  travels  advantaging  the  ready  use  thereof,)  accu- 
rate (irecian,  exact  Hebraician,  as  his  comments  on 
the  Pniverbs  and  other  works  do  sufficiently  testify. 
But  the  masterpiece  of  all  his  writings  was  that  his 
Confutation  of  the  Uhemish  Translation  of  the  New 
Testament  into  Knglish,  at  the  ini{>ortunity  of  many 
ministers  of  London  and  Suffolk  ;  and  sir  Francis 
Walsingham,  the  (pieen's  si»cretary,  ( Mr.  Cartwrigbt  s 
es|K'<Mal  patron.)  gave  him  an  liundnHl  pcmnds  to 
buy  him  IxM)ks  and  encourage  him  in  that  work  "*. 
However,  the  wetting  forth  thertnif  was  stop|>e<l  by 
archbishop  Whitgifl ",  ]>robably,  we  may  conceive, 

■*  [In  1 583.]     *S*«*  the  Pro-  n-numi'd  his  wcirk  shortly  after. 

imct  of  Mr.  l*uitwn|{ht*«  ImmiW.  8«v  the  publi«her*ii  Frrlaee  to 

'  [In  i5<yo.     But    not    w  the  IU*ader,  from  which  tlw  in* 

ftto|i|wd   but    that  Cartwright  Cumiatioii  in  the  test  tt  dcrivid. 


of  Britain. 


because  some  passages  therein  did  glance  at  andA.D.  irioa. 
gird  the  e])i8Copal  discipline  in  England;  and  after  J[1..JL. 
it  had  lain  thirty  years  neglected,  it  was  first  set 
forth  anno  1618,  and  then  without  either  privilege 
or  licence  o,  except  any  will  say  that  truth  is  a 
licence  for  itself.  In  a  word,  no  English  champion 
in  that  age  did  with  more  valour  or  success  charge 
and  rout  the  Romish  enemy  in  matters  of  doctrine. 
But  Mheii  that  adversary  sometimes  was  not  in  the 
field,  then  his  active  spirit  fell  foul,  in  point  of  dis- 
cipline, with  those  which  otherwise  were  of  his  own 

10.  The  same  year  |)roved  fatal  to  many  other  Bjihop 
eminent  clerg}'men;  and  I  hope,  without  offence,  lin^TSiln' 
may  join  them  together,  their  bodies  at  the  samcp^^*''' 
time  meeting  at  the  grave,  though  their  minds  before  J?"***/, 
had  parted  in  ditterent  opinions.  WiUiam 

'  '  Harris,  d*. 

i.  Ilerlx^rt  \V est phaling, bishop  of  IIen»ford,( though  JJSd!*^ 
perchance  his  ambiguous  death  is  more  properly  re- 
ferred to  the  last  yearP,)  brought  up  in  Christ  Church 
in  Oxford,  being  the  first  bishop  of  that  foundation; 
a  man  of  great  jnety  of  life,  and  of  such  gravity 
that  he  was  seldcmi  or  never  seen  to  laugh  ^ ;  leaving 

It  muRt  not,  lioweviT,  he  for- 
pitteii  that  ( artwright  puli- 
liHhiMl  u  Hiimll  tract  against 
part  of  the  HhcmiiitM'  work, 
entitled,  *'  The  Answer  to  the 
"  Preface  to  the  Uheniish  Tes- 
*•  tament.  By  T.  C'artwright, 
"  at  Kdinbnrgh.  Printed  by 
*•  Hol>ert  Waldegrave,  printer 
"  to  the  king's  majesty.  1602. 
"  Cum  privilegio  regis."  — 
I  a  mo.] 
*>  [But  neither  in  there  pri- 

vilege or  licence  to  hin  (*oni* 
ment  on  Ek:clesiasteH,  which  he 
dedicated  to  James  I.] 

P  [He  died  March  ist,  1602. 
See  Wood*8  Ath.  I.  3 14.  God- 
win, who  knew  him  well,  has 
by  a  stninge  miHtake  referrt*d 
his  death  to  the  year  1585, 
which  indeed  is  the  date  of  his 
translaticui  Ui  the  see  of  Here- 
ford.    De  Pra*sul.  p.  495.] 

<i  (rodwin  de  Pr«*sulibus 
Angliip,  p.  495. 

256  The  Church  History  book  %. 

A.  D.  great  but  a  well-gotten  estate,  out  of  which  he 
— bcqueathe<l  twenty  |>ound8  per  annum  to  Jeras  Col- 
lege in  Oxfonl. 

ii.  Alexander  Nowell,  doctor  of  divinity,  and  dean 
of  St.  Paul's  in  London,  bom  in  Lancashire,  bred  m 
Oxford,  afterwards  fled  into  Germany,  in  the  reign 
of  queen  Mary.  He  was  the  first  of  English  exiles 
that  returned  in  the  days  of  queen  Elizabeth  ' ;  and 
I  have  read  how  in  a  parliament  he  was  chosen 
burgess  of  a  town  of  Cornwall;  but  his  election 
pronounced  void,  because  he  was  a  deacon ; — a  man 
of  a  most  angelical  life  and  deep  learning ;  a  great 
defender  of  justification  by  faith  alone,  and  yet  a 
great  practiser  of  good  works, — witness  two  hundred 
pounds  a  year  rent  for  the  maintenance  of  thirteen 
students,  bestowed  on  Brasenose  College,  wherein 
he  had  his  education ' ;  a  great  honourer  of  the 
marriage  of  the  clergy,  and  yet  w*ho  lived  and  died 
single  himself;  an  aged  man,  of  ninety  years  of  age, 
yet  fresh  in  his  youthful  learning ;  yea,  like  another 
Moses,  his  eyes  were  not  dim,  nor  did  he  ever  make 
use  of  si>ectacles  ^  to  read  the  smallest  print  \ 

iii.  William  Perkins,  who  was  bom  in  the  first 
and  died  in  the  last  of  queen  Elizabeth ;  so  that  his 
life,  (as  vrc  have  elsewhere  obsiTved,  to  which  we 
remit  the  reader  ^,)  mnning  parallel  with  this  queen's 
reign,  began,  continued,  and  ended  therewith. 

iv.  (iregf>ry  (before  his  entrance  into  religion, 
Robert)  Sayer,  bred  in  Cambridge;  then,  leaving 

'  Dcmald  Lnpton  in  hit  Life,  rookig.  p.  217,  ed.  i6ao. 

[Protent.  Diriiw*,  p*  as^i  ed.  "  [According  to  Camdra,  lie 

1637  ]  died  in  Febniftnr.  1603.] 

*  Camden '■    Klii.  in    anno  ^  In  the  Hoijr  Sutv,  wbcrt 

160a.  we  his  life  at  laife.  p.  88. 

«  Hugh  IloUand  in  hia  Hcu 

CENT.  XVII.  o/Briiain,  267 

the  university,  fled  beyond  sea,  where  he  became  aA.D.ifioi. 
Benedictine  monk,  of  the  congregation  of  St.  Justin  ^ 
in  Padua.  lie  lived  in  several  parts  of  Europe,  as 
at  Rheims,  Rome,  Montccasino,  Venice,  where  he 
died,  and  was  buried  the  thirtieth  of  October  \  hav- 
ing written  many  volumes  in  great  esteem  with  men 
of  liis  profession. 

V.  William  Harris,  as  obscure  among  protestants 
as  eminent  with  the  ])opish  |)arty ;  a  master  of  arts 
of  Lincoln  College  in  Oxford,  whence,  leaving  the 
land,  he  fled  beyond  sea,  living  at  Douay ;  and  after- 
wards he  came  over  into  England  ^,  where  it  seems 
he  had  the  ha|)  to  escape  the  queen's  oflScers,  and  to 
die  in  his  bed.  His  book,  called  **Tlie  Theatre  of 
**  the  most  true  and  ancient  Church  of  England,**  is 
highly  nccounte<l  of  Roman  catholics. 

11.  About  this  time  the  low  estate  of  the  city  ofR^Uefient 
Geneva  (the  nursery  of  the  reformed  religion)  wasorooim 
lively  re[>resented  to  the  prelates,  clergy,  and  well- 
di8|)osed  |K»rsons  of  England,  being  for  the  ])resent 
in  a  very  doleful  condition.  Long  since  it  had  been 
undone,  but  lx>cause  it  had  so  many  enemies  to  undo 
it ;  so  that,  by  God's  providence,  out  of  the  devourer 
came  meat  ^.  Such  neighlK)uring  princes  and  states, 
which  were  tx)th  willing  and  able  to  swallow  up  this 
Zoar,  did  jiresc^rve  it ;  for  rather  than  Savoy  should 
sup])ress  it,  Venice,  Florence,  the  popish  cantons  in 
Switzerland,  and  France  itself,  would  support  it.  But 
for  all  this  |>olitic  geometr}',  wherewith  long  it  had 
hung  safe  betwixt  sevt»nil  competitors,  it  was  lately 
shrewdly  shaken  by  the  puissance  of  the  duke  of 

>  Pitz.  in  \'it.i,  p.  boi.      1  Idem.  p.  802.     <  Judges  xtv.  14. 

KU l.LKR,  VOL.   V  8 

258  The  Church  History  looK  X. 

A.  D.ifios.  Savoy,  who,  addicUnl  to  the  Spanish  faction,  had 

banished  all  protestanta  out  of  his  dominions.  Arch- 

bi8ho|)  Whitji^ift,  whose  hand  was  ever  opt»n  to  any 
pious  design,  led  with  his  liberal  example,  and  the 
rest   cheerfully   followed  ;    so   that   large   sums  of 
money  were  seasonably  made  over  for  the  relief  of 
Geneva  ■. 
ThedMth       12.  Queen  Elizabeth,  the  mirror  of  her  sex  and 
Eihab^   age,  (having  above  forty  years,  to  the  admiration  of 
envy  itself,  nianage<l  this  kingdom,  finding  when  she 
began  few  friends  that  durst  help,  and  leaving  no 
foes  that  could  hurt  her,)  exchanged  her  earthly  for 
a  heavenly  crown ;  who,  as  she  lived  and  diinl  an 
unspotted  virgin,  so  her  maiden  memory  is  likely,  in 
this  res]>ect,  to  remain  sole  and  single,  seeing  history 
aflfonls  no  prince  to  be  matched  to  her  fame  in  all 
considerable  particulars.     Iler  eor])se  was  solemnly 
interred  under  a  fair  tomb  in  Westminster,  the  lively 
draught  whereof  is   pictured   in  most  London  and 
many  country  churches,  every  parish  being  proud  of 
the  shadow  of  her  tomb  ;  and  no  wonder,  when  €*ach 
loyal  subject  erectefl  a  mournful  monument  for  her 
in  his  heart.     Rut,  soon  after,  all  English  souls  were 
eniploye<l  e(|ually  to  divide  themselves  betwixt  ex- 
clamations of  sorrow  for  her  death  and  acclamations 
of  joy  for  king  James  his  succeeding  her^. 
KinirJunn      IS.  And  uow  it  is  strange  with  what  assiduity  and 
I^ki^nr     diligence  the  two  poti*nt  [larties,  the  defenders  of 
o^T  r  ^'P'**<*<>l>^y  *^*'  presbyter}',  with  equal  ho|>e8  of  suc- 
HiMrty.   (t»Hs,  ma«le  (U'sidi's  private  and  fmrticular  addresses) 
public  and  visible  applications  to  king  James» — the 

•  [a6()ct  1603.]  the  qucen'i  dc«lh  b?  an  9j^ 

^  [Stt*  (ttMidumn'ii  Mmioim     witnrtii,   vol.   II.   p.   55, 
of  Jmiit-*  I   ftir  an  aooount  of    not**.] 


of  Britain, 



first  to  continue,  the  latter  to  restore^,  or  rather  setA.  i).  i6o.i. 
up  their  government ;  so  that,  wliilst  each  side  was  ~  ""**' 
jealous  his  rival  should  get  the  sttirt  by  early  stirring, 
and  rise  fir«t  in  the  king*s  favour,  such  wua  their 
vigilancy,  that  neither  may  seem  to  go  to  bed ;  in- 
cessantly diligent,  both  before  and  since  the  queen's 
death,  in  dispatching  posts  and  messages  into  Scot- 
land to  advance  their  several  designs*^.  We  take 
notice  of  two  principal :  Mr.  Lewis  Pickering,  a 
Northamptonshire  gentleman,  and  zealous  for  the 
prcsbyterian  party,  M'as  the  third  person  of  quality, 
who,  riding  incredibly  swift,  (good  news  makes  good 
horsemen,)  brought  king  James  the  tidings  of  queen 
Elizal)eth*s  death ;  but  how  far  and  with  what  an- 
swer he  moved  the  king  in  that  cause,  is  uncertain'. 
Dr.  Thomas  Nevill,  dean  of  Canterbury,  came  into 
Scotland  some  days  after  him,  (except  any  will  say 
that  he  comes  first  that  comes  really  to  efiect  what 
he  was  sent  for,)  being  solemnly  employed  by  arch- 
liishop  Whitgift  to  his  majesty,  in  the  name  of  the 
bishops  and  clergy  of  Elngland,  to  tender  their 
Imunden  duties,  and  to  understand  his  highness* 
pleasure  for  the  ordering  and  guiding  of  ecdesias- 

^  [••  There  is  a  fooliiih  ni- 
**  mour  up  and  down  in  the 
•*  court,  of  sir  H.  Bromley, 
*'  lord  Thomufi  Howard,  lord 
"  (-<ibliani,  and  the  dean  of 
'*  (.'anterbury.  Dr.  Nevile,  that 
**  ouch  nhould  f^  to  move  the 
**  king  for  what  they  like  : 
*•  Nevile  for  the  protefttant, 
*'  lord  Thomaji  Howard  for  the 
"  papJHt,  Bromley  for  the  pu. 
"  ritan,  lord  Cobham  for  the 
"  atheiKt."  M»S.  Journal  in 
Harl.  MSS.  5353. 

Among  others,  Wataon,  the 
»euiinar}'  priest*  waa  sent  to 
obtain  toleration  for  the  Roman 
catholics,  but  apparently  with- 
out effect  {  and  this  may  be  the 
reason  why  several  pamphlets 
were  put  forth  by  that  party  to 
the  prejudice  of  James's  suc- 
CL'HHion.  See  Kennett's  AfSS. 
Ixxxix.  p.  1 1,  and  WataonV  re- 
markable letter  in  the  Memoirs 
of  James  I.  Vol.  H.  p.  59  ] 

^  [See  Goodman,  ib.  p.  a  8, 
and  note.] 



The  Chirch  History 



silly  trm- 

A.n. if«3.tical  causes*.     He  brought  back  a  welcome  answer 

to  such  as  sent  him  of  his  highness*  purpose,  **  which 

^  was  to  uph(»ld  and  maintain  the  government  of 
**  the  late  queen,  as  she  left  it  settled." 

14.  Soon  after  followed  the  treason  of  William 
Watson,  on  this  occasion.  Tliis  Watson,  secular 
priest,  had  \iTitten  a  bitter  book  against  the  Ji^suits, 
as  being  one  knowing,  though  not  so  secret,  of  their 
faults,  as  their  own  confessors;  taxing  them  ^ith 
truth  so  plain,  they  could  not  deny — so  foul,  they 
durst  not  confess  it.  Now  such  is  the  charity  of 
Jesuits,  that  they  never  owe  any  man  any  ill-will, 
making  present  jmyment  thereof.  These  holy  fathers 
(as  Watson  intimated  on  the  scaffold,  at  his  death* 
and  forgave  them  for  the  same^)  *^  cunningly  and 
*•  covertly  drew  him  into  this  action,"  promoting 
him  (who  was  ambitious,  though  ]ireteuding  to  much 
mortification)  treasonably  to  practise  his  own  pnv 
ferment  ^. 

•  HirG.PauFHLifo  of  Whit- 
gift,  5. 1 26. 

^  Stim-'n  C'hron.  p.  831. 

K  [CuAiuitMin.  ill  liitt  lettor 
t4i  Froiit4»  DiicaMis,  says  that 
WatMiii  ami  (  larki*  c  nntaiitly 
ftfiirintMl  that  tht's  ooii.iiiiifiiinil- 
cd  tlM*ir  coiiHjiinicy  tci  the  Je- 
ftiiitM,  mill  anki'd  thi'iii  to  join  it ; 
liut  they  refuM'fl.  allv^ing  that 
they  were  eii^iig«ii  in  MMiie  other 
p!«>t,  niennin):,  \\%  it  wxin  Mip* 
|Nme(i,  the  (vunfiou-cler  Tr(*aiMin. 
p.  Ho.  An  ini|H*netnihle  niyntery 
hangv  aUttit  thiit»t.  iin  it 
wiu  calUtl.  WutMUi,  in  hin 
letter  t«>  the  hmU  of  the  privy 
etiuncil,  iin<i  |«rtieularly  m  hin 
Qutidlibet*.  diiiplayii  the  hittt-r- 
e»t  Be«l  Asiil  luiiuiuftity  «|puniit 

the  Ji*iiuiUi;  taxt>H  them  vith 
lK*in;;  the  AUthora  of  all  the 
trouhlen  lirotight  n|Min  the  Ro- 
man catholicn.  hy  Uieir  turlm- 
lent  and  iieilitiou»  amdact ; 
and  hin  lettcT  axM'rtA  that  this 
char^  of  tn*njuin  wa»  brought 
agaiiiKt  him  hj  their  mochiiuu 
tionn,  in  order  to  ^t  rid  of 
hint,  whom  ther  dreadrd  ■»  a 
powerful  enemy.  Yel  ml  Ki* 
death  he  oiikii  their  pardon  and 
their  prayers.  See  wite.  is.  J. 
15.  It  would  teem,  then,  tluit 
tuf)  conHpiraciea  were  foruird 
oi^iniit  king  Janiea*  the  one  by 
the  M*cukr  prieOo,  the  ulber 
hy  the  Jeouits  ;  and  it  ia  not 
impmlmble  that  the  latter,  rtill 
retaining  a  tense  of  iMr  an* 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  261 

15.  Watson,  with  William  Clarke,  another  of  his  a.  0.1603. 
own  profession,  having  fancied  a  notional  trp>ft«nn,  '  ""^ 
ini]iarted    it   to   George   Brooke,   one    angry  with^^JJ^ 
nature,  not  so  much  for  making  him   lame,  as  a 
younger  brotlier.     These  break  it  to  (Brooke»  his 
brother)   the  lonl   Cobham,   to   the   lord   Gray  of 
Whaddon,  and  sir  Walter  Raleigh — the  one  a  known 
protestant,  the  other  a  reputed  puritan,  the  third  an 

able  statesman  —  besides  some  other  knights,  dis- 
pleased with  their  jiresent  fortunes  (how  quickly  is 
discontent  inflamed  into  disloyalty  !)  because,  since 
the  turning  of  the  wheel  at  the  queen  s  death,  on 
the  wrong  side  of  prefennent.  Watson  devised  an 
<iath  of  seiTeoy  for  them  all,  which  yfxis  no  more 
than  needful,  considering  their  ditterent  interests— 
rather  pieced  than  unitinU  patched  than  pieced  to- 

16.  Had  one  lost  his  religion,  he  might  have  Their  wiu 
found  it  (though  I  confess  a  treason  is  but  a  bad  viiereby  to 
place  to  seek  it  in)  in  this  conspiracy,  wherein  menj^"* 
of  all  |)er8uasioii8  Mere  engaged.  Their  parts  were 
VLS<  ditTerent  as  their  opinions,  Mmie  of  them  t)eing 
coneeive<l  t4>o  wise  to  begin,  an<l  others  too  weak 
to  finish  so  dangerous  a  design.  The  ends  they 
propounded  to  themselves  (as  they  were  charged 
therewith)  were,  to  kill  tlie  king,  raise  rebellion, 
alter  ri^ligion — at  least  gain  a  toleration,  and  procure 
a  foHMgn  invasion,  with  many  more  things,  which 
may  l>e  spoken  easier  in  a  minute  than  done  in  an 
age,  es[K»cially  their   interest   being   not   much   at 

cii'iit  grudge  iiguiiittt  the  mh:u-  government,  but  had  weum  and 

Ian,  which   uriginuted  during  cunning  (certainly  not  honesty) 

the  lattfr  psirt  tif  thi*  huit  reign,  enough  to  keep  their  own  neclu 

hetrayod  this  con»piracy  t4i  the  out  of  the  unarv.] 


The  Church  History 


A.  i>.  1603.  home,  and  nothing  abroad.     Tliey  ante-divided  all 

—offices  of  state  betwixt  themselves — lonl  marshal  to 

one,  treasurer  to  another,  master  of  the  hone  to  a 
thinl,  secretary  to  a  fourth,  &c. ;  only  sir  Walter 
Raleigh  (able  to  discharge  any)  had  no  particular 
office  assigned  unto  him.  Watson  was  to  be  lonl 
chancellor,  being  very  fit  for  the  place,  had  he  but 
as  much  skill  to  <leci(le  causes  as  write  quodlitjets. 
There  wanted  nothing  to  estate  them  in  all  these* 
offices,  but  only  their  getting  of  them. 

17.  Wonder  not  that  this  treason  was  discovered 
»» soon,  but  covered  ho  long  **.  The  two  priests  alone, 
with  (Jeorge  Brooke,  were  executwl ;  who,  to  use  the 
words  of  king  James  in  his  letter  to  sir  lienjamin 
Tichbounie,  sheriif  of  Hampshire,  (for,  the  plague 
being  in  London,  tenn  was  removed  to  Winchester, 
where  they  were  tried,)**  vaire  the  princi|»ali  plotteris 
**  and  intisairs  of  all  the  rest,  to  the  embracing  of  the 
*^  saidis  treasonabil  machinations  '."*     The  rest  vrere 

Tti«  two  N 
priests  e««- 

^  [According  U>  J(ihiiHti)ii, 
Fraiicift  Uuriiaby,  a  Kdiiiiiili 
prii*tit,  fiixt  fiiHcoverod  tlu*  plot 
to  Baiicnift,  and  he  U)  C'«cil ; 
but  Baruabj  could  mention  no 
othors  than\VutM>ii  and  Clarke; 
which  MH*nift  to  conHrm  the  as. 
■ertion  of  biMhc^p  (tcMMlman.that 
Raleigh  wus  no  otherwise  con. 
cemed  in  the  plot  than  a«  being 
aware  of  itt  exiHtenci*,  which  he 
had  intended  to  dimrloM*.  but 
was  antici|MitetL  See  Johnston, 
Hist.  lir.  p.  372.  Smie  inge- 
nious remarks  u|M>n  it  will  Iw 
found  in  TvtK-r's  Life  t»f  Ho- 
leigh.  p.  15 7*  SI],  and  p.  444. 
Bish<ip  CitMidniaii.  in  his  Me- 
nu»ini.  has  funiislicd  some  verv 


iin|HNtant  infurniatiiMi  rem|iect- 

ing  it.  I.  p.  63.  and  the  LeCtera, 
1 1 .  p.  86,  sq.  He  conceiTea  tbat 
sir  (reorge  Brooke  alone  waa 
cul liable,  who  in  a  fit  of  dis- 
content formed  the  plot,  with 
a  view  to  gain  laToiir  bj  dia- 
eovering  it.] 

i  [This  letter  is  pobliabed  at 
length  in  a  tract  entitled, "  Tlie 
*'  (\»pv  of  a  Letter  written 
*'  from'  Master  T.  M.,  near  S^ 
"  lisbury.  to  Master  H.  A.,  at 
*'  I^indon,  concerning  the  pro. 
**  a*eding8  at  Winchester  ; 
where  the  late  lord  Cobhaoi. 
lord  Ctray,  and  sir  Grifia 
Msrkhuni.  all  attainted  of 
"  high  treason,  were  ready  to 
U*  executed,  on  Pridnr  the 
c>th    of    Ilmniber.   ioo3«** 






nf  Britain. 


pardoned  their  lives,  not  their  lands  J.   We  must  not  a.  d.  16^. 

*  I  Jamet. 

forpet  that  the  priests  pleaded  the  silliest  for  them 

selves  of  all  that  were  arraigned,  alleging  that  their 
practice  against  the  king  could  not  be  treason, 
because  done  against  him  before  he  was  crowned  ^ ; 
Watson  instancing  in  Saul,  who  was  anointed  in 
Ramah  ^  and  afterward  made  king  in  Mizpeh ". 
Clarke  insisted  on  Rehoboam,  as  being  no  king  till 
the  people  had  made  him  so°;  not  remembering 
(what  our  lawyers  there  minded  them  of)  the  difier- 
ence  betwixt  successive  kings,  deriving  their  claim 
from  their  ancestors,  and  one  newly  elected ;  the 
English  crown  also  being  as  incapable  of  an  inter^ 
regnum  as  nature  of  a  vacuity.  Meantime  the  Jesuits 
looked  on,  and  laughed  at  Watson's  execution,  to 
see  how  bunglingly  secular  priests  went  about  a 
treason,  resolving  in  the  next  platform  thereof  (which 
now  they  were  contriving)  to  rectify  the  errors 
Watson  had  committed ;  not  to  engage  in  a  squint- 
eyed  company,  where  two  did  not  look  the  same 
way,  but  to  select  a  com|)eteucy  of  cordial  catholics 
for  the  pur|>08e. 

18.  No  sooner  was  king  James  settled  on  the  Mr.  Out- 
English  throne,  but  Mr.  Cartwright  presented  untOdiC£la 
him  his  Latin  Comment  on  Ecclesiastes  ^  thank- jl^j* 

Thin  tract  waH  printed  in  1603, 
and  reprinted  in  Morgan's 
Plicrnix  BritannicuH,  p.  5i«J 

J  [WatAon  and  Clarke  were 
hanged  upon  29th  Nov.,  and 
both  cut  aown  alive.  Brooke 
waa  beheaded  on  Monday, 
Dec.  5,  in  the  castle-yard.  See 
Carte's  HiAtory,  III.  p.  732.] 

*^  [See  the  voluntary  decla- 
ration of  Ant.  Copley,  dated 
14th  July,  1603,  in  Lingard's 
Hiat.  Eng.VI.  p.  641.] 

1  I  Sam.  X.I. 

■*  Ibid.  ver.  24. 

"  I  Kings  zii.i* 

o  [Prioted  at  Loodoa  in 
1604,  in  4to.] 


264  Tht  Chttrch  Historif  book  x. 

A.  D.  1603.  fully  mentioning   in  his    Dedication   bow  he   had 

!^  somo  twenty  years  before,  been  chosen  to  be  pio* 

fesRor  in  a  Scotch  university,  though  declining  the 
acceptance  thereof  because  of  his  pastoral  charge, 
bc'ing  then  minister  to  the  English  congregation  at 
Antweq> — thanks,  perchance,  not  so  proper  to  the 
person  of  king  James,  (though  in  loyalty  and  good 
manners  justly  tendered  unto  him,)  as  due  rather  to 
those  who  in  his  minority  steered  the  ailairs  of  Soot- 
land.  Nor  let  any  wonder  that  an  Knglishman 
should  be  proifereil  preferment  in  Scotland,  seeing 
it  was  but  (»iie  for  another,  rememliering  that  I  have 
read  in  the*  life  of  Mr.  Knox  that  he  was  oflTered 
an  English  bishopric,  in  tlie  n*ign  (as  I  take  it)  of 
king  Edwani  the  Sixth,  and  like\^ise  refused  the 
Mr.Ctft^  19.  But  Mr.  Cartwright  survivi^l  not  long  after, 
"dmfh.  (otherwise,  no  doubt,  we  should  have  hi^rtl  of  him 
in  IIam|>ton  Court  conference,  as  the  champion  of 
his  party.)  who  died  at  the  age  of  sixty,  on  the 
twenty-seventh  of  IK»cemlHT  following.  To  what 
We  have  fonnerly  largi^ly  writ  of  his  charnctor,  we 
now  only  aild  that  he  was  hon\  in  Ilertfonlshire, 
and  marrit^l  the  sbter  of  Mr.  Stubbs  ^  who^e  hami 
was  stnick  oil'  for  writing  an  (inteq»rete<l)  libel 
against  (|U(H.*n  Klizatn^th's  marriagi*  with  Monsieur^. 
This  I  dare  boldly  say,  she  was  a  most  excellent 
wife,   if  she    proved   like  lufr  bn»ther,  whom   Mr. 

V  [TIh*  DiM-iiwry  of  u  ^apiii^  letting  lu*r  MAJi*iity  set*  llMf  Sin 

(fiilf    \«liiT<*iiiti>    Kii^lutiti    in  aiiiiFiiiiiiihmcnttbtfreuf.  Mnur 

likf  to   l»e   iiUiillo\%t*<l   \\   all.  Aiipiiiti.  i57(;.     8vii.l 
ulhi'r  Fn*nch  Marriuiet*.  if  tlu*         M  (uiiiiifn  in  hift  Eiis.  1581. 
Ijoni  forliiil  not  tlu*  liuniiH.  I>v 

cKirr.  XVII.  of  BriUmi.  265 

Camden  (no  great  friend  of  puritans)  cordially  com- a.  0.1603. 
mendetb  for  a  right  honest  man,  generally  beloved  '  *™**' 

whilst  living,  and  lamented  Yfhen  dead.  He  was 
afflicted  towards  his  old  age  with  many  infirmities, 
iii8orauch  that  he  was  forced  continually  to  study 
u|>on  his  knees  ^  My  ears  shall  be  deaf  to  the 
uncharitable  inference  of  those  who  impute  this 
extraonlinary  painful  posture  as  a  just  punishment 
upon  him,  in  that  he  had  so  bitterly  inveighed 
against  the  gesture  of  those  as  superstitious  who 
royercntly  received  the  sacrament  on  their  knees. 
Mr.  Dodd  preached  his  funeral  sermon. 

SO.  And  now,  because  there  was  a  general  expec-  The  pm. 
tation   of  a   parliament,  suddenly   to   succeed   thejU^UI*^ 
pre^byterian  party,  that  they  might  not  bi^  surprised  ^^'^^^^j, 
before  they  had  their  tackling  about  them,  went 
about  to  get  hands  of  the  ministers  to  a  petition, 
which  they  intended  seasonably  to  present  to  the 
king  and  parliament.     Mr.  Arthur  Ililderslmm  and 
Mr.  Ste[)hen  Kgerton,  with  some  otliers,  were  chosen, 
ancl  chiefly  intrusted  to  manage  this  important  bu- 
siness.    Tliis  was  called  *'  the  millenary  petition,"  as     ^ 
one  of  a  thousand  •,  though  indee<I  there  wore  but 
seven  hundred  and  fifty  preachers'  hands  set  there- 
unto, but  those  all  collected  only  out  of  five  and 
twenty  counties.     However,  for  the  more  rotundity 
of  the  numlKT  and  grace  of  the  matter,  it  passeth 
for  a  full  thousand  ;  which,  no  doubt,  the  collectors 

c  See    hiH    Life,    lately    net  ttet  furtb  by  Samuel  Clark  [at 

fcirth  by  M.  Clark,  [in  his  Liven  tbe  end  of  Lin  Oeu.  Murtyro- 

of  Tbirty.twu  Eiigli>b  Divines,  l^y*  P*  377*  ^*  f<*l- 1^5'-  ^*^* 

p.  3^>7.]  tbiii   petition   exenipUlied    be- 

^  See  Mr.  Ililderbhunrci  Life,  low.] 


The  Church  HiHwy 


A.D.  1603  of  the  names,  if  «o  pleased,  might  easily  hare  com- 

I  J  HUM'S* 

pletcd.     I  dare  not  guess  what  made  them  derist 

before  their   numtier  M'as   finished :   whether   the? 


thought  that  these  were  enough  to  do  the  deed« 
and  moe  were  rather  for  ostentation  than  use;  or, 
because  disheartened  by  the  intervening  of  the 
Hampton  Court  conference,  they  thought  that  these 
were  oven  too  many  to  {K^tition  for  a  denial.  It  is 
left  as  yet  uncertain  whether  this  conference  was  by 
the  king's  favour  graciously  tendered,  or  bj  the 
mediation  of  the  lords  of  his  council  powerfully 
procured,  or  by  the  bisho{>s  (as  confident  of  their 
cause)  voluntarily  profferetl,  or  by  the  ministers*  im- 
]K>rtunity  etlectually  obtained.  Each  opinion  pre- 
tends to  prul>ability,  but  the  last  most  likely ;  aniL 
by  what  means  soever  this  conference  was  com- 
{mssed,  Hampton  Court  was  the  place,  the  fourteenth 
of  January  the  time  S  and  the  following  names  the 
{K'rsons  which  were  employed  therein": 

For  Cim/urmtijf. 

AfTlitiiftlMi|i  of  Caiiti^rtiiiry,  Whit}(ift. 

Hift)io|i   (if  Ijiiiuldii,  lUnrnift. 

Durham,  Matthew. 

— -^      Wiiichr»ti»r,  itiltim. 
— —     Wiinniirr,  lbihiiif(t(Mi. 

St.  IhiVHiX  Kiiild. 

• ('liirhe»t<T,  WaUon. 

— ^— ~     ('aHi«W,  Riibiiiaiiii. 

IS^erlmnNiich,  iKvvr. 

I      Moderaior, 
KiKU  Jamcs. 


All  the  lunb  of 
,     tliepri%'youiui- 
I     ril,  whervw 
I     vnmm  at  timn 
I     iDterpiaed  a 
few  warda. 

Dr.  RemoUt. 

Mr.  [ 

Dran  of  'rhe  rhapel.  [l>r.JMnea    < 

rhmt(  hiirrh.lDr.Kavia.] 

WiitrvMrr,  [Dr.  VaU%\  ». 

^-^-^  WrvtnnnMrr,  Aiidrewcn. 

St.  Kaiil'*.  ChrralL 

rlir*irr,  Baiiiiw. 

--—  .Nmh»Uiry,  Bri«l|(n. 

•^^-^—  WiiMlMW  7. 

i>r.  FirM,  'iii«ii  (if  (tliMirr*irT/ 

I  >r.  Kiiii?,  [  At\  hdnMXMiiif  NiitUiiKtwni. ; ' 


A  withdrawing 
HMwii  witliiu 
the  privY 


ia  a 



of  Britain. 


To  omit  all  gratulatory  preambles,  (as  necessary  a.  d.  1603. 

when  spoken,  as  needless  if  now  rejieated,)  we  will 

present  only  the  substance  of  this  day's  conference, 
his  majesty  thus  beginning  it : 

*^  It  is  no  novel  device,  but  according  to  the 
**  example  of  all  Christian  princes,  for  kings  to  take 
**  the  first  course  for  the  establishing  of  the  church, 
**  both  in  doctrine  and  policy  ••  To  this  the  very 
*•  heathen  related  in  their  proverb,  A  Jove  prin- 
cipium^  {)articularly  in  this  land.  King  Henry 
the  Eighth,  towards  the  end  of  his  reign,  altered 
much;  king  Edward  the  Sixth  more;  queen  Mary 
^  reversed  all  ;  and  lastly,  queen  Elizabeth  (of 
**  famous  memory  •)  settled  religion  as  now  it 
**  standeth. 

*'  Herein  I  am  happier  than  they,  because  they 
^  were  fain  to  alter  all  things  they  found  establislie<l; 
**  whereas  I  see  yet  no  such  cause  to  change,  as  con- 
**  firm  what  I  find  well  settled  already.  For  blessed 
**  be  God's  gracious  goodness  **,  who  hath  brought  me 




^  [It  was  at  6r8t  apjMniited 
on  the  1 3th  of  January,  (Tliura. 
day.)  but  aftiTwardM  deferretl 
by  the*  king  till  the  14th.  Har- 
low, &c.,  p.  2.  Hcylyo's  Hist, 
of  the  Prenbyterianji,  p,  368.] 

»  [The  account  of  thin  con- 
ference waH  publitihed  by  Dr. 
Barlow,  then  dean  of  Chi»f»ter, 
in  1604.  It  was  reprinted  in 
1638,  and  again  in  a  collection 
of  tracts  called  "  The  Phoenix." 

«  [See  Wood's  Papers,  Vol. 
II.  p.  39.] 

7   Though   all   these   deans 

were  summoned  by  letterH,  and 
prcHent  in  the  pre^encc-cham- 
i>er  ;  yet  only  hve  (viz.  of  the 
Chapel,  Westminster,  Paul's, 
Chester,  and  Salisbury)  on  the 
fiTvX  day  were  called  in.  [Bar- 
low's Sum  of  the  Couf.  Ace. 
p.  2.] 

«  [Barlow,  ib.  p.  3.] 

*  Note,  his  majesty  never 
remembered  her  but  with  some 
honourable  addition.  [[Bar- 

^  r*'  At  which  words  he  put 
'*  off  his  hot"  Barlow,  ib.  p. 


268  The  Church  Hutory  booi  z. 

A.I).  i6o.v**  into  the  /promised  land^  where  religion  is  (miivIt 

*   '*  pmfesHOil,  where  I  sit  amongst  grave,  learned,  and 

"  reverencl  men  ;  not  as  before,  eUewherCn  a  kinp 
*'  without  state,  without  honour,  without  order, 
*•  where  beardless  boys  wouhl  brave  us  to  the 
**  face. 

''  And,  I  assure  you,  we  have  not  called  this 
'^  assembly  for  any  innovation ;  for  we  acknowledgi- 
the  government  ecclesiastical,  as  now  it  is,  to  have 
been  a|>|>n)ved  by  manifold  blessings  from  God 
himself,  both  for  the  increase  of  the  gos|K'U  and 
with  a  most  happy  and  glorious  {Hmce.  Yet,  be- 
*'  cause  nothinj^:  can  be  so  al>sidutelv  ordered  but 
*'  something  may  be  added  thereunto,  and  cor- 
**  niption  in  any  state  (as  in  the  body  of  man)  will 
**  insensibly  grow  either  through  time  or  |)ersons; 
"  and  because  we  have  received  many  complaints 
**  since  our  first  entrance  into  this  kingdom,  of  many 
**  disorders  and  much  disobedience  to  the  laws,  with 
"  a  great  falling  away  to  i>oiH?ry  :  our  purpose  then"- 
^  fore  is  like  a  giMid  physician,  to  examine  and  try 
'*  the  complaints,  and  fully  to  remove  the  oecasioiHt 
**  thereof,  if  scandahnis — cure  thenu  if  dangerous— 
**  and  take  knowledge^  of  them,  if  hut  frivolous; 
*•  thereby  to  cju*t  a  w)p  into  C'erbi*rus  his  nioutli. 
*'  that  he*  bark  no  nion*.  For  this  cause  we  have 
^  calltn]  y<m  bishops  an<l  (h'ans  in,  sevcndly  by  your- 
**  Hidvi%  not  to  Im*  confn)nte<l  by  the  contrary  opfNV 
^  neiits,  that  if  any  thing  should  be  found  meet  to 
**  In'  ri*dn>ss(MK  it  might  Ix*  done  without  any  visible 
•'  altcnition. 

*'  l*arti(*ulariy  tli(*n*  In*  some  s|KH*ial  |N>intM  wheiviu 
*  I  di'sin*  to  Im*  satinfii-^l,  and  which  niav  be  reduevd 



CKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  S69 

••  to  three  heads:  1,  Concerninir  the  Book  of  Com- a. d.  1603.  ^ 

^  I  James. 

*•  mon  Prayer,  and  divine  service  used  in  the  church. 

^'  2.  Excommunication  in  ecclesiastical  courts.  S. 
**  Tlie  providing  of  fit  and  able  ministers  for  Ireland. 
**'  In  the  Common  Prayer  Book  I  require  satisfaction 
^  about  three  things : 

i.  "  First,  about  confirmation ;  for  the  very  name  <  ,. 
**  thereof,  if  arguing  a  confirming  of  baptism^  as  if  '•*-  ^u*^. 
^  this  sacrament  without  it  were  of  no  validity,  is 
plainly  blasphemous.  For  though  at  the  first  use 
thereof  in  the  church  it  was  thought  necessary 
that  baptized  infants,  who  formerly  had  answered 
**  by  their  patriniy  should  [be  examined]  when  come 
•*  to  years  of  discretion,  [and]  after  their  profession 
**  made  by  themselves,  be  confirmed  with  the  blessing 
**  of  the  bishop,  I  abhor  the  abuse  [in  popery,]  where 
"*  it  is  made  a  sacrament  and  a  corroboration  to 
•*  baptism. 

ii.  ''  As  for  absolution^  I  know  not  how  it  is  used  '^ 
^  in  your  church,  but  have  heard  it  likened  to  the 
**  j>oi)e's  panlons.  There  be,  indeed,  [only]  two 
**  kinds  thereof  from  Go<l :  one  general,  all  prayers 
^  and  preaching  importing  an  absolution ;  the  other 
'*  imrticular,  to  S]>ecial  parties  having  committed  a 
'*  scandaU  and  repenting.  Otherwise,  where  cxcom- 
"  munication  [or  i)enancej  precedes  not,  in  my  judg- 
'^  ment  there  needs  no  absolution. 

iii.  **  Private  Inipti^m  is  the  third  thing  wherein  I 
**  would  be  satisfied  in  the  Common  Prayer:  if  called 
**  private  from  the  place,  I  think  it  agreeable  with 
**  the  use  of  the  primitive  church ;  but  if  terme<l 
'*  private  that  any  besides  a  lawful  minister  may 
*'  baptize,  I  utterly  dislike  it."'   And  here  his  majesty 

270  T^Air  Church  History  book  i. 

A.  I).lf>o.^<^*ow  Roine\i'hat  oamost  in  his  expressions  agiiosC 
'  '^*"^'*    the  baptizing  by  women  and  laics. 

2.  i.  '*  In  the   second  head,  excommunicatiaiu  I 
offer  two  things  to  be  considered  of:  first,  the 
matter;  secondly,  the  persons.     For  the  first,  I 
"  would  be  satisfied  whether  it  be  executed,  aa  it  is 
complained  of  to  me,  in  light  causes,  and  that  too 
commonly,  which  causeth  the  undenraluiDg  thereof 
For  the  i)er8on9,  I  would  be  resolved  why  chan- 
cellors and  commissaries,  being  laymen,  should  do 
it,  and  not  rather  the  bishops  themseWea,  or  some 
minister  of  gravity  and  account,  deputed  by  them 
^'  for  the  more  dignity  to  so  high  and  weighty  a 
**  censure.     As  for  providing  ministers  for  Ireland,  I 
''  shall  refer  it,  in  the  last  day*s  conference,  to  a 
*•  consultation." 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury . — ^Confirmation  hath 

*'  Ihvu  used  in  the  catholic  church  ever  since  the 

^  ai>ostles ;  and  it  is  a  very  untrue  suggestion,  if 

''  any  have  infonnod  your  highness  that  the  church 

of  England  holds  l^aptism  imperfect  without  it,  as 

ad<ling  to  the  virtue  and  strength  thereof^." 

liishop  of  London. — '*  The  authority  of  confirma* 

*^  tion    de|HMids    not   only  on    antiquity  S  and    the 

*^  |>nu*tice  of  the  primitive  church,  but  is  an  apoato- 

^^  lical  institution,  name<I  in  express  words,  Ileb.  vi. 

**  2 ;  and  so  did  Mr.  C  alvin  ex|)ound  the  very  places 

*^  i*aniestly  wishing  the  restitution  thereof  in  the 

•*  n'formcMl  churchc>s." 

^  He  nddreimetl  hiinmplf  to  131,  ed.  1736  ;  and  Jeroaie  ad* 

the  kill);  on  hiii  knm*.     [Wmr-  vcnuii  Luctferiaii.[IV.  pp.a^^, 

li>u\  lb.  |i.  <;.]  295,  ed.  Ptfit.  1706.] 

<*  (*itiiig  Cvpr.  Kp.  Ixiiii.  p. 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  271 

The  bishop  of  Carlisle  is  said  gravely  and  learn- a.  p.  1603. 
ediy  to  have  urged  the  same;  and   the  bishop  of^ 
Durhnm  noted  something  out  of  St.  Matthew  for 
the  imiK)sition  of  hands  on  cliildren. 

Tlie  conclusion  was  this:  for  the  fuller  explana- 
tion that  we  make  confirmation  neither  a  sacrament 
nor  a  corroboration  thereof,  their  lordships  should 
consider  whether  it  might  not  without  alteration 
(whereof  his  majesty  was  still  very  wary)  be  entitled 
an  examination  with  a  confirmation. 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury. — "  As  for  the  point  of 
^  absolution,  (wherein  your  majesty  desires  satisfec- 
**  tion,)  it  is  clear  from  all  abuse  or  su])erstition,  as 
**  it  is  used  in  our  church  of  England,  as  will  appear 
*'  on  the  reading  both  of  the  Confession  and  Abso- 
"  lution  following  it,  in  the  beginning  of  the  Com- 
**  munion  Book." 

Here  the  king  pemsed  both,  and  returned — 

His  Majesty. — "  I  like  and  api>rove  them,  finding 
**  it  to  be  very  true  what  you  say.** 

liishoj)  of  London.  —  *'  It  becometh  us  to  deal 
"  plainly  with  your  majesty :  there  is  also  in  the 
*'  bf)ok  a  more  particular  and  personal  absolution  in 
"  the  Visitation  of  the  Sick.** 

Here  the  dean  of  the  Chapel  turned  unto  it  and '''**•* J^ 
read  it.  omiL 

Bishop  of  London. — "  Not  only  the  confessions  of 
''  Augusta,  Boheme,  and  Saxon,  retain  and  allow  it, 
**  but  Mr.  Calvin  also  doth  approve  both  such  a 
*'  grnenil  and  such  a  private  (for  so  he  terms  it) 
*'  ronfi»ssion  and  absolution.** 

His  Majesty. — **  I  exceedingly  well   approve   it. 

27S  The  Church  History  book  %. 

A.D.  1603. ''  Xmng  an  apostolical  and  godly  ordinance^  gi^en  in 

I  Jmiim»h- 

**  the  nanio  of  Christ  to  one  that  desireth  it,  upon 

'*  the  ch'arinp:  of  his  conscience.** 

The  conchision  was  this :  that  the  bishops  should 
consult  whether  unto  the  rubric  of  the  general  abso- 
lution, these  words,  "  remission  of  sins,**  might  not 
Ix*  added  for  explanation  sake. 

Archhiahop  of  Canterbury. — "  To  the  point  of 
'*  private  baptism,  the  administration  thereof  bj 
''  women  and  lay  |K'rsons  is  not  allowed  in  the 
**  practice  of  the  church,  but  incpiired  of,  and  cen- 
**  sured  by  bishojw  in  their  visitations  **." 

Ilia  Majesty. — '*  The  words  of  the  book  cannot 
'*  but  intend  a  permission  of  women  and  private 
"  persons  to  baptize." 

fiis/top  0/  Worcester. — **  The  doubtful  words  may 
•'  Im»  pressed  to  that  meaning ;  yet  the  compilers  of 
*'  the  tM>ok  did  not  so  intend  them,  as  appearetb 
**  by  their  contrary  practice ;  but  they  pro|>ounded 
^*  them  aml)irruously«  l)ecause  otherwise,  perhaps, 
**  the  txM>k  would  not  then  have  ]m88ed  the  par- 
••  liament  '.*' 

liishop  of  Loudon.  — "  Those  reverend  men  in- 
**  tended  not  by  ambi/^uous  terms  to  deceive  any, 
^*  but  then^by  intemled  a  |H^nnisHion  of  private  per- 
**  sons  to  Kaptize  in  case  of  necessity  '•  This  is 
••  agnM»able  to  the  practice  of  the  ancient  church, 
**  (A(*t8  ii.)  when  thn^e  thousand  being  Iwptised  in 
'*  a  day,  (whi(*h  for  the  ajxHitles  alone  to  do  was  at 

^  [ILirlou.  ib.  p.  14  ]  '  llfri*  he  pniduoed  Um  let- 
*  To  tlii^i  1h*  ritod  the*  te».  tcm  of  mum*  cif  thiwr  Am  oom- 
tiniuny    of   tilt*   arclilitikliop    «if  pilfn. 

CKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  273 

"  the  least  improbable,)  some  being  neither  priests  a.  0.^603. 
"  nor  bishops  must  be  presumed  employed  therein  ;- 
"  and  some  fathers  are  of  the  same  opinion.**     Here 
he  spake  much  and  earnestly  about  the  necessity  of 

JIh  Afajesfi/,  —  ••  Tliat  in  the  Acts  was  an  act 
*•  rjiraordinarj/^  and  done  before  a  church  was  set- 
•'  tied  and  grounded ;  wherefore  no  sound  reasoning 
**  thence  to  a  church  stablished  and  flourishing. 
*'  I  maintain  the  necessity  of  Imptism,  and  always 
**  thought  the  place,  John  iii.  5,  E^rcept  one  he  lH>m 
"  again  of  frater^  &c.,  was  meant  thereof.  It  may 
'•  se<»ni  strange  to  you,  my  lords,  that  I  think  you 
*'  in  Kngland  give  too  much  to  baptism  ;  seeing 
^*  fourteen  months  ago,  in  »Scotland,  I  argued  with 
'*  my  divines  there  for  attributing  too  little  unto  it : 
'*  insonuich  that  a  ])ert  minister  asked  me  if  I 
•*  thought  baptism  so  necessary,  that,  if  omitted,  the 
'*  child  should  be  damned?  I  answered,  ^No;  but 
*'  if  you,  called  to  ba])tize  a  child,  though  privately, 
"  refuse  to  come,  I  think  you  shall  be  damned.' 

''  But  this  necessity  of  Imptism  I  so  understand, 
**  that  it  is  necessary  to  1)0  had  where  it  may  be 
'*  lawfully  had,  that  is,  ministere<l  by  lawful  minis* 
*'  ters,  by  whom  alone,  and  no  private  i>erson  in  any 
*•  <'ase,  it  may  l)e  administered;  though  I  utterly  dis- 
^*  like  all  relmptization,  although  either  women  or 
**  laics  have  baptized." 

liishop  of  Winchestir. — "  To  deny  private  iiersons 
'•  to  liaptize  in  case  of  necessity,  were  to  cross  all 
'*  antiquity,  and  the  common  practice  of  the  church  ; 
'*  it  IxMiig  a  nile  agrt>ed  on  amongst  divines,  that  the 
*'  minister  is  not  of  the  essence  of  the  sacrament." 

His  Majesty. — "  Though  he  be  not  of  the  essence 

M'M.KR,   vol..  v.  T 

274  The  Church  Hiatmy  book  s. 

A.D.  1603."  of  the  sacrament,  yet  is  ho  of  the  esKonce  of  the 

"  riffht  and   lawful   niinistr}'  thereof,  according   to 

**  Christ's  commission  to  his  disciples,  Go^  prtack 
"  and  baptize  »,  &c." 

The  result  was  this:  to  consult  whether  in  the 
""  rubric  of  private  baptism,  which  leavers  it  indiirer- 
ently  to  all,  these  words, "  curate  or  lawful  minister," 
may  not  be  inserted. 

For  the  jjoint  of  cjrommunication^  his  majesty 
propounded,  whether  in  causes  of  U*sser  moment 
the  name  might  not  ho  aitertMl,  and  the  same  con» 
sure  retainetl.  Si»condly,  whether  in  place  thenH>f 
another  coen'ion,  ecjuivalent  thereunto*  might  not 
be  invented  •*.  Which  all  sides  easily  yielded  unto, 
as  long  and  often  desired  ^     And  so  was 

The  end  of  the  Jirst  Daj/^s  Conference. 

On  Monday,  Januar\'  the  1 6th,  thev  all  mot  in 
the  same  ]dace,  with  all  the  deans  and  docton 
above  mentione<l ;  Patrick  Gallowav,  minister  of 
Perth  in  Scotland,  adniittcnl  also  to  bo  there;  and 
hojH^ful  prince  1  Icury  sat  on  a  stool  by  his  father  ^. 

Tlie  king  made  a  pithy  sikm^cIi  to  the  same  pur- 
|»osc  which  Iw  made  the  first  day,  diflering  only  in 
the  conclusion  thereof;  InMUg  an  address  to  the 
four  op|K)ser8  of  confonnity  there  pn^sent,  whom  he 
understood  "  to  Im»  tlu»  most  grave,  leanu^l,  and 
"  UKHlt^st  of  the  aggrievtMl  sort ;"  pn>feH8ing  himsi^lf 

K  Mutt,  x&viii.  20.  *'  jcsty,  (the  late  queen,)  who 

^  [lkirlc»u'.  ill.  |i.  Ky.]  "  rthiol%'tHl   to  be  still  jtmimt 

'  [**  A     tiling    very    easily  **  raiicm,  and  to  alter  noUuBft 

**  yieldtnl  unto  of  ull  hu\v%,  U*-  **  which  she  had  once  aeCtlcd.' 

"  caUM*  it  hiicl  Uvn  long  and  llarlou-,  |i.  19.] 

'*  often  deiitre«l.  hut  muld  not  ^   [liarhiw,  ib.  p.  21.] 
*'  be   obtained   from    her  mo- 






CBNT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  275 

ready  to  hear  at  large  what  they  could  object,  and  a.  d.  1603. 
willed  them  to  begin  ^. 

Dr.  Reynolds. — ''All  things  disliked  or  questioned 
*'  may  be  reduced  to  these  four  heads : 

i.  *'  That  the  doctrine  of  the  church  might  be 
*'  preserved  in  purity,  according  to  God's  word." 

ii.  ''  That  good  pastors  might  be  planted  in  all 
"  churches,  to  preacli  the  same." 

iii.  "  That  the  church-goveniment  might  be  sin- 
*'  cerely  ministered,  according  to  Cod's  word.** 

iv.  "  That  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer  might 
**  be  fitted  to  more  increase  of  piety. 

**  For  the  first,  may  your  majesty  be  pleased  that 
**  the  Book  of  Articles  of  Religion,  concluded  on 
**  1562,  may  be  explained  where  obscure,  enlarged 
*'  where  defective :  viz.,  whereas  it  is  said,  (Article 
**  the  1 6th,)  *  After  we  have  received  the  Holy 
**  Ghost,  we  may  depart  from  grace,'  those  words 
may  be  explained  vrith  this  or  the  like  addition : 

*  yet  neither  totally  nor  finally.'  To  which  end  it 
would  do  very  well  if  the  nine  orthodoxal  asser- 
tions concluded  on  at  Lambeth  might  be  inserted 
into  the  Book  of  Articles. 

Secondly,  whereas  it  is  said  in  the  SSrd  Article, 

*  that  it  is  not  lawful  for  any  in  the  congregation 
^  to  preach  before  he  be  lawfully  called,'  these  words 
**  ought  to  be  altered,  because  implying  one  out  of 
**  the  congregation  may  preach,  though  not  lawfully 
^*  called. 

*'  Thirdly,  in  the  S5th  Article  there  seemeth  a 
**  contradiction,  one  passage  therein  confessing  con- 

^  [When  Dr.  Reynolds  be.  other  delegMtes,  kneeled  down* 
gan   to   speak,    he,   with    the     Barlow,  ib.  p.  23.] 



276  The  Church  Hhiory  book  s. 

A.T>.i6o3.u  finnatioii  *  to  be  a  depraved  imitation  of  the  aiM>- 

"  Sties,'  and  another  gnmnding  it  on  their  example.'* 

Bishop  of  London. — **  May  your  majesty  be  plcnuied 
**  that  the  ancient  canon  may  be  rememberwl,  Schi*» 
**  mafici  contra  episcojH)^  non  sunt  audiendi ;  anil 
"  there  is  another  diK-ree  of  a  very  ancient  eounciL 
*'  *  that  no  man  should  l)e  admitted  to  8|)eak  against 
"  that  whereunto  he  hath  formerly  subscribed.* 
"  And  as  for  you,  doctor  Reynolds,  and  your 
sociates,  how  nmch  are  ye  Iwund  to  his  majestyV 
clemency,  jiermitting  you,  contrary  to  the  statute 
**  primo  EUzaheth(P^  so  freely  to  s|H^k  against  the 
'^  liturgy  and  discipline  establisheii.  Fain  would  I 
•*  know  the  end  vou  aim  at,  and  whether  vou  be 
**  not  of  Mr.  Cartwright's  mind,  who  affirmed,  •that 
**  we  ought  in  ceremonies  rather  to  conform  to  the 
"  Turks  than  to  the  papists.'  I  doubt  you  approve 
**  his  ]>osition,  because  hen*  ap|)earing  before  his 
*•  majesty  in  TurkiT  gowns  "',  not  in  your  scholastic 
**  habits,  according  to  the*  order  of  the  universities.** 
Uh  Majesty. — •*  My  lord  bishop,  something  in 
*^  your  ]>aK8ion  I  may  excuse,  and  something  I  must 
••  mislike  ".  I  may  excuse  you  thus  far,  that  I  think 
•*  you  have  just  cause*  to  1r*  moveil,  in  respect  that 
"  they  traduce  the  well-setthHl  government,  and  also 
•'  proceiNl  in  so  indirect  a  course,  contrary  to  their 
•'  own  pn't4»nce  and  the  intent  of  this  meeting.  I 
**  mislike  your  sudden  interruption  of  Dr.  Heynolds, 
•*  whom  y<m  should  have  suffered  to  have  taken  his 
'Mibertv;    for   then*  is  no  onler,  nor  can  be  anv 

■>  [llt>ylyn\    lli%t.   «>f    thi*     in  miiih*  lioAtp,  iatrmipting  Dr. 
Prf^hytemntt.  p.  3^8]  Koyiioldii.] 

^  [Till*  biiJiop  IimI  ii|M>ki*ii 


CKNT.  XVII.  ftf  Britain.  277 

**  effectual  issue  of  disputation,  if  each  party  be  not  a.  d.  1603. 

"  suffered,   without    chopping,    to    speak   at    large. 

**  Wherefore,  either  let  the  doctor  proceed,  or  frame  " 
**  your  answer  to  his  motions  already  made,  although 
"  some  of  them  are  very  needless." 

Bishop  of  London. — "  Upon  the  first  motion  con- 
cerning falling  from  grace,  may  your  majesty  be 
pleased  to  consider  how  many  in  these  days  neglect 
**  holiness  of  life,  presuming  on  persisting  in  grace 
**  upon  predestination, — ^  If  I  shall  be  saved,  I  shall 
**  be  saved,' — a  de8i>erate  doctrine,  contrary  to  good 
**  divinity,  wherein  we  should  reason  rather  ascend' 
**  endo  than  descendendoy  from  our  obedience  to  Grod, 
"  and  love  to  our  neighbour,  to  our  election  and 
•*  predestination.  As  for  the  doctrine  of  the  church 
*•  of  Knglan<I  touching  i)redestination,  it  is  in  the 
**  verj'  next  paragraph,  viz.,  *  We  must  receive  Ciod's 
•*  promises  in  such  wise  as  they  be  generally  set 
^^  forth  to  us  in  holy  scripture ;  and  in  our  doings 
**  that  will  of  (iod  is  to  be  followed  which  we  have 
•'  expressly  dt*clared  unto  us  in  the  word  of  God.*  *' 

//is  Majesty. — "  I  ap]>rove  it  verj'  well,  as  con- 
**  sonant  with  the  jjlace  of  Paul,  Work  out  your 
**  salvation  with  fear  and  trembling.  Yet  let  it  be 
**  considered  of,  whether  any  thing  were  meet  to  be 
**  added  for  clearing  of  the  doctor's  doubt,  by  put- 
•*  ting  in  the  word  *  often,'  or  the  like.  Meantime  " 
^*  I  wish  that  the  <loctrine  of  predestination  may  be 
^*  tenderly  handled,  lest  on  the  one  side  Goal's  om- 
**  nijwtency  be  questioned  by  im|)eaching  the  doc- 
*'  trine  of  his  eternal  pre<lestination ;  or  on  the  other 
**  side  a  des|)erate  presumption  arreared,  by  inferring 
•*  the  necessary  certainty  of  {persisting  in  grace." 
/Jishop  of  London.  —  "Tlie  second  objection  of 

T  3 


Th€  Church  History 




A.D.  1603. «« the  doctor's  is  yain,  it  being  the  doctrine  and 

'-  ^*  practice  of  the  church  of  England  that  none  bat 

**  a  licensed  minister  may  preach  nor  administer  the 
Lord's  Supper." 

His  Majesty.  —  '^  As  for  private  baptism^  I  have 
already  with    the  bishops  taken   order   for  the 
**  same." 

Then  came  they  to  the  third  point,  of  confirma-- 
tion ;  and  upon  the  perusal  of  the  words  of  the 
Article,  his  majesty  concluded  the  pretended  con- 
tradiction a  cavil  ^. 

Bishop  of  London. — *' Confirmation  is  not  so  much 

^  founded  on  the  place  in  the  Acts  of  the  Apostles* 

but  upon  Ileb.  vi.  2,  which  was  the  opinion  (besides 

the  judgment  of  the  fathers)  of  Mr.  Calvin  f  and 

''  Dr.   Fulk  ^ ;    neither   noedeth    there  any  farther 

'^  proof,  seeing,  as  I  suppose,  he  that  objected  this 





^  [Tlie  cavil  was  upon  these 
worcU:  **That  when  the  Article 
"  states  that  these  tive,  com- 
"  monly  called  sacramentH,  that 
*'  is  to  suy.  Continuation,  Pe- 
"  nance,  &c.  are  not  to  l)e 
'*  accounted  for  sacraments  of 
*'  the  gos|)el,  being  such  as 
"  hare    grown    lurdy  of    the 

corrui>t     following     of    the 

a|Mistles,"  &c.  —  the  Puritans 
would  hare  wrested  it  to  mean 
that  Confirmation  is  a  depraved 
imitation  of  the  a|M)stles.  A 
miserable  shift  it  must  have 
been,  which  could  drive  men, 
professing  a  dei^irt*  of  unity 
and  love,  to  descend  to  no 
pitiful  and  dishonest  a  quibble, 
such  as  this  and  some  others 

P  (>n  Ileb.  vi.  1.  [The 
words   of   Calvin   are   tla*se  : 

'*  Qui  erant  extrand,  non  ante 
"  perveniebant  ad  Baptismnai, 
**  quam  edita  fidei  ooofcMMMW. 
"  In  illis  ergo  catecheaia  bap. 
*'  tismum  prvcedere  lolebat. 
*'  At  litieri  fidelium,  qaoniaa 
"  ab  uteru  adoptati  enuU,  cC 
"  jure  promissionis  pertinefaaat 
*'  ad  corpus  ecclcsic  inCuitea 
"  bajitixabantur:  tranncUvcro 
'*  infuntia,  {lostquam  institoti 
"  erant  in  fide  se  quoque  ad 
"  cati*cbesim  offervbanl*  qtur 
*'  in  illis  baptismo  erat  poste> 
*'  rior;  sed  aliud  symbolan 
"  tunc  adliibebalur,  oonpa 
**  manuum  imp.jaitio.  Hie  uniu 
"  locus  abuude  testator  hajoa 
"  cKreuioniK  orifinom  flnxiase 
'*  ab  a|>o»tolis.**] 

M  On  Acts  viti.  17,  [in  hia 
notes  on  the  Rlwintah  Tcrta- 

cKNT.xvii.  of  Britain,  S79 

*"  holdH  not  confirmatiou  unlawful;  but  he  and  his  a.  D.  1603. 
*'  |>arty  are  vexed  that  the  use  thereof  is  not  in  — ""^ 
**  their  own  hands,  for  every  pastor  to  confirm  his 
**  own  parish ;  for  then  it  would  be  accounted  an 
"*  apostolical  institution,  if  Dr.  Reynolds  were  pleased 
"*'  but  to  s])eak  his  thoughts  therein." 

Dr.  Jieynolds. — ''  Indeed,  seeing  some  diocese  of 
^  a  bisho])  hath  therein  six  hundred  parishes  ^  it  is  - 
•'  a  thing  very  inconvenient  to  {)ermit  confirmation 
'"  to  the  bishop  alone ;  and  I  suppose  it  impossible 
**  that  he  can  take  due  examination  of  them  all 
**  which  come  to  be  confirmed." 

Bishop  of  London.  —  *'  To  the  matter  of  fiact  I 
^'  answer,  that  bi8ho])s  in  their  visitations  a]>point 
''  cither  tlieir  chaplains  or  some  other  ministers  to 
''  examine  them  which  are  to  be  confirmed,  and 
**  lightly  confinn  none  but  by  the  testimony  of  the 
*'  parsons  and  curates  where  the  children  are  bred 
**  and  brought  up. 

'^  To  the  opini(m  I  answer,  that  none  of  all  the 
^'  fathers  ever  admitted  any  to  confirm  but  bishops 
**  alone.  Ytm,  even  St.  Jerome  himself  (otherwise 
'*  no  friend  to  bishops)  confesseth  the  execution 
**  tliertH>f  was  restrained  to  bishops  only  •/' 

Bishop  of  Winchealer, — "  Dr.  lieynolds,  I  would 
'*  fain  have  you,  with  all  your  learning,  shew  wher- 
*'  ever  confirmation  was  used  in  ancient  times  by 
**  any  other  but  bishops ;    these  used  it  partly  to 

r  Here  the  binhop  of  Lon-  *'  Sacerdotia  dignitmte  pendet. 

(Ion  thought  himseit  touched,  "  cui  si  non  exort  qoedam  et 

lx^c:lUM*  alxiut  six  hundred  anil  **  ab  omnibus   emineus   detur 

nine  in  his  diocese.     [Barlow,  "  jiotestos,  tot  in  ecclesiia  effi- 

ib.  p.  33.]  "  cientur  schismatm  quot  saoer- 

•  "  Ecclesia  solus  in  sunimi  "  doti>s."[Adv.Lucifer.p.295.] 


5e8(>  Tht  Church  History  booe  x. 

A.  I).  1603.''  examine  children,  and,  after  examination,  by  im* 
I  Jainn.   ..  jH)8ltion  of  liands  (the  Jewish  ceremony  of  bh 




ing)  to  bless  and  pray  over  them ;  and  partly  to 
try  whether  they  had  been  baptized  in  the  right 
*'  form  or  no.  For  in  former  ages  some  baptiz€?d  (as 
they  ought)  in  the  name  of  the  Father,  Son,  and 
Holy  Ghost ;  some  (as  the  Arians)  in  the  name 
of  the  Father  as  the  greater,  and  the  Son  as  the 
less ;  some  in  the  name  of  the  Father  by  the  Sou, 
in  the  Holy  Ghost ;  some  not  in  the  name  of  the 
Trinity,  but  only  in  the  death  of  Christ.  Where- 
u|M)n  catholic  bishops  were  constrained  to  examine 
•*  them  who  were  baptized  in  retnofis,  eoncemiug 
**  their  baptism :  if  right,  to  confirm  them  ;  if  amia, 
•*  to  instruct  them.** 

l/is  Majesty. — "  I  dissent  from  the  judgment  of 
^  St.  Jerome,  in  his  assertion  that  bisho|is  are  not 
"  of  divine  ordination.*' 

Bishop  of  London. — "  Unless  1  could  prove  my 
^  onlination  lawful  out  of  the  scriptures,  I  would 
**  not  be  a  bishop  four  hours  longer.** 

His  Majesty. — "  I  approve  the  calling  and  use  of 
^  bishops  in  the  church,  and  it  is  my  aphorism,  *  No 
^  bishop,  no  king  ;*  nor  intend  I  to  take  confirmation 
^  frf>ni  the  liishops,  which  they  have  so  long  enjoyed: 
^  seeing  as  great  reason  that  none  should  confirm 
**  as  that  none  should  preach  witliout  the  bishop*s 
"  license.  But  let  it  Ik»  referred  whether  the  word 
'*  euaniination  ought  not  to  be  mIdiHl  to  the  rubric 
^^  in  the  title  of  Confirmation  in  the  Communion 
^  l)<M>k.  And  now,  Dr.  lU^ynolds,  you  may  pro-> 
••  ccihI.** 

Ihr.  liei/nfktds.  —  **  I  protest  I  meant  not  to  gall 
**  any  man,  (though  I  {lerceive  some  took  pertooal 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  281 

•*  exceptions  at  my  words,)  and  desire  the  imputation  A.  D.^603. 
**  of  schism  may  not  be  charged  upon  me  *.    To  pro-— 
'*  ceed  on  the  37th  Article,  wherein  are  these  words, 
'*  '  Tlie  bishop  of  Rome  hath  no  authority  in  this 
•*  hind :    These   are   not   sufficient,   unless   it  were 
'*  added, '  nor  ought  to  have  any.*  " 

His  Majesty — "  Ilabemus  jure^  quod  habemtis ;  and 
'^  therefore,  inasmuch  as  it  is  said  he  hath  not,  it  is 
"  plain  enough  that  he  ought  not  to  have.** 

Here  passed  some  pleasant  discourse  betwixt  the 
king  and  lords  about  puritans,  till,  returning  to 
seriousness,  there  began  the 

Bishop  0/ London. — **  May  it  please  your  majesty 
"  to  rt»member  the  speech  of  the  French  ambassador, 
^*  monsieur  Uosny  ",  upon  the  view  of  our  solemn 
^  siTvice  and  cen?niony,  viz.  *  that  if  the  reformed 
*•  churches  in  France  had  kept  the  same  order,  there 
•*  would  have  Ix^en  thousands  of  protestants  more 
••  tlian  there  are.'  *' 

Dr.  Reynolds. — "  It  were  well  if  this  proposition 
*'  might  ho  added  to  the  Book  of  Articles :  *  Tlie 
••  intention  of  the  minister  is  not  of  the  essence  of 
••  the  sacrament ;'  the  rather,  because  some  in  Eng« 
"*'  land  have  preached  it  to  be  essential.  And  here 
*'  again  I  could  desire  that  the  nine  orthmloxal 
*'  assertions  concluded  at  Lambeth  may  be  generally 
"  receiveil.*^ 

<     It   HOL>mH   the   biMliop   of  dently  alludes  to  the  exprewion 

Ij^mdon.  jeiilouH  that   he   was  of  the  hinhop  of  London  above, 

reflected  on.  (ajt  is  aforeMiid,)  p.  276:    "  SchUmalici   contra 

called    the    di>ctor    schiHinatic.  "  eptMcttpoM     non     sunt     audi' 

[It  setMnH  no  such  thin^,  as  the  "  rndi.'*] 

reader  may  see  by  referring  to  "  [I)e  Kosny.  the  ct*lebnited 

the  conferen(*(».  oh  published  at  8ully.] 
length ;  for  Dr.  Reynolds  evi- 



S8S  Th€  Church  HUtory  mwe  i. 

A.  0.1603.     m^  Majesty. — ^  I  utterly  dislike  the  fint  pvt  of 

'*'*'"**'   *'  your  niotiou,  thinking  it  unfit  to  thrust  into  the 

'^  Book  of  Articles  every  position  negatiYe,  which 

**  would  swell  the  book  into  a  volume  as  big  as  the 

*'  Bible,  and  confound  the  reader  \     Thus  one  Mr. 

Craig  in  Scotland  (with  his  '  I  renounce  and  abhor/ 

his  multiplied  detestations  and  abrenunciations)  so 

amazed  simple  people,  that,  not  able  to  conceive 

all    these   things,  they   fell   back   to    pofieTy,  or 

remained  in  their  former  ignorance.     If  bound  to 

this  fonn,  the  confession  of  my  faith  must  be  in 

my  table-book,  not  in  my  head. 

'*  But  because  you  speak  of  intention,  I  will  apply 

'*  it  thus :  if  you  come  hither  with  a  good  intention 

*'  to  Ih)  informeil,  the  whole  work  will  sort  to  the 

"  bottiT  effect ;  but  if  your  intention  be  to  go  as 

^*  you  came,  whatsoever  shall  be  said,  it  will  prove 

'*  the  intention  is  very  material  and  essential  to  the 

"  end  of  this  present  action. 

''  As  for  the  nine  asscTtions  you  S|)eak  of,  I  can- 
''  not  suddenly  answer,  not  knowing  what  thoee  pro- 
"  jHisitioiiH  of  LamlK'th  lx\" 

liishnp  of  London. — '*  May  it  please  your  miyeaty, 
**•  this  was  the  occasion  of  thi^ni :  bv  reason  of  tome 
^*  controversirs  arising  in  Cambridge  about  certain 
**  |N>ints  of  divinity,  my  lonrs  gnu*e  assembled  some 
*'  divines  of  sperial  note  to  set  down  their  opinions* 
'*  Mhirh  tli<*v  dn*w  into  nine  A^siTtiuns,  and  so  sent 
'*  tlH*m  to  tlir  univc*rsity  for  the*  np|>easing  of  those 
'*  <piarn'ls.'' 

//m  .!/#//#  >///.  — "  W'lu'n  such  qui^stions  arise 
**  amongst  .srhnlars.  th<*  f|uiete>t  proci*edings  were  to 

■   [llnrliiu,  ib.  \u  38.] 


iKNT.  XVII.  ofBritaiH.  288 

*'  determine  them  in  the  university,  and  not  to  stuff  a.  d.  1603. 
^  the  Book  of  Articles  with  all  conclusions  theo- J.-!!!!!!!l- 

Secondly,  the  better  course  would  be  to  punish 
**  the  broachers  of  false  doctrine,  than  to  multiply 
^  Articles,  which,  if  never  so  many,  cannot  prevent 
**  the  contrary  opinions  of  men  till  they  be  heard." 

Dean  of  PauVs. — "  May  it  please  your  majesty, 
^  I  am  nearly  concerned  in  this  matter,  by  reason 
*•  of  a  controversy  betwixt  me  and  some  other  in  ^ 
*•  Cambridge,  ui)on  a  i)roposition  which  I  there  deli- 
**  vered  ;  namely,  that  whosoever  (though  before 
''justified)  did  commit  any  grievous  sin,  as  adultery, 
*'  murdcT,  &c.,  do  become  ipso  facto  subject  to  God's 
**  wrath,  and  guilty  of  damnation,  quimd  preeaetitem 
atatumy  until  they  repent.  Yet,  so  that  those  who 
are  justified  according  to  the  puri>08e  of  God's 
election,  (though  tliey  might  fall  into  grievous 
"  sin,  and  thereby  into  the  present  estate  of  dam- 
''  nation,)  never  totally  nor  finally  fall  from  justifi- 
*'  cation,  but  are  in  time  renewed  by  Gml's  spirit 
*'  unto  a  lively  faith  and  rei>entance.  Against  this 
^*  doctrine  some  did  oppose,  teaching  that  {lersons 
''  once  truly  justified,  though  falling  into  grievous 
'*  sins,  remained  still  in  the  state  of  justification, 
"  before  they  actually  repenteil  of  these  sins;  yea, 
"  and  though  they  never  reiHjnted  of  them,  through 
•'  forgetfulness  or  sudden  death,  they  nevertheless 
•'  were  justified  and  saved." 

His  Majesty, — "  I  dislike  this  doctrine,  there  being 
'*  a  necessity  of  conjoining  re|)entance  and  holiness 
''  of  life  with  true  faith ;  and  tliat  is  hypocrisy,  and 
'*  not  justifying  faith,  whicli  is  severed  from  them. 
*'  For  although  ])redestination  and  election  depend 





884  The  Church  History  looE  x. 

A. I)  ir>o.v'<not  on  any  qualities,  actions,  or  works  of  mao 

—  '*  which  are  mutable,  but  on  (iIo<r8  etenial  decree, 

•'  yet  such  is  the  necessity  of  rei)entance  after  known 
'*  sins  committed,  that  without  it  no  reconciliation 
••  with  Ciod,  or  remission  of  sins.** 

Ih.  liej/nolds, — ^**  The  Catechism  in  the  Common 
**  Prayer  llook  is  too  brief,  and  that  by  Mr.  Nowell 
^  (late  dean  of  Paul's)  too  long  for  novices  to  learn 
*'  by  heart.  I  nnmest,  therefore,  that  one  uuiform 
**  Catechism  may  be  made,  and  none  other  generally 
•*  received  r." 

His  Afajf'sh/. — "  I  think  the  doctor*8  request  very 
^'  reasonable,  yet  so  that  the  Catechism  may  be  made 

in  the  fewest  and  plainest  affirmative  terms  that 

may  l>e, — not  like  the  many  iguorant  Catechisms 

in  Scotland,  set  out  by  every  one  who  was  the 
**  son  of  a  giHxl  man  ;  insomuch  that  what 
"  Catechism  doctrine  in  one  congregation, 
*•  scarcely  rweived  as  oHIkmIox  in  another.  And 
•'  hen»in  I  would  have  two  nik»s  ol)servwl  :  first, 
"*  that  curious  and  deep  (piestions  I>e  avoided  in  the 

fundamental   instruction  of  a    |>eople ;   secondly, 

that  there  should  not  l>e  so  general  a  de|iarturc 
**  from  the  papists,  that  ever}'  thing  shimld  be  ac- 
•'  countcMl  an  ern)r  wherein  we  agree  with  them.** 

/>r.  Rt\i/fnJds. — ''(irtMit  is  the  profanation  of  the 
^  sablmth-^lay,  and  contempt  <»f  yimr  miycsty's  pro- 
**  claniation,  whic*h  I  eanu^stly  desire  may  be  nv 
"  f«>nned.*' 

This  motion  found  an  unanimous  consent. 

/>r.  Itri/ntJt/%. — ••  May  your  majtnsty  be  pleased 
'*  that    the   Bible  Ikt  new  translated,  such   as   aie 

y  [JUrlow.  ib.  p.  43.] 



TKNT.  XVII.  f^f' Britain.  285 

"extant  not  answering  the  original."     And  he  in- a. o.  1603. 
staiiced  in  three  particulars : 

1  Jamei. 

In  thf  Oriyinal.  ///  TranxltUed. 

Cv;il.  iv   23.         trwrroixfi  Bcirderetli. 

pHaliii  cv.  28.     They  were  not  disobedient.        They  were  not 

P&alin  cvi.  30.  Phinehos  executed  judgnieut.     Phinehas  prayed. 

Bishop  of  London.  — "  If  every  nian*s  humour 
**  might  be  followed,  there  would  be  no  end  of 
**  translating.'' 

His  Majesty. — "  I  j)rofess  I  could  never  yet  see  a 
''  Itible  well  translatiNl  in  English ;  but  I  think  that 
*•  of  all,  that  of  (ieneva  is  the  worst.  I  wish  some 
^  special  pains  were  taken  for  an  unifonn  trans- 
'•  lation ;  which  should  be  done  by  the  best  learned  V 

**  in  both  universities,  then  revieweil  by  the  bishops, 
"  presente<l  to  the  privy  council,  lastly  ratified  by 
'•  royal  authority  to  l>e  rea<l  in  the  whole  church, 
'•  and  no  other." 

Bishop  of  London. — "  But  it  is  fit  that  no  mar- 
*•  ginal  notes  should  be  added  thereunto." 

His  Majesty. — ''Tliat  caveat  is  well  put  in;  for 
^  in  the  CSeneva  translation  scmie  notes  are  |>artial, 
•'  untrue,  sc*ditious,  and  savouring  of  traitorous  con- 
*'  ceits  :  as  when,  from  Kxodus  i.  19*  disobedience  to 
*'  kings  is  allowed  in  a  marginal  note  ;  and,  S  Chron.  ^ 
'*  XV.  16,  king  Asa  taxed  in  the  note  for  only  de]K)8- 
'*  iiig  his  mother  for  idolatry,  and  not  killing  her. 
"  To  conclude  this  jKiint,  let  errors  in  matters  of 
'*  faith  Ik'  amended,  and  indiflerent  things  bo  iiiter- 
''  preted,  and  a  gloss  added  unto  them ;  for,  as  Bar- 
'*  tolus  de  Hegno  saith,  '  Better  a  king  with  some 
'*  weakness,  than  still  a  change  ;*  so  rather  a  church 

S86  The  Church  HiHory  book  \. 

D.  1603. '«  witli  8onic  fault8,  than  an  innovation.   And  saivlv, 

"  if  these  were  the  greatest  matters  that  grieved 

'*  you,  I  need  not  have  been  troubled  with   such 
•*  importunate  eomplainta." 

Dr.  Reynolds. — "  May  it  please  your  majesty  that 

'^  **  unlawful  and  seditious  lK>oks  be  suppressed :  such 

*^  as  Ficlerus,  a  papist^  de  jure  mngistrntus  in  shA* 

*•  ditox  *,  applied   against   the   late  queen    for   the 

•*  ])ope  •." 

Bishop  of  London. — "  There  is  no  such  licentious 
divulging  of  those  books ;  and  none  have  lil)erty, 
by  authority,  to  buy  them,  except  such  as  Dr. 
**  Reynolds,  who  was  supposed  would  confute  them. 
**  And  if  such  l>ooks  come  into  the  realm  by  secrvt 
**  conveyances,  perfect  notice  cannot  bo  had  of  their 
**  im|K>rtation.  Itesides,  Ficlems  was  a  great  dis- 
'*  ciplinarian ;  whereby  it  ap|K>ars  what  advantage 
**  that  sort  gave  unto  the  papists,  who,  mutatis  per* 
**  sonisy  apply  their  own  arguments  against  princes 
**  of  their  n^ligion ;  though,  for  my  {tart,  I  dctesi 
*'  both  the  author  and  applier  alike." 

y//*'  Lord  Cecil. — ••  Indee<l  the  unlimited  libertv 

of  dis)>ersing  popish  and  seditious  |iamphlet«  in 

Paul's  Churchyani,  and  both  the  universitiea*  hath 

done  much   mischief;    but  es]H}cially  one  called 

••  Sf}9*euhnH  Traffienm.'' 

His  Majesty. — ^^  That  is  a  dangerous  book  indeed.** 
I4*>rd  II.  Iloteard.^-**  Both  for  matter  and  inten- 
*•  tion." 

I^>rd  Chani-ellor.  —  **  Of  such  bookii»  some  are 

>  [Juhan.  llu|iii»u  Fickler.  8vo.    Sm  CaI.  BiblioUi.  Tignr. 

ui   dc  juit*    niuKutnitiiuiii   in  V.  a6i,  cd.  1809.   lamo,] 
•ulMiilm  fl  officio  Huliditoruiii         *  [IWlow,  ib.  P.4S.] 
CffgA  Ruicittnitnt.  Ingolat.1578, 


f if  Britain, 


**  Latin,  some  are  English;  but  tho  last  dispersed  a.  n.  1603. 
••  do  most  hami.*'  

Secretary  Cecil. — "  But  my  lord  of  London,  and 
*^  no  man  else,  bath  done  what  he  could  to  suppress 
**  them." 

Ilh  Majestj/. — "  Dr.  Reynolds,  you  are  a  better 
**  coUepe-man  than  a  statesman,  if  meaning  to  tax 
**  the  bishop  of  London  for  sufTering  those  books 
•'  bt^tween  the  secular  priests  and  Jesuits  to  Iw  pub- 
"  lished,  which  he  did  by  warrant  from  the  council, 
**  to  nourish  a  schism  betwixt  them." 

Lord  CeciL — *'  Such  books  were  tolerated,  because 
*'  by  them  the  title  of  Spain  was  confuted." 

Ijtprd  Treasurer. — '*  And  because  therein  it  ap- 
**  jH^ars,  by  the  testimony  of  the  priests  themselves, 
^'  that  no  papists  are  ])ut  to  death  for  conscience 
*•  only,  but  for  treason." 

Ih,  Reynolds. — "  Indeed  I  meant  not  such  books 
*•  as  were  printed  in  England,  but  only  such  as  came 
**  from  beyond  the  seas**.  And  now,  to  procetnl  to 
•*  the  second  general  point,  concerning  the  planting  -- 
*'  of  learned  ministers,  I  desire  they  be  in  every 
"  parish  "^.^ 

His  Majesty. — *'  I  have  consulted  with  my  bishops 

*>  [Barlow,  ib.  p.  51.] 
^  ["  It  is  come  to  that  pasH 
now."  said  the  hiithop,  *'  that 
tM>nie  M»rt  of  men  thouglit  it 
the  only  dutjr  re<|uired  of  a 
niiniHter  to  K|>end  the  time 
in  ti^eaking  out  of  a  pulpit, 
sometimes  ((lod  wot)  very 
undiscreetly  and  unleamed- 
ly  ;  and  this  unth  so  great 
injury  and  prejudice  to  the 
"  celebration  of  di\'ine  service, 
"  that   some   miniKters  would 


f  1 


•  < 

•  « 



•  « 

"  be  content  to  walk  in  the 
"  churchyard  till  sermon-time, 
"  rather  than  to  be  present  at 
••  public  prayer."  This  irre- 
verential  practice  among  the 
nonccmfomiists  was  carried  to 
great  lengths,  unth  a  view  to 
bring  the  Common  Prayer  into 
disrepute.  It  is  frequently 
mentioned  in  the  writings  of 
the  puritans  of  that  time,  as  a 
matter  of  commendation  rather 
than  otherwise.] 


The  Church  History 

•OOE  X. 

A.I).  1^)03. 

'  alH>iit  it,  uliom  I  have  found  willinp:  and  ready 

•  lH'rt»in  ;  luit,  as  suhitn  rrarttafio  is  perirulosa^  so 
'  su/fiifi  mfttatio :  it  cannot  prcsontly  ho  |>orfonne«K 

•  till*  univrrsitit^  not  aiVording  them  ;  and  yet  they 

•  attitrd    incic    learnrd    men    than    the    reahn    doth 

•  maintenance,  whidi   must  ho  first  provided.     In 

•  the  mean  time,  ijni^nmt  ministers,  if  young,  are 

•  to  ]m»  removed,  if  there  be  no  hope  of  amendment : 

•  if  old,  tlieir  death  must  l)c  ex)x*cte<l,  Ijccausc  Jeni- 
^  salem  cannot  be  built  up  in  a  day.*" 

liishnp  of  Winchestn'. — '•  I^ay  patrons  most  cause 

•  the  insufficiency  of  the  clerji^y,  presenting  mean 

•  clerks  to  their  curias,  the  law  admitting  of  such 

•  sufficiency ;  and  if  the  bishop  refusetli  them,  pns 
'  sently  a  Qaarr  impcdit  is  sent  out  against  him.** 

liiahop  of'  Lnndon.  —  **  Because  this,  I  see,  is  a 
^  time  of  moving  |H.*titions,  may  I  humbly  present 
**  two  or  three  to  your  majesty :  first,  that  there 
**  may  be  amongst  us  a  praying  nn'nistry ;  it  being 
'*  now  come  to  pass,  that  men  think  it  is  the  only 
**  fluty  of  ministers  to  s|)end  their  time  in  the  pulpit. 
*•  I  confess,  in  a  church  newly  to  be  planted,  preach- 
**  ing  is  most  necessary  ;  not  so  in  one  long  esta- 
"  bljshcd,  that  prayer  shoulil  Ik»  neglected^.** 

His  Majt'sti/.  —  •' I  like  your  moticm  exceetling 
**  well,  and  dislike  tlu*  hvpocrisv  of  our  time,  who 
*'  place  all  their  n*ligion  in  the  ear;  whilst  prayer 
•'  w»  rcHpiisite  and  acceptable  if  duly  |>erfonn€?d,  in 
**  accountcfl  and  us4.n1  as  the  hmst  part  of  religion.** 

//m///;//  of'  /^om/nn. — "  Mv  wK'ond  motion  Is,  that 
*^  until  learned  m<*n  may  l»e  plantinl  in  every  eon- 
••  grt^gation,  godly  homilies  may  be  n*ad  therein." 

'  Thi»  liv  niKikc  kiiii*liiig. 

cKKT,  XVII.  of  Britain.  289 

Hi^  Majesty. — "  I  approve  your  motion,  especially -A- 1>-  »<^o3 

"  where  the  living  is  not  sufficient  for  the  mainte-    

•*  nance  of  a  learned  preacher.  Also,  where  there 
**  bo  multitudes  of  sermons,  there  I  would  have 
**  homilies  read  divers  times." 

Here  the  king  asked  the  assent  of  the  plaintiffs, 
and  they  confi^sed  it. 

'•  A  preaching  ministry  is  best ;  but  where  it  may 
*'  not  bo  had,  godly  prayers  and  exhortations  do 
'•  much  good." 

Lifrd  Chancellor'^. — "  Livings  rather  want  learned 
**  men,  than  learned  men  livings ;  many  in  the  uni- 
*'  versities  pining  for  want  of  places.  I  wish,  there- 
*•  fore,  some  may  have  single  coats,  [one  living,] 
"  l)efore  others  have  doublets,  [pluralities.]  And 
'*  this  method  I  have  observed  in  bestowing  the 
-*  king's  benefices." 

lihhop  of  London. — "  I  commend  your  honourable 
'*  care  that  way ;  but  a  doublet  is  necessary  in  cold 
*'  weather." 

Lord  Chancellor. — '*  I  dislike  not  the  liberty  of 
'•  our  church  in  granting  to  one  man  two  benefices, 
'*  but  sj>eak  out  of  mini*  own  purpose  and  practice, 
**  grounded  on  the  aforesaid  reason." 

UUltop  of  London.  —  "  My  last  motion  is,  that 
*•  |»ulpits  may  not  l>e  made  pasquils,  wherein  every 
-*  disoontentiMl  fellow  may  traduce  his  superiors." 

His  Majesty. — •*  1  ac<'ept  what  you  offer,  for  tlie 
'*  pulpit  is  no  place  of  personal  reproof  Let  them 
"  complain  to  me,  if  injured." 

liishop  of  London. — "  If  your  miyesty  shall  leave 
"  yourself    open   to    admit   of  all   complaints,   your 

**  Kjrerton   l«»nl  Kllenniere. 

KCM.KR,  V(»|..  \.  i; 

S90  The  Church  Iluttfiry  book  x. 

^^y^'^^-^"  hiplmcfls  shall   never  be  quiet,  nor  your  under- 

«•  oflirors    ropfarded,  whom    every  delin(|uent«  when 

•'  censured,  will  threaten  to  complain  of 

/lis  MajrsUf. — *'  I  mean  they  shall  complain  to 
**  me  bv  decrees :  first  to  the  ortlinar^',  from  him  to 
'*  the  archbishop,  from  him  to  the  lords  of  the  conn- 
**  cil ;  and  if  in  all  these  no  remedy  be  found,  then 
*•  to  mvself." 
,N  l>r.  Reynolds, — "  I  come  now  to  subscription  ',  a«« 
^  a  great  impeachment  to  a  learne<l  ministry,  and 

**  therefore  entreat  it  may  not  In*  exact eil  as  hen*- 


"  tofon* ;  for  which  many  good  men  are  kept  out, 
''  though  otherwisi'  willing  to  subscril>e  to  the  sta- 
"  tutes  of  the  realm,  articles  of  religion,  and  the 
"  king*s  supn^macy.     The  n»ason  of  their  backward- 

'*  ness  to  subscril)e  is,  lKH*ause  the  Common  Praver 


•'  enjfdneth  the  Apocrypha  books  to  be  read  in  the 
**  chundi,  although  some  chapters  theriMn  contain 
"  manifest  errors  n.*pugnant  to  scripture.  For  in- 
**  stance,  (KccUis.  xlviii.  1()«)  in  ]>erson  is  said 
•'  to  come  iK'fore  Christ ;  contrarv  to  what  is  in  the 
"  Nc*w  Testament  ^  of  l^lias  in  resemblance,  that  is 
*'  John  the  Baptist/' 

Jtishuff  nf  L*mihm,  —  '•  Most  of  the  objection4 
•'  against  tlii»sf  books  are  the  <dd  cavils  of  the  Jem-s^ 
"  n-newcd  liv  St.  Jerome,  who  first  calle<l  them 
**  Ap«»crypha  ** ;  which  opinion,  u|M)n  Rufinua  his 
'*  challenge,  he,  after  a  sort,  discdaimed/* 

'  fn.irlii\v,  i)».  |i  5H.]     This  cHximi  to  iirp*  it. 
rfiiicrriii-«1   thi*   fiiiirth   ^         c  .Matt.  &i.  14  ;  Luke  i.  17. 
Iii*ui1.     vie.     till*     l'iiiiimiiiii(»ii         ''   [tariff,   in  lib.   Repum  rC 

liiMik,  u<i  III*  tiriit   |inip(njiifl«*fl  in  Pniv.  Sftlnm    Ilookrr.  K.  P. 

it ;  liiiui'iiT.  hiTi*  lit*  t(Mik  (M*-  %-.  io.  {.  8.     Kord  in  Art  VI.] 




c  KNT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  991 

Bishop  of  Winchester. — "  Indeed  St.  Jerome  saith,  a.  d.  1603. 

**  Canonici  sunt  ad  informandos  moreSy  non  ad  con- 1. 

"  firmandam  fidemr 

His  Majesty. — "  To  take  an  even  order '  betwixt 
^*  both,  I  would  not  have  all  canonical  books  read  in 

the  church,  [unless  there  were  one  to  interpret,]   ^ 

nor  any  chapter  out  of  the  Apocrypha  wherein  any 
*'  error   is   contained ;    wherefore  let  Dr.  Reynolds 

note    those    chapters    in    the   Apocrypha   books 

wherein  those  offences  are,  and  bring  them  to  the 
"  archbishop  of  Canterbury  against  Wednesday  next. 
"  And  now,  doctor,  proceed." 

Dr.  Reynolds. — "  The  next  scruple  against  sub- 
**  scription  is,  because  it  is  twice  set  down  in  the 
"  Common  Prayer  Book,  '  Jesus  said  to  his  dis- 
'*  ciples ;'  when,  by  the  text  in  the  original,  it  is 
*'  plain  that  he  spake  to  the  Pharisees." 

His  Majesty. — "  Let  the  word  *  disciples'  be  omit- 
**  ted,  and  the  words  'Jesus  said'  be  printed  in  a 
•^  different  letter." 

Mr.  Knetrstub. — "  I  take  exceptions  at  the  cross    ^ 
*'  in  ba])ti8m,  whereat  the  weak  brethren  are  offended, 
*•  contrarj'  to  the  counsel  of  the  apostle,  Rom.  xiv. 
-  SCor.viii.i" 

His  Majesty. — '•  Distingue  tempora,  et  concordabunt 
"  sn-iptura.  Great  the  difference  betwixt  those 
'*  timers  and  ours :  then,  a  church  not  fully  settled ; 
'*  now,  ours  long  established.     How  long  will  such 

'  \'iz.  in  the  dominical  gos.  gatories  in  baptism,  becauae  he 

pels.  spake  so  perplexedly  that  his 

i  [Barlow,  ib.  p  65.]    Here  meaning  is  not  to  be  collected 

we   omit   Mr.   Knewstub    his  therein, 
exception  against  the  interro- 





S92  7%t'  Church  Hiniory  rook  x. 

A.  D.  1603. "  brethren  be  weak  ?     Are  not  forty-five  yean  suffi- 

'  *^**'   **  cient  for  them  to  jfrow  strong  in  ?     Besidea,  wlio 

v}  '*  pretends  tliis   weakness  ?     We  rcquiro  not  !««l>- 

8cription9   of  InicH   and  idiots,  but   of  pn^arhi^rs 

••  and  ministers,  who  are  not  still,  I  trow,  to  bo  fi-d 

with  milk,  being  enabled  to  feed  others.     Sonic 

of  them  are  strong  enough,  if  not  headstrong: 

coneeiving  themselves  able  enough  to  teach  him 

who  last  spake  for  them,  and  all  the  bisho|)6  in 

**  the  land.*" 

Mr.  Knexrsinh, — "  It  is  questionable  whether  the 
**  church  hatl)  power  to  institute  an  outwani  signi* 
**  ficant  sign." 

liLshop  of  London. — **  Tlie  cross  in  baptism  is  not 
**  usihI  «>therwiso  than  a  ceremonv/' 

Bishop  of  Winrhvstn'. — *•  Kneeling,  lifting  up  of 
*'  the  hands,  kn«H*king  of  the  breast,  are  significant 
*'  ceremonies,  and  thest*  niav  lawfully  be  used," 

/>/Y/w  of  the  Chapil. — *' Tlie  Habbins  write  that 
'*  the  Jews  a<ldcd  both  si;;:iis  and  wonls  at  the  iwti- 
**  tution  <»f  thi'  Passovi'r;  viz.  when  thev  ate  sour 
"  herbs,  thev  siiid,  *  Take  and  eat  theso  in  remeni- 
*'  branre,'  &:c, :  when  thev  drank  wine,  thev  said. 
**  '  Drink  this  in  rrnnMubrance/  &c.  l'|Km  which 
^'  addition  and  tradition,  our  Saviour  instituted  the 
**  Kacninn*nt  of  his  hist  Sup|>er  ;  thereby  approving  a 
**  chun*h  may  institute  and  retain  a  sign  ngnificant.*" 
His  Mttjeaty. — **  I  am  exceiMling  well  satisfied  in 
**  this  point,  but  would  In>  acipiainted  about  the 
•*  anti(|uit)'  of  tin-  usr  of  tlu*  cn»ss.*' 

/>r.  /if[t/NfJf/.s, — ••  It  hath  Ihtu  uschI  ever  sinee 
'*  the  apostles*  tinn* ;  but  the  cpiestion  iit,  how  ancient 
**  the  UM*  there<if  hath  been  in  baptism.'* 

TKNT.  xvii.  of  Britain,  29S 

/kan  of  Westminster. — "  It  appears  out  of  Ter-A.D.  1603. 

"  tullian,  Cyprian,  and  Origen,  that  it  was  used  in '— 

**  immortali  lavacro  ^,^^ 

liihhap  of  Winchester. — "  In  Constantino's  time 
*'  it  was  used  in  baptism." 

His  M({)esty. — "  If  so,  I  see  no  reason  but  that  we 
"  niav  continue  it." 

Mr.  Knetcstub. — "  Put  the  case  the  church  hath 
**  |M»wor  to  add   sij^nificant  signs,  it  may  not  add 
''  them  where  Christ  hath  already  ordained  them ;   ^ 
**  whicli  is  as  derogatory  to  Clirist's  institution  as  if 
"  one  shouki  add  to  the  great  seal  of  England." 

His  Mnjestff. — '*  The  case  is  not  alike,  seeing  the 
'*  saenmient  is  fully  finished  before  any  mention  of 
*'  \\w  cross  is  made  therein." 

Mr.  Knrwstub.  —  '*  If  the  church  hath  such  a 
'*  power,  the  greatest  scruple  is,  how  far  the  ordi- 
*•  nance  of  the  church  bindeth,  without  impeaching 
*'  Christian  liberty." 

y//.v  Majestnf, — "  I  will  not  argue  that  point  with 
-  you,  but  answer  as  kings  in  ])arliament,  Le  toy 

•  s'nrist'rn.     This  is  like  Mr.  John  Black,  a  beard- 

•  leKs  boy,  who  told  me  the  last  conference  in  Scot- 
'  land  ^  that   he   would    hold    conformity  with    bis 

•  majesty  in  matters  of  doctrine,  but  every  man 
'  for  ceremonies  wjis  to  be  left  to  his  own  lil>erty. 

•  IJut  I  will  have  none  of  that;  I  will  have  one 
'  <loctrine,  one  disi*ipline,  one  religion,  in  substance 
'  and   in   ceremony.      Never  B|K*ak  more  to  tliat 

•  point,  how  far  you  are  bound  to  oliey." 

Dr.  Rnfuolds.  —  **  Would  that  the  cross  (being 
'•  superstitiously  abused  in  i)oi>ery)  were  abandcmed, 

^   [Quoted  at  length  in  Hooker,  £.  P.  v.  65,  §.  8.] 
December,  1 6o3 . 

r  3 

2U4  The  Chuixh  llntory  fttM^ft  \. 

.\.i»  i«<«i.  **iiji  th«*  l»ruzrii  ii«*r|N'iit  wa^  iitJUii|M*«l  tti  |M>«cIfr  M 
'•  Ili*K<*kiaj*,  luTaii*!'  nl>UM*(l  to  iihilatnr/' 

His  Mttj*\ty. — *'  Inu>iiiurli  a**  tin*  rnnM  %ia»  ftlMi««^l 
*'  to  «*ii|H*n«titi«*ii  ill  tiiiir  nf  |M*|H*rT.  it  dutli  pUinU 
**  iiiiplv  tlint  it  \i:i.«  Ufll  ii<mi|  lK*fi>n*.  I  tl<*C«-«t  thf  :r 
**  ronrv^  wlm  |N-n-iii|it(inl\  ili^llow  of  all  thiii/^ 
**  wliirli  lia\r  Ini'Ii  ntuiMHl  in  |Mi|N'rT.  ainl  kiMW  aoC 
**  lioH  to  aii**wrr  till*  iiliii-i*tiiiii%  tif  x\w  papi^tn  whf-ci 
**  tlirv  rliarjn*  iih  witli  nu\rltii-«i,  tmt  hv  t«*lliii^  th«-ni 
**  wi*  D'taiii  tilt*  |iriiiiiti\i*  iim*  nf  tiling  aii«l  ••niv 
"  forvak**  tlirir  iii»\fl  riirni|itiiiii*.  S-omill*.  n«» 
'*  n'^^'iiiMaiHN*  lN't\%i\t  tli«*  l>Ri/4*ti  <N>r|ifiit  la  niat*^ 
**  rial.  %i<«iMr  tiling')  an*!  tin*  «i;;ii  of  tli«*  tpma,  ni^h* 
**  ill  tilt*  air.  Tliinll).  |ia|>i<it<i.  a«  I  am  iiifi»mi«<«!. 
'•  <liil  iir\fr  a^M-riU*  :iii\  «|iiritiial  jfni*''*  ^*»  ^^^**  m**% 
**  ill  >»:i|iti«in.  I«:i«tl%.  material  rnt«M«^,  t«i  which 
**  |iiii|i]i*  fi'll  (Inuii  111  tiiiii*  of  |Mi|M*n,  (a»  thf*  iil«4^ 
**  tniti^  Jru*  to  till*  hnufii  ««*r|H-tit.)  an*  aln*miiv 
••  <lriniili<ihi*il.  a*  ^<mi  ilt-^in'." 

Mr.  Knnr%fuh. — ••  I  tak**  rx«'«'|»tiiiii  at  thf  Wfmnnx 
**  of  th«*  «*iir|>lir«'.  a  kitiil  «*f  c^niiiMit  u^«il  hy  tbr 
'•  prii-M*  of  Ni^i  *,* 

//m  .l/'f/'*///  -**  I  «h«l  iii»t  think,  till  of  Uti\  It 
**  lia<l  lii*«-ii  lMirr«iut'«|  fn»iii  tin*  hi-atlifn.  iM^miM*^ 
••  riiiniii«»iil\  ralli**!  'l  rnq  **f  f"9f»rry.  Sf«-in^  IHiv 
'*  i»r  InipIit  fii»t  ii|Min  li<-athf*fis  iH*itht*r  an*  aiiy  r4 
**  thi'iii  (*i»ii\rp^ifi(  uitli  or  r«iiiinionuit  afnoii|n4  ua. 
*'  tlii*n'h;h  to  U*  i-oiitiniii'«l  in  |*atfnni«tii, — I  ««^  r^« 
**  n*a*M>ti   hut.    for    ronirliiH'^^   <iki'.   it    iiiaT   hi*  coci- 

"  tlllUf'I.  ' 

/>r  /f*9/ifJ*{*  — ••  I  taki*  iAri-iitioii  at  thr«»  «ii»nk 
'*  III    tlif    riiarrKi.:*-.    *  With    ifi%    limit    I    tht^t*    «i^- 


CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  295 

His  Alajesty. — "  I  was  made  believe  the  ph rase  a.  d.  1603. 

**  imported  no  less  than  divine  adoration,  but  find  it 

an  usual  English  term,  as  when  we  say,  *  A  gen- 
tleman of  worship ;'  and  it  agreeth  with  the  scrip- 
tures, ffiving  honour  to  the  wife.  As  for  you.  Dr. 
Reynolds,  many  men  speak  of  Robin  Hood,  who  ^ 
*'  never  shot  in  his  bow.  If  you  had  a  good  wife 
•*  yourself,  you  would  think  all  worship  and  honour 
•*  vou  could  do  her  were  well  bestowed  on  her  °." 

Dean  of  Sarum. — "  Some  take  exception  at  the 
*•  ring  in  marriage." 

I>r.  Reynolds. — "  I  approve  it  well  enough." 
///A  Majesty, — **  I  was  married  with  a  ring,  and 
••  think  others  scarce  well  married  without  it." 

Dr.  Reynolds.  — "  Some  take  exceptions  at  the 
**  Churching  of  Women,  by  the  name  of  purifica- 
**  tion." 

His  Majesty.  —  "I  allow  it  very  well :  women, 
"  l>eing  loth  of  themselves  to  come  to  church,  I 
*'  like  this  or  any  other  occasion  to  draw  them 
*'  thither." 

Dr.  Reynolds.  —  **  My  last  exception  is  against 
•*  committing  ecclesiastical  censures  to  lay-chancel- 
•*  lors  ;  the  rather,  because  it  was  ordered,  anno 
"1571,  that  lay-chancellors,  in  matters  of  correc- 
**  tion,  and,  anno  [1584  and]  1589>  in  matters  of 
'*  instance,  should  not  excommunicate  any,  but  be 
'•  done  only  by  them  who  had  i>ower  of  the  keys; 
•'  though  the  contrarj'  is  commonly  practised  ®." 

His  Majesty. — "  I  have  conferred  with  my  bishops 
**  aix»ut  this  point,  and  such  order  shall  be  taken 

o  Thitt  tlie  king  8|Mike  siniliiig.  ^  [Barlow,  ib  p  77.] 



Tftr  (  hurrh  Huiory 

»iK>t  1 

1  J  ill  1 









tli<-n-iii  n*«  i<i  rf»ii\i'iiii*iit.      Mi-nii  linit*.  ifvi  «>n  !•• 

M»?||i-  otlnT  IlinttfT.  " 

//i".  //• '/'"»^''v      "  I  «lf«iiri'  that,  luviirtlin^f   lo  rrf. 
tnifi    pr*i^ irit'   riiit**iitiif inn**,  tin*  rlfrjv  riiav  ha^- 
fiii'i'tifi/*.  1  \i  r\  tlin-i*  wi»«k«i*. 

i.  ■'  rir>»t.  ill  niril  •h-anfn«-'^  tht-nMii  !••  hai«<  |»n- 
|»lit-oMii:.'.  a-  ari'lilii«lMi|i  (iriiitl:!!!  &ihI  nthrr  l»t«li«>|M 
•l«'*in'i|  ••!  liiT  l:il«'  in:iii-*ti. 


ii      ••    rr.iT     ••Mtli    :i-    ri»iiM     liiit     Iw     H'^illt'*! 

Mil    tlit-r*'.    ii!:jl:*    if    n  It  rri  •!    u*    tin*   hri*li'ii-»rMtt.  • 

\  i*:r:i!i'  1:-. 

M-l.i«p    xM'fi    I  ■»   |'p'«li\i' r\     -I. .ill   •:•  ti  nn:!i'     •,!•  L 
jMiiii* *  Im  fur.    :i,  r   ijt-i-jiliil. 

ti*r\.  It  :ijii»tli  ;i'>  ui  !l  with  infii:iri*l.%  a**  (i««i  ai '4 
tin-  ihMl.  "I  !.'  Ij  .1.''..  ;i?  •!  I'lii.  .ifjfl  N\  :Il.  Eli-i 
Mii'k.  oh.'ill  ?!.••!  :i'i'i  I'l  ri«iiri*  iim-  ..ijiI  iih  i^i'iirir:! 
rhi-n'fnri-  I  r-ifi  riT.-  tii\  l»iniii  r  *|h  •  rh,  /<•  m«v  •  *t:- 
•»/■»;  >t:i\.  I  |«f;i*.fiir  •  :i.-  **%.?i  ^^  ar*.  U-ff-n*  f••^ 
•  |i?i::i:i'l  .  ;i?  I  '!  •  ■  .  :♦  \"M  I  !  I  Ui*-  ;:r'i\*  |'«;r*f  arrf 
Int.  I  111  I*  |- f!  :.r  •  h*  .irk  !:  ii'.t'i  ^i-ii.  f'  r  xl.\' 
j.iXi  rnirii  I:'  \*  ii  k-'j-  M.f  i:i  Kr-  iri-.  r*:;.!  jt\«-  n  *• 
u..?'-.  tii'.ii/l  I  •!  -.'A  •.[■••nk  ••  ••Til  I:  nt!*  r  Ti*«»r  . 
•m.!!..  .*h.i'  t.'.'  i.f  .  •  r.  I  •;'  :l  ^kiii>  '\,  h-  t  Ih 
Ik  *i.'l-!*.  ^  ;  I  ■.»•  •  '!•  ■.  «.|'  .k«  •!  \ttr  nil  •'.rin-isi- 
:i' *       ■.1    !'    1*    ■»»  •  *■'.*    k'."W     \«iu    aii%,    hi'H-   if 

'*«'.»  !i'  :>  .    ■*  '-ii    III-    •  T     f  !i.      :  r.  ■**  ::f     J  •*•  mnifi  • 

/'      /i'-  ft     -   '"•  '  I    kii*«^«    !!•.:.•• 

//  •     \t     '  '***         '    \\  \  \     th.  II.    I    uill   (■  [|   loit  a  tAi« 

I " 

I  « 


-  r 

-  ^ 




cKST.  XVII.  ofBrilain,  297 

**  After  that  the  religion  restored  by  king  Edward  a.  p.  1603. 
**  the  Sixth  was  soon  overthro\ni  by  queen  Mary  — 
**  here  in  England,  wo  in  Scotland  felt  the  effect 
of  it ;  for  thiTcupon  Mr.  Knox  writes  to  the  queen 
regent,  a  virtuous  and  moderate  lady,  telling  her 
that  she  was  the  supremo  head  of  the  church ; 
and  charged  her,  as  she  would  answer  it  at  God's 
tribunal,  to  take  care  of  Christ  his  evangil,  in 
suppressing  the  popish  prelates,  who  withstood 
'*  the  same.  lUit  how  long,  trow  you,  did  this  con- 
*'  tinuo  ?  F^ven  till,  by  her  authority,  the  popish 
•*  bisho|)s  were  repressed  ;  and  Knox,  with  his  ad- 
**  horents,  being  brought  in,  made  strong  enough. 
**  Then  began  they  to  make  small  account  of  her 
'*  supremacy ;  when,  according  to  that  more  light 
**  wherewith  they  were  illuminated,  they  made  a 
"  farther  reformation  of  religion.  IIow  tliey  used 
"  the  poor  lady,  my  mother,  is  not  unknown ;  and 
how  they  dealt  with  me  in  my  minority.  I  thus 
ai>j)ly  it.  -My  lords,  the  bishops,  I  may  thank  you 
'*  that  tliese  men  plead  thus  for  my  supremacy  *>.  - 
"  Tlioy  think  they  cannot  make  their  party  good 
•*  against  you,  but  by  ap}>ealing  unto  it ;  but  if  once 
'*  vou  were  out,  and  thev  in,  I  know  what  would 
•*  lM»<'ome  c)f  my  stipn^macry ;  for  no  hishojt^  no  king. 
'*  I  have  leanuMl  of  what  cut  they  have  been,  who, 
**  pn»aching  before  me  since  my  coming  into  Kng- 
**  laiul,  pas«»(Ml  over  with  silence  my  Innng  supreme 
•*  governor  in  caus<»s  ecclesiastical.  Well,  doctor, 
"  have  you  any  thing  else  to  say  r* 

Dr.  RnfwJds, — "  No  more,  if  it  please  your  ma- 
**  jestv.'^ 

'i  Thih  hi*  said  putting  liin  hiuid  U>  hi«  hat. 



S98  Tlhe  Church  Hhiory  booi  i. 

.  1603.  His  Afajesty. — **  If  this  be  all  your  ]tarty  hath  to 
^^  say,  I  v;\\\  make  them  conform  themselves,  or  else 
''  I  will  ham'  them  out  of  the  land,  or   else  do 



'•  worse." 

Thus  ended  the  second  daif*s  Confemice ;  and  the 
third  fM'ffan  on  the  Wednesday  fidlowing^  manj§ 
kniffhts^  cirilians^  and  di^tors  of  the  law  being 
admitted  thereunto^  beeanse  the  Ififfh  Commission  was 
the  principal  matter  in  debate. 

His  Majesty.  —  "I  understand  that  the  parties 
*'  named  in  the  high  commission  are  too  many  and 
'*  ti>o  mean,  and  the  matters  they  deal  with  base, 
'*  such  as  ordinaries  at  home  in  their  courts  might 
*•  censure*  ^** 

Archbishop  of  Canterbury. — **  It  is  requisite  their 
*"  numlxT  should  he  many ;  otherwise  I  should  be 
'*  forced  oftentimes  to  sit  aIone»  if,  in  the  absence 
^*  of  the  lords  of  the  council,  bishops  and  judges  at 
'*  law,  some  deans  and  doctors*  were  not  put  into 
''  that  ctmmiission,  whose  attendance  I  might  com- 
*'  mand  with  the  mon*  authority.  I  have  often 
'*  complained  of  the  meanness  of  matters  handled 
'*  thtT(*in,  hut  cannot  remedy  it ;  for  though  the 
*'  otlrncf  1m'  small,  that  the  ordinary  may,  the 
**  (dlcnder  oft  times  is  so  gn>at  and  contumacious, 
*'  that  the  ordinary  dare  not  punish  him,  and  so  is 
fonvd  to  cravt'  help  at  the  hi^li  commission.** 
A  nameless  Lord^.  —  '*Tlie  pniccedings  in  that 
court  an*  like  the  S]>anish  inquisition,  wherein 
**  m<*n  an*  ur^i*d  to  sul>s<*rilM>  more  than  law  re- 
'*  <|uin*th,   and   by   the   oath   ex  officio    forced   to 

r    [IWIour,  ill.  |i.  H5.] 

*  I  dare  not  gucM  hiui,  for  ftHtf  of  IkiUiig. 





cKNT.  XVII.  of' Britain.  299 

*•  accuse  themselves ;  being  examined  ui>on  twenty  a.  d.  1603. 

•*  or   twenty-four   Articles    on    a   sudden,   without 

^^  delil>eration,  and  for  the  most  part  against  them- 
'*  selves." 

In  proof  hereof  he  produced  a  letter  of  an  andeut 
honourable  counsellor,  anno  1584,  verifying  this  usage 
to  two  ministers  in  Cambridgeshire. 

ArchhUhop  of  Canterbury.  —  "Your  lordship  is 
"  deceived  in  the  manner  of  proceeding ;  for,  if  the 
**  Article  touch  the  party  for  life,  liberty,  or  scandal, 
^  he  may  refuse  to  answer.     I  can  say  nothing  to 

the  particulars  of  the  letter,  because  twenty  years 

since,  yet  doubt  not  but  at  leisure  to  give  your 
**  lordship  satisfaction.** 

Lord  Chancellor. — "  There  is  necessity  and  use  of 
*•  the  oath  e.v  officio^  in  divers  courts  and  causes  *.** 

His  Majesty. — *'  Indeed    civil    proceedings    only 
'*  punish  facts ;  but  it  is  requisite  that   fame   and  ^ 
*'  scandals  be  looked  unto  in  courts  ecclesiastical, 
*'  and  yet  great  moderation  is  to  be  used  therein. 

i.  "  In  (jrariorihtis  criminihm. 

ii.  "  In  such  whereof  there  is  a  public  fame, 
••  <-aused  by  the  inordinate  demeanour  of  the  of- 
•'  fender." 

And  here  he  soundly  described  the  oath  ex  officio^ 
ff»r  the  ground  thereof,  the  wisdom  of  the  law 
therein,  the  manner  of  proceeding  thereby,  and  pro- 
fitable eflfect  from  the  same. 

Archhuhop  of  Canterbury. — "Undoubtedly  your 
''  majesty  speaks  by  the  s|>ecial  assistance  of  God's 


«»  w:.v;.^f  " 

^  [Barlow,  ib.  p.  9a.]    Here     ixed  into  the  speech  of  tevend 
we  omit  a  discourse  about  sub-     fieraons. 
M-ription,  because  oot  method- 

Mi)  The  Church  Husfon/  book  x. 

A.  1).  160.1.  Bishop  of  Loudon. — "  I  protest  my  heart  melteth 
J.J!!!!!!!!L  "  witli  joy,  that  Alinifrhty  (i(ul,  of  his  singular  mercy, 
'*  hath  jTiYi'ii  lis  such  a  kinp:,  as,  since  Christ's  time, 
"  th(»  liki»  liath  not  hreii  "." 

Tiicn  passi'<l  thoro  much  discourse  la'tween  tlic 
king,  the  bishops,  an<l  the  h>nls,  about  the  quaUtj 
of  the  |K'rsons.  and  causes  in  the  high  commission; 
notifying  exconnnunications  in  nmtters  of  k*ss  mo- 
ment :  punishing  recusants ;  pnividing  divines  for 
iRdand,  Wales,  and  the  northern  Inmlers.  After- 
wanls  the  four  jireachers  were  called  in,  and  such 
altenitions  in  tin?  liturgy  were  read  unto  them  which 
the  bi^hops,  by  tlie  king's  advice,  had  made ;  and  to 
wliich,  bv  their  >il('nce.  thev  seenu'd  to  constant. 

Ills  Mfijrjift/, — "  1  see  thi»  exceptions  against  the 
*'  Coinmimion  Itook  an*  mattf^rs  of  weakni^ss;  thenc 
'•  fore,  if  the  persons  rehi(*tant  be  discreet,  ther  will 
"  be  Won  betimi^s.  and  by  goo<l  persuasions;  if  in- 
"  discreet,  bett(»r  ihev  were  rt»movc<l,  for  bv  their 
'*  factions  many  are  driven  to  Ik?  papists.  From 
"  you.  Dr.  IJeynobIs,  an<l  your  associates,  I  ox|»ect 
"  olMMlicnce  and  humility,  (th(>  marks  of  lioni*st  and 
*'  goiid  men.)  and  that  you  would  |H'rsuade  others 
'•  abroad  bv  v«mr  oxam|»U\" 

/h\  /it'f/iitjtts, — "  \\\»  here  do  pn»mis4'  to  |)eifomi 
•'  all  duiirs  to  bish«»ps  as  reven*nd  fathers,  and  to 
'*join  with  them  nirainst  the  common  ad%*entfUT  fur 
••  tin*  i[\\\i'\  of  th«'  cliiirch." 

A/i\  ( 'hmlrrftt/t, — ••  I  n^quest  thi*  wearing  of  the 
'*  «>urpii('i'  and  the  cto^s  in  bapti*«m  may  not  bo  urjced 
'•  on  HoiMf  godl\  mini^trrs  in  i Lancashire.  ft*aring,  if 
**  fnived   unto   tht*m.  many  won   by  their  preaching 

"  'I'hih  111-  !*}Mki'  III!  hib  kiiei*. 



CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  801 

"  of  the  j^ospel  will  revolt  to  poi)ery ;  and  I  parti-A.  n.  i6o.^ 
cularly  instance  in  the  vicar  of  Ratsdale  *.**  "'""*' . 

Archbuhop  of  Canterbury, — "  You  could  not  have 
light  upon  a  worse ;  for  not  many  years  ago,  as 
*'  my  lord  chancellor  knows  y,  it  was  proved  before 
*•  me  that  by  his  unreverent  usage  of  the  eucharist 
**  (dealing  the  bread  out  of  a  basket,  every  man 
*•  putting  in  his  hand  and  taking  out  a  piece)  he 
*•  made  many  loathe  the  conimuniony  and  refuse  to 
**  come  to  church." 

JliJi  Majrsff/. — "  It  is  not  my  puri>ose,  and  I  dare 
•*  say  it  is  not  the  bi8hoi)s'  intent,  presently  and  out 
**  of  hand  to  enforce  these  things,  without  fatherly 
*•  admonitions,  conferences,  and  persuasions,  pre- 
•*  mise<l ;  but  I  wish  it  were  examined  whether  such 
**  Lancashire  ministers,  by  their  pains  and  preaching, 
"  have  converted  any  from  poi>er}',  and  withal  be 
**  men  of  honest  life  and  quiet  conversation.  If  so, 
**  let  letters  l>e  written  to  the  bishop  of  Chester' 
*'  (who  is  a  grave  and  good  man)  to  that  puri>ose, 
•'  that  some  favour  may  be  attbrded  unto  them ;  and 
''  let  the  lord  ar<*hbishop  write  the  letters." 

liiahop  of  London, — **  If  this  l)e  grante<l,  the  copy  ^ 
**  of  these  letters  will  fly  all  over  PiUgland,  and  then 
*•  all  nonconfonnists  will  make  the  like  request ;  and 
*'  so  no  fruit  follow  of  this  conference,  but  things  f^ 
"  Mill  l)e  worse  than  they  were  l>efore.  I  desire, 
*•  therefore,  a  time  may  Ik?  limited,  within  the  com- 
*•  pass  whereof  they  shall  conform." 

His  Majesty, — ''  I  assent  thereunto ;  and  let  the 
'•  bishop  of  the  diocese  set  down  the  time." 

«  [B-.irlow,  ih.  i».  99.]     TIiiH     averriM!  the  swine. 
lie  Kp.ikc  kneeling.  *  This  wok  Richard  V^itijihan. 

y  Who,  \h\\\)1  there  present,     nftemards  biKhop  (if  London. 

S02  The  Chnrch  Hixtory  mmw  i. 

A. n. \foy     Mr.  Knetrstuh.  —  "I  reiiuest  the  like  favour  of 
*""**>  '*  forlwarance  to  some  honest  niinisterR  in  St 

''  for  it  will  make  much  against  their  credits  in  the 
'*  country  to  be  now  forced  to  the  surplice,  and  cnw 
"  in  ba])tisni  *." 

A  rchhishop  of  Canterhnry  [was  answering.] 

His  Majvshf, — "  Nay,  sir,  let  me  alone  to  answer 
'*  him.  Sir,  you  shew  yourself  an  uncharitable  man. 
*'  We  have  here  taken  pains,  and,  in  the  end.  hare 
''  concluded  on  unity  and  uniformity ;  and  tou«  fer- 
*'  Hooth,  nnist  prefer  the  cri»dit8  of  a  few  private 
"  men  before  the  peace  of  the  church.  Tliis  is  jurt 
''  the  Si-otch  argument,  when  any  thing  was  con- 
'^  eluded  which  disliked  some  humours.  Let  them 
''  either  conform  themselves  shortly,  or  they  shall 
'•  hear  of  it." 

Lord  (Wit, — "The  indecency  of  ambuling  com- 
'*  munions  is  verv  otrensive,  and  hath  dri%*en  manv 
•*  from  the  church." 

Hi  shop  of'Lo)iftoti, — "And,  Mr.Chaderton,  I  could 
"  tell  you  of  sitting  coninninions  in  Emanuel  Col- 
"  lege." 

Mr.  ( *hfnlrrton. — "  It  is  sf),  In^cause  of  the  scats  so 
''  placi*d  as  tlu'v  Im^  ;  and  yet  we  have  some  kneeling 
'•  also  in  our  clia|K»l/' 

His  Mnjt'.sft/, — ••  No  more  hereof  for  the  preseoU 
"  siH*ing  they  have  jointly  pnmiise<I  hereafter  to  be 
"  (piiet  and  cdii'dient.*' 

Whereat  he  ntsi*  up  to  depart  into  an  inner 

Itishop  iff' LuHf/on. — **  (ifMrs  goodncnw  In*  blessed 
"  fur  your  majesty,  and  give  health  and  pms|H*ritT  to 

*  Men*  111*  !V*11  «liiiwi  mi  liin  knet^. 


of  Britain. 


"your   highness,  your   gracious   queen,  the   young-A-^'^»o.v 
"  prince,  and  all  the  royal  issue." 

Thus  ended  the  three  days'  conference,  wherein  The  gwi*- 
how  discreetly  the  king  carried  himself,  posterity  or  um  a>iu 
(out  of  the  reach  of  flattery)  is  the  most  competent*''*"**^ 
judge,  such  matters  being  most  truly  discerned  at 
distanced     It  is  generally  said,  that  herein  he  went*-? 
above  himself;  that  the  bishop  of  London  appeared 
even   with    himself;   and   Dr.  Reynolds   fell   much 
l>eneath  himsc^lf.     Others  observed  that  arclibishop 
Whitgift  spake  most  gravely;  Bancroft,  when  out 
of  passion,  most  iK)liticly;   Bilson  most  learnedly; 
— and,  of  the  divines,  Mr.  Reynolds  most  largely; 
Knewstub    most    affect ionatelv  ;    Chaderton    most 
sparingly.     In  this  scene,  only  Dr.  Si)arks  was  Kw<pov 
nrpoa-funrov^  making  use  of  his  hearing,  not  speech ; 
converted,    it    seems,    to    the    truth    of  what   was 
spoken,  and  soon  after  setting  forth   a  treatise  of 
unity  and  unifonnity. 

But  the  nonconformists  complained  that  the  kingi-henon- 
S4»nt   for  their  divines,  not  to  have  their  soruplesJJJJjJ^^,]* 
«^ti^ti(Ml,  but  his  pleasure  propounded;  not  that  he 

^  [Sir  John  Ilarriii^on  meii- 
tionn  thin  conference  in  his 
Nujxn*  Antiqnv,  I.  i8i,  (ed. 
1804.)  but  giveK  no  very  com- 
niendable  account  of  the  king's 
orat4»ry  ;  who,  it  Heem^,  wan 
not  always  very  select  in  hiH 
]anpi:ip*.  Set*  the  lant  Si»ct. 
of  thi.srei^n.  J)r.  JanieH  Moun- 
tapie.  in  a  hotter  of  the  Mime 
cl:ite  to  hi.H  mother,  has  also 
gi\*en  a  hrief  account  (»f  it. 
Winwo4Nl.  II.  1^.      From  hift 

letters  as  well  as  from  John- 
son'k  History,  it  should  seem 
that  the  puritan  diTines  who 
assisted  at  the  confen*nce  were 
satisfied  with  its  results.  Hce 
Johnson,  n.  380.  The  king's 
own  opinion  of  his  achieve- 
ments <»n  this  occasion  may  be 
Het*n  in  his  letters,  Strype's 
Whitgift,  App.  p.  339.  See 
also  the  new  edition  of  Dodd's 
('hurch  Hist€>ry,  with  the  notc*s, 
vol.  IV.  p.  21.] 


'i'*f   I  An#i/j    ii:*t'*iu 

»•«>■    1 

I  J. 


•I..    ! 

i'<^-.  iiiiirht   knou  \\li:it   tlii\  nuil'l  «aiv,  Itiit  tli«-v  «)ial  I.-- 
\\niili|    «!•»    ill    tlif    iiiHtti  r.      ik^hli-^,    ii'i    witfi'lt-r    i^ 
l>r.  I{i-\iiMM*i  :i   liTfli"   l«»-t    liiin^'lt'.  wliii-««  •  %i-^  *tn 
nnrtlv  ilij/zlitl  \Mtli   !lif   li^liT    i»r  tli'-  krij*«  inr.r.^ri 
|iarfl\    •!;iti!iTi>l    \\\'\\     tin*    Inn?     itf    hi*    <!••]•!•  rv».r 
OtlnT'*  riim|i|;ini  tVit   tl.i-  fniif'tp  ii«'«'  i*   jirirtial!*   ••  ' 
fiirtli    %*\\\\    \\\     I  >r.    Ilail'tw.    ilf.iri    n?"  ("l.^^t'T.    t!»« '• 
lifiitVo^fil    ;i«|\ir*';ir^ ,    !•»    tin-    ::n':i!    •!i"<iiU:ir.tAj'-    •■'' 
tlii-ir  iltviiii-.       All'!  \^I.'U  l!i«'  l-r:i«  Ii'«-  ;:••  il^jviTi  •■. 
ill!"    IMiili-tiMi-*  !•»  \\\\*  *   :ill    x\\*'\T  ir"!:  T««.I-.  •  <•  u    •  . 
iliT    It*  tl:»-%   *••  r    ;i    «.!.kr|i   •!.'•■   •«ii    tlii  ir   ••«!..   :\rj'!    a 
hliiiit  iMM'  tin  T't'ir  •iniiii*  "   \*«  :i|"»ii«i 
\r-*.  Tin-  •••Miti'r   n«i-  |«ri»«!"s  ■>   !   ^urii"  .»!'•  n*."*:*  in  !!.• 

r.  r  iiturj\  \N  ■■Li*  ■  *  I  .'••  /  •  «•!*  :!/.:.•*,  '••rTiitr'i 
fri<j«i*  iif.  In  F'-.i?'  !  I'-r'-:*!'!*  :.  ;  in  tl;«  r*.'  ::••  "f  a**- 
MiliiM"!!.  T'  Pi!*-.-';  •<!  *:•  ^  M  -•■r'««!  .  r..ii!iniiA*»"r. 
liTiii'  •!  aN'i  :iii  I  \:itii:<:  '.!i>*ii  «<t  rliil'ln'ij :  aipI  ^triii 
uoril-  ;i!ii  r« '1  in  flu-  i|».!?ii'  '  ^•'■*|»»  !*•.  m  :?li  a  n^- 
l!l!rMi,  f'..r  :i  i;.  \i  tr:i'  •'.i*  ■•  ••!  ?!.•■  I'*:**!"  .  Mi" 
wlpf'.i*  r  v  *  !:•::■  ■  t'l-;  i.':,*»I-  mI.  ?}it'r  !*•• 
iii.r'li  ul'T'  i.  '■■!  :  '  \i  ■!  ■:  t*  i-  *«.iMi  **;?•:.• 
Ilf    I..*.  '\    .';|i    .  '...■   .  '     ;  ■■  \      I     !...-*.  i-l.    •!.■      k   •  J  • 

jil''.'M.'  '  •       ■!!     i!    .r    I  \     ■'".'•       V  :•     -I'M.*!*      w  *• 

I !••■»*  •  ■  .1-  "^  ■!  '  '•  !  II'  ■  '  r  ,t  \  I.  ..  *  •  '"ir  •"• 
III  •  '•■!!:.  '\  \'-  ••  •  ■.•  ■-•  •:  ■  ir  *'  :\  •  r  \.a\\i  ^ 
tin  p        .    ;.■    i    -  .    \\     \» !.  ■    '^  •     u     J.-  •     t '  •  .r    •■«:,.    :.  . 


\N  •    I.  »^'     !i'r:i.i  i\\    j!i  *•!•■   lilt  ?i'j..'i  it|"  tJjt     \|jl!f  r;  i- 
nil-   P'  tr  "1.   ?"r    iCf  r-'rin  if  !-.ii.   wl.ii'Ji   aUi»i!   t*.i%:in:. 
w.i*    *    !•  n.:.!\    J  r«  *■  •  ••    I    ?■•    !.:•    ?":if.  *•  \      ji:  •!     *»!.:•■* 
Ill  r«     ■»      I    .  ^  ■    '  •    !\   i  \    ■    |-  •?:•  •! 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  305 

^  The  humble  Petition  of  the  Ministers  of  the  Church  ^^^^  ^^s* 
of  England^    desiring   Reformation   of  certain 

Ceremonies  and  Abuses  oftlie  Church^. 

"  To  the  most  Christian  and  excellent  prince,  our 
gracious  and  dread  sovereign  James,  by  the  grace 
of  God,  &c.,  we,  the  ministers  of  the  church  of 
England  that  desire  reformation,  wish  a  long, 
prosperous,  and  happy  reign  over  us  in  this  life, 
and  in  the  next  everlasting  salvation. 

"  Most  gracious  and  dread  sovereign,  seeing  it 
hath  pleased  the  Divine  Majesty,  to  the  great 
comfort  of  all  good  Christians,  to  advance  your 
highness,  according  to  your  just  title,  to  the  peace- 
able government  of  this  church  and  commonwealth 
of  England :  We,  the  ministers  of  the  gospel  in 
this  land,  neither  as  factious  men  affecting  a  popu- 
lar parity  in  the  church,  nor  as  schismatics  aiming 
at  the  dissolution  of  the  state  ecclesiastical,  but  as 
the  faithful  servants  of  Christ  and  loyal  subjects 
to  your  majesty,  desiring  and  longing  for  the  re- 
dress of  divers  abuses  of  the  church,  could  do  no 
less,  in  our  obedience  to  God,  service  to  your 
majesty,  love  to  his  church,  than  acquaint  your 
princely  majesty  with  our  particular  griefs ;  for,  as 
your  princely  pen  writeth,  *  The  king,  as  a  good 
physician,  must  first  know  what  peccant  humours 
his  patient  naturally  is  most  subject  unto,  before 
he  can  begin  his  cure^.'     And,  although  divers  of 

t  [Presented  4th  April,  1604.  tish  Museum,  p.  27.] 
Dated  Jan.  14, 1603.     Kennet's         d  [BA2.  AOPON,  p.  159.    In 

MS.  of  this  reign,  in  the  Bri-  king  James's  Workn,  ed.  1616.] 

FITI.r.ER,  VOL.  v.  X 


306  The  Ohurch  History  book  x. 

A.D.  iro3."  us  that  sue  for  reformation  have  formerly,  in 
""^^  **  respect  of  the  times,  subscribed  to  the  book,  (some 
"  upon  protestation,  some  upon  expositions  given 
**  them,  some  with  condition,)  rather  than  the  church 
^  should  have  lx*en  deprived  of  their  labour  and 
**  ministry ;  yet  now  we,  to  the  number  of  pnne  than 
"  a  thomnnd  •  of  your  majesty's  subjects  and  niinisu 
^  ters,  all  planing  as  under  a  common  burden  of 
^  human  rites  and  ceremonies,  do  with  one  joint 
*'  consent  humble  ourselvi»s  at  your  niiyesty*8  feet, 
^  to  be  ease<l  and  relieved  in  this  l)ehalf.  Our 
*'  humblo  suit  then  unto  your  majesty  is,  that  them 
**  offences  foUowinpf,  some  may  be  removed,  tome 
amended,  some  qualified. 

I.  "  In  the  church  service. — Tliat  the  cro88  in  Imp- 
**  tism,  interrogatories  ministered  to  infants,  con- 
''  firmation,  as  sui)erfluous  may  Ix^  taken  away. 
**  Baptism  not  to  be  ministered  by  women,  and  so 
*'  explained.  The  cap  and  suridice  not  urged.  That 
*^  examination  may  go  before  the  communion;  that 
**  it  be  ministereil  with  a  sermon.  That  divers  tenns 
*'  of  priests,  and  aI)solution,  and  some  other  used, 
*'  with  the  ring  in  marriage,  and  other  such-like  in 
**  the  l>ook,  may  be  corrected.  The  longaomeuets 
*^  of  M*rvicc¥  abridgiHl.  Church  songs  and  music 
*'  moderat4Ml  to  bi*ttrr  edification.  Tliat  the  LordV 
**  day  Ik*  not  profan^nl.  The  rest  u]>on  holy  days 
**  not  so  strictly  urgiMl.  Tliat  there  may  be  an 
**  uniformity  of  doctrine  pn»scrilxMl.  No  popish 
**  opinion  to  In>  any  mon^  taught  or  defende«l.     Ni> 

*  [llitu  iiH-ii  witli  Ml  iiiiirli     iiiitorifiu^  a  falndwoil  m  thm, 
prufeviion  cm  be  guilty  of  jmi     i^  inJi^tHl  »ur|Nrising.] 

CRNT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  SOI 

"  ministers  charged  to  teach  their  |)eople  to  bow  at  a.  0.1603. 

"  the  name  of  Jesus.     Tliat  the  canonical  scriptures 

**  only  be  read  in  the  church. 

II.  "  Concerning  church  ministers.  —  That  none 
*'*'  hereafter  be  admitted  into  the  ministry  but  able 
^^  and  sufficient  men,  and  those  to  preach  diligently, 

and  esjKJcially  upon  the  Lord's  day.  That  such 
as  1h3  already  entered,  and  cannot  preach,  may 
*'  either  be  removed,  and  some  charitable  course 
"  taken  with  them  for  their  relief;  or  else  to  be 
**  forced,  according  to  the  value  of  their  livings,  to 
^'  maintain  preachers.  That  non-residency  be  not 
*'  permitted.  That  king  Edward's  statute,  for  the 
"  lawfulness  of  ministers'  marriage,  ho  revived.  That 
**  ministers  l)e  not  urged  to  sul>scribe,  but,  according 
^'  to  the  law,  to  the  Articles  of  Ileligion  and  the 
**  king's  supremacy  only. 

III.  "  For  church  li rings  mid  maintenance. — ^That 
*^  bishops  leave  their  commendams ;  some  holding 

prebends,  some  parsonages,  some  vicarages,  with 
their  bishoprics.  That  double-beneficed  men  be 
not  suifered  to  hold,  some  two,  some  three  bene- 
fices with  cure;  and  some  two,  three,  or  four 
dignities  besides.  That  impropriations,  annexed  to 
bishoprics  and  colleges,  be  demised  only  to  the 
*"  preachers'  incumbents  for  the  old  rent.  That  the 
'*  impropriations  of  laymen's  fee  may  be  charged 
"  with  a  sixth  or  seventh  |mrt  of  the  worth,  to  tlio 
**  maintenance  of  the  preaching  minister.  « 

IV.  ^'^  For  church  discipline. — Tliat  the  discipline 
*'  an<I  excommunicatitm  mav  l>e  administeriMl  accord- 
^' ing  to  Christ's  own  institution;  or  at  the*  h':ist, 
**  tliat  enormities  may  Ix^  redressed  :  as  namely,  that 
*'  excommunication  come  not  forth  under  the  name 


308  The  Churrh  History  took  x. 

if»o>"  of  lay  i)orsoiis,  cliancollors,  oflicials  &c.  That  men 
-  *-**Ik»  not  oxroninmiiiratcMl  for  triHi-H  and  twelvi*- 
"  penny  matters.  Tliait  none  Ix?  excommuniratiMl 
•*  witliont  eonwnt  of  liis  pastor.  That  the  oftiron* 
"  he  not  sutten*il  to  extort  unreasonahh*  Rx*8.  TTiat 
*•  none,  having  jurisdietion  or  repsters*  places,  pnt 
**  out  the  same  to  farm.  That  divers  {lopish  canons 
•*  (as  for  restraint  of  marri.ifl^e  at  certain  times)  lie 
**  riM'ersed.  That  the  longsomeness  of  suits  in  eccle- 
•*  siastical  courts  (which  \\\\\\^  sometime  two,  thn^e, 
**  four,  five,  six,  or  S4»ven  years)  may  lie  rwtraine<l. 
*'  That  the  oath  t\r  offirin^  wlierc»by  men  are  fome«l 
•'  to  aceu«4e  themselves,  he  more  sparinffly  used. 
^^  That  li<*enses  for  marriajrc")  without  banns  asked, 
''  Ik*  more  cautiously  grantcMl. 

*'  Tliese,  with  such  oth(»r  abuses  yet  n^maining  and 

'^  pnictiscMl  in  the  church  of  Kn^rland,  we  an^  able  to 

*'  shew  not  to  lx»  apfreeable  to  the  wriptuifs,  if  it 

**  shall   |»k»ase  your  hi<rhness  farther  to  h<»ar  us,  or 

**  more  at  larjjt»  by  writin«r  to  lie  infomiiNl,  or  by 

••  confen»iHH»  anion^  the  h*anied  to  Ik*  n^solveil.   And 

**  v«'t   we  doubt  not   but   that,  without  anv  farthiT 

"  pHMM'HS,  your  majesty  (of  whose*  Christian  judjniHMit 

"  we  iiavc  H'criviMl  so  jtimmI  a  t:iste  already)  is  aWe 

-  of  yourself  !<»  jud«;«»  i»f  the  e<piity  of  this  cansi*. 

"  (lod,  w«'  tru*«t,  hath  appointrd  ycmr  hij^hnesR  our 

••  ph\sirian   li»   hral   thes(»   dista»i(*s.      And    wo   sav, 

•'  with    Morde«'ai   to   Hester.  H7/«   knoweth    frktiher 

"  i/oit    fin-    ruNit'    tn   ihr  kinqttoM   for  sfich  ft    time  ^ 

**  Thus   \iiur   nuijrsty   ^hall   do   that    which  we  an* 

'*  persnadi*il    *«hall    be  am^ptabli*    to    (icmI,   lionour* 

"  al»h*  to  your  niajiMy  in  all  succeedinjif  afrcik  pnw 

*'  titable  to  his  church,  (whieh  shall  Ik*  thereby  in- 

**  cn*a*M*d.)  eomfortable    to   your    ministers,   (which 

TENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  809 

**  shall  be  no  more  suspended,  silenced,  disgraced,  a.  d.  1603. 

**  imprisoned  for  men's  traditions,)  and  prejudicial 

"  to  none,  but  to  those  that  seek  their  own  quiet» 
**  credit,  and  profit  in  the  world.  Thus,  with  all 
**  dutifiil  submission,  referring  ourselves  to  your  ma- 
**  jcsty's  pleasure  for  your  gracious  answer,  as  God 
**  shall  direct  you,  we  most  humbly  recommend  your 
**  highness  to  the  Divine  Majesty ;  whom  we  be- 
**  seech,  for  Christ  his  sake,  to  dispose  your  royal 
^  heart  to  do  herein  what  shall  be  to  bis  glory,  the 
**  good  of  his  church,  and  your  endless  comfort 




Your  Majesty's  most  humble  Subjects, 

''  The  Ministers  of  the  Gospel, 

that  desire  not  a  disorderly  innovation,  but  a  due 
luid  godly  reformation  ^" 

25.  Tliis  calm  and  still,  but  deep  petition  i^,  being  The  fa 

of  this  pcd- 

^  [Printed  (410,  1603)  as  it  "  fectionisjinperfectionemiiul- 

u'liH   presented  on  the  4th  of  "  lam    tolerare  possnmus    aut 

April,  in  the  follou-ing  answer  "  in    coqx>re     aut    in     menu 

uf  the  university  of  Oxford  :  "  bris  ecclesiae  :  tunc  diabolum 

*•  The  Anxtrcrc   of  the    Vice^  *'  nos  tumefacere  superbia  au- 

••  Chanccliour  J  he  Doctors  jH)ih  *'  perbia  et  hypocriai  seducere, 

*'  the  Proctors,  and  other  the  '•  moneamur. '        Calvin    adv, 

•*  Heads    of    Houses     in    the  Anabapt.  art.  2.      At  Oxford: 

"  I 'nirersity  of  Oxford,  (agree-  Printed    bf    Joieph    Barnes, 

"  able,  undoubtedit/,  to  the  joint  Printer  to  the  Unit^ersiiy.  1603. 

*'  and   uniform    opinion   of  all  4to.] 

*•  the  Deans  and  Chapters,  and         %  [These  words  probably  are 

"  all  other  the  learned  and  ofte-  an  allusion  to  the  Keply  of  the 

**  dient  Clergy  of  the  Church  (if  University    of   Oxford,  which 

^  England,)  to  the  humble  Pe-  thus  characterises  that  petition 

*'  tit  ion  of  the  Ministers  of  the  in  its  £pist«  Ded.  prenxed   to 

•*  Church  of  England,  desiring  its  answer:  "  H'hich  we  may 

**  Reformat um  of  certain  Cere-  **  well  resemble  unto  still'run* 

*'  monies    and    Abuses    of  the  **  ning  streams,  which  are  deep- 

••  Church,      •  Beware   of    the  **  est  there  where  they  seem  to 

*'  concision.'       Phil.    iii.    a."  "  be  most  co/im."] 
*'  Cum  sub  specie  studii  per. 


SIO  The  Church  HUtory  moe  x. 

A.D.  ir>o3.(a8  is  aforesaid)  presented  to  the  king,  it  was  given 
'*'*"^'  out  that  his  majesty  lent  it  a  favourable  ear ;  that 
sonic  great  ones  about  him  gave  it  a  consentiog 
entertainment;  that  some  potent  strangers  (I  under- 
stand of  the  Scottish  nation)  had  undertaken  the 
conduct  and  managing  tliereof.  Whether  indeed  it 
was  so,  God  knows,  or  whether  these  things  were 
made  to  make  the  {K^ople  ;  the  van  pretending  a 
victory,  that  the  rear  might  follow  the  more  com- 
fortably. Sure  it  is  this  |>etition  ran  the  gauntlet 
throughout  all  the  prelatieal  party,  every  one  giving 
it  a  lash,  some  with  their  |>eus,  moe  with  their 
tongues ;  and  the  dumb  ministers,  as  they  term 
them,  found  their  s|H»ech  most  vocal  against  it.  The 
universities  (and  justly)  found  themselves  much  ag* 
grieved,  that  the  |K>titioners  should  proportion  n 
seventh  part  only  out  of  an  impropriation  in  a  lay- 
man's fee ;  whilst  those  belonging  to  colleges  and 
cathedrals  should  be  demise<l  to  the  vicars  at  the 
old  rent,  without  fine,  without  improvement :  where- 
as si*liolars,  being  child n*n  of  the  prophets,  counted 
themselves  miwit  pn»|)er  for  church  revenues ;  and 
this  motion,  if  etRx'ted,  would  cut  off  more  than  the 
nippU^s  of  the  bn»asts  of  l>oth  universities,  in  point 
of  maintenance. 
Uni*rr»i.  og  CauibridiTe  ^  tlicn»foro  l)eiran,  and  nas»ed  n 
nrtiM  '  grace  in  tlirir  con^rn'gation  ',  that  whosoever  in  their 
university  hhduld,  by  wonl  <»r  writing,  opjHMe  the 
rect*iv(Ml  dnctriiK*  and  dis<*ipliiie  of  Kngland,  or  any 
|mrt  tli(*nM)f,  sIkmiM  i\tso  farto  Im*  suspi^nded  from 
their  furnitT  and  fxr hided  fnmi  all  future  degrees*^. 

'*   [L'K%truii^i*'B  Alliaiiiv  (if     terj,  |i.  367.] 
Ui\  iii«>  ( Irtiivm  \c.  p.  3  ).    I  ley-         *  [9th  Juno,  1603.] 
lyn'k   llitetury  cif  the   Prtfuby*         ^  [Thit  placH  it  ptthlithMl 


ENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  811 

Oxford  followed,  (recoin|)ensing  the  slowness  of  her  a.  0.1604 
jiace  with  the  firmness  of  her  footing,)  making  ft  ^  ""^ 
strong  and  sharp  confutation  of  the  jietition.  But 
indeed  king  James  made  the  most  real  refutation 
thereof,  not  resenting  it  (whatsoever  is  pretended) 
according  to  the  desires  and  liopes  (not  to  say  the 
reports)  of  such  who  presented  it;  and  after  his 
ouyesty  had  discountenanced  it,  some  hotspurs  of 
the  opposite  party  Ix'gan  to  maintain  (many  copies 
(hereof  being  scattered  into  vulgar  hands)  that  now 
the  property  thereof  was  altered  from  a  petition  into 
%  libel,  and  such  papers  defamatory  of  the  present 
{OTemment  punishable  by  the  statute  prima  JSlizO' 

Under  favour,  I  conceive  this  petition,  by  usoUiot 
lately  exemplified,  the  projier  millenary  petition.  ^Sm 
Dtherwise  I  obser\'e  that  millenary  petition  is  vojf 
Tquivoca^  and  attributed  to  all  jietitions  with  nume- 
rous and  indefinite  subscriptions,  which  were  started 
this  year  concerning  church  reformation.  Many 
there  were  of  this  kind,  moving  for  more  or  less 
iltcration,  as  the  promoters  of  them  stood  affected. 
For  all  men*s  desires  will  then  be  of  the  same  size, 
when  their  bodies  shall  be  of  the  same  stature.  Of 
^hese,  one  most  remarkable  required  a  subscription 
in  manner  as  foUoweth  : 

**  We,  whose*  nanu*s  are  underwritten,  do  agree  to 

*  make  our  humble  petition  to  the  king*s  majesty, 

*  that    the    present    state   of  the    church    may  \re 

*  farther  refonned  in  all  things  needful,  according 

*  to  the  rule  of  (iod  s  holy  word,  and  agreeable  to 

II   the  orijciiiml,  in    the  Reply  of  the  Uiiivenuty  of  Oxford, 
Spitt.  Ded.] 

X  4 


The  Church  UUtory 


.1604/' the  exampio  of  other  reformed  churches,  which 
"****"  **  liave  restored  lioth  the  doctrine  and  discipline,  u 

'^  it  was  delivered  by  our  Saviour  Christ  and  hia 

**  holy  apostles.*" 

Two  things  are  remarkable  therein:  first,  that 
this  was  no  present  petition,  but  a  preparative  thenv 
unto,  which  in  due  time  might  have  proved  one,  if 
meeting  with  pro|>ortionable  encouragement ;  se- 
condly, that  it  went  farther  than  the  former,  as  not 
being  for  the  KaOaifktv.  but  for  the  aip€tv — not  for  the 
)>aring,  pruning,  and  purging,  but  for  the  extirpating 
and  abolishing  of  bisho|>s,  and  conforming  church 
govenmient  to  fortMgn  presbytery.  Whether  the 
subscribers  to  this  |>etition  were,  for  the  main,  a 
recruit  of  new  persons,  or  a  resumption  of  those 
who  under^'rit  the  fonner,  I  dare  not  define.  Pro- 
Iiably  many,  sensible  that  before  they  were  petition- 
iMiund,  enlarges!  themselves  now  in  their  additional 
desires;  for  such  who  ask  no  more  than  what  they 
would  have,  commonly  receive  less  than  what  they 
ask,  MH.*ing  petitions  of  this  nature  are  seldom 
gnuitnl  in  full  latitude,  without  some  abatement. 
Tlu»y  allowi^l,  therefon*,  some  over-measure  in  their 
re<|uests,  that,  tlit*  suq>lusage  l>eing  defiUk€^d,  the 
remainder  might  in  some  manner  give  them  satia- 
fa<*tion  ^ 

'  [III  thtf  lU'plv  of  tliL*  I'lii- 
viTitity  <if  Oxfiiril  it  U  Htutfd. 
**  lI(iulH*it  UH  Itiiig  an  it  iiumkhI 
'ill  nriiati*  {m:.  lliiii  |H>titioii) 
**  iiiiiitT  till*  luiiir  of  A  |i.irtit'ii- 
**  lur  motion  iiiuil«*  to  lii*k  nui^t 
"  ekivlK'iit  iii4Jii«ty.  ut*  laid 
"  our  liuiidH  u|M»ii  our  iiiouthnp 
**  and  with  duo  it*verviict*  rx- 
"  |itfctcd   in   ftilvuoe   the  wise 

"  reMilutiuii  of  hit  religicMi 
"  htmrt.  But  theie  men,  ■» 
"  thfv  lux*  imptttient  oi  deby. 
**  or  c'Im*  to  gain  cnsdit  wiib 
'*  tho  |K*«»|d(*,  on  whom  thvy 
*'  ^ri*iitly  do  rely,  noon  after 
**  M*iid  forth  into  all  qiiaitm 
'*  of  the  realm  itorv  oi 
*'  pretended  |ietitMMia, 
*'  panied  with  nidi  Itwd,  Uh^ 


of  Britain. 


Sure  I  am  the  prelatical  party  complained  that,  to  a.d.  1604. 

swell  a  number,  the  nonconformists  did  not  choose, ^ 

but  scrape  subscribers;  not  to  speak  of  the  ubiqui-deniingin 
tariness  of  some  hands,  the  same  being  always  ^P^||^ 
present  at  all  petitions.  Indeed  to  the  first  only 
ministers  were  admitted,  but  to  the  latter  brood  of 
petitions  no  hand  which  had  five  fingers  was  refused. 
Insomuch  that  master  George  (since  lord)  Goring, 
who  then  knew  little  and  cared  less  for  church 
government,  (as  unable  to  govern  himself,  being 
then,  fifty  years  since,  rather  a  youth  than  a  man — 
a  boy  than  a  youth,)  set  his  hand  thereunto,  in  the 
right,  I  believe,  of  his  mother,  a  good  lady  much 
addicted  to  that  party;  and  king  James  would  in 
merriment  make  sport  with  him,  to  know  what 
reasons  moved  him  at  that  age  to  this  subscription  ™. 
But  emragh  of  these  petitioners :  perchance  we  shall 
hear  more  of  them  the  next  parliament. 


•  4 

and  absurd  suggestions,  as  if 
our  noble  king  had  leut  their 
motion  a  favourable  ear,  and 
given  it  some  kind  of  con. 
senting  entertainment ;  as  if 
in  all  this  thej  had  done  no. 
thing  whereunto  they  were 
not  animated  and  encouraged 
by  some  of  special  credit 
with  his  highness ;  as  if  some 
busy.headed  strangers  had 
undertaken  their  cause  .... 
This  course  R.  H.  did  make 
us  think,  that  now  they  had 
altered  the  nature  of  that 
foresaid  schedule,  and  of  an 
entitled  petition  to  H.  M. 
had  made  it  a  covert  kind  of 
libel ;  whereby  securely,  as 
they  thought,  they  might  de- 
prive ana  slander  not  only 
the  Communion  Book,  but 
the  whole  estate  of  the  church 

*'....  which  undue  and  dis- 
*'  honest  practice  having  so 
'*  chansed  the  quality  of  their 
"  petition,  whether  it  hath 
*'  brought  the  contrivers  and 
"  preferers  of  it  within  the 
"  com|)ass  of  that  stat.  1  Elis. 
"  and  made  them  liable  to  the 
"  penalties  of  the  same,  we 
"  take  not  upon  us  to  deter- 
"  mine.  Howbeit  hereof  we 
"  could  not  but  take  notice : 
"  that,  by  their  impunity,  divers 
"  others  very  lewdly  affected 
"  have,  in  divers  parts  of  the 
"  kingdom,  presumed  to  trou. 
"  ble  il.  M.  and  tax  the  sUte 
"  with  the  like  clamorous  libels 
"  and  defamatory  supplica- 
*'  tions."     Epist.  bed.] 

B  [8ee  t^e  Reply  of  the 
University  of  Oxford.  Epirt. 


M  A  T  T  ri  K  W      G  I  L  L  Y  E, 


Soloiium  taitk.  Ami  thoro  ia  a  friend  that  u  noMvr  thui  a 
brother  >.  AW,  tkwt^  I  hat>»  nad  tmamy  wrilen  em  tif 
t^-rt,  ifoitr  praetift  it  th  hetl  eomtrnfnt,  irAjeA  hatk  Morf 
trulif  rxpoundtut  it  nnto  tmt.  Ace^  tiit,  iJitnfan,  at  tkt 
return  of  tkt  tkanh  of  ymr  rtipeetJiU  frimd^. 

AUSRIjKSS  ji-alousies  attend  old  age. 
^\|  I  HK  H|)|H-an<  In-  arcli1>iBhop  Whitgift,  who 
A   I  i>ii(k><l  liifl  lift',  avconling  to  bis  own 
■-"    '  dttiin'.  tliiit  lit-  niigbt  not  lire  to  are 
tlir  iHirliniiu'iit:  iM'ing  more  scanKl  than 
hurl,  v»  rcariii;;  s«>iik'  ftniiifri'  o|i|M>Hition  therein,  and 

■  Prur.  sriir.  14.  Pak-mtine  :     "  MrnUiM    Gilljf 

*>   [An   tijualhr   honmt    uhI  "  rrrr  ftmerom  tt   {^mad  In* 

liinirty   cuDilnvnifalinii    iif    tbi*  "  am/Jta)  paratkimmo  tm  IVmL 

Iiutniii'ii  giKHlnrM  in  fiivcii  liy  "  tkamnti.       FnUritmi     ma* 

''ulkr  in  fail  l*iiK>)>  tUfi^t  of  "  pmttmibmi  flmrta  agm  «&»• 

CENT.  XVII.        The  Church  History  of  Britain. 


an  as^ult  of  unconformists  on  church  diBcipline,  a.  d.  1604. 
fiercer  than  his  age-feebled  body  should  be  able  to 
resist  ^.  Bom  he  was  of  ancient  parentage,  at  Great 
Grimsby  in  Lincohishire  **,  bred  in  Cambridge,  ad- 
mitte<l  in  Queen's  College  %  removed  scholar  to 
Pembroke  Hall,  (where  Mr.  Bradford  was  his  tutor,) 
translatcnl  fellow  to  Peter  House  ^  returned  master 
to  Pembn)ke»  thence  advanced  master  of  Trinity 
College**;  successively  parson  of  Teversham*,  pre- 
bend of  Ely  ^  dean  of  Lincoln  \  bishop  of  Worces- 
ter™; where  the  queen  forgave  him  his  first-fruits 
— a  rare  gift  for  her,  who  was  so  good  an  housewife 
of  her  revenues.  Yea,  she  constantly  called  him 
her  little  black  husband ;  which  favour  nothing 
elated  his  gravity,  carrying  himself  as  one  uncon* 
cenied  in  all  worldly  honour.  He  survived  the 
queen  not  a  full  year,  getting  his  bane  by  going  in  a 
cold  morning  by  barge  to  Fulham,  there  to  consult 
with  the  bishops  about  managing  their  matters  in 
the  ensuing  parliament ;  and  no  wonder  if  those  few 
sparks  of  natural  heat  were  quickly  quenched  with 

•*  tingant  tales,"  II.  96.  In 
the  Worthies,  also,  he  men- 
tions him  again  as  possessing 
the  manor  of  the  parish  of 
Little  Oaklev.  near  Harwich, 
(I.  494,)  which  it  seems  he 
held  by  right  of  his  wife ;  and 
Vft,  Htratige  to  say.  no  trace  of 
him  or  hin  family  occurs  either 
in  the  to|)ographical  or  genea- 
logical hiKtories  of  the  county 
of  Khs**x.] 

^  See  the  Preface  to  Hamp- 
ton Oourt  C'onference,  [where 
Harlow  sjiys  of  him,  then  re- 
cently dead,  "  A  man  happy  in 
'*  hin  life  and  death,  lored  of 

"  the  best  while  he  lived,  and 
"  heard  of  Ood  for  his  decemae; 
"  moat  earnestly  desiring,  not 
"  many  days  before  he  waa 
*'  stroken,  that  he  might  not 
"  yet  live  to  see  this  parlia- 
"  ment,  as  near  as  it  was.*'] 

«i  [A.D.  1530.] 

e  [A.  D.  1 549-; 

^  [A.  D.  1555.] 

f  [April  21,  1567.] 

h  [July 4.  «5^>7J 
>   [A.D.  1571.] 
k  [A.  D.I  568.} 

'  [A.  D.  1573O 
«  [A.D.  1576.] 


The  Church  Hiitwy 


A.I).  1604. a  small  cold  in  him,  who  was  then  above  seventy- 

'-  two  years  of  age  ".     lie  died  of  the  palsy,  one  of  the 

worthiest  men  that  ever  tlie  English  hierarchy  did 
enjoy  °. 
Mr.  2.  But  a  modem  writer,  in  his  voluminous  book  ^ 

tiMiftiiririic  against  the  practices  of  English  prelates,  bitterly 
aeixw^l  inveigheth  against  him,  whom  he  termeth  a  |x>ntifi- 
cal  (meaneth  he  imganish,  or  jnipish  ?)  bishop,  anil 
chargeth  him  with  many  misdemeanours.  Give  me 
leave  a  little,  without  bittemcKs,  both  to  pass  my 
censure  on  his  book^  and  make  this  archbishop  his 
just  defence  against  his  calumniation.  First,  in 
general,  behold  the  complexion  of  his  whole  book, 
and  it  is  black  and  swarthy  in  the  uncharitable  sub- 
ject and  title  thereof:  *' An  Historical  Collecticm  of 
*'  the  several  execrable  Treasons,  Conspiracies*  Ke- 
''  bc*llions,  Seditions,  State  Schisms,  Contumacies, 
*"  A  nti -monarchical  Practices,  and  Oppressions  of 
''  English  Prelates,*"  &c.  Thus  he  weeds  men's  Utos, 
and  makes  use  only,  to  their  disgrace,  of  their  in- 

»  [StryjHf'iiWhitgift,  p.  577] 
^  [Accunliii^  u>  nir  (tiMir^e 
Paul. "  liiM  nuijettty,  lieing  much 
*'  troubliHl  with  the  ri*|Kirt  of 
*'  the  archhiskhfip'ii  HicknpKitp 
**  cuiie  u|Hm  thi*  Tuintdiiy  fcil- 
**  hiu'iiiir  t(i  vi«iit  uiul  comfort 
**  him,  with  vm*  kind  ami  p*:!- 
**  cioUH  N|KVi-lii*n.  unyinfT.  '  thai 
**  kr  truuitl  br.i  him  of  Gud  in 
••  hispniyrr;  trkich  if  hf  cvuld 
**  itfttaim,  hr  skituM  think  it  imr 
••  ttfthc  firratfit  trmfMtnii  hiess' 
"  imf^M  that  amid  hr  pirrm  him 
**  IN  thtj  kiMgdum/  The  arch- 
**  bi»hop  muile  orit*r  to  M|ieak 
**  ti»  hi*  iimjenty  in  Latin  ;  but 
*'  m*ithi*r  hia  highni*»s  nur  any 
*'  tlivrc    prea«nt    well    untler. 

'*  stood  what  he  said,  aave  ooly 
"  that  by  the  last  words,  *frro 
*'  eccifsia  Dei,  pro  eccUsm  l>rf .' 
(which  iu  earnest  nwimer, 
with  his  eyes  and  hands  lift 
up,  he  oftentimes  iterated,) 
hiH  niajt*Hty  conceived  (aa  it 
pleuMfd  him  afierwarda  bt 
n»|N»rt)  that  he  continued 
the  suit  which  sundrr  times 
'*  before,  and  at  his  last  at* 
"  tendance  on  his  highness,  he 
**  hod  earnestly  rvoommendrd 
*'  unto  his  rtiTal  and  apedal 
'*  cart*  in  liehalf  of  the  church*" 

LifeofWhiticift.  V133O 

P  [The  Antipathy  of  tiM 
Knglish  Lordly  PrdMy.  he. 
p.  149.  4t<».  1041O 







•  • 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  817 

firmities;  nieantime  suppressing  many  eminent  ac-A.n.  ifio4. 

tions,  wliich   Ins  own  conscience  knows  were  per- 

fonne<l  by  them.  Wliat  a  monster  might  be  made 
out  of  the  ]>est  beauties  in  tlie  world,  if  a  limner 
should  leave  what  is  lovely,  and  only  collect  into 
one  picture  what  he  findeth  amiss  in  them !  I  know 
there  be  white  teeth  in  the  blackest  blackamoor,  and 
a  black  bill  in  the  whitest  swan.  Worst  men  have 
something  to  be  commended,  best  men  something  in 
them  to  l>e  condemned  ;  only  to  insist  on  men's 
faults,  to  render  them  odious,  is  no  ingenious  em- 
ployment. God,  we  know,  so  useth  his  fan,  that  he 
kwiH'th  the  corn,  but  driveth  away  the  chaff;  but 
who  is  he  that  winnoweth  so,  as  to  throw  away  the 
giHxl  jfrain,  and  retain  the  chaff  only  ? 

3.  liesides,  it  containeth  untruths,  or  at  the  best  Huuntnith 
uncertainties,  which  he  venteth  with  assurance  to 
|M>sterity.  For  instance,  speaking  of  Walter  Tyrrell  \ 
the  French  knight,  casually  killing  king  William 
llufus  in  New  Forest,  with  an  arrow  glancing  from 
:i  trei\  he  saith  that  in  all  likelihood  Anselm,  arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  (our  Whitgifl's  predecessor,) 
with  fore-plotted  treason  hired  Tyrrell  to  munler 
the  king  in  this  manner.  Now  to  condemn  the 
memor}'  of  so  pious  and  learned  a  man  as  Anselm 
was,  (though  I  will  not  excuse  him  in  all  things,) 
fivf  hundred  years  after  the  fact  pretended  on  his 
own  single  bare  surmise,  contrary  to  the  constant 
current  of  all  authors,  no  one  whis]>ering  the  least 
suspicion  thereof — hath,  I  believe,  but  little  of  law 
and  nothing  of  gos|>el  therein.  Let  the  glancing  of 
Tyrrell's  arrow  niin<l  men  how  they  hend  their  Ikhtm 

q  P.  lo. 

818  The  Church  Hiitory  bom  s. 

A.  D.  1604.  to  shoot  arrows^  even  bitter  words  '  at  the  momonr  of 

2  Junes. 

tho  deceaM.»d,  lest  it  rebound  back,  not  aa  his  did  to 

hit  a  8tai)der-))v,  but  justly  to  wound  him  who  un- 
justly delivered  it. 
Uin  siaiuier  4.  Rut  to  coHio  to  ouF  reverend  ^Vhitgift•  FinI, 
fctft;  be  charpfeth  him  for  troubling  the  judges  with  his 
contestations  about  prohibitions*  endeavouring  to 
enlarge  his  ecclesiastical  jurisdiction.  Tliis  being 
the  accusation  but  of  a  common  lawyer*  and  that  in 
favour  of  his  own  courts,  I  leave  to  some  doctor  of 
the  civil  or  canon  law,  as  most  proper  to  make 
answer  thereunto ;  only,  whereas  he  saith  that  Iflliit- 
gift  did  it  to  the  prejudice  of  the  queen's  preroga- 
tive*, surely  she  knew  her  own  privileges  so  well, 
besides  those  of  her  council  to  t<»ch  her,  that  she 
would  never  have  so  favourably  reflected  on  him,  if 
sensible  (wise  princes  having  a  tender  touch  in  that 
point)  that  he  any  way  went  about  to  abridge  her 
royal  authority. 
And  uiiy  5.  Secondlv,  he  taxeth  him  for  his  extraonlinanr 
hittnun.  train  of  above  sixty  men-scTvants ;  though  not  so 
extravagant  a  number,  if  his  |)er8on  and  place  be 
considore<l,  who  were  all  trained  up  to  martial  aflkirs, 
and  mustered  almost  every  week,  his  stable  being 
well  furnished  with  store  of  gnmt  horses  K  But  was 
it  a  fault,  in  those  martial  days,  when  the  invasion 
of  a  foreign  Uh*  was  daily  8us|»ected,  to  fit  his  &mily 
for  their  omii  and  the  king«loin*s  defence  ?  Did  not 
Abraliam,  that  htmvenly  prophet  and  holy  iiatriarch, 

'  Pnlin  Ixiv.  3.  lonlii  npirituid  ub  wrll  ■•  tno. 

•  P.  1 4«>.  poral  wrrv  (ihli|(ed  tu  maintaia 

*  [It  wmn  not  ill  Whii^ift*!!  a  crrtnin  quiita  of  men  fmr  the 
|Miwer  to  hurc  (U*cline«l  hiicIi  n  qucen't  lervice.] 

charge,  had  he  deftired  it :  all 

TEST.  XVII.  of  Britain.  819 

arm  Im  trained  servants  in  his  awn  hotise^^  in  his  a.  d.  1604. 
victorious  expedition  against  the  king  of  Sodom  ? -^~^?™*— 
Yea,  if  churclunen  of  an  anti-prelatical  spirit  had 
not  since  tampered  more  dangerously  with  training 
of  servants,  though  none  of  their  oira,  both  learning 
and  religion  had  perchance  looked  at  this  day  with 
a  more  cheerful  countenance. 

6.  Wliereas  it  intimates  that  this  archbishop  had  widtgift'ii 

'  cure  01  and 

been  better  employed  in  training  up  scholars  for  the  i<>r^  to 
pulpit  than  soldiers  for  the  field,  know  that  as  the 
latter  was  performed  the  former  was  not  quitted  by 
him :  witness  many  worthy  preachers  bred  under  him 
in  Trinity  College,  and  more  elsewhere  relieved  by 
him ;  yea,  his  Ixmnty  was  too  large  to  be  confined 
i^iithin  the  narrow  seas — Beza,  Drusius,  and  other 
foreign  protestant  divines  tasting  freely  thereof.  Nor 
was  his  liberality  only  a  cistern  for  the  present  age, 
but  a  running  river  from  a  fresh  fountain,  to  water 
]M)Stority  in  that  school  of  Croydon,  which  he  hath 
lx*autifully  built  and  bountifully  endowed.  More 
might  be  said  in  the  vindication  of  this  worthy 
)>relate  from  his  reproachftil  ]>en;  but  I  purposely 
forbear,  the  rather  l)ecause  it  is  possible  that  the 
learned  gentleman  since,  upon  a  serious  review  of 
his  own  work,  and  experimental  observation  of  the 
passages  of  this  age,  may  be  more  oifended  with  his 
own  writing  herein,  than  others  take  just  exception 

7.  Archbishop  Will tgift  was  buried  at  Croydon,  Hh biirH 

Mill  HM^ 

March    27th  * ;    the    earl    of  Worcester  and    lonl 
Zouch,  his  pupils,  attending  his  hearse ;  and  bishop 

'*  Cfi'ii.  xiv.  14. 

<   [Paul's  Life  of  Whitgift,  p.  1 33.] 

820  The  Church  Hiitnry  mok  x. 

LP. i6o4.Ba)>iiij;ton,  Ins  pupil  also,  made  \m  funonil  seimon, 
L!l!!!!!!L.cIio(>siiip:  for  his  text  2  Cliron.  xxiv.  15,  16,  and 
IKiralleliiij^  tlic  archbishop's  life  with  gracious  J^ 
lioida.  KichanI  liancroft,  bishop  of  London,  brought 
up  in  Jesus  College,  succeeded  him  in  the  airh* 
bishopric  > ;  \vhose  actions,  in  our  ensuing  HifitorT, 
will  suflTuMently  deliver  his  character,  without  our 
description  then»of. 
k tN-iirfinMi     8,  Come  we  now  to  the  parliament  assembled'; 

taliiU*  for  1  .    1 

H>  riiiirrii.  and  amongst  the  many  acts  which  |iassed  therein, 
none  more  IxnieKcial  for  the  churcli  than  that  which 
made  the  king  himself,  and  his  successors,  incapable 
of  anv  church  land  to  be  conveved  unto  them  other- 
wise  than  for  three  lives  or  twenty-one  years.  Indeed 
a  statute  had  fonnerly  been  made,  (the  ISth  of  queen 
KHz.)  which,  to  prevent  final  alienation  of  church 
land,  did  disable  all  subjects  from  accepting  them ; 
but  in  that  statute  a  lilnTtv  was  left  unto  the  crown 
to  n*ceive  the  same  *.  It  was  thought  fit  to  allow 
to  the  crown  this  favourable  exception,  as  to  the 
patnin  general  of  the  whole  Knglish  church;  and  it 
was  but  nmson  for  the  sovereign,  who  originally 
gave  all  thr  loaf  to  the  chun*h,  on  occasion  to 
resume  a  good  shiver  then»of. 
i  rtMiiriv.  9.  iJm  In.  ^  Ij,j  ^inits  ninetv-nine  gates  of  Thebes, 
rt«riii.i  and  leavt*th  one  o|hmi,  shuts  none  in  eHwt.  Covets 
iiiin-ii.  ousui^ss  (shall  I  say  an  apt  sc*holar  to  li^am,  or  an 
able  mastt*r  to  teach,  or  Inith  0  quickly  found  out  a 
way  to  invado  tin*  lands  of  the  church,  and  CTade 

T  [AihI  tiMik   |MiHHesHiiin  cif  II.  41.] 
thi*  M*i*,  I)«*c.  10,  1604,  :iiii1  una         ■  ['Qth  March,  1^4.] 
conAniittl   in   tlu*   iiri'MMict*  (if         •   IliH»uiitf  it  wm«   nuC    far* 

thf   priiin*  Miiil   all   tin*   gn^nt  bidden  in  the  ttatute  in  r 

InnU  iif  %t:ite  then  in  and  mIniiiI  wcinU. 
Itf'indfMi.      W'inwiHHl'H    PapiTM. 


of  Britain, 


tho  penalty  of  the  law,  which  thus  was  contrived :  a.  n.ifio4. 
some  jwtent  courtier  first  covertly  contracts  with  a  *  *"^^ 
bishop  (some  whereof,  though  spiritual  in  title,  were 
too  temporal  in  truth,  as  more  minding  their  private 
profit  than  the  public  good  of  the  church)  to  im^s 
over  such  a  proiMirtion  of  land  to  the  crown.  This 
done,  the  said  courtier  begs  the  land  of  the  queen, 
even  before  her  highness  had  tasted  thereof,  or  the 
li|)S  of  her  exchequer  ever  touched  the  same;  and 
so  an  estate  thereof  is  settled  on  him  and  his  heirs 
for  ever.  And  thus  Covetousness  came  to  her  desired 
end,  though  forced  to  go  a  longer  journey,  and  fain 
to  fetch  a  farther  compass  about. 

10.  For  instance:  Dr.  Cold  well,  doctor  of  phjrsic  Two  cnu 
and  bishop  of  Salisbury,  gave  his  see  a  very  strong acancMof 
purge  when  he  consented  to  tho  alienatiim  of  Sher- Jj^^km 
liorne  manor  from  his  bishopric;  indeed  the  good f^J^'^'P^ 
old  man  was  shot  Ix'twiH^n  wind  and  water,  and  his 
consent  was  a«tsaulteil  in  a  dangerous  juncture  of 
time  to  give  any  denial ;  for  after  he  was  elected 
bishop  of  Salisbury,  and  after  all  his  churcli  prefer- 
ments were  disposcnl  of  to  other  persons,  yet  before 
his  election  was  confirmeil  jmst  a  possibility  of  a 
legal  reversing  thereof,  sir  Walter  Raleigh  is  impor- 
tunate with  him  to  {mims  Sherborne  to  tlie  crown, 
and  efr<K*t<Hl  it,  though  indeetl  a  good  ground-rent 
was  reserve<l  to  the  bishopric.     Presently  sir  Walter 
beggeth  the  same  of  the  queen,  and  obtained  it  K 

^  [This  in  not  the  only  in- 
Mtance  of  Kaleigh'n  rapacity. 
When  ThotnaH  Godwin,  bishop 
c»f  Bath  and  WvlU,  fell  into 
the  queen 'h  dinfavour  for  mar^ 
ryinfc  a  second  time,  sir  Walter, 
wlio  had  long  laboured  to  get 

rrLLKB,  voi^  V. 

the  manor  of  Iknwell  from 
this  bishopric,  took  occation  to 
represent  this  marriage  with 
all  the  unfavourable  circum- 
stances  possible  to  the  queen, 
and  instantly  pursued  the  bi- 
shop with   letters   and  sharp 


The  Church  History 


A.  D.  1604.  Muck  after  the  same  manner^  sir  [Henry]  Killegrew 

got  the  manor  of  Crediton  (a  bough  almost  as  big 

as  all  the  rest  of  the  body)  from  the  church  of 
Exeter,  by  the  consent  of  Dr.  Babington,  the  bishop 
thereof  ^. 

messages  from  her  majesty,  till 
at  last,  to  make  his  peace  with 
her,  he  was  obliged  to  part 
with  the  manor  of  WyvelHComb, 
having  held  out  for  some  time 
to  no  purpose.  8ec  Wood's 
Ath.  1.710.  I  am  not  aware 
that  either  of  these  circum- 
stances has  been  noticed  by 
sir  Walter's  paneg)'ri8t8.  Cold- 
well  had  the  temporalities  of 
his  see  restored  to  him,  Jan.  14, 
1592.  In  Murdin's  State  Pa- 
pers, p.  675,  is  a  letter  from 
Coldwell  to  Henry  Brooke, 
complaining  of  Raleigh's  rapa- 
city, who  was  then  attemptmg 
to  WTCst  from  Salisbury  the 
manors  of  Burton,  Holmes,  and 
Upcorne.  This  letter  is  dated 
loth  April,  1594] 

<^  [U  ith  regard  to  the  sacri* 
legions  alienation  of  church 
property  in  the  late  queen's 
reign,  it  must  be  remembered 
that  the  bishoi>h  who  ctmsented 
to  such  s|M}Hation .  though  bound 
to  protest  against  it  and  defend 
the  church  agiiiiut  aggressions 
from  any  quarter,  amid  now 
do  little  elite  than  nubmit.  As 
sir  John  Harrington  observes 
on  a  iiimilar  occui*it»ii.  **  VoirnitM 
'*  cum  rogami  juhrmi  ;  and  as 
"  long  as  there  \%aii  not  tfuid 
**  dahis  nor  hoc  tiutm,  but  kite 
**  aut'eram^"  thev  had  but  one* 
alternutivf, — i*ith<*r  to  de»ert 
the  church,  or,  by  n*fuf»ing  i^ub- 
mission,  t4i  make  mutters  uorne. 
'l*he  queen  treated  the  church 

and  churchmen  with  aa  little 
ceremony  and  rererence  aa  alie 
did  her  courtiers  and  maids  of 
honour — as  indifferent  of  what 
she    did    as    what    she    said. 
**  Had  these  alienations,"  ob- 
serves   Bentham,    "  been   the 
"  voluntary  acts  of  those  bi- 
"  shops,  the  censure,  it  moat 
'*  be   owned,  had  been  justly 
"  laid.     But  as  the  law  then 
"  stood,  the  queen  had  it  wboUy 
*'  in  her  power  to  make 
'*  exchanges,  and  might,  I 
"  ceive,  liave  taken  to  henelf. 
"  had  she  so  pleased,  all  the 
'*  estates  of  all  the  bishopries 
"  in  England,  by  n-ay  or  «u 
*'  change,  without  asking  the 
'*  consent  of  the  bishops.  Theae 
'*  exchanges,  it    is   conffaaeJ. 
"  were  generally  made  to  the 
"  disadvantage  of  the  bishop- 
"  rics ;  but  the  parliament  bad 
"  given  the  queen,  in  the  fint 
*'  year  of  her  reign,  an  unpreoe- 
"  dented  and  enormous  power 
"  over  them  ;  and  in  the  eier* 
**  cise  of  that  power,  she  acted 
"  throughout   her   long   reign 
"  with  the  utmost  impartiality ; 
"  for  there  was  not  a  liiaho|irie 
"  in  the  kingdom  (except  per* 
"  ha|M      Bristol*     Gkmccatcr, 
"  Oxford,  and    Peterborough. 
**  which  had  nothing  to  spare) 
"  frtmi  which    the   queen   did 
*'  not,  at  one  time  or  other, 
"  i»heu  ther  hap|iened  to  be 
*'  vacant,  take  to  herself  a  coo. 
'*  siderable  part,  and,  gMMtnllj 


of  Britain. 


11.  To  prevent  fiiture  wrong  to    the  church  in  a.  i)  1604. 
that  kind,  it  was  now  enacted,  that  the  crown  itself 


henceforward  sliould  be  incapable  of  any  such  church  Centura* 
land  to  be  conveyed  unto  it.  Yet  some  were  80n^,t,tm^ 
bold  as  to  conceive  this  law  void  in  the  very  making 
of  it,  and  that  all  the  obligation  thereof  consisted, 
not  in  the  strength  of  the  law,  but  only  in  the  king's 
and  his  successors'  voluntary  obedience  thereunto  ** ; 
accounting  it  injurious  for  any  prince  in  parliament 
to  tie  his  successors,  who  neither  can  nor  will  be 
concluded  thereby,  farther  than  it  stands  with  their 
ovm  convenience.  However,  it  was  to  stand  in  force 
till  the  same  power  should  be  pleased  to  rescind  it. 
But  others  beheld  this  law,  not  with  a  politic  but 
religious  eye,  conceiving  the  King  of  heaven  and 
the  king  of  England  the  parties  concerned  therein, 
and  accounting  it  sacrilege  for  any  to  alienate  what 
is  given  to  God  in  his  church. 

12.  Thus  was  the  king  graciously  pleased  to  bind'^"**'' 
himself  for  the  liberty  of  the  church.     lie  knew  fuUchurdi 
well  all  courtiers'  (and  especially  his  own  country- 
men's) importunity  in  asking,  and  perhaps  was  privy 
to  his  own  impotency  in  denying ;  and  therefore,  by 
this  statute,  he  eased  himself  of  many  troublesome 

**  speaking,  the  bent  and  most 
"  valuable  fmrt  of  their  posses- 
**  hIoiih  ;  giving  them  in  ex. 
"  change,  as  she  might  legally 
•*  do,  either  the  tcmths  of  the 
*•  clerg>'  or  rectories  iinpro- 
"  priate.  Well  was  it  for  the 
"  Hucceeding  binhops  that  this 
'*  extraordinary  jKJwer  in  the 
•*  crown  wan  restrained  by  an 
"  art  pasHinl  H<N»n  after  !  But 
**  it  is  hard  that  all  the  bisliops 

"  of  that  reign  should  be 
*'  blamed  for  suffering  those 
"  exchanges  to  be  made,  when 
'*  it  was  out  of  their  power  to 
"  prevent  it."  History  of  Ca- 
theflral  of  Ely,  p.  196.] 

^  [This  act  was  obtained 
principally  by  the  influence  of 
Bancroft,  at  that  time  president 
of  the  c<m vocation.  %See  Hey- 
lyn's  Hist,  of  the  Presbyterians, 

!»•  .^780 



The  Church  Hisionf 


A.  i>.  1604.  suitoFH ;  for  hereafter  no  wise  man  would  beg  of  the 
"'^'  king  what  was  not  in  his  power  to  js^nt,  and  what, 
if  granted,  could  not  legally  be  conveyed  to  any 
|>etitioner.  Tims  his  majesty  manifested  his  good- 
will and  affection  to  religion ;  and  altliough  this  Uw 
could  not  finally  preserve  church  lands,  to  make 
them  immortal,  yet  it  prolonged  their  livei»  for 
many  years  together. 

Thearuof      12.  Pass  We  uow  into  the  convocation,  to 
ooion,  why  wliat  was  douo  there  * ;  but  liere  the  history  thereof, 
H^i^l^^,  as  I  may  say,  is  shot  betwixt   the  joints  of  the 
armour,  in  the  internal  after  Whitgift^s  death  and 
before  Bancroft's  removal  to  Canterbury;  so  that 
I  can  find  the  original  thereof  neither  in  the  oflke 
of  the  vicar-general,  nor  in  the  registry  of  London ; 
nor  can  I  recover  it,  as  yet,  from  the  office  of  the 
dean  and  chapter  of  Canterbury,  where  most  pro- 
bably it  is  to  be  had,  the  jurisdiction  belonging  to 
them  in  the  vacancy. 
Many  cm-        13.  Take  this  as  the  result  thereof:  a  book  of 
thflraii,     canons  was  compileil,  not  only  being  the  sum  of  the 
OTftMttinJf queen's  Articles,  orders  of  her  commissioners,  adver- 


c  [This  oonrocation  awtiMii- 
bM  upon  the  aoth  of  March, 
when  the  king's  letter  was  read 
to  hasten  a  collection  fur  the 
town  of  Genera,  whose  desire 
was  accordingly  complied  with. 
In  the  second  session,  March 
a  3rd,  the  prolocutor  ( Dr.  Kavis, 
dean  of  Chriiit  Church)  was 
pn^sentitl  by  Dr.  ( >verall .  wh«>M* 
speech  cm  the  occasion  '\%  %u\\ 
preserved  among  the  M8S.  of 
ur.  More,  formerly  bislM»p  of 
Norwich.  But  the  chief  butii- 
ness  in  which  it  was  occupied 

was  the  compiling  of  the  book 
of  canons,  originally  pobliaked 
in  4to,  1604,  and  frpriatcd  ia 
Wilkins'  Coocil.  IV.  388.  la 
the  same  work  also  oiay  bt 
seen  the  commiasioo  of  tbt 
dean  and  chapter  of  C^tcr- 
bury  to  the  bishop  of  ~ 
empowering  him  to 
in  the  cim vocation  during  tb* 
vacancy  oi  the  see  of  Crater- 
bury.  See  Atterborj'a  R^^rta. 
fkc.  Add.  pp.66, 4a3,aBd  Wakfl^t 
Sute  of  the  Church,  pp.  6 16. 

CENT.  xvn.  ofBriiaki. 

tinements,  canons  of  1571  and  1597,  which  were  in  a.  p.  1604. 

J  ji — 

use  before,  but  also  many  more  were  added,  the* 
whole  number  amounting  unto  one  hundred  and 
forty-one.  Some  wise  and  moderate  men  supposed 
so  many  laws  were  too  heavy  a  burden  to  be  long 
borne,  and  that  it  had  been  enough  for  the  episcopal 
party  to  have  triumphed,  not  insulted  over  their 
adversaries  in  so  numerous  impositions  ^  However, 
an  explanation  was  made  in  one  of  the  canons,  of 
the  use  of  the  cross  in  baptism  i^,  to  prevent  scandal; 
and  learned  Thuanus,  in  his  History  ^  taketh  an 
especial  notice  thereof. 

14.  Motion  being  made  in  this  convocation,  about 
framing  an  oath  against  simony,  to  be  taken  by  all 
presented  to  church  preferment,  bishop  Budd,  of  SL^y^rt 
David's,  (as  conscientious  as  any  of  his  order,  and''""^ 
free  from  that  fault,)  opposed  it,  chiefly  because  he 
thought  it  unequal  that  the  patron  should  not  be 
forced,  as  well  as  the  clerk,  to  take  that  oath; 
whereupon  it  was  demanded  of  him  whether  he 
would  have  the  king  to  take  that  oath  when  he 
presented  a  bishop  or  dean,  and  hereat  the  bishop 
sat  down  in  silence. 

15.  About  this  time  the  corporation  of  Bipon^nw  p«ii. 
in  Yorkshire  presented  their  petition  to  queen  AnnetwrntT 

on  this  occasion.    They  had  a  fiur  collegiate  churdi,  nm  ^ 

'  [The  puritanic  ts  usual,  **  modMt  and  rtaaoaable  Exa. 

gave  rent  to  heavy  oompkinta  '*  mination  of  aonM  tfiim  ia 

againit  these  canons,  drculat-  ''  uae  in  the  Church  of  Eng. 

ing  a  pamphlet  entitled  *'  Cer-  "  land,  anndrr  timea  hereto- 

**  tain  Advertisements  to  the  **  Ibre  mialikea,  and  now  latdj 

'•  Parliament."  4to.  1604.  Thb  ''  in  a  book  called  *  The  Plea 

was  answered  by  Dr.  CovelF,  **  of  the  Innoeenta.'  *Q 

the    celebrated    definider    of  f  [Can.  XXX.] 

Hooker,  in  a  tract  callsd  *'  A  k  [Ub.  ensL  sO 


3Sfi  The  i  kunh  ilisiaty  wws  %. 

.\  i»  I'  4  HiAt«*lv  for  i\\v  titnirtiin*  llifff^if,  furiiifrlT  fn^r«i|  bt 

X  J»ti     % 

till*  iii>liilit\  uiul  p'litn  <if  (hr  \iriiiap*;  tlio  ni«*«iM 
ulit*n*<»f.  at  th«'  <li<^*>«i|iitioii  of  ali>H*\H.  lifn*  «i-i<i^l  no 
h\  tilt*  kiii^,  «M»  that  ^iiiall  iiiaiiitfiiaiio*  wait  U-ft  ti» 
tlu*  iiiiiii<>t«T  of  that  |Mi|iiiliiii«i  |iari«li.  Noii,  althcKijrti 
Kilwiii  Saiii|«i,  an*hKiH|iii|»  of  Vi»rk.  niitti  tlio  «-ari  iif 
liiiiilinploii,  loni  liiir>:lilt'V  aii«l  Sli«'Aifl«i,  •uon^- 
mvflv  |in*«iiilt*iii«»  of  (h<*  north.  Iia«l  n'«-«»iiinH*n«k'd 
tlirir  |H*tilii>ii  to  i|iit*<*ii  Klizaln-th,  tht.*v  ohcminr^ 
iiotliiii>:  hut  fftir  uii|MTt*omi«*«l  |>r«»iiiiM*«i ;  iih«*n'U|«ia 
iiou  th«-  |{i|>|Miiii*ni  hiiiiihiT  aihin-^Mfvl  thfniM*Ui^  t^i 
qutfii  A  tint* ;  ami  hcmr  Ikt  aii^iifr  unto  th4*in  : 

'•  Asm.  II. 

**Anii«*.  I»v  thi*  ):rai-t*  of  (iinI.  (|ii«fti  of  tlnirlafiiL 
**  S*olhiii«l.  KniiiCf,  atiil  In'laiiil.  &r.  To  all.  to 
••  i%hi»iii  thi'*^*  pn-^'iit*  vihall  rtiinr,  irrt-«*tiiitf.  W  ht-n*- 
**  a^  th«*n*  hath  t»it*ii  lat«*lr  cxhihiti**!  ami  nTiktn* 
**  in«*iiih*«l  unto  u«  a  fninn*  aritl  |ilatf«>nii  of  a  t'lJk-f^* 
**  p^m-ral,  to  In*  |ilaiit«*«l  aiiti  «*^tAlili«ht*<i|  at  liipi^o 
**  in  tin*  r«>uiit\  of  York,  for  thi*  nianifohl  lM*n«-lit  of 
**  iNitli  th<*  iNtnh'P*  of  Kii;;lnn«l  ainl  ><*t*tlaml.  I'|«« 
**  till'  ijiii'  |NTU«iii;;  «if  tht'  |i|«it  afori'^ai*!.  kt-n-unt«» 
**  anm-\«*«l.  unil  ii|miii  •ii;:nitii*uti«in  |h^«*ti  **f  tin*  ir«"<H 
**  iikih;:  anil  a|*|*riiliAti«»ti  «if  tin*  rhii'f  |Hiinl«  riK»- 
**  taih(-*l  thi-nin  li\  Muitlr^  irra«<*.  l«-anii<«i.  aii«l  r%-li- 
**  ^i«in*»  |i;irtii*«,  ainl  miiih*  ii|ht*r  nf  honnur^hh'  pivx* 
**  anti  «*«tati*.  ift«*  h:i\i*  tlinu^ht  ^mmI.  for  tin*  ani|4«* 
**  aiifl  |NT|H*tual  a<i%am*«'ni«'iit  f»f  l«*mniinc  aii^l  r«*lw 
**  }iu*u  in  ImiIIi  tht'  Imnh-r^  of  our  affin'^u«i  n^alm^ 
"*  t«»  i*iinil«*«4'i  Uii  t«>  %N*li|  our  fa\i»ur  aiit!  Ih^  fur* 
**  th«-ninr«'  tin  n'ltntn.  AihI  f«ir  tin*  ln^ttrr  i-nmu- 
**  mifin^  «»f  othrr  hon«»iiraMi*  am!  liorthji  |mi- 
*  tti  ji»ui  Willi  ua  III  virldiux  thrir  liimiitj  and 

CEKT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  S87 



volence  thereunto,  we  have  and  do  signify  and  a.  d.  1604. 

assure,  and  by  the  word  of  a  sacred  princess  and L 

*'  queen  do  expressly  promise  to  procure,  with  all 

convenient   speed,  to  and    for  the  yearly  better 

maintenance  of  the  said  college,  all  and  every  of 

the  requests,  specified  and  craved  to  that  end,  in  a 
''  small  schedule  hereunto  annexed.  In  confirmation 
"  whereof  we  have  signed  these  presents  by  our 
**  hand  and  name  above-mentioned,  and  have  caused 

our  privy  signet  to  be  set  unto  the  same. 

*'  Dated  at  our  honour  at  Greenwich,  July  4tb, 

auuo  Dom,  1604,  and  of  our  reign,  &c.** 

After  the  sealing,  thus  subscribed : 


*'  Secretarius  de  mandato  serenissimas 

**  Anns  Reginffi  Anglian  Scotias, 

•*  Francise,  Hibemiae." 

16.  Such  need  never  fear  success  who  have  soKingJuMi 
I>otent  a  (K^rson  to  solicit  their  suit;  king  James ttfui gnat. 
I)eing  forwanl  of  himself  to  advance  learning  and 
relipoiK  and    knowing   Christ's   precept.  Let  your 

liffht  shine  before  men^  knew  also  that  Ui]K)n  was 
an  a<lvantageous  place  for  the  fixing  thereof;  as 
which,  by  its  commodious  ]>osition  in  the  north, 
there  would  reflect  lustre  almost  equally  into  Eng- 
land and  Scotland.  Whereu]K)n  he  founded  a  dean 
aiicl  chapter  of  si»ven  prebends,  allowing  them  two 
luindre<I  forty  seven  pounds  a  year  out  of  his  own 
crown  land  for  their  maintenance. 

17.  I  am  informed  that  lately  the  lands  of  this 
church  are,  by  mistake,  tvrice  sold  to  several  pur- 
chasers :  viz.  once  under  the  notion  of  dean  and 



The  Church  History 


i6o4.chapUT's  lands;  and  again,  under  the  property  of 
^^  king'8  lands.     I  \\o\m  the  chapmen,  when  all  is  right 
stated  betwixt  them,  will  agree  amongst  themselves 
on  their  bargain.      Meantime  Ripon  Church  may 
the  better  comport  with  i)overty,  because  only  re- 
mitted to  its  former  condition. 
»^-        18.  The  Family  of  Love  (or  lust  rather)  at  this 
ly  of  time  presented  a  tedious  (>etition  to  king  James,  (so 
r^liM».that   it   is   questionable  whether  his  majesty  ever 
graced   it  w*ith  his  perusal,)   wherein   they  endesc 
voured  to  clear  themselves  from  some  misrepresen- 
tations,  and   by   fawning    expression    to   iusinumte 
themselves  into  his  m{\jesty's  good  opinion ;  which 
here  we  jiresent : 

^'  To  the  King's  most  excellent  Majesty,  James  the 
''  First,  by  the  grace  of  Go<!  King  of  England, 
•'  Scotland,  France,  and  Ireland,  Defender  of  the 
*•  Faith,  &c.  I 

''  Most  gracious  sovereign  lord,  whereas  there  is 
**  published  in  a  book,  written  by  your  highness  as 
**  an  instruction  to  your  most  noble  son  \  (whom 

i  [Til in  SiippliiMticm  of  the 
Kaiiiily  "f  l^ivi*  woh  priiitc*d  in 
the  your  1 6o6,  by  John  Ix^gate, 
iiri liter  t(i  iht*  uiiivfrnity  of 
Cuiiibriil):e.  in  u  |mniiihli-t  with 
thin  titlo  :  *'  A  Su|i|»licution  tif 
**  thi*  Funiily  nf  Ijovc  (luiitl  t«> 
**  bi*  prt^iM'nt4Hl  into  thi*  King*» 
*'  rciyiil  IluntU,  known  to  1m* 
**  ili«|M*rM*(l  aniunye  hiN  loyal 
**  Subjt*ctii)  ftir  (tract*  and  Ka- 
'*  VI 111 r.  KnaminiHl  ami  fnuml 
t«i  be  derupitory,  in  an  high 
IKitree,  unto  the  <flory  «if 
"  U«n1,"  &c.  4ti>.  It  wa»  alau 
reprinted,  with  obwrvationa,  in 



Rutherford's  "  Survej  of  tlw 
"  Spiritual  AntichrMt,"  p.  343» 
in  1648  ;  from  whom  probiililj 
Fuller  Uwk  hia  copj  of  tw 
petition,  which  I  bsT^  eoUatcd 
with  the  enrlier  bur*-  *  " — 
Kutherford   derived 

nienta  princiiullv,  and   

fon*  very  probably  the  peiitioa 
itself,  frriui  the  firsUmeiitaoocd 

Sam ph  let.    I  may  add  tlwt  Dr. 
_  l«in»  tiMik  some  pains  tu  reAit* 
the  tenets  of  this  sect.    8c«  bk 
Mystery  of  Uodlincaa,  p.  147.] 
^  In  his    ikailicim   I>iim. 



CENT.  XVII,  of  Britain,  829 

"  Almighty  God  bless  with  much  honour,  happiness,  a.  d.  1604. 

*'  and  long  life,)  of  a  people  that  are  of  a  vile  sect 1- 

among  the  Anabaptists,  called  the  Family  of  Love, 
who  do  hold  and  maintain  many  proud,  uncha- 
*'  ritable,  unchristian,  and  most  absurd  opinions, 
'*  unto  whom  your  highness  doth  also  give  the  name 
''  of  puritans,  affinning  in  the  said  book  that  divers 
"  of  them  (as  Brown,  Penry,  and  others)  do  accord 
"  with  them  in  their  foul,  erroneous,  heady,  and 
''  fantastical  opinions,  which  are  there  set  down  at 
"  large  by  your  majesty,  advising  your  royal  son  (as 
*'  is  most  meet)  to  punish  them  if  they  refuse  to 
"  obey  the  law,  and  will  not  cease  to  stir  up  re- 
**  bellion. 

'*  Now,  gracious  sovereign,  because  it  is  meet  that 
'*  your  highness  nhould  understand  by  their  suppli- 
**  cation  and  declaration  of  the  truth  herein  by 
'*  themselves,  of  whom  your  majesty  hath  been  thus 
"  informed,  prostrate  at  your  princely  feet,  as  true, 
'*  faithful,  loyal,  and  obedient  subjects  to  all  your 
''  laws  and  ordinances,  civil  and  politic,  spiritual  and 
*'  temporal,  they  with  humble  hearts  do  beseech 
''  your  princely  majesty  to  understand  that  the 
''  people  of  the  Family  of  Love,  or  of  God,  do 
'*  ntteriy  disclaim  and  detest  all  the  said  absurd  and 
**  self-conceited  opinions,  and  disobedient  and  erro- 
"  neons  siK?ts  of  the  anabaptists,  Brown,  Penry,  puri- 
''  tans,  and  all  other  proud-minded  sects  and  heresies 
"  whatsoever ;  protesting,  upon  pain  of  our  lives, 
**  that  we  are  not  of  consent  nor  agreeing  with  any 
''  such  brain-sick  pn^achers,  nor  their  rebellious  and 
*'  disobeilient  sects  whatsoever,  but  have  been  and 
*'  ever  will  be  truly  obedient  to  your  highness  and 
'*  your  laws,  to  the  effusion  of  our  blood  and  ex- 

SaO  The  Church  Hintory  book  x. 







^4- "  |K*iiHos  of  our  goods  and  lands  in  your  niajesty^s 
*'  M^rvico ;  liighly  laudinpf  Alniij^hty  (iod.  who  hath 
•'  so  graciously  and  jK^aceahly  appointed  unto  us 
''  surli  a  virtuous,  \\m\  roligious,  and  noble  king. 
^'  and  so  careful  and  impartial  a  justicor  t<»  govern 
**  over  us;  lH»siK*eliing  him  daily  to  hU*ss  your  high* 
^  ness  with  his  g<Hlly  wisdom  and  holy  understanding, 
^  to  the  furthenince  of  his  truth  and  godlinesss,  and 
**"  with  all  honour,  happiness  peace,  and  long  life; 
an<l  to  judgi'  rightly  betwixt  falsehood  and  truth. 
**  And  IxM*au8C  your  majesty  shall  have  a  perfecl 
view  or  an  assured  |)ersuasion  of  the  truth  of  the 
same  our  pnitestation,  if  therefore  there  be  any 
inditten*nt  man  of  this  kingdom  that  can  jiutlj 
^  touch  us  with  anv  such  disobedient  and  wicked 
**  handling  of  ourselves,  as  seemeth  by  your  majesty *s 
**  bo<ik  it  hath  In^en  informed  unto  your  highnef«, 
**  unless  thev  be  such  our  mortal  enemies  the  dis- 
*'  olxHlient  puritans,  and  those  of  their  heady  humoun 
'*  l)efore  lumied,  who  are  much  more  zealous,  reli- 
''  gious  and  precise  in  the  tything  of  mint,  annis 
'*  and  cummin,  and  in  the  pn*ferring  of  such-like 
'*  pharis'iical  and  s(*lf-choMMi  outwanl  traditions  and 
'*  grounds,  or  hyp(K*riti(*ai  right(MMiMU*ss,  than  in  the 
'*  pcTfonning  of  judpnf*nt,  mercy,  and  faith,  and 
**  sucli-iike  true*  and  inwani  rightiNiusnt^m,  which 
**  GimI  doth  must  ciiit*tly  require  and  n*ganl.  (Matt. 

'•  XV.  15,  &<\)  and  wliosi»  nialici*s  have  fiir  twentv* 


"  fivi*  years  past  and  upwanls«  and  ever  since  with 
vcTV  many  untrnr  suggtMions  and  nntnt  foul  emm 
and  iHliou**  crimrs  (tin*  which  we  could  shew,  if 
"  \\i*vi\  wrn*)  Miuglit  nur  uttiT  overthmw  and  de- 
**  stniclion,  hut  that  wv  have  lM>havi>«l  oursidvefi  in 
**  all  «»nlerlineHii  an<l  |H*aceahlf*ni*s8  of  life  where  we 



CENT.  XVII.  fffBrUaw^  831 

'*  dwell,  and  with  whom  we  had  to  deal.     Or  if  we  a.d.  1604. 

'*  do  vary  or  swerve  from  the  now  established  reli- 

"  gion  in  this  land,  either  in  services,  ceremonies, 
'*  sermons,  or  sacraments,  or  have  publicly  s|K)ken  or 
'*  inveighed,  either  by  word  or  writing,  against  our 
**  late  sovereign  prince's  government  in  cases  spi- 
•*  ritual  or  temporal,  then  let  us  be  rejected  for 
'*  sectaries,  and  never  receive  the  benefit  of  subjects. 
*'  Only,  right  gracious  sovereign,  we  have  read 
*'  certain  books  brought  forth  by  a  German  author 
**  under  the  characters  of  11.  N. ',  who  aflfimieth 
^  therein  that  he  is  prepared,  chosen,  and  sent  of 
*'  CiIchI  to  minister  and  set  forth  the  most  holy 
**  service  of  the  love  of  God  and  Christ,  or  of  the 
'*  Holy  Ghost,  unto  the  children  of  men  upon  the 
**  universal  earth.  Out  of  which  service  or  writings 
*'  we  be  taught  all  dutiful  obedience  towards  God 
*'  and  magistrates,  and  to  live  a  godly  and  honest 
^  life,  and  to  love  God  above  all  things,  and  our 
'*  m»ighl)our8  as  ourselves ;  agreeing  therein  with  all 
'•  the  holy  scriptures,  as  we  understand  them. 
'*  A^inst  which  author  and  his  books  we  never  yet 
''  heard  nor  knew  any  law  established  in  this  realm 
**  by  our  late  gracious  sovereign,  but  that  we  might 
"  n»a<l  them  without  offence ;  whose  writings  we 
"  sup|K)si»,  inider  your  highness'  correction,  your 
**  majesty  hath  yet  iu»ver  s(H?n  or  i)eru8ed,  heard  of 
'•  hv  anv  iinlifferent  nor  true  information.  For  the 
"  sjii<l  II.  N.  in  all  his  doctrine  and  writings  (lx?ing, 
"  as  we  are  credibly  infonned,  as  nmch  matter  in 
"  volume,  if  they  wert»  all  compile<l  together,  as  the 
''  whole   liible   containeth)   doth   neither  take   part 

1  Henry  Xicbolan. 


The  Church  Hutory 


.D.  1604.'' with   nor  yrrite  against   any  particular  party  or 

**  company  whatsoever  "*,  as  naming  them  by  their 

'*  names,  nor  yet  praise  or  dispraise  any  of  them  by 
*'  name,  but  doth  only  shew  in  particular  in  his  nid 
"  writings  (as,  saith  he,  the  unpartial  service  of  love 
^  re(|uiretli)  what  is  gcKMl  or  evil  for  every  one,  and 
**  wherein  the  man  hath  right  or  wrong  in  any  point 
''  whether  it  be  in  the  state  of  his  soul  towards  God. 
''  or  in  the  state  of  his  body  towards  the  magistrates 
**  of  the  world  and  towards  one  another,  to  the  end 
''  that  all  {>eoplc  (when  they  hear  or  read  his  writ- 
^'  ings,  and  do  thereby  i)erceive  their  sins  and 
^'  estranging  from  God  and  Christ)  might  endeavour 
^  them  to  bring  forth  the  due  fruits  of  repentance, 
''  which  is  reformation  and  newness  of  life,  accord- 
**  ing  as  all  the  holy  scriptures  do  likewise  require 
^  the  same  of  every  one,  and  that  they  might  in 
**  that  sort  become  saved  through  Jesus  Christ,  the 
"  only  Saviour  of  all  the  world. 

''  Notwithstanding,  dear  sovereign,  yet  hath  the 
*'  said  author  and  his  doctrine  a  long  time,  and  still 
is,  nnmt  shamefully  and  falsely  slandered  by  our 
fon^said  adversaries,  both  in  this  lan<l  and  in  diveis 
^  othern,  as  to  be  replenislied  with  all  manner  of 
damnable  emirs  and  filthy  liberty  of  the  flesh. 
''  And  we  his  welUwillem  and  favourers  in  the 




■  [l*p<>n  this  pUMuigv  the 
AUtlicir  of  the  (imt  |iuiiiphlt*t 
ubM*nreii  :  "lie  cimunendeth 
**  the  rhurch  of  Kmiie,  with 
**  all  the  onlen  ami  (»lhc4*ni 
**  then*<if  ;    teartniiif(    it    '  the 

ctimmiiiiion  of  all  (Miiiktianii; 

the  |Mi|ie.  the  chief  anointeil. 

the  lilt  Nit   holy   father  ;   the 




*'  cardinal*  ncMt  boljr  sod  !»• 
"  nioua,  and  next  the  moil 
"  ancientett  and  bolj  AulMr 
**  the  po|ie  in  moat  holj  ffvli- 
**  l^iim  and  undenitandia|(:*aad 
pninhecieth  of  an  entire  aad 
liertifTt  reatauratioa  of  tlM 
|»pal  hierarchy.** 
Regui,  cap.  x»i.  p/31.] 




•  « 

TENT.  xvii.  of  Britain,  383 

"  upright  drift  of  his  doctrine  (as  aforesaid)  have  a.  d.  1604. 

**  also   been   by  them  complained  on,  and  accused ; — '•— 

**  unto  our  late  gracious  sovereign  and  the  magis- 
**  trates  of  this  land,  both  long  time  past  and  now 
^'  lately  again,  as  to  be  a  people  so  infected  and 
*'  stained  with  all  manner  of  detestable  wickedness 
*•  and  errors,  that  are  not  worthy  to  live  upon  the 
**  earth ;  but  yet  would  never  present  any  of  his 
books  unto  his  majesty  to  peruse,  nor  yet  set  them 
forth  in  any  indifferent  or  true  manner  to  the 
view  of  the  world,  lest  their  malicious  and  slan- 
derous reports  and  accusations  against  the  same 
and  us  should  thereby  have  been  revealed  and 
disproved,  to  their  great  shame.  Through  which 
^  their  most  odious  and  false  complaints  against  us, 
''  the  magistrates  did  then,  and  also  have  now  lately, 
*'  cast  divers  of  us  into  prison,  to  our  great  hiu- 
*'  derance  and  discredit ;  but  yet  have  never  proved 
**  against  us,  by  sufficient  and  true  testimony,  any 
"  one  of  their  many  foul  accusations,  (as  the  records 
''  in  such  cases,  and  the  magistrates  that  have  dealt 
*'  thert»in  can  testify,)  but  are  so  utterly  void  of  due 
**  and  lawful  proof  thereof,  that  they  have  framed 
'^  divers  subtle  Articles  for  us  (being  plain  and  un- 
**  learned  men)  to  answer  upon  our  oath,  whereby 
*'  to  urge  and  gather  some  things  from  ourselves, 
'*  so  to  approve  their  false  and  unchristian  accusa- 
"  tions  to  be  true,  or  else  wll  force  us  to  renounce, 
*'  recant,  and  condenm  that  which  we  do  not  wilfully 
''  maintain  nor  justify,  (much  like  as  it  was  practised 
''  in  the  i)rimitive  church  against  the  Christians ;) 
yea,  they  are  not  ashamed  to  lay  their  own  and 
all  other  men's  disobedient  and  wicked  acts  (of 
what  profc^ssion  soever  they  be)  upon  our  backs. 




834  The  Ckurck  HUiory  book  i. 

A.  D.  1604.'' to  the  end  cunningly  to  purchase  fsTcnir  and 
— *""^  ^*  credit  to  themflelves,  and  to  make  us  aeem  mon- 
*'  strous  and  detestable  before  the  magistrates  and 
**  the  common  |>eople  every  where ;  for  that  we  and 
^  the  doctrine  of  II.  N.  might  (without  any  indif- 
**  ferent  trial,  and  lawful  or  orderly  proceeding,  as 
**  heretofore  hath  been  use<l  in  the  Christian  chnrrfa 
in  such  cases,  for  confuting  and  condemning  of 
heresies)  )>e  utterly  rooted  out  of  the  land ;  with 
**  divers  other  most  cruel  practices,  proceeding  out 
^  of  their  bitter  and  envious  hearts  towards  us, 
'*  tending  to  the  same  unchristian  and  merciless 
**  purpose,  the  which  we  will  here  omit  to  speak 
^  of,  because  we  have  already  been  over-tedious  onto 
*'  your  highness ;  most  humbly  craving  your  roost 
gracious  jiardon  and  patience  therein,  in  respect 
that  we  speak  to  clear  ourselves  of  such  matter  as 
may  touch  our  lives  and  liberties,  (which  are  two 
of  the  chiefest  jewels  that  God  hath  given  to 
mankind  in  this  world,)  and  also  for  that  we  have 
**  few  friends,  or  any  other  means  than  this  to 
**  acquaint  your  highness  with  the  truth  and  state 
*'  of  our  cause,  (whereof  we  think  your  majesty  is 
^  aItog(*tlier  ignorant,)  but  have  very  many  enemica^ 
**  whom  we  do  greatly  suspect  will  not  be  slack  to 
^  prow*cute  their  false  and  malicious  purpose  against 
''  us  unto  your  highness,  even  like  as  they  have 
^*  accustomed  to  do  in  times  past  unto  our  late 
^  M>ven>ign  <|UtHMi ;  through  which  prevailing  in  their 
**  sland(*nMiH  defacing  of  us  and  our  cause,  divers  of 
^  us  (for  want  of  frieiulM  to  make  it  rightly  known 
''  unto  her  niujcfity)  have  Hundry  times  been  cmw 
**  HtraiiHHl  to  endun*  their  injurious  dealings  toward 
*'  us,  to  our  great  vexation  and  hinderance. 



CENT.  XVII.  afBritam.  8S5 

^  Wherefore,  most  gracious  sovereign,  this  is  now  a.  p.  1604. 
our  humble  suit  unto  your  highness,  that  when  — 
your  kingly  affairs  of  importance,  which  your 
^  majesty  hath  now  in  hand,  shall  be  well  overpast 
^  and  finished,  (for  the  prosperous  performance 
*•  whereof  we  will,  as  duty  bindeth  us,  daily  pray 
**  unto  Almighty  God,)  that  then  your  highness  will 
**  be  pleased  (because  we  have  always  taken  the 
**  same  author's  work  aforesaid  to  proceed  out  of 
the  great  grace  and  love  of  God  and  Christ 
extended  towards  all  kings,  princes,  rulers,  and 
people  upon  the  universal  earth — as  he  himself, 
in  many  of  his  works,  doth  witness  no  less — ^to 
^  their  salvation,  unity,  peace,  and  concord  in  the 
same  godly  love)  to  grant  us  that  favour,  at  your 
majesty's  fit  and  convenient  time,  to  peruse  the 
books  yourself  with  an  impartial  eye,  conferring 
them  with  the  holy  scriptures,  wherein  it  seemeth 
by  the  books  that  are  set  forth  under  your  high- 
ness' name  that  you  have  had  great  travel,  and 
"  are  therefore  the  better  able  to  judge  betwixt 
**  truth  and  falsehood.  And  we  will,  whensoever 
^  it  shall  please  your  highness  to  appoint  the  time 
**  and  to  command  and  licence  us  thereto,  do  our 
**  best  endeavour  to  procure  so  many  of  the  books 
**  as  we  can  out  of  Germany,  where  they  be  printed, 
to  be  delivered  unto  your  majesty,  or  such  godly, 
learned,  and  indifferent  men  as  it  shall  please  your 
majesty  to  apiK>int. 

*'  And  we  will  also,  under  your  highness'  lawful 
^  licence  and  commandment  in  that  behalf,  do  our 
"  like  endeavour  to  procure  some  of  the  learned 
"  men  of  that  country  (if  there  be  any  yet  remaining 
''  alive  that  were  well  acquainted  with  the  author 






S36  The  Church  Hiitory  book  x. 

A.D.  1604.^*  and  his  works  in  his  h'fctime,  and  which  likewue 

*•  have  exercised  his  works  ever  since)  to  come  otct 

^  and  attend  upon  jour  majesty,  at  your  appointed 
^*  time  convenient,  wlio  can  much  more  sufficientlv 
^^  instruct  and  resolve  your  highness  in  any  unusual 
^  words,  phrase,  or   matter,  that   may  haply  seem 

dark  and  doubtful  unto  your  majesty,  than  any  of 

us  in  this  your  land  are  able  to  do. 
And  so,  \x\yon  such  your  highness'  godly  adviivd 

consultation,  and  censure  thereu(>on,  (finding  the 
**  same  works  heretical  or  seditious,  and  not  agree- 
*^  able  to  (iod*s  holy  wonl  and  testimonies  of  all 
^  the  scriptures,)  to  leave  them,  to  take  them  as 
*'  your  maji'sty's  laws  shall  therein  appoint  us ;  hav- 
*^  ing  no  intent  nor  meaning  to  contend  or  resist 
**  thereagainst,  howsoever  it  be,  but  dutifully  to  obey 

thereunto,  according  to  the  counsel  of  the  scrip* 

tures,  and  also  of  the  said  author  s  works. 

''And  our  further  humble  suit  unto  your  high- 
''  ness  is,  that  of  your  gracious  favour  and  clemetiry 
*'  you  will  grant  and  give  order  unto  your  majesty's 
''  officers  in  that  iK^half,  that  all  of  us,  your  faithful 

loving  su)>ject8,  which  are  now  in  prison  in  any 

|iart  of  thin  your  realm  for  the  same  cause,  may 
**  Ik*  rt^IeascHl  u]N)n  such  bail  or  bond  as  we  are  able 

to  give;  and  that  neither  we  nor  any  of  that  com- 

I>any,  b(*having  ours(*lves  onlerly  and  obedic»ntly 
''  under  your  highness*  laws,  may  be  any  further 
^  |K*rstH*uted  or  tn)uble<l  therein,  until  such  time 
^*  as  your  maji^sty  aii<l  such  gtMlly,  learned*  and 
^*  inditrerc*nt  men  of  your  clergy  as  your  highness 
''  shall  apfNunt  tliert*to,  shall  have  a«lvisedly  coo* 
^  suited  and  <letermin«Ml  of  the  matter,  whereby  that 
*^  we  may  not  be  utterly  wasted  by  the  great  chaigo 






"  i 




CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  337 

"  of  imprisoDineiit  and  persecution,  and  by  the  hard  a.d.  1604. 

^  dealing  of  our  adversaries ;  for  we  are  a  people 

"  but  few  in  number,  and  yet  most  of  us  very  poor 
in  worldly  wealth  ". 

**  O  sacred  prince !  we  humbly  pray  that  tlie 
\lmighty  will  move  your  princely  heart  with  true 
"judgment  to  discern  betwixt  the  right  and  wrong 
**  of  our  cause,  according  to  that  most  certain  and 
Christian  rule  set  down  by  our  Saviour  Christ  unto 
his  disciples,  (Matt.  vii.  12,)  Y^e  shall  know  the 
tree  by  his  fruits;  and  in  our  obedience,  peace- 
**  able  and  honest  lives  and  conversation  to  protect 
"  us,  and  in  our  disobedience  and  misdemeanour  to 
*'  punish  us  as  resisters  of  God's  ordinance,  of  the 
**  kingly  authority,  and  most  high  office  of  justice 
**  committed  unto  your  majesty  to  that  puqK>8e  to- 
**  wards  your  subjects.     (Rom.  xiii.) 

**  And,  gracious   sovereign,  we    humbly  beseech 


"   [Upon    this    passage   the  **  of  the  simple  sort  were  with 

author  of  the  same  |)aniphlet  **  H.  N.  his  fancies  entangled, 

observes,   **  It    is   well   known  **  nor  the  chiefest  place  of  the 

•*  how,  twenty-five  years  ago,  *•  realm  free  from  these  men.' 

*'  the  number  of  them  wasujeat,  "  Ibid.  £.4,n.  Since,  that  they 

"  and  they  dispersed  in  divers  *'  are   diminished  I  hear  not, 

jmrtM  :    as    Surrey,   Sussex,  "  but  them  to  be  hugely  in* 

Middlesex, lk*rkshire,llamp-  **  creased,  through  nief^  con-  . 

shire,    Kssex,   Isle    of    Eljr,  "  nivance  I  have  arguments  to  J        . 

"  Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Nor-  "  think ;  but  that  their  increase 

folk  ;  in  the  north  parts ;  and  "  may  be  hindered,  I  hope  ao-  A' 

finally  in  moht  shires  of  this  '*  thority  will  take  order. 
realm.     In  theme  days  they         '*  They   say   they   are    also 

did  ul>ound,  and  were  grown  "  poor,  or  the  most  of  them  ; 

'*  to  })uch  a  number,  as  the  dis-  "  but    if    the   book   of    their 

"  player  of  the  sect  delivered,  *'  names,  called  of  them  *  The 

*'  '  how  his   heart  did  sue  to  '*  Book  of  Life,' could  be  seen, 

"  speak  that  which  one  of  the  "  it  would  then  appear,  I  doubt 

*'  same  s<xriety  did  avouch  to  "  not,  that  both  the  number  of 

*'  him    for     truth,'    (Display ^  '*  them  is  great,  and  most  of 

Pref.)  'not  a  few  ministers  *' them  very  rich."  p. 57.] 

Fl'M.KR,    VOL.  v.  Z 




t  * 


338  The  Church  Hhtiory  book  s. 

A.n.  1604. <' your  highness  with  princely  regard  in  equity  and 

*^  iuvour  to  poiHler»  and  grant  the  humble  suit  cod- 

**  taineil  in  this  most  lowly  supplication  of  your 
'^  loyal,  true-hearted,  faithful,  and  afflicted  subjects: 
**  and  to  remember  that  your  majesty,  iu  your  book 
**  of  princely,  grave,  and  fatherly  advice  to  the  bappj 
**  prince,  your  royal  son,  doth  conclude  that  principu 
"  est  jmrcere  suhjevtis  et  debellare  nuperbos  ;  and  then, 
^  no  doubt,  God  will  bless  your  highness  and  mil 
^  your  noble  offspring  with  peace,  long  life,  and  all 
honours  and  happiness,  long  to  continue  and  reign 
over  us:  for  the  which  we  will  ever  pray  with 
•*  incessant  prayers  to  the  Almighty.** 

I  find  not  what  effect  this  their  ]>etition  produced: 

whether  it  was  slighted,  and  the  petitioners  looked 

u|K)n  as  inconsiderable,  or  lx^held  as  a  few  frantic 

folk  out  of  their  wits,  which    consideration  alone 

often  melted  their  adversaries*  anger  into  pity  nnta 


^r^.'*      19.  Tlic  main  <lesign  driven  on  in  the  petition 

Do«iM>  lie    is  to  separate  themselves  fnnn  the  puritans,  (as  per- 

puriuiu.     sons  odious  to  king  James,)  that  they  might  not  fiue 

the  worse  for  their  vicinity  unto  them ;  though  theiP 

Familists  could  not  bi^  so  desirous  to  leave  them 

as  the  others  were  ghul  to  be  left  by  them ;  for  if 

their  opinions  were  so  senseless^  and  the  Htcs  of 

these  Familists  so  siMisual,  as  is  reported,  no  purity 

at  all  l>ehmged  unto  them. 

piirmMin       20.  Sonn»   take    exceptions   at   their  prayer  for 
tinn  cMi-     king  James,  wishing  him  an<l  his  **  |ieace,  long  life, 
'*  all  honour  and  happiness/*  without  mentioning  of 
life  eternal  and  the  bli^sings  thercHif ;  whilst  othen 
an*  so  much  of  the  family  of  charity  to  this  Family 

rKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  839 

of  Lfove,  as  to  excuse  the  omission  as  casual,  or  else  a.  n.  1604. 

extend  happiness  as  comprehensive  of  the  world  to  -i 

come  ^  ;  others  are  more  justly  ofTended  to  see  gold 
and  dung  joined  together — God's  word  and  the 
words  of  H.  Nicholas  equally  yoked  by  them  as 
infaUible  alike.  They  confess  in  this  book  ^  some 
^^  unusual  words  which  are  dark  and  dou))tful/'  which 
at  this  day  is  affected  by  many  sectarists,  whilst  truth 
is  plain  and  easy ;  amusing  (>eople  with  mj-stical 
expressions,  which  their  auditors  understand  not,  and 
perchance  not  they  themselves :  so  that,  as  one  saith 
very  well  of  their  high-soaring  pretended  spiritual 
language,  ''  Tliat  it  is  a  great  deal  too  high  for  this 
**  world,  and  a  great  deal  too  low  for  the  world  to 

"  come." 

21.  I  find  one,  in  his  confutation  of  this  petition^Mr.  Ra. 
inveighing  against  our  bishops,  that  they  were  friends cniMioMiy 

unto  Familism,  and  favoured  the  promoters  thereof;  JUThSopt 
adding,  moreover,  "  that  few  of  the  prelatical  wayj^^""" 
**  refuted  them  P.**     Now,  though  the  best  friends  of  ^u""  E"- 
bishops,  yea,  and  the  bislio()8  themselves,  will  con- 
fess they  had  too  many  faults,  yet  I  am  confident 
this  is  a  false  and  uncharitable  aspersion  upon  them. 
No  better  is  that  when   he  saitli,  ^'that  divers  of 
*'  the  court  of  queen  Elizabeth,  and  some  nobles, 
**  were    Familists ;"  wherein  I  am   sure  plenty  of 
instances  hath  put  him  to  such  a  |»enury,  that  he 
cannot  insist  u])on  any  one.     But  I  am  inclined  the 
rather  to  pardon  his  error  herein,  because  the  author 
rt*{Kirting  this  is  a  foreigner  then  living  in  Scotland  ; 
and  should  I  treat  of  the  character  of  the  court  of 

^  Sunmel  Rutlierfcird.  in  his         P  In  hit  Mblci  on  bin  Prti- 
Survey,  p.  353.  tion  of  Survey,  p.  349. 


S40  771^  Church  Hhtory  bum  x. 

A.D.  1604.  kiiie  JanH*8  at  K<linl)urd)  at  the  same  time,  poMiblj 

my  iR'n  at  m  jfreat  a  (li»tance  might  commit  fiv 

worse  mistakes. 
Fwniiitu  223.  Sime  will  sav,  where  are  thene  Familista  uow* 
nMMiern  auays  f  are  tliey  utterly  extinct,  or  are  they  lost  u 
^^"^  tlie  heap  of  other  sects,  or  are  they  coiiceale<l  under 
a  new  naiiu* '(  Tlie  last  is  most  probable.  Thn 
Family,  which  shut  their  doors  before,  keeps  o{ien 
house  uow ;  yea.  Family  is  ton  narrow  a  name  for 
them,  they  are  prown  ho  numerous.  Fonneriy,  by 
their  <»mii  confession  in  tliis  i)etition,  they  had  three 
qualities — '*  few,  poor,  and  unleanieil.'*  For  the  htf 
billa  rera^  their  lack  of  learning  they  still  retaia. 
being  othernvi^ie  many,  and  scmie  rich,  but  all  under 
the  name  of  Ranters.  And  thus  I  fairly  leave  tben, 
on  conditiim  they  Mill  fairly  leave  me,  that  I  may 
hear  no  more  of  them  for  delivering  truth  and  my 
own  ccmscience  in  what  I  have  written  coneemiiy 
their  opinions. 
TbedMUi  SS.  1  find  no  protestimt  tears  dropped  on  tbe 
KJy.  '"  grave  of  any  eminent  divine  this  year,  but  we  light 
on  two  Humanists  dying  bijond  sc>a,  much  lamented: 
one*,  Uichard  IlalM,  briKl  in  Christ's  College  in 
Cambridge,  whence  he  mn  over  to  Ilome,  whence 
h(*  n'tununl  into  the  Low  Countries,  and  died  oanaa 
and  official  of  tlie  cathcnlml  of  St.  Omer;  the  otber, 
Humphrey  I^ly^  an  Herefordshire  man  by  both. 
fellow  of  St.  John's  in  Oxford,  whence,  going  beyond 
M>a,  at  Home  he  commenced  doctor  of  law,  and 
aflerM'anIs  died  professor  then*of  in  the  univenity 
of  Pont  a  Mousoii*.     He  is  charactered  to  be 

<i  [Piti«-ut>  in  Viu.  |i.  Hoi  ]  •  In  the  dochy  of 

'  (III.  p  So^] 


of  Bntain, 


peritusy  doctus^  pauper^  et  pacificus — a  lawyer  learned,  a.  d.  1605. 
poor,  and  peaceable.     And   thus  much   my  charity  ^  ""^ 
can    easily  believe   of  him ;    but   the   distich   (the 
epitaph,  I  take  it,  on  his  tomb)  is  damnably  hyper- 
bolical : 

'*  Albion  hwreseos  velatur  nocte^  viator 

Desine  mirari^  sol  9uns  hie  latitat^ 

*'  Wonder  not,  England^s  dark  with  error's  night. 
For  lo !  here  buried  lies  her  sun  so  bright.*^ 

Or  else  the  poet  lies  who  made  the  verses.     But 
his  ashes  shall  not  be  disturbed  by  me. 

24.  The  Romish  catholics,  now  utterly  despairing,  The  plot- 
either  by  flattery  to  woo  or  force  to  wrest  any  free  Powdcr 
and  public  exercise  of  their  religion,  some  of  them 
entered  into  a  damnable  and  devilish  conspiracy  to 
blow  up  the  parliament-house  with  gunpowder*.    In 
this  plot  were  engaged, 

i.  Robert  Catesby.  ii.  Thomas  Percy,  iii.  Sir 
Everard  Digby.  iv.  Francis  Tresham.  v.  Robert 
Winter.  >i.  Thomas  Winter,  vii.  John  Wright, 
viii.  Christopher  Wright,     ix.  Ambrose  Rookwood. 

t  [Posterity  has  since  acquit- 
ted  the  Kotnan  catholics,  as  a 
body,  from  the  guilt  of  parti- 
cipating in  this  conspiracy  ;  nor 
does  history  warrant  us  in  sup- 
posing that  it  was  ever  known, 
much  lesA  favoured,  by  any 
others  than  the  deH|K>rate  men 
who  were  actually  engaged  in 
it.  The  chief  contrivers  of  it. 
who  seem  altio  to  have  inveigled 
the  rest,  were  Percy  and  Crates- 
by  ;  the  former  of  whom,  being 
kinsman  to  the  earl  of  North- 
umberland, and  a  man  of  loose 
habits,  first  hired  the  house 
uear  the  parliament,  into  which 

they  conveyed  the  barrela  of 

iKiwder,  and  was  assisted  in  it 
>y  the  latter,  whom  Ooodmao 
describes  as  "  a  very  cunning. 

"  subtle  man,  exceedin^y 
*'  tangled  in  debts,  and  scaroe 
<'  able  to  subsist."  For  the 
rest  of  the  conspirators  men- 
tioned in  the  text,  (with  the 
exception,  perhaps,  of  Rook- 
woou,  who  was  somewhat  in 
debt,)  there  seems  but  little 
reason  to  sup|KMe  that  they 
were  otherwise  than  drawn 
into  it  by  abler  heads  than 
their  own.] 

z  S 


The  C/mrch  History 


A.  i>.  1605.x.  Robert    Keys.      xi.  John   Grant,      xii.  ThoniM 
-  —  Bates,  Catesby's  man.     xiii.  Guido  Faux  ". 

Twelve,  besides  their  foreman ;  but  how  honeai 

and  trucy  let  their  ensuing  action  declare,     iiun^lf 

all  of  resolute  spirits,  most  of  ancient  families*  some 

of  plentiful  fortunes;  and  Percy,  though  weak  in 

purse  himself,  pretended  to  command  the  wealthiest 

coffers  of  another. 

(larnet  hit      25.  But  a  tn^asou  without  a  Jesuit,  or  one  of 

c«iie  of  itNi- jesuited  principles  theriMu,  is  like  a  dry  wall  with- 

■""*^*'      out  either   lime   or  mortar.     Gerard  must  be  the 

cement,  with  the  sacrament  of  si'crecy,  to  join  them 

together,     (lamet  and  Tesmond,  whelps  of  the  same 

litter,  commended  and  encouraged  the  design.     But 

here  an  im|>ortant  scruple  was  injected  —  how  to 

^  [Aooordiiig  to  th«*  Ronmn 
catholic  hiHtorianii,CateHl)y  con- 
ceived this  monstrous  design  in 
Februan*.  1605.  Keys  was  not 
associated  in  it  until  August, 
and  Bates  in  December  fullow- 
ing.  Tlic  first  two  ]H*rMoiiH  to 
whom  it  wiiM  communicat4*d 
were  John  Wright  and  Tluimns 
Winter.  Winter  |miMed  over 
into  Flanders,  to  solicit  the 
mediation  of  the  king  of  S|kain ; 
but.  failing  in  his  attempt,  re- 
turned into  Kngland,  in  com. 
pany  with  (tuy  Fuwki»s.  with 
whcim  he  had  fallen  in  utOxtend 
about  the  middle  of  April.  To* 
u-ardN  the  end  of  the  month, 
Fercy.  liaving  arrivi*il  in  town, 
H-as  introduci*d  in  the  rt*st  of 
the  omNpiratorn  at  Catesby's 
hiMiM*  in  IjanilN'th.  Then  all 
live,  a  few  diivs  later,  met  at  a 
hituse  in  the  fieldn  liehind  St. 
Clement's     Inn,     whore     thev 




agreed  u|ion  the  plot ;  liarmg 
first  sworn  by  tbe  Ucned  TVi* 
nity,  and  by  an  "oath  whick 
t)iey  purposed  to  receiw,  noc 
to  reveal  what  ahould  be  dift- 
closed  t<i  them,  nor  abandoa 
"  the  design  without  the  Ml 
**  and  unanimous  coiueiit  of 
"  their  associates." 

Up  to  this  period  then  is 
no  proof  that  either  Gerard  or 
(rarnet  was  acquainted  with 
their  intentions  explicitlj  :  it 
seems,  therefore,  mucli  HMfv 
probable  (as  it  ia  posstirriy 
stated  in  (terard's  MS.*  m 
quoted  by  Mr.  Tiemt'j) 
Catesby  obtained  Ciamef's 
niun  on  this  '*  caae  of  i 
**  science.'*  not  by  cmnuinai- 
cutiiig  hi»  design,  but  Int  rtaC 
ing  an  anahigims  case.  See  tibe 
iiot4*s  in  Dodd's  Church  Haft. 
IV.  45) 

c^KXT.  XVII.  of' Britain,  84S 

part  their  friends  from  their  foes  in  the  parliament,  a. D.  1605, 

they  having  many  in  tlie  house  of  alliance,  yea,  of 

the  same  (in  conscience  a  nearer  kindred)  religion 
with  themselves.  To  slay  the  righteous  with  the 
wicked  *,  he  it  far  from  God  and  all  good  men  ;  and 
yet,  as  sucli  an  unpartial  destruction  was  uncha- 
ritable, so  an  exact  separation  seemed  as  impossible. 
Here  Ganiet,  instead  of  untying,  cut  this  knot 
asunder,  with  tin's  his  sharp  decision :  that  in  such 
a  case  as  this,  it  was  lawful  to  kill  friend  and  foe 
together.  Indeed,  the  good  husbandman  in  the 
po8|wly  jwrmitted  the  tares  to  grow  for  the  corn's 
Bake ;  whereas  here,  by  the  contrary  counsel  of  the 
Jesuit,  the  corn  (so  they  reputed  it)  was  to  be  rooted 
up  for  the  tares'  sake. 

26.  This  scruple  in  conscience  thus  satisfied  byTw®*;** 
Garnet^  two  other  difficulties,  in  point  of  perform- 
ance, presented  themselves ;  for  Charles,  duke  of 
York,  probably  (by  reason  of  his  minority)  would 
not  t>e  present,  and  the  lady  Elizabeth  would  cer- 
tainly be  absent  from  the  parliament-house.  How 
then  should  these  two,  the  next  heirs  to  the  crown, 
Ik?  compassed  within  their  power?  But  for  the 
first,  Percy  proffered  his  service,  promising  to  pos- 
sess himself,  by  a  fraudulent  force,  of  the  person  of 
tlie  duke.  Catesby  undertook  the  other  difficulty, 
under  a  pretended  hunting-match  (advantaged  there- 
unto by  the  vicinity  of  Ashby  to  the  lord  Harring- 
ton's, wliere  the  princess  had  her  education)  to  train 
her  into  their  command.  All  robs  thus  removed, 
their  way  was  made  as  smooth  as  glass,  and  as 
sli]>pery  too,  as  by  the  se<juel  may  appear. 

>  C«i*n.  xviii.  25.  J  Mutt.  xiii.  39. 

z  4 

S44  Thr  Chnnh  H\*(nrii  Bchik  s. 

35*  27'  But  Krst  be  it  n^iiionitK^rcd.  that  thoiij^h  these 
—  plott^'rs  iiiteiKled  at  la^t  with  honour  to  ovn\  the 
u«*tioii,  when  Hurooss  had  made  all  thin^fs  seruro,  ret 
"'  they  pnrposed,  wlu^n  the  Wow  was  first  pivon.  and 
whilst  the  aet  was  certain,  hut  the  siicct^M  thereof 
doubtruK  to  father  tlie  fart  on  the  |mrit&iis.  The? 
thought  their  haeks  w(>re  hmad  enouj^h  to  lx*ar  both 
the  sin  and  shanic*.  and  tliat  this  saddle,  for  the 
|»nsent«  would  finely  lit  their  Ixieks:  whose  disieoii* 
tent,  (as  thes<»  |»lott(*rs  would  |»n*tend,)  unable  other- 
wist»  to  aehlev(»  their  d«»sin»d  alteration  in  ehurrh 
gf»vi*ninient.  had  by  this  damnable  treason  effected 
the  sann*.  Bv  tnuisferrintr  the  faet  on  the  then 
most  innoeent  puritans,  they  hoped  not  onlj  to 
deeline  the  odium  of  si»  hellish  a  design,  but  abo, 
by  tin*  stnin;;eness  of  the  a<'t  and  unsus|)ectiHlnem  of 
the  actors,  to  aniust*  all  men,  and  beji^^t  an  uniiriTnl 
distrust,  that  (*very  man  would  j^row  jealous  of  him- 
wdf.  And  whilst  sueh  amazement  tied,  in  a  manner, 
all  nn^rs  hands  ludiind  them,  thi*«e  plotters  pronii!*ed 
tliemstdves  tht*  working;  t»nt  tlieir  own  ends,  part  bj 
their  home  stren<;tli,  ami  the  n*st  l>y  oallinj^  in  the 
assistanei*  nf  tnrei;;n  prinees. 
>r  28.  They  fall  a  working;  in  tlie  vault :  dark  the 
.r.  plar«*.  in  tilt*  ilepth  of  the  eartli ;  dark  the  time,  in 
till*   dead   of   tilt*   nijrht :   dark   the  di*8ijniff  all   the 

aetors  tlit*nMn  eon(*t*altHl  l)v  oath  frtmi  others,  and 


then*bv  eumbiiied  amon^^st  tlu*ms(dTes.  Oh,  how 
i-asy  is  any  work  whfu  liiph  merit  is  conrtMved  the 
wapi*s  tht^pHif  *  In  pien*iiip  thnuiph  the  wall,  nine 
ftN>t  tliiek.  tlit*v  frronetiiislv  eonrt*iviHl  that  ther 
thereby   liewetl    forth    their  own    wav  to  heaven*. 

w  m 

'   >|t«'«tl\    I  limti.   iM    Kiti^    Junii*^.  [«.  I.  49.      Thry  hifffd 


of  Briiain. 


But  they  digged  more  with  their  silver  in  an  hour  a.  D.  1605. 
than  with  their  iron  in  many  days ;  namely,  when  — 
discovering  a  cellar  hard  by,  they  hired  the  same, 
and  these  pioneers  saved  much  of  their  pains  by  the 
advantage  thereof.  And  now  all  things  were  carried 
so  secretly,  no  possibility  of  any  detection,  seeing 
the  actors  themselves  had  solemnly  sworn  that  they 
would  not,  and  all  others  might  as  safely  swear  they 
could  not,  make  any  discovery  thereof 

29.  But  so  it  fell  out   that   the   sitting  of  the<Mgi 
parliament  was  put  off  from  time  to  time ;  namely,  ing  to  d«K 

the  hou»e  of  a  ]>enu)n  named 
FerriK.  who  was  tenant  to  Wy- 
niard,  the  keeper  of  the  royal 
wardrolie.  The  original  deed 
of  agreement  between  Percy 
and  Ferris, dated  May  34, 1604. 
is  still  preserved  in  the  State 
Paper  Offce.  (Tiemey,  in  Dodd, 
IV.  44.)  By  the  time  they  conld 
get  possession  of  the  house,  it 
was  too  late  to  commence  their 
project  of  forming  a  mine,  as 
parliament  was  prorogued  in 
July.  They  separated,  there- 
fore, with  a  resolution  to  re- 
assemble in  November,  when 
the  houses  would  again  be  sit- 
ting. When  that  jieriod  had 
arrived,  the  commissioners  ap- 
pointed for  proposing  the  union 
between  England  and  Scotland 
had  fixed  upon  the  lumse  which 
Percy  had  taken  for  holding 
their  meetings  in.  By  these 
circumstances  their  operations 
were  delayed  till  December. 
When  the  mine  was  opened, 
the  rubbish  removed  during 
the  day  was  concealed  at  night 
under  the  soil  of  the  garden. 
But    other    accidents,    besides 

the  thickness  of  the  foundation 
wall,  (among  others,  the  influx 
of  water  into  the  mine.)  im- 
peded their  progress  :  when 
Easter,  therefore,  had  arrived, 
they  had  not  yet  perforated 
the  wall  nor  completed  the 
task.  At  this  juncture  an 
accidental  noise  over  their 
heads  first  apprised  them  of 
the  existence  of  the  cellar, 
situated  immediately  under  the 
house  of  lords.  The  tenant  of 
it.  named  Bright,  was  already 
removing ;  and  Fawkes  hast- 
ened, in  the  name  of  his  master 
Percy,  to  hire  the  cellar.  Hav. 
ing  accomplished  his  purpose, 
they  abandoned  their  opera, 
tions  in  the  mine ;  but  so  hasty» 
or.  as  Goodman  thinks. (1. 104,) 
so  negligent  were  they  in  their 
proceedings.  "  as  they  did  not 
"  throw  in  that  earth  which 
"  they  digged  out  of  the  mine, 
"  but  left  It  open,  that  it  might 
"  be  seen  and  I  myself." 
continues  the  bishop,  "  aid  see 
"  it."     See    also    Dodd,  note, 

P-  44-] 

S46  The  Church  Huttay  mm  i. 

A.  D.  ir>o5.from  the  seventh  of  February,  whereon  it  WM  fim 

**  ''""**•  a|»|M)iiitc<l  to  nuvt,  it  was  adjoumiKl  till  the  fifth  of 

Siwiii     October,  niul  afterward  from   the  fifth  of  October 

(.Unuiie.  put  off  till  x\\c  fifth  of  Noveiiiber ;  ud  accordinriT 

their  working  in  the  vault,  which  attended  the 
motion  of  the  i^arliainent,  had  several  distinct  in- 
tennissiong.  and  resumptions  thereof:  as  if  Divine 
lHt>vidence  had  given  warning  to  these  traitors,  bj 
the  slow  proceeding  ami  oft  adjourning  of  the  par- 
liament, meantime  seriously  to  consider  what  thej 
went  about,  and  seasonably  to  dc«st  from  so  damn- 
able a  design,  as  suspicious  at  last  it  would  be 
ruined,  which  so  long  had  bei^n  retardeil.  But  no 
taking  off  their  trhce/s  ■  will  stay  those  chariots  from 
dniwning  which  God  hath  decreed  shall  be  swal- 
lowi'd  in  the  Ketl  Sea. 
Thr  Uti-  30.  JiehMy  here  is  fire  and  trood^  but  tthert  is 
ciinr«ie-  the  hwih  for  the  bund  offering^  Alas!  a  whole 
*'*^"'  flock  of  laml)s  wen*  not  far  ofl^,  all  appointed  to 
tlie  slaughter :  tlie  king,  prince  llenr}\  peers,  bishops 
judges,  knights,  and  burgesses -^^  all  designed  to 
destmction.  lA't  me  smite  him  (said  Abishai  of 
Kaul)  even  at  onee^  and  I  trill  not  smite  kirn  tie 
second  time  K  So  hen\  a  blow  so  sound,  secret, 
and  sudden  was  intended,  it  would  not  need  itera- 
tion :  once  and  ever — the  first  act  would  finish  all 
in  an  instant.  Hut,  thanks  be  ti»  God,  nothing  was 
blown  up  but  the  treason,  or  brought  to  execution 
liut  the  trait(»rs. 
Tiir«|n«h  .il.  Indt*iMK  Mrnie  few  days  Ix^fore  the  fatal  stroke 
iiTKr.M.'  should  In*  given,  master  Key(*s  lH*ing  at  Titchmanh 
in  Northanipton«^hin*.  at  the  housi*  of  master  Gilbert 

*  KxinI.  xiv.  45.  ^  \  ^Slllt1.  x\y\,  8. 

CENT.  XVII.  of'lintain,  847 

Pickering,  his   brother-in-law,  (but   of  a  different  a.  D.  1605. 

religion,  as  a  true  protestant,)  suddenly  whipped  out — 

his  sword,  and  in  merriment  made  many  offers  there- 
with at  the  heads,  neck,  and  sides  of  many  gentlemen 
and  gentlewomen  then  in  his  company.  This  then 
was  taken  as  a  mere  frolic,  and  for  the  present 
passed  accordingly;  but  afterwards,  when  the  treason 
was  discovered,  such  as  remembered  his  gestures 
thought  thereby  he  did  act  what  he  intended  to  do 
if  the  plot  had  took  effect — hack  and  hew,  kill  and 
slay  all  eminent  persons  of  a  different  religion  from 

32.  Curse  not  the  kinq^  no  not  in  Hiy  thought Th^tnyiH 

for  a  bird  of  the  air  shall  carry  Uie  voice  * ;  as  here 
such  a  discovery  was  made.  With  a  ikju,  fetched 
from  the  feather  of  a  fowl,  a  letter  was  written  to 
the  lord  Mounteagle  **,  in  manner  following : 

"  My  Lord, 

**  Out  of  the  love  I  bear  to  some  of  your  friends, 
**  I  have  a  care  of  your  preservation  ;  therefore  I 
'*  would  advise  you,  as  you  tender  your  life,  to  devise 
some  excuse  to  shift  off  your  attendance  at  this 
parliament :  for  God  and  man  have  concurred  to 
^'  punish  the  wickedness  of  this  time.  And  think 
not  slightly  of  this  advertisement,  but  retire  your- 
self into  your  country,  M-here  you  may  expect  the 
ev(*nt  in  safety;  for  though  there  be  no  appear- 
ance of  any  stir,  yet  I  say  they  shall  receive  a 
'^  terrible  blow  this  parliament,  and  yet  tliey  shall 
'*  not  see  who  hurts  them.     Tliis  counsel  is  not  to 

^  EccU's.  X.  20.  (rrevii,  neur  Aldgatc.     Gixtd* 

'  [Tlu'ii   living   ut   Ik*tliiial     muii't  Mem.  I.  104.] 





848  The  Church  HUU^ry  boob  s. 

L  D.160JI.''  be  contemned,  beciiuse  it  may  do  you  good,  and 

L.  **  can  do  you  no  Imnn ;  for  the  danger  is  put  bo 

**  Hoon  as  you  have  burnt  the  letter.     And  I  hope 

*'  (jod  will  give  you  the  grace  to  make  good  use  of 

•'  it :  to  whose  holy  protection  1  commend  you  •.'* 

A  strange  letter,  from  a  strange  hand,  by  a  strange 
messenger ;  without  date  to  it,  name  at  it,  and,  I 
had  almost  said,  sense  in  it ; — a  letter  which,  even 
when  it  was  oi>ened,  was  still  sealed,  such  the 
affected  obscurity  therein, 
nwfint  83.  The  lord  Mounteagle,  as  loyally  advised  him, 
irorci  in.  comnmnicates  the  letter  to  the  carl  of  Salisbury,  be 
to  the  king :  his  majesty,  on  the  second  peniaaL 
ex)>ouuded  the  mystical  Moia  meant  therein  muat  be 
by  gun{M>wder,  and  gives  order  for  searching  the 
rooms  under  the  parliament  house,  under  pretence 
to  look  for  lost  hangings  which  were  conveyed  away. 
Tlie  first  Kean*h,  about  evening,  discovered  nothing 
but  Percy's  cellar,  full  of  wo«)d,  and  Johnson,  his 
man,  (under  that  name  M-as  Faux  disguised,)  att(*nd- 
ing  then^in.  However,  the  name  of  Percy  and 
sight  of  Faux  so  quickened  the  jealousy  of  the  lord 

*  [TIk*  uiitli<»r.Nhi[i  of  iIiIh  whh  condemned  to  ilie  fur  bar- 
letter  has  Iki'Ii  attrilitit(*<l  to  liouritig  Garnet  and  Oldcorae 
■everal  uerMinA.  ,Vc  Janliiii*.  at  his  houne  in  Ilemllip.  bat 
».  62.  Thut  writ(*r.  liciuvwr,  wan  Huved  l>y  the  inlluencp  of 
la  niintaken  iti  <iiif)|Miiiin};  that  lord  2^lnunteagle.  BiahopGood- 
till*  conjecture  uhich  uiKTibi*d  man,  hou-ever,  who  hatl  eftorl- 
it  to  Mm.  iluhin^toii,  Hitter  of  lent  nieiuiH  of  dincoveriag  the 
the  lord  Moiint«*a^le,  wa%  not  truth.  |»iMiiti%*ely  uaaerta  tliat  tbe 

eaprenaed  till  nearly  a  ivntury  letter  wan  written  by 

after   the  i*vc*nt  occur r4*<l ;  fur  **  a  man  of  a  ionnI  eatate. 

H'lMtd  e«|>n*vjily  attrilmteN  it  ti>  **  a  Mrict  catholic  ;*'  but  oCkcr. 

her.  u|i«in  the  autlmrity  nf  Mr  wint*  \ieuk  in  Inn  intellrcta.  asd 

William  Dufjilule.  Ath.Il.iic.  led  by  othem  of  gneateff  ciia* 

She  waa  the  wife  «if  the  cele-  iiiii)(.     Memoin.  I.  104.] 
hrated  ThfHiian  ilaliintston.  who 

CEKT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  340 

Mounteagle,  that  this  first  slight  search   led  to  a  a.  d.  1605. 
second   scrutiny,   more    strictly   and    secretly   p^r,  ^  *°'*^ 

34.  This  was  made   at  midnight,  by  sir  Thomas  The  wound 
Kuyvett,  gentleman  of  his  majesty's  privy  chamber,  core™  auT 
and   others,   into    the  vault   under   the   parliament 
house.     There  the  mystery  of  iniquity  was  quickly 
discovered  :  a  pile  of  fuel,  faced  over  with  billets, 

lined  under  with  thirty-six  barrels  of  powder,  besides 
iron  bars,  to  make  the  force  of  the  fire  more  effec- 
tual. Guido  Faux  was  apprehended  in  the  outward 
room,  with  a  dark  lantern  in  his  hand,  (the  lively 
emblem  of  their  design,  whose  dark  side  was  turned 
to  man,  whiles  the  light  part  was  exposed  to  God,) 
and  three  matches,  ready  to  give  fire  to  the  train. 
This  caitiff  professed  himself  only  grieved  that  he 
was  not  in  the  inner  room,  to  blow  himself  and 
them  all  up  together;  affirming,  moreover,  that  "  not 
**  God,  but  the  devil,  made  the  discovery  of  the 
*'  plot." 

35.  Meantime  Catesby,  Percy,  Ilookwood,  both  Thetmitori 
the  Wrights,  and  Thomas  Winter,  were   hovering  taken!  *^ 
about    London  to  attend   the  issue  of  the   matter. 
Having  sat  so  long  abrood,  and  hatching  nothing, 

thev  bi'gan  to  suspect  all  their  eggs  had  proved 
addle ;  yet,  betwixt  hope  and  fear,  they  and  their 
servants  post  down  into  the  countrj',  through  War- 
wick and  Worcester  into  Staffordshire.  Of  traitors 
they  tuni  felons,  breaking  up  stables  and  stealing 
horses  as  they  went ;  but  many  of  their  o\ni  men, 
by  a  far  more  lawful  felony,  stole  away  from  their 
masters,  leaving  them  to  shift  for  themselves.  The 
neighbouring  countii*s  and  their  own  consciences 
rise  nj)  against  these  riotous  roisters,  as  yet  unknown 


Thi  Chunk  History 

BOOl  X. 

A.D.irK>5.ft>r  tniitors.     At  last  sir  Uicharcl  Waklu  high  sherif 

4  Jmmnt^  ^^^  ^Vo^co«to^shir(^  overtook    thorn  at   Ilolbeck  ra 

Statlonlshins  at  tlio  house  of  Mr.  Stephen  Littletno, 

where,  upon  their  resistance,  the  two  Wrights  were 

killed,    Hookw(»o(l    and   Thomas  Winter    slirewdlj 


ratni»y  S6.  A 8  for  Percy  and  Catesby,  they  fought  deqie- 

fi^tdMpe  nitoly  for  their  lives,  as  knowing  no  quarter,  but 

Sw^HiMfc  quartering,  would  be  given  unto  them;  and,  an  if 

they  scorned  to  tuni  their  Imcks  to  any  but  thero- 

8i*lves,  B(*tting  liack  to  l>ack,  they  fought  against  all 

that  assaulted  them.   Many  swords  were  dram-n  upon 

them ;  but  gun|>owder  must  do  the  deed,  which  diiu 

cliarged  that  bullet  which  dispatched  them  both'. 

Never  were  two  Imd  men^s  deaths  more  generally 

lamented  of  all  good  men,  only  ou  this  account, 

that  they  lived  no  longer  to  Ix*  forced  to  a  farther 

discovery  of  their  8t»cret  associates. 

87.  It  must  not  Ijc  forgotten  how,  some  hours 
befon»  their  apprehension,  as  these  plotten  wete 
drying  dank  j*un|Mjwder  in  an  inn,  a  miller  carnally 
coming  in,  (haply  n(»t  heiHling  the  Uack  meal  on 
the  hearth,)  by  can*less  casting  on  of  a  billet,  fired 
tlie  gun|M)wder:  up  flies  the  chimm^y.  with  part  of 
the  houM* ;  all  thenMu  are  frightiHl,  most  hurt,  but 
es|HM*ially  (  at(*sby  and  H(N>kwood  had  their  fiicet 
Mmndly  scorched  ;  so  bearing  in  their  biMlies,  not 

Th«  Lnrd 

'  [Tlii*y  uere  Nhot  throuf^li 
the  ImnIv,  ha  ther  MtMNl  back 
to  luck.  Iiy  tH*4i  bulli'ts  fnnn 
oni*  niuikket.  mitl  diini  worth v 
of  A  tN*ttvr  caiiM*.  Siv  a  vrrv 
interoatiiig  aramiit  of  thfir 
dmth,  qiioteil  from  father 
(rnH*nwav'«    M**^*    in   Jurdiiu*. 

p.  86.  Goodman  dora 
scruiile  lo  My  that  air  Robert 
Cecil  gare  tt|ieciai  cbargr  tad 
direction  mai  to  take  thtm 
nlive:  *'  who,"  continnea  tibt 
hihhop,  *'  it  may  lie,  would  baiv 
"  revealed  Mome  evil  cowhcI 
*'  jeiven."     Memoira,  I.  1 07.] 

OKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  S51 

trrlyfiaray  the  marks  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  K,  but  a.d.  1605. 
the  print  of  their  own  impieties  **.    Well  might  they  **  *^**' 

guess  how  good  that  their  cup  of  cruelty  was,  whose 
dregs  they  meant  others  should  drink,  by  this  little 
8ip  which  they  themselves  had  unwillingly  tasted 

88.  The  rest  were  all  at  London  solemnly  arraigned,  The  rest 
convicted,  condemned.     So  foul  the  fact,  so  fair  the  executed, 
proof,  they  could  say  nothing  for  themselves.   Master 
Tresham  dying  in  the  prison  \  prevented  a  more 
ignominious  end  ^. 

i.  Sir  Everard  Digby,  Robert  Winter,  Grant,  and 
Bates,  were  hanged,  drawn,  and  quartered,  at  the 
west  end  of  St.  Paul's.  Three  of  them,  but  espe- 
cially sir  Everard  Digby,  died  very  penitently  and 
devoutly;  only  Grant  expressed  most  obstinacy  at 
his  end. 

ii.  Tliomas  Winter,  Ambrose  Rookwood,  Keyes, 
and  Faux,  were  executed  as  the  former  in  the  Par- 
liament-yard in  Westminster.  Keyes  followed  Grant 
in  his  ol>8tinacy,  and  Faux  shewed  more  penitency 
than  all  the  rest  ^ 

iii.  Garnet,  provincial  of  the  English  Jesuits,  was 
arraigned  some  weeks  after  by  four  several  names  % 
and  executed  on  the  Saturday,  which,  he  said,  was 
called  Uistitiitio  cruets;  —  of  whom  largely  in  the 
next  year. 

They  all  craved  testimony  that  they  died  Roman 

c  Gal.  vi.  17.  '  [Of  poison,  according   to 

^  [See    hir   Edward   Coke's  bishop  Goodman.     lb.] 

speech  at  the  trial,  in  Jardine,  ^  [Winwood's  Papers*  II.  p. 

P-  '35>  ^'^^^    gives   a    slightly  1B9.] 

different  version  of  this  anec-  ^  Stow's  Chron.  p.  881. 

dote.]  ■»  Stow,  p.  88a. 


The  Church  Hintory 


1605  catliolicH.     My  pen  shall  grant  them  this  their  Im 

^  and  so  equal  petition,  and  bears  witness,  to  all  whon 

it  mav  concern,  that   thev  lived   and  died   in  the 

m  m 

Uoniibh  n*ligion;  and  although  the  heinousness  of 
their  offence  might,  with  some  colour  of  justice,  have 
angert»<l  s(»verity  into  cruelty  against  them,  yet  so 
fiivourably  wen-!  they  procewled  M'ith,  that  most  of 
their  sons  or  heirs  (except  since  disinherited  by  their 
own  prodigality)  at  this  day  enjoy  their  paternal 
m-  39*  Heaven  having  thus  defimti>d  hell  of  it« 
lume  desired  sucr(*ss,  (*arth  since  hath  endeavoured  to 
defraud  heaven  of  its  destTved  praisi'.  A  jtosthume 
rc*port  is  brought  forth  into  the  Morld  (nursinl,  as  it 
is  fit,  by  the  nintliers  thereof)  that  king  James  was 
privy  to  this  plot  all  along,  and  that  his  observing 
ran  {tarallel  with  the  traitors  acting  therein  ;  so  that 
he  could  dis(*over  it  when  he  phrased,  but  was  not 
pleased  to  discover  it  until  the  eve  of  the  fifth  of 
November; — a  fancy  inconsistent  with  that  ordinanr 
piety   M'hich    all    charitable    men    must   allow  king 

Janu's  iLs  a  (*hristian,  and  with  that  extraordinanr 


poli(*y  which   lii«<  adversaries  admire  in   him    as   a 
statesnisin  '*.      Was  it  probable  that  he  would  tempC 


"  [Thin,  hdvirver.  \%  (riNMl- 
iiiuu's  U5i<ii'rticiii.  fill  1*111*111  V  tti 
kiii^  .rniM'H,  liiit  nthcr  vrry 
lt,*iiii*iit  ill  liJK  judpiit'iit  «il'  the 
kiii^!***  iu*tifiti*»  .  "  Thi<»  ]i*ttt*r." 
h«*  H»r*(.  "  iiiv  Inn  I  .Mifiiiitfii^li* 
'*  (lid  iiiHtmilly  iiiipurt  tn  thv 
"  MiTctarv  ;  till*  Mn.Ti*ti*r\  diil 
"  iiMtjiitly  ai*f|ii.iiiil  tin*  kiii^ 
**  and  wiine  of  tin*  oiniiicil 
"  therewith  ;  the  kiii|:  iiiii«»l 
''  hjii-c  ihr  hiintiiir  tn  iiiti*rpri*i 

"  it.  thut  it  WM  by  gunpowilrr; 

"  :iiid    the    vrrr  night    hrforv 

"  the  |mrlianii*iit  lte|pui  it 

"  tu   U*   diMTot'vml.  to 

"  the  iiialtvr  the  iiiurr  udioui. 

"  iind    the    delivermncv 

"  iiiirATiihiuii.      No    leas 

"  thi*   lord  chanilwrUin    mmtti 

*'  M*\iTc\\  for  it  ;iimI  diaciiTvr  it. 

"  niid  Fuux  with  hi»  dArk  )am* 

"  Win  iiiUKt  be  AppfvhvBded." 


of  Britain. 


God  80  profanely,  as  solemnly  to  thank  him  for  a.  d.  1605. 
revealing  that  to  him  which  he  knew  before?  Would  ^  *'"**' 
king  James  his  wisdom  (not  to  say  his  wariness,  not 
to  say  his  fearfulness)  dally  so  long  with  destruction 
as  to  put  it  oiT  to  the  last  hour,  when  {uno  actUy 
iactu :  ictUj  nictu)  all  might  have  been  confounded  ? 
Was  it  not  hard  for  him  to  equivocate  before  such 
a  master  of  equivocation  as  Garnet  the  Jesuit  was  ? 
who  certainly,  if  he  had  smelt  any  juggling  of  king 
James  therein,  would  no  doubt  have  proclaimed  it 
to  all  the  world  at  his  execution.  I  deny  not  but 
that  the  king,  both  by  intelligence  from  foreign 
parts  and  secret  information  from  those  secular 
priests  that  bishop  Bancroft  secretly  kept  in  his 
house,  was  advertised  in  general  of  some  great  plot 
which  the  Jesuited  papists  were  hatching  against 
the  ensuing  parliament ;  but  for  the  particulars,  that 
riddling  letter  brought  him  the  first  notice  thereof, 
whatsoever  is  fancied  to  the  contrary.  But  if  wild 
conjectures  in  such  cases,  from  obscure  authors,  shall 
Ix'  |)ermitted  to  jostle  for  credit  against  received 
records,  all  former  unquestionable  history  will  be 
quickly  reduced  to  an  universal  uncertainty.  But 
there  is  a  generation  of  people  who,  to  enhance  the 
rc»putation  of  their  knowledge,  seem  not  only,  like 
moths,  to  have  lurkeil  under  the  carpets  of  the 
council-table,  but,  even   like  fleas,  to  have  lea{>ed 

Mem.  I.  45.  It  iH  clear,  from 
theiu*  ttiid  other  passageH,  that 
Croodman  ))elieved  that  C^ecil 
had  practised  upon  the  known 
timidity  of  the  king,  with  a 
view  to  gain  court  favour.  But 
whatever  may  have  been  the 
true  hintory  of  this  myateriout 


affair,  it  is  very  certain  that 
Cecil  had  known  it  some  days 
before  the  meeting  of  parlia- 
ment ;  for  such  is  his  own 
poiiitive  assertion  in  bis  letter 
to  sir  (Charles  Comwallis.  Win- 
wood,  II. 171.] 

A  a 

354  The  Church  HuU)ry  booi  s. 

K 1605.  into  tlio  pillows  of  princes'  bedchambers  —  thence 

""**'  deriving  their  private  knowledge  of  all  things  which 

were,  or  were  not,  ever  done  or  thought  of;   in 

defiance  of  wlioni  I  add,  Gire  unto  Crrsar  the  thingi 

that  nrv  Crrsars,  and  unto  God  the  thinys  that  art 

Cod\s,     Let  king  James,  l)j  reading  the  letter,  have 

the  eriMlit  of  discovering  this  plot  to  the  world,  and 

(lod  tlu*  glory  for  discovering  it  nnto  king  James. 

"^^         40.  A  learned  author  ^  making  mention  of  this 

irmmm treason,  breaketh  forth  into  the  following  rapture: 


Aiueiit.  «*  Excidat  ilia  dies  teroy  ne  poffera  credant 

S*rufa  :  hus  cvrfe  taceamus^  et  ubruta  multa 
yocte  teai  propriiv  jnttiaMur  criMina  ptHiU^ 

^^  O  It't  that  day  l)e  quite  dashM  out  of  time. 
And  nut  lH*lii*v*(l  by  the  next  generation  ! 
In  night  uf  silence  we* II  conceal  the  crime. 
Thereby  to  save  the  credit  uf  our  nation.* 

A  wish  which,  in  my  opinion,  hath  more  of  poetry 
than  of  piety  theriMn.  and  from  which  I  must  be 
fnn*ed  t4»  dissent ;  for  I  conceive  not  the  credit  of 
our  countrymen  concerned  in  this  plot — not  behold- 
ing this  as  a  national  act,  whose*  actors  were  but  a 
party  (»f  a  party,  a  des|K*nite  handful  of  discontented 
|N*rsuns  uf  the  papistical  faction.  May  the  day  in- 
deeil  Ih*  ever  forgotten,  as  to  the  |MMnt  of  imitation, 
but  1m»  rver  renu*nilM*red  to  the  det(*station  thervof. 
May  it  U*  siilmuily  tniiisniitted  to  all  {lOsteritT,  thai 
tlu*y  may  know  h<»w  bad  man  can  Ik'  to  destroy,  and 
how  gfMNi  (lud  hath  U^en  to  deliv(*r;  that  especially 
we  Kngli^linien  may  take  notice  how  woful  we  might 
have  beirn,  how  happy  we  an%  and  how  thankful  we 

"^  Caiiiil.  lint,  in  Middlews.  p.  310. 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  S55 

ouglit  to  be:    in   order  whereunto  the  parliament  a.  d.  1605. 

(first   moved    therein   by  sir  Edward  MountagueP, 

afterward  baron  of  Bough  ton)  enacted  an  annual 
and  constant  memorial  of  that  day  to  be  observed. 

41.  Certainly,  if  this    plot   had  took  effect,  the  Just  00m- 
papists    would    have   celebrated    this   day  with    alluiedmyia 
solemnity,  and  it  should  have  taken  the  upper  hand^^^^^ 
of  all  other  festivals ;  the  more  therefore  the  shame 

and  pity,  that  amongst  j)rotestants  the  keeping  of 
tliis  day  (not  as  yet  full  fifty  years  old)  begins 
already  to  wax  weak  and  decay;  so  that  the  red 
letters,  wherein  it  is  written,  seem  daily  to  grow 
dimmer  and  paler  in  our  English  calendar.  God 
forbid  that  our  thankftilness  for  this  great  deliver- 
ance, formerly  so  solemnly  observed,  should  hereafter 
l)e  like  the  squibs  which  the  apprentices  in  London 
make  on  this  day,  and  which  give  a  great  flash,  and 
crack  at  the  first,  but  soon  after  go  out  in  a  stink  ! 

42.  Matthew  Hutton,  archbishop  of  York,  ended  Tbe  dewh 


his  religious  life;  descended  from  an  ancient  family inthop 
of  Ilutton  Hall  (as  I  take  it)  in  Lancashire,  fellow 
of  Trinity  College  in  Cambridge,  (to  the  enlarging 
whereof  he  gave  an  hundred  marks,)  afterwards 
master  of  Pembroke  Hall,  and  Margaret  professor, 
then  bishop  of  Durham  and  archbishop  of  York. 
One  of  the  last  times  that  ever  he  preached  in  his 
cathedral  was  on  this  occasion :  the  catholics  in 
Yorkshire  were  commanded  by  the  queen's  autho- 
rity to  be  j)resent  at  three  sermons,  and  at  the  two 
first  behaved  themselves  so  obstreperously,  that  some 
of  them  were  force<l  to  be  gagged  before  they  would 
Ix"  quiet;  the  archbishop  preached  the  last  sermon 

P  [33r(l  Jttn.  1606      See  Joornalt  of  the  Com.  I.  p.  258.] 

A  a  8 

.S.i()  The  Churt'h  History  book  i. 

rioc.  most  f)rravoly  and  solidly,  taking  for  his  text  John 
viii.  47,  //<*  tft^t  is  ofOfnl  heareth  fMfpd\s  trfprdx;  yr 
f/in'f'Jttrf  hvnr  thnn  nnt^  bvcanse  i/e  are  not  of  G*^. 

i"i»-  43.  I  lore  I  must  clear  tlio  nii^morv  of  this  worthv 
]m*latc  from  a  mistake  eommitted  (surely  not  wiK 
fully,  but  through  false  intelligent^)  hy  a  jK»n  other- 
wise* more  ingenuous,  and  pmfessing  resjKH-t  to  hinu 
and  some  familiaritv  with  him. 

Sir  John  Harrington,  in  \\\}^  Additional  to  bishop 
Godwin,  page  192  =  25.3  : 

"  [This  archhishop]  his  eldest  son  is  a  knight  of 
••  fair  livinjr,  and  now  or  latelv  sherift*  of  Yorksthin*. 
^  and  of  good  re}mtation.  One  other  son  he  had. 
*^  that  an  ill  life  brought  to  a  worve  end  :  his  name 
''  was  Luke  Ilutton.  so  valiant  that  he  feared  not 
*' men  nor  laws;  and  for  a  niblnTV  done  on  St. 
^  liuke's  day,  (for  name*s  sake,)  he  diinl  as  liad  i 
*'  death  (I  hope  with  a  better  mind)  than  the  thief 
**  of  whom  St.  liuke  writes.  The  arehbishop  shewed 
•'  hen»in  that  eonstanev  and  si»veritv  worthv  of  hi« 
*^  plaee;  for  he  would  not  endeavour  to  Have  him, 
'*  the  world  tlicMight,  he  easily  might." 

Thr  Truth. 

'V\\\^  worthy  pndate  had  but  thn*e  sons:  i.  3 
\ihr)  diiMl  young;  ii.  Sir  Timothy  Ilutton,  knighted 
anno  1G(K3.  and  slieritf  of  Yorkshire;  iii.  Sir  TliomaK 
Ilutton,  knight,  who  live«l  and  ilied  also  res|iected  in 
his  own  rountrv.  An  f«»r  this  Luke  Ilutton,  he  was 
not  hi**,  but  Mill  t«»  doctor  Ilutton,  prelnaidarr  of 

This  arelilii**liop  was  a  IranuMl  man.  exrt^ptetl  even 
by  a  Ji»snit,  <\\lio  wrote  in  di^gniee  of  the  Knglish, 
as  neghrting  the  n*ading  of  fathers,)  and  another 

cKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  867 

Matthew  more,  (jui  unus  in  paucis  versare  ptitres a.v.  160$, 
dieitur  ^,     He  founded  an  hospital  in  the  north,  and  }  "°^' 
endowed  it  with   the  yearly  revenue  of  thirty-five 

44.  Two  other  bishops  this  year  also  ended  their  The  death 
lives :  in  March,  John  Young,  doctor  in  divinity,  once  Mtbopt  or 
master  of  Pembroke  Hall  in  Cambridge,  bishop  of .nd  cw- 
Rochester,  in  which  see  he  sat  above  twenty-seven***^' 
years  ^ ;  and  Anthony  Watson,  fellow  of  Christ's  Col- 

Ii»ge  in  Cambridge,  first  dean  of  Bristol,  and  afterwards 
bishop  of  Chichester,  whom  queen  Elizabeth  made 
her  almoner,  namely,  after  bishop  Fletcher,  at  whose 
indiscTcet  second  marriage  the  queen  took  distaste. 
Bishop  Watson  died  in  September,  and  always  led  a 
single  life. 

45.  F'ather  Henry  Garnet  was  now  most  solemnly  Oamec't 
and  ceremoniously  bnnight  to  the  sc*atfold;  who,aiideeriy 
because  he  is  cried  up  by  the  papists  for  so  precious 
a  piece  of  piety,  we  will  be  the  larger  in  the  deli- 
yery  of  his  true  character;  for,  although  we  will  not 
cast  dirt  on  the  foulest  face,  it  is  fit  we  should  wash 
off  the  paint  of  counterfeit  holiness  from  the  hypo- 
critical pretenders  thereunto.  Bre<l  he  was  in  Win- 
chester Si'hool,  wht^re,  with  some  other  scholars,  he 
conspireil  to  cut  off  his  schoolmaster's  (Bilson's) 
right  hand  ^  (early  his  enmity  against  authority 
n*tronching  his  riot,)  but  that  his  design  was  dis- 
covc.timI.  Being  prepositor  of  the  school,  whose 
frown  or  favour  was  considerable  to  those  under  his 

'•  [Cainpian,  in  his  X.  Ra-         *  Attested  by  bishop  Bilson, 

tiones,  p.  71.]  of  Winchester,  alive  at  Garnet's 

r  Set'  hinhop  Godwin  in  his  death,  and  many  years  after. 

C'ataloinie.  [p.  539.     Hi*  died  See  Robert  Abbot  in  his  Anti- 

iii  April.]  logia,  Epistle  to  the  Reader. 

Aa  3 

858  Tin  Church  History  BOOi  x. 

A.  D.  iro6.  inspection,  he  scHloniitically  abused  five  or  six  of  the 
4  ww%.  handsomest  youths  therein  ^     Ilereujion  his  school- 
master  advised  liini,  yea,  he  advised  himself,  rather 
silentlv  to  slink  awav,  than  to  stand  candidate  for  a 
n»pulse  in  his  prefennent  to  New  College.     Over  he 
fled  to   Home,  where,  after  some  years,  he  so  im- 
proved himself,  that  from  a  prepositor  over  boys  he 
was  made  provincial  over  men,  even  the  whole  order 
of  English  Jesuits  ". 
^^rr^       *6.  Hence  he  n»tumed  into  England  *,  and  was 
Tower  by   not  Only  prfvy  to,  but  a  princi|)al  plotter  of  the 
tcatant       (luupowdcr  Treasou.    Ik'ing  attache<l  and  imprisoned 
•"""^      in  the  Tower,  the  earl  of  Salisbury  and  Dr.  Overall 
dean  of  St.  Paul's,  with  other  divines,  repaired  unto 
him,  charging  it  on  his  conscience  for  not  rev€?aliDf 
so  dang(Tous  a  conspiracy.     Garnet  pleaded  for  him- 
K*lf  that   it  was   concreilited  unto  him  under  the 
solemn  seal  of  confession,  the  violation  whereof  he 
accounted  the  highest  impiety.     This  they  disproved, 
because  he  had  disc'oursed   thereof  frequently  and 
publiclv  with  C'atesbv,  fJeranl,  and   Greenwood  — 
cin*umstances  inconsistent  with  the  essential  secrecv 
of  confession.     Cianiet  sought  to  salve  himself  vrith 
a  tin(*  distinction,  (so  fine  that  it  brake  to  pieces  in 
the  spinning.)  that  it  was  told  him  in  via  ad  ron- 
fessinnnn — in   onler    to    confc^ssion ;  which«  though 
wanting  some  formalities  thereof,  did  equally  oblige 
his  conscience  to  c*onceal  it. 
(-«mrfl«iiiiii       47.  I)4»an  Overall  n'joineiK  that  confession  was  of 
aah'  facts,  not  post  facts;  and  that  it  is  not  roD- 

<  [AlilMtt.  ill.]  '*  ric«>  (rameto  Jeftuita  prodi« 

*•  [*' Aiitilii^iiiailrcrhiiH  A|M>-  **  ton*.'*     Ijond   410.   1613.] 

**  lii^iam    Aiiilrfu'    Kiiila'iiioii-         >  [101586.    8ee  WwiruodL 

'*  Julunni*  JvBuiUe  pru  lieu,  ib.] 

CENT.  XTii.  of  Britain,  859 

fesBion,  but  menacing,  to  impart  to  a  priest  intended  a.  d.  1606. 
▼illanies.  He  fiurther  urged  that  their  most  con-  ^  "°^ 
scientious  casuists  allowed,  yea,  even  enjoined,  priests 
discovery  in  such  case,  when  a  greater  good  accrued 
by  revealing  than  concealing  such  secrecies.  **  I 
"  was  minded,"  quoth  Garnet,  "  to  discover  the  plot, 
••  but  not  the  persons  therein," 

48.  Here  the  earl  of  Salisbury  interposed :  **  And  Ei^H  or 
**  who,"  said  he,  ^'hindered  you  from  discovering  theqawdon 


••  plot  r  **  Even  you  yourself,"  answered  Garnet ; 
•*  for  I  knew  full  well,  should  I  have  revealed  the 
plot  and  not  the  plotters,  you  would  have  racked 
this  poor  body  of  mine  to  pieces,  to  make  me 
•*  confess."  And  now  we  have  mentioned  the  rack, 
know  that  never  any  rack  was  used  on  Garnet, 
except  a  wit-rack,  wherewith  he  was  worsted,  and 
this  cunning  archer  outshot  in  his  own  bow ;  for, 
being  in  prison  with  father  Oldcome,  alias  Hall, 
his  confessor,  they  were  put  into  an  equivocating 
room  y,  as  I  may  term  it,  which  pretended  nothing 
but  privacy,  yet  had  a  reservation  of  some  invisible 
I>erson8  within  it,  earwitncsses  to  all  the  passages 
lietwixt  them,  whereby  many  secrecies  of  Garnet's 
were  discovered. 

49.  In   Guildhall   he  was   arraigned  before   the  OariMi  life 
Ir)nl  mayor  and  the  lords  of  the  privy  council ;  sir!!^2luyBd 
Baptist  Hicks  (afterwards  viscount  Camden)  being JJJJ^ 
foreman  of  the  jury,  consisting  of  knights,  esquires, 
and  the  most  substantial  citizens,  whose  integrities 
and  abilities  were  al>ove  exception.     I  see  therefore 
no   cause  why  the   defender   of  Garnet,  after  his 
death,  accuseth  those  men  as  incompetent  or  im« 

y  Abbot  in  Antilogia,  c.  1,  f.  15. 

A  a  4 


The  Chnrrh  HUtnry 


y>.)>roprr  Tor  tlieir  place,  as  if  he  would  have  hail  him 
!L  tried  pfr  /tarrs^  by  a  jury  of  Jesuits,  (and  woukl  he 
have  them  all  provincials  too?)  wliich  I  believe, 
thou<rh  snnnnoned.  would  unwillingly  have  appeared 
in  that  place,  (laniet,  pleading  little  against  prvg* 
nant  proofs,  was  condemned,  and  8<tme  days  after 
publicly  executed  in  St.  Paul's  churchyanl. 

50.  The  secri'tary  of  the  Spanish  ambassador*  (for 

'    we  charitably  lK»Iieve  his  master  hcmester  and  wiser,) 

writing  into  Spain  and  Italy  what  here  he  took  upon 

hi'arsay,  filled  foreign  countries  with  many  falsehoods 

concerning  (iarnet  s  death  ;  as  namely. 

1.  That  he  niunifesti*il 
much  ahicritv  of  mind,  in 
the  cheerfiiliioMH  o(  his  I<N>ks 
ttt  hJH  death. 

2.  His  zeiilouH  and  fer- 
ViMit  prayers  much  moved 
the  |K.*4>|»lo. 

3.  Tlie  |H*o|iIe  hindered 
the  hangnail  from  cuttinfr 
the  ro|H*  and  quartering  him 
H'hiU*  alive. 

4.  Th«*  |M*«>|»le  M)  clawed 
the  executioner,  that  he 
hardly  enca|M*d  with  life. 

5.  When  he  held  up 
(tariiet\  head  to  the  |K*<i|ile, 
there  Him  a  panic  Ml«*iice, 
none  ii;iyin^,  "  (iinI  H.ire  the 
"  kin^; !" 

1.  He  betrayed  nock 
Rervile  fear  and  cuiut«nw» 
tton  of  iipirit»  much  bencatk 
the  erected  molutioo  of  a 

2.  II iM  prayers  were  lauit, 
cold,  and  |KTplezed,  uft  in* 
terrupti*d  with  his  luteniag 
to  and  aniiwering  uf  oCkera. 

3.  Tliat  favour,  by  special 
order  from  his  majeslj,  was 
mercifully  indulged  ubIo 

4.  No  violence  was 
unto  hinij  able  manr  ti 
after  to  |pve  a  east  of  his 
oHice,  if  need  required. 

5.  Acclamations  in  tlut 
kind  were  as  hmd  and  gppne- 
ral  ait  hen*tufore  un  tW 
same  occasion. 

Thus  MitVereil  father  (Sarnet;  after  whone  demlh 
fionie  buhtle  |»erhons  have  im|mdently  broached,  and 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  861 

other    silly   people   senselessly  believed,  a   certain  a. d.  1607. 

miracle  of  his  working,  which  we  here  relate  as  we 

find  it  reported : 

51.  John  Wilkinson,  a  thoroucrhpaced  catholic,  The  loiemn 

tabt  <^  Oat- 

living  at  8t.  Omers,  posted  over  into  England,  aSncc*titimw 
having  a  great  desire  to  get  and  keep  some  of  Grar-"'*'**^ 
net's  relics.  Great  was  his  diligence  in  coming 
early  l>efore  others  to  the  place  of  his  execution, 
which  advantaged  him  near  to  Garnet's  person,  and 
greater  his  patience  in  staying  till  all  was  ended 
and  the  rest  of  the  people  departed ;  when,  behold ! 
a  straw  besprinkled  with  some  drops  of  his  blood, 
and  having  an  ear  of  com  at  the  end  thereof,  leaped 
up  on  this  Wilkinson ' — not  taking  the  rise  of  its 
leap  frcjm  the  ground,  he  was  sure,  but  whether 
from  the  scaftold,  or  from  the  basket  wherein  Gar- 
iirt's  head  was,  he  was  uncertain.  Was  not  this 
Wilkinson  made  of  jeat,  that  he  drew  this  straw  so 
wonderfully  unto  him  ?  Well,  however  it  came  to 
pass,  joyfully  he  departs  with  this  treasure,  and 
deposits  the  same  with  the  wife  of  Hugh  Griffith,  a 
tailor,  (a  zealot  of  his  own  religion,)  who  provided  a 
crystal  case  for  the  more  chary  keeping  thereof. 

52.  Some  weeks  after,  upon  serious  inspection  of  ChuiMt*^ 
this  straw,  the  face  of  a  man  (and  we  must  believe appeuv  in 
it  was  Garnet's)  was  perceived  therein,  appearing*  "^^^^ 
on  the   outside  of  a  leaf  which  covere<l   a   grain 
within  it,  and  where  the  convexity  thereof  repre- 
sented the   prominency  of  the  fiw^e  with  good  ad- 
vantage.    Wilkinson,  Hugh  Griffith  and  his  wife, 
Tliomas  Laithwaith,  and  others,  beheld  the  same. 

'  Abbot,  ib.  fol.  198,  out  of    story  is  taken,  with  the  con- 
whom,  for  the  main,  all   this    futation  thereof. 

S612  The  Church  History  moi  &. 

n.  I (io;.  though  there  l>e  Home  (lifference  in  their  dcpositioos 

'""*'^'   whoso  eyes  had  tlie  first  happiness  to  discover  this 

portraiture.     Soon  after,  ail  England  was  belitteivd 

with  tlie  news  of  this  straw,  and  catholics  cried  it 

up  for  no  less  tlian  a  miracle. 

^v^-         53.  There  are  two  infallible  touchstones  of  a  true 

tiv  don6« 

miracle,  which  always  is  done  ^Oiw^f  preseni/jf,  aod 
reXciwg,  perfectly.  Neither  of  these,  on  examination, 
appeared  here;  for  when  this  straw  salient  leaped 
first  up  into  Wilkinson's  lap,  it  is  to  bo  presumed 
that  he,  having  it  so  long  in  his  i>ossession,  criticallj 
surveye<l  the  same,  the  volume  whereof  might 
quickly  be  penised  ;  and  yet  then  no  such  effigiatioo 
was  therein  discovered,  which  some  nineteen  weeks 
after  bei^ame  visible,  about  the  nineteenth  of  i$ep- 
tember  following.  Surely  liad  this  pregnant  straw 
gone  out  its  full  time  of  forty  weeks,  it  would  have 
been  delivere<l  of  a  |)erfect  picture  indeeil ;  wherptA. 
now  miscarrying  In^fore  that  time,  wonder  not  if  all 
things  were  not  so  complete  therein. 
I  per.  54.  For  the  face  therein  was  not  so  exact  as 
*  *'™^"  which  might  justly  entitle  heaven  to  the  workman- 
ship thereof.  Say  not  it  was  done  in  too  small  a 
s<*antling  to  Ix*  accurate;  for  IJeus  est  maximus  la 
minimis — (iodV  exipiisiteness  apiH'ars  the  mo$t  in 
ni(Nl(*ls  **.  Whereas,  when  witnesses  were  examined 
about  this  niock-niiracle  before  the  archbishop  of 
(*aiittTbury,  Fnincis  Mow«*n  deposetl  that  he  beKeved 
that  a  good  artizan  might  have  drawn  one  more 
curii»usly;  un«l  Hugh  (iriHith  himself  attested  thai 
it  was  no  inon*  lik«*  (larnrt  than  to  any  other  man 
who  had  a  lK*ard ;  and  that  it  was  S4)  small,  uooe 

*  Kxudutt  viii.  i8. 


of  Britain, 


could  affirm  it  to  resemble  him ;  adding,  moreover,  a.  d.  1607. 
that  there  ^vas  no  glory  or  streaming  rays  about  it,  -^  *°^' 
which  some  did  impudently  report  ^. 

55.  However,  this  inspirited  straw  was  afterward  OwimCs 
copicd  out,  and  at  Rome  printed  in  pomp,  withtioaocia. 
many  superstitious  copartments  about  it — as  a  coro-thitmodu 
net,  a  cross,  and  nails,  more  than  ever  were  in  the 
original.  Yea,  this  miracle,  how  silly  and  simple 
soever,  gave  the  groundwork  to  Gamet*s  beatifica- 
tion by  the  pope  some  months  after.  Indeed  Garnet 
complaineii  before  his  death  that  he  could  not 
ex]>ect  That  the  church  should  own  him  for  a  martyr, 
and  signified  the  same  in  his  letter  to  his  dear  mis- 
tress Anne,  (but  for  her  surname  call  her  Garnet  or 
Vaux  ^  as  you  please,)  because  nothing  of  religion 
and  only  practices  against  the  state  were  laid  to  his 
charge.  It  seemed  good,  therefore,  to  his  holiness 
not  to  canonize  Garnet  for  a  solemn  saint,  much  less 
for  a  martyr,  but  only  to  beatificate  him ;  which,  if 
I  mistake  not,  in  their  heavenly  heraldry,  is  by  papists 
accounted  the  least  and  lowest  degree  of  celestial 
dignity,  and  yet  a  step  above  the  commonalty  or 
ordinary  sort  of  such  good  men  as  are  saved.  Tliis 
he  did  to  qualify  the  infamy  of  Garnet's  death,  and 
that  the  i>erfume  of  this  new  title  might  outscent 

^  [The  Jesuits  carried  this 
ahHiirdity  to  very  frreat  lengths. 
In  Spain  a  painter  was  em- 
ployed to  make  divers  pictures 
of  Garnet,  uith  this  inscription 
written  underneath  :  '*  Hemrivo 
'•  (iamctt,  Inglet  Martomado 
••  m  Ixmdres,'*  he.  See  Win- 
w(N>d,  II.  300.  At  Rome  his 
statue  was  placed  in  the  church 
of   the  Jesuits,   among  other 

martyrs  of  that  society.  See 
Bemardin.  Oeraldus,  Patavi. 
nus,  in  his  Apologia  pro  Senate 
Veneto,  or  Renati  Verds^i  Sta- 
tera,  (Lugduni  1637,  iamo») 
p.  1 27,  where  the  whole  passage 
IS  quoted  at  lengtli.] 

c  [She  fins  one  of  the  aunts 
to  lord  Vaux  of  Harrowden  in 
Warwickshire,  according  to 
Lingmrd,  Hist.  VI.  48,  n.] 


364  The  Chnrvh  Hisiory  bch>i  x. 

7.  tlio  stcMich  of  liis  treason.     But  wt»  loavr  this  (lanift 
-  (lotli  loniror  to  disturb  his  hlosscMliie^^^)  in  his  «iwn 
phior,  and  |»roo(*od  to  suoh  (*lnin*h  matters  as  vivro 
transartrd  in  tliis  prc'Si^nt  parliament. 

56.  Kvil  manners  prove  often  (thou^rh  against 
tlieir  will)  the  parents  of  jrood  laws,  as  here  it  (*amo 
''to  pass.  Tlie  parliament,  be;nm  and  holden  at  Wcsit- 
1  minster  the  fifth  of  November,  and  there  oontinue«l 
till  the  t\vi»nty-s(»venth  of  May  followinjf,  enacti*«I 
many  thinjrs  for  the  disc-overin;^  and  repressing  i»f 
})opisli  n*eus:uitsy  extant  at  largo  in  the  print4*«l 
statutes;  when'of  nont*  was  more  efliH*tual  than 
that  oath  of  obedien<*e  which  everv  eathulic  wa» 
eommanded  to  take,  the  form  whereof  is  here  in- 
serted ;  the  nither,  because  this  oath  niav  ho  tormeti 
(like  two  of  Isiuic's  wells,  AVA'  and  Sitnah  "*)  Con- 
tention and  Hatred,  the  subjei*t  of  a  tough  cnntnv 
v(*rsy  lK*twixt  us  and  Konu%  about  the  legal  urging 
and  taking  th<'nM>f, — protestants  no  less  leanie<llT 
asserting,  than  papists  did  zealously  op|M)so  the 
Kune  •*. 

Tht\fnnn  nf  itliirh  Oath  is  nsfitlhweth  '; 

'*  I,  A.B.,  do  tndy  and  sincerely  aeknowliHlgp, 
"  profrss,  tt»stifv,  and  ckrlare  in  mv  coniKrience 
*'  bffon*  (mmI  and  the  world,  that  our  sovereign  lonl 
*'  king  James  is  lawftd  and  rightful  king  of  thiii 
"  realm,  and  of  all  other  his  maji'sty's  dominions 
'^  and  countri(*s;  and  that  the  po|HS  neither  of  him- 
**  M'lf  nor  by  any  authority  of  the  chundi  or  imx*  of 

^  (iiMi.  xw'\   io.  :i.  iiiittcHl    tti    arrhliUhiip    Abbil 

<*     [  \i-ci trill  11;;    til     ljin^:iril,  aiid  sir  ('liristii|»lit*r   FerkiiiK  m 

(lliiil.  iif   Kiij^.   VI.    ^N/,)    tlu-  riiiifiiriniii^  Ji*fiiiit  ] 
fniiiiiiiK  uf  thiA  tuth  Wiu  trmiu         '  [Wilkin*  Cone.  IV.  4^5.] 



CKinT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  865 

^  Rome,  or  by  any  other  means  with  any  other,  hath  a.d.  1607. 
^  any  power  or  authority  to  depose  the  king,  or  to 
dispose  any  of  his  m^jesty*s  kingdoms  or  dominions,  '^ 
or  to  authorize  any  foreign  prince  to  invade  or 
annoy  him  or  his  countries,  or  to  discharge  any  of 
his  subjects  of  their  allegiance  and  obedience  to 
**  his  majesty,  or  to  give  licence  or  leave  to  any  of 
^  them  to  bear  arms,  raise  tumult,  or  to  oflfer  any 
**  violence  or  hurt  to  his  majesty's  royal  person, 
state,  or  government,  or  to  any  of  his  mBQeskfn 
subjects  within  his  majesty's  dominions. 
'*  Also  I  do  swear  from  my  heart,  that  notwith- 
standing any  declaration  or  sentence  of  excommu- 
nication or  deprivation  made  or  granted,  or  to  be 
made  or  granted,  by  the  pope  or  his  successors,  or 
by  any  authority  derived  or  pretended  to  be  de- 
rived from  him  or  his  see,  against  the  said  king, 
his  heirs  or  successors,  or  any  absolution  of  the 
said  subjects  from  their  obedience,  I  will  bear  fidth 
and  true  allegiance  to  his  mqesty,  his  heirs  and 
successors,  and  him  and  them  will  defend  to  the 
uttermost  of  my  power  against  all  conqpifades  and 
attempts  whatsoever  which  shall  be  made  against 
his  or  their  persons,  their  crown  and  dignity,  by 
reason  or  colour  of  any  such  sentence  or  deolip 
ration,  or  otherwise,  and  will  do  my  best  endeft- 
**  vour  to  disclose  and  make  known  unto  his  migesty, 
^  his  heirs  and  successors,  all  treasons  and  traitorous 
"*  conspiracies  which  I  shall  know  or  hear  of,  to  be 
against  him  or  any  of  them. 

And  I  do  farther  swear,  that  I  do  from  my 

heart  abhor,  detest,  and  abjure  as  impioos  and 

heretical,  this   damnable  doctrine  and  position, 

that  princes  which  be  azeommimiMted  or  d»- 







366  The  Church  History  mxhi  i. 

D.  1607. ''  privcMl  by  tlio  |>o|>e  may  be  dofiosecl  or  murdered 
'*"^'   "  by  thiMF  Hiilyoots,  or  any  other  whatsoever.* 

"And  T  do  iHdiove,  and  in  conscience  am  resolved, 
''  that  neither  tlie  pope  nor  any  {lerson  whatsoever 
''  hati)  power  to  absolve  me  of  this  oath,  or  any 
'^  {Mirt  thereof,  whicli  I  acknowledge  by  good  and 
^'  full  authority  to  l>e  lawfully  ministcriHl  unto  me, 
^*  and  do  rtMiounee  all  pardons  and  disiiensations  to 
''  the  contrar>\  And  all  these  things  I  do  plainly 
'*  and  sincerely  acknowledge  and  swear,  according 
''  to  these  express  words  by  me  spoken,  and  ac- 
''  conling  to  the  plain  and  common  sense  and  un- 
*'  derstanding  of  the  i<ame  words,  without  any  equi- 
'*  vocation  or  mental  evasion,  or  secret  reservation 
*'  whatsoever.  And  I  do  make  this  recognition  and 
**  acknowledgment  heartily,  willingly,  and  truly, 
''  upon  the  true  faith  of  a  Christian,  ^^o  help  me 

Tliis  oath  was  devised   to  discriminate  the  per- 
nicious  from    the   fK^aceable   papists — ^^sure  bind, 
"  sun»  find ;"  and  the   makers  of  this  were  nece^ 
hitated   to  l)e  larger  thi'rein,  because*  it  is  hard  to 
stnin;rle  e<|uiv<K*ation,  which,  if  unable  by  might  to 
break,  will  endeavour  by  sleight  to  slip  the  halter. 
ppufi*        57.   Nu  sooner  did  the  news  thereof  arrive  at  the 
in        eari  of  his  holiness,  but   pn^siMitly  he  di8|iatcheth 
if»i  ti.u  1^.^  |,rc.vo  into   Knglaud  ^  prohibiting  all  catholics 
to  take  this  oath,  so  destructive  to  tlieir  own  fiouk 
and  the  S4*e  of  Itome;  exhorting  them  |iatiently  to 

K  [Tilt*  tir^t  ii  («nl  iiiid  430.  f mm  Fou lit*  Romish  TrtA- 

.S*|it.  U>of>,  and  tlit*  otlivr  tlu*  umii,  UniIc  X.  3.] 
33nl  Au^.   i'>o7.      licith    aro         ^  St*f*  king  Jann hia Workib 

printed  in  Wilkin*'  Ccinc.  II.  p.  250.  [ed.  1616.  ibiio.] 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  367 

suflfer  iHjreecution,  and  manfully  to  endure  martyr- a. d.  1607. 

dom  *.    And  because  report  was  raised  that  the  i>ope 

wrote  this  breve  "  not  of  his  own  accord  and  proper 
willy  but  rather  for  the  re8i)ect  and  at  the  instigation 
of  others,"  next  year  he  sent  a  second,  to  give  faith 
and  confirmation  to  the  former  ^.  Notwithstanding 
all  which,  this  oath,  being  tendered  to,  was  gene- 
rally taken  by  catholics,  without  any  scruple  or 
regret ;  and  particularly,  (Jeorge  Blackwell,  arch- 
priest  of  the  English,  being  apprehended  and  cast 
into  prison,  by  taking  this  oath  WTOUght  his  own 
enlargement :  which  made  canlinal  Bellamiine  (some 
forty  years  ago  acquainted  with  him)  in  his  Letters' 
kindly  to  rt'prove  him  for  the  same. 

58.  And  now,  the  alarm  being  given,  whether P«w tiWi^ 
this  oath  was  lawful  or  no,  both  partita  of  protest- ftimit  the 
ants  and  papists  drew  forth  their  forces  into  theofuusoMh. 
field.  King  James  undertook  the  ]K)i)e  himself — 
the  wc»arer  of  three  against  the  wearer  of  a  triple 
crown,  (an  even  match,)— effectually  confuting  his 
brevets ;  bishop  Andrews  takes  Bellarmine  to  task ; 
bishop  Barlow  {>our8  out  upon  Parsons ;  doctor 
Morton,  doctor  Robert  Abbot,  doctor  Buckeridge, 
doctor  Collins,  doctor  Burrel,  master  Tomson,  doctor 
Peter  Moulin,  maintain  the  legality  of  the  oath* 
against  Suarez,  Kuda^mon,  Becanus,  Cofteteus,  Pe- 
leterius,  and  others;  to  whose  worthy  works  the 
reader  is  rt»ferred  for  his  farther  satisfiEu;tion.  I 
may  call  at,  not  go  into  these  controversies,  lest,  by 
staying  so  long,  I  be  benighted  in  my  way ;  the 
rather,  because  the  nearer  wo  approach  our  home. 

-    [Sec    Carte's    Hint.    III.         k  ExUnt.  ibid.  p.  258. 
7B2.]  I  Extant,  ibid.  p.  a6o. 

368  The  Church  History  of  Britain.  bcm>k  x, 


A.i>.  1607.  the  loii^r  the  miles  gniw; — I  mean,  matter  mo)- 
tiplieth  towanl  the  eonchision  of  our  work.  And 
now  it  is  not  worth  the  while  to  go  into  tho  con- 
teniporar)'  convocation,  where  we  meet  witli  nothinf 
but  romialitv  and  continuations  *". 


^    [Not    tlie    leant    among  "  those  which  are  (»f  the  Ro. 

these   wax  Dr.  Donne/  in  his  "  man  religion  in  this  enontrr 

work  entitloil*' Pseudo-Martyr;  *'  mav  and  cynght  to  take  the 

'*  wherein,  out  of  certain  pro-  **  oatli  of  allegianoe.      Load. 

*'  positions  and  gnidaticms  this  "  1610."] 
**  conclusion  is  evicted. — that 

SECT.  m. 

T  H  O  M  .¥s      D  A  C  R  E  S, 



AudiMi  i(Ppius  de  rotunda  taMa,  qitam  Wintania  jactitut: 
hanc  repern  Arthurum  instituisge  ferunt ;  lie  inter  militet 
eJM  dlscunibentes  aliquid  discorditJB  ob  TTpiaroKoOtdpCcLV 

Aoftl  f/u(des  tdim  Uhri  fueriiii  cum  in  gyrutn  ratarentur, 
Illnr  adhuc  infer  Latinos  rolumen  a  wlvendo  ohtinet. 
Xi/iil  ipifitr  infereft  quo  ordine  patroni  mei  collocewtur^ 
rum  in  rirruhri  forma  inffT  primnm  et  imum  nihil  $it 
di$rri  minis, 

Sfd  quorsum  hwc !  Cum  penus  tnum^  licet  tplendidumy  (f^nta 
*st  comifaSy  qua'  te  illusfrem  reddidit)  non/astuase  consulas. 
Tihi  inii  n  in  prosjyrra .      Val**. 

•»  [Arms.  Arjffiit,  h  chevron 
sablf  lH»twtH»ii  three  torteaux 
cliar^ed  with  oh  many  Hcalopn 
of  the  first. 

Kldi'Ht  M>n  of  hir  ThoiniiM 
DacrcN,  of  CheMhiint»  knight, 
;in(l  Martha  daughter  of  Tho. 
mas  Hhneh,  Esq.,  of  LiU 
fonl  ill  the  county  of  North- 
am  ptcMi.  He  married  Eliza- 
iH'th  daughter  of  sir  Robert 
Austen,  hart.,  of  lk*xley  in 
Kent.  In  1614  he  was  nhe* 
riff  of  the  county,  and  in  1660 

M'l.i.F.K,  vol..  V. 

nominated  for  oneof  the  knighu 
of  the  Royal  Oak.  Probably 
for  the  zeal  and  bravery  shewn 
l)y  himself  and  his  family  in 
defence  of  the  royal  cause. 
(See  Lloyd's  Worthies,  p.  682.) 
Several  of  this  fiimily  enjoyed 
the  dignity  of  sheriffs  in  their 
county,  (set*  further  the  Pisgah 
Sight,  p.  408,  and  the  Worthies, 
II.  62, 64,)  and  were  connected 
by  marriage  with  the  family  of 
the  celebrated  sir  Roliert  At- 


S70  Tfir  Ckttixtt  Uhtmy  looi ». 

:  inny  remember  that  one  of  the  befl 
ttiiiij;^  produced  by  Hani))toii  Couit 
i-oiitV-rt'iu-c  was  a  resolution  in  hi* 
I  innjcHty  tnr  n  new  tranHJation  of  the 
'  Dilile  :  which  n'lifrioiis  desi^ni  was  nnv 
eflectiinlly  |inis<>(-tit('il.  and  the  tmi)slator«.  lirinif 
seven  ami  forty  in  nuinher,  digested  into  six  rom- 
iranii-s,  and  scvcnil  }iook«  assij^ned  them,  in  onU-r 
at)  toDoweth,  iiccordin};  unto  (he  wveral  |daci"> 
wherein  tliey  were  to  meet,  eonfer,  and  con.'^lt 
tofrether;  so  that  nothin^r  Hhouhl  |>as8  without  i 
genenil  eonsent '". 

WEsrrMISSTER  10. 

Till-  Peninffurh  :  the  Story  from  Jnxhiia  to  the  tir*t 
litHtk  iiffhf  Chrouiclex,  ej-dimirely. 

Dr.  [Lancehit^  An<Irews.  fellow  and  manter  of 
Peinhntke  Hull  in  ('ainhrir)gc;  then  deaii  of  West- 
minster; iifti-r  )>isho|i  of  AVinehwter. 

Dr.  [.Ifihn]  Ovenill.  fellow  of  Trinity  CoUep*. 
ninsti-r  of  Kiitheriiie  Hull  in  C;mibridp;e ;  thou  dean 
of  St.  Paul's :  after  liishoi.  of  N<»rwicli. 

Dr.    Ihiilriiiini"]  Saniviiu  [D.  I>.  of  Lt'yden.l 

Dr.  Clarke,  fellow  of  Christ  College  in  Cambridge. 
jiniicluT  in  Canterbury. 

<'    [Sr  ilif   kiiii;\    ItltiT   I-  i>.T«.ii%;t'«)  skill  m 

■  ))■'  liMiii]!  .if  l.'iiiil Hi;:riih-  ili.'  ili-iirfumiillim-k  tungur^ 

iiiL-  hi.  jiliifun-  Ihiil  nlu-iii'ivt  tli:it     \\n-\     ta*\    1h*     Mrnntli 

uii>   lur^uiM.:.-  >-i  ).rr)>. ml   (Vil  .-li.irp-il  t'n  M'litt  >ucL  cb^rrrk. 

iHiMiK  in  till' |'r..vjiiit- .if  Vi.rk  limiii   iin   thfv  mav   limvv  nwk 

..r   «  .ii.t.Tl.iir>.    ii    -li....!.!    t-  tli>T.'<i|M.n   t.'.  .Mr  UvAi.  lit. 

rt'MTii->l  t'.ir  ■  •<<  till-  tifti-  lliiriltri^.  IT  Dr.  Alidrvm'.ilrM 

r.nir  ,--r...ii, ,  i,.j.I..i.-.l  >i.  umI^.  ..f  Wf^mit.rtif .     Uawd.  aiarf 

Lliii):  till'  llilili-i  .iiiil.-tij-.iiiiti;;  .liilt.    ttK,^.      Wilkin*    t'MK. 

Ill,-  ).i.l>..|»   (..  M-.-k  ..ui   .udi  I\.  p.  407-] 


of  Britain. 


Dr.  [John]   Laifield,  fellow  of  Trinity  College  in  a.  d.  1607. 

Cambridge,  parson  of  St.  Clement  Danes.     Being 

skilled  in  architecture,  his  judgment  was  much 
relied  on  for  the  fabric  of  the  Tabernacle  and 

Dr.  Leigh,  archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  parson  of 
A  llhallows-Barking. 

Master  [Francis]  Burgley. 

Mr.  King. 

Mr.  Thompson. 

Mr.  [William]  Bedwell,  of  Cambridge,  and  (I 
think)  of  St.  John*8,  vicar  of  Tottenham  nigh  Lon- 
don ^. 

Cambridge  8. 

From  the  first  of  the  Chronicle^\  with  the  rest  0/  the 
Story,  and  the  Hagiographa^  riz.  Job,  Psalms^ 
Proverbs^  Canticles,  Ecclesiastes. 

Master  [Edward]  Lively,  [Hebrew  reader  at 

Mr.  [John]  Richardson,  fellow  of  Emmanuel ;  after 
D.  D.  Master  first  of  Peter  House,  then  of  Trinity 

Mr.  [Laurence]  Chaderton,  after  D.  D.  Fellow 
first  of  Christ  College,  then  master  of  Emmanuel. 

Wood  My«,  (Ath.  III.  329,) 
that  he  u'as  the  only  person 
in  England  with  wliom  the 
profession  of  Arabic  then  re- 
mained.  lie  died  alMmt  16324 
and  has  written  some  nrcount 
of  Tottenham.  Amon^;  other 
lalmum,  he  iiaiiisted  Petro  Soave 
in  his  historr  of  the  Council 
of  Trent,  according  to  Lilly. 
Life,  p.  34.  See  also  Parr's 
Tsher,  Liters,  pp.  11,  12.] 


<  [He  was  a  considerable 
Araliic  scholar ,  and  employed 
to  tnuiMJate  the  letters  Kent  from 
the  KuHt  to  king  James.  Some 
of  his  Inters  are  still  preserved 
in  the  Rmlleian.  See  Tanner's 
MS.  Ixxix.  He  was  prt^sented 
to  the  vicarage  of  Tottenham, 
liy  bishop  AndreuTi,  (see  An- 
drews' Life,  4to,  1650,)  pro- 
Uiblv  as  a  reward  fiir  his  la- 
hour  in  translating  the  Bible. 

372  The  Church  Hutory  booe  s. 

A.  i>.  1607.      Mr.  Dillingham,  fellow  of  Christ  College,  bene- 

— !!!!^  ficed  at in  Bedfordshire,  where  he  died 

a  sinf^le  and  a  wealthy  man. 

Mr.  [Roffor]  Andrews,  after  D.  I).,  brother  to  the 
bishop  of  Winehester,  and  master  of  J<*su8  College. 

Mr.  Harrison,  the  reverend  vice-master  of  Trinitv 

Mr.  [Rol)ert]  Spalding,  fellow  of  St.  John's  in 
Cambridge,  and  IIc»brew  professor  therein**. 

Mr.  [Andrew]  FJing,  fellow  of  Peter  House  in 
Cambridgt\  an<I  Hebrew  professor  therein.  [l>eforp 

Oxford  7. 

The  four  greafrr  Prophets^  with   (he  Lamentaiiams^ 
and  the  twelve  lesser  Prophets. 

Dr.  [John]  Harding,  president  of  Magdalen  Col- 
lege, [and  Hebrew  reader  in  Oxfonl.] 

Dr.  [John]  Reynolds,  pn^sident  of  Coqms  Cliristi 

Dr.  [Tliomas^  Hollan<l,  rector  of  Exeter  College. 
and  king's  professor. 

Dr.  'Richard I  Kilby,  rector  of  Linccdn  C«dlege. 
and  n»gius  profrssor,  [of  Hebrew.] 

.Master  [Miles'  Smith,  after  D.  D.  and  bishop  of 
(iloucester.  He  madr  the  leaniiHl  and  religious 
pn*fact»  to  thr  tninslati(»n  ^ 

Mr.  Richard  l)n*tt,  of  a  worshipful  faniilj,  liene- 
lired  at  Qnaintoii  in  Buckinghamshin*. 

Mr.  Fain'lowr,  [otherwise  called,  Daniel  Fi*at ley f] 

-  S«M*  iMir  ('.ituliM^iit>  cif  tin*  p.  ^M^.     (*ttlli*tl  *  iht*  verv  walk* 

lli*l»ri*w    Priifi>*«Hi»r5k    in    Catn-  in^  lilirury.*  from  litn  invst  ri- 

l»riil|{i*.  t«i   iiKirOial   tlifir   •»iu*.  |H*ritu*Mi  in  lun^ia|pr».    WuimI'a 

rt*iuiiiiii.  Aih.  I.  4(^-] 
'  [St*  Ili-vU II '«  Lit'f  of  l«.iiiil. 

CENT.  XVII.  ofBriiain.  S78 

Cambridge  7.  %li^^ 

The  Prayer  of  Manasseh^  and  the  rest  of  the 


Dr.  [John]  Duport,  prebend  of  Ely,  and  master  of 
Jesus  College ;  [professor  of  Greek  in  the  university 
of  Cambridge.] 

Dr.  [William]  Brainthwait,  first  fellow  of  Emma- 
nuel ;  then  master  of  (}onvile  and  Caius  College. 

Dr.  Radcliffe,  one  of  the  senior  fellows  of  Trinity 

Master  [Samuel]  Ward,  Emmanuel ;  after  D.  D. 
Master  of  Sidney  College,  and  Margaret  profiBSsor* 

Mr.  [Andrew]  Downes,  fellow  of  St.  John's  Col- 
lege, and  Greek  professor. 

Mr.  [John]  Boyse,  fellow  of  St.  John's  College, 
prebend  of  Ely,  parson  of  Boxworth  in  Cambridge- 
shire ^ 

Mr.  Ward  [fellow  of  Queen's] ;  after  D.  D.  Pre- 
bend of  Chichester,  rector  of  Bishop- Waltbam  in 


Oxford  8. 

The  four  GfospeU,  Acts  of  the  Apostles ^  Apocalypse. 

Dr.  [Thomas]  Ravis,  dean  of  Christ  Church,  after- 
wards bishop  of  London. 

Dr.  [George]  Abbot,  master  of  University  College, 
afterward  archbishop  of  Canterbury. 

Dr.  [Richard]  Eedes,  [dean  of  Worcester.] 

Mr.  [Giles]  Thompson,  [aft^^rwards  bishop  of 

Mr.  [Henry]  Savile. 

f  [Of  thitt   Or.  John   Boiii.     Peck's  DeMemim  CmrioMa,  p. 
who  died  1 4th  Jan.  1 643, 11  very     3a5»  ed.  4to,  1 799*] 
iiniufting  life  will  be  found  in 


874  The  Church  Hhtory 

A.  D.  1607.     Dr.  John  Per}'n,  [of  C.  Church,  Greek  professor.] 

5  Jantw. 

Dr.  John  Ravens,  [of  Queen's,  subdean  of  Wells,] 
Mr.  John  Ilarmer,  [warden  of  WinchesterCollege.] 

Westminster  7. 
The  Epistles  of  St.  PauU  the  Canmiical  Epistles. 
Dr.  [William]  Barlowe,  of  Trinity  Hall  in  C*ani- 
bridjfe,  dean  of  Chester,  after  bishop  of  liincohi. 
Dr.  Ilutchenson. 
Dr.  Si>encer  ^. 
Mr.  Fenton. 
Mr.  Rabbet. 
Mr.  Sanderson. 
Mr.  Dakins. 

The  king*i  Now,  for  the  better  ordering  of  their  proceedings, 
ii>th«  bis  majesty  reconunendiHl  the  following  rules  bj 
*""''■****'  them  to  be  most  carefully  observed : 

i.  The  ordinary  Bible  read  in  the  church,  com- 
monly called  the  Bishops'  Bible,  to  be  followed,  and 
as  little  altered  as  the  original  will  permit. 

ii.  The  names  of  the  prophets  and  the  holj 
writers,  with  the  other  names  in  the  text,  to  be 
retained  as  Ui^ar  as  may  be,  accordingly  as  they 
are  vulgarly  use^l. 

iii.  Tlie  old  ecclesiastical  words  to  be  kept,  m. 
as  the  wonl  church  not  to  be  translated  comyre^ 
tion^  &c. 

iv.  When  any  wonl  hath  divers  signiKcations^  thai 
to  be*  kept  which  hath  bi*en  most  commonly  used 
by  the  most  eminent  fathers,  l>eing  agreeable  to  tlie 
pntprii'ty  of  th(*  place*  and  the  aimlogy  of  faith. 

K  [The  fricml  f»f  Il«Mik(*r.  Polity.  Siv  more  of  bim  \m 
wliii  rt*|Mil»li<»hi*d  tilt*  timt  tivt*  Kt*hl«f'i»  |irt>fuce  to  Iloukct's 
Imciki    of    the     KccU'iujutical     V/ork»,  |i.  xxii.] 

cENT.xTii.  ^Britain.  878 

y.  The   division   of  the  chapters  to  be  altered  a.  D.  1607. 
either  not  at  all,  or  as  little  as  may  be,  if  necessity  -  * 
so  require. 

vi.  No  marginal  notes  at  all  to  be  affixed,  but 
only  for  the  explanation  of  the  Hebrew  or  Greek 
words,  which  cannot  without  some  circumlocution 
so  briefly  and  fitly  be  expressed  in  the  text. 

vii.  Such  quotations  of  places  to  be  marginally 
set  down,  as  shall  serve  for  the  fit  reference  of  one 
scripture  to  another. 

viii.  Every  particular  man  of  each  company  to 
take  the  same  chapter  or  chapters;  and,  having 
translated  or  amended  them  severally  by  himself 
where  he  thinks  good,  all  to  meet  together,  confer 
what  they  have  done,  and  agree  for  their  part  what 
shall  stand. 

ix.  As  any  one  company  hath  dispatched  any  one 
book  in  this  manner,  they  shall  send  it  to  the  rest, 
to  he  considered  of  seriously  and  judiciously;  for 
his  majesty  is  very  careful  in  this  point. 

X.  If  any  company,  upon  the  review  of  the  book 
so  sent,  shall  doubt  or  diflfer  upon  any  places,  to 
send  them  word  thereof,  note  the  places,  and  there- 
withal send  their  reasons ;  to  which  if  they  consent 
not,  the  difference  to  be  compounded  at  the  general 
melting,  which  is  to  be  of  the  chief  persons  of  each 
company,  at  the  end  of  the  work. 

xi.  When  any  place  of  special  obscurity  is  doubted 
of,  letters  to  be  directed  by  authority,  to  send  to 
any  learned  in  the  land,  for  his  judgment  in  such 
a  place. 

xii.  Letters  to  be  sent  from  every  bishop  to  the 
rest  of  his  clergy,  admonishing  them  of  this  trans- 


S76  The  Church  History  booe  x. 

A.i).  ifK>:.|atioii  in  hand ;  and  to  move  and  charge  as  manj  aft. 
•^ ^  being  skilful  in  the  tongues,  have  taken   paiim  m 

that  kind,  to  send  his  particular  obsiTvations  to  the 

company,   either    at    Westminster,    Cambridge,   or 


xiii.  Tlie  din^ctors  in  each  comiMiny  to  be,  the 

deans  of  Westminster  and  Chester  for  that  place. 

and  the  king's  professors  in  the  Hebrew  and  Greek 

in  each  university. 

xiv.  Thest»  tmnslations   to   bi^  usetl,  when    thej 

agree  In'tter  wMth  the  text  than  the  Bisho|is'  Bible. 

viz.  Tin<lal's,    Matthew's,  C'ovenlale's,  Whitchurch, 


Besides  the  said  directions  iK'fore  mentioned,  three 
or  four  of  the  most  ancient  and  grave  divines  in 
either  of  the  universities,  not  employed  in  trans- 
lating, U^  Ik»  Jissigne<l  by  the  vice-chancellor,  upon 
conference  with  the  rest  «)f  the  heads,  to  be  oTer* 
sei^rs  of  the  translations,  as  well  Hebrew  as  Greek, 
for  the  Ix'tter  observation  of  the  fourth  rule  above 
Mr.  iJ«eiY       8.  The   uiitinielv  death    of   Mr.  EdwanI    Liveiv 

*  *  0 

iMitMti.  ^jj,^j^.||  ^^»igi,t  of  the  work  lying  on  his  skill  in  the 
Oriental  t<»iigues)  happening  about  this  time,  (happy 
that  servant  whom  his  master,  when  he  eomeCh, 
findeth  mi  doing.)  not  a  little  n^tanlcMl  their  pn>cee«K 
ings.  However,  the  rest  vigon)U8ly,  thcmgh  slowly, 
pnK*<*4*de4i  in  this  hanl,  heavy,  and  holy  task,  nothing 
ofl(>ndt*d  with  the  censun*s  of  ini|>atient  |»eople,  con* 
demning  th(*ir  delays  (though  indetKl  but  due  ileli- 
lM*nition)  for  lazin(*ss.  Our  |K*n  for  the  pn?«4*nt 
taketh  it^<  leave  of  them,  not  doubting  but  mithin 


of  Britain, 


two  years  to  pve  a  good  account  of  them,  or  rather  a.  d.  1607 
that  they  will  give  a  good  account  of  themselves  ^. '- 

^  [•*  Four  years  were  spent 
"  in  this  first  service ;  at  the 
••  end  whereof,  the  whole  work 
**  being  finished,  and  three 
'•  copies  of  the  whole  Bible 
'•  sent  from  Cambridge,  Ox- 
"  ford,  and  Westminster,  to 
**  London,  a  new  choice  was 
"  to  be  made  of  six  in  all,  two 
**  out  of  every  company,  to 
••  review  the  whole  work,  and 
••  extract  one  [copy]  out  of  all 
"  three,  to  l)e  committed  to  the 
•'  j)res8.  For  the  dispatch  of 
••  which  business  Mr.  Downes 
•*  and  Mr.  Bois  were  sent  for 
••  up  to  London  ;  where  meet- 
"  ing  (though  Mr.  Downes 
"  would  not  go  till  he  was 
••  either  fetched  or  threatened 
"  with  a  pursuivant)  their  four 
••  ffllow-labourers,  they  went 
*'  daily  to  Stationers'  Hall,  and 
"  in  three  quarters  of  a  yt?ar 
••  finished  their  task.  All  which 
"  time  thev  had  from  the  com- 
•*  of  stationers  thirty  shil- 
'•  lings  each  j)er  week  duly 
**  |Kiid  them  ;  though  they  had 
'•  nothing  before  but  their  S4»lf- 
'•  n'warding  ingenious  indus- 
•*  try."      Peck,  ib.  p.  333-4. 

Edward  Lively,  Hebrew  pro- 
ffHsor  in  the  university  of  Cam. 
brijlgf,  and  prelnMidary  of  Pe- 
tcrlH>r<»ngh,  (lit'd  in  April, 1605, 
and  was  buried  in  Surleigh 
Churcli  ill  Kssex.  Cole's  Ath. 
Cant.  MSS.  L.  His  sermon 
w'As  prejiched  by  Dr.  Thomas 
Play  fare,  Margaret  professor  of 
divinity  in  the  university  of 
(-ambridge,  at  St.  Mary's,  May 
10.  1605  ;  the  following  extract 
from    which    wrmon,    entitled 

"The  Felicity  of  the  Faithful," 
gives  the  best  description  of 
this  good  man  :  *'  This  our  dear 
*•  brother,  Mr.  Edward  Lively, 
"  who  now  resteth  in  the  Lord» 
"  had  a  life  which  in  a  manner 
"  was  nothing  else  but  a  con- 
•*  tinual  flood  of  many  waters, 
"  never  out  of  suits  of  law, 
**  never-ceasing  disquieters  of 
"  his  study  ;  his  goods  dis- 
"  trained,  and  his  cattle  driven 
"  off  his  ground,  as  Job's  was. 
'*  His  dear  wife,  being  not  so 
*'  well  able  to  bear  so  great  a 
•'  flood  as  he,  even  for  very 
'*  sorrow  presently  died — a  la- 
••  men  table  and  rueful  case  ! 
"  so  many  children  to  hang 
"  upon  his  hand,  for  which  he 
"  had  never  maintenance,  net- 
**  ther  yet  now  had  stay,  his 
'•  wife  being  gone.  Well,  but 
*'  that     sorrou'ful     time     was 

as  atv 
of  th< 
"  chiefest  translators  ;  and  as 
**  soon  as  it  was  known  how 
"  far  in  this  travail  he  did 
*•  more  than  any  of  the  rest, 
"  he  was  very  well  provided 
*•  for  in  respect  of  living ;  for 
**  which  my  lord  his  grace  of 
"  Canterbury,  [Richard  Ban- 
'•  croft,]  now  living,  is  much 
"  to  be  reverenced  and  ho- 
*'  noured.  But  being  so  well 
*'  to  pass,  both  for  himself  and 
"  for  his  children,  suddenly  he 
"  fell  sick  :  he  was  taken  with 
"  an  ague  and  a  quinsey  l><»tli 
"  together.  The  quinsey  lK*ing, 
"  both  by  himself  and  his 
"  friends,  not  greatly  regarfli*d. 
"  within  four  days  to«ik  away 

"  blown    over.     He    was    at). 
"  pointed    to   be    one   of    the 


The  Church  Hhtory 


K.  D.  i^o;.  In  tlio  translating  of  the  Bible,  one  of  the  eminent 
-:-l-  perscais  eniploviMl  therein  was  tranHlate<l  into  a  btUter 
if  i>r.  Jtfv-  nte,  VIZ. 

3.  Doetor  John  IleynohK  king*ft  profewior  in  Ox- 
fonl,  born  in  Devonshire,  with  bishop  Jewel  and  Mr. 
Hooker,  and  all  three  bred  in  Corpns  C*hristi  (*ol- 
lege  in  Oxford.  No  one  eounty  in  Knglaiid  hare 
thn»e  sueh  men,  (oontemporarv'  at  largi»  \)  in  wliat 
college  8f)evt»r  they  were  brtMl ;  no  college  in  Eng- 
land bred  sueh  three  men,  in  what  eountv  scievfr 
thev  wert?  Inini. 

4.  This  John  Uevnolds  at  the  first  was  a  zealoiu 
papist,  whilst  William  his  bnither  was  as  eanit^t  i 
proti'staut :  and  afterwards  Pn^videnee  so  tmlereii 
it.  that  by  thrir  mutual  disputation  John  lleynold^ 
turned  an  eminrnt  protestant«  and  William  an  inve- 
terate papist,  in  which  persuasion  he  died. 




•  « 


•'  liis  lift*.  Hi*  u;i?»  |>r.»r»'«»M»r 
*'  pfthi'  Ilcliri'u  ti»ii}:iu*  ill  tlii.H 
"  iiiiivi*rNit\  tliirM  mmf^.  as  hin 
**  f:ithi  r-iii.lau.  I)i  Larkyii, 
liiiil  hvvu  j»ri.f»'sMir  «»f  |ihy»»ii" 
tivi*  i»r  six  :iiul  tli>ri\  xrars. 
llt>  \v:is  iijHin  tliriT  >ct>ri' 
\t'ar!t  old  ulicii  Ik*  (li«'i).  ilf 
wrnii'  a  IxNik  of  aniicitatioiih 
ii)N»n  tlir  tir^t  tivt>  ^iiiall  ])n»- 
|»lirt*.  [Loinl.  15M7,  Svo,]  ilf- 
'*  iliratril  to  that  ^ri«at  iKitrtm 
*'  of  ItMriiiii;:  and  U'urni*d  iiumi, 
**  Mr  Francis  W.iUiiitjIiain.  Hut 
**  ill  iiiiiK*  o|iiiiion  he  tiMik 
••  ;:r*'at»'M  |»;iiii^  in  lii^  <'hrt»- 
"  iii*ln;'\ .  uliii'li  li«'  di'dii'atrd 
••  to  Dr  J.  Wliit'jift.  tlir  rrvi»- 
"  r«*nd  l.iti'  .irrlilii«>iliii)i  of  Caiu 
*'  tfrliur\  Tli:^  IhMik.  indrrd, 
"  is  full  of  liiililrii  ItMriiiii'j, 
"  .mil  ^lif^iftli  iiihiiiti*  n-.i  .in;i 
*'  \\\    o|«irii-«         'I'lic    '^iiiit'   au- 

thor savK  thut  *'  ihis  ^«hnI 
**  HUM  Ml  iinxiciiia  in  |in»iiioCiay: 
'*  th(*  Iniii^lutioii  uf  the  Bihlr. 
"  thut  often ttnir*.  in  maaf 
'*  inen'tt  hearin^r.  he  |iitiCe«trd 
"  he  had  nit  her  die  than  br 
"  iuiy  way  iiegliirent  henrio  : 
**  which.  UA  Mime  think,  by  all 
**  likelihtNid  ciuiie  inderd  ao  to 
**  IKisM  :  ti)  wit,  that  to»  ear- 
"  iu*j«t  htudy  and  luini  aboat 
*'  the  tniniilation  ha»t«iird  hit 
**  death,  and  bniughl  it  aa 
**  MMiner."  I'luyfare'i  Serimma. 
t*tl-  i^'3.^>  V4d.  II.  p.  30i>,  aq. 
There  in  a  very  intemtiii|t  Wt. 
ter  written  by  Livelv  tu  arvk- 
bihho|i  Whititift.  Milidtiu|t  for 
the  prebend  «>f  Petcrborooitb. 
uinon^c  the  Ilarl.  MSS.] 

*   lie   wan  bacbvkir    of  affU 
U-lore  biidiup  Jewd'a  iWatll. 

^EKT.  XTii.  f/f' Britain.  879 

This  gave  the  occasion  to  an  excellent  copy  ofA.D.  1607. 
rerses,  concluding  with  this  distich  :  -^  "°^' 

Qiiod  fftfifi^  hoc  ptiffntp  est  f  ubi  victui  gaudet  utcrque^ 
Et  simul  alteruter  se  super atse  dolet, 

••  What  war  is  this  ?  when  conqtier'd  both  are  glad. 
And  either  to  have  conquered  other  sad.'*' 

Daniel  saith,  Mnnji  shall  run  to  and  fro^  and 
cnotrMge  .shall  he  increased  ^.  But  here  indeed  was 
I  strange  transcursion,  and  remarkable  the  effects 

5.  His  memory  was  little  less  than  miraculous,  Hm  admir- 
le  himself  l)eing  the  truest  table  to  the  multitude  Il,Jd  Ji^. 
)f  voluminous  books  he  had  read  over,  whereby  ho 

•ouhl  readily  turn  to  all  material  passages  in  every 
t*af,  page,  volume,  paragraph — not  to  descend  lower, 
o  lines  an<l  letters.  As  his  memorj'  was  a  faithful 
n<lex,  so  his  reason  was  a  soli<l  judex  of  what  he 
ead.  Ilis  humility  set  a  lustre  on  all,  (admirable 
hat  the  whole  should  be  so  low,  whose  several  parts 
vere  so  high,)  communicative  of  which  he  knew  to 
jiy  that  di»sirtMl  infonnation  herein,  like  a  tree 
oa<len  with  fniit,  bowing  doM'u  its  branches  to  all 
hat  d(»sired  to  ease  it  of  the  burden  thereof,  deserv- 
ng  this  epitaph  : 

Inccrtum  est  utrum  doctior  an  melior. 

6.  Ilis  <lisaHbction  to  the  discipline  establisIuMl  in.MiMtonn. 
England  was  not  s<»  gn»at  as  some  bishops  did  sus- hi.  pructkli 
ect,  or  as  nion*  nonconformists  did   bidieve.     No^J^j^Jj^^ 
oubt  he  <lt»sire<l  the  abolishing  of  some  ceremonies '■''*'^^"^ 
for  till*  (»ase  of  the  conscience  of  others)  to  which  in 

^  Cliup.  xii.  vtT.  4. 


The  Chunh  Hhtori^ 

BOOE  1. 

ro;.  liin  own  practice  he  did  willingly  submit,  eonstantlj 
!lL.\vi*ariii^  hood  and  surplico,  and  kni*oling  at  the 
sacnmuMit.  On  his  dratli-bcMl  he  oaniestiv  desin?J 
ahsohition,  arocmiinf?  to  the  fonn  of  the  church  of 
fMijifhind,  and  re<'eive<l  it  from  doctor  Holland,  whow 
hand  he  aft'ectionately  kiswd  '  in  expn»s»4ion  of  the 
joy  1h»  n»ceived  thereby.  Doctor  Featly  made  hi«» 
funenil  (»nition  in  the  c<dlejre,  sir  l^^aac  Wake  in  the 
university  "'. 
.lie       7-  Ab<int  this  time  Mr.  Jcdni  M<dK\  ;joveni«ir  to 


^.  the  lord  Hoss  in  his  tnivels,  Ik^^u  his  unhapftv 
jtmrnt'v  bevoiid  the  sc^as.  Tliis  Mr.  Molle  was  Iwni 
in  or  near  S(»uth  Alolton  in  Devon.  His  youth  im« 
most  spent  in  France,  where  Ixith  by  aca  and  land 
he  gained  nuich  dan^ifenms  ex|H'rience.  (hut*  lh«» 
ship  he  sailed  in  sprun<r  a  leak,  when^in  he  and  all 
his  company  had  piTi^^hiMl,  if  an  Hollander.  (iMtuml 
for  (■nernsey,)  pa«*sin;r  very  near,  had  not  s|HH?«liW 
tak(>n  th(*m  in :  which  dont*.  their  ship  sunk  imme- 
diately. BeiiiiT  treasurer  fi»r  sir  Thomori  ShirleT.  of 
the  KndiHh  annv  in  Itrittanv.  he  was  in  tlie  defeat 
of  Cambray  woimdcil.  taken  prisoner,  ami  rans«mie<ii; 
Providence  dcsi^rnjnir  Inm  neither  to  Ih*  swalli»we«l 

Dr.   <'r;u*kriitli(»r[i    in    his 
l)t*f«*ii^ii»  Kivl.  An;: I.  c.  ^Hy. 

"*  jOr  uliirh  :iii  Kii;:li^li inn  w.ii  |»rint(Ml  li\  nnr 
autliiir  in  liii  .\tH*l  Iti-fl..  LitV 

iif  Dr.  Itrwinlds.  |i  4>;J.  Ot* 
Dr.  It«*vn-*1«U'  i'i>iifi»rinit\  Ut 
fill*  rhuii'ii  ot'  Kn^l.iiitl.  tli«* 
ttMiniiin\  of  ('r.ikrntlii)r]M- 
.iliini'  uiimM  111-  «>iirt'irii  lit,  uIhi 
■mi  iiitiiii.itr  uiih  l{<'\ni)liU, 
.ind  f»ri«jin  ill\  ln-lil  (lir  n.iiiu* 
|iriii(*i)ili'*».  Ill  till*  f.irlirr  )i.irt 
•  •f  liin  lifi\  (mv  WinnI'h  .\tli.  I. 

4<)t :)  hut  the  |WMiii|nn  qu»4«i 
fr«»ni  hin  wrilinp».  in  pnnif  of 
\u%  ciinfiirmitv.  bv  CrvkrA 
thorfH*.  in  thi*  "  IX*fmuo  Ec- 
"  drstir.  \c."  must  decide  th«- 
<|ni*f»ti<in  ;  more  e»|iecUllT  a*, 
in  uihlitiiin  to  the«4*  anthttnticv. 
ht*  quotes  a  letter,  at  that  limr 
in  hiH  own  {MwieMiion,  uf  Ilr 
Hewiohls  to  urchhinhop  Kin. 
iTot't.  wherein  the  IXicttir  ei- 
jii.'VH'N  \\'t%  entire  cnafnrmitTte 
the  ihK'trine  and  diaripliMe  oi 
the  church  «if  Kn|claiid.] 

TENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  881 

by  the  surges  nor  slain  by  the  sword,  but  in  due  a.  d.  1607, 
time  to  remain  a  landmark  of  Christian  patience  to  A. 

all  posterity.  At  last  he  was  appointed  by  Thomas 
earl  of  Exeter,  who  formerly  had  made  him  examiner 
in  the  council  of  the  north,  to  be  governor  in  travel 
to  his  grandchild,  the  lord  Ross ;  undertaking  the 
charge  with  much  reluctancy,  (as  a  presage  of  ill 
success,)  and  with  a  profession  and  a  resolution  not 
to  pass  the  Alps. 

8.  But  a  vagary  took  the  lord  Ross  to  go  to  Rome,  Hu  nd 
though  some  conceive  this  motion  had  its  root  in 
mort»  mischievous  brains.  In  vain  doth  Mr.  MoUe 
dissuade  him,  grown  now  so  wilful  he  would  in  some 
sort  goveni  his  governor.  What  should  this  good 
man  do  ?     To  leave  him,  were  to  desert  his  trust ; 

to  go  along  with  hiin,  was  to  endanger  his  own  life. 
At  last  his  affections  to  his  charge  so  prevailed 
against  his  judgment,  that,  unwillingly  willing,  he 
went  with  him.  Now,  at  what  rate  soever  they 
rode  to  Ftome,  the  fame  of  their  coming  came  thither 
l)efore  tlu»in  ;  sf)  that  no  sooner  had  they  entered 
their  inn,  but  officers  asked  for  Mr.  Molle,  took  and 
carrie<l  him  to  the  inquisition-house,  where  he  re- 
mained a  prisoner,  whilst  the  lord  Ross  was  daily 
fc»5i>ted,  favoured,  entertained  :  so  that  some  will 
not  stick  to  say,  that  here  he  changed  no  religion 
for  a  bad  one. 

9.  However,  such  Mr.  Molle's  glorious  constancy, Hb con- 

itftiiCT  in 

that  whilst  he  lookiMl  forward  on  his  cause,  and  Um*  inqui- 
upwards  to  his  crown,  neither  frights  nor  flattery 
could  make  any  impression  on  him.  It  is  question- 
able whether  his  friends  did  more  pity  his  misery 
or  admire  his  patience.  The  pretence  and  allegation 
of  his  so  long  and  strict  imprisonment  was  liccaum^ 

382  The  Chunk  History  book  \. 

i^»o7.lio  had  transIatiMl  Thi  IMt»ssis  his  IkwjIc  of  '*Tlio  VW- 
*'  hillty  of  the  ('him»h"  out  of  Frt»iich  into  Kiiglish; 
but  bosl<lo8,  tht»n»  were  other  contrivances  thervin, 
not  so  fit  for  a  public  relation.  In  vain  did  hit 
friends  in  Kngland,  though  great  and  many,  endem- 
Your  his  enhirgenient  by  exchange  for  one  or  moe 
Jesuits  or  priests,  who  were  prisoners  here  ;  fnpifCB 
)»ehohling  this  Mtdle  as  a  man  of  a  thousand,  who, 
if  discharged  the  inquisition,  might  give  an  accounc 
'of  Romish  cruidty  to  their  great  disadvantage. 
m\\\  10.  In  all  the  time  of  his  durance  he  never  heard 
*""**  from  anv  friend,   nor   anv   fnmi    him«  bv   w«ird  or 

V  •  • 

letter  "  ;  no  Kuglishmau  being  ever  iMTmittetl  to  kv 
him,  s:ive  oulv  one,  viz.  Mr.  Walter  Stricklaml,  of 
Hovntoii  House  in  Vorkshin*.  With  verv  much  dc^re 
and  industry,  he  procured  leave  to  visit  him,  aii  Iridi 
friar  being  appointed  to  stand  by  and  lie  a  witneM 
of  their  dis<Miurst».  HtTe  he  rt^maine^I  thirty  veai* 
in  n^tniint,  and  in  the  eighty-first  year  of  his  age 
die<l  a  prisoner,  and  constant  confi^ssiir  of  Christ  hi« 
cause*",  (iod  be  niagnifie<l  in  and  for  the  suflTeriiigs 
of  his  saints  I 
Mith        11.   In  this  year  Kichard  Vaughan,  doctor  of  divi* 

nity,  bre<l  in  St.  John's  College  in  Cambridge,  mr- 

cessively  bishop  of  Bangor,  (*hester,  and  London. 
endiMl  \\\^  life :  a  corpulent  man.  but  spiritually 
niind(MK  Mich  his  integrity  not  to  Ih«  l>4)wed  (though 
forei*  wa**  not  wanting)  to  any  Imse  connivaiict*  Ki» 
wrong  the  (*hurch  he  was  placed  in.  IIi»  many 
virtut*s  made  hi'i  loss  to  hv  nmch  lH*m<Hined  P. 

t*  >.i   .1111    I    iiitnnii.d   |i\    ;i  Liinl  i^);H.    FiilWi  WiirtliMv. 

trlti  r   t'rniii    .Mr    llc>iir\    .Mitlli*.  |».  -.>o.; 

\\\%  Mill.  I'  [A  Lift*  «if  thu  |iffvklr.  bi 

"    .\biiiit   (ill-    )iMt   tit    niir  iirc)ilM!ih«»p  U'lllianu,  ha 


(KST.  XVII.  of  Britain,  888 

12.  Greater  was  the  CTief  which  the  death  of^.  p.'^oy. 
master  Tliomas  Brightman  caused  to  the  disaffectore 

of  the  church  discipline  of  Endand.     He  was  bom  !«"»•»  w«th 

and  breed- 

in  the  to^^n  of  Nottingham,  bred  in  Queen's  College  ing. 
in  Cambridge,  where  a  constant  opposition,  in  point 
of  judgment  about  ceremonies,  was  maintained  be- 
tween him  and  doctor  Meryton,  afterwards  dean  of 
York.  Here  he  filled  himself  with  abilities  for  the 
ministry,  waiting  a  call  to  vent  himself  in  the 

13.  It  happene<l  this  very  time  that  sir  John,  mm  a  patron 
to  Mr.  Peter  Osborne  *>,  (both  lovers  of  learned  and  **'*™'*^** 
go<Uy  men,)  not  only  bought  and  restored  the  rectory 

of  IIawnc*s  in  Bedfordshire  (formerly  alienated)  to 
the  church,  but  also  built  thereon  from  the  ground 
a  fair  house,  which  he  furnished  with  fitting  utensils 
for  the  future  incumbent  thereof.  This  done,  at  his 
desire  of  an  able  minister,  doctor  Whitaker  recom- 
mended master  Brightman  unto  him,  on  whom  sir 
John  not  only  freely  conferred  the  living,  but  also 
the  profits  of  two  former  years,  which  the  knight 
iniied  at  his  own  cost,  and  kept  in  his  ]K>ssession. 

14.  Here  Mr.  Brightman  employed  himself,  both  EuspckiM 
by  prc»aching  and  writing,  to  advance  God's  glory mMtcr 
an<l  the  good  of  the  church:   witness  his  learned ]J|^*" 
coniiiH»nts,  in  most  pure  Latin,  on  the  Canticles  and****- 
Rc'vc^Iation ;  though  for  the  latter  greatly  grudged 

at  <»n  sevenil  accounts'": 

lain,   is    prc^servetl    anion*;  the  borne,  author  of  the  Traditional 

Iliirleian    MSS.,   6495.       See  Memoirs     of     Elisalieth     and 

also  sir  J.  Harrington'n  Cata-  James  I.  ;  who  aliio  had  a  son 

\i**z\w  of  Hishoihi,  p.  48.     He  named  John,  probably  from  hit 

died  of  an  aiM)p]e\y,  and  wok  grandfather.    See  WimmI's  Ath. 

succihmUmI   by  l)r.  Havis,  dean  vol.  I.  p.  706.! 
of  Christ  Church.]  ■*  [1.  "  Scholia  in  Canticuni 

n    [Father   to   Francis   Os-  *' Canticorum.  Explicatio  par- 


The  Chnnh  HUtonf 

BOOK  \ 

n.  ifio;.  i.  For  the  title  thertnif,  eoiiceiveil  too  iiiiiolent  for 
"***^*  anv  on'atun*  to  affix — "  A  lli^velatioii  of  the  Reve- 
'*  latioii  ;**  except  iininetliate  iiiH|>imtioiu  which  maiie 
the  hK*k,  had  ^iveii  the  key  unto  it. 

ii.  For  biMiig  over-]>(»sitive  in  his  iiiter|)ii*tatioi»; 
the  rather  lK*caiise  the  revertMul  Mr.  Calvin  himself. 
XnAwff  <lenian(le<l  his  opinion  of  some  |ia»»a|re<i  in  the 
Kevehition«  (as  a  h'ariied  man  reporteth  \)  aiiswervH 
in^MiuousIy.  **  that  lie  knew  not  at  all  what  <i) 
'*  obscHire  a  writer  meant." 

iii.  For  oYer-partieuiarizinpf  in  |K'rsonal  oxpositioiK 
applying;  several  an^reU  mcntitmoil  therein  to  the 
K>nl  from  well,  archbishop  Cranmer,  Cecil  Ion!  Bur- 
ley,  &c.  • ;  such  n»strictiveness  being  unsuitable  with 
the  large  eonceniment  of  sc*ripture:  a.*4  if  EnglaixL 
half  an  island  in  the  western  comer,  were  more  coo- 
8iderable  than  all  tlu>  world  l>esides,  and  the  theatre 
wluTeon  so  much  should  bt*  |H*rfomie<l ". 

iv.  In  n*s(Mnbling  the  church  of  Kngland  to  luke- 
warm Ijiiodicea.  praising  and  preferring  the  purity  of 
foreign  protestaiit  cliurclu»s. 

'*  tin  iiltinur  i*t  (Iirticilliiii:i*  pro. 
"  pliftia*  Danicli^."  Ii:i<«il.  1^114. 

2.  ••  .\|nKMl\|i«ii!4  A|MN*:ilyp- 
••  M**!-*.  ill  t*«it.  A]NKMlypois  I). 
**  Ji  1.111111^  Aii.ilysi  I't  Scholiis 
"  illustrate."  Krani'of.  i6o<>. 
4t«i. ' 

*  liiHliiKis  in  Ills  MviIkmIuh 
IIiHtiif  rhiip.  vii.  p.  ;io.    Aiiint. 

l^^  .; 

*     ("liip      xiv       \iT.    |S.  Iff 

iii.ikrtli  .iri  iiKi<i)if»p  ('r.iiiiiitT 
till*  ;tiii;«'I  til  li.i\«'  p'l^trr  liiiT 
thi*  tir«'  :  ;iiiil  (cli.ip  wi.  vi-r  ^i 
111*  ii.aki*«  Willi.iiii  <Vnl.  liinl 
tn^u^iirrr  nf  hln^laiiil,  tlu*  an|Si*l 

of  the  H-aten.  (if  lord 
it  had  Imhmi  more  pniper.)  jiu. 
tifyiii);  the  |iouriD(e  init  of  thr 
third  viul. 

**  [(Voiii\i-t*ll.  in  his  ca|«citT 
(»f  vii*iir*|(rneral,  he  tnakn  to 
Ik*  thi*  anp*l  with  tbr  ibarp 
Mckli*.  lU'v.  xir.  1 7.  Snr  p 
.^r/>.  Andrinui  Kuda"tm««Jo» 
haiiii«*H.  tt  JiHiiiit«  fitmiiiu  for 
hi^  ilcfi'iicv  of  father  (tarvcC. 
uTotc  ail  unkWfr  to  Brigtht- 
iuan\  licNik.  entitlifd.    "  (V 

"  t!atio  AiMicalT|Mitt  Apondfp- 
'*  Mf<r«     'I  hi  una*     Brigntmaui 
"  Angli."     I'ol.    Agrip.  1611 
I  2  mo  J 

c'RMT.  XVII.  (if  Britain.  886 

Indeed  his  daily  discourse  was  against  episcopal  a.  d.  1607. 

goveniment,  which  he  declared  would  shortly  be 

pulled  down.  He  spake  also  of  great  troubles  which 
would  come  uj>on  the  land ;  of  the  destruction  of 
Rome,  and  the  universal  calling  of  the  Jews,  affirm- 
ing, that  some  then  alive  should  see  all  these  things 

15.  However,  his  life  was  most  angelical,  by  the  Hit  angii. 
confession  of  such  who  in  judgment  dissented  from 

him.  His  manner  was  always  to  carry  about  him  a 
Gn^ek  Testament,  which  he  read  over  every  fort- 
night, reading  the  Gospels  and  the  Acts  the  first, 
the  Kpistles  and  the  Apocalypse  the  second  week. 
He  was  little  of  stature,  and  (though  such  commonly 
choleric)  yet  never  known  to  be  moved  with  anger; 
and  therefore,  when  his  pen  falls  foul  on  Romish 
superstition,  his  friends  account  it  zeal,  and  no 

16.  His  desire  was  to  die  a  sudden  death,  if  God  Hit 
so  plea8€»d,  surely  not  out  of  opjuysition  to  the  Eng- 
lish liturgy  praying  against  the  same,  but  for  some 
n*asons  Ix'st  known  to  himself.  Ciod  granted  him 
his  desin\ — a  death  sudden  in  respect  of  the  short- 
ness of  the  time,  though  premeditated  on  and  prc- 
pare<I  for  by  him  who  waite<l  for  his  change,  and, 
b(>ing  a  watchful  soldier,  might  be  assaulted,  not 
8ur]>rise<l ;  for,  riding  in  a  coach  with  sir  John  Os- 
txirne.  and  rt^ading  of  a  book,  (for  he  would  lose  no 
time,)  he  fainted,  and,  though  instantly  taken  out  in 
a  ser>'antV  arms,  and  set  on  his  lap  on  an  hillock,  all 
means  affordable  at  that  instant  being  used  for  his 
riTovery,  died  on  the  place,  on  the  twenty-fourth  of 
August,  and  is  buried   in  the  chancel  of  Hawnea, 

(  reverend    doctor    Bulkley   preaching    his    funeral 
ki;llbr,  vol.  v.  v.  0 

886  The  Church  HiMtwry  book  i. 

A.  D.  I A07.  sermon,)  after  he  had  faithfully  fed  his  flock  therein 
^  ""^    for  fifteen  years. 

Miiencewtt  17.  He  was  a  constant  student,  much  troubled 
toteUi.*^'^  before  his  death  with  obstructions  both  of  the  liver 
•*"*•  and  galK  and  is  supposed  by  physicians  to  have  died 
of  the  latter,  al)out  the  fifty-first  year  of  his  age: 
and  now,  no  <]oubt,  he  is  in  the  number  of  those 
virgins  who  were  not  defiled  with  women^  and  foOair 
the  Lamb  whithersoerer  He  yoeth  *  ; — who  always  led 
a  single  life,  as  preferring  a  IkmI  unfilled  before  a  bed 
undefiled.  This  my  intelligence  I  have  received  by 
letter,  from  my  worthy  friend  lately  gone  to  GoA 
master  William  Duckly,  Imchelor  of  divinity,  and 
once  fellow  of  Queen*s  College  in  Cambridge,  who. 
living  hard  by  Ha^^nes,  at  Clifton,  at  my  requert 
diligently  inquired,  and  returned  this  his  ehmracter 
from  aged,  credible  ]H.*rsons  familiar  with  master 
Bright  man. 

18.  This  year  silently  slipped  away  in  peace, 
plenty,  and  pro8]K'rity,  being  ended  before  eflbe- 
tually  bi*gun,  as  to  any  memorable  church*mmtter 
then>in.  In<ieiMl  all  the  reign  of  king  James  was 
U^tter  for  one  to  live  under  than  to  write  of,  con- 
sisting of  a  champion  of  constant  tranquillity,  with- 
out any  tumours  of  trouble  to  entertain  poaterity 
AnMtibr  19*  In  the  imrliament  now  sitting  at  W 
Collier.  Hter  ^  (in  whc»se  {larallel  convocation  nothing  of 
se<|uenct\)  the  most  remarkable  thing  enacted 
the  art  made  to  enable  the  provost  and  fellows  of 
ChelM*a  College  to  dig  a  trench  out  of  the  river 

■   R«fv.  xiT.  4. 

T  [The  pttrliuneot  IwgBn  iU  •itlings  in  PebniHj.J 

CENT.  XVII.  ofBriiain.  S87 

Left,  to  erect  engines,  water-works.  Sec.  to  convey  a.  d.  1609. 
and  carry  water  in  close  pipes  under  ground,  unto  ^  *"^' 
the  city  of  London  and  the  suburbs  thereof,  for  the 
|)erpetual  maintenance  and  sustentation  of  the  pro- 
vost and  fellows  of  that  college,  and  their  successors, 
by  the  rent  to  be  made  of  the  said  waters  so  con- 
veyed*. Where,  first  lighting  on  the  mention  of 
this  college,  we  will  consider  it  in  a  fourfold  capa- 
citjK  1.  As  intended  and  designed.  2.  As  growing 
and  advanced.  8.  As  hindered  and  obstructed. 
4.  As  decaying,  and  almost,  at  the  present,  ruined. 
I  shall  crave  the  reader  pardon,  if  herein  I  make 
excursions  into  many  years,  but  without  discom- 
posing of  our  chronology  on  the  margin ;  because  it 
is  my  desire,  though  the  college  be  left  imperfect, 
to  finish  and  complete  my  description  thereof,  so  far 
as  my  best  intelligence  will  extend ;  being  herein 
beholding  to  doctor  Samuel  Wilkinson,  the  fourth 
and  present  provost  of  that  college,  courteously 
communicating  unto  me  tho  considerable  rec>ords 

20.  It  was  intended  for  a  spiritual  garrison,  with  The  i^iory 
a  magazine  of  all  books  for  that  purpose,  where  ugn. 
leanied  divines  should  study  and  write  in  mainte- 
nance of  all  controversies  against  the  papists.  In- 
deed the  Romanists  herein  may  rise  up  and  condemn 
those  of  the  protestant  confession ;  for,  as  Solomon 
used  not  his  militar)'  men  for  any  servile  work  in 
buihiing  the  temple,  whereof  the  text  assigneth  this 
reason,  /or  fhej^  frere  men  of  war  \  so  the  Ronn'sh 

'    [ThiM   act    in    printed  in  principally    derived    from   our 

Stow'n  Survey  of  Ixindon,  vol .  i .  author.] 
p.  165,  where  there  in  also  some         *   2  Chron.  viii.  9. 
MC(*ount    of    thiM    colle^.   but 

cc  2 

388  The  Church  History  book  x. 

A.  D.  ifioQ.  church  doth  not  burden  their  profeflBon  with  presch- 
^ ^in^,  or  any  parochial    incumbrances,  but 

them  only  for  polemical  studies :  whereas  in  Eng- 
land the  same  man  reads,  preacheth,  catechiseth, 
disputes,  delivers  sacraments,  &c.     So  that,  were  it 
«  not  for  God's  marvellous  blessing  on  our  studiei^ 
and  the  infinite  mlds  of  truth  on  our  side,  it  were 
im]>ossible,  in   human  probability,  that  we  should 
hold  up  the  bucklers  against  them.      Besides  the 
study  of  divinity,  at  the  least  two  able  historians 
«  were  to  be  maintained  in  this  college,  faithfully  and 
learnedly  to   reconl    and   publish    to   posterity  all 
memorable  passages  in  church  and  commonwealth. 
Kingjamn     21.  lu  pursuftuce  of  this  dcsigu,  his  majesty  in- 
inunaud    coq>orateil  the  said  foundation,  by  the  name  of  king 
'*'*"'*      James  his  college  in  Chelsea,  and  bestowed  on  the 

same,  by  his  letters  patents,  the  reversion  of  good 
land  in  Chelsea,  then  in  possession  of  Charles  earl 
of  Nottingham,  the  lease  thereof  not  expiring  till 
alK>ut  thirty  years  hence;  and  also  gave  it  a  capacity 
to  receive  of  his  loving  subjects  any  lands,  not 
exceetling  in  the  whole  the  yearly  value  of  three 
thousand  ]»ounds. 
i>r.  Hut-  22.  Next  king  James  let  me  place  Dr.  Matthew 
b^nty.  Sutclift*e,  dean  of  P^xeter;  who,  though  no  prince  by 
birth,  seems  little  less  by  his  bounty  to  thb  college. 
As  Arnunah,  but  a  private  subject,  gave  things  (u  m 
king  ^  to  (UhYh  servi(*i%  such  the  rojral  liberality  of 
this  d<K*tor,  tn'stckwing  on  this  college  the  farms  of 

t.  Kingston,  in  the  parish  of  Staverton.  ii.  Has* 
zanl.  in  the  |mrish  of  llarberton.  iii.  Appleton,  in 
the  |»arish  of  (1iur(*hstow.     iv.  Kramerland,  in  the 

**  i  Sum-  x&iv.  2'\* 

CENT.  xvii.  of  Britain,  389 

parish  of  Stoke-Rivere  ; — all  in  the  couDty  of  Devon,  a.  I).i6o9. 

and,  put  together,  richly  worth  three  hundred  pounds  J 

per  annum. 

Besides  these,  by  his  will,  dated  Nov.  1, 1628,  he 
bequeathed  unto  Dr.  John  Prideaux  and  Dr.  Clifford, 
(as  feofTees  in  trust,  to  settle  the  same  on  the  col- 
lege,) the  benefit  of  the  extent  on  a  statute  of  four 
thousand  pounds,  acknowledged  by  sir  Leuis  Stuke- 
ley,  &c. ;  a  bountiful  benefaction,  and  the  greater, 
because  the  said  doctor  had  a  daughter,  and  she 
children  of  her  own.  And  although  this  endowment 
would  scarce  make  the  pot  of  pottage  seethe  for  the 
sons  of  the  prophets  S  yet  what  feasts  would  it  have 
n)adc  in  his  private  family,  if  continued  therein ! 
Seeing,  therefore,  so  public  a  mind  in  so  private  a 
man,  the  more  the  pity  that  this  good  doctor  was 
deserte<J,  Uriah-like  **,  engaged  in  the  forefront  to 
fight  alone  against  an  army  of  diflliculties  which  he 
encountered  in  this  design ;  whilst  such  men  basely 
retired  from  him,  which  should  have  seasonably  suc- 
coured an<l  seconded  him  in  this  action. 

23.  The  fabric  of  this  college  was  begun  on  aTbenme. 
jiiece  of  ground  called  Thameshot,  containing  about 
six  acres,  and  then  in  possession  of  Charles  earl  of 
Nottingham,  who  granted  a  lease  of  his  term 
tlier(»in  to  the  said  provost,  at  the  yearly  rent  of 
81'ven  pounds  ten  shillings.  King  James  laid  the  * 
first  st()nt»  thereof,  and  gave  all  the  timber  requisite 
thereunto,  which  was  to  be  fetched  out  of  Windsor 
Forest ;  and  yet  that  long  range  of  building,  which 
alone  is  extant,  scarce  finished  at  this  day,  (thus 
made,  though  not  of  free-stone,  of  free-timber,)  as  I 

c  2  KingH  iv.  3S,  39.  **  a  Sam.  xu  15. 

c  c  S 

890  The  Church  Hiitary  booh  x. 

A.I).  1609.  am  informed,  cofit  (O  the  dearness  of  church  and 

I    — 

— *°^  college  work  !)  fiill  three  thousand  pound.  But, 
alas!  what  is  this  piece  (not  an  eighth  part)  to  a 
double  quadrant,  besides  wings  on  each  side,  which 
was  intended  ?  If  the  aged  fathers,  which  remem- 
bered the  magnificence  of  Solomon's,  wept  at  the 
meanness  of  the  second  temple  %  such  must  needs 
be  sad  which  consider  the  disproportion  betmixt 
what  was  {)erformed  and  what  was  projected  in  this 
college ;  save  that  I  confess  that  the  destruction  of 
beautiful  buildings,  once  really  extant,  leave  greater 
impressions  in  inen*s  minds  than  the  miscarriages  of 
only  intentional  structures,  an<l  the  faint  ideas  of 
such  future  things  as  are  probably  propounded,  bat 
never  effected. 

Tbefim         24.   And   here  we  uill   insert  the  number  and 

pforoit  Mid 

ftUoirt.  names  of  the  provost  and  first  fellows,  (and  some  of 
them  probable  to  be  last  fellows,  as  still  surviving,) 
as  they  were  ap))ointed  by  the  king  himself,  anno 
1610«  May  8th : 

Matthew  SutclifTe,  dean  of  Exeter,  provost. 

i.  John  Overall,  dean  of  St.  Paul's. 

ii.  Thomas  Morton,  dean  of  Winchester. 

iii.  Richard  Field,  dean  of  Gloucester  ^ 


iv.  RolM*rt  Abbot. 

V.  John  S|)ensi»r. 

vi.  Miles  Smith. 

vii.  William  Covell.      )  doctors  of  divinity. 

viii.  John  llowson.       : 

ix.  John  I^vfield.         > 

X.  BiMi.  Cliarrier. 

*    Kxrm  iii.  13. 

'  [Author  of  tbr  B^miIc  of  the  Church.] 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  891 

xi.  Martin  Fotherby.  ^  a.  a  1609. 

xii.  John  Boys.  

xiii.  Richard  Brett.      )  doctors  of  divinity. 

xiv.  Peter  Lilye. 

XV.  Francis  Burley. 

xvi.  Wiiliam  Hellier,  archdeacon  of  Barnstable. 

xvii.  John  White,  fellow  of  Manchester  College  ^. 

William  Cambden,  clarencieux.  1 1 .  .     . 


John  Haywood,  doctor  of  law.    J 

See,  here,  none  who  were  actual  bishops  were 
capable  of  places  in  this  college;  and  when  some 
of  these  were  afterwanls  advanced  to  bishoprics, 
others  translatecl  to  heaven,  king  James  by  his  new  ^ 
letters  patent,  1622,  Nov.  14,  substituted  others  in 
their  room  ;  amongst  whom  the  archbishop  of  Spa- 
lato  (but  no  more  than  dean  of  Windsor  in  England) 
wa.s  most  remarkable. 

25.  To  advance  this  work,  his  majesty,  anno  l6l5,Theking 

hit  leciera 

sent  his  ietti^rs  to  the  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  to  to  tiMu«fa. 
stir  up  ail  the  clergy  in  his  province  to  contribute  tOhbto^Uie 
so  pious  a  work,  according  to  the  tenor  thereof  here***^®*** 
inw»rti»d : 

"  Whereas  the  enemies  of  the  gospel  have  ever 
**  lK*eii  forward  to  write  and  ])ublish  books  for  con- 
'*  finning  of  erroneous  doctrine  and  im]mgning  the 
**  tnitli,  aii<l  now  of  late  seem  more  careful  than 
**  l)efor(»  to  send  daily  into  our  realms  such  their 
'•  writings,  whereby  our  loving  subjects,  though  other- 
*'  wisi»  wril  disposed,  might  he  se<luced,  unless  some 
''  remedy  thereof  should  l^e  provided :  We,  by  the 

K   [Most  (if  tlii'M'  |K*rs(>ns  hud  tieeii  employed  in  Iranidaling 

the  HihU-.  I 

r  c  4 






392  The  Church  History  booh  x. 

A.  D.  1609.  **  advice  of  our  council,  have  lately  granted  a  cor- 
^"  poration,  and  given  our  allowance  for  erecting  a 
college  at  Chelsea,  for  learned  divines  to  be  em- 
ployed  to   MTite,   as   occasion   shall   require,   for 
maintaining  the  religion  professed  in   our   king- 
doms, and  confuting  the  impugners  thereof.  Where- 
**  upon   Dr.  SutclifTe,  designed  provost  of  the  said 
college,  hath  now  humbly  signified  unto  us,  that 
upon  divers  promises  of  help  and  assistance  towards 
**  the  erecting  and  endowing  the  said  college,  he 
hath  at  his  own  charge  begun  and  well  proceeded 
in  building,  as  doth  sufficiently  appear  by  a  good 
])art  thereof  already  set  up  in  the  place  appointed 
for  the   same.     We   therefore,  being  willing   to 
**  favour  and  further  so  religious  a  work,  will  and 
**  require  you  to  write  your  letters  to  the  bishops  of 
^  your  province,  signifying  unto  them  in  our  name 
••  that  our  pleasure  is  they  deal  with  the  clergy,  and 
^  others  of  their  <liocese,  to  give  their  charitable 
••  benevolence  for  the  |)erfecting  of  this  good  work, 
•*  so  well  begun.     An<l  for  the  better  {lerfonnaiice  of 
our  desire,  we  have  given  order  to  the  said  provost 
and  his  a8S<M*iutc^  to  attend  you  and  otlM^rn,  unto 
'*  whom  it  may  ap|)ertain,  and  to  certify  us  from  time 
••  to  time  of  their  proci^ing." 
[Tlietford,  the  5th  of  May,  l6l6,] 

A  ropy  of  this  his  majesty *s  letter  was  sent  to  all 
the  t>iHho|>s  of  Kngland,  with  the  art*hbishops  ^  addi- 
tional letter,  in  onler  as  followeth  : 

*'  Now  lNH*auw*  it  is  so  pious  anil  religious  a  work* 
**  conducing  both  to  (icMrs  glor}'  and  the  saving  of 



CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  89S 

"many  a  soul  within  this  kingdom,  I  cannot  but  A- J- *^ 

*•  wish  that  all   devout  and  well-affected   persons 

**  should,  by  yourself  and  the  preachers  in  your  dio- 
"  cese,  as  well  publicly  as  otherwise,  be  excited  to 
**  contribute  in  some  measure  to  so  holy  an  intend- 
"  ment,  now  well  begun.  And  although  these  and 
**  the  like  motions  have  been  frequent  in  these 
•*  later  times,  yet  let  not  those  whom  God  hath 
•*  blessed  with  any  wealth  be  weary  of  well-doing, 
^^  that  it  may  not  be  said,  that  the  idolatrous  and  # 
"  su|>erstitious  papists  be  more  forward  to  advance 
"  their  falsehoods  than  we  are  to  maintain  God's 
*•  truth. 

*•  Whatsoever  is  collected,  T  pray  your  lordship 
•*  may  be  carefully  brought  unto  me,  partly  that  it 
"  pORs  not  thn)ugh  any  defrauding  hand,  and  partly 
'*  that  his  majesty  may  be  acquainted  what  is  done 
"  in  this  lx.»half. 

'*  Your  Lordship's,  fcc." 

Vet,  for  all  these  hoj>eful  endeavours  and  collec- 
tions in  all  the  parishes  of  England,  slow  and  small 
wore  tin?  sums  of  money  brought  in  to  this  work. 
Many  of  them  were  scattered  out  in  the  gathering 
tlieni  up,  the  charges  of  the  collectors  consuming 
till'  profit  thereof.  If  (as  it  is  vehemently  suspected) 
any  of  these  collections  lx»  but  detained  by  private 
l»ersons,  1  conceive  it  no  trespass  against  Christian 
i'liarity,  to  wish  that  the  |)ockets  which  keep  such 
nion(*y  may  rot  all  their  suits  that  wear  them,  till 
thcv  make  true  restitution  thereof. 

2().  Various   arc*  men's   conjectures   (as   directed  Divwi  opU 
l»v  their  own  interest)  what  obstructed  so  ho|)efuli),i^iiig 

S94  The  Chunk  HuUMiy  bom  \. 

A.I).  irK>€ee<ling8,  and  it  is  safer  for  me  to  recite  all  thu 
"._'!L"!!l-  resolve  on  any  of  them. 
ofUietM?       Some  ascribe  it  to, 

i.  Tlie  coninion  fatality  which  usually  attends 
noble  undertakings ;  as  partus  octimestres^  children 
bom  in  the  eighth  month  are  always  not  long-IiTed, 
so  good  projects  quickly  (*xpire. 

ii.  The  untimely  death  of  prince  Henry,  our  prin* 

%  ci|)al  hope,  and   the  chief  author  of  this  design'. 

If  so, 

Eruhuit  Domino  Jinniui  e$$$  iuo. 

The  modest  college  blushed  to  be  stronger 
Than  wun  its  lord ;  he  dead,  it  liv*d  no  longer. 

But,  u]K>n  my  serious  perusal  of  the  records  of  this 
college,  I  find  not  so  much  as  mention  of  the  name 
I  of  prince  Henry,  Vi»  in  any  degree  visibly  contributiTe 

iii.  The  large,  loose,  and  lax  nature  thereof,  no  one 
prime  )>ersim  (SutditTe  excepte<l.  whose  shoulders 
sunk  under  the  wt*ight  thenM)f )  zealoiuily  engaging 
therein  :  king  James  his  maintenance  amounting  Co 
little  mon^  than  countenance  of  the  work.  Hiose 
childrc^n  will  have  thin  cha|>R  and  lean  cheeks  who 
liave  everv  ImnIv,  and  yet  nohocly,  nurses  unto  them. 

iv.  Tlip  original  means  of  the  college,  principally 
foundetl  on  tlu»  fluid  and  unconstant  element,  (on- 
stable  as  water,)  the  riMit  of  a  New  River,  when 
made ;  which  at  the  U'st,  thus  employed,  was  beheM 
but  iLs  a  n*ligious  mono|K>Iy.  And  sc*eing  that  design 
then  to4ik  no  rfli^-t,  (though  afteru*ants,  in  another 

>  Colli iniiuti«>ii  i>f  Sttiu\  Survey  nf  Ltmdun,  p.  533. 

LKNT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  895 

notion  and  nature,  it  was  perfected,)  no  wonder  ifA.D.  1609. 
the  college  sunk  with  the  means  thereof. 

V.  Some  of  the  greatest  prelates  i,  (how  much 
self  is  there  in  all  men !)  though  seemingly  forward, 
n.*ally  remiss  in  the  matter;  suspecting  these  con- 
troversial divines  would  be  looked  on  as  the  prin- 
cij)al  champions  of  religion,  more  serviceable  in  the 
church  than  themselves,  and  haply  might  acquire 
privileges  prejudicial  to  their  episcopal  jurisdiction. 

vi.  The  jealousy  of  the  universities,  beholding  this 
design  with  susj>icious  eyes,  as  which  in  process  of 
time  might  prove  detrimental  unto  them  ;  two 
breasts,  Cambridge  and  Oxfonl,  being  counted  suffi- 
cient for  England  to  suckle  all  her  children  with. 

vii.  The  suspicion  of  some  patriots  and  commoners 
in  parliament,  such  as  carried  the  keys  of  country- 
men's coflers  under  their  girdles,  (may  I  safely  report 
what  I  have  heard  from  no  mean  mouths  ?)  that  this 
college  wouhl  Ik?  too  much  courtier ;  and  that  the 
•livinity,  but  especially  the  history  thereof,  would 
'\aKwfii(^€iVy  propend  too  nmch  in  favour  of  king 
James,  and  report  all  things  to  the  disadvantage  of 
the  subject.  Wherefore,  though  the  said  patriots 
in  parliament  countenanced  the  act,  (as  counting  it 
no  policy  publicly  to  cross  the  project  of  king  James, 
eH|H*cially  as  it  was  made  popular  with  so  pious  a 
plausibility,)  yet,  when  returned  home,  by  their  sus- 
picious items  and  j)rivate  instructions,  they  beat  off 
and  retarded  j)eople's  charities  thereunto.  Tlie  same 
conceived  this  foundation  su)>erfluous,  to  keep  men 
to  confuti»   popish   opinions  by  writings,  whilst  the 

J  This  fifth  and  sixth  oh.  iiiU8t  paHS  for  coni|)uiij  sake, 
struct  ion  Hi^nify  nothing  to  und  are  alleged  by  M>ine  at 
clis<T»'ft     men,    however    thev     very  material. 

896  The  Church  Huiary  booi  x. 

A.n.  i6o9.inaiiitaincr8  of  them  were  every  where  conniTed  at 
7  %nw%.  ^^^j  countenanced,  and  the  penal  Iaw*8  not  pat  in 
any  effectual  execution  against  them. 

viii.  Its  iKMug  begun  in  a  bad  time,  when  the 
world  swarmed  with  prowling  projectors  and  neces- 
sitous courtierK,  contriving  all  ways  to  get  monieiL 
We  know  that  even  honest  persons,  if  strangers,  and 
casually  comhig  along  with  the  company  of  thoae 
who  are  bad,  contract  a  suspicion  of  guilt  in  the 
opinions  of  those  to  whom  they  are  unknown ;  and 
it  was  the  unhappiness  of  this  innocent,  yea,  uaefal 
good  design,  that  it  appeared  in  a  time  when  so 
many  monopolies  were  on  foot. 

ix.  Some  great  churchmen,  who  were  the  moiv 
backwanl  l>ecause  Dr.  Sutcliife  vras  so  forward 
therein.  Such  as  had  not  freeness  enough  to  go 
before  him,  had  fn)wanlness  too  much  to  come  after 
him  in  so  good  a  design;  the  rather  because  they 
distasted  his  person  and  opinions.  Dr.  SutcliflTe  being 
a  known  rigid  an ti- remonstrant,  and,  when  old,  Terr 
morosi'  aii<l  testy  in  his  writings  against  them :  an 
infirmity  which  all  ingenuous  |>eople  tvill  pardon  in 
him,  that  Iio|h»  and  desire  to  attain  to  old  age  them- 

Thus  havr  [  o[>ene<l  my  wares,  with  sundry 
of  commcNlitii's  therein,  assigning  thofie 
which  I  liavi*  <*itlH*r  ri*ad  or  heanl  from  prime  men 
of  M*vrnil  intert*sts,  and  am  confident  that  in  the 
variety.  yc»a,  contniriety  of  judgments  nowadajs,  even 
thoM*  vrry  HMiKons,  which  an*  cast  away  by  M>me  m 
weak  and  frivnlouN  will  Ik*  taken  up,  yea,  preferred 
bv  others  sis  ni(»st  satisfactorv  and  sulMtaiitiah 

27.  At  this  pn*sc*nt  it  hath  but  little  of  the 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  897 

and  nothing  of  the  jewel,  for  which  it  was  intended ;  a.  d.  1609. 
almost  rotten  before  ripe,  and  ruinous  before  it  was  ^  "°^ 

finished.  It  stands  bleak,  like  a  lodge  in  a  garden 
of  cucumbers,  having  plenty  of  pleasant  water  (the 
Thames)  near  it,  and  store  of  wholesome  air  about 
it,  but  very  little  of  the  necessary  element  of  earth 
belonging  unto  it.  Yea,  since  I  am  informed,  that 
seeing  the  college  taketh  not  effect  according  to  the 
desire  and  intent  of  the  first  founders,  it  hath  been 
decreed  in  chancery,  by  the  joint  consent  of  Dr. 
Daniel  Featly,  the  third  provost  of  this  college,  and 
Dr.  John  Prideaux,  the  surviving  feoffee  intrusted  in 
Dr.  Suteliffe's  will,  that  the  foresaid  farms  of  King- 
ston, liazzard,  and  Appleton,  should  return  again  to 
the  {mssession  of  Mr.  Ilalce,  as  the  heir-general  to 
the  said  Dr.  Sutcliffe :  on  what  consideration,  let 
others  inquire ;  it  is  enough  to  persuade  me  it  was 
done  in  equity,  because  done  by  the  lord  Coventry 
in  the  high  court  of  Chancery.  So  that  now  only 
the  fann  of  Kramerland,  in  Devonshire,  of  Sut<;liffe*s 
donation,  remains  to  this  college.  All  I  will  add  is 
this :  as  this  college  was  intended  for  controversies, 
w>  now  there  is  a  controversy  about  the  college, 
costly  suits  being  lately  commenced  lietwixt  William 
lonl  Mounston  (who  married  the  widow  of  the  afore- 
said earl  of  Nottingham)  and  the  present  provost 
theriK)f,  about  the  title  of  the  very  ground  whereon 
it  is  situated. 

28.  Three  bishops,  all  Oxford  men,  ended  their  The  d«rtii 

nf  liiahniM 

lives  this  year:  first,  William  Overton  ^,  about  theorwtoo, 
iK^ginning  of  April,  bred  in  Magdalene  College,  onenJIS' 
sufticiently  severe  to  suppress  such  whom   he  sus- 

^  [Of  Overton,  bee*  »ir  J.  Harrington,  p.  1 17.] 


Thv  Churrh  HUtory 


i.  i>.  irKX).  pectnl  of  noiHMinfoniiity.  I1ie  nccoikK  Martin  Hetoo. 

Z_I!"!n!*«  first  deaii  of  WiiiclK*8ter,  and  then  hishop  of  Ely ' : 
I  8;iy  of  VA}\  which  see  had  stood  empty  almort 
twenty  years  in  the  reign  of  queen  Elizalieth,  after 
the  <leath  of  hishop  Cox,  so  lonj;  the  lantern  of  that 
chiirrli  (so  artificial  for  the  workmanship  thereof*) 
wanted  a  h'ght  to  shine  therein.  Some  sufipeeted 
this  place,  so  long  empty,  would  never  be  filled 
again ;  seeing  no  bishojiric  so  large  in  revenue*  was 
so  little  in  jurisdiction,  not  having  the  small  county 
of  C*ambridg(*  wholly  belonging  unto  it".  Some 
cunning  courtiers,  observing  this  breach  in  Ely  Min- 
ster, as  fiercely  assaulted  it,  with  hope  to  get  gain  to 
themselves.  During  the  vacancy,  it  was  offered  to 
many  churchnuMi,  (or  chapmen,  shall  I  say?)  bat 

1  [Ileton  wiut  much  con- 
tliMiiiiiMl  for  iiHM*ntiii|;  to  the 
aliiMiutioii  of  I  he  laiidN  of  his 
lii!«ho|irii\  uiid  many  jl'^t^  uvre 
mude  on  his  nuint'  M:ir-tin. 
Yet  uiiv  Klionlil  blunie  attach 
to  him.  wlio  c«»iilil  Im'  no  mon* 
tlian  ]»av«iw  in  tliin  hii!iini*?iH  .^ 
*'  As  for  chan;;in^  or  ulMitinf; 
*'  the  |N»Hsc<tsioiis  of  it,"  NAVH 
hir  J.  Ilarrin^nii.  *' tht*  luivs 
"  then  in  furce  alli»wiil  it, 
*'  though  a  most  pKlly  hiw  since 
**  h.ith  nMrainfcl  the  like,  and 
"  I  uonlil  all  the  hish«i|irics  in 
"  Kn^land  wrr«*  hut  ^i»  wrll 
••  h'fl.  Now.  to  eomr  to  Dr. 
**  Kail  in,  he  comiM^lled  in 
"  u  sort  so  til  taki*  it  ;  for  /n>. 
•'  h'nlf.%  rutfi  ntgtiul  juhrtit  ; 
"  and  as  lon^  as  thfrr  was  i:ol 
"  tiHid  iiahu,  nor  htit  dnhix, 
**  htil  httc  tiut't'nim.  \\iv  mi  in* 
"  |HihIii'  it  WiiM,  and  hy  autho- 
"  rit\  thrn   lawful,  he  niav  In- 

'*  thought  the  more  frve  fruai 
*'  blame.      But  were    KIt    m 


"  giMHl  list  ever  it  «-a».  it  cduU 
"  not  find  the  muuths  bread 
'*  that  find  fault  with  hi«  takia|t 
"  it  in  that  order. — Aa  fur  hia 
**  learning  and  other  gtiml  {larti 
'*  U*lon|png  to  a  binhop,  be  » 
'*  inferior  to  few  of  hit  rank, 
**  iUk  your  highneia  (nriaor 
'*  Henry,  Min  of  James  l.\  can 
"  tell,  that  have  heaid  bim 
**  priMch  liefore  the  kin|t ;  aod 
**  the  laiit  time  I  beard  bim. 
*'  the  kiug'ii  majcaty  laid  of 
'*  hiui.  '  that  fat  men  wenr  viiat 
"  to  make  lean  lennoiis ;  bnl 
"  his  were  not  b^an,  but  larM 
*  with  much  |tood  leamingt."' 
(lit.  of  Ui<dio|M.  p.  109.] 

•••    (*amdrn'i     Hrit.     Cam. 
Iiridgenhirp,  p.  36  a. 

"   I'art  i^  of  the  liioriMr  t4 


of  Britain. 


either  their  consciences  or  coffers  would  not  come  a.  d.  1609. 
up  to  the  conditions  thereof.  Amongst  others,  Mr.  — ^"^^ 
Parker,  brought  up  in  Peter  House  in  Cambridge, 
and  archdeacon  of  Ely,  (saith  my  author  <>,)  iniquis 
conditionibus  episcopatum  of)latum  respuiU  tantam 
opum  usuram,  nisi  salva  ecclesiaj  negligens.  At  last 
(but  with  the  revenues  much  altered  and  impaired) 
it  was  conferred  on  Dr.  Heton,  who,  after  ten  years' 
possession  thereof,  died  July  14,  and  seems  the  more 
obscure  because  of  the  lustre  and  learning  of  Dr. 
I^ancelot  Andrewes,  who  immediately  succeeded  him. 
The  third  bishop  deceasing  this  year,  Dec.  14,  was 
Thomas  Ravis  p,  some  time  dean  of  Christ  Church, 
and  successively  bishop  of  Gloucester  and  London, 
bom  at  Mahlon  in  Surrey,  of  worthy  parentage — 
Claris  parenfihiis^  saith  the  epitaph  on  his  tomb  in 
St.  Paul's,  who  left  the  memory  of  a  grave  and  good 
man  l)ehind  him.  Nor  must  it  be  forgotten,  that  as 
ho  first  had  his  teaming  in  Westminster  school,  so 
he  always  continued,  both  by  his  counsel  and  coun- 
tiamnce,  a  most  esj)ecial  encourager  of  the  studies  of 
all  deserving  scholars  belonging  to  that  foundation. 

29.  As  archbishop  Bancroft  was  driving  on  con-NichoiM 
formity  very  fiercely  throughout  all  his  province,  he5j!J^^ 
met  with  an  unexpected  mb,  which,  notwithstanding,  "'•**^*^ 

o  A  manuscript  of  the  bishopn 
«>f  Kly,  lent  me  hy  Mr.  Wright. 

P  [lie  iH  much  commendeii 
hy  HJr  John  Harrington,  who 
Htatini  that  thin  prehitt*  ua*  es- 
teemed K.)  highly,  that  '*  he  was 
••  requested  by  them  to  take 
"  this  bishopric,  (of  I^mdon.) 
"  wlieii  many  that  nuimI  to  have 
•*  it  were  put  by.  But  as  he 
'*  was  not  willing  to  go  thither. 

'*  so  they  of  Gloucester  were 
"  more  unwilling  he  should  go 
*•  thence,  he  won  in  a  short 
"  space  so  great  good  liking  of 
*'  all  sorts;  insomuch  as  some 
*'  that  can  scant  well  brook  the 
'*  name  of  a  bishop,  yet  can  be 
"  content  to  give  him  a  gfH)d 
'*  reiKjrt."  ('at.  of  Bishops,  II. 


400  The  Church  Hisiarji  BOOK  i. 

A.  I).  ifKy^.ho  quickly  romoved ;  for  about  this  time,  Nichohf 
-li!^:.  FullcT,  a  l)onohor  of  Gray's  Inn,  eminent  in  hi«  pio- 
fessioii,  |>Iea<lo(l  so  boldly  for  the  enlargement  of 
his  clients,  that  ho  |)rocurcd  his  own  confinement ; — 
the  case  thus :  Thomas  Lad,  a  merchant  of  Yar- 
mouth in  Norfolk,  was  imprisoned  a  long  time  bj 
the  high  commission,  and  could  not  be  bsiled. 
because  (having  fonnerly  answered  upon  his  oAth 
twicc»  Ix'forc  the  chancellor  of  Non»ich,  to  certain 
articles  touching  a  conventicle)  he  refused  to  answer 
upon  a  new  oath,  without  sight  of  his  former 
answers  ^.  Richard  Mansell,  a  preacher,  chai^ced  to 
be  a  partaker  in  a  ])etition  exhibitinl  to  the  House 
of  Commons  in  parliament,  and  refusing  the  oath 
/v  officio  to  answer  to  certain  articles  to  him  pio- 
]>ounded,  wsis  long  imprisoned  by  the  commissionen 
at  LiamlK'th,  an<l  could  not  be  bailed. 

30.  Both  prisoners  were  brought  to  the  bar,  npoo 
the  writ  of  hnheas  corpna^  where  Nicholas  Fuller 
plead(Hl  they  ought  to  be  discharged,  endeavourinf 
by  a  large  argument  (lately  printe<l)  to  prove  that 
the  e<*clesiststical  commissioners  have  no  power  br 
virtue  of  their  commission  to  imprison^  to  put  to 
the  oath  /./'  officio^  or  to  fine  any  of  his  majesty*! 
ToOm-Iiim      An*hhishop   nancn>ft  got   some  legal  advantate 

of  hit  ci«  II  m  f        ■  1    1 1  •  ^  m 

libmy  Mill  agauist    Mr.  Fuller  m   the   managing   thereof,  and 
then  h't  him  alone  to  improve  the  same.     Fuller*s 

'•  [S*«*  a  tnirt  i*iititli*tl.  **Tlii*     *'  haw  no  powvr  by  virtve  sf 
••  Ar^iitiH'iit  of  MiiHttT  Nich«».     •'  their  ctmimiMiiun  to  in] — ' — 
*'  lai«    FiilliT    in    lh«*    i*aso    of     **  to  put  to  the  oath  t^ 

*'  Thtini:i«    L:iil    ami    Hichanl  '*  or  to  fine*  anj  of  hU  mainCT't 

**  .MaiiH«'ll.  hi<ti*)ifntH :  uht*ri*in  **  huhjetta.     Imprinted  1607." 

**  it  in  phiinly  iiroviHl  that  th«*  4to. » 
"  KcrlfMaMtioiI  (NiiiiniiiwiionerH 


ofBHiain.  40l 

friends  complained,  that  only  by  the  colour  of  nght^.D.  1610. 

8  Jmiw. 

and  the  rigour  of  might  he  was  cast  into  prison. 
Here  this  learned  counsellor  could  give  liimself  no 
better  nor  other  advice,  but  only  pure  patience* 
Many  were  his  petitions  to  the  king  for  his  enlarge- 
ment, whom  the  archbishop  had  pre-acquainted  with 
the  case,  representing  him  to  the  king  as  the  cham- 
pion of  nonconformists,  so  that  there  he  lied  and 
died  in  prison.  However,  he  left  behind  him  the 
reputation  of  an  honest  man,  and  a  plentiful  estate 
to  his  family,  (besides  his  bountiful  bene&ction  to 
Emmanuel  College  and  other  pious  uses,)  at  this 
day  enjoyed  by  his  grandchild,  a  gentleman  desenr- 
eilly  beloved  in  his  country'. 

31.  On  the  26th  of  October  beran  the  fifth  session  The  hn 
of  this  long-lasting  parliament — ^a  session  which  may  long  pviw. 
be  found  in  the  records,  though  it  be  lost  in  our"^*" 
statute-lK>ok,  because  nothing  therein  was  enacted, 

as  soon  after  dissolved  by  proclamation. 

32.  (ier>'as  Babington,  bishop  of  Worcester,  ended  The  AmOk 
his  pious  life.  He  was  bom  in  Nottinghamshire,  of  BuMngMi. 
worshipful    extraction.      Now   although    lately  the 

chief  of  the  family,  abused  by  papists,  (otherwise  in 
himself  an  accomplished  gentleman  %)  had  tainted 
his  blood  with  treason  against  the  queen,  the  learn- 
ing, loyalty,  and  religion  of  this  worthy  prelate  may 
serve  to  rectify  the  surname,  and  justly  restore  that 
family  to  its  former  repute  with  all  posterity.  He 
was  bred  fellow  of  Trinity  College  in  Cambridge; 
first  chaplain  to  Henry  earl  of  Pembroke,  whose 
countess  made  an  exact  translation  of  the  Psalms, 

'  Master   Dimse   Fuller,  of        ■    Anthony    Babington,    of 
Berkiihire,  esq.  Dethick  in  Derbyshire. 

!•  ri.LRE,  VOL.  V.  D  d 

402  Thv  ( 'hnrch  f/isiory  book  x. 

ir)io.aiul  tlicy  first  procured  him  to  be  i>refern»d  treasurer 

"*^    of  Llandaif. 

lartji  33.  lie  was  soon  after  made  bishop  of  LlondaK 
'*'  whieh  in  merriment  he  used  to  call  A  IF*,  the  land 
thereof  long  since  \)o\ug  alienated  ;  thence  was  he 
translated  to  Kxeter,  thence  to  Worcester,  thence 
to  heav(>n.  lie  was  an  excellent  pulpit-maiu  happy 
in  nusing  the  aflections  of  his  auditory;  which,  hav- 
ing  got  up«  he  would  keep  up  till  the  close  of  \m 
sermon :  an  industrious  writer,  witness  his  largi* 
comment  on  the  five  bo<iks  of  Mosi%  the  Lord's 
Prayer,  Creed,  and  Commandments,  with  other  |K>r- 
tions  of  scripture.  Nought  else  have  I  to  oliserve 
of  this  bishop,  save  that  as  a  Bahington's  anns  weiv 
argent,  ten  torteauxes,  four,  three,  two,  aiid  one 
gules,  the  selfsame  being  the  anns  of  the  bishopric 
of  Won*ester ;  his  imtenial  coat  being  just  the  same 
with  that  of  his  t*pis<*(»pal  si*e,  with  which  it  is  im- 

di«ih       34.  The  ssune  year  expired  bishop  Rancnift,  airh- 

cifi  bishop  <»f  Canterbury,  lie  was  brought  up  iu  Jes^us 
ColK»ge  in  Cambridge,  preferrt»d  by  degrees  to  the 
bishopric  of  London  ".  Sir  Christopher  Ilatton  was 
his  patron,  who  made  him  his  examiner.  His 
advers;iries  chani<*ttT  him  a  greater  statesman  than 
divine,  a  iH^tter  divine  than  preacher,  though  his 
printcMl  M-nnon  sulliciently  attesteth  his  abilities 
then*in'.  Heing  a  Cambridge  man,  he  wms  nuulc 
chancellor  of  Oxford,  to  hold  the  scales  even  with 
(  aniinal  INile.  an  Oxford  nnm,  made  chancellor  of 

*   [SiTf    mr    J    llarrin^toiri«     Bri-hliinhop   of    (*aiitrrlmrv    w 
Stjti'df  tlif<  li II nil.  II.  |i  17.;.]      I ''^'4-] 

»  '^ \i\s\ut\t  uf  l^miiiiii ill  1 51^7:         *   [lately  rrprinted.] 



of  Britain. 


44.  I  find   two  faults   charged   on  his  memory,  a.  D.1611. 

cruelty  ^  and   covetousness  —  unepiscopal  qualities,  --— 

seeing  a  bishop  ought  to  be  godly  and  hospitable,  rromcru^ 
To  the  first  it  is  confessed  he  was  most  stiff  and  ^^* 
stern  to  press  conformity ;  and  what  more  usual 
than  for  offenders  to  nickname  necessary  severity  to 
be  cruelty  ?  Now  though  he  was  a  most  stout 
champion  to  assert  church  discipline,  let  me  pass 
this  story  to  posterity  from  the  mouth  of  a  ]>erson 
therein  concerned :  An  honest  and  able  minister 
privately  protested  unto  him  that  it  went  against 
his  conscience  to  conform,  being  then  ready  to  be 
deprived.  "  Which  way,"  saith  the  archbishop,  "  will 
*•  you  live  if  put  out  of  your  benefice?"  The  other 
answered,  he  had  no  way  but  to  go  a  begging,  and 
to  put  himself  on  Divine  Providence.  "  Not  that,*' 
saith  the  archbishop,  "  you  shall  not  need  to  do ; 
'•  l)ut  come  to  me,  and  I  will  take  order  for  your 
''  maintenance.''  What  impression  this  made  on 
the  minister's  judgment,  I  am  not  able  to  report. 

*  [This  charge  of  cruelty, 
which  is  brought  by  Fuller,  is 
refuted  by  the  most  unexcep- 
tionable testimony  of  bp.  Hack- 
et,  who  wax  not  likely  to  speak 
partially  of  Bancroft.  Men- 
tioning that  prelate's  conduct 
in  the  high  commis8ion  court, 
and  comparing  it  with  the  se- 
verity and  rigour  exercised  by 
his  Huceessor, archbishop  Abl)ot, 
the  writer  says  :  "  It  was  not 
•'  so  in  his  jiredecessor  Ban- 
"  croft's  days,  who  would  chide 
**  stoutly,  but  censure  mildly. 
"  He  considered  that  he  sat 
'*  thrre  rather  aa  a  father  than 

*'  a  judge.  Et  pro  peccato 
''  magno  paululum  supplicii 
"  satis  esse  potest.  He  Knew 
"  that  a  pastoral  staff  was  made 
"  to  reduce  a  wandering  sheep, 
"  not  to  knock  it  down." 

The  other  charge  of  covetous- 
ness is  sufficiently  refuted  bjr 
our  author,  did  it  need  any  re« 
futation,  resting  only  u|K>n  the 
testimony  of  ]\Ir.  Wilson,  a 
writer  of  little  or  no  credit, 
and  whose  little  credit  is  still 
more  depreciated  by  the  cir- 
cumstance of  his  work  having 
lieen  surreptitiously  published.] 

Dd  S 


The  Church  Ithtory 


>!•  45.  As  for  his  covctousness,  a  witty  writers^  (bat 
—  more  satirist  than  historian)  of  king  James  his  Life 
of  reports  this  pasquin  of  him  : 

*'  Here  lies  his  ^race,  in  cold  earth  clad. 
Who  died  with  want  of  what  he  had." 

True  it  is  he  maintained  not  the  state  of  officers  like 
predei*ossor  or  succc'ssor  in  housekeeping,  having  a 
citizen  tradesman  (more  ac(|uainted  with  thrift  than 
bounty)  for  his  dtmiestical  stewartl ;  yet  was  he 
never  observed  in  his  own  {>erson  to  aim  at  the 
enriching  of  his  kindred,  but  had  intentions  to  make 
pious  uses  his  public  heir,  lH'(|ueathing  his  library 
(the  continence  of  his  own  collections  with  bis  pre^ 
decessors,  Whitgift,  Grindal,  Parker)  to  Chelsea 
Ctdlege ;  and  if  that  took  not  effect,  to  the  public 
librar}'  in  Cambridge,  where  at  this  day  they  remain. 
1 1  is  clear  estate  at  his  di^th  exciHMlecl  not  six  thou- 
sand iMuind,  no  sum  to  sfn^ak  a  single  man  covetous 
who  liad  sat  six  vears  in  the  set^  of  Canterbun',  and 
somewhat  longer  in  Ijondon  '. 

y  Arthur  Wiljion,  Life  of 
Jameii  I.  p.  53. 

*  [Thv  death  of  liaticroft 
uiw  a  great  alHictioii  tu  the 
Eii)(litth  church,  and  the  1(>m  uf 
him  wan  felt  the  more  when 
men  cuntraated  \i\%  character 
with  that  of  hin  NUCce!iM»r.  The 
nohle  hihturian,  dehcrihing  the 
character  and  |iruni4ition  <»f 
■rchhiftho|i  Ahliot,  olnvrven, 
"  th.ll  he  had  M»rce  |M*r formed 
*'  any  (wrt  of  the  oriiiv  of  a 
*'  hithop  in  the  <lioci*M*  (»f  I«on- 
*'  don,  when  he  wan  Miatchcd 
**  from  thenct*  ami  ]»n»iri»tr(l  to 

'*  Canterbury,  upon  the 
"  enoufch  lamented  death  of 
'*  Dr.  Bancroft,  that  mctiopa- 
"  litan  who  undrmtood  the 
"  church  exeellentW.  and  Ui 
almoat  re^ued  it;oiit  of  the 
'*  hands  of  the  Calriniaa  party, 
**  and  vfrv  much  Mibdara  the 
*'  unruly  apirit  of  the  ncNWoa- 
*'  fonnirtts.  by  and  after  the 
"  conference  at  llamploa 
*'  (  ourt ;  countenanced  men  of 


*'  the  lereateat  narta 
*'  and  diBpoitfJ  the  clergy  to  a 
"  more  Milid  courae  01  alady 
'*  than   they  had   been 

CBNT.  xvii.  ^Briiam.  405 

46.  It  18  needless  to  clean  his  memory  from  diO'A.D.teit 
aspersion  of  popery,  two  eminent  acts  of  his  own  ^  ' 

being  his  sufficient  compurgators:  one  in  setting  thedneiifBr 
secular  priests  against  the  Jesuits,  (as  St.  Paul  did  ^^^^  ^ 

the  Pharisees  against  the  Sadducees,)  thereby  so 
deriding  their  languages  as  scarce  they  can  under* 
stand  one  another  at  this  day;  the  other  bis  for- 
wardness in  founding  Chelsea  College^  which,  as  a 
two-edged  sword,  was  to  cut  on  both  sides  to  sup- 
press papists  and  sectaries. 

47.  One  passage  more  of  this  prelate,  and  I  hare  a  gooi 
done.  A  company  of  young  courtiers  appeared  ex-S:;^ 
traordinarily  gallant,  at  a  tilting,  flur  above  their^ 

"  tmned  to ;   and  if  he  had  '*  land,  bat  the  bUm  had  a 

''  lived,  would    quicklj   hare  "  perflMt  character  of  nia  tan« 

'*  extinguished  all  that  fire  in  **  per  and  relation^  the  easier 

"  England   which    had    been  "  brought  about  bj  him  that, 

*'  kindled  at  Geneva ;  or  if  he  "  in  the  eitinction  of  the  pa- 

"  had  been  succeeded  bj  bishop  *'  ritans,  owned  moat  of  their 

^  Andrews,  bishop  Overall,  or  "  tenets,  being  beaide  aa  rigid 

**  any  man  who  understood  and  *'  persecutor  of  any  iHio  Md 

"  loved  the  church,  that  infec  '*  not  in  his  composition  the 

'*  tion  would  easily  have  been  "  gall  of  treason  mixed  with 

'*  kept  out,  which  could  not  "  religion.    Yet  notwithstand. 

"  afterwards  be  so  easily  ex-  *'  ing   the   incomparable  dilL 

**  pelled."     Rebel.  I.  p.  156.  '*  gence  of  thia  prelate,  under 

FrandsOsborne  also,  a  writer  "  two  princes,  fbr  the  preser 

of  a  very  different  stamp,  and  **  ration  of  peace  and  unitj, 

no  friend  to  the  bishops,  freely  '*  he  was  abominated  by  the 

acknowledges  the  great  merits  ^  predser   sort,  the    heat   of 

of  Abp.  Bancroft.  Speaking  of  "  whose  seal  appears  the  moee 

his  general  policy  ana  conduct,  '*  unnatural,     because      their 

this  writer  tells  us  that  the  arch-  "  mouths    were   fnrred    with 

bishop,  **  illuminated  by  so  clear  ''  bitter  and  unaanmrj  Inrao* 

"  a  judgment,   made  so  per.  *^  tives,  which    followed   him 

"  feet  an  inspection  into  the  se-  *'  after  the  hand  of  death  had 

**  cular  practices  of  the  consia*  "  hid  him  out  of  the  reach  of 

*'  tory  in  Rome,  as  he  prevented  '*  all  other  fiivoar  but  iHiat  ia 

"  many  dangers  which  might  "  due  to  his  desert  from  dia- 

'*  have  otherwise  fidlen  upon  '*  rity  and  gratttude."   IVadit, 

"  the  nation.     Thut  no  pnest  Mem.6i.] 
was  landed  any  time  in  Eng- 



406  The  Chnnh  llUtory  book  x. 

ir>ii.forttinos  and  estuti^;  t\\ii^v  gave  for  a  private  motto 
""•  finwmnrsf  tlioiiisclves,  Sdlrftf.  vccirsia — •*  liict  the  church 
*'  pay  tor  all.*'     Haiicroft,  then   bishop  of  London. 
arriving  at  the  notice  thereof,  finds  on  inquiry  thftt 
the  (|ueen  was  passing  a  eonsiderabk^  parcel  of  church 
land   unto  tlieni.     The  pntlate  sto|)s  the   busineiM, 
with  his  own  and  his  friends*  interest,  leaving  these 
gidlants  to  pay  the  shot  of  their  pride  and  prodi- 
gality out  of  their  own  purses.     Add  to  this  that  1 
am  credibly  informed  from  a  gctod  hand,  how  in  the 
days  of  king  Janu%  a  Scotchman  and  a  prevalent 
eonrtier  had  swaUowed  up  the  whole  bishopric  of 
Durham,  had  not  this  archbishop  seasonably  iuter- 
]>4»s(mI   Iiis   power   with   the    king,  and    dasluni    the 
design.     (ii»orge  AblK)t  succei*de<l  Ilancroft  in  Can- 
tcrbur\',  of  whom  largelv  hereafter. 
cw         48.  And  now,  after  long  exi)ectation  and  (Treat 
Hi  hie  desire,  came  forth  the  new  translation  of  the  Bible, 
!*„  '^  (most  beautifully  printed,)  by  a  seliHrt  and  compe- 
"*^^    tent  number  of  divint^s  appointed  for  that  purpose— 
krrtif  not  Ix'in;;  too  manv.  lest  one  should  trouble  another: 
•«.      and  yet  many,  lest  in  any  things  might  haply  escape 
them  :  who,  neither  coveting  praise  for  ex]HHlition« 
nor  fearing  reproach  for  slackness,  (seeing  in  a  busi- 
ness of  moment  none  dcMTve  blame  for  convenient 
slowness)  hail  expended  almost  three  years  in  the 
work,  not  only  (examining  the  channels  by  the  foun- 
tain, tninshitions  with  the  original,  which  was  afaeo- 
lutcly  n«M*«*SH:iry,  but  also  comparing  channels  with 
cliann(*ls,  which  was  abundantly  useful,  in  the  Spa- 
nish, Italian,  Fn-ncli,  and  Dutch  languages:  so  that 

their  industrv,  skilfidness  pirtv.  and  discretion  hath 

•  •      • 

thenMU  lM»und  tin*  chun*li  unto  them  in  a  debt  of 
s|HH*ial  n*mrinbninee  and  thankfulni'ss.    Tliesi*,  with 



a  Jacob,  rolled  away  the  stone  from  the  mouth  of^^-^* 

the  well  of  life  ■ ;  so  that  now  even  Rachers  weak 

women  may  freely  come,  both  to  drink  themaelvea, 
and  water  the  flocks  of  their  families  at  the  same. 

49.  Bnt  day  shall  sooner  lack  a  night  to  attend  it»  tim 

and  the  sunshine  be  unseconded  with  the  sullen 
shade,  than  a  glorious  action  shall  want  detractors  to 
defame  it.  The  popish  Romanists  much  excepted 
hereat.  ^  Was  their  translation,**  say  they,  **  good 
•*  before  ?  why  do  they  now  mend  it  ?  Was  it  not 
^  good  ?  why  then  was  it  obtruded  on  the  people  V 
These  observe  not,  that  whilst  thus  in  their  passion 
they  seek  to  lash  the  protestants,  their  whips  fly  in 
the  faces  of  the  most  learned  and  pious  fathers, 
especially  St.  Jerome,  who,  not  content  with  the 
former  translations  of  the  Septuagints,  Aquila,  Sy- 
machus,  and  others,  did  himself  translate  the  Old 
Testament  out  of  the  Hebrew.  Tea,  tiieir  cavil 
recoils  on  themselves  and  their  own  Vulgar  tiaosla- 
tion,  whereof  they  have  so  many  and  diflferent 
editions  \     Isidorus  Clarius,  a  famous  papist,  (first  a 


*  Gen.  xxix.  fo. 

^  "  Loea  ad  octo  milHa  anno. 
"  tata  atque  emendata  a  nobis 
"  sunt."  Isid.  Clarius  in  Prvf. 
Bibl.  Sacronanct.  edit.  Vene- 
tiiM.  1541.  But  which  in  the 
following  edition  in  left  out. 
[Thin  18  amuredlj  a  mistake; 
for  the  second  edition  was 
printed  in  four  volumes  folio 
at  Venice,  in  i557>  in  which 
the  pajnage  occurs;  though 
Puller's  mistake  has  been  fol- 
lowed by  other  writers.  De 
(^lario  was  a  native  of  Brescia, 
a  BenfKlictine  monk,  celebrated 
for  his  defence  of  the  vulgate 
version  ;  and  it  was  principally 

through  his  means  that  that 
version  was  pronooneed  aiu 
thentic  by  the  coQiicil  of  Trent 
in  1546.  He  was  created  bj 
Paul  III.  bishop  of  FuKgno  ia 
Umbria.  His  first  emended 
edition  of  the  Tulgate  BiUfi, 
which  Le  Ixmg  dates  in  1543* 
(BiUioth.  Sacra,  II.  p.  aif^ 
ed  Maach.  1 703.)  was  pot  into 
the  Index  ilipnfgatorina,  on 
aoooiint  of  the  passage  qnotcd 
by  Pulleri  but  the  sentenea 
was  afterwards  remoTed,  on 
condition  of  the  prebce  and 
molegomena  being  expnnged. 
The  preface  was»  nowiMrer,  r«* 
printed  as  I  have  atatad.] 



The  Church  Hulory 

BOOK  1. 

I. friar,  afterward  a  bishop,)  observed  aiid  amended, 

-  he  said,  eight  thousand  faults  in  the  vulgar  Latin. 

And,  since  his  time,  liow  doth   the  Paris  editions 

differ  from  the  Lou  vain,  and   Ilentenius  his  from 

them  both  !    bow  infinite  are  the  ditTerences.  maiiv 

of  them  weighty  and  material,  of  that  w*bich  |K>pe 

Clement  the  Eighth  published  from  another  which 

Sixtus  Quintus,  his  immediate  ]>redecc88or,  set  forth ! 

Thus  we  see,  to  better  and  refine  translations  hath 

l)een  ever  counted  a  commendable  practice,  even  in 

our  adversaries  ^ 

e       50.  Besides  this,  the  Romanists  take  exception, 

V  because,  in  this   our  new  translation,  the   various 

^si*nsc*s  of  w(»rds  are  set  in  the  margin.     This  they 

■*'  conceive*  a  shaking  of  the  certainty  of  the  seriptures* 

such  variations  lx*ing  as  suckers  to  be  pruned  oflC 

«  [SixtUK  tlie  Fifth  |mblishi*d 
Ills  edition  of  the  inmleni  viil. 
pite  (for  it  must  \w  ilistiii. 
^liiihecl  from  the  ancient  vuU 
)(ute,  of  which  a  new  edition 
w:iM  printed,  witli  his  appro, 
but  ion  prefixed,  at  Rome  in 
i^hS)  ill  1590;  and  notwith. 
Ktaiidiii^  itH  iiunieroUH  errors, 
it  was  tleclure«l  bv  him  to  tie 
authentic,  and  fortified  bv  the 
autliority  of  the  M*t*  a]MMtoIic. 
In  I5(y2.  howrver.  (Menient 
VIII.,  disiintisfietl  witli  the 
edition  of  Sixtn^.  (which  wa4 
■uppressed  by  hi*«  immediate 
succi*aMir.(irt*^ory  XIV..)  pub- 
I lulled  a  new  and  emended  i*di- 
tinn,  \'aryin^,  of  cnursi*,  cim- 
iiidenibly  from  th:it  of  1590. 
Not  ci»nip]etin|«  hii^  tank,  luiw- 
rver.  ti»hisoun  '»uti*»  fact  ion,  in 
>5<)1  l><*  p*i(  forth  a  new  edi- 
tion   with    variouft   altemtioiiH 

and  corrections.  Thni  there  m« 
thn*e  authentic  Bibles,  all  furti* 
fied  with  buILs  and  all  at  Tmri« 
luice  with  each  other.  The  Tari- 
at  ions  of  the  Clementine  fnim 
the  Sixtine  edition  were  ex- 
posted  by  I>r.  Thomas  Jamcu. 
the  Bodleian  librarian,  in  a 
pamphlet  entitled,  '*  Bellnm 
**  Papale,  Hive  Conainlia  dia- 
*'  curs  Sezti  Quinti  et  Cle- 
'*  mentis  Octavi,  circa  Ilicro- 
"  nvmianam  editicmcm."  fcc. 
i6o<).  4to.  See  also,  br  the 
same  author,  **  A  Treatise  of 
"the  (Vimiption  of  Scripture. 
**  CuunciU,  and  Fathrrs.  bj 
"  the  Prelates,  I^astora.  and 
**  Pillars  of  the  lliurrh  of 
*'  I  tome,  for  maintenance  of 
**  PoiK*ry  and  Irreligiuu."  410^ 
1^12;  and  I^  liong's  **  Bib- 
"  liiitheca  Sacra,'*  by  Maach. 
vol.  11.  |i.  334.] 

XVI 1.  ofBriiam,  409 

se  they  rob  the  stock  of  the  text  of  its  duex.p.  i6ti. 
and  reputation :  somewhat  conformable  where- -^ 
{)e  Sixtus  Quintus  expressly  forbade  that  any 
y  of  readings  of  the  vulgar  edition  should  be 
I  the  margin.  But  on  serious  thoughts  it  will 
r  that  these  translators,  affixing  the  diversity 
)  meaning  of  words  in  the  side  column,  deserve 
lendations  for  their  modesty  and  humility  there- 
)r  though,  as  St.  Chrysostom  observeth  \  iravra 
ayxaia  S^Xa^  ^'  all  things  that  are  necessary  to 
ation  are  plainly  set  down  in  the  scriptures,'* 
Being  there  is  much  difficulty  and  doubtfulness, 
I  doctrinal,  but  in  matters  of  less  importance, 
Iness  did  better  beseem  the  translators  than 
lence,  entering  in  such  cases  a  caution,  where 
i  are  of  different  exceptions. 

Some  of  the  brethren  were  not  well  pleased  *»# 
this  translation,  sus{)octing  it  would  abate  thepUinfar 
\i  of  that  of  Geneva,  with  their  annotations  ocntvAs 

by  English  exiles  in  that  city,  in  the  days  of~*'*'~ 
i    Mar}%   dedicated    to   queen    Elizabeth,   and 
fd  with  the  general  liking  of  the  people  above 

times  over.     Yea,  some  complained  that  they 

not  see  into  the  sense  of  the  scripture  for 
>f  the  8]>ectacles  of  those  Geneva  annotations; 
though  a  good  translation  is  an  excellent  com- 
on  the  Bible,  wherein  much  darkness  is  caused 
so  rendering  of  it,  and  wherein  many  seeming 
«  art^  rea<l,  if  the  words  be  but  read  —  ex- 
led,  if  but   truly  rendered;    yet  some   short 

(tUH Quintus  Praf.  Bibl.     II.  Horn.  3,  p.  528.  ed.  Bened. 

»0'  >734- 

1  the  Hecond  Thes.  cap. 

410  The  Church  History  book  i. 

A.  D.  161 1,  exposition   on  the  text  was  much  desired   of  the 
9  ttiiiy^   i^^p]^      U^j^^  ^^   g^y  nothing   of  the   defects  and 

defaults  of  the  Geneva  annotations,  (though  the  best 
in  those  times  which  are  extant  in  English.)  those 
notes  were  so  tuned  to  that  translation  alone,  that 
they  would  jar  with  any  other,  and  could  no  w»t  he 
fitted  to  this  new  eilition  of  the  Bilile.  Lt^are  we 
then  these  wortliy  men,  now  all  of  them  gathered  to 
their  fathers  and  gone  to  (Jod,  however  they  worr 
re<iuited  on  earth,  well  rt»warded  in  heaven  for  their 
worthy  work  :  of  whom,  as  also  of  that  gracious  kiiiir 
that  emplc^yed  them,  we  may  say,  **  When»»<iever  the 
"  Bible  shall  be  preaehiMl  or  read  in  the  whole 
**  world,  there  shall  also  this  that  thev  have  done  he 
•*  told  in  memorial  of  them." 
Pr.  li.f,  in  ,52.  And  as  about  this  time  some  perchance  over- 
omMOmlv  vahuHl  the  Geneva  notes,  out  of  that  es{H?cial  love 
IJ^JSirt^  they  bare  to  the  authors  and  place  whence  it  prf>- 
^!°f  •  ceede<l,  so  on  the  other  side  some  without  eaw«e  did 
slight,  or  rather  without  charity  did  slander  the 
same ;  for  in  this  or  the  next  year  a  doctor  in 
solemn  assi^mbly  in  the  university  of  Oxfonl.  pub- 
liclv  in  his  sennon  at  St.  Marv's,  accuseil  them  as 
piilty  of  nn'sinterpn*tation  touching  the  divinity  of 
Christ  and  his  Messiahship,  as  if  svmbidizing  with 
Arians  and  J«*ws  against  them  b<»th ;  for  which  he 
was  afterwards  sus|HMidiHl  by  Dr.  Roln^rt  Abbot, 
prfffffer  nmrionrs  puhlirnx  minus  orthadnras^  el  f^en- 
sionis  ptnws.  But  more  pn^K^rly  hereof  (CJikI  will- 
ing) hen-aftrr,  in  our  |mrticular  history  of  Oxfoid. 
We  will  pnN-i*e<l  to  n^fNirt  a  memorable  jiasRage  in 

'  [llaiiMuii.     .Sec  Ilvylyn'M  (*oit.  Kpiit.  p.  175*] 

NT.  XVII.  of  Britain,  411 

e  Low  Countries,  not  fearing  to  lose  my  way,  or  a.d.  1611. 

be  censured  for  a  wanderer   from  the  English 

ureh  story,  whilst  I  have  so  good  a  guide  as  the 
n  of  king  James  to  lead  me  out  and  bring  me 
ck  again.  Besides,  I  am  afraid  that  this  alien 
cident  is  already  brought  home  to  England,  and, 
ough  only  Belgic  in  the  occasion,  is  too  much 
itish  in  the  influence  thereof. 


EDWARD     LLOVD,    Esq. 

Siwn  are  not  bountiful  in  ttioiiui,  but  jutt  t»  rttloriwf  limt 
vnten  vuto  the  tea  ■'.  ffuiree^r,  the;/  utay  ttem  jmfrfW 
a/eo,  becauM  ofttali/  irtuminff  tkithrr  vkat  they  $emif 
rearintl  thfuee.  Thit  mjt  Dudication  unto  yw  owrf 
amouiit  to  a  j>reteat,  bat  a  futittdion,  vkenin  only  I  ttmJr 
a  public  achtotettiiffintttt  ofgonrprin^t  eourtttit*  eomfimi 
upon  iiu: 

lirXG  Jamofl  took  into  htit  princely  cait 
the  si'nsonablc  8U|>|>ros8ion  of  the  du- 
pTous  doctrifiea  of  Coiiradus  Vontiu. 
Tliis  (lortor  had  lived  almut  fifteen 
}-(>nrs  n  iiiintstcr  at  Stcinfiirt,  within  the 
tpiritories  of  the  counts  of  Tecklcnbur^,  BentheJni, 
&c. ;  the  counts  whereof  (to  obftcrve  by  the  wiy) 
wen-  the  first  in  (iemiany,  not  in  dimity  or  df>mi- 

■  [ThcariMof  thJHgpntleinui 
I  MiipiNjw  urv  the  vtrnv  a*  th<me 
of  thf  LIovJm  of  Trttnewiili  in 
•Shni|>!tliiri> :  vis.  pilt-*,  a  liun 
raHi|»aiil,  rtyanlutit  *ir,  uittiued 
iiod  luii^ii-d,  Hiurv.  Owf  (if  tilt' 
Himi'  itam«  und  pliice  mm- 
|i>U-«]  iin  unpuhliiilii'd  hitXitty  o( 
Hhrfwnltury.  In  liiaiiirlirr  day> 
lit-  liiul  Itrt'ii  u  burrikt<-r  and  IJvt-d 
ill  I>ind»n  ;  lull  wliut  rcUtJuii 
ht  waH  Id  till-  Lliiyd  lii'n-  nit-ii- 
lii>n<st,  I  liHvc  iKtt  iHi'n  aiile  tii 
dinnivvr.  IIi- dird  in  1715.  In 
ft  M.S.  nuu,  it  ia  aUtcd  that 

Fuller'*  friend  tni  icbtMl  to 
the  Llufd*  of  Rale  snd  Dm- 
biph,  but  their  anna  difer  fnai 
thune  pven  abovv-  Dr.  Join 
who  waaa  native  of  MaaBOMth- 
■hire,  )M>re  the  «une  anna,  ami 
waa  rrbled,  I  hara  no  doata. 
tu  the  person  to  whom  thii  eta. 
tury  ■■  dedicated.  The  •». 
graver  haa  ftdhiwed  the  cat  ot 
the  nmiH  pvcn  In  the  int  adi* 

CENT.  XVII.        T%e  Church  History  of  Britain,  418 

nion,  but  in  casting  off  the  yoke  of  papacy,  and  everA.D.i6ii. 

since  continuing  protestants.  This  Vorstius  had  both 

written  and  received  several  letters  from  certain 
Somosatenian  heretics  in  Poland,  or  thereabouts; 
and  it  happened  that  he  had  handled  pitch  so  long, 
that  at  last  it  stuck  to  his  fingers,  and  became  in- 
fected therewith.  Hereupon  he  set  forth  two  books, 
the  one  entitled,  "  Tractatus  Theologicus  de  Deo,** 
dedicated  to  the  landgrave  of  Hesse;  the  other, 
"  Exegesis  Apologetica,**  printed  in  this  year,  and 
dedicated  to  the  states :  both  of  them  farced  with 
many  dangerous  {KMsitions  concerning  the  Deity.  For 
whereas  it  hath  been  the  labour  of  the  pious  and 
learned  in  all  ages  to  mount  man  to  Grod,  as  much 
as  might  be,  by  a  sacred  adoration  (which  the  more 
humble,  the  more  high)  of  the  divine  incomprehen- 
sibleness,  this  wretch  did  seek  to  stoop  God  to  man, 
by  debasing  His  purity,  assigning  Him  a  material 
body,  confining  His  immensity,  b»  not  being  every 
where,  shaking  His  immutability,  as  if  His  ^ill  were 
subject  to  change,  darkening  his  omnisciency,  as 
uncertain  in  future  contingents,  with  many  more 
monstrous  opinions,  fitter  to  be  remanded  to  hell 
than  committed  to  writing.  Notwithstanding  all 
this,  the  said  Vorstius  was  chosen,  by  the  curators 
of  the  university  of  Leyden,  to  be  their  public 
divinity  professor,  in  the  place  of  Arminius,  lately 
deceased ;  and  to  that  end  his  excellency  and  the 
states-general,  by  their  letters,  sent  and  sued  to  the 
count  of  Tecklenburg,  and  obtained  of  him  that 
Vorstius  should  come  from  Steinfiirt,  and  become 
public  professor  in  Ijcyden. 

2.  It  happened  that  his  majesty  of  Great  Britain,  lUMnmi 
t>eing  this  autumn  in  his  hunting  progress,  did  light  u^'JLm 

414  The  Church  Hhiarj^  book  i. 

A.I).  1^11. upon  and  peruso  the  aforesaid  books  of  Voretimi: 
'^  '""***  and  whereas  too  many  do  but  S{K>rt  in  their  moii 
him.  serious  employment,  ho  was  so  serious  amidst  his 
sports  and  recreations,  that  with  sorrow  and  horror 
he  observed  the  dangerous  |)ositions  therein,  deter- 
mining speedily  to  oppose  them,  moved  thereunto 
with  these  principal  considerations :  first*  the  glory 
of  God,  seeing  this  anti-8t.  John,  (as  his  miyesty 
terms  him  ^)  mounting  up  to  tlie  heavens,  belched 
forth  such  blasphemies  against  the  divine  ineflbble 
essence — and  was  not  a  king  on  earth  concemed, 
when  the  King  of  heaven  was  dethroned  from  hb 
infiniteness,  so  far  as  it  lay  in  the  power  of  the 
treacherous  positions  of  an  heretic  ?  Secondly,  chmritj 
to  his  next  neighl>our8  and  allies ;  and  lastly,  a  just 
fear  of  the  like  infection  within  his  own  dominiooi^ 
considering  their  vicinity  of  situation  and  frequency 
of  intercourse,  many  of  the  English  youth  travelUqg 
over  to  have  their  education  in  Leyden.  And  in* 
dee<I,  as  it  hath  been  observed  that  the  sin  of 
drunkenness  was  first  brought  over  into  England 
out  of  the  Low  Countries  S  about  the  midst  of  the 
n>ign  of  <|ueen  Elizabeth,  (l)efore  which  time  neither 
general  practice  nor  legal  punishment  of  that  vice 
in  this  kingdom,)  so  we  must  sadly  confeas  thai 
since  that  time,  in  a  spiritual  sense,  many  English 
Minis  have  taken  a  cup  too  much  of  Belgic  wine, 
whereby  their  heads  have  not  only  grown  diny  in 
matters  of  less  m<»nient,  but  their  whole  bodie* 
staggiT  in  the  fundanientals  of  their  religion. 
Tiir  .uuii       3^   ll4'ruu|)on  king  Junu>s  presently  disi^atched  a 

^  III  his  l>t*cliiriitiiin  tifrain^t         <'  Si*«  (*ainden*a   ElisaliKli» 
VurvtiuH,  |i.  365.  anno  1 58 1 . 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  416 

letter  to  sir  Ralph  Winwood**,  his  ambassador  resid-A.D.  1611. 
ent  with  the  states,  willing  and  requiring  him  to  let 

them   understand  how  infinitely  he  should  be  dis- tion  of  king 
pleased  if  such  a  monster  as  Voretius  should  receive ^[^^Mt 
any  advancement  in  their  church.  This  was  seconded  ][^|^Jj^» 
with  a  large  letter  of  his  majesty's  to  the  states^  «<>  juit  «t- 
dated  October  the  sixth  %  to  the  same  effect ;  but 
neither  found  that  success  which  the  king  did  ear- 
nestly desire,  and  might  justly  expect,  considering 
the  many  obligations  of  the  crown  of  England  on 
the  states, ''  the  foimdation  of  whose  commonwealth," 
as  the  ambassador  told  them  ^  ''  was  first  cemented 
'*  with  English  blood."     Several  reasons  are  assigned 
of  their  non-concurrence  with  the  king's  motion. 
Tlie  curators  of  Lcyden  university  conceived  it  a 
di8|)aragement   to   their  judgments,  if,   so  near  at 
hand,  they  could  not  so  well  examine  the  soundness 
of  Vorstius  his  doctrine  as  a  foreign  prince  at  such 
a  distance ;  it  would  cast  an  asj^ersion  of  levity  and 
inconstancy  on  the  states,  solemnly  to  invite  a  stran- 
ger unto  them,  and  then  so  soon  recede  from  their 
resolution ;  an  indignity  would  redound  to  the  count 
of  Tecklenburg,  to  slight  that  which  so  lately  they 
had  sued  from  him.     The  opposition  of  Vorstius  waa 
endeavoured  by  a  malcontented  party  amongst  them- 
wlvc^s,  disaffected  to  the  actions  of  authority,  who, 
distrusting  their  own  strength,  had  secretly  solicited 
his  majesty  of  Great  Britain  to  appear  on  their  side  • 
that,a8  king  James  his  motion  herein  proceeded  rather 
from  the  instance  of  others  Uian  his  own  inclination 
so  they  gave  out  that  he  began  to  grow  remiss  in 

•^   [Thin  lelUT  is  printed  in  '  TAf  ♦!.«  :  ^-       • 

*^   [rrinted  ibid.  p.  354.]  •' 

416  The  Church  History  book  x. 

A.D  i6ri.the  matter,  careless  of  the  success  thereof;  that  it 

—  would  be  injurious,  yea,  destructive  to  Vorstius  and 

his  family,  to  be  fetched  from  his  o^ii  home,  where 
he  lived  with  a  sufficient  salary,  (promised  better 
provisions  from  the  landgrave  of  Ilessen,  to  be  diTJ- 
nity  professor  in  his  dominions,)  now  to  thrust  bim 
out  with  his  wife  and  children,  lately  settled  at 
Leyden ;  that  if  Vorstius  had  formerly  been  faulty 
in  unwary  and  offensive  expressions,  he  had  since 
cleared  himself  in  a  new  declaration. 
Vomitii  4.  For  lately  he  set  forth  a  book,  entitled,  "  A 
MusfacUon  ^'  Christian   and   modest  Answer,**  which   notwith- 

in  hit  new      a        ^•         %  i  i 

declaration,  staudmg  by  many  was  condemned  as  no 

but  a  re)K*tition  of  his  former  opinions,  not  less  per- 
nicious, but  more  plausible,  with  sophistical  qualiS- 
cations ;  so  that  he  was  accused  to  aim  neither  at 
the  satisfaction  of  the  learned,  whom  he  had  for- 
merly offended,  nor  the  safety  of  the  ignorant,  whom 
he  might  hereafter  deceive,  but  merely  his  own 
security  for  the  present.  His  gran<I  evasion  wu 
this :  that  ''  what  he  had  wn)to  before  was  but 
**  probably  pro|N)unded,  not  dogmatically  delivered.** 
But,  alas!  how  many  silly  souls  might  easily  be 
infectixl,  mistaking  his  slanting  problems  for  down- 
right ]N)sitions.  In  a  word,  he  took  not  out  any 
venom,  but  put  in  more  honey  into  his  opinions* 
which  the  corruption  of  man's  nature  would  swallow 
with  more  greediness.  And  how  dangerous  it  is  for 
wit-wanton  men  to  dance  with  their  nice  distinc- 
tions on  such  niVHtical  precipici*s,  where  slips  in  jest 
mav  cause  deadiv  downfalls  in  earnest,  the  Roman 
orator  doth  in  part  pronounce :  Maia  est  et  laipM 
consuiindiK  nputrn  Ihunn  disputnndi^  sire  serio  id  JiU 
sire  simidate. 


uf  Britain, 


5.  Now   kinjf  James,  l)eing  a«  little  satisfied  in  a.  n.  1611. 
judjjrnient  with  the  writinjfs  of  Vorstius  in  his  own  _'^^!!!!!- 
defence,  as  ill  pleased  in  point  of  honour  with  the ^J^h*"**^ 
doings  of  the  States  in  return  to  his  request,  pave^^jl^j^^ 
instructions  to  his  ambassador  to  make  public  pro-««»»»»^* 
testation  against  their  procee<ling8 ;  which  sir  Ralph  firrtwritu»n 
W  in  wood,  in  |)ursuance  of  his  masters  command,  unw,  by 
most    solemnly   performed.     Nor  did   his  majesty's  j^.jj^'JJi 
zeal  stop  here,  with  Joash,  king  of  Israel,  smiting  ||^*]^* 
only  but   thrice,  and   then  desisting;  but  after  hi8»^«>«n^ 
re(juest,  letter,  and    protestation    had    missed   their  workn.  [|i. 
desiriMl   oftect,  he   wrote    in    French    a   declaration*  '* 
against    Vorstius  k,  —  a    work    well   l)eseeming   the 
defender  of  the   faith,   by  which    title   (to   use  his 
ambassmlor's  (»xpr(»ssion)  he  did  more  value  himself 
than  by  the  style  of  king  of  (Jrc^at  Britain.     Once 
I  intendiMl  to  present  the  nmder  with  a  brief  of  his 
maj<»sty's  declaration,  till  deterred   with   this  consi- 
denition,   that   although   great   masses  of  lead,  tin, 
and  ineancT  metals,  mav  bv  the  extnu'tion  of  che- 

•^  [Of  this  pr(Kliicti(>ii  of  the 
nival  author.  ThornaH  Lydiut 
ihuH  writi'j*  to  UnhiT,  in  a  letter 
of  the  2  211(1  <»f  August.  161  I : 
'*  I  have  MMit  you  the  kiii^'K 
"  IxHik  in  Latin  against  Vor. 
"  stiu.s,  vet  scant  drv  from  the 
"  press ;  which  Mr.  Norton, 
*'  uho  hath  the  matter  wholly 
*'  in  his  own  hands,  HWore  to 
'*  nie  \w  wtMild  ni»t  print  unleiw 
*'  he  mi^ht  have  m<»ney  to  print 
"  it  -a  MiHicient  argument  to 
"  make    me   content    with    niv 


'*  manusiTipt  l\ing  ntill  un- 
"  |»rinted.  unles.*!  he  e<juivc>- 
"  rate<l.  IJut  M*e  how  the 
"  world  in  chan^*d  :   time  wm 

1^  rLi.F.R,  vol..  V. 

"  when  the  bent  l)ook  printeni 
"  and  sellem  would  have  been 
"  glad  to  be  beholding  to  the 
"  nieaneftt  Iniok  niakere.  Now 
'*  Mr.  Norton,  not  long  lince 
"  the  meanest  of  many  book 
"  printerM  and  ftelleni,  ao  talka 
'*  and  deaU  an  if  he  would 
'*  make  the  noble  king  Jamen 
"  (I  "lay  well  say  the  beat 
**  book  maker  of  thiii  hiH  own 
*'  or  any  kingdom  under  the 
**  Aun)  be  glad  to  lie  lieholding 
••  to  him."  Parr't  Lettem  of 
Uiiher,  p.  13.  The  Declaration 
against  Vomltua  was  publiahed 
at  London  in  161  a,  in  Latin, 
French,  and  Engliah.] 


The  Church  HUiwy 


A. D.I 6i I. mists  be  epitomized  and  abridged  into  a  smaller 

— ^^-  quantity   of    silver,    yet   what   is  altogether    gold 

already  cannot   without   extraordinary  damage   be 

reduced  into  a  smaller  pro|)ortion.     And  seeing  each 

wonl   in  his  majesty's  declaration  is   so  pure  and 

precious,  that  it  cannot  he  lessened  without  loss,  we 

remit  the  reader  to  the  same  in  his  majesty's  works ; 

and  so  take  our  leave  of  V^orstius  for  the  present, 

whose  books,  by  the  kings  command,  were  publicly 

burnt  at  St.  Paul's  Cross  in   London,  and  in  both 

universities  ^. 

'^^^^        6.  But,  leaving  this  outlandish,  let  us  come  to 

Barthoio-   our  English  Vorstius,  though  of  far  less  learning*  of 

gate.         more  obstinacy  and  dangenms  opinions :  I  mean  thai 

Arian  who   this  vear  suffered   in   Smithfield — his 

1*  [Upon  this  Declaration, 
Heylyn  observes,  *'  tliat  when 
'*  king  James  publiNhed  his 
"  Declaration  against  Vorstius, 
*'  in  which  there  arc  so  nmny 
"  bitter  expresHions  aguinnt  Ar- 
*'  niiiiius,  Bertius,  and  the  r\nX 
*'  of  that  party,  he  was  much 
*'  governtHl  hv  thi*  counsels  of 
••  Dr.  Janu>ft  Nlciinitajnie,  wlio, 
**  having  formerly  In^en  a  great 
^tickh'r  signinnt  Ihirnet  and 
BarcH*  in  the  stim  at  C\mi- 
bridge,  was  after  wards  made 
dean  of  the  (  ha|H*I,  bisliop 
*'  of  Hath  and  WelN,  and  at 
"  hist  of  Winton,  the  king's 
'*  eceli*hiaAtical  favourite  till  the 
"  time  of  his  death,  which  hap- 
"  pi*ned  (»n  the  i(;tli  of  July. 
•'  iOi8.  St»condlv.  that  the 
**  reusim  why  king  J  amen  m> 
'*  branded  the  remoii^trantN  in 
'*  the  I>eclarntion,  that  if  thy 
••  irrrr  mtt  with  tprrd  nnirti 
*'  uMi,  NO  aikrr  UMne  ctmld  hr 




•  I 

"  ejptcied  Iham  ihe  cmrm  9f 
"  Gf)d  in  making  a  perpetmml 
"  rent  and  desimtiion  im  ike 
"  whoie  body  of  ihe  Miaie,  (p. 
'*  39>)  was  not  because  thij 
"  wert*  so  in  and  of  themarlvca, 
"  but  for  other  rvMoiis.  whidi 
"  our  great  masters  in  the 
'*  HchcM>]s  of  policy  called  m- 
'*  sons  qfsiaie.  Now  the 
"  sou  which  niored  king  Jai 
**  to  M>  much  hanthness  agftintt 
the  remonstrants,  was  be. 
cause  they  bad  put  tbenu 
**  Helvd^M  under  the  |Hitronage 
of  John  Dlden  Rarneveh,  a 
man  of  princi|ial  anthoritT 
in  the  ctimmon wealth*  whom 
the  king  hNiked  upon  as  the 
pn»f«ssed  adreniarj  of  llie 
prince  of  Orange,  his  dcsr 
confe«lerate  and  ally,  who  cia 
the  other  side  had  made  him* 
**  M*lf  the  iiatron  and  praUctor 
"  of  the  rigid  CalrioisU  "  ^^ 
Episi,  p.  1 8o.] 












f-RKT.  XVII.  of  Brit  (tin.  419 

namo«  Bartholomew-  Legate;  native  county,  ERsex;A. n. ifm. 
|>erson  comely,  complexion  black,  age  about  forty  '^  **"*^ 
years ;  of  a  bold  spirit,  confident  carriage,  fluent 
tongue,  excellently  skilled  in  the  scriptures;  and 
well  had  it  been  for  him  if  he  had  known  them  Umw 
or  understood  them  better,  whose  ignorance  abused 
the  word  of  God,  therewith  to  op|>ose  God  the 
Word  ;  his  conversation  (for  aught  I  can  learn  to 
the  contrary)  very  unblamable;  and  the  poison  of 
heretical  doctrine  is  never  more  dangerous  than 
when  served  up  in  clean  cups  and  washed  dishes. 

7.  King  James  causc*<l  this  Legate  often  to  |)ej^«?»"« 
bn>ught   to  him,  and   seriously  dealt  with   him   tokinKJamc* 
endeavour  his  conversion.     One  time  the  king  had 

a  design  to  suqmse  him  into  a  confession  of  Christ's 
deity,  (as  his  majesty  afterwards  declareil  to  a  right 
reven»nd  prt»late*.)  by  asking  him  whether  or  no  he 
did  not  daily  pray  to  Jesus  Christ ;  which  had  he 
acknowledged,  the  king  would  infallibly  have  in- 
femnl  that  Legate  tacitly  consented  to  Christ's 
divinity,  as  a  seandier  of  the  hearts.  Hut  herc»in 
his  niaj(^ty  faile<l  of  his  exjKH'tation,  Ijegate  return- 
ing, *'that  indeed  he  had  pray(Ml  to  Christ  in  the 
**  days  of  his  ignorance,  but  not  for  these  last  seven 
'*  years."  Hereupon  the  king  in  choler  spumed  at 
him  with  his  foot :  *'  Away»  base  fellow !"  saith  he; 
**  it  shall  never  l>e  said  that  one  stajeth  in  my 
"  pn*sence  that  hath  never  prayed  to  our  Saviour 
"  for  sevfii  years  together  •*." 

8.  ( )ften  was  he  convented  befort»  the  bishops  in  BWiop 
the  consistory  of  St.  Paul's,  where  he  persisted  olw r«iMi  Mm 

of  Scrip. 
'  J:iriu*fc  Hrrlil>i>h<i|>  of  Ar-         ^   [For  an    acccmiit  of  themiv. 

niaf[h.    from    wh(»M>    mouth    I     prooecdingB  againsi  Legale,  Me 

had  th«*  relation.  Somert'  TracU,  II.  p.  400.] 

Ee  8 

4^  The  Church  HMory  book  i. 

A.I). ifiit.stiimte  in  Ins  opinions^  flatly  denying  the  authoritj 
9  amw,  of  that  court.  And  no  Vender  that  he  slighted  the 
|H>\viT  of  earthly  hi8ho]>8,  denying  the  divinity  of 
Iliin  who  is  ihe  Shepherd  mid  Bishop  of  ottr  snuU^. 
The  disputation  against  him  was  princi{)ally  nianagi'd 
by  John  King,  bishop  of  London,  who  gravollefl  and 
utterly  confiited  him  with  that  place  of  scripturv. 
(John  xvii.  5,)  And  tioir^  O  Father^  H^^^^fff  Thou  Mr 
with  Thine  own  selj\  with  the  glory  which  I  had  with 
Thee  before  the  world  was.  Tliis  text,  I  sav,  was  »•» 
seasonably  alleged,  so  plainly  ex|>oun<led,  so  juitht^ 
tically  enforced,  by  the  eloquence  and  gravity  of 
that  bishop,  (qualities  wherein  he  excelled,)  that  it 
gave  marvellous  satisfaction  to  a  multitude  of  jieople 
there  present,  that  it  is  conceiviHl  it  happily  unpro- 
selyted  some  inclinable  to  his  opinioiiR ;  though 
Legate  himself  n^mained  {lertinacious,  both  against 
the  impressions  of  arguments  and  8criptun\  daily 
multiplying  his  enonnous  opinions.  It  is  the  hap- 
piness nature  indulgeth  to  monsters,  that  they  arp 
all  barren ;  whrn»as,  on  the  contran-,  monstrous 
]M)sitions  an*  most  procrtuitivc  of  the  like  or  worne 
than  themselves. 
wiinimHiif      9.  Befon'  wi»  set  <lown  his  pestilent  opiniona,  maj 

cmiitioii  ,,  111*  1  1  •• 

prrmikra     Writer  aud  Header  t(*nce  themselves  with  pmyer  to 

IlilhiK*'If  *'•*•'   against   the  infection  thi»n^if:  li^st  othenrine, 

bwh]*!     touching  su<'h  pitch  (though  but  with  the  Imre  men- 

mim-         tion)  d(*file  iis,  csisually  tempting  a  temptation  in  us^ 

ant]  awaking  some  corruption  which  otherwisio  would 

sh*ep  sihMitly  in  our  souls.     And  if,  notwithstanding 

this  uur  caution,  any  shall  reap  an  accidental  en! 

to  themselves  by  Heading  his  damnable  o|iinioiis,  my 

jHMi  is  no  mon*  a(*cessi»ry  t4>  their  hami,  than  that 

1   I  Pet.  ii.  25. 



CENT.  XVII.  qfBriiaim.  4S1 

apothecary  is  guilty  of  inufder,  if  othera,  out  of  a  a.  D.  1611. 
lickerish  curiosity,  kill  theAiselves  with  that  poison— ^^^ 
which  he  kept  in   his  shop  for  sovereign  ose,  to 
make  antidotes  thereof.     His  damnable  tenets  were 
as  followeth  "> : 

i.  '*  That  the  creed  called  the  Nicene  Creedt  and 
*'  Athanasius'  Creed,  contain  not  a  profession  of  the 
^  true  Christian  fiuth. 

ii.  ''  That  Christ  is  not  God  of  God  begotten,  not 
'*  made ;  but  begotten,  and  made. 

ill.  ''  That  there  are  no  persons  in  the  Godhead. 
IT.  **  That  Christ  was  not  God  from  everlasting, 
but  began  to  be  God  when  he  took  flesh  of  the 
Virgin  Mary. 

V.  "*  Tliat  the  world  was  not  made  by  Christ, 
vi.  ''  Tliat  the  a|M)stles  teach  Christ  to  be  man 
•'  only. 

vii.  ''  That  there  is  no  generation  in  God,  bot  of 
**  creatures. 

viii.  **  Tliat  this  assertion,  ^  God  to  be  made  man,* 
'*  is  contrary  to  the  rule  of  faith,  and  monstrous 

ix.  ''  That  Christ  was  not  before  the  folness  of 
time,  except  by  promise. 

X.  ""  That  Christ  was  not  God,  otherwise  than  an 
anointed  God. 

xi.  *'  That  Christ  was  not  in  the  form  of  God 
equal  with  God,  that  is,  in  substance  of  God,  but 
in  righteousness,  and  giving  salvation* 
xii.  ''  That  Christ  by  his  Ck>dhead  wrooght  no 
*'  miracle. 

xiii.  '*  Tliat  Christ  is  not  to  be  prayed  unto.** 

■  [HiNBOTs'  Thwta,  II.  400*1 


42S  Tht  Church  History  book  i. 

A.  i>.  1611.  For  niaintaining  these  opinions.  Legate  had  Ioii{r 
^Janu-^  l)eeii  in  ])rison  in  Newgate,  yet  with  lilierty  allowed 
him  to  go  abroad  ;  not  contente<l  wherewith,  he 
openly  boasted,  and  often  threateiie<l  to  siu*  the 
court  which  committed  him  for  re|)aratioii8  for  falise 
imprisonment ;  so  that  his  own  indiscretion  in  thi» 
kind  hastened  liis  execution. 
Condemned      iQ.   For  hereupon  bishop  Kinir  "  finally  eonvented 

for  an  ob-        .        ,  .  *  .  *  '^ 

sUnftte  he-  him  in  the  consistory  of  St.  Paul's ;  and  that  worthy 
prelates  foreseeing  that  his  proceeilings  hertMn  woald 
meet  with  many  listening  ears,  prying  eyc%  an^i 
prating  tongues,  chose  many  reverend  bisho]«,  able 
divines,  and  learned  lawyers  to  assist  him :  so  that 
the  consistory,  so  replenished  for  the  time  lieinff. 
schemed  not  so  much  a  large  court  as  a  little  eon- 
vocation.  Bv  the  couns4»l  and  consent  of  thoM^,  br 
his  definitive  s€Mitence  he  '*  pronounced,  deeniMl,  ami 
"  declared  the  foresaid  Bartholomew  Ijegate  an  oh- 
"  durate,  contumacious,  and  incorrigible  herc»tic ;"  and 
by  an  instrument  calliMl  a  sifjinjicarit  certifitHl  the 
same  into  the  chancery,  delivering  him  up  unto  the 
secular  power;  the  church  keys,  in  such  ens*'*,  crav- 
ing the  help  of  the  civil  swonl.  WhePiMi|K>n  king 
James,  with  his  letters  dated  March  II«  under  the 
privy  seal,  g;ive  onler  to  the  broad  si»al  to  direct  the 
writ  th*  hfrrrtirn  cnnihtirt'fulo  to  the  sheriffs  of  I^on- 
don  fur  the  burning  of  the  foresaid  Legate. 

gnvrt^irft      11    >;oxv,  as  tin*  bishoi)  lien*in  surremlenil  Ijecate 

lodciidr.    to  th«'  s(*rular  pow(*r  mv  Kcclesiastical  Ilistonr  in 

I  .  • 

like  niaiiniT  resigns  him  to  the  civil  historian,  to- 
gether with  all  th(*  doubts  difliculti(*s,  and  legal 
MTuple«i  attending  on  or  resulting  fnun  his  condem* 
nation.      lj(*t    the   learned   in   the   law  consider  on 

[  Bi%lui|i  <if  I^oiiduii.] 

CENT.  XVII.  ofBriiain.  4£8 

what  statute  the  writ  for  his  burning  was  grounded»A.D.r<ii. 
whether  on  those  old  statutes  enacted  in  the  reigns 
of  Richard  the  Second  and  Henry  the  Fourth,  or 
on  the  branch  of  some  other  new  statute  to  that 
effect ;  let  them  satisfy  us  how  £eu*  those  hiws  were 
repealed  in  primo  EUizabethig^  and  how  £eu*  they  still 
stand  in  force,  as,  though  not  to  (pretended)  Lol* 
lardism,  yet  to  blasphemy;  let  them  examine  the 
judgment  of  the  learned  Fitzherbert  ^  whether 
sound  in  his  assertion,  ^that  heretics,  before  the 
^  writ  of  their  burning  be  issued  out  against  them, 
^  must  first  be  convicted  of  heresy  before  a  provin- 
''  cial  convocation ;"  whilst  others  affirm,  that  they 
being  convicted  before  their  ordinary  sufficeth,  pro- 
vide<l  it  be  for  such  opinions  which  conyocation 
have  formerly  condemned  for  heretical. 

12.  To  Smithfield  he  was  breught  to  be  burned. 
See  here  it  is  neither  the  pain  nor  the  places  bat 
only  the  cause  makes  a  martyr.  In  this  veiy  Smith- 
field  how  many  saints,  in  the  Marian  days,  saflbred 
for  the  testimony  of  Jesus  Christ !  Whereas  now 
one  therein  dieth  in  his  own  blood  for  denying  him. 
Vast  was  the  conflux  of  people  about  him.  Notw 
did  a  scare-fire  at  midnight  summon  more  hands  to 
quench  it,  than  this  at  noon-day  did  eyes  to  behold 
it.  At  last,  refusing  all  merey,  he  was  burned  to 
ashes.  And  so  we  leave  him,  the  first  that  for  a 
long  time  suffered  death  in  that  manner;  and  O 
that  lie  might  be  the  last  to  deserve  it ! 

13.  In  the  next  month  Edward  Wightman,  ofwi 
Burton-upon-Trent,  convicted  before  Richard  Neale» 

^  De  Ntttuni  Brcvium,  f.  269.  a.  [ed.  iSSSO 


A.i>.  1611.  bishop  of  Covc*iitry  and   Lichfield,   wiis   burned  at 
9 .  Mne*-_  Lichfield  for  far  worse  opiuioiiH  (if  wot^*  iiiijirbt  be) 
than  Lef^to  maintained.     Mary  Magdalen,  indeed* 
wa8  once  jM>ssi*ssed  witli  seven  devils ;  but  ten  seve- 
ral  heresies   were  laid   to  Wightnian*8  charge,  vii. 
thosi^  of  Kbion,  C'erinthus,  Valentinian,  Arius,  !^lft- 
eedonius,  Simon  Majifus,  Manes,  Manicba*UK«   Pho- 
tinus,  and  of  the  aiialiaptists  >'.     Lonl !  what  are  ue 
when  (iod  leaver  us  ^     Did  ever  man  maintain  one 
heresy,  and  but  one  lu^resy  ?     Chains  of  darknes^^  \ 
we  see,  have  their  links,  and  em^rs  are  complicated 
Thetumw      14.  (Sod  uiav  seem  well  pleased  with  this  si^asiM]- 
rity.  able  seventy,  for  the  hre  thus  knidknl  (|uickly  weut 

out  for  want  of  fuel :  I  mean  there  M'as  none  ever 
after  that  opeidy  avowe<l  these  heretical  dootriiieiiL 
only  a  Spanish  Ariaii,  who,  condennied  to  die,  wa« 
notwithstanding  suffered  to  linger  out  his  life  in 
Newgate,  where  he  ended  the  same.  Indeed,  »urh 
burning  of  hen*tics  much  startlinl  common  people. 
pitying  all  in  pniii,  and  prone  to  aspen«e  justice  it«elf 
with  crueltv,  becausi'  of  the  noveltv  and  hideousnew 
of  the  punishment ;  and  the  purblind  eyes  of  vulgar 
judgments  loi»ked  only  on  what  was  next  to  them, 
the  sulVering  itsi-lf,  which  they  In^held  with  coiDpa^- 
sion.  not  minding  the  denu^rit  of  the  guilt  which 
deservtMl  the  s:inie.  Bi^sides,  such  I)cing  aiialde  to 
distinguish  U'twixt  constancy  and  olwtinacy.  were 
r(*ady  tn  entertain  g<MMl  thcuights  even  (»f  the  opiniuiin 
of  those  hen*ti(*s.  who  M^aleti  them  so  nmnfullv  with 

I'    S»    ii-i-kiMii'd    ii|»    in    tin-      S<hiuts"  Trarl;*.  II    405.] 
warrant  fur  In*  tin  mi  111;.     [Sfi*  •!  Jiiclr  ^». 

<  K ST.  XVII.  ft/  Britain .  485 

tlu»ir  blood.     Wherefore  king  James  j>oIiticly  pre-A.i).  1611. 
ferred,  that  heretics  hereafter,  though  condemned,  J!L_!!!!!!L 

stiould  silently  and  privately  waste  themselves  away 
in  the  prison,  rather  than  to  grace  them  and  amuso 
others  with  the  solemnity  of  a  public  execution, 
w  hieh  in  |N)pular  Judgments  usuqKMl  the  honour  of 
a  persecution. 

15.   I  find  no  eminent  divine  or  scholar  deceased  The  dmUi 
in  this  yi^ar;  only  one,  whose  bounty  made  many  ofs«itt(«, 
l)oth  kinds,  ended   his  life,  namely,  Richard  button, ,JI[['^^[,out 
the  Phoenix  of  our  age,  and  scde  founder  of  Charter '^'"*^ 
House  Hospital,  esfj.,  l)oni  of  genteel  parentage  at 
Kiiaith  in  Lincolnshire:  in  his  youth  bred  a  scddier, 
gjiining  both  w(>alth   and  credit  by  his  valour,  but 
afterwards  enibnu'ing  a  more  }>eac(*able  profession  of 
a  in4*rchant.     This  his  foundation  he  calknl  the  hos- 
pital  of  king  James,  all    discrei^t  subjects  having 
lf*ani(Ml  this  lesson  from  |N)litic  Joab  calling  Rabbah 
after  the  name  of  king  David  ^  to  entitle  their  sove- 
Tv\)r\\  to  the  honour  of  their  achievements  which  are 
of  extraordinary  proportion.     Childn»n  not  yet  ccmie 
to,  an<l  old  men  already  past,  helping  of  themselves, 
li:iv<*  ill  this  hospital  their  souls  and  bo<lie8  pn>vide<l 
for.     The  latter  must   Ik»  decaye«l  gentlemen,  the 
most  pn^KT  objiM'ts  of  charity,  as  whose  ingenious 
spirits  an*  most  s^^nsible  of  want,  and  most  unable 
10  proviile  for  themselv<»s. 

1().    It   is    utterlv  inipn>bable   that    it   will  everTht^md 
roine  within   the  comiiaHs  of  my  power  to  found  lotucinff 
aiiv   place    for  pious    uses ;   all   when»in  my   wc«k 
al)ility  can  t^xpress  its  forwanlneNH,  is  to  honour  the 
rliarity  of  others,  and  for  the  present  alphalx*tic*ally 

^  I  Sttiii.  xii.  aK. 

4^  The  Church  HUiory  book  x. 

A.  1)  1611.  to  methodize  the  manors  which  master  Sutton  in 
9  jani«i.  ggy^j,^]  counties  settled  for  the  maintenance  of  thii 
his  hospital : 

i.  Balsham  Manor,  in  Cambridgeshire. 

ii.  Bassingtlior)>e  Manor,  in  Lincolnsliire. 

iii.  Black  Grove  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

iv.  Broad  Ilinton  Land,  in  Wiltshire. 

V.  Castle  C'anip  Manor,  in  Cambridgeshire. 

vi.  Chilton  Mant)r,  in  Wiltshire. 

vii.   Dunsbv  Manor,  in  Lincolnshire. 

viii.  KIconibe  Manor  and  Park,  in  Wiltshire. 

ix.  Hackney  Land,  Middlesex. 

X.  Ilallingbury-Bouchers  Manor,  in  Elssex. 

xi.  Missinden  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

xii.  Much  Stanbridge  Manor,  in  Elssex. 

xiii.  Norton  Manor,  in  Kssex. 

xiv.  SalthorjH}  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

XV.  South  Minster  Manor,  in  Essex. 

xvi.  Tottenham  Ijand,  in  Middlesex. 

xvii.  rttbrd  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

xviii.  Watelescote  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

xix.  Westcot  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

XX.  Wn>ughton  Manor,  in  Wiltshire. 

Si*<*  hero  th('  most  liln'ral  endo^mient   made  br 

one  man.     Mav  it  most  tnilv  be  said  of  our  London 

mrn*liants,  as  of  those  of  Tvre,  whme  merckamtM  Mrt 

prinvrs ". 

Tbr  .rt^iiim      17.  But  iio   Work  so  virtuous  which  some  na- 

hi![^t|."V    lirious  si»irits  will  not  en<leavour  to  disgrace.     One 

*"*^*'         who  writrtli  liinisi»If  J.  II.,  but  generally  conoeiTrd 

to  Ik'  Mr.  Knott,  tlu*  .Irsuit,  in  his  answer  to  l>r. 

*  Isa.  xxiii.  8. 

TEMT.  XVII.  qfBriimn.  4K7 

Potter'8  book  of  "^  Charity  Mistaken S**  lets  fly  asA.D.i6ii. 
followeth :  

**  Do  your  hospitals  deserve  so  much  as  to  be 
^*  named  ?  Have  you  any  thing  of  that  kind  in 
**  effect  of  particular  note,  saving  the  few  mean 
**  nurseries  of  idle  beggars  and  debauched  people? 
'^  Kxeept,  perhaps,  Sutton's  hospital,  which  (as  I 
*^  have  been  informed)  was  to  take  no  profit  till  he 
**  was  dead — he  who  (as  I  have  also  understood) 
^^  died  so  without  any  children,  or  brothers  or  sis- 
*'  ters,  or  known  kindred,  as  that  (peradventure)  it 
**  might  have  escheated  to  the  king — he  who  lived 
**  a  wretchiHl  and  penurious  life,  and  drew  that  mass 
^  of  wealth  together  by  usury ;  in  which  case,  ao» 
**  ronling  to  good  conscience,  his  estate,  without 
**  asking  him  leave,  was  by  the  law  of  Ood  obnoxious 
**  to  restitution,  and  ought  to  have  been  applied  to 
*"•  pious  uses.  Whereas  anciently  in  this  countiy, 
'*  and  at  all  times,  and  specially  in  this  last  age, 
''  nu*n  set*  abundance  of  heroical  actions  of  this  kind 
'*  |K>rfonned  in  foreign  parts.  And  if  it  were  not 
*'  for  fear  of  noting  many  other  great  cities,  as  if 
*'  there  were  any  want  of  most  munificent  hospitals 
'*  ill  thenn  wherein  they  abound,  I  could  tell  yon  of 
*"  one*  ca!le<l  the  Annunciata,  in  the  city  of  Naples, 
"  wliirh  H|»end8  three  hundred  thousand  crowns  per 
**  annuHK  which  conies  to  above  fourscore  thousand 
'*  ]N)un<l8  etteriing  by  the  year;  which  ever  feeds  and 
'*  rurt^s  a  thousand  sick  |>er8on8,  and  pays  for  the 
*'  nursing  and  entertaining  of  three  thousand  sucking 
**  cliildren  of  |N»or  jieople,  and  hath  fourteen  other 
**  distinet  luwpitals  under  it,  where  the  persons  of 

(  s  pMt,  I  cb^  t  psmg. 


428  T/ie  Church  Hhtory  book  x. 

A.  n.  i6ii.^*  those  poor  creatures  are  kept,  and  where  they 

-"  defrayed  of  all  their  necessary  char^^  every 

*'  I  could  also  tell  you  of  an  hospital  in  Rome, 
called  St.  Spirito,  of  huge  revenues ;  but  it  is  not 
my  meaning  to  enter  into  particulars,  whicli  would 
*•  prove  endless." 

nisfNiiitic  18.  Before  we  come  to  the  particular  examination 
hisnirrac  of  this  his  accusatiou,  it  IS  observable  how  many 
"**•*  qualificatives,  correctives,  and  restrictives  (*')>erhap«.'' 

"  as  I  have  been  infonned,"  "  as  I  have  also  under- 
"  stood,"  **  jwradventure")  he  inserteth  in  this  bi^ 
relation.  Indeed  such  (|ualifications  are  better  than 
equivocations;  yet  what  some  may  impute  to  nnv 
tlesty  is  his  policy,  if  well  considered  ;  for  if  any 
protestant  confute  what  he  hath  written,  this  accuser 
will  take  sanctuary  un<Ier  the  protection  of  tho«e 
restrictions,  defending  himself  that  he  delivered 
nothing  positively ;  whilst  ignorant  impists  of  his 
own  |>rofes8ion.  not  heeding  his  doubting  limitations^ 
swallow  all  down  for  dogmatical  truth. 
Afiiii»«*rii  to  19.  Mori»  particularly  the  refonnetl  religion  in 
c^il*  Kngland  hath  Invn  the  mother  of  many  brave  foun- 
dations, many  famous  hospitals :  as  that  at  Warwick. 
built  bv  the  earl  of  Leicester;  Crovdon,  bv  arch- 
bishop  Whitgift;  (luildfonl,  by  archbishop  Abbot — 
not  to  speak  of  C*hrist  Church  and  St.  Thomas's 
Hospital,  built  by  king  Kdwanl  the  Sixth;  though 
iioiK*  of  them  have*  thrived  and  battknl  so  fast  and 
Ml  fnirlv  as  this  of  SuttonV  foundation.  Wliems 
III'  rhargt'th  liiin  to  hnvr  had  no  children,  it  \b  con- 
fesM'd,  M*('ing  he  di4*d  a  Imchrlor ;  whose  life;  had 
he  Inhmi  of  tlirir  opiiiiciiK  had  Imh'U  cried  up  for  a 
pnvious  pi«*4-(*  of  \irginity.     That  he  had  no  known 

TENT.  xvii.  of  Britnin.  AStQ 

kindred,  is  false*;  some  of  them  afterwards,  but  inA. D.1611. 
vain,  endeavourinpf  to  overthrow  his  will;  though  he  -  — ^ 
made  the  poor  to  he  his  mother,  and  sister,  and 
l)n)ther.  As  for  his  getting  wealth  by  unlawful 
ways,  I  am  not  to  justify  the  particular  circumstances 
of  any  manV  actions.  Should  a  secret  scrutiny  be 
made,  how  all  founders  of  monasteries  first  came  by 
thiMr  wealth,  many  would  be  found  justly  obnoxious 
to  censure. 

20.  In<kHMl  our  Sutton  ))egan  with  a  good  stock,  Mr.  Snt- 
had  no  charge  to  bunlen  him,  lived  to  Ix*  very  age<l,iunt 
(seventy-nine  years,)  and,  by  (Jod's  blessing  on  his'*'*^* 
providence,  industrv*,  and  thrift,  advanced  the  main 

of  his  Instate.  This  I  can  confidently  rejmrt  from 
the  mcaith  of  a  cn^dible  witness,  who  heard  it  hini- 
Kcdf,  and  told  it  to  me,  that  master  Sutton  used 
ofttMi  to  repair  into  a  private  garden,  where  he 
jKiun'd  forth  his  prayers  to  (io<l,  and,  amongst  other 
passjiges,  wjis  frecpiently  overheard  to  use  this  ex- 
pression :  '*  Ijord,  thou  hast  given  me  a  large  and 
"  estate;  give  me  also  a  heart  to  make  use 
•'  therc»of  r  which  at  last  was  granted  to  him  acconl- 

21.  As  for  the  overen^wn  hospitAl  of  the  Annun-s«>tt«'i 
ciata  at  Naples,  we  envy  not  the  w*ealtb  thereof,  hmrei- 
though  reports  at  such  distance  lose  nothing  in  theAnnun- 
relation  ;  nor  do  we  wonder  that  it  cureth  yearly  a 
thousiuid  sick  |K'rs<»ns,  considering  what  disease  first 
came  from  Naples,  and  was  thenee  denominated. 
As  for  the  thret»  thousand  children  nurse<l  therein, 
it  is  to  he  f([\irefl  many  wanted  fathers  to  own  them; 
and  this  not  so  much  the  fmit  of  charitv  as  of  w*an- 
tonne^«i  However,  that  hospital  hath  at  several 
times  lxM*n  advanced  by  a  college  of  bene&ctors; 

iSO  The  Church  HiMiorii  book  x. 

A.  n.  lAii.whereas  Suttoir&i  iimy  stmid  |)eorle88  in  tliis  reiipert 
9  Jttinw^  ^1^,^^  j^  ^^,^^  tbiiiKlcMl,  fiiiinhcd,  and  cndowi»«l  by  him- 
self alone,  disbursing  13000/. "  (|»aid  down  lx*forp  the 
ensealing  of  the  conveyance)  for  the  ground  whereon 
it  stoo<1,  with  some  other  appurtenanceSt  be^idet 
6000/.  ex|>ende<l  in  the  building  thereof,  aiid  that 
vast  yearly  endowment,  whereof  heretofore.  We 
mention  not  the  large  sums  bequeathcnl  by  liim  to 
l)Oor,  to  prisons,  to  colleges  to  mending  highwajm, 
to  the  chanilxT  of  London,  besides  twenty  thoumnd 
pounds  left  to  the  discretion  of  his  executors.  What 
reniaineth  but  that  we  pray  that  according  to  his 
])ious  intentions  the  same  may  he  continued  to  the 
glory  of  (lod,  credit  of  the  protestant  religioUp  com- 
fort to  the  poor.  goo<I  example  to  the  rich,  and  per- 
petual memory  of  king  James  the  houorarr,  and 
Mr.  Sutton  the  effectual,  founder  thereof — that  X\m 
sun  amongst  the  h'sser  lights  of  protectant  cliaritie» 
may  shine  on  earth  as  long  a^^  the  sun  (that  faithful 
witness)  endureth  in  heaven  ?  being  more  confident 
that  my  desire  herein  will  take  effect,  considering 
the  honourable  governors  of  this  hospital  are  |)erM»ns 
S4)  good  thry  will  not  abuse  it  themselves,  and  9o 
gn»at  they  will  not  suffer  it  to  be  abused  by  othera. 
ThpHi*iii  oo,  Kngland,  at  this  time  en  jo  ving  abundance  of 
fifprinci  |K*ace,  pl(*ntv,  and  prosperitv,  in  full  speed  of  her 
happiness,  was  <*luH*ked  on  a  sudden  with  the  nd 
n(*ws  (»f  the  death  of  prince  Henry,  in  the  rafpe  of  a 
malicious  cxtniordinary  burning  fever.  lie  «i« 
gcnenilly  lanicnttMl  of  the  whole  land,  l>oth  univer- 
hiti(*s  publishing  tlnMr  verses  in  print ;  and  give  me 
icavf  to  rt*in«'inbcr  four  made  by  Giles  Fletcher,  of 

«*  Stiiu-'M  Survey  «»f  I^mdoii,  p.  478. 

CENT.  XVII.  of  Britain.  481 

Trinity  College  in  Cambridge,  on  this  princess  plain 

grave,  because  wanting  an  inscription;  and  it  will— 
be  honour  enough  to  me  if  I  can  make  thereof  a 
translation : 

Si  napU^  aiianiituf  Macro  decede  seputchrot 
Nee  cineri  qu4B  tuni  nominal  qumre  navo^ 

Prudent  ceiavii  sculptor,  tuim  quuque  reseiviif 
ProtinuM  in  lachrymoM  solvitur,  et  mariiur. 


if  wisci  atnaz'd  depart  this  holy  grave, 

Nor  theiie  new  ashes  ask  what  names  they  have ; 

The  graver  in  concealing  them  was  wise. 

For  whoso  knows  straight  melts  in  tears  and  di 

Give  me  leave  to  add  one  more,  imtranalatable 
for  its  elegancy  and  expressiveness  ' : 

Ulteriora  iimens  cum  morie  paciMciiur  orftw  7. 

And  thus  we  take  our  leave  of  the  memory  of  to 
worthy  a  prince,  never  heard  by  any  alive  to  swear 
an  oath,  for  which  archbishop  Abbot  commended 
him  in  his  funeral  sermon ;  the  prince  being  wont  to 
say,  ^  that  he  knew  no.  game  or  value  to  be  won  or 
*'  lost  that  could  be  worth  an  oath.** 

SS.  One  generation  goeth  and  another  generatum^ 
cometK  ffut  the  earth  remaineth  for  ever.  The  stage  NMa 
standH,  the  actors  alter.  Prince  Henry*s  funerab 
are  followed  with  the  prince  Pdatine*s  nuptials^ 
soU*tnniziHl  with  great  state,  in  hopes  of  happiness 
to  lN)th  fiersons,  though  sad  in  the  event